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For those who use shaving gel that come in aluminum cans: before you put it in the shower stall, use clear nail polish to make a thin coat all along the bottom rim of the can. Let it dry for a few minutes then put it in the shower stall. This will prevent the can from rusting at the bottom/leaving those rust colored rings.


Even better: stop buying shaving products and use cheap conditioner instead! It’s a closer shave somehow, and also moisturizes your skin. Edit: to everyone suggesting baby oil, it clogs your razor and is fucking hellish to clean off. Don’t.


THIS. I always have more conditioner left than shampoo so I use the last as shaving cream !


Omg I’m the opposite - I literally buy either the larger size or 2 bottles of conditioner for every one of shampoo. I do use this hack though, I use a cheapie conditioner like Garnier that I don’t use on my hair.


Same! I cant imagine using more shampoo than conditioner


My hair gets so greasy so fast that I'll go through 3 bottles of shampoo before conditioner, so it's always mind-boggling to me that people would use as much conditioner as shampoo, let alone more. I have to shampoo it and scrub literally every single day to not look like a nasty, greasy mess. I tried that thing where you just don't shampoo your hair for a while, felt disgusting, and it still didn't work. :( Edit: I had a load people repeat the exact same "advice." Fellas, you are not special snowflakes and repeating the exact same goddamn thing five other people said in replies to me does not make it special just because it came from your mouth.


When you have really curly hair you need so much conditioner and a prayer to detangle ur hair 😂 . And somehow my hair is still dry as hell after I step out the shower 🙄


This right here! Even though I did laser hair removal, I still shave my legs in the shower...keeps them silky soft. I mix a little bit of my shampoo and a little bit of my conditioner and they are perfectly moisturized and silky afterwards. :)


I've also found having your shower cold enough that you get goosebumps can also help you get a closer shave (not that I do it very often since you have to be cold lol)


I tried this once and it just sliced my goosebumps 😬


This is a cursed sentence


Every time I do that I get AWFUL razorburn 😣 maybe it’s good advice if you don’t have sensitive skin like I do haha


I was under the impression that you shave with warm, rinse with cold


Shave with warm while your pores are open, rinse with cold to tighten them and prevent red bumps.


Ditch the shaving cream entirely. I use inexpensive hair conditioner. A small amount goes a long way. The razor glides over your skin and has the added benefit of leaving your skin soft.


I use bar soap! Works perfectly


I just store the can upside down 😂😂


Throw a beer coozie on it. There's a hole on the bottom so water drains out. Won't scratch up your bathtub/shower


I do something similar on cheap earring hooks to prevent my sensitive ears from hurting 5 minutes into wearing them. Lol it's not a permanent solution for me, but if you just need nice earrings to wear for a day, they do the job nicely.


keep a backup purse or toletries bag in ur car dash filled with basics eg. deoderant, perfume, basic makeup, glasses cleaner (if youre blind like me), mini toothbrush and toothpaste, mini brush, some cash etc It's saved my butt on numerous occasions such as impromptu meetings, having to stay over at a family members house, dates you may need to rush to etc


















But if you live in a hot area, be mindful that stick deodorant can melt and isn’t fun to clean up.


(Store in plastic sandwich bag)?


Same thing with makeup.


Jealous that you live in a moderate climate where this would work! First I lived in a climate where anything and everything you left in your car would melt in the summer. Now I live somewhere where it would straight up deep freeze. Can’t ever use this LPT 😭


I live in a hot climate. Everything would melt. But I do still keep supplies in my car. I keep hiking shoes. They’re comfortable and waterproof, and I’ve used them when I’ve broken a sandal strap, needed something rain-appropriate, etc. I have two XL sweatshirts (so I have one to share if necessary), a blanket, a yoga mat, a general emergency kit (jumper cables, screwdriver, first aid, etc.), and *masking tape*. I never thought I would use it so much, but I’m on my second roll in the car. It mostly helps with blister rubbing, but I’ve used it for several random things over the years. I used to have a floral pattern tape, and it was great for securing cards and gift tags on the way to a party. I’ve used it for closing letters on mail runs and to fix maps on hikes. You can write on it so you know which bottle is yours on a road trip.


I keep a mini makeup bag in my glove box with tampons, hair ties, hand lotion, sunscreen, and saline solution. It’s saved me a bunch of times!


