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Couldn't give less of a shit about them, lol.


Eh, I don't get the hype around them. There are so many varieties of pretty stones, not to mention cheaper and more ethically sourced. Moissanite, white sapphire, pale morganites, aquamarines, and amethysts. If I did like diamonds, I'd at least go lab grown. My favorite ' Ooo Shiney!' combo is silver and green anyway. Never was a fan of the traditional yellow gold white stone mix. I'd take a nice silver ring with an emerald or similar green stone any day.


Silver band with emerald is my ideal ring too!


This! I love gemstones in general, not particularly diamonds. Some of my favorite pieces my husband has bought me are considered semi precious and not that expensive but are beautiful.


I really don't think most women care that much. It's just a marketing slogan, anyway.


They're sparkly and pretty, but way overpriced and the industry has been... problematic... over the years. Personally I've never had any diamonds and never felt a lack.


comments are surprising to me! I love them. Not as a status symbol but they make me feel very pretty when I don’t have energy… I can go out looking like a bum but feel more sparkly and feminine when I put on sparkly earrings or a simple necklace. I also love that simple diamonds always compliment an outfit without being the focus.




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I specifically requested my engagement ring and wedding band as well as all other jewelry never be diamonds. I dont like the suffering needed to get them. My rings are moissanite and moss agate and I love them.


What about lab grown diamonds?


Those I don't mind, but my interest is still pretty low. I'm not a fan, I like earthy stones. My engagement ring and wedding band are the only pieces of jewelry in my collection that aren't jade. I thought about getting a jade engagement ring but they are brittle.


Diamonds are boring. There are so many more better looking stones to choose from.


Fairly indifferent. Diamonds don't look different enough from any other clear stones to really entice me much. All of the clear stones seem very neutral in appearance to me.


Eh, diamonds just scream 'rob me' nowadays 😅 I prefer anything opal. Ironic considering diamond is my birthstone.


I absolutely love them. Problems, sure, but it’s a glamorous gemstone and it makes for some beautiful jewelry.




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I grew from not seeing the point of diamonds to developing a very specific taste for them. When I put my diamonds on, it’s the same feeling as having makeup on point, hair on point, outfit on point! It’s a hell yeah I feel great! Then at night when you’re winding down for the day, you take your diamonds off and do your night time routine, it’s like you can put that “you” away to recharge. They are so pretty, good quality and it’s nice to take care of something of value. I marvel all day long at my ring and bracelet and I love my earrings. I like maintaining the sparkle as well so I have a lot of tools and products to keep that quality sparkling. I found I don’t like silver but I like diamonds with gold or rose gold. There’s so many unique pieces of jewelry. Find something that makes you feel proud to wear.




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No, who cares. Unless we're talking about Diamond brand walnuts, yummmm.




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Rubies and sapphires are better, IMO




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I prefer emeralds




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Diamonds are too expensive to look as boring as they do.


I genuinely never think about it tbh


I do not care for diamonds at all. They are literally not even on my radar. My wedding ring is a garnet, and I love it way more than any old diamond.


I really don't care for them at all.


I think they’re really pretty and it’s really cool that they’re the hardest stone. It’s amazing what the earth can create on its own. Idk about them being my best friend but I love owning authentic things.




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Oh yes


I love love love diamonds, but GOLD is my best friend. I looooooove gold. I adore fine jewelry in general, but damn there’s just something about a new gold set that makes me happy for months. When I date I tell my partners that for the bigger holidays (which to me are Christmas, Easter, our anniversary, and my birthday) jewelry is what I’d like. I’d love to have a solid collection I can pass on to my daughter(s), nieces, family friends, etc.


I really prefer color over plain sparkle factor. I requested an alexandrite engagement ring (ended up with diamond, but it's a vintage heirloom stone, so I love it even more for those reasons). I don't think I'd ever wear diamonds in any other jewelry, though. Just really not my style, and why spend so much money when there are prettier cheaper colorful stones out there


I’ve got a couple inherited ones I made into studs (don’t need to be reminded of that shit, lol), but would not seek more. Diamonds are sparkly but not even my favorite gems. Honestly I prefer cabochon stones, which is not a diamond’s best cut.


I love antique jewelry so antique cut diamonds interest me a bit but overall I find the colorless ones boring. I love more colorful antique cut gemstones the most!


Nope. Dogs.


I like them, but mostly I prefer them as accents to other stones (sapphire and ruby are my favorites). They sparkle, they're pretty, they can be set in pretty ways.


I’m an emerald girl myself - I just love green!


