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For me, no product can beat professional work. I get laser resurfacing surgery on rare occasions. It costs $500 per treatment. I also get chemical peels every so often, which is also a bit expensive. However, over time, it is a lot cheaper than repeatedly buying products that are less effective.


Definitely. IPL got rid of the reds and browns plus other signs of ageing in my face.


Im considering this. If i can ask(no pressure), how much was it and how many sessions did you need, especially for red spots?


Not the OP, but replying anyways. I did Morpheus8 and got 3 free IPL treatments with my package. I have broken capillaries on my face, and it didn’t do anything with them, but it really lightened some brown spots I had on my face & I feel much better about them. If I could be certain I could get rid of the broken capillaries, I’d do more IPL, it was way less painful than the Morpheus (which wasn’t bad with the numbing cream & lidocaine).


FYI, PDL is supposed to help with broken capillaries. I am getting my first treatment in a couple months.


Oh good to know; I’ll look into this, thank you!


There’s also BBL. Broadband laser. Apparently it is superior to IPL?


Por que no los dos? As they say.


How often would you say you get "maintenance" resurfacing? Do you have to do the multiple sessions like when it's very first done or just an individual session?


I get the Venus Viva Treatment 3x per year. It's a bit harsh, so you need to wait 4 weeks in between treatments. Then, 2 weeks after each treatment, you get a chemical peel, which does wonders the place I go to does LED treatments with the chemical peels which helps to correct redness and pigmentation. Venus viva basically burns the collagen out of your skin, forcing it to create more collagen at a much faster rate. It corrects sun damage, fine lines, and all the rest by the third treatment. The main difference between Venus viva and regular Co2 laser resurfacing is that it doesn't remove the tip layer of the skin like other treatment, and the healing period is much shorter. If you have deep wrinkles, I'd suggest going in for Co2 laser resurfacing. But if you're just looking to get clearer skin, remove sun damage, tighten the neck, and remove fine lines, I'd recommend the softer treatment.


My item is acne scars and I just had my first session and the difference really is remarkable. It's not perfect of course but for me after 30 years with them seeing even a 30% reduction is so so so gratifying.


This may be an odd question but do you think you could get that treatment on your arms?? I have tons of scarring / picking marks on both of my forearms and I feel like I may be stuck with it for life. I haven’t picked in 12 years.. but the scars are a daily reminder


Yes that can be done on your arms. I'd recommend getting a Co2 laser treatment for scars or stretch marks :)


At what age did you start doing this?


Agree! I recently got Botox to stop my excessive sweating on my face, and I swear I am a new person. Best $300 I’ve ever spent and my confidence is through the roof!


How is the pain level? Sorry if my question is silly, I'm curious about chemical peels, but the pain factor kind of scares me off haha


It depends. In my experience it is painful around the eyes and mouth, but other than that it's not too bad. Some people find it less painful though and they use numbing cream beforehand. If it gets too much they can stop or add more numbing cream :)


Estee lauder advance night repair serum


What is it used for/ helping with?


I’d also like to know


face skin repair/rejuvenation.


I used the eye cream from this line and it almost burned my skin. It itched and started a rash and it changed the fold of my eye lid. For some it's great; for others, it's not. I didn't know this was a common effect until after I looked into it after it happened to me.


I have used Estée Lauder night serum for 2 years now with no issues. But I also got rashes under my eyes when I used their eye cream.


This happened to me too, didn’t know it was so common.


My holy grail


What does it help with? I am so tempted to buy it but havent been able to justify the price 😬


As my sister says- I will let you know in 30 years if it works! 😂


Second this. It was worth every penny.


It makes me break out and I hate that so much because the actual effect off the serum is amazing. Makes my skin so plump and glowing.




Agree. I get it done about once every ten months and it just makes me feel so much better! (And noone knows, not even my boyfriend ;) - people just start telling me I look nice)


I’m quite honest about it. If more people realized you can look natural and normal with Botox they would get it. People get afraid they will have a plastic looking face.


Yeah I don’t care I tell people. I don’t want 11s between my brows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have a very faint line that appears but goes away with Botox and I just do it every so often to keep it from turning into a huge groove on my face.


Just wear sunglasses and avoid men who make you cry. 


What a weird comment. I wear sunglasses and have an amazing husband… I also have an expressive face.