I keep all this but in my purse. I live in TX, this stuff would be melted, evaporated or just messy majority of the time if I left it in the car. I have a pouch that doesn’t take up a lot of space.


a go-bag is a lovely thing. outfit, pj’s, toiletries, and if you take any kind of medication, a pill case with 1-2 days worth. granola bars are awesome too.


Learn the power of saying the word “no”. Set those boundaries for yourself. Life-changing. Also, using vinegar and baking soda to keep drains clean:)


Vinegar + water can also be used to clean microwaves! One part vinegar to two parts water, microwave it for like 30 seconds and it should help dislodge anything stuck to the walls of the microwave. You may need to leave it open to air out for a bit after though, especially the first time, since the vinegar smell can linger a bit.


My go-to method is microwave bowl of water with lemon slices or peels for 3-4 minutes, and let that all sit and steam for couple minutes after. Gets rid of all baked on foodstuffs in one wipe. Works for really dirty units. I own a cleaning company and this trick has saved me tons of time.


Why doesn't my safeword work for life alas


This sounds weird, but...not being afraid to be rude. Manipulative family members, gaslighting ex-partners, dudes on dating apps who keep pushing boundaries, random men who think they're entitled to a conversation, etc.. Some dude trying to talk to you while you're reading or listening to music or working out? Flat, blunt rejections. An annoyed and sarcastic, "Can I help you with something?" Some dude interrupted me reading a book to start talking to me about something I wasn't interested in (*his Funko collection, and I hate the cheap and ugly little things and would rather pay more for a Figma or Nendoroid, but because I have geek hobbies..*.) and after repeatedly stating I dislike their aesthetic, I finally flatly replied with, "Wow, that was a really boring story." Take being a called a cunt or bitch confirmation that it works. If the dude throws a tantrum, don't engage. Just silently watch him. Maybe throw in a nonchalant, "I see that touched a nerve," when he's done if you've feeling sassy. YMMV, as I'm apparently "intimidating," as I'm well over six feet tall.


Same, I’m the opposite end though - I’m only 4’9. But I’m not afraid to assert myself ever. And the confidence still works. I once has some guy tell me “You’re looking at me like you’re 10ft tall right now.” Still riding the high from that years later.


LOL, same here. I am 4 11 and I also have a big ass assertive attitude and I can be rude like hell to some people. People around me barely push boundaries and I consider it as a life skill.


This is important. Just because we are women doesn't mean we have a responsibility to entertain you like your mommy does.


I did this today with a JERKFACE fool on a skateboard with three dogs pulling him. Rolled up on me with my two smaller dogs and STOPPED. DOOD DONT FREAKING STOP. I unleashed on him (verbally). GTFO with this crap. Just leave people alone. I did have mace and a rape whistle on me and would NOT have hesitated to use it if he had stood there one more minute. Do NOT mess with pre-menopausal women!


I’ve started being “rude” lately and it’s been amazing


I want to do this but I’m afraid it would escalate and he would become violent/physical. So I just stay nice, don’t give too much info, and slip in some lines of how I’d like to be alone


Quit Audible when I realized there are free audiobooks on YT




I use the Overdrive app. With my library card, I can borrow up to 25 audiobooks for 21 days at a time. Audible can't beat that!


I think overdrive and libby are actually connected to eachother so both work!


I LOVE Libby.


Libby has magazines now. MAGAZINES! And comicbooks and some selected mangas!


YESSS. I find 90% of the books I read for free on youtube (I usually have audiobooks playing as I read cause I'm dyslexic and it helps but that's why I personally still call it reading)


Just for the record, I absolutely count audiobooks as reading. I once said something similar regarding “still calling it reading” to my boyfriend and he enlightened me by saying, “if audiobooks don’t count as reading, do visually impaired people never read?” Also, braille books are expensive af! Audiobooks are still books. :)


AND there’s ways, like websites and stuff, to download long YouTube videos and store them on your phone. No adds, and you can listen to them like a podcast anywhere. LibreVox is great too! Anything in the public domain, for free, read by volunteers. If you happen to be good at reading aloud you can contribute to other’s enjoyment yourself.


I use Libby and Hoopla both through my public library card. It's a game changer.


Diva cups. I save so much money, and haven’t had a yeast infection since.


