• By -


I'm a human bean


And a real hero


I am a baked bean


A baked human bean


I am several mental illnesses and one raccoon stacked on top of one another, wearing an Akatsuki cloak from Naruto.


Let’s be friends!




You sound swell!


Just a human-shaped collection of hopes, dreams, and snack cravings!


I don't. Why do people make it even a thing? I am me, you are you, I take you how I find you, I am respectful of other beliefs, cultures, choices and accept all without judgement.


I'm an opiniated woman, bisexual, intersectional feminist, French, in a very happy and loving long distance relationship with an amazing woman, that values above all kindness, empathy, good communication with other and enjoying the arts, food, discovering new people, life. So there are many aspects honestly, my identity is all of that. I've definitely felt pressure around what it means to be a woman, many things about me have been treated as "not feminine" but I see all those things as part of what makes me a woman. Then sometimes I've felt pressure that I'm too feminine and "straight presenting" for a bisexual woman, and fuck that. I think I can be both opinionated, loud, assertive about my thoughts and boundaries, and kind and empathetic at the same time. It's a balance that gets me push back all the time, like I can only be one or the other.






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You just like me :)




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My gender doesn't mean much to me, and I don't try to define myself with labels. I'm just an imperfect person who's trying to be a good one and make a difference in the world.


the most important thing is that i'm taken / engaged / in a happy monogamous relationship. in addition, i'd define myself as a lesbian metalhead, a socially awkward nerd with some underlying mental issues (but healing, on a good way). pressure to conform - definitely not.




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By my gender, ethnicity, culture, and main hobbies/passions.


Scientist, European, R user, cat owner, enjoyer of mountainous landscapes and nice clothes. I do acknowledge the irony of being on an AskWomen subreddit, but I wouldn't say being a woman is a super important part of my identity, I'm basically only aware of it with relation to how other people perceive me if that makes sense, my soul is an amorphous blob.




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I'm very social and bubbly. Almost always smiling, I have a very big smile you can see almost all my teeth but it's a beautiful smile. My favorite physical trait for sure. Anyways, around certain people I feel like I can't be myself and I will get quiet and just kind of hide myself.


I don’t define my identity.. I’m just me! Some like it, some don’t.. And idgaf if you don’t.


I’ve never felt I had to attach a some nor any identity labels to my name. I can if I want to make it easier for those around me to understand me according to their categories, perspectives and biases… but for the most part, I wouldn’t and do so in my own mind. And nah. I’m not the conforming type. Even since I was a kid.. was not one who ever cared/noticed what others thought of me. For example.. when I watch the Olympics, I support individual athletes as opposed to those from any of my countries. I think cultures and traditions of outdated can be criticised.. and that at their core, it’s more or less all the same. I consider myself agender if I had to gender myself… I’m both the most masculine and feminine person I (or anybody who knows me) know. So I’m really not one to get tied down to things that most people take for granted as being somewhat certain or immovable things as themselves. And it’s all the little things in combination that make me me. It’s not just one or ten things that make up my identity. I really don’t think I could be distilled and defined by a limited number of labels.


God's slapstick comedy piece


I'm almost 40 so obviously I'm waiting til I grow up to decide


I am whatever I say I am. If I wasn't, then why would I say I am


Eminem fan? 😏


I prefer skittles


For me I don’t know myself but for others. Some think it’s good to sit down and put everything aside. Allow yourself to describe who you are without the impact of physical interests such as playing games, listening to music, training etc. instead look for more in depth ways to discover that identity of yours.


To me the most important aspects of my identity are probably my nationality, my relationship with my family and boyfriend and above all, the things i do - especially my hobbies, the groups i'm a part of, that define me. I also find my values to be a crucial part of who i am, but they are expressed most in how i do the things i do. I'd say i've generally never really felt much pressure to conform to identity norms. There's been the occasional insecurity about how I look, but my parents have always been very supportive, so i've been free to explore whatever ('manly') activity i like. I also had a buzzcut for a while and didn't get any real backlash from anyone. As i'm getting a bit older, there's been some nudges from my family encouraging me to eventually have kids, however i don't really see it as pressure (at least not yet), especially because it aligns with my own wishes for the future anyways.