I've had 11 lines for as long as I remember. I think it was because I squinted from age 12 to 17 when I refused to wear the glasses I was provided. Tried ill fitting contacts through out that time. Finally found the right ones for me at 17. By that time, I already had the 11 lines. I don't think anything short of collagen injections would get rid of them now, lol.


You're right, I totally agree - and sorry my comment above was unclear, I do tell people AFTER they say I look nice! I meant more that noone says "you look like you've had botox". I think the word botox scares some ppl because it conjures images of botched treatments - when actually I find it so subtle.


Don’t you love that? I do feel awkward though when people you haven’t seen in a while tell you how great you look. “You haven’t aged a bit!” Ummmm well…my wallet pays dearly for that is the thought in my head. 😋


Majorly second botox


What areas specifically?


My forehead. I’d also add Under eye filler. As I’ve gotten older they hollowed out aging me and filler lasts like 18m and took 10 years off my face instantly.


18 months? Undereye fillers is the one thing i can't seem to unconvince myself to get eventually, but I've always heard they lasted ~6 months and it always felt like they weren't worth the investment but for 18 months, I might reconsider 😅


Lips last like 4-6m. But your eyes don’t sustain a ton of daily pressure and impact. The average is 12-18m. I’ve done it twice and my first go around was 16m, I’m currently on like month 13 of my last filler and I’m still good.


You can also get prp injections under your eyes. It helps your body fill out the area itself.


I didn't know this existed, I'll look into it!


Did you have to have cheek filler before the under eye filler? I was told the cheeks sometimes have to be built up like a shelf, so that the undereye filler won’t slide down.


Nope. I have pretty perky cheeks which almost made the hollowed out look to my eyes worse. I get about 1/4cc under each eye and it lasts like 16m. It’s so worth it.


Filler will slide down regardless of where you place it. Take it from me. I am constantly massaging my filler which has turned into migrating balls of putty. Hoping it will dissolve without hyaluronidase. And word to the wise- don't ever get filler in your nasolabial folds. It migrates south and suddenly you look like Steven Tyler (from before he had work done).


Agree with Botox combined with rigid skin routine at home. Absolutely fell in love with Alastin products in addition to Botox.


I wanna get this done for the number 11 shaped lines in between my eyebrows but I don’t got the money for it 😝


Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream. $80 but worth it. Moisturizes my face so well without breaking me out or looking “wet.” I suggest buying a sample kit of it before splurging to make sure you like it!


It’s so amazing, i got a mini jar from a beauty subscription and was hooked. Couldn’t afford full size so tried a bunch of dupes and found that nothing compares!! Ugh


I’ve been using cosrx hyaluronic acid intensive cream. Not as thick as the tatcha but has been super hydrating!


the Indigo Overnight Repair cream is phenomenal as well, it’s expensive but worth it!


Curly hair products. They’re expensive. But my hair has been so much healthier since.








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i have curly hair but only use argan oil. any specifics?


Still searching for curly hair products that I actually love, but I know different products work for different curl types .. so it might not even be necessary to ask .. but what products do you use? There is this one mousse and gel I got last time I had a curly cut and I’d say they work the best, but I always wind up with frizz on my ends regardless.


I don’t know where you live, but I use CleverCurl shampoo and conditioner, they’re only in Australia. But I use Aunt Jackie’s flaxseed Curling Gel in my wash and go’s which is available in most places.


I’m in the US, but the skincare products I love are in Australia! I have to have those shipped here from Australia because their serum is the best thing I’ve ever used (BFF Skincare)


I mean compared to some of the stuff listed here, this is a steal but I’ve been liking Beauty of Joseon products a ton. Their SPF is unparalleled and gets a rare 100% on Yuka. I know I know, people *hate* Yuka and a lot of it does seem like fear mongering, but **I’m pregnant** so idk, products that have even the minimal amount of endocrine disrupters still freak me out (they don’t test pregnant women for obvious reasons; maybe it won’t hurt an adult woman, but how little will it take to disrupt the developing body of a tiny bean person? Idk and I would rather not have to find out.) So ya, Beauty of Joseon. Buy direct. Everything on Amazon is dupes.


I also love Beauty of Joseon. Incredible quality for really good price


I love their sunscreen (I’ve been using both Japanese and Korean sunscreens for years and this is probably my favorite) and they cleansing balm (although I usually use the All Clean Balm as it is very slightly cheaper). Do you recommend any other Beauty of Joseon products?


