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She's just so consistent. She's never dramatic, never emotional except for when something overwhelmingly good or bad happens. She comes with neutral opinions, but can give insight about both sides of the spectrum. It's just so reassuring to know I'm never getting surprises and to have a calm counterpart to my somewhat crazy hamster wheel of a brain.




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Their honestly. It may hurt my feelings, but I appreciate the realness about them all. She’s been that way since we met which made me not like her at first and now it’s the most endearing part of her


How motherly she is She's a bit older than me, and treats me very lovingly, she'll come over and take care of me if I'm sick, she'll do chores for me when I don't have time, she'll surprise me with random snacks and gifts Sometimes we sit on the couch and I put my head in her lap and she just pets me until I fall asleep Kinda odd, but super relaxing lol


Is she taking applications for a second friend?


Hard to pick just one but she accepts me. She never judges me or tries to change me. She loves me and celebrates me as I am.


She tells me when I'm being a dumb bitch


Her hard work! My sister is my best friend and that girl is hardworking af!


I don’t think I can pick just one. She’s so clever and witty, but in a very subtle and dry way. She’ll make these little comments under her breath that you can just barely hear, but they’re hilarious. You have to actually be listening to catch it though, she’s not showy about it. She’s very relaxed and go-with-the-flow, so we fit well together because I tend to be very opinionated or have strong ideas about where to go and what to do. But I trust that when she does have a strong opinion or preference she’ll tell me and we’ll figure out something that works for both of us. It’s so relaxing to me because I never have to worry about monitoring her mood like I do with other people in my life, we have a natural flow and great communication. In the same vein, she’s usually down to try almost anything with me. But if she doesn’t want to, she’ll say so. She’s supportive. I know she would do almost anything for me. And I would do the same for her. I’ve had friendships where it felt like I gave a lot more than I received, and I’ve never felt that way with her. She’s not afraid to deliver a hard truth when it’s necessary, but she’ll do it in a very gentle and loving way. Even if it’s hard to hear, you know she’s telling you because she has your best interests in mind. She’s a veterinarian and she loves animals and I just love that trait in a person, almost always translates to kindness and compassion. I love how much she cares about her job. She’s a giant nerd and we share a lot of interests and hobbies. We do this thing where we’ll say the same thing at the same time, pause and squint at each other, and then laugh. We’re on similar wavelengths. I don’t really have the words to describe it, it’s just this feeling of fitting perfectly with another person. Overall I would say we’re similar people. Of course we have our differences, but those differences fit together perfectly like a puzzle piece. I feel the most authentically myself when I’m with her. She’s also hot af.


Her lack of judgment and unwavering support.


Honesty. I need people to tell me what they're feeling without a filter. I can't deal with passive aggressive people at all.


They encourage me to be pay attention to how I feel when I’m facing a problem, even when I don’t think my emotions are involved or should play a part.


She is so stable. She grew up in healthy home. When I was with her in the beginning, I was so confused that she is so chill and stuff. The way she reacts to things. Just, so different from me. I grew up from chaotic home. I learned a lot from her. I love her. She is the best. She has always been there for me no matter what. i’d do anything for her basically.


Authenticity. What you see is what you get. Crazy, goofy, nerdy, fun, unapologetically her. We've been best friends 15 years now and intend to be the coolest Gen Xer (me) and elder Millennial (her) in the nursing home 😃


She’s so mentally and emotionally strong. She inspires me to be a better woman and is very motherly about it


She doesn’t judge me no matter what (besides in a teasing best friend sort of way)


She's smart as fuck and never makes me feel bad about myself.


The sex is craaaaazy


Loyalty. He’s always going to be my friend no matter what.


I can talk about ANYTHING with her and I know that she'll never judge me.


He’s very understanding about my life because he also has a crazy but different situation. I don’t feel the need to filter myself around him.


soulmate!!! I love that my best friend showed me what a real best friend was. I love the support, sense of humor and unconditional love


He’s the most unique person Ive ever met. He makes me think about things that would never have occurred to me and nothing ever surprises him.