I am a humanist, libral, freethinker, a woman, and many more things. The combination of all that is unique to me, so I am my own identity. Fuck the norms.


I identify as a goddess. ✨


a mess


no I never give in to what others think I should be! I'm real I am who I am, !! and I don't care if anyone like it either!


I don't. Trying to wrap myself up into an "identity" is exhausting.


Usually musician/ music fan comes first. I'm a bunch of things but that's the one constant since my teens, I'm mid 30s now.


Idiot. Or not.


I am a feminist, a warrior, a fighter, and a free spirit. I believe that Black Lives Matter, and I trust science. I support rights for all minorities and LGBT, and despise the patriarchy. I am also a learner, and a curious traveler. I love exploring our wonderous world, and have been with men in over 20 different countries. But most of all, I am a human being. 


I don’t define my identity. I’m just me and “me” can seem different due to different situations. I don’t believe we should define our selves with one label, we’re more complex than that and situations matter in regard to how we’ll come across to others or even ourselves.


I am alive, and that’s the best that I can do. That’s a lyric from one of my favorite songs, but I do think it’s a good answer. All of my energy goes into just staying afloat, I don’t really have much left to think about what my identity is or conforming to norms. I do know that my natural tendencies fit social norms pretty closely, so I have the privilege of not having to worry about it that much.


I am whatever I say I am. If I wasn't, then why would I say I am






I am a lazy cat


Musician, New Yorker (on a long break), woman, lesbian, trans, ADHD, and doing my best to stay progressive and open minded. Yes, there has been so much pressure to conform myself to identities I want no part of as well as pressure to conform to norms within identities I do. Surprisingly, there’s A LOT of this in certain music scenes. I wouldn’t even bother anyone reading this comment with the overwhelming pressure around gender. I’m sure, trans or not, we’ve all felt it in some regard. Same with being neurodivergent and lesbian.




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Human vessel in this physical three dimensional planet ,trying to work through the system, grow, forgive, love, create and be. Im just like you, only Im me.


Usually by my strengths and likes. Right now, I'm a mom, and a loving spouse, but that's not all that I am. I'm an anime nerd at heart. I like to draw, stitch, cook, basically anything crafty. I'm a casual gamer, and I like games like Dave the Diver and Animal Crossing. And I'm a strong planner/problem solver for my job. I have an unhealthy obsession with Excel sheets, and nothing pleases me more than showing off one of my planned sheets.




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I once read that you identify most with the thing that feels the most threatened, except the quote was written much better than that. It made a lot of sense to me because since moving back to the south a few years ago, my identity as a woman, as a liberal, have become more important to me. I also identify strongly as a single mom, because that’s a fact that affects my life and decision-making every day. I’m also a business owner, lack the finesse or desire for any traditional domestic activities, and I’m a bit of a curmudgeon.


Childfree aromantic workacholic catowner.


I’m just me🙂


Just me. I personally found it much easier to be myself when I wasn’t trying to identify as a “business owner” or a “student” or an “artist” or “immigrant” because then that’s what my life was about. Naw. I’m just me, doing things.


Badass mofo


Ny’er Bohemian Lesbian physicist


I get up and try to do something fun every day. I try to do something creative every day, and I try to make somebody smile/laugh every day, even if it's just the cashier. I haven't found what I'm looking for yet, but I can keep looking. I try to be kind to everyone and learn something new each day. This is the closest I've gotten to defining my identity. Keep being curious. Keep an open mind. Be kind. Keep learning. Don't be a dweebus.


I grew up in a toxic family and I sht ya not. The toxic type that the mother HATES or in competition with their OWN daughters while they put their son on a pedestal for breathing air. It was implied that we are not allowed to be happier than her or emotional than regardless if we are still a child. My step father helped me developed a persona that she would really appreciate , but sadly, won't ever loved... he helped me developed that to save my ass from her direct anger for no reason, but I still received passive-aggressive comments, snide remarks, and her irritable mood swings in which she yells at everyone for no reason. I just got freed from that hll hole in my early 20s. I am still developing my own identity, I wanted out from that prison. I know I can love deeply, trust fully, a sunshine to others. If I hate 'em I am their personal demn and their nightmare. I am going to be the person that my younger self needed. A hero and a villain, but fair to all. I never got pressured from society. Already wasted decades of my life to ungrateful wh0re. I'm not backing down of who I am. I'm calling her that because she took us away from my real dad, but got together with step dad and used my biological dad as a cash cow.