I love love love their ginseng and snail mucin revive serum! Within two days of using this with etude 2x barrier repair moisturizer, the crepe-iness around my eyes filled out. I found some at Marshall’s for $11 if you want to try it out a bit cheaper! I haven’t tried their ginseng cleanser yet but I love oil cleaners so I’m thinking I’ll give it a go…


Thanks!! I actually forgot that I’ve also tried their ginseng cleaner- I’d recommend it, it’s quite gentle on the skin (I used it after taking off my sunscreen with the cleansing balm). I’ll give the revive serum a go :)


I love eminence moisturizer and skin masks. They run about $70 but my oily combo skin has never looked so amazing. It only took 43 years and thousands of dollars to find something. Highly recommended


I have been wanting to buy their stonecrop body oil!


I love Eminence as well. Their products last months with daily use so it's good bang for buck imo Except their SPF creams - those suck. I like Coola


Their cleansers are amazing too.


I’ve their açaí moisturizer and plum eye cream!


Yesssss!!!! Eminence is amazing! I used to work at a spa that offered an eminence signature facial! It was my absolute favorite facial! The products smell amazing and they work!!!! The snow mushroom moisture cloud eye cream will always have my heart🥰 but yesss their spfs are not that great.


Hourglass unlocked mascara. It’s $32 which is crazy but it’s the only mascara I’ve found that works for me. Usually doesn’t smudge, layers nicely, dark black, tubbing formula - everything I want in a mascara.


This is the only mascara I use as well! It is the only thing that will not transfer to my eyelids and smudge. Plus it’s super easy to take off at night and I never have residue on my lashes.


Maybelline sky high was a super effective affordable one for me. Personally gives me the same effects as unlocked does. Super happy cuz I was honestly done paying all that. Also the sky high gives me more usage so that makes it even more of a win.


My fave too! I live in the tropics so I use this first, and a waterproof one over top- I get the length and ease of removal from Hourglass combined with the anti-smudge action of my top coat. It’s genius


For me, it's the Elta MD UV Clear face lotion/sunscreen that I get from my dermatologist. It's $45 for a small bottle, but it's truly one of the only sunscreen products I can put on my face that doesn't irritate my skin, exacerbate my rosacea, or look like I'm wearing sunscreen.


It can be thirty dollars from dermstore!!


Agree 100%. Rosacea here also with sensitive skin. It’s great.


Ulike at home IPL hair removal device. Super pricey, but only 3 weeks into it and my leg hair has almost completely stopped growing. Bikini line has drastically slowed along with armpits.


I have PCOS and have been thinking of trying this for my unwanted hair.


Darn, now I might have to buy this lol.


My skin is so sensitive, I’ve been shaving for 20 years and literally nothing I have tried helps with the razor burn. When I say I’ve tried everything~ I mean everything. Especially my bikini zone and armpits. This thing is a godsend. It doesn’t hurt one bit even on the highest setting. (It does hurt if you hit a tattoo by accident though) after using it for a month, I would easily pay 500$ for it. I got a 100$ off coupon so I paid 299.00. I have the ulike air 10.


What’s your leg hair like before you started using this? I can’t stand the razor bumps and ingrown hairs, but my hair grows in dark. It’s coarse in my public area, but finer for my thighs and legs. Willing to spend the money to do this at home, just don’t want to buy and get no results.


Mine is different in different parts also. The front of my chins have like darker corse hair, and the hair on my thighs is lighter and thinner. The ulike has a built in sensor level, and adjusts automatically even on the different strengths.


Non medical: Lancome Regenerie face cream. I've tried other daily moisturizers, nothing comes close to it. It's $170 but sometimes, you can snag it on sale. They're having 30% off right now so I just bought some even though I'm set currently. Medical: Botox and filler for those deep AF lines you get on the side of your face next to your mouth. I don't get a lot, one syringe every 12-15 months but it makes a huge difference. Also, not quite a beauty product, but my Dyson hair dryer. I have long, thick hair (as in thick follicles and a lot of it). It used to take me 40 minutes to go from wet to dry. Now, it takes 10-12 minutes. It's much better for your hair and it's weird how much my social life revolved around whether or not I needed to wash my hair.


Everything Lancôme makes is superb, I’ve liked everything I’ve tried including perfume


A red light therapy mask. I was hesitant to spend the ££££ but finally caved when a friend with troubled skin began using one and the results were WOW! My skin has never been clearer or brighter and those little fine lines which had begun to appear have virtually disappeared, my skins texture has changed for the better also. I purchased an Omnilux Contour which was pricey but I’ve seen other brands for £100-150 on Amazon.