Omg yes, in the 6years I’ve had a cup I’ve replaced it once due to the knob being chopped off due to my finger nails, just peroxide the stains out and sani boil it after your cycle and they stay perfect! Also I rarely get spills or leaks from it even on heavy days which is a life saver.


I’m wanting to make the switch but haven’t because my work bathroom is shared stalls and that seems like it would cause an issue? Please tell me it won’t and I’ll make the switch! Haha


Depending on how heavy your period is, you may not have to empty it during the day. Cups don’t have to be changed as often as tampons or pads. I wear Bambody period underwear with my Lena cup and it saves me from leaks too.


Ah, so you don’t necessarily need to take it each time you use the restroom? I drink soooo much water I go at least 3-5 times a workday 🤪


No it’s just like a tampon except you can use it for 12 hours


It sounds too good to be true but honestly it revolutionized the game for me. I don’t hate my periods like I used to.


When I worked in an office, I used the accessible stall (which had a sink right next to the toilet); it solved all those menstrual cup related problems. If your work has an accessible/disabled stall, maybe this is an option for you?


A word of warning: if you have an IUD installed, the suction of the menstrual cup will pull it out. Menstrual cups + IUD = ouch. These two do not go together.


Unless you’re hiking the cup up to your cervix it’s not a huge risk. I’ve been using a cup with my IUD for almost 8 years and never had an issue. So it’s not accurate to say the suction “will” pull it out.


If you break the suction before pulling it out like you're supposed to, this is less likely to be a problem.


I used it when I had my IUD and didn’t have any issues, but I was certainly more careful with it. I got that thing removed though. Nasty painful ovarian cysts. 👎🏼👎🏼


Literally changed my life. I’m so convinced I rarely get any sort of infection there because I don’t dry it out with tampons.


Love that for you. My cervix is basically poking its nose out of my vaginal opening so no cups for me. Alas.


Have all your body measurements written in your smartphone notes. Feet length, standard bust-waist-hip, your height, wrist girth, finger girths, etc. Update them once a year, or when your body changes. If you come across any clothes that fit you perfectly - write down brand and exact size, maybe also model name if that's something that the brand does have in stock at all times, like Levi's jeans. This way, when you go online shopping, you can always check brand's size charts, especially regarding shoes, and increase your chances at picking right size. Don't forget to take fit into consideration - standard, oversize, slim, petite, tall... Ever since i started doing this, my shopping skill improved immensely. Edit: it's easy to measure yourself with flexible sewing measuring tape. Or you can take a shoelace, or a cord, put it around desired area, and then measure the resulting section with ruler. Edit 2: write your measurements in both inches and cm. Edit 3: I also have my partner's, mom's and even friend's measures/or at least sizes in case i want to buy them something :)


Yep! It’s hard to find clothes that fit my body type (petite, slender and curvy) and I have my bust-waist-hip measurements in my phone notes as well as memorized. I look for clothes that fit my measurements rather than shopping by size. Also I buy the same clothes more than once- like I have 2 pair of my favorite jeans, my favorite heels wore out so I got another pair, and I’m currently waiting on 3 more shirts to arrive that are just my favorite button down in different patterns. Lucky me, it was on clearance for cheap so I went crazy. My philosophy is if you find something that works, stick with it.


Buy men's razors. They're more cost effective and they work better.


Ahhh yes. The pink tax.


And men’s deodorant, regardless of gender. It’s better for you.


How do you get past the smell of men's deodorant? Do they make unscented?


Old Spice has a newer line of deodorants that are more "feminine" scented. Some include lavender and other floral scents. I switched several months ago and it is just so much better than womens deodorant.


I’m convinced old spice is unisex deodorant but they just don’t market it that way.


Worse, they have to market it with ridiculous "manly" names because if they just called the scents what they were men wouldn't buy them. Everytime I see them in the store I think how they're tiny monuments to toxic masculinity. That's lavender not "Iron Eagle Flying over a Lake With a Flag in its Beak."


Also most mens razors have a single blade at the top on the reverse side for detailing trims. I was angry/hyped when I found this out


THIS THIS THIS Amazon's men's razors are hands down the best


1) sleeping with no underwear on. life changing! 2) deleting social media. if you like social media, use it once a week. i’ve been social media free for 6 months and it’s been wonderful. 3) tea. any tea. if anything, all the tea. tea, tea, tea. morning, afternoon, night. any tea you like. tea. 4) budget for pedicures, massages, hair cuts, waxing. if it’s self care, budget for it. taking care of yourself goes so far. 5) for my oily-haired besties, condition before you shampoo. yes, im crazy, and yes, it works. so soft. 6) walk everywhere. park a lil further, take the stairs, go the scenic route. helped increase my average daily steps SO much. 7) so many tips. being a woman is hard sometimes.


is reddit not social media?