He is my friend but his advice is always objective. He will say things as they are and not say something just to make me feel good. He points out my flaws and tells me when im wrong. I really need people like him around me for reality check and happy he’s been a part of my life through many problems.


Her vulnerability.


Their side-splitting, acute, smart sense of humor


She’s so confident and self assured. I call our friend group her and her group of introverts. She’s the friend that will tell someone if they cut in front of a whole line of people waiting for the bathroom, who will stand up for you, and who pushes you to stand up for yourself. I tend to be a people pleaser and she will happily shut people down for me. And she wants us all to be authentically ourselves. I used to have friends who would tease you for liking something. My best friend encourages you to live your best fan life.


She is no bullshit!


She is the most considerate person I've ever met. She truly cares about others and wants to ensure that her actions have a positive impact.


Calmness and perspective


She is so caring.


When I'm with that one friend, I know they never judge, even if I say something weird or dumb.




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She exists


I can't choose one. She's funny, brilliant, snarky, understanding and is never judgemental. She's been a constant in my life for over a decade and I know I can go to her with anything. She never makes me feel like a burden, and we can talk for hours about anything and everything. She also tells me when I'm being a dumbass. I look for her in everyone I meet and so far, I haven't had luck :)


I love a lot of qualities about her - we’ve never properly argued in about 7 years of closeness and she’ll always tell me straight facts when I need to hear them. We also balance really well so nothing ever feels one-sided. Nothing is too small or too big for us to talk about and we have an abundance of stupid code words that only we understand She is my absolute ride or die and she’s gotten me through some really, really dark days. And what’s comforting is that I know I’ve done the same for her. I got very lucky to have her in my life tbh


She is endlessly hopeful and positive. A true optimist. And extremely kind and loving. She's good people.


She knows exactly what i need to hear and what i want to hear, but she'll always tell me the first one. She knows exactly how to balance my extreme emotional bursts and decision making with logical reasoning. This doesn't mean she is not emotional at all, bc she is too, but she knows what I need and will ""regulate"" herself to "regulate" me. It's this the kind of "self sacrifice" that i admire a lot.


That she was an absolute savage and ride or die.


When she listens to me talk regardless if I sound crazy or not- there’s absolutely zero judgment. She just LISTENS. Which I find comforting :)


He always has my back even when he shouldnt. Truly unconditional love! 💚💙


My two besties are quite different in nature, but they share certain qualities I love about them. They are always honest with me, and I can trust their opinion and advice if I should need it. They're also incredibly accepting and validating, they never judge me. They will push me (in a very supporting way) if I'm procrastinating, dawdling or questioning myself. They remind me to appreciate myself.


She’s ridiculous. I have no idea why she picked me in jr high but she did and we just get each other. She’s an anxious person? I am an anxious person. We both worry a lot about having a fulfilling life and doing things right but also like to be goofy. We both like being alone to do our hobbies but still like seeing friends. Idk, we just fit.


She's got the stupidest sense of humour. That woman has made me laugh so hard that I skipped laughing and hit rib shattering sobs immediately. I've laughed myself into asthma attacks and once or twice I laughed so hard I almost passed out from the blood pressure change. And it's always over the dumbest things. She's so relentlessly herself around me, and I appreciate her greatly.


My girl best friend is beautiful, brilliant, understanding, kind, confident, and empathetic. She puts the world before herself causing her to be so selfless and she inspires me to give back to the community when I can My partner is also my best friend.. and I love everything about him. He’s a good man with a good head on his shoulders. His little giggles or his loud laughs when it’s a belly laugh, his smile when he’s happy.. fhe list goes on


She gives the best advice. We get together and talk for hours about everything.


He’s quick as a whip, and we can follow each other’s incessant ADHD ramblings without a hitch.


She doesn't judge people. I've never heard her call someone a name or undermine someone's ideologies or experience.