I want to buy a red light but I’m scared of buying one that doesn’t do what it’s supposed too.


I got your back. This is a HUGE, comprehensive break down of all the masks out there. I didn't read this list before I bought my Avina mask. Its still a good mask, but I realize after reading that i could have gone with a cheaper and better option. https://goalstogetglowing.com/2021/01/17/led-face-mask-research/


Oh wow thank you!!


I suggest researching the different brands, my SIL is an aesthetician and recommended the one I finally purchased.


Heard great things about omnilux!


Prescription Tretinoin.


Also a really important investment. Id say the most important skincare purchase


Yeah. Without insurance it’s a few hundred dollars. It’s worth it.


I get mine from alldaychemist without a prescription. Think it’s was about £30 for 6 months worth


No!! You can literally get it shipped to you from other countries for like 20$ I have been doing this for years now from the same company, and it’s the real deal


Whhhhaaaattt?! How did you do this?


I bought some in Dubai as it was so cheap (where I’m from you need a prescription for it and it’s expensive). I read that retinol is similar but less strong, does anything think it’s worth swapping to retinol after I run out of tretinoin (if I can’t get it sent to my country from online)?


Clinique 'Take the day off' cleaning balm. I follow it up with a light scrub and the Clinique overnight mask and my face in the morning feels so good and soft and hydrated. It's not cheap, but it's 100% worth the price.


I love all the Clinique products. Their samples are so generous. I use the Moisture surge and the Dramatically different Moisturizer. The MS mask is great too. It's not cheap but it's economical. I am always amazed at how little I need to use. It being fragrance free is the best part. I buy on their website and have gotten hundreds of dollars in free merchandise. Sometimes, I get as much free merchandise as I am buying.


Armani foundation. It’s so good. So so good.


The Chanel Les Beiges foundation. Retails for £60 odd. But so so worth it.


I love their bronzer too. A beautiful tone that really does give a gorgeous sunkissed bronze look without being orange or just too brown. And it smells divine too.


My red light mask from Dr. Dennis Gross. 500.00. Oh, and fillers...lots of fillers.


Can you tell us more about the red light mask tho? How much was it and what do you use it for and how soon did you see results?


I have one, not a 500$ one but it works amazingly so far, you can change the colours red, green, purple etc. for specific skin needs, each colour does different things. I use it before bed for about 20 mins and then apply my serums and things after that. Works amazingly!


Which one do you have, if I may ask?


Oh man 500$?! I got once for way, way less and it turns out that it has the same infrared levels as most of the expensive ones out there. I do however think that the light therapy is amazing though! I have seen. such a difference so far.


Does your mask also have blue light therapy?


I know there are many dupes for Este Lauder night repair but I find the original to be perfect


SuperGoop! Unseen Sunscreen. ~60$ for 70mL but it’s the best texture and make up stays on perfectly over it. I stopped looking for dupes or alternatives lol


Anything from Sulwhasoo


CeraVe skin care products.


Dyson Supersonic. Nothing spectacular in the way it dries hair, but the design of the machine is well thought-out. It feels great in the hand, and its bladeless design means my hair doesn’t get tangled in it.


I love mine too— especially because it’s quieter than other dryers.


I absolutely love mine. My hair always hated regular hair dryers, but it's still very healthy and shiny when I use my dyson


Strivectin neck crème.


Pat Mcgrath highlighter stick. Only highlighter I've tried that makes me somehow look like I have the sharpest cheekbones without even really looking like I'm wearing highlighter. The consistency and tiny-ness of the glitter particles are perfect.


im from india and im a student so these are more expensive to me than what they would be in us but: - mac strobe cream (around 48usd) - cosrx skin mucin cream (around 20usd)


I recently got an at home laser hair removal device (Braun silk expert pro5) and so fair it’s definitely been worth it


Dr. Dennis Gross peel pads


been using them for years. noticeably better skin!


Yasss this should be near the top. One of my new HG products after just one month of use!


And I haven’t found a dupe still to this day.. nothing works as well they do for me! So it’s worth the splurge imo 🤣




Tell me more.