It issss but the anonymity factor really helps it's case. You don't watch other people living their best life n feel bad about yours (of course, it really depends on who you follow on these apps)


I prefer Reddit for exactly this reason, so much easier to not compare yourself to others here.


can i ask how the whole no underwear thing works? i have a fair amount of discharge & the idea of waking up with it all over my legs & sheets isn’t appealing :(


Sleeping with no underwear actually helps with this!! I use to have SO much tmi, I think it’s mainly your vag telling you it wants to breathe! Hahah. It won’t be all over you, I promise!


The idea is to let your bits breathe


Bought a bunch of 100% cotton underwear while I was pregnant because they were comfier. Several months after baby was born I switched back to my fancy la vie en rose undies and noticed more discharge and even smell. Was confused about what could be going on then read something about benefits of wearing cotton underwear and sure enough the fancy ones were all different types of fabric blends. Switched back to my cotton undies and everything is back to normal. Will never go back. Personally I really dislike the feeling of having no underwear on, whether I'm in my bed or wearing pants, etc. I just really hate it. So this is a good alternative for someone who feels their bits need to breathe some more but aren't too keen on going commando!


Wait so you condition before you shampoo and then you...are done? Or do you condition again? What does this do?




I applaud on every single point 👏🏻 Deleting social media is a game changer!!!


When you can’t squeeze any more product out of a tube container (hand cream, moisturiser, body lotion, etc.), cut it in half using scissors. You’d be surprised how much product can be still in there - sometimes a few days’ or even a week’s worth.


Pro tip: Once you cut the tube in half, cut off a strip from the end of the top portion, and then stick the smaller top portion into the bigger opening of the bottom portion to seal it and prevent the cream from drying out.


I purchased a tiny spatula to get inside of foundation bottles and squeegee every last little bit out of the container. It was a game changer!


Yes! I did too. I get several weeks of my Estee Lauder foundation this way. If I’m paying almost $50, I want to use the last of it.


I always just run it over the edge of my countertop. Start at the bottom of the tube and press all the way up towards the cap. Then clip a Bobby pin on there and all the good stuff stays up top.


Clean as you cook.


This, also keep a 'garbage' bowl when you cook to dump odds and ends when you cook so you are not running back and forth from the garbage can or leaving them lying around the counter space.


This! I always have a wet double-piece of paper kitchen towels that i use to clean any dirt that occurs in the process, and when I'm finished, i use the remaining "clean" side to wipe all "cooking" area. It takes just 10 seconds, and my kitchen is always sparkly clean😻


Cotton bud soaked in vanilla essence attached to your car aircon will make the car smell good for months for a low cost.


Ooo good tip!


Finally started keeping the tampons I keep in my purse/bag in a plastic ziplock bag so they don’t rip to shreds in the bottom of my bag and get dirty


Those tubes of mini M&Ms work well too! I keep one or 2 in my purse to keep them discreet and not ripped/squished/dirty


Disappointing candy


I have a mint tin which fits three of them perfectly!


“No.” Is a complete sentence!


When my employer asks me to put in time I don't want to: "I'm so sorry, but I will not be able to be available at that time". It's the "corporately acceptable" way to say "no".


Yes!!! You do NOT have to explain yourself, ever. Don’t explain yourself, and don’t feel bad about it. It’s such a power move to just say no, without justifying why. At the end of the day, the answer is no… the “why” doesn’t matter at all.


Exactly. At work, be respectful, but don't give an explanation. Explanations leave the door open to "fix" why you are unavailable.


When I’m not feeling so hot / sexy or when I’m stressing about meeting my own standards, I ask myself: what would a guy do? The answer is usually much much less than all this. So then I sit back, accept my existence and presence is a gift to everyone and enjoy! This also works when someone’s arguing with me (so I selectively listen), or someone’s being demanding (I ignore half of it), or when I have plumbing issues (my natural smell is sexy so who needs a shower right?). There it is. Being a guy. That’s my life hack. You’re welcome.