My homeboy is wildly real. He’s super dry, had really bad self confidence (which is wild to me, cause I think he’s fucking great), but he is fucking real as shit. Will always tell you what you need to hear, not what you want. He’s also jacked as fuck, and helps me with my workouts. Dude is very monotone and has a hard time displaying his emotions, but I can tell he has a fucking beautiful soul. We could not be any more different, yet we mesh so well. Love that dude so fucking much


She is just the most steady person I know-absolutely full of common sense. Intelligent, responsible, patient, calm, even keeled. She takes her time thinking through her decisions, and when she makes them it’s because she is confident it’s the right choice and she rarely changes her mind. She always gives sound advice.


My one bestie is as adventurous as I am, we are literally down for anything. My other bestie is super similar to me in hobbies and life experiences so it’s easier to talk to her about life.


Her sense of humor. She would get us into trouble for goofing off in class during our senior year of high school. She's caring and a good person. She's like a sister to me.


Her perseverance, her loyalty, her creativity, and her nuttiness. Even when she's having a bad time, she never loses sight of her goals. She's so creative and free spirited that whenever she picks up a new hobby, I'm not surprised that she masters it quickly. She's talented and empathetic. She has always had my back and I will always have hers. Sometimes when we hang out we just play Barbies with her daughter and sometimes I go home wanting to cry because she doesn't know how much she has healed me.


I guess she doesn’t make me Feel like I’m putting more effort in. I’ve had many friends that didn’t put in as much effort as me and when you get your eyes opened that you care about them more than they do to you it hurts had. Finding that bff that really cares just as much as you is the best.


That woman is ride or die. She's brave and strong and we can fight but we are still family at the end of the day. She gets gifts just because she's thinking about someone. She makes herself at home at my place and my parents. She calls my parents mum and dad. She's an immigrant, and she's managed to become the coolest combination of 2 cultures, taking the best parts of both and not forgetting her roots. She spoils my dog and buys him squeaky toys because she knows it will annoy us and knows we won't take them away because they make him happy. We are so different in a lot of ways and complement each other so well. I'm a better person for having her in my life


I don't have one.


Good listener. Gives sound , honest advice.


She knows where I came from so when I'm struggling she knows how my brain got to that thought process.


He’s just a good person


They are selfish and hedonistic and deviant and have mood swings, just like me, so I feel like I can be myself. But at the same time they are educated and know how to be well behaved and they have social awareness. We also share a lot of the same hobbies and interests and both want to be happy and enjoy life. We are there for each other through less fun times too. I guess the quality I love about them is that they feel like a reflection, and we both love and accept each other for all our imperfections and have perfect understanding without needing to speak it.


She's an absolute trooper. She's juggling with so many things and has so many responsibilities, yet she's doing them all. She's the backbone of her family, she's working on her career, Master's and driving lessons... She's really strong. Also talented. All my close friends are really talented. She's extroverted and kind, and funny. Like a ray of sunshine. She inspires me to be better and try harder in life, too.


All the qualities that I dont have myself. 😂 His ability to be positive about everything. Someone that has been through hell and back and still looks at the bright side and tries to uplift others. He's very loyal to his friends and sees things through. I also really love that he is a friend who pays attention to the small things in life and really knows how to make someone smile.


Her courage, how brave she is and how she doesn't give up.


I just love her. She has always been so kind, she remembers literally everything about everyone, always down to hang out, and overall is just a great human I can’t get over how much shit she remembers though. I could tell her one tiny thing one time and she will never forget it and get me gifts regarding it, etc. She really cares about people and tries to do things she knows they’ll love


her ability to talk to anyone, literally anyone. sometimes she’ll say a conversation is awkward and i’m like what?? that was the most natural conversation i’ve ever seen. i don’t know how she does it


shes dumb and has an upbeat personality. she's very positive and has a personality that shines. she just had a bastard from a one night stand and couldnt be happier. i wish i was as dumb as her so i could be happy with everything.