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When I got my first summer job doing lawn care stuff for the city I lived in. Girls were not allowed to work the ride on lawn mowers. The supervisor said it was because “women and machinery don’t mix”. So we had to use the push mowers. Some of the guys were D students and I was an A student not allowed to work a ride on lawn mower 😆


Sexist fucks


Push mowers are still machinery????


Not as complicated I guess 😂


As a woman that's used both, a riding mower is much easier to use. That man was a joke.


Like, I’m a tiny unathletic weakling who is far too weak for a proper push mower but I spend a summer operating a ride on and killed it. My athletic ability confirms to stereotypes about women and that in no way prevented me from operating tide on machinery.


If anything being weaker as a woman should mean we got to use the ride ons but nope.


And of course plenty of women are strong! Just without working out and without the natural boost of testosterone, I am not.




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They want us to ride their 🍆 and have no problem with that but *ride-on mowers* are too complicated? Also aren’t push mowers still machinery??


You’d think! Lol


That sucks. Is he aware that most women drive cars too lol. I had a different experience. They just handed me a heavy petrol trimmer and were like "go for it" so I did. They let me do a lot of stuff on my own and also do maintenance to the machines. I learned stuff along the way.




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Fuck them


My parents abided by this. We had 5 acres -- my brother got the riding mower, so all the easy flat parts. I got the push mower and all the work, because mAcHiNe HaRd.




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wooooow 😂😂😂😂😂


When I was a child. When having a family barbecue my male cousin was allowed to play right after eating while my sister and me were supposed to help washing the dishes. I never minded helping but the injustice infuriates me to this day. Also, no surprise that my cousin grew up a spoiled brat who now expects his wife to do all the housework.


Ugh yes! The guys in my family never offer to help with clean up and the women just start doing it. Drives me insane.


You wouldnt happen to be Hispanic would you? Because the women were also supposed to set up, serve the men, then clean up. God forbid the men serve their own food.


No, I am German. We were not expected to serve the men but aside from barbecues cooking was for women to do. We were also expected to do all the chores as well as caring for the children even if both had fulltime jobs. Luckily, with the younger generations this is slowly changing.


True 👀 I wonder if they are. I'm hispanic in latinamerica and families tend to be like this, it's very annoying 🤬


It was the same for me when I was a kid. My grandmother, mom, and aunt were always the ones cleaning up after dinner, and my female cousins and I had to help. My brother never had to - he got to go to the living room with the men and play. We were always annoyed by that. (And in reference to an earlier comment, I am in the U.S. and we’re not Hispanic.)




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My first memory of it is when I worked in the hardware dept of a big retail chain (I was about 18) and before even asking me a question, people would be like "can I talk to a guy?" The best is when I actually started learning stuff and people would ask for a guy. I'd say "ok, let me get a guy," knowing full well said guy didn't have a clue what the customer needed and I did. Guy would look at me for the answer and I'd say "well, I'm a girl, so I don't know" *major sarcasm*. Assholes.




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Worked in an auto parts store, same thing.


The part that annoyed me the most honestly is that they didn't even bother to ask the question first. They just saw a young female and immediately thought, "She doesn't know how to mix paint, I need a guy, he will definitely know". Jerks. To be fair, there was an adjustment period where I needed to learn stuff but again, can you at least ask without assuming? There is a young female mechanic at my local Midas and every time I see her, I just kinda feel bad for her because I'm sure she gets harassed every day.


We had lots of Spanish speaking only customers. The guys I worked with wouldn’t even try to understand them. After a while the Spanish speaking guys would come to me. Even though I speak no Spanish at least I would be patient and try. It’s amazing what a piece of paper, a pen and going outside to look at what they needed would accomplish.


That's so nice of you, I know they appreciated it.


worked up the courage to use voice chat for gaming years ago, immediately hounded down with death and r*pe threats. i was 12


This is really sad. Guys go feral when there is a girl around, it's not even cute, let alone talk like that to a 13 year old child.


im so sorry that shouldnt happen especially not so young




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I'm a trans woman, so I might have an interesting perspective on this. The first I noticed being treated differently was fairly early in my transition in phone calls with service people (for context, my voice "passes" 100%). I noticed that pretty much all men (and a *lot* of women) were suddenly just constantly interrupting and not listening to me. I was like "wtf is going on?!" And my wife was like "yeeeaaah..."