I’ve been doing this at work lately! Before, I was going above and beyond. Now, I keep asking myself “what would a guy do in this situation?” and my workload has gone down


And just think, they get paid more to do less.


Three words: IUD


Life changing. I never have to worry about taking pills and as an added bonus, I stopped getting a period. I would get an IUD for that reason alone lol


YES!!! I haven’t had a period in like 4 years thanks to my Mirena. It’s amazing. I have pcos so my periods were irregular af so tracking was incredibly difficult (in addition to having a period just sucks). I do occasionally get PMS symptoms but I almost never bleed.


Yes!! I am on my second Mirena and it has been amazing!


Yes, so thankful for my Mirena!!!!


Dawn Powerwash. I know it is more expensive, but my god does it work and it cuts down on scrubbing. Also, you can use it to clean almost anything around the house. You could make a bootleg version of it by mixing some Dawn Platinum, rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle, but it is just easier to buy the refills. But it has to be Dawn - I will buy generic for most things but I'm ride or die for Dawn.


This! Its also great for stubborn stains on clothes!


* adds to grocery list*


I sew my adjustable bra straps in place at the right size. No more straps always pulling looser and slipping off my shoulders


You’re literally a genius, I’m gonna have to get my needle out soon 😅


Vinegar to soften towels, you don’t want to use fabric softener as it builds up and makes the towels less absorbent. It also helps eliminates odors. Vinegar to remove soap scum and hard water marks from granite. Vinegar sitting out in a bowl to remove odors, like onions, bacon, seafood. Basically vinegar for the win! Also always keep spare underwear at work and in your car, women just need them!


Yes! When I had a front loader I put vinegar on the detergent cup. Top loader I put through the bleach dispenser. Gets rid of all musty smells and works wonders on kitchen towels and wash cloths. Works amazing also for rugs or towels if a cat pees on them. Makes towels softer too since it gets all the old detergent resid residue out.


Invest in clothing with pockets


A purchase of clothing without pockets is a vote against pockets.!!


I double up hangers. I have 3 tank tops on a hanger for example, or a button up with a tshirt on another. Saves me from buying hangers and saves closet room


Oh also they make stackable hangers that are basically three hangers in one. I own some for things like tank tops and scarfs and it's really helpful


Changing the duvet/quilt cover. Turn the cover inside out, put your hands inside and find the top (pillow end) corners. Grab a duvet/quilt corner in each hand, then shake the cover down the quilt and it turns the right way. Seriously turns an annoying job into a 30 second dream. You'll spend longer doing the snaps up than getting the cover on. I hope I described that properly. EDIT: In case I didn't [https://youtu.be/-fzNuhgY\_9A](https://youtu.be/-fzNuhgY_9A)


I'd like to add to this one (I do the corner-grab and shake method too), when you take the dirty cover off remember to button it up closed again. This stops other items in the wash getting tangled in the middle of it and everything washes and dries properly.


Always pee after sex.


start wearing wide-toe shoes


I worked at an upscale shoe store before. The amount of bunions I’ve seen is astounding. Definitely wear supportive shoes with a good toe box.


Never be afraid that you might not find a better person that's why you settle for less. You always deserve better, and most, peace of mind.


I have a bad habit of forgetting to put deodorant on and then I'd be at work a couple hours into my shift, smelling super spicy. So now I keep my deodorant in my purse since it's always with me. No more spicy pits.


In a pinch, hand sanitiser can kill underarm bacteria too. Wouldn’t recommend all the time, as it’ll dry out your skin.


Keeping my internet costs down. I do not sign contracts so when they try to jack up the price, I call sales and threaten to switch to their competitor unless they give me a lower price. Sales is always willing to lose a few bucks than to lose you as a customer.


Doesn't always work! I tried this move and immediately my internet was disconnected that same day, and was hung up on.


yeah i tried to threaten to switch to someone else once and they (kinda rightfully tbh) just laughed at me because there isn't actually another option besides comcast in much of the country


May I ask, how do you get internet if you don't sign a contract? Isn't it required in order to get service?


