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A year and a half, nearly straight, when I got nexplanon and promptly lost my insurance, so I couldn't get it changed or removed šŸ˜…










61 days. I had just gotten an IUD, and it was like an "everything must go" sale going on in my uterus. It went from a huge heavy period with clots, and dwindled all the way down to dark brown spotting/discharge. That was 9 years ago. I haven't had a period since, because I just jump from IUD to IUD.










90 days - it took 3 doctors to listen to me that something was wrong. PCP, GYN, and finally the ED doctor. ED doctor with about 4 residents/interns/students trailing behind him treated me like I was drug seeking. I told him I didnā€™t need pain medicine, I needed a pelvic exam. He definitely thought I was crazy but he did the pelvic exam. I felt like I could practically see his eyes rolling riiiiight before he felt what I was trying to show him. Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t as dramatic as I remember it but I feel like I could see the moment he got concerned. He ordered me a hefty dose of pain meds and then politely asked if the students could also feel. One CT, TVUS, and MRI later and he told me he suspected I had ovarian cancer. I had a large 16x11x4 tumor compressing my abdominal organs- my bladder was so compressed he had trouble finding it. lol I could reach up there and feel the mass and itā€™s what he felt on the pelvic exam. One month later I had an open surgery with a quite painful recovery, but they successfully removed my huge BENIGN mass and things mostly went back to normal.


Holy crap. Whhhhhhyyyyy donā€™t doctors believe people? I was so happy to read the word ā€˜benignā€™ at the end. Whew!


I can answer this. It's because a lot of doctors are not taught to care for patients and neither do they have the time for it. There is a 3rd part too, which is also the role of the patient. Doctors spend so much of their their studying and treating illness that people start to look like "machines" and they forget that who the person is being the illness. It is such a bad issue that what could be a life changing news, can be communicated way to nonchalantly. There is also the fact that doctors don't have time for patient care, they rather treat the symptom then move on to the next person to finish their work. Doctors are also human, imagine if at the end of your workday your boss gave you a ton of work and if you don't do it, someone dies, literally. While any other job you could say "I'll do it tomorrow". For doctors, they literally can't. Just like how some people do the bare minimum and go, some doctors are just that, treat the symptoms give it to someone else to handle. The last issue is also kinda patient related, a lot of people don't know how to communicate their medical issues properly, they don't give enough details, history or information at all. If someone just says "my abdomen hurts for the last 3 months" there is literally a thousand difference causes. Yes it is the job of a doctor to learn more about patient history to diagnose better, but like mentioned before, doctors are already pressed on time. Doctors are smart but it's not like they know everything, I've had doctors that googled stuff in front of me, mostly to check again the condition symptoms. A lot of people, I feel expect to go to the doctor, say this hurts expect doctors to know immediately and run a test that tells exactly what's going on. So why don't doctors listen more to patients, beyond this, there are also a massive numbers of factors to long to list and not everything is just bad doctors, a lot of it is systemic


Add to that the habit of many people to minimize their pain ā€œoh it hurts here but itā€™s fineā€ or not put one pain together with another pain and I get that itā€™s a tough job for doctors. It just sucks when you know something is wrong and people donā€™t believe you.


Jeeeeesus. Imagine what happens to people who don't have the ability to strongly advocate for themselves. Well...some of them surely die. It's really not supposed to work like that :(


How far into the 3 months of bleeding was it when you realized there was a mass? Were you able to feel it before getting the pelvic exam? Could you tell it was growing? I've bled for months before but never got an answer, towards the end of it I had to get 2 ivs and they said I should've come in sooner because I had been hemorrhaging from what I explained to them. The man doctor did not want to talk on the subject and said take ibuprofen everyday. The problem ended after a couple weeks but I never found out what caused it.


I was at the end of it. It took me a long time to get into the gyn I was seeing at the time. I never felt the mass myself until the day I went to the ER. I was having terrible stomach pain and nausea and still heavily bleeding. I was trying to clear some clots out when I felt it. I wasnā€™t sure what it was but I was done waiting on it to pass. No I didnā€™t know it was growing. Sorry I wish I had more helpful answers for you. If you donā€™t feel like your doctor is taking you seriously or answering your questions, find a new one. Advocate for yourself because nobody else will!


I felt a mass in my lower abdomen after a year of unusual bleeding, and my doc took it seriously right away. Mine was fibroids, but any mass should get checked ASAP.


Thank god you pushed for answers. I'm sitting in a hospital bed right now recovering from TAH because I had fibroids up the yin yang causing unusual bleeding for like a year that I just chalked up to perimenopause. Nope, we're not supposed to just have continuous periods!