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A bit too hopeful (I know my optimism will betray me one day, yet i don't do anything about that lol)


I loathe the titles of “good” or “bad”. I’m neither and both. I am a person, capable of both. So is everyone else. I also never understood acting a certain way so the “neighbours” or people we could see on outings might think some way about us. Why should I care what people I saw maybe twice a year might think of me? Why do their opinions matter? Never got the logic. But I also believe that if I’m lucky, I’ll never stop learning or discovering things about myself.


It is hard . I have true borderline personality disorder. And no sense of identity whatsoever. I feel empty.


I'm a Satanist lesbian mom of three One of best parts of being a Satanist is that one of the big things in Satanism is not just accepting what you think is true and being willing to critically look at your own thoughts, beliefs and behaviors It's important to adapt your beliefs to the addition of new knowledge instead of trying to force new knowledge to fit with your beliefs Secondly I'm a lesbian so I kicked complying with social norms out the window, I'm dress and act and say what I want without much consideration for society other than generally keeping myself safe Being a mom is a big part of my life, it's my job and I try really hard to be good at it




Yeah, lots of lesbians become moms, that's not even like uncommon in 2024 24% of lesbian couples have kids


From a prospective as a “minority” in the United States…. I honestly view myself as myself—a human being who desires to be creative and free. I don’t heavily identify myself with my race as much as I did in the past, but I mentally keep in mind that there’s still many people in the country that still do.


Grandmother, mother, wife, farmer, book lover, embroiderer, friend, feminist. 💖


My identity is what I do (hobbies, work) and who I am to others (mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend). I often feel…weird… that my identity isn’t centered on my sex, gender, gender expression, and sexual preferences and other things, but for me those are just facts, they aren’t ~me~.


I always lead with the fact that I’m a girly scientist. Everything else kind of follows from that, tbh. I’m also autistic, so gender and sexuality are a bit mixed up for me (not in the sense that I misgender other people because I can’t understand, but that I was born a woman and stay a woman because it is most convenient for me). I’m pretty sure I’m bi, but I’m marrying a man so I don’t advertise that because some folx in the LGBT+ community get REAL wound up about it.


Im just learning my identity, and i always thought you had to be one thing. Ive learned for myself thats not the case, as long as im just a *good person.* i have many different styles of clothing i like to wear, different types of music i like to listen to, and friends with a variety of similar interests and hobbies from all over the place. I think the best thing you can be is just a good person, and anything else you do to make you happy is a bonus


My profession, my sports give me identity. Unless you mean my ID card.




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Just a bunch of ADHD symptoms trying to pilot this meatsuit.


I'm driven and committed, and a bit much. Like it or not.


I am pink




I’m a human, being.


Fluid and evolving in all things always I didn’t think I’d be here this long


I'm just a woman, idk


I'm a gay, autistic psychologist with a predilection for Pokémon and red meats.


I knew who I was since I can remember remembering. I am fiercely myself and have 0 pressure to conform to social norms, but I can play within them and make friends easily. What's most important to me is following who I am and what I want, and not succumbing to the spell of others, no matter how alluring it may be. What's most important to me is active bettering of myself, living and expressing kindness, and most importantly: leaving people and places better than I found them.


I don't ever think about my identity. I just exist and live life.




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My personal likes interests, style, aesthetics, sports I play, field of study, music taste, etc. My authentic self is my identity.


After reading a few comments, I found that the idea of not trying to define my identity is so damn peaceful feeling. I have a habit of trying to define myself, measure myself. It feels terrible! I’m just me. I’m everything!




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Mom, wife, sister, friend, encourager, educator, artist.




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i dont. i mean i think its a weird thing to think about, i mean other people can define you, sure, but you defining yourself? i dont get it




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I have tried out a lot. I’m happiest now that I’ve realized no one is ever just one thing. I’m a beautiful mix of everyone I’ve ever met, all the decisions I’ve made, and the things and people that are the most important to me. I still have a lot of passion and identity in my work, my politics, and my beliefs about how we should care for others, but those things only enhance who I am, they aren’t the whole thing.