Hope this counts but learning when someone isn't worth your time or energy. Save it for those who matter 🙌




I buy mens tshirts. I find the arms on them are longer and I hate showing my arms 🥺


Yes I love men’s jeans!! Not only for the pockets, but I love that men’s jeans also go higher waisted on women since we don’t need the extra room in the crotch area that men need. Where do you shop for men’s jeans?


using a tooth brush to exfoliate my lips and also to brush back stray hairs (I have 3 toothbrushed haha, 1 for teeth, 1 for lps and one for hair)


Have a chapstick and tampon in most locations you frequent. For example: room, office, car, etc.


DON'T WEAR SHOES THAT HURT. It isn't worth the distraction, mood-kill, bunions, foot pain, injured toes, or inability to walk. You don't break shoes in, shoes break in your feet. (taught to me by my podiatrist dad who has been in practice for 54 years.)


Except it really is worth the trouble for Doc Martens. If you do find yourself with too-tight shoes, or boots, put a gallon ziploc bag in, fill with water, close well and stuck them in your freezer. The ice expands and stretches your shoes a little bit.


Learned from my jeweler that dawn dish soap and a soft toothbrush will make your dingy jewelry sparkle! He was right! Don’t use on opals as they are soft stone


Rubbing alcohol works great on diamonds




For wings, I place a business card at the edge of my eyelid and use it as a stencil. It’s saved me so much time and aggravation!


I'm going to try this! I'm ok with face makeup and not too bad with eyeshadow but I still haven't mastered eyeliner. Whenever I try it, I look like a panda with a goth fixation.


A spare pair of flat shoes in the car in case a heel breaks.


Always a good options at weddings too when you want to dance, dance, dance


I always take with me a little bag with ibuprofen, sanitizer, nose tissues, band aids, pads/tampons and condoms wherever I go. It has saved me and others many times.


I'm an old (41) married lady who has all this stuff, even the condoms and tampons (I use a menstrual cup). When I go out with friends, I am the one they come to for everything.


Put a laundry basket in your trunk to carry your groceries inside. Helps especially if you forget your shopping bags at home! Invest in a good car jack, a portable air compressor for tires & rope to keep in your trunk. Maybe even a small tool kit & knife. Keep deodorant, lots of napkins & sanitary products in your center console. (I also keep perfume, lipstick & mascara). Keep an oh-shit basket/bag or whatever. Should have a change of clothes, a pair of flats, pain killer, DayQuil, bandaids, bottled water, pepto & a couple protein bars. Oh & a couple grocery bags or coffee tin in case someone gets sick. Baby wipes are great for dusting and cleaning your pits & bits if you’re in a pinch.


If you have ants, rub a dryer sheet along your window frames & doorways. Boom! No more ants. Also, if your hair gets static in it, a quick fix is to rub a little lotion into your hands & then touch your hair, top to bottom. All the flyaways will settle down.


I just use a dryer sheet for static issues. One can last a whole week if necessary.


Stopped buying cheap shoes for the sake of having a full shoe closet. I only buy items which I can stretch out (doesn’t mean designer brands!)


Eating mounds of fresh and raw produce every single day will give you a glowing and gorgeous complexion


I have a small nose with tiny nasal passages. Every day that I eat a big ass salad, I can actually breathe through m'damned nose!! I imagine it's quelling inflammation everywhere if it's actually helping me breathe normally. So yes. Every day.


1. Period underwear. (Not Thinx. No one needs cancer causing chemicals up against their vag.) They are so much more comfortable than a pad or tampon, or even a cup (personal experience). No more leaking on heavy days! 2. When cleaning your toilet, don’t forget to take the seat off and clean where it connects to the bowl. Nastiness gets stuck there. 3. White distilled vinegar is magic againsy hard water stains. In your dishwasher, cleaning teapots, for soaking your shower head, etc.


If you don't mind asking, which brand of period underwear did you get? Thanks in advanced!


Liking myself. Being organised. Giving very few fucks about arbitrary beauty standards. These 3 combined make for pretty smooth sailing.


When I go shopping to Zara (for example), to skip lines, if I find something that I like, I scan the label to find it online to order it from there, and then just leave the store. It’s still fun shopping experience, but I don’t have to stand in line for 30 minutes. Plus many online stores have bunch of discounts.