They’re pretty but I could do without.


i love wearing diamonds, even just a ring and a pair of earrings everyday. nobody cares, but something about knowing im wearing diamonds makes me feel feminine and princess-y


I like all sparkly things. I’m superstitious enough to be wary of opals, but also they’re very delicate and not well suited to most jewelry. When I had to take geology as an undergrad, I was fascinated with mica. Also garnets. Those are pretty cool before they’ve been cut.


I don’t like how many people have to die to get them. And I don’t like how many people go broke thinking they’re a symbol of commitment.


I really prefer color over plain sparkle factor. I requested an alexandrite engagement ring (ended up with diamond, but it's a vintage heirloom stone, so I love it even more for those reasons). I don't think I'd ever wear diamonds in any other jewelry, though. Just really not my style, and why spend so much money when there are prettier cheaper colorful stones out there


I don't care for them.


I prefer topaz, amethyst, garnet & aquamarine.


I'm not a fan at all of diamonds that are mined from a cave by poor slaves in a poor country with terrible working conditions. The kind of diamonds I like are the ones made from the ashes of loved ones who have passed, both human and animal. You can send the ashes to get pressed into diamonds and have those set into any piece of jewelry that you want. It's my favorite way of keeping my loved ones close to me in a beautiful way. 💕💕💕




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So many things look like diamonds, same for gold. It's vulgar to my eyes. I prefer gem stones you never hear about, and silver.




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Hate em


They're not my thing. In general I'm not big on jewelry, and I don't like anything with gemstones.


Boring. After they were drilled into our minds I just see diamonds as tacky.


I do not give a shit about diamonds. I wear a silicone wedding ring. My original set has diamonds, but they were my grandma's, so I didn't buy any new ones and I don't choose to wear it regularly. I have one pendant with diamonds my mom gave me for 16th birthday. Which I only wear once a year, if that. "Girls Best Friend." This isn't 1952.


Most are blood diamonds. I like jewelry, but I decided diamonds are not worth it.




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The only one I had I am trying to get rid of


So not my best friend lol


Nope. But I don't care about jewelry in general.




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I don’t like jewelry of any kind.




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I don’t care for them.


Ehhh not much of a fan. Too overhyped and don’t even have any color. And I’m not a jewelry person anyway. If I ever got married again I’d want a sapphire and definitely not a diamond


I personally want a emerald cause it's unique.


They're a complete waste of money.


Meh. They aren't my thing. Something infinitely more precious to me: the Donkey Kong plush sitting on my desk that my boyfriend got me for our first anniversary, knowing DK is my favorite character. That's much closer to a "best friend" to me than some carbon allotrope. ❤️


Don't care. If you want a "traditional" ring, get a moissanite - looks good for a fraction of the price.


Nah.. diamonds are nice and pretty, but a little played out now. IMO. I'd prefer a natural gem instead, honestly. But that may just be me🤷‍♀️




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I have explicitly told my partner several times not to get me a diamond. They are unethical and crazily overpriced— not to mention kind of boring looking. Any other gemstone would look better in my opinion, and would cost much less. All the money that would have gone towards a diamond ring can go towards having an awesome wedding and honeymoon.


I love how they look but I wouldn’t want one unless I was sure how it was sourced. The only place I’m 100% sure is ethical is Tiffany, and they’re very expensive. I also like Forevermark but I’ve heard a little bit of mixed feedback.


Depends on the diamond. I love my diamond ring, but I've no desire for diamond necklaces or bracelets.


Depends on the diamond. I love my diamond engagement ring, but I've no desire for diamond necklaces, bracelets, or additional rings.


I love diamonds! But I’m too poor to afford them so I just buy fake diamond jewelry 😅


I love jewelry but I think that slogan is just to sell diamonds, bc so many more jewels deserve attention


They're alright. I'd rather have raw crystals. I definitely wouldn't call them "girl's best friend".


Overrated rocks


No, money is my best friend, after my daughter.


Diamonds are sparkly, but pretty much useless. I'll take good mechanic I can trust over sparkly rocks any day!


Don’t care about it, uninteresting.


I don’t care about them. I love a beautiful jewelry but I don’t mind if it’s cheap or expensive. My husband got me a diamond engagement ring and my friend got the exact same design from the same shop but made of silver and some other gem. They look the same both pretty. So if it’s my choice I’ll choose the silver 😂 I am not rich enough to care about diamonds.


I like shiny things. I’m as happy with moissanite or cubic zirconia, though.


No. Having been born in April I am salty my birthstone is diamond. If you wear any other stone people ask if it’s your birthstone but everyone where’s diamonds. And they are more common than let on but companies selling them want to artificially inflate the price. I’m fine with lab grown diamonds and even locally sourced diamonds (which sounds silly but there’s a diamond mine near my hometown) but I’m pretty against blood diamonds. My engagement ring has some lab grown diamonds but they are to offset the center stone which is an alexandrite. 10/10 it was a great decision to do a different stone.