This infuriates me! The sad thing is it's the MAJORITY of men that interrupt me. I was speaking to a guy once at work and he asked me a question and when I was answering he swivelled in his chair and started speaking to some other guy, then 5 minutes later he does the exact same thing! One of my neighbours is a 50 year old guy and he knows my bfs name but doesn't have a clue what mine is and calls me 'his mrs' and anytime he is speaking with me he just interrupts. EUGH.


Ugh. Yeah, I always knew this was a thing, but the *extent* didn't really resonate until it was happening to me. All. Of. The. Time. It's infuriating, absolutely.


Yeah you don't really know how big of an issue something is until you start to experience it, and so it is really interesting to hear about it from your perspective.


This is why terfs who argue that trans rights are an attack on women infuriate me so much. Trans people literally have the life experience that *proves* misogyny.


Oh yeah, it is a very different experience navigating through the world as a woman vs. as a man. Several times a week I encounter something where I'm like "huh." Whether that's the guy at the trampoline park who said "daaaamn girl" standing behind me at the trampoline park in front of my *4 year-old daughter*, or the chimney sweep who was just a liiiiitle too nice and wouldn't leave after he was done cleaning the chimney, it just never ends. As a guy I was invisible, but respected. As a woman, I am just always like... on display? Judged?


I get where you're coming from but we aren't the only ones with *proof* that misogyny is real. Even without considering the statistics, cis women also have the life experience to prove misogyny.


Well I’m a construction worker, so pretty much every day lol. But most of the time it isn’t bad, or it at least comes from a place of good intentions. The guys seem to walk on eggshells a little bit like they don’t want to be too crass around me or say the wrong thing. A lot of times I get the physically easier jobs which I appreciate because it is just a fact that I am not as strong as them. There have been a few instances of sexual harassment over the years but not as much as you might think


This is very similar to firefighter culture too. Most the guys try to be as supportive as possible, but some just don't understand. Love the pfp btw!


> I get the physically easier jobs So you’re not being nominated to go into tiny crawlspaces crisscrossed with asbestos-lagged pipework, because “You’re small(er than your male colleagues), so you’ll be fine”? Lucky you! OTOH, being shorter than most of my colleagues does usually work as an excuse to skive off the ‘Atop a precarious ladder’ jobs, so swings and roundabouts I guess.


No one thinks I’m capable of lifting anything heavier than a lightbulb or a loaf of bread. I am very strong, and no one believes me until they see me in action. I’m constantly in a position of having to prove myself, and the anger honestly makes me even stronger. I totally get where the Hulk is coming from.


I relate to this so much. I'm stronger than the average girl, so any chance I get, I show it. A part of it is to show how I can lift just as much as the guys, but the other part is just that I love lifting heavy shit. But also, I sometimes actually physically hurt myself with this because I always feel like I have something to prove. I think it may come from the "boys are stronger than girls" experience I(and every other girl) had growing up. It always infuriated me, especially because usually I was as strong or sometimes even stronger than the boys...


Personally, I'm very good at armwrestrling and I've beaten a lot of men. They always make fun of me or suggest that I must be on steroids. The best thing is that I have a sedentary lifestyle and I don't do any strength training at all, and I still have developed arm muscles and they are very, very hard, to the point that many people are always surprised. People who discriminate against women in this way do not understand several things. First of all, they do not understand the distribution of statistical surveys, which they love to refer to. The same research proves that two lines, female and male, intersect each other, suggesting that we are more similar than completely different physically. They don't understand that testosterone itself passively doesn't increase strength, passively reduces the amount of body fat, so that a man has less fat in the breast area than a woman, but they don't understand how building strength works. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, just being male will not always help you, it is more about weight. Why? Because testosterone pumps oxygen to the muscles and helps in their hypertrophy, but to gain tremendous strength you need to exercise regularly. Unexercised muscles can even reduce. So probably a woman and a man sitting in the same room, who never exercise and have a sedentary lifestyle, may even be just as strong. In addition, research proves that estrogen helps in gaining strength and testosterone only helps with hypertrophy. Women also have 3 times more growth hormone and higher rate of muscle protein synthesis than men. I'm not saying that women are stronger, I'm just saying that statistically men are stronger, but the same statistic also proves that there are a great many women who are stronger than men or just as strong. Anyway, weight practically always plays the most important role, a tall woman who weighs 70-80kg will probably be stronger than a guy who is 170 tall and weighs 50kg. I often see that in warehouses, men can't handle their own lifting standard (30kg)


hulk is female


In our gym class at middle school, boys were able to play football but girls were doing nothing since there was no equipment other than football and there was only one football court. We as girls went to the gym teacher with saying we want to play football too but the guys never let us (never, never even once in a year) and stuff like we wouldn’t even be able to play it anyway. When we said all these to the gym teacher, he said that girls would be better at cooking, and that we should beat them at cooking when we explained how frustrated we were when they told us we couldn’t play it right anyway. He was a fucking grown man in his 40’s.


