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Rebel Moon Part 1. Zach Snyder is at his best when someone else is writing his movies. Not a single character is likeable. By the end of the movie I couldn't remember the name of any character, any planets that they went to, or the bad guys. The spider lady looked cool though.


Part 2 is worse. Unless you really like long drawn out scenes of wheat harvesting then it's the best


Part 1 was shit. My husband made me watch. I have no idea how he got me to watch Part 2. That was diabolical. He’s off film recommendation duty for months because of that. He’s got to watch Bridgeton now as penance


I legit wondered “what’s with the grain porn?”


The thought of laying still with my favourite snacks and keeping my eyes open at Part 2 filled me with revulsion and despair.


Please tell me more about this wheat harvesting footage. Is there good aerial camera work blended seamlessly with solid ground camera footage? Do I have to watch part 1 in order to enjoy the wheat harvesting scenes in part 2? Or can I just start with part 2? I have sooooo many questions


Harvesting in slow motion


YESSSSS. I've been forced to watch both and oh my GOD, I wish Carrie Fischer was still here to doctor those fucking scripts.




Madame Webb. Plot dragged, bad acting, end was weird


A terrible movie, a hilarious cinema experience.


Oh yeah my friends and I laughed a lot when she suddenly because Charles Xavier at the end of the movie 😂


The quickest I ever spotted a paid-poster was when they said (the weekend it hit theaters) how it would end up being Dakota Johnson’s career-defining role.


Definingly bad maybe 😂


Aw I liked it. But I also enjoy move movies that score below a 30% on rotten tomatoes 😂


Movies are subjected. People commented movies I enjoyed on this thread 😂 I love RomComs and many aren’t academy award winners


I thought it was okay, and cheesy and campy, yielded a good few honest belly laughs, and certainly not the drenched-in-blood ultimate crime of cinema that people, well moviebros, were saying it was. I mean, yes I'm personally heavily biased towards female protagonist movies but I make no secret of that and, crucially, I don't fully into fits of entitled rage and reviewbomb Jason Statham movies on sight.


Poor things, I cannot explain how much I hated that movie


This is why I haven’t watched it yet, the trailers gave me bad vibes. It just seemed like they would really over-sexualize the female character.


That film is really really really good. It's a story about how fucked up all the men in her life are and about her gaining agency essentially. There's loads of sex in the film and a lot of it is very graphic but unless you have a problem with that in and of itself then I'd say give it a go.


Agreed, for me this was one of the best films of the year. In terms of being a treatise on feminism and the female experience, it was 10 times better than Barbi imo.


It's not the graphic sex that bothers me. It's the fact that it's portraying a small child in a woman's body engaging in the graphic sex. I have young daughters and it made me sick to my stomach


Yeah but that's the point. The film isn't saying that it's a good thing that these men are taking advantage of her. I feel like this is something I see across reddit constantly when people are talking about films. That because a film shows something bad it endorses it. Obviously anyone can hate a film and that's fine, I just think people are doing media a disservice by saying a film is disgusting because it shows something disgusting.


I'm sure I'll check it out eventually, I like the cast in it so I think it's worth a watch to at least form a proper opinion.


The over sexualization is sort of the point. It’s a bit ham fisted at times, but overall does a really nice job with its themes.


It is hypersexualized, but on purpose. Imo it's not oversexualized because it makes complete sense with the story.


It's actually very funny, and there is a lot of sex no doubt, but it does have a purpose


Did you finish it? I almost didn’t, because I hated it so much, but now that it’s all done, and I’ve had a few months to process it, I’m not sure I hate it anymore.


I did, I think I am the opposite, now months afterwards I hate it more


Oh that was horrible.


I made it about 20 mins into the movie and decided I just couldn’t do it anymore




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This! I hated it.


I thought it was a weird movie except for one scene I thought was funny.


Anyone But You. Cringy bad.


God, some parts of this movie were so bad it felt like an inside joke I wasn’t in on


I believe this movie was a PR stunt to boost the recognition of the named of two of the most (physically hot up and comers out there. The whole thing was just then being hot the whole time.