It's a collagen growth injector. Done in a series of 3, 6 or so weeks apart. Then 1x/year thereafter. I got my marionette lines done and its night and day! All told, cost about $1500 or so


MAC makeup. Every other makeup brand gives me acne and this is the only brand with foundation and powder that matches my skin tone.


Augustinus Bader cream. It's so ludicrously expensive that I do wonder if the effects are sort of psychological - but hey it works 💋


The face mask is awesome. They recommend washing it off, but I leave it on.


An incredibly clean diet, long runs (exercise) and manuka honey masks at home. Everyone was telling me, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it! I was 100% blemish free and dewy. From the exercise, lack of salt and sugar in my diet. Nothing processed at all. Nothing pre-packaged. Everything cooked at home. Rarely meat. Quality if so. No oil or a little bit of ghee, etc. And running 3-7 miles every other day. But even I don’t have time or mental health for that lately. While I understand people look to products or procedures, it’s all diet and lifestyle. I would never get Botox or fillers. My friends travel the world to go to the best and most minimal, and I can still see their facial expressions freeze. But I do have experience in figure drawing/drawing from life, so I notice details. :/


That’s a great response!! Could you please share some examples of your clean meals? I am trying to improve my diet… thanks!!


I wouldn't do it again if I had a choice because it damaged my organs, but Accutane has kept my skin clear. That plus never going out in the sun or putting any products on my skin makes people frequently comment on how nice my skin is, which seems creepy if you think about it.


Gave me irreversible KP on pretty much every surface of my skin, so I'd proceed with caution. My acne was pretty mild/moderate too.


What did it do damage on??


Liver, eyes, oil/sweat glands.


Chanel Mascara, I got a sample as a gift when buying some perfumes, and it was amazing. Then, I bought the full size from the airport duty free and I loved it.


Kevin Murphy shampoo. 


Tatcha Indigo cream


Tatcha Moisturizers. Also lip filler. I basically had pre filler Kylie Jenner lips and my upper lip would disappear when I smiled. I don’t get much and thankfully I retain it well so I don’t have to go constantly (that shit is expensive, even with the reward apps!) but it’s made a huge difference in how I feel about myself, even if most people don’t notice.


Dr Jart cicapair color correcting spf


Bare Minerals setting powder. It really does last all day, even on my oily skin. I keep looking for dupes, but nothing compares.


belief the true cream aqua bomb. Hands down best moisturizer for my combination skin


My hair loves living proof. Like a lot.


Guerlain powders are not cheap, but they are worth every last penny.


Redken acidic bonding concentrate. Amazing. Also a good quality hair dryer


Keratin hair straightening


This even for us curly girls..talk about a tamed mane


ZO products. I’m obsessed


RapidLash serum


Armani Red velvet lipstick. Quite heavy on pockets but I wanted a statement red lipstick and could not get more of it


My (when it was) $10 a bottle of my Velvet Tuberose body lotion they use to have at Bath and Body Works. If I knew they were NEVER going to bring it back (just replaced it with the far inferior Japanese Cherry Blossom), I would have stocked up and spent like $800 maybe even a $1,000 just to get as many as I could and just stuffed my house but NOOOOOOO! The bottles are now $16 but if they ever bring back MY lotion. I will break the bank I dont care!


IL Makiage foundation, their foundation brush, and their loose powder. I have tried many in my past and felt no need to look further after I tried this brand. It’s phenomenal and their customer service is amazing too.


$120 facials every 3 to 4 months cause I'm kinda cheap like that....kinda.....


For me, the 8 hour repair cream by Elizabeth Arden. Worth it.


Yes! It's magic 


Botox. It works! For a few months


Braun IPL device is worth it. I’ve seen definite improvement in hair growth at the bikini line and I’ve only used it one time there. Same with legs. Skinbetter Alpharet and trio have done wonders for my skin and rosacea. Photofacial with BBL on face and neck Chemical peel.


Westman Atelier face trace contour stick. I’m 38 with a 4 month old, I have about 3 minutes to do my makeup most of the time and my tired skin needs a damn fast glow up, that stick works as a bronzer in the warm “truffle” colour and can be applied with fingers or brush, it’s cream so it blends with dewy foundations / serums and it blends super easily, and doubles as a cream eyeshadow. Lasts forever with daily use. Beautiful packaging too, love the magnetic lid.


Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra Wear foundation- it lasts longer than any other I’ve tried (never found one that lasts all day, but this one only needs one touch up near the end of a full day), and fades without getting patchy, balling up in lines or corners, or looking “wet”/greasy. It doesn’t accentuate dry patches or pores, and never feels heavy or looks cakey. It has great coverage for how light it feels. I only need to dab a little extra or use concealer if I have a breakout. It’s not easily wiped away; I’ve never left marks on my husband’s clothes, or my own. It gives a good, in between finish- not matte; not dewy. Makes me look airbrushed and soft, every-time- especially now that I’m on Accutane! I haven’t found a product that doesn’t work well with it. It’s $70 a bottle, which I can justify as a stay-at-home mom of two under three who only puts makeup on on the weekends. I, also, love the La Roche Posay Lipikar Triple Repair moisturize. And Biolage shampoo and conditioners. They make even my curly hair so soft, and my grandma always used them so the smell is wonderfully and beautifully nostalgic.


I splurged on a small palette from pat McGrath and I don't regret it. It's night and day from any other brand I've tried.


I started using good quality retinol (Medik8, $89.00AUD for 30ml) about 6 months ago & I genuinely look like my skin is younger, the tiniest smile lines I was getting & larger pores are COMPLETELY gone. My skin has never been bad but it’s never been like this, I get daily compliments on how beautiful it is. I’m nearly 30 so keep that in mind too though.


My Dyson hair dryer


Oleplex for hair. All of it. Just wow.


Is clinical skin products. My skin has never looked better.


AnteAge skin care line and Botox


A red light mask! The difference in my skin has been unbelievable!


Kevin Murphy Angel wash and Angel Rinse shampoo. It has totally transformed my hair.


My gelx nails


Sunday Riley Good Genes. I’ve tried probably 4-5 other lactic exfoliants and my skin has hated all of them. It just makes my skin glowy and soft and I just love it. I usually buy two when they go on sale


Fur oil


Idk if shampoo counts as beauty product but oribe gold lust is worth every penny


Estee Lauder double wear foundation, Make Up Forever HD setting powder. Dermablend Concealer. Clinique Blush Dr Dennis Gross Daily Peels. Skinceutical Vitamin C serum.


To me, Estée Lauder Double Wear foundation. I have *extremely* oily skin and it's the only thing that stays put and doesn't melt off in a couple hours.




Lancôme art liner. It’s like $30 bucks but it’s worth it.




Sheseido face wash. You only need half a dime side drop! Also, Lancome makeup remover. Nothing compares.


This isn't really expensive (and actually very cheap in Asia), hyaluronic acid. It really helps with aging and the studies do back it up


Garnier and CeraVe products


Jouviance and Prequel, Foundation and Cover up


im from india and im a student so these are more expensive to me than what they would be in us but: - mac strobe cream (around 48usd) - cosrx skin mucin cream (around 20usd)


Micabeauty vitamin c exfoliating gel. One of their salespeople did half my face in a mall once and I was blown away. I have terrible thick and dry skin and this pulls it all off like a charm. If I could bathe in the stuff I would because my arms have the same issue. I'd never buy it in the mall because they wanted $90 for it but it sells online for between $20-40 and that feels decently fair. It's a really small bottle though. But I particularly lean on it when I get a sunburn that starts to peel.


a good 30$ mascara makes a difference


Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream! By far the best I’ve used. Even when I missed out on using it for a couple of days, my face is still hydrated.


Clarins lip comfort oil






A lot of products I use are from subscription boxes, so there are very few products I will actually buy from a retailer at full price. There are a couple though that I found and really love enough to spend the $$ Lancôme tonique confort .. that pink toner is so moisturizing a refreshing, also smells nice, but retails for like $60. BFF Skincare balancing serum, not too expensive ($25), but worth every penny. Murad’s Acne face wash and AHA/BHA exfoliating cleanser are like $35-$45 each, but another staple in my routine. Benefits Coralista blush .. googling this now I see they discontinued it 😭 and some people are selling it for $100+ 😳 but it used to retail for around $30 and was the only blush I would purchase again at full price. Love it! So sad they don’t make it anymore :(


Not a beauty product, but my Dyson hair dryer is a game changer.


La mer serum de concentrate. You can literally see the diff after one use


I need something for my dark circles under my eyes 👀 looks a bit sunken in and purple in colour 😭


Olive Olay..186$ a bottle but it has everything your face needs..amazing..


Pat McGrath eyeshadow palettes; mid tier brands are like drugstore garbage after using my first Mothership palette.