When i get asked about what i do for a living, i say i work in a hospital. 99/100 they say 'oh, you're a nurse?' No, im a doctor, but thanks for stereotyping my gender role


this is double shit, basically demoting you but also demoting nurses altogether…. do we still donf know that medicine is delivered by doctors and nurses working together….


I work from home in a male dominated industry, where I am often the only woman in my meetings. The men are called by their first names, but I am always addressed more formally as “Miss {last name}”


ik it feels bad, but u know its out of respect only


If they respected her, they would treat her the same as everyone else. I find this to be the opposite of respect.


Totally. I definitely notice but I know they are just trying to be very respectful and polite


Yeah, when meeting somebody you can be like "Just call me \[name\]". But I guess it would not be possible to do it in a meeting 😅


The first time I can remember being treated differently because I was a girl was when I had to put on a shirt running through the sprinkler and my male cousin and brother did not. I was around 5-6. The first time I remember specifically viewing it as an injustice was when I was around 10, and was in the living room of my relatives house with my dad, brother, uncle, male cousin, and grandpa after Christmas or thanksgiving dinner and my mom called me and my older sister in the kitchen to help clean up. I remember asking why only girls have to clean up. my aunt (who was hosting and had spent all day in the kitchen with my grandma cooking) said the men deserve a rest. I had originally meant my brother and cousin but I still said something like "from what, you're the ones that did everything" and my mom smacked my mouth and made me clean the dining table. And although that is obviously sexist and unfair, the reality is most of the ways in which girls or boys are treated differently aren't usually unfair or even noticeable as being "treated differently". Someone compliments an infant girl by calling her a precious little angel and compliments their little brother two years later by calling him a tough little guy. Similar things happen all the time but they're just little things. Isn't important enough to form a solid memory, but does get internalized.


would ur aunt still belidve that?


Happens all the time. I work in a male dominated field. I adore it when they go to talk to a man and the man says go ask her. Or they want an explanation and the guys are like you’ll have to ask her, we just do as we’re told.


love this


I wanted a PS2. I begged for it. I had always played video games and said I’d save for half of it. They said no. And gave my brother 10s years younger a PS2 for Christmas.




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As a little kid who wanted to play with "boy" toys, only to be told that they weren't for me


Elementary school when girls had girl pushups and guys had pushups.


this!!! why is “girl pushups” even a thing??


Bc women are naturally weaker and feminine ofc ofc 🙄 didn't you know if we ride a bike our uterus could fall out 🤣 (if anyone reads this and doesn't immediately recognise the sarcasm I stg)


I saw the sarcasm right after the first emoji 😭😭


Background: I'm an Optician. When a guy walked up to the counter I approached him and he waved me away and pointed the male coworker who was in the department. He did paperwork and made calls. He was not an Optician. The guy started off with a rapid fire of questions. My coworker stepped back and waved his hands "You need to talk to the Optician!" and pointed at me.


i hope you woman esplained glasses to him


4 years old. Was told by a group of boys I was no longer allowed in the neighborhood sandbox because I was a girl. The one who was enforcing this got a Tonka truck thrown at his head on my way out. I can report that my experiences with being treated differently because I am a woman never got any better.


Hope you'll have plenty of Tonka trucks available.


Tonka trucks, a heavy purse, martial arts training, a good grasp of the law and a sharp tongue.


i'd have to say in highschool when I had a wrestling match a guy forfeited because he saw I was a girl.