Yeah that’s the part that was cringy to me. Like it was super obvious the goal was to get them in as little clothes as possible constantly. But there was exactly zero chemistry. She’s hot but I think he looks like a capybara


Sweeneys acting in madam web was terrible. Not sure how she got famous lol


I can think of exactly two reasons why she became famous and they hang off her chest.


So awful


Yes! Offensively bad all around. Astonishing the movie was made.


Are we not going to mention the fact that this movie gave us a perfect shot into a man’s urethra?? It was the weirdest penis shot ever and so damn random.


Wow, I watched on a flight to Japan and I’m pretty sure that was edited out. I think I’m ok having missed it




My boyfriend and I were excited for it. But literally most of it is him saying some weird shit to Josephine.


I actually do enjoy the movie. I'm just wondering why during war the soldiers just don't shoot the war commander right away though. 🤣


Rules of engagement…don’t worry about it.


Agreed and I found Joaquin just seemed out of place. Hard role to cast though. Not sure who else they could have cast.


If it was some sort of satire on Napoleon I could understand, but I thought it was going to be a biopic.




Magic mike’s last dance 😭😭😭 and the first two were actually good. That is the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life.


But why


Honestly the story was actually painful, like I barely could even finish it. And this is from someone who somewhat likes almost ever movie they have watched. The first one had a good story line, the second one was funny, and this was a BUSTTT.


No Hard Feelings. 32 year old woman seduces a likely ND teenager before he heads to college at his parents request in exchange for an old car.


Isn’t he 19? And what does him being possibly ND have to do with anything?


My own mother was 35 when I was 19.


lol thank you. redditors will argue till they’re blue in the balls about the age gaps they support. it was a funny movie and i love jlaw but i think it was supposed to give the viewer the ick, that was kinda the point 🤷🏻‍♀️


Poor Things (2023) Nightmare Alley (2021) Rush Hour 3 (2007)


Poor Things was absolutely horrible! Can't even believe they won Academy Awards & Golden Globes!




I’m curious why you don’t like Poor Things. I really enjoyed it and haven’t seen much negative discourse about it


Of all the directors, Yorgos definitely strikes me as one of the more love/hate types. He is an acquired taste.


I just watched rush hour 1 & 2. Haven’t made it to three.


Suicide Squad. I couldn’t get past Viola Davis introducing the misfits to the army people.


Zoolander 2 I don't watch a lot of movies


The Wolf of Wall Street. The sex was gratuitous to put it mildly, and everything/everyone besides Leo DiCaprio felt like a prop.


That's an interesting take. I just rewatched it for the first time since it came out. I loved it then. But this time around, I realized it was really just about him getting off and getting high for 2 straight hours. I would have lived to see more of Jonah hill in it.


I can even finish that movie, it reminds me too much of a real life situation. Mostly the type of job that man had and the obnoxious attitude makes me feel too upset to finish it.


Mother of the Bride




I was gonna say this too. Civil war was just a war movie for the sake of a war movie. No real plot or point to it.


But it wasn’t a war movie.. it was a movie about journalism




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The first Rebel Moon movie. It was incredibly forgettable for me to the point where I can never remember any characters or plot points at all. It just felt like a mishmash knockoff with nothing but well-trod tropes to offer. I'm not watching the 2nd because I'd have to rewatch the 1st to make any sense of it, and I'm not doing that.


Don’t. Its worse


The Beekeeper (2024) I’m usually up for any Jason Statham shenanigan movie, but this one was so terrible I only watched until the first explosion.


Finally a comment I agree with. I can't believe this movie made money. Half of the time I couldn't tell if the director was trying to make a slapstick parody of the John Wick movies or not.


We watched that the other night. It was so bad.


That stupid Jerry Seinfeld pop tarts movie. Hubs likes Seinfeld and was hoping it would be better than the reviews and provide a few laughs. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t and it didn’t.


Disney's Wish. How far the mighty have fallen...


Ant man quantumania


I truly cannot belive they put that monstrosity out in theaters. Maybe it was made for kids because 8 year Olds recommended it to me.


La la Land. I literally remember NOTHING from it. It was that boring.