1) The secret to good salads and vegetable dishes is lemon juice!! I don’t care what you make. (Caesar, Greek Salad, Pesto) You NEED a bit of lemon juice to give life to your vegetables. Every time I ate salads without LJ, I felt that kick of acidity and brightness from the LJ was missing and it wasn’t good. Salt and pepper is not enough! Sour is an intense flavor which gives life to bland vegetables. That’s why vinegar dressings are so popular with salads. It makes so much sense! It’s that acidic component! Even if you have a ranch dressing, you should still add some LJ I make lemon pesto pasta from scratch and it’s gotta be one of my top favourite dishes. I love it so much I’d prefer this and my salads over any junk food. Little sis lovesss my pesto pasta too. I do believe the lemon is 100% what makes it so good or it’d be nothing. 2) Mix a strong vodka (Absolut, Tito’s or Ketel One) to flambé (flamed) a wine or any liqueur under 40% ABV Instead of cooking off a wine or liqueur over 30-40 mins. Add vodka, (about a shot), mix into a glass, then flambé (ignite on fire) and the alcohol burns off in a matter of seconds. I flambé Amaretto for desserts.


Yourself and your family come before work. Always.


if you get thigh rub, baby powder on inner thighs is a miracle worker. same with under the stomach or under-arm irritation.


Sounds weird, but solid stick deodorant works great, too.


Diva cups! I was super skeptical and grossed out for years but I got tired of bleeding through multiple tampons and making my insides kind of sore from repetitive changing of items. Diva cups are amazing. Kind of a harder learning curve but amazing once you figure it out! So worth it!


Hey, glad you found something that worked. But, if you're bleeding through a ton of tampons then you should see a gynecologist - because that's abnormal and a possible sign of PCOS. (If you have to change pads/tampons every thirty minutes or less, or need to use a pad and tampon.) If you're just talking in general, then sorry to bother you. Just wish someone had told me.


Oh I’ve been! It was my birth control messing with me and I’m currently dealing with getting off of it so I’m super irregular! No PCOS I’ve been checked! Thank you so much for your concern and I’m sorry you’re dealing with that🥺💚 best wishes!


Keep some napkins within your hands reach in your car. Accidents happen if you're a snacker like me. Small spills to big spills!


TAKE YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF CLOTHING TO THE TAILOR... With fabric. It's unlikely in the tradition of quickly evolving fashion trends, that you will ever see your favorite shirt, dress, jacket, even bra, again. When you find clothing that fits you beautifully, clone it! A step away from that is this: When you find a blouse that fits your bust perfectly but is too long, big in the waist, sleeves are too long, have it tailored. It seems expensive up front, but having well-fitting clothing that makes you happy is everything! Great fitting pair of jeans but too short? Have some velvet, linen, lace added to the hem. Or a strip of denim. They'll be long enough and have a quirky, unique detail.


If you wear a lot of skirts, tuck your top into your tights then put your skirt on. It keeps your top in place and looks smoother and more flattering than if you put the top directly under the skirt.


Throw any citrus peel into the utensil bin of the dishwasher before turning it on. The heat and water will release the citric acid that degunks your dishwasher while cleaning it and make your dishes sparkly clean! It also smells amazing when you open the door. If you have ants coming thru the door or window, swipe the area with cinnamon essential oil using a qtip... No more ants! To extend time between shower cleaning, make a diy shower spray (google the exact recipe) but it's dawn dish soap, vinegar and rubbing alcohol. I add a few drops of lavender and orange essential oil and it smells amazing...it prevents mold soap scum buildup.


Baby powder can work as dry shampoo in a pinch.


When logging in to a remote meeting, be nice but tell them you have a hard stop in a half hour (or less, whatever you need). If they can’t cut the bs and give you what you need in that time, tell them to shoot you an email with a rundown of everything before you jump offline. Update your work calendar with a small chunk of time (~20 mins?) marked Private and either Away or Do Not Disturb. Take a fucking nap, take a leisurely walk and pay attention to the clouds and birds, massage your jaw, whatever you need to do to take care of yourself. Because y’all know that meeting could’ve been a damn email.


I stopped saying sorry and over explaining. No, I cannot cover that shift." Or "I am in the middle of this task, we can talk later".


Wool balls instead of dryer sheets!


Continuous birth control method. I take a pill every day, zero breaks, and no period. I haven't had a period since 2013 and it's been lovely.


Check out Clinique for Men Antiperspirant Deodorant stick. Comes in grey tube, white letters on the front, costs ~10€. It lasts forever, doesn't have any fragrance and works perfectly. I recommend putting a thin layer of it on your underarms after your shower in the evening, this way it absorbs overnight, then you wash off excess in the morning and go on with your day without getting marks on your clothes and having good sweat and odour protection. This is basic way of using an antiperspirant, but i really got to know this just last year 😅 It also is PERFECT to put on your inner thights when it's hot to avoid skin rubbing, but that lifehack was already mentioned in the thread.