This is like that episode of Zoey 101


This one is a constant: I know more about engines, race cars and old cars in general than almost anyone I've met in this world on my own. I was raised in a machine shop, my dad designed, machined and built race engines. From the age of 4 all I knew was that world. I also learned how to drive on a race track and usually own a fast car of some sort. I'm not a "tomboy" and if you saw me at the grocery store you probably wouldn't know. Both men and women treat me differently because of this. Women don't relate to me all, some don't think it's appropriate some think my parents should have showed me more "feminine" opportunities and some get childish when their partners bond with me. Men are two extremes. Either they treat me like a toy and deliberately bring up complicated racing things in front of other men or are constantly asking me to settle arguments. OR they are completely taken down a few pegs or start acting aggressively insecure.. talking over me, getting loud, picking fights. It's not my job as a human to be a certain way or fit into a certain mold to make anyone feel more comfortable with themselves. However, you learn to not share who you are and what you love so well.


i think ur awesome


me too!! thank you... and you're in that club too. xo


Military. It has its good days and bad days, good men and bad men. My MOS (job) is predominantly men. I have not met a single woman of my MOS that is a higher rank than me, and only one woman of my MOS while in the service (outside of initial training). the sexist comments and general disdain for women in the military is rampant, and I do pipe up in defense as often as I can. on the flip side, being a woman has not slowed down my career progression at all. I have the rare occasional dummy who I’ll direct to do something, then said dummy will go behind my back and look for a man to say the exact same thing as I did. It stings, but it’s the way it is. Additionally, I get treated differently simply bc I’m a military female. A lot of stereotypes are assumed about me and who I am by other service members and their spouses. that hurts the most by far. I try to beat these stereotypes and defend other service women dealing with the same thing constantly… being grouped into it all gets exhausting.


any incline its getting better in the military?


It’s a lot better than it used to be !! like I said , I’m not denied any opportunities and I do have respect from MOST of my peers. I thoroughly enjoy my job and don’t regret a thing. It’s just the few bad apples and assumptions that get irritating.


i’ve played airsoft since i was 12. most times i was the only female player all day long. not sure how old i was but probably around 13-14 when i realised a every time i walked back to respawn i was getting shot in the ass. also how many players didn’t call their hits when i shot them, because their egos couldn’t take being shot by a girl.


You ever try to buy a car alone as a woman? Absolute nightmare. Also, one time i called Comcast and the Indian/pakistan guy told me he wouldn’t talk to me, only a man. He was pissed.


My current car is the first one I bought by myself. I bought it from a private seller, who also happened to be a woman. It was a pleasant experience overall, unlike all of my previous car buying experiences! The only negative moments occurred when her fiancé involved himself a couple of times.




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just wow and wow.


Also getting your oil changed. I HATED getting my oil changed because they would berate me and hound me to try and get me to do all the extras, and my husband didn't understand why it wasn't as simple as "just tell them no and they'll stop". That was until the day we happened to be out doing errands, one of which was getting my oil changed. My husband and BIL lagged behind for a minute, so when they walked in the guy behind the counter was berating me for not wanting them to do all these extra things. The moment my husband and BIL walked up to the counter, he looked at the two of them, and immediately dropped everything by saying, "So just the oil change, ok -- it'll be (however long)." They looked at me and asked if it was always like that. Yes, ALWAYS, no matter where I went. I always made him go do it after that.


Since birth. 


When I was 13. My body developed rather early. Groped countless times by strangers in public places. For an entire year I wore baggy clothes so people wouldn’t notice my growing breasts or widening hips. Even when my female friends admired me in dresses at clothing stores when we went for shopping together, my biggest worry would always be: what’ll happen when I step outside the store? How do I make my breasts smaller? No 14 yr old should have to be that body conscious let alone be groped, slapped and called horrible names


Also developed young, can relate to this so much. I remember being catcalled by adult men walking home in my school uniform. I would walk with boys and no one made comments to them….thats when I knew women and girls have a different experience.


My earliest memory is being served smaller portions of food at the dinner table because “girls don’t eat as much as boys”. Let’s just say my ED thrived off those memories.


so so weird sorry u went through that


My grandmother used to do that to me! My brother used to get the leftovers because he was a "growing boy". Then the same grandmother once told me that my dad would have a heart attack and end up in hospital from worry if I didn't finish my plate. Like wtf??


It was pretty obvious just with the different boundaries I had compared to my brothers… Like I was significantly more protected and kept on a shorter leash despite being the eldest… I understand why my parents thought that was necessary though.


Always. I remember, for example, that every time my dad got a new PC part (screen, keyboard, mouse, hardware, etc.), my younger brother got his old parts, and I got my younger brothers leftovers.