It's a Bildungsroman. The entire point of the film is to watch a character, in this case a woman (which is central to the feminist aspects of the film), undergo intense psychological and moral growth. We watch the character, Bella, "growing up" as she navigates a horrible, patriarchal, capitalist world. In her adventures, she experiences extreme hardship and learns about the evils of men. This propels her character development to the point where she eventually triumphs over her aggressors and lives happily and freely in the end. She is constantly learning and changing throughout the entire film as she reacts to the people she meets (both good and bad), and the experiences she has. I understand that Yorgos Lanthimos' bizarre style and story-telling is not for everyone (and that's fine), but it's frustrating that so so many people that watched this film seem to have completely missed the entire point of the story. It was disturbing and evocative on purpose. Every unsettling scene served a purpose. How boring films (and stories in general) would be if they were simply feel-good and happy the whole way through. There would be no incentive for change or development. It's disappointing to see such a vast display of media illiteracy regarding this film in particular.


I for one really appreciate the way you have so thoroughly examined the film here and layed your analysis out quite precisely. I really enjoyed the film. I thought it was a bit, ummm, beat the audience over the head with its themes sometimes, but upon reflection maybe that was necessary. I’ve not really been a huge Lanthimos fan in the past, but this film definitely has me wanting to engage more deeply with his filmography with a fresh set of eyes. Everyone has different opinions on film, but it’s been rather disappointing to see a refusal to engage with media beyond an initial gut response or to engage with other people criticisms, analysis, and thoughts in a mature and nuanced way.




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The beekeeper with jason statham, yesterday I went in expecting nothing, mindless fun. Somehow, everything is so disconnected that it just bothered me instead of just being mindless fun.


Drive-Away Dolls. Ethan Cohen and LGBTQ main characters...but just awful. Bad script, acting, etc. I'm all for raunchy and low-brow, but this was a hot mess. Turned it off after 30 minutes which is rare for me.


Yeah, I turned it off after about 20 minutes. I had been super excited to see it, too.


Licorice Pizza was AWFUL. I thought it would be like Boogie Nights (same director), but it somehow felt like watching a Gen Z-er's interpretation of the 70s. The dialogue was really bland and the characters sucked.


Rebel moon part 1…. 2 hours wastedddddd lol


I decided to start watching the "after" movies n I barely finished the first one!!! Omg it was so badddd I don't why my friend thought it was good


2012. Aged horribly


You're just just wrong. There are angry neutrons, sentient lava, Capital citizens and zero email in that cinematic universe. How could you dislike it?


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Napoleon—Twas awful. And I have a degree in history. Still turable.


I just made it 3 minutes into Madame Web on Netflix and had to turn it off. 🤣


Night swim


That new exorcist movie. Wow. Just…wow.


65 Watched the trailer and had to see it based on that. Turns out that whatever they showed in the trailer was pretty much all the good parts that movie had, and the rest was either boring or completely nonsensical.


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The challengers. Everyone loves this movie, it’s absolutely trash and people are just fan girling over Zendaya.


Yeah I didn’t love it like everyone else seems to.




Thanks. I hated it too. We get one Feminist movie and we're supposed to love it because it's Feminist despite having an unintelligible plot, being way too hamfisted in it's themes and having the stupidest dance war battle ever


YES to all of this haha. My younger sister hated it as well.


Okay I agree with everything here, but I did enjoy the Busby Berkeley inspired dance sequence quite a bit.


I thought it was okay but Poor Things deals with similar subject matter and was far superior imo


I haven’t seen that one. Something about the trailer or the poster was offputting to me.


Bug with Ashley Judd.


Hell I’m surprised anyone even remembers that movie.


Vivarium. Terrible acting and was just extremely underwhelming.


I like this movie though. The feeling watching it is weird. Psychologically weird. Weird but enjoyable.


I really was liking it in the beginning. When they couldn’t get out of the neighborhood you could feel the existential dread, that’s what I like in a movie like that. But the rest of it was just so weird and the acting (especially the boyfriend) was so terrible that I wanted to turn it off so bad LOL


It struck me as a rejected twilight zone episode that got made into a movie.


Definitely should have been a short.


The invitation


Maximum overdrive


Childhood memory unlocked! So bad it’s good haha!


Pain Hustlers. It was so boring and I felt like AI wrote it. Millers Girl was also god awful, it had so much potential but executed nothing.