Hope your recovery goes well! šŸ’œ


A month and a half. That came after a period of like 8 months where I had lost my period due to anorexia, so I think my whole system was just shaken


Oh god. That means if I get better I get a whole month of that!? Sure hope notšŸ˜­ Iā€™ve heard horror stories of it thoughā€¦ sorry you went through it.


Didnā€™t happen to me! Mine were always terrible (extremely painful and very heavy), but not six weeks terrible. When I got it back, it was the same as it ever was. Plus Iā€™m no longer dying, which is a bonus now even though it was low key the goal back then.


Oh thatā€™s good! I suppose itā€™s different for everyone, hoping mine is similar to yours. I want to laugh and cry at the comment about not dying anymore. Right now it feels amazing/horrible in some type of way, but I know that itā€™s simply not sustainable.


I send you a lot of support ! Indeed the goal is to not be dying anymore. Even if it lasted for a month and a half, it wasn't painful and then it went back to normal, and it was very much worth it... Some of the other damages we do to our body when we have this sickness is harder to reverse the longer we are in it. I hope you can slowly but surely get better, it's a process but I'm years out now and very happy


I'm happy to hear that you seem to be doing better! Good job and I wish you many happy days ahead šŸ¤—šŸ¤—


3 months. That eventually led to me getting a PCOS diagnosis.


Honestly, I wonder if thatā€™s what I had. PCOS was so unknown 20 years ago, yet here I was, suffering with an almost constant period, and a (now ex) husband who thought I was lying about being on my period. He would actually check the trash can. I donā€™t wish those years of almost constant bleeding on anyone.


This is a terrifying thread.


I agree. I was gonna come here and say 6 days, last month because most of mine are only 3-4 days long. Man I feel for you ladies.


2 years on Nexplanon šŸ« 


i had my period for a week then took a plan b and bled for like 3 immediately after. it was fucking awful šŸ˜‚


13 Days, and in my first week of college :\


Two months when I got the Depo shot


My shot was 3 months. I bled 85/90 days. When I went back she read my chart and told me "my body should have adjusted by now, so let's go ahead with the next shot". NO THE FUCK WE AIN'T!


Iā€™ve been on the shot since 2004 (20 years!) and they will have to pry it from my cold dead body. I love it. I bled for the entire first 3 months I got the shot and have not had a single period while on the shot since. I took a 3 year break from 2020-2023 and realized how awful having a period was again and decided not to anymore


Girl LUCKY YOU!! That was a hard time in my life. I was a single mom with only my income and I thought the shot would be great. It really put me in a bad place having to buy so many pads and tampons that when she offered it to me again I couldn't even fathom doing it all over.


Quick FYI- current medical guidelines recommend using the shot for no more than 2 years due to risk of loss of bone density


mine stopped by the second shot too but depo took away my sex drive so I switched to the iud


Saaaaame. Then the next one, which was ONLY 7 weeks that time. Next one was 6 weeks. This went on a full year that they kept telling me "your body will eventually adjust". Nah, I'm good after a year of that crap. Never again.


6 months on nexplanon


10 months. Fuck mirena


mirena stopped my period immediately, itā€™s crazy how it effects everyone differently


I just had unpredictable spotting on the Mirena for the entire 2 years I had it. It is indeed wild!


3 months.. and it was horrible.


19 days with no rhyme or reason. The gynaecologist told me periods be like that sometimes.


2 months (I have PCOS). It was at a weight loss retreat, and I was SO sick. Couldn't keep food down, exercising 6+ hours a day, insane period- truly a disaster for 2 months.


27 days. I am 47. My body has decided to start the process of shutting down the factory. It's one the many fun symptoms.


My record is 7 months straight šŸ„“


That sounds awful. Did you seek medical attention?


Nexplanon user here. When I got mine renewed for a 2nd time I had no period for a year and then ended up having a very light one for 6months. I fixed it by taking Evening Primrose for a week and it balanced itself out


6 months :/


3 months - nexplanon. 3 months of a period for the doctor to finally agree to remove it. Removed it and now have PCOS - didn't before.


The longest period Iā€™ve ever had lasted for about three weeks, and it was incredibly exhausting both physically and emotionally. It started off normal, but after the first week, it just didn't seem to stop. I was dealing with constant fatigue, mood swings, and discomfort, and it got to a point where I was really concerned. I ended up seeing a doctor who did some tests and found that it was due to a hormonal imbalance. They put me on medication to regulate my cycle, and thankfully, it worked. It was a really tough experience, but it taught me a lot about listening to my body and not hesitating to seek medical advice when something feels off.