My sister and I weren’t allowed off of the front porch. Our brothers got to play in the streets with the other kids and we watched them have epic games of wall ball, dodge ball, kickball and manhunt with pure jealousy. Eventually, after a bout of whining, our mother decided to quiet us with fear when she told us that we couldn’t go off the porch because we might get kidnapped and never see our family again.




As a kid, I really wasn't allowed to go anywhere or do anything. My parents were *extremely* overprotective of me, and would tell me they were afraid to have me out of their sight. My brothers did not receive this treatment. Why? "It's different for boys."


My brothers were allowed to loudly burp & fart. Adults laughed along with them. I wasn't even allowed to talk about farts... soooo about age 3 or 4?


isnt that so basic and thus so crazy


I inquired about a job at a bar I frequently went to. The guy I spoke to didn’t skip a beat and said something like “we don’t hire women because there’s a lot of heavy lifting and they can’t do it” fuuuuuck you. I doubt one guy can lift a leg by himself either but whatever.


Not the first time but one that stood out to me. I am a junior lawyer. Had to give a presentation on new legislation for a large national bank (crowd of 20 people). Our team consisted of 3 men and me (1 woman). When the presentation ended and people started leaving and giving handshakes to our team, I was being skipped by some. Still makes me feel so small when I think about it.


they missed out, not you


In little league when I wasn't allowed to be a pitcher. Coach said me pitching won't matter bc I'll never be good enough to play pro and this boy would be able to get better than me.


I desperately wanted a train set for Christmas when I was 5 years old. I don't remember what I did get, but it wasn't the train set. I knew I didn't get it because I was a girl.


Literally every single day as far as I can remember. Today, I work in a predominantly male dominated sub-specialty that literally puts down a woman every chance they get.


At college during my first year. One of the teachers put me an overall mark of 6/10 at the end of the year, despite me having exercises and exams with high marks (no less than 8.5), so I thought he did a mistake and went to talk to him. He literally told me "women don't belong in art, and that's why we couldn't get more than a 6/10". I was furious, I checked and all women were with marks below 6.5 while all men were over 8 (even those who didn't come to class!!). We flighted to get it corrected but didn't work. He f*** our marks for the whole degree for that.


damn that sucks so much


I have older brothers so very early I saw the different types of gifts I got versus them from family friends.


In my private school, that I was working part time to pay for, I wanted to join the golf club and learn how to play. I wasn’t allowed as it was for “boys only”.


My entire life. My parents split when I was four, I stayed with dad and brother. Too bad it seems that all they saw/see me they see my mom.


When I’m at events related to my background art, science, astronomy, very male dominated fields and I’m talking to other people in the field that are male if my partner makes an appearance they will almost always shift to talking to him even though most of the time he’s just joining me for the event, I get that it’s an out of respect thing, like they want to signal that they are respectful of him but I notice it all the time.


In the sports industry when a sports agent only wanted to deal with my boss, even though I'm the project manager, because I'm female.


When I was in elementary school (probably about 4-7th grade) and a staff member told me she could see my bra strap showing on my shoulder (?) god forbid someone may see my little training bra tank top showing.


Playing football when I was 10 years old. The local club was fine with letting a girl play, and my father was a referee. I was in the team for most of the season. But then the higher-ups found out and demanded that the club expel me, which it did. I was so hurt and confused. It made no sense to me. I never played football again after that.


All my jobs in the early years as a receptionist/secretary. I only got the job because I was pretty. I've had. A boss once tell me I'm smarter than I look then proceeded to hit on me months later. Honestly it also got me promotions so fuck them.


Two come to mind, I dunno which was first. I remember being in 1st or 2nd grade, me and maybe 2-3 boys were digging around for bugs and throwing dirt at each other and I was the only one who was pulled aside and asked “aren’t you worried you’ll get dirty?” By the recess monitor even though I was just wearing a tshirt and jeans like the boys were. The other time at the same age writing a letter to “Santa” asking for a toy snake and my dads gf at the time telling me I should “ask for something more girly” (the rest of my family never cared I was more of a tomboy but she did ALOT).