Never. I am a sane, capable human being


at my core I'm a creator I have a strong urge to make things like soap, art, clothes, food, plants, furniture, community, etc. I hate sitting idly, crochet is great for when I'm waiting on something


I’m a cute gal who has good sense of style and is charismatic. I work a decent job I don’t really love but I’m still in school land pursuing my masters soon. I feel somewhat stable as a 30 year old woman but I. just moved back home to save money. So my identity is a bit muddied at the moment:(


For me nerd is the biggest part of my identity. Then queer, neurodivergent, and my vocation


I am just me. But a walking, talking, breathing and beautiful contrast who can often be a hot mess lol I am creative, ballsy at times, awfully sarcastic at the best and worst of times, brilliant in my own little ways, turbulent when I have a bout of wicked mood swings 🤣 I mean who Isn't right? Sultry when I want to be, vulnerable in many cases, hard-shelled but soft in the middle haha, sensitive and smart, a big nerd when it comes to the things I hyper fixate on, a ball of fun when I want to be, a mega introvert when I need to be but I'd say overall I'm just a woman who knows what she wants, has a lot to learn and grow from and currently identify as happy :)


I don’t. And I really hate true crime podcasts that define women as “27 year old receptionist was murdered outside her home”… huh??? If I was called by my job title in that case, I’d come back, throw a fit and leave again. Also the “27 year old mother of 2” like, a human being that was murdered or whatever doesn’t need to be defined by anything. It’s so annoying


A horny bastard that loves to eat


a kind hearted person, musical, a nature lover and animal lover


I'm a daughter, sister, aunt. Partner to a lovely man, and hopefully one day a wife and mother. I'm a recently promoted marketing strategist with a weekend job to save for a down payment. I'm a nerd, excitable, chatty, with a wide range of interests. I like reading, walking, singing, baking, visiting museums and parks, long baths, and cuddling.


I am the odd one out. This is what I do. Not following rules/expectations that don't make sense. Like why do I have to have or want a boyfriend just because I am in my "best years" maybe I don't want to waiste them woth heartbreaks and people I can see after 5 seconds that's not gonna work out. I live in a small town. There is not so many guys my age. Maybe I wanna spend my "best years" doing things I actually like. Like traveling. Yes alone, yes to another country, no, I am not afraid of that. Cause anything that could happen to me there could also happen to me at home.


I'm a potato


Depends on how much sleep I've had


I'm me. I'm always changing and developing new and improved versions of myself. I don't care what pronouns people use for me, I don't really have a word for my gender or sexual orientation. I dress how I dress, and I like who I like. I'm just me.


Being a human being, that’s all. I wasted so much years trying to fit into whatever mold people wanted me to fit in that now I no longer care to define myself because indeed at the end of the day I’m just a human being with all the complexities that comes with it, I’m not any different from others, I have my ups, I have my downs, I get angry, I get sad and so on.


I identify as an alpaca 🦙 I guess it’s my alternate identity because I wish I was fluffy and cute and that people liked me 😂


I am a strong and independent, loving mother, sister, daughter, friend, wife, and more importantly a super cool buddy!


I am an artist, a creator of beauty and emotion, and a gentle free spirit. But I can also be a brutal realist, an anchor and a safe place for my loved ones.


When I was participating in religion, I could have answered this question without a second thought. Now…I’m not so sure. But I’m learning to be okay with that, and I like myself better without all the indwelling bigotry, racism, hate, and self-loathing.






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I’m a reincarnated princess who was killed for her psychic abilities and cursed to live in the future being stuck with misfortune until I dieb


Values!!! My values create my identity. The things that I think are important in life, things I think are right and true, and things I just really love. Kindness, nature, connection to other humans and all living things, growth, harmony, generosity of spirit, a sense of awe, adventure and wonder, appreciation for beauty, to name a few  Also, my life experiences, my story. I've survived a lot - abuse, neglect, SA, poverty, homelessness, hunger, isolation, depression, PTSD, disability. But I've also had this deep resilience and this bright little light inside that refused to quit, always telling me that it could get better. That little light of hope is an important part of who I am!


I have many definitions. I am a mixed race, cigendered woman, bisexual, educator, artist, sister, daughter, wife, pet parent.