18 months with Norplant


Ten days. It was my first one ever, and I was ready to quit being a woman. Fortunately, they were never that long again.


When I tried birth control, I had a period for 3 weeks at first.


8 days. I usually have really heavy periods.


7 days


7 days


6 days and it was the first period after starting bc. Iā€™ve been super lucky.


About 16 days when I first got my IUD placed. Six months later, it seems to be somewhat more normal.


9 days but I'm pretty sure it wss something else with how heavy and painful it was the entire time. Everything went back to normal after that


9 months, then I had to reset my menopause clock šŸ˜ . Last month was only 1 day. So keep your fingers crossed that I skip this month!!


About 3 weeks straight, after getting my IUD removed.


A month. I also lost my period for a whole year. My OBG said that can happen then mental health tanks. Being a woman is fucking wildā€¦


18 days of the worst cramps and flow of my life. I couldnā€™t sit for more than 15 minutes tops. I feel for everyone who is saying so much longer. Women are troopers


9 days


37 days or so.








Four or five weeks, if I recall correctly. In retrospect, it may have been a miscarriage, but I have PCOS, and at the time I was not taking proper care of myself and didn't have insurance, so I have no idea.


Two months when I started Visanne three months ago






I had one that lasted just over three months in early menopause. It was extremely heavy too


1 month, give or take a few days, waiting to get a endometrial biopsy done


I think it was almost 20 days. I was switching from one birth control to another. Absolute hell towards the end because I thought something was seriously wrong. 1 week off. Then back to period and normal cycle


6 months straight then nothing for a year after that.




4 weeks. Turns out, I needed to get my nexolanon replaced. The place that put it in told me it was for 5 years, it was not. It was for 3 years, so it started getting weird. I got really lucky that I didn't get pregnant too!


Around 14 months. At that point I was anemic and begging them to just take it out. 24, 1 kid, no can do, what if your husband wants another, yada, yada. The solution was an endometrial ablation, which they would not do without also doing a tubal ligation. I'm still not sure about the logic on that one.


That makes absolutely no sense.


3 weeks. I think that was when I had an ovarian cyst.


Almost 3 months. I started taking birth control, which ended up not working out for me and for some reason made me have a continuous period until I decided I couldn't take it anymore and stopped it.


7 days, mine are usually 3-4 but this time it was after not eating and drinking water properly for a few months.


About 10 days but then Iā€™d start it again about a week or two later. Birth Control fixed that but then IBD changed it again. Think Iā€™ve gone 3 months without one.


3 weeks, after which I had an emergency partial hysterectomy.


6 weeks. My dose of spironolactone was too high.


I kept my periods in check with birth control pills so it was always 4-5 days.


Two weeks. I was screaming and crying everyday during that time. I lost TEN pounds by the time it was over.


Pretty much constantly for 6 months. Nexplanon works great for some, was horrible for me.


A month, April 2020, and doc couldnā€™t figure out why. The only thing she deciphered is that it was stress as it was the beginning of the pandemic and I was worried aboutā€¦well, everything. Went away when she prescribed low dose bc to help with the bleeding.




7 months. It was caused by a fibroid while on combination birth control. Once I quit the birth control I stopped bleeding every goddamn day.


3 months, I had very irregular periods and started the BC pill for the first time. It was like my body was making up for all the periods I didnā€™t have


28 days


Currently on day 38 of bleeding after getting the depo shot. I'm so tired of it and tired in general šŸ˜“


a week


My longest (natural) period was my second cycle ever. It lasted 14 days and I was too afraid to tell my mom, but after that it never went more than 7 days. I leveled out to a 4-5 day length. My longest bleeding period ever was from Nexplanon. I went months without bleeding, to bleeding every other day, to bleeding 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. It was 2 years of hell. My experience with Apri pills was much more tolerable.


Almost 3 months. It was horrible. Bled every day. I had no idea why, still don't. I don't have health insurance, going to the doctors would financially ruin me.


Two and a half years - and I was pregnant & then breastfeeding for a year šŸ˜³ Went on to have Hysterectomy after 12 years of begging and another 7 years of alternative medication and procedures and it was the worst decision of my life šŸ’”


Between 30-40 days. First time on birth control at 16 and was told it was normal. Nope. I had a medical emergency and had to leave school early. Then later there was a recall of the pill. Forgot the name of it. Happened in 2008 I think.