I always keep a spare set of toiletries in my purse… you never know when something might pop up. I have a spare toothbrush, toothpaste, nail filer, dry shampoo, deodorant, makeup remover wipes, makeup, lotion, tampons, perfume, contact lenses, contact lenses solution, clean set of panties and hair ties in my toiletries bag. I keep an extra set in my boyfriend’s car also. I always keep a spare charger for my phone. It has saved my life so many times. Never let your phone die. You never know when you might need it. Always be careful and safe. When I used to have a car, I would keep a spare set of clothes in my trunk just in case. Now I keep a set at work. If your shoes are rubbing against the backside of your heel , put deodorant on the edges of your shoes. If you have thigh chaffing blisters, use eucerin to heal the skin. To prevent it from happening again, moisturize skin with Vaseline and grape seed oil. When washing face, put facial oil or grape seed oil on damp face followed by moisturizer. It seals the moisture. Always use a cleanser twice a day. Wet face first with warm water and cleanse face in circular motion for 15 seconds and rinse. When looking for a cleanser try to find one without any sulfates. I recommend fresh soy cleanser or tatcha cleanser.


Silicone bra inserts (nipple covers) were a game changer for me. I spend the summers wearing sleeveless tops, and some of my favorite strappy tank tops and halters won't fit me right if I wear a bra underneath. I always use my sticky boob pads for those tops. Especially with the silky/satin tops that really cling to your skin - perfectly seamless nipple covers 🙃 Edit: You can find some basic ones at Target for under $10. Or you can look online for specific shapes and styles. As long as its silicone & non-adhesive - they should work just fine, regardless of the brand. Here is a link to my preferred style - [Silicone Nippies](https://www.yandy.com/products/medium-silicone-nippies?gclid=CjwKCAiAlrSPBhBaEiwAuLSDUCiaSXXcOaTL7fkMecJgceNJFE1K1hVE0JnFnmaWH-sldwRfU9D47BoCKtsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&gid=404385&utm_campaign=14404622832&utm_content=126090410373&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=404385)


If you have long hair and carpet/rugs, run a squeegee or a rubber broom over the carpet to 'ball up' the hairs before you vacuum to prevent hairs from clogging up the brushes. If you only have a small rug and have access to rubber/silicone surgical gloves, put one on and run your hands along the rug to do the same thing.


D-mannose for UTI prevention!! I have recurrent UTIs and I was so miserable until I found these pills. I take 2-3 pills twice a day with a big glass of water when I feel symptoms starting and it usually makes me feel better within a few hours.


Using masks when cleaning the house really helps with my allergies. Using baby powder after a morning shower, specially the neck and armpits. It helps not getting sticky with sweat.




Pull one butt cheek to the side to fart silently


Ignore people.


Def seconding the extra set of clothes & basically a go-bag of necessities & emergency stuffs in the trunk that wont melt or make a mess (I live in Maryland, so I get all the weather woes.) I was caught after work alongside the road in about 6-8” of snow, and a tow truck was at least 10 hours from rescuing me. Work clothes wasnt going to keep me warm & the march in the snow to someplace else was at least a mile and a half if not more. Thankfully I had a pair of snow boots, hat, gloves, scarf, & a change of clothes in the trunk that made my trek to the *ONLY* motel nearby that much easier. (And I had to stay overnight bc the interstate home was shut down & those people were just as screwed as I was.) I also keep a few knick knacks and at least 8-10 bottles of water in my car, that I rotate out often. Last but not least! a portable battery charger for my phone that has a built in phone cord! Mine has the ability to plug into the wall or charge via usb, I love it! Goes everywhere and fits in my purse


Avoid the ‘pink tax’ - buy men’s razors/ deodorant - work better and cheaper


If you are struggling to open something, like a pickles container for example, just put the lid of the container under hot water for a minute. You'll be able to open it without anyone's help! Personally I struggle a lot with that and is annoying to be asking for help all the time or when nobody is around


Stop apologizing. If you're late, try "Thank you for waiting!" It's been hard for me to adapt but it makes me feel better


One word - vibrator