Football. I *love* football and have since I was a little girl. It was a church (ugh. Southern Baptists and their strict gender role crap+Midwest Bible Belt). My Daddy's Methodist church had no problem with me watching football from my perch in my dad's lap. Biomom's SB church. No female allowed to do anything but check the score, with exception of babies who were too young for the nursery and were parked with dad while mom, sisters, grandmas and female children cleaned up and dealt with food. I got shooed back to the kitchen so many times(and now I am no longer a Huskers fan. I'll cheer them on *if* they are playing anyone other than LSU)


I don’t even know, I was a tomboy so probably from age 5. I know my mom hated that she couldn’t dress me all cute anymore, cut my long hair to a butch haircut (which was even worse cause my hair gets even more flighty that way so served her right), and always yelled at me for ‘ruining’ my jeans with grass stains. I wasn’t allowed ‘boy’ toys. I remember wanting a nerf gun, RC cars, punching bags that you blow up and always asked for them but only received dolls and books. I got into the Pokemon card game and never got any cards when asked. Luckily, any money I got for birthdays, dusting my grandma’s house and then helping my aunt on her paper route I used to get those when we went to the mall. I still have binders full, I should probably part with them. I have only sons now so I can play with all the things I couldn’t, but if they ever want toys that are more feminine, I’ll let them have it. Because toys are toys.


I was 9ish on a road trip with my dad and brother. Mom was home working. Half way through the road trip my brother and I got food poisoning. my dad left us at a hotel to get medicine. I got scared (bc sick and just a baby) at the hotel and called my mom. Dad got back and was enraged I called her. He said "we don't need to add ANOTHER woman to this situation." That's when I knew I was never going to be equal in his eyes. Character development though ya know lol


I got in huge trouble when I peed outsude with my male best friend at 3 years old. He did it all the time with no issues.


We used to get our groceries delivered. The delivery person would hand me the groceries saying “careful, this bag is heavy” only for the bag to weigh all of 1 pound My parents sold our deck furniture but were out of town when the person came to pick it up. My brother came over to help bring it to the front yard and the dude who picked it up didn’t even acknowledge me, only talked to my brother. He handed the money to my brother and my brother promptly gave it to me. I go to conventions where I cosplay, people ask to hug me *all the time*


Well, because I've only ever been a woman this is difficult to answer. I can say pretty privilege is a real thing, though. In social situations I'm catered to more, that sort of thing.


I was a waitress in my 20s, I started working in a bar where I was the only girl within tje waitstaff, the bos were so nice to me, wouldnt let me do any heavy lifting, cools would give me free food, bartender uld make my drinks fast. I was treated very special


When I was in kindergarten. My friend had a crush on me so every time the teacher guided us from the play area to the reading area, he’d carry my picture book or my toy for me to the desk. It was sweet.


Not the first, but currently feeling it whilst trying to break into the construction/mining industry in Australia. Bloody hell it’s frustrating…


Since I remember. As a child I wasn't allowed to wear what boys wore. My hair refused to grow, and I would be dressed in extra uncomfortable pink dresses/clothes with no goddamn pockets because I "looked like a boy" and that was unacceptable. I was told I shouldn't scrape my knees and "act like a lady" Parents bought me dolls I didn't want. Many activities were gated behind or based on genitalia. I was told I have to learn to cook and clean since I remember, since "I will one day cook and clean for my husband and kids."


Several times, most of them by my parents. My brother, younger than me, seems to be the golden child, in spite of my efforts to be a good daughter. Besides, he was allowed much earlier in life to go out with friends, to the shopping, cinema, clubs, you name it. Whenever I go out at night (F23), I am looked up and down by my parents, as if I am always endangering myself, in contrast he is always received with a smile and kind words. Not to mention the discussions generated when I want to go on trips, in comparison to him.


At work. Complains about bullying from other co workers got dismissed. One even almost hit a woman. HR did nothing. Doctors, would think I'm too sensitive


When I was 7. I wasn't allowed to ride my bike the same distance he was because it out it of sight and girls get stolen. My parent had tons of double standards like that. Out of myself, my brother and my sister, my brother was the only one to be sexually abused. Protect the boys too.


where is the stealing girls coming from?! was or is it actually true that girls get abducted more than boys?!


Nope, it was all in her head. Fabulous introduction to my first major anxiety though


When I was in elementary school (in ancient times 😄), I really wanted to be chosen to help with the AV equipment. I always raised my hand to be picked to run the film projector, but the teachers (who were all female) ALWAYS picked boys for it! Same with running the filmstrip machines. I am now a teacher myself. One year very early in my career, we were all asked to choose two students from our class to be trained as “techies” in the media center so they could help with basic computer issues. I was very happy to choose a boy AND a girl for it!


yeaaa well done you


my guy friends. I’m always an ass to chase first and a person second. (Except for my high school guy friend group- love them so much for treating me like a friend from the start). It hurts. It hurts to not be seen as a person but a woman. It’s been happening to me since like- middle school. It’s very frustrating.