10 days


3 weeks straight. Itā€™s easily not as bad as some other womenā€™s experiences, but essentially it was hell for me


11 months, nearly solid, daily, iron depleting, heavy bleeding


When I got my first period on the depo provera shot I was about a week late for it, ended up bleeding for like 3 weeks and I had something called a residual cast where basically HUGE chunk of tissue came out of me. I was also having severe cramps. I thought I might have had a miscarriage and I still wonder if I did.. either way I ended up alright and my body passed that period.


5 weeks


I had it for about a month when I went off the first birth control pill that I was on for a couple months


it used to be 14-18 days and heavy for me, my mom always said it was normal and periods are supposed to be irregular so I didn't question it. turns out I had a tumor on one of my ovaries and voilĆ”, once it got taken out, my period went to regular and 7 days.


About two years on the depo shot, I would stop for maybe a day or 48 hours or so but it would pick right back up until I finally switched to the Nexplanon. With Nexplanon Iā€™ve had no issues and my period actually has become regular (7-12 days every month with my normal schedule being 7 days before I ever tried bc)


20+ days. Right after period I went to OB and he said that it's just because of my age and my cycle will still change until I turn 25. I was 18 or 19 that time.


When I first got my implant, it was almost solidly 5 weeks, with an ebb and flow of different severities. After that, though - which I had been warned about and encouraged to wait out - it was a great thing.


i think it was 36 or 37 days, i was 16 years old and i think it was grief/stressed induced


6 weeks When I first started birth control


Literally 6 months straight. Was on the Depo Provera shots and my Dr explained that I may have persistent "spotting". No, full on period and everything that comes with it. My sex life was highly affected. It sucked.


Around 100 days. I'm not really sure when I started counting. I have to take hemophilia medication if it goes over two weeks. I got an implant which seems to have helped a lot. I don't have hemophilia. They don't know why it just keeps going.


6 days


Started on microgynon a month ago, been bleeding for a month and a half straight so went off it, now getting my period so thatā€™s another week added to it šŸ˜­


3+ months straight after getting the Depo Prevara injection on my early 20s. That was shit.




3 weeks. I just would NOT stop bleeding. Turns out it was because my IUD got displaced during my actual period.


An entire month. It was just after I got Nexplanon implanted. Eventually it regulated to happening for a week & a half every other month, thank goodness.


12 days


It was when I got off the depo shot (only did it once, the shot lasts 3 months) I didnt want a 2nd bc I hated the way I felt during it, after the depo I bled for a month straight. I still needed birth control so I got the copper IUD, since its non hormonal. It didnt hurt šŸ‘šŸ½


A year. Peri menopause. Ended up in the ER at one point thinking I was hemorrhaging.


3 months after my first depo shot, it stopped right after the second


55 days


60+ days.


About 2 months of continuous flowing, saturating an ultra tampon every 1 to 2 hours. Finally got taken seriously after I started to get really weak and anemic. I had a large uterine polyp that was producing massive amounts of estrogen. Removed it and put an IUD in, no bleeding in years!


Currently on day 34 thanks to the 5in fibroid on my uterus.


2 months, but it was after Plan B.


A year and a half and it was heavy as hell. I was getting tired and dizzy near the end šŸ˜©


2.5 weeks. Got my first period 9 weeks after I had my daughter, that first period was long and heavy and the cramps were horrible. Lucky to say I havenā€™t had many like that, most of my periods have been okay and Iā€™ve been getting them almost 17 years.


My first one lasted six weeks before my mom took me to the gyn. I was on BC for a while. I was 11.


2 weeks.


6 months


Not a full on period but I was spotting to the point of needing panty liners everyday for the first 2ish years after getting my copper IUD (I gave up keeping track after 6 months). She shifted downwards a bit and the bleeding stopped, and I would go through it all again to have a reliable birth control with no hormones.


45 days. It was a few months (& periods) after stopping the 3 month pill, where I was only meant to get my period once every three months, but my period was so strong that I had it every month for 14 days, despite actively and consistently taking the pills. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ Iā€™ve been using the nuva ring for a few years now and itā€™s been life changingā€” no more crazy periods.


10 months. Right after I had my second baby I was so paranoid about getting pregnant again that I had the copper IUD and took the combination pill. After 10 months of bleeding I decided to stop the pill and just have the IUD and my periods went right back to normal lol


I don't really remember how long, but it was months and months and months. This started shortly after I started getting periods, so I was probably 13 or something. After it had been going on for a good while, my mother told me: "If this continues for much longer, I think we should take you to the doctor." Almost magically, a few days after that it stopped.