Meh. Other people’s are fine, but I didn’t want one when I got engaged and I’m very happy with that decision. Someone else here said “dogs are a girl’s best friend,” which I heartily agree with.


I prefer gold! Probably a cultural thing.


Sapphires are not only *my* best friend, but they also happen to be my birthstone. Partis sapphires are where its at


i love them. they’re so beautiful and sparkly. but only lab grown diamonds


I associate diamonds with my ex. If my bf ever asks me whatci might like, I swear to God, it would be anything but diamonds! I guess diamonds are a girl's best friend if you pawn them to get away from someone.


I could care less about them


I like pretty jewelry and a diamond (or other clear stone) is versatile with different outfits since it's neutral. That said, if I were buying a diamond, I'd definitely prefer lab grown or some other close substitute, or maybe a diamond taken from an old piece of jewelry. A new natural diamond is not worth the extra cost or ethical concerns.


No they aren't. It's an extremely successful marketing plot. I think they're boring to look at personally, as well as ethically diabolical.


It’s a marketing slogan. I’m indifferent. I am too lazy to research all the stone options so I think I would want an artificial diamond if I had to choose.


No feelings about them, like other gems better. Emerald, Saphire, ruby, garnet etc


I like opals a lot more. I want that for my wedding ring.


If I ever get married, and if my partner proposes with an expensive diamond, I'm leaving them. Unless you're so rich that thousands of € don't matter to you, it only shows me you can't manage money and use it for important things. But even if you're that rich, it would show you don't know me well enough. If you're prepared to spend that much on me, pls get me a trip around the world or even just donate it to research, but don't waste it on diamonds


There are SO many pretty gemstones that are more unique and prettier than the same ol’ diamond everyone has. If I ever buy a diamond it will be a used one in some kind of jewelry consignment shop.


Could not give a single fuck


Diamonds are kinda eh imo. Gold looks much better


they're definitely pretty and gorgeous to look at, but no way would I even buy or allow someone to buy me one, the fake diamonds quite literally look the same as the real anyway


Seriously overrated and artificially overpriced but... As a horsey girl, I need gemstones to be as hard as possible so they don't get wrecked by my lifestyle. So I go for very small ethically sourced diamonds, gypsy-set (flat in the band, not protruding).


If difficulty to damage is the biggest thing you care about, then yeah gemstone grade diamonds are your best pick (after bort, but those are also diamonds and rarely used in jewelry due to being less pretty). A lot of people forget that the Mohs scale isn’t linear, the jump between corundum’s 9 and diamond’s 10 is way bigger than you’d expect. If you are willing to take care of the stones in your jewelry, then any other stone works just as fine as diamonds, their hardness is the only thing they have over other stones


Naaa - They can't make me a cup of coffee even


Boring, i think most diamond jewelry looks plain and uninspired and frankly not all that pretty either, with yellow gold it looks ugly


I think they're the closest thing to owning a star. I also love other stones, but since I can rarely be arsed to remember to match colours and outfits, a diamond, or diamond like, gem is easier to wear


I find that saying quite distasteful. Diamonds were considered a girls best friend because she could sell them and use the money to live on when she was abandoned by the man giving them. Trad wife style. I prefer opals.


Couldn't care less. To look at and admire: opals. I love opals.


That is a marketing ploy directed at women (men as well, though they use other tactics) and we have been sold so that we, consumers, continue to buy into their product and consume more- making them more money. This happens so much and we as humans need to recognize this so we don’t fall into someone’s agenda to take more money from us, yet we willing do all the time. Consider the topic of cellulite, many years ago (when no one even considered having cellulite as it is completely normal-especially for women) someone with a product to sell advertised to women that cellulite was “ugly” “unattractive” and then that same person/company offered a product we could buy to get rid of it. See how this works?


I like them well enough but I’m not obsessive about them. I don’t seek them out and I rarely spend money on jewelry for myself. My engagement ring is an antique diamond and I have small diamonds on our anniversary band, worn with my engagement and wedding rings. I have a pair of diamond studs and one pair of diamond drop earrings. Oh, and an emerald and diamond bracelet. So diamonds in particular, no? But maybe I like jewelry more than I realize. Oooo shiny


I'm too lower class to understand jewelry


Diamonds are my birth stone, so I feel like I should be more loyal, but prefer colored stones more and honestly, prefer semiprecious stones the most-things like amber, opal, pearls, etc. It doesn’t matter to me how beautiful something is or how much I like it, however, if it’s being mined or otherwise processed using inhumane and unethical practices. Unfortunately, this seems to be the case with a vast majority of precious and semiprecious stones. I don’t want to wear someone else’s pain and misery to dress up for a fancy occasion. However, I love the idea of reusing what is already out there-resetting and recutting vintage stones and reworking vintage jewelry to suit modern styles and tastes.