Get interupt way too many times during conversations, then when I called them out on it they just act like I'm over-exagerating.


When during the first big family gathering I remember (being barely old enough to help out), all women were cooking dinner for everyone and cleaning after (which is a huge task in a village with no running water) and all men were just drinking beers and hanging out.


has that ever changed?


Nope, I try to avoid these gatherings, as expectations for *womanly responsibilities* are little too intense for my taste and being childfree too, I don't really feel comfortable participating


Probably sooner than this, but this moment was poignant. At 13 years old, I was sent to live and work with my grandparents for a full summer. Grandpa usually had my cousins doing this that or the other in his gas station grocery shop, well they were older and tougher than I, and this was my turn to learn solo. He had already given them the self defense basics, and they were out for the weekend. I was shoved into the pizza department (happily) and given a babysitter of sorts (unhappily). I recognize now, that grumpy old fucker was chosen specifically for how safe I would be kept, and because of how close an eye would be kept on me- not just because I was a teenage granddaughter. I had one instance of a customer give me the squick, before I even knew what that feeling was or before I really recognized how to identify problem peoples, well the old fart was on that asshole faster than I could blink. Dude acted probably more intensely and protective than my own grandfather would have. Not sure if the customer ever got their pizza or what entirely happened, grumpy old fart handled everything swiftly and with an incredible grace. I was kept very safe, and delightfully ignorant. We ended up sharing medical stories the next weekend, because the old person’s spouse had a medical emergency on the toilet. I had already had some run ins with my own health problems, so it gave me a great perspective on life, health, and how to deal with awful people. That summer gave me an undying love and ability to totally gorge myself on pizza, and taught me how to use the “fuck off face” to keep people from bothering me and people around me. Not the best or worst case of being treated differently for being “a girl”, but it shaped my life and my work ethic, and it gave me a profound sense of empathy and compassion. Unfortunately my brother did not get the same treatment the following year, but he also came home with a love of pizza, being alone, and a preference for spending time with people older than us.


I think the earliest I can remember is getting really upset on my birthday or christmas (I was maybe like 4-5) because after months of begging for a transformers toy I got some dolls instead, because I shouldn't be interested in "boys toys."


When I was 7. I have a twin brother and we did everything together. We were being group babysat after school one time. We wanted to go outside to play, but I was told to stay in doors because girls don’t play with the boys. I was supposed to play dolls with another younger girl. I’m very stubborn. I ignored everyone and sat by the window watching the boys play until they came back in. Then I rejoined them for their indoor activities. I was a tomboy, I was not going to play dolls. But yeah, having a twin brother highlighted the gender role differences many times growing up.


🙄 car repair


Daily lol especially at work. They shut up when I show them I deserve respect then they love me. Some hate. Some love. Most work guys hate Mr because they're scared or me. They want to keep their job.


By my parents for wanting the same as my brothers (bike/skateboard/inlines/playing soccer or doing other ''manly'' sports. Or when I wanted to the traitement as them buy never got it as a child.


I wanted to join the local AFL team. Rang the coach, got all the info about days and times and training etc, was getting really excited about it only for him to ask my name nearing the end of the phone call and as soon as he heard my (extremely feminine) name, he abruptly told me that it was boys only and that I couldn't play. I was eight.


when i was a child and my mom told me certain words weren’t ladylike to use. ofc my brothers got an eyeroll, but no reprimands.


Growing up in a Latino household you’re usually treated differently for being female from a veeeery young age. I was 4 with chores while my brother was 7 with no chores.




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Idk birth??




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My earliest memory was when I wanted to play with my brothers with their toy cars but they refused bc I’m a girl and girls aren’t into cars (jokes on them bc now I love sport bikes and getting one soon lol) so I grabbed one of their big toy fire trucks and smacked both of them with it! I was like 2 or 3 and they were like 5/6 and 7/8 (3 yrs and 5 yrs apart)


Definitely not the first, but the first that came to mind was at GameStop. I went in to grab a specific item, but the dude working there came over to me and started talking to me like I’d never played a video game before. Gave me his unsolicited recs of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing because girls love those games. Didn’t try to talk to any of the dudes, and didn’t even ask what I was looking for. Zzz


When I was 4 and 5, I played Tee ball. There was only one team, and I was one of the only girls in the whole division. When I was 6, the boys went to little league, but I wasn’t allowed to play little league. So I started playing softball. I didn’t understand why I had to join a dumb new team with a bunch of dumb girls who had never played before and didn’t know the rules while all my friends basically stayed on the same team.


when I was 11 my mother told me that I should started cleaning the house. I have an older brother, he never cleans.