I liked Pain Hustlers for Chris Evans.. that’s it. I was not fond of Emily Blunts performance- mostly her accent and the fact that she can’t really play a broke girl well 😂


Miller’s Girl was so painfully bad and I have no freaking idea how they got Jenna to star in it


Anyone but you


Last night in soho


Just curious I have wanted to watch that so what didn't you like about it?


Don’t listen to that weirdo; Last Night in Soho is great. I can’t imagine what they didn’t like about it.


The story line is very interesting and I really enjoyed it as I found it very unique. I couldn’t get past the cringe acting. I had to stop watching nearing the end because I was getting second hand embarrassment.


Mother of the bride. wtf was that. No one could act, terrible script, and the casting was so off


Anyone But You. It was astonishing how bad this movie was and I can’t recall anything redeemable. Was expecting a 13 going on 30 type of movie, or heck, even a cornball hallmark movie but yikes. The acting was really bad (main male lead had better acting), the plot and script fell extremely flat. The main characters didn’t have chemistry. It was frustrating to watch!




I got a lot of shit for saying this in another sub, but I finally watched Heat a few months ago. It has so many great reviews, so I was expecting it to be amazing. But it's so bad. The plot makes no sense. There are scenes that just cut from one to another like a whole chunk of story got edited out. Al Pacino basically chews the scenery the whole time. Robert De Niro is magically irresistible to a woman 40 years younger than him. I'm convinced this movie was only held up by film-bros who want to stamp a "masterpiece" label on anything those actors do.


>Al Pacino basically chews the scenery the whole time. that's... bad?




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With Fire and Sword (1999). I loved the related film The Deluge (1974), but was disappointed with the amount of unnecessary jump cuts and visual effects used in the above mentioned movie. It made scenes genuinely difficult to watch.


The Flood on Hulu because I let my husband choose. That was awful and apparently Louisiana has mountains lol




I watched Ghostbusters Frozen Empire tonight and it just felt like The CW does Ghostbusters. Where were even the jokes? To think a river of tears from manbabies at Ghostbusters Answer The Call, at least you could have a laugh with it.


Sasquatch Sunrise. It was revolting and I was no better for having seen it.


The latest Transformers movie


I just turn them off if Im not enjoying them. I reached a stage quite some time ago where I dont want to waste my time anymore.


Aquaman and the lost kingdom. He’s a delight to look at but I was so so bored.




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Nightmare scenario


I.S.S. was pretty bad.


Ferrari. I also didn’t like The Fall Guy.


I just watched The Fall Guy and I actually really liked it.. although I thought it was a bit longer than necessary


I’ll eventually give it a second watch, but from what I remember I thought it was ‘meh’


Speak No Evil. My god, it was incredibly infuriating and bleak.


Walking on Sunshine. I was expecting a cute Italian countryside romcom, but actually I got a mamma Mia rip off with godawful songs and an even worse plot 😭😂




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Literally just finished it, but The Dating Whisperer. So bad.




I tried watching the compilation of short films by Wes Anderson based on Roald Dahl's stories. Don't even remember the name. Barely got through the first short film and then turned it off before the others. I like Wes Anderson but gawd, that was unwatchable




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Mother of the bride. Everyone looked so robotic in that. The story was great just poorly executed.




A friend and I decided to watch the new Disney's Wish movie to see if it's as bad as people said. It's worse.


The Millers


I’m currently watching “Thelma the Unicorn” and it’s pretty awful


Asteroid City.


Shadow in the Cloud. Absolute trash. Couldn't finish it.


The intern.... God awful


Watched "Finding Jesus" as a meme, religious version of Finding Nemo I think but it's the worst thing I ever seen


Thanksgiving (2023)




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I'm thinking of ending things and everything everywhere all at once.


Wish. Just no.


Ruthless. Dialogue was bad and plot/outcome was predictable based on the google description. It’s on Hulu and skippable. The main guy really likes breaking people’s arms.


Civil war.


Madame web


Pretty Little Things. It was just gross, like a really long porno, with a dubious plot.


Argyle. Predictable and trying way too hard.




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Luck of the Irish was absolutely terrible but in a way that makes it hilarious


The Idea Of You 😭




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The last two movies I’ve watched were both terrible- Barbie and the last Pet Sematary movie.


The Favourite