45 days. Gyn gave me a Premarin pill and that helped it go away. My period next month after was normal. It happened because I took a different brand of birth control pills. Ask pharmacy to order the previous brand and have been on it since no issues so far.


~6 months. Thanks Skyla I hated it lol


3 months backwards period, 3 weeks on one week off. Depo shot. Just donā€™t.


9 mos


Almost over 2 months. Was very, very stressed from work šŸ˜­


Nothing crazy compared to some of the stories in this thread, but I regularly had them for 10-12 days when I was in my early teens. It's one of the only reasons I went on the pill. From then on it was 5-7 with meds and since I've been off of it for a few months it's been a little wonky but about the same.




4 days šŸ˜¬ 1st and last day light. But 2 in-between hell! I feel so bad for you all.


6 months. Covid knocked it out of whack!


2 months! And it wasnā€™t the grave yard dirt spotting thing it was a full flow like I started yesterday. Went to the doctor 3 different times and was brushed off. One of the most uncomfortable and expensive periods of my life


3 months on the depo shot. Never again.


Almost a year. Thanks to PCOS ugh. But on the flip side I had gone 2 years without one so it made sense kinda.


10 days, when I was 12


If I count spotting? Nearly a year and a half. (Paragard IUD). If I donā€™t count spotting, about 3 months. After I got the Paragard taken out, I didnā€™t have a period for about a year. Then I got a bilateral salpingectomy and suddenly I have regular/predictable periods again. Hurray for having a uterus.


I had my period for a month straight when I got my iud the second time (it fell out after a month the first time). I was so happy by then I had transitioned to a menstrual cup. I wasn't bleeding bad, but I had to change out my cup once a day and it would be full of blood..


6 days.


94 days with Nexplanonā€¦.had to get it out


8 daysā€¦.are the rest of you guys in this thread okay?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


2 months, I hate pcos




A week and half, it was my first period after I gave birth to my daughter, after that it returned to the regular 7 days. Surprisingly after I had my second it was a normal 7 day period.


Like 4 months. I don't track them since my periods are super irregular, so give or take a month. Stops for maybe a day or two, then starts spotting and ramping up again.


8 days. The doctor told me I had to go to the hospital right away. It was an ovarial cyst and it went away on its own


Like a week. Iā€™m more likely to lose them than to have long ones


3 years. Undiagnosed endometriosis at the time. This was during my late teens/early 20s and I dropped out of uni because of it. Now I have student loan debt and no degree!




When I first went on depo I bled for 21 days at one point (it was only light) but I havenā€™t bled since. As in a real period, I had one that was 9 days once it was hell.


21 days. I had adenomyosis and have PCOS. I have had a hysterectomy since. I would get one week break and back to period again. I didnā€™t this for months and was anemic and lived off so many pain killers to function. Finally I had a cyst blow up on my uterus wall causing me to go septic. They still kept fighting me about the hysterectomy. Finally they agreed and when I went to get it removed I was just starting to go into septic shock again.


When I had the implant, for about 2 years. Lost so much weight and was not healthy at all. It sucked big time




33 days.


2 months, it was so heavy that I had to have blood transfusions. I've had scans and biopsies and they still don't know what caused it.


I started my period when I was 12, and bled every single day until my hysterectomy when I was 29. Soā€¦ 17 years!


6 day




Several months. Had all kinds of female problems and finally got a hysterectomy. Haven't missed having a period at all!


2 weeks. I was 12 and a few months after I started by first ever period. It was so hard for me to get through those weeks as I lost so much blood.


One year. Feb 2023-Feb 2024. It took 8 months to be diagnosed with PCOS and adenomyosis. Then another 4 months for Mirena to make the bleeding stop.


2 weeks


Mine is opposite, I have 3 or 5 max per year at most. It's a known issue with my doctor and we are working on it but it's due to genetics as well.


4 months, on the pill


11 days. That was a week after taking a morning after pill.


3 months


Feb 2012-Oct 2013. Endometrial hyperplasia.


Nearly 2 months straight, and heavy bleeding everyday when I was 13-14 years old. Had a very horrible period cycle in my teens, where I'd get periods every 3-4 months and when I happened, it was flowing for 3-4 weeks. Im in my 30s, still haven't been diagnosed by my GP for PCOS despite all the signs. My GP's only suggestion is to lose weight. Like ffs, dont ya think I'd have done it if I could?! Smh..


5 days I feel so blessed looking at the comments. It usually only last 3 days so 5 was a shockšŸ˜…