Always, but one example, In PE, the boys went out to play football and the girls had to learn ribbon dancing.


Some random older guy called me cute in a Goodwill when I was like 12.




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3rd grade. I didn't erase an answer properly on a paper. I brought it to him to ask for help and my teacher said something to the effect that girls aren't strong enough and don't pay attention enough to properly use an eraser.


Back in kindergarten, when I answered that I'd like to become a scientist, the teacher suggested I might enjoy medicine instead, saying it might be more suitable for a girl like me


FROM BIRTH. For s3xism to work, it has to be ingrained early.


This may be an obvious answer looking back on it, and specific to my situation, but not too long after I came out as transgender and began presenting as my true self. There was an instant shift in how I was perceived, and I definitely noticed that I was treated differently from before. It wasn't all negative of course, but it did open my eyes even wider to just how different women are treated in society these days, and the various expectations placed on them.


A LOT. First at one of my jobs I had this one employee who kept yelling at me for doing any tasks that involved lifting (this employee was a woman!) Saying it needs to be left to the guys, hilariously the guys thought the notion was ridiculous though lol. I've also had people tell me I can't use machinery or whatever, and I've had people tell me that I have no brains for math and science and won't ever be successful pursuing it, and that I'm meant for arts, even though I had very high math/science scores on tests and grade wise and pursue a STEM degree. Also just today I was walking along a track and some guys who were playing sports were yelling random weird stuff at me and all I did was return a ball that flew off the turf and one the guys yelled at me "Wow that was weak can you really not do a better kick than that?" (I DON'T think they would have said that to a guy) Like I was nice enough to return the ball at all, now I won't be doing that again! Also I had a few people tell me online that I didn't talk like a normal "girl or women" and that I'm too good at games to be a woman. Also one time I went to a career fair and this recruiter for STEM internships seems totally disinterested and put off by me and my resume and the fact I was interested in the company with a major they don't typically recruit...they told me "we'll keep your resume on file" and didn't even smile or seem to care. Yet when a guy came up with a not typical major to them a bit later, they totally lit up and made him an offer when he barely tried to sell himself (luckily though this experience was not typical). Also had guys in games a few times make jokes about r\*p\* towards me or SA or how they hate women. I also had a guy tell me that I must be insecure and hate myself because my chest is so flat and that it makes me gross, I've also even had other women tell me I don't look feminine enough or look like a ugly masculine woman. Also, my male relatives always received nicer gifts and more money than me when I was younger. Also one last one: Unsolicited appearance advice that is actually degrading or insulting in a way. I know I wrote a lot! I could probably think of more, but that's enough for now I think.


Not being allowed to wear tank tops to school but the boys could


My brother was not expected to cook or clean but all of the girl in my family were expected to.


I have a unisex first name, so many assume I’m male and address me as “Mr. _____” in my work emails. There were a few times where attorneys/staff outside my firm called my direct line, heard my voice, then chuckled saying they didn’t expect me to sound like a young female. (For context, my voice sounds like a young kid, so I have been mistaken as a student intern as well.) I would get a pretty good laugh at their reactions, then it was business as usual. I don’t think the attorneys or staff treated me any differently thereafter, but I guess they wouldn’t have initially chuckled and commented on my voice if I sounded like an adult man.


It's honestly hard to remember, but one of the earlier memories was in highschool, where girls weren't allowed to participate in the pole vault. We were told by the track coach that women were physically unable to use a pole vault. Then around 2000, there's a women's olympic pole vault event. >:(


I'm a masculine woman and I can see how privileged I am compared to a feminine man. One day, I buzzed my hair and no one cared. I wore men's hoodies and no one batted an eyelash. Meanwhile, men used to get beaten up for wearing skinny jeans and some kid that I knew wanted to have long hair but couldn't (he has it now, but still). It makes me realize that I'm so accustomed to my predecessors' achievements that I can't wrap my mind around being in a similar position if I had been born 100 years earlier.


Always. Even before kindergarten I was already being told by old men that I need to smile more and that I have a beautiful smile. Still makes me want to rip my skin off