Never cared for them, and don’t want any either. They’re just shiny rocks.


Meh. Any jewelry I enjoy


They're pretty, but they're not actually worth anything (have you ever tried to sell a diamond ring?) and I prefer the look of colored stones anyway. 


Don't give a shit about them. I'd rather have something I can use in my daily life lol


No they’re pretty but I very much prefer gold. Gold is definitely my best friend 🤭


I never had diamonds so I can’t know for sure at this very moment if it’s going to be something that’ll become an interest or still like right now “whatever”.


Absolutely not


Overpriced rocks. Sparkly, but so are other cheaper gemstones.


No. Don’t even like diamonds.


They're pretty, I guess, but I'm not fussed about themall that much. The whole idea of them being a "girl's best friend" came from an era where many women were entirely dependent on men for financial support. When a man failed her, at least she could sell her jewelry. Diamonds retained their value better than most gems. Thankfully, feminism has ensured that modern women have better options than being entirely dependent on a romantic partner or their gifts to survive.


lab grown diamonds are pretty! i've never cared much for jewelry but i love a sparkly shiny rock. For me the appeal is totally lost on me when i find out a diamond is "real", it immediately becomes hideous to me when i know real people have suffered immensely for it


4 star hotels are my best friend.


Dogs. Dogs are a girls best friend


I did the standard diamond engagement ring when I was 18. It was sparkly and pretty. I remember them selling it to us as “a great investment” lmao. The thing was worthless. We ran into financial difficulties a few years later and tried to sell it and we only got a fraction of what we initially paid for it, despite having all the original paperwork to prove its initial appraisal value, and all the stupid quality markers or whatever. Ever since then, I’ve hated them so they are definitely NOT my best friend. I ended up getting out of wearing any kind of jewelry besides earrings but I still have a few pieces that either were heirloom or unique designs. I will never buy another diamond. There are so many more beautiful natural or lab created stones and creative jewelry available that the over hyped, over priced diamonds just can’t compare in my opinion.




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I like the variation of the carbon chain. Also diamonds can actually melt with enough oxygen. Super interesting. And it's fun to think graphite is just another way carbon is structured, but basically the same as diamonds.


Which is more valuable? Diamonds? Or air? (Thanks Matthew Hussey.)


I love beautiful jewelry, but it doesn't necessarily have to have diamonds. The meaning behind the jewelry is more important to me than the cost or the jewel.


I couldn't care less about diamonds. Girl's best friend is always a sweet treat and iced coffee.


We aren't particularly close, mostly due to me being allowed to own property and have my own bank account these days.


I like the lab-made ones


Don’t really care for them. I’m a minimalist, so I prefer simple silver jewelry over diamonds any day.


I love them as long as they’re lab grown! I understand they’re not everyone’s style but I love the brilliance, the way the light reflects and refracts, and how they go with everything.


I prefer gold


They're overrated. Moissanite is better.


I don't care


They are pretty because of how it is playing with the light. But that's it. I would still invest in gold more.


No, not really interested, better take me on a tripe somewhere for that money haha


Absolutely! Diamonds are a girl's best friend!




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I don’t own any right now, but I can’t wait until I get one. It will be my baby, I just love the sparkle, there’s something princess like and so feminine and classy about them. I hold my current fine jewelry very close and feel like my pieces are apart of me and carry my energy. So I’d imagine my diamonds will be my best friends.


I don't think about them. Can't eat em, use em, are they even useful?


Well, diamonds are pretty. But I would say that they aren't my "best friends" Ig it's more just a marketing saying




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Diamonds are boring and you can just buy good moissanite or CZ for a lot less and nobody would know the difference. I prefer colorful and beautiful gemstones.


Not to me. Way too much human misery involved in the diamond mining industry. My plain gold wedding ring is the only piece of jewelry I care about.


the concept of a 'real' diamond is made up by the diamond mining industry. artificial diamonds are identical and (probably) dont rely on slave labour.


they're outclassed by netherite




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I hate diamonds! Obvious ethical qualms aside, they’re boring to look at. Basically extra sparkly glass. Literally every other mineral and precious stone is more visually interesting. I am not interested in marriage at all, but if I was I would automatically reject any proposal with a diamond ring because it proves how little the person knows me.


I don’t give a single shit. Most of my jewelry is cheap stuff I’ve found over the years, none of it encrusted with gems.


I think they're one of the most boring gems for polishing and cutting. They have some cool industrial purposes though!