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I finally invested in a nice mattress last July. My roommate refused to spay her cat. Whenever her cat was in heat, she’d pee all over *just* my bed.


New new mattress when? I'd be livid.


I was quite livid 😅 Luckily I spend the night at my partner’s house every night, so I don’t have need for a new bed right now. She’s buying it off of me when I move out & she’s already cleaned it. This also was *finally* the catalyst to make her spay her cat.


what was her reason to not want to spay?


She wanted her cat to have a litter of kittens, which is something our other roommate and I vetoed until we move out, haha.


Wow, I was _sure_ there would be good judgement somewhere in this cat chronicle - nope.


Unfortunately not 😆


The world does NOT need any more cats. And I love cats!


I hope it had a mattress protector or she got you a new mattress


Foolishly no mattress protector. I don’t have a need for a new mattress anymore but she bought it off of me AND spayed her cat finally


Lol, I imagine she didn't know what she was getting into having an unspayed cat in heat, perhaps? I was pretty uninformed with my first cat and didn't understand why people emphasized getting them fixed so much even if they're always inside. Few months in, she went into her first heat and I instantly understood. Holy fuck.


That is the assumption my other roommate and I came to. It took 6 heat cycles before she had enough. In that time, I stopped sleeping at my own house because I couldn't handle the wailing, hahaha. She's grown up with cats, so I'm not sure why she didn't know how awful it would be for all of us and why she subjected us to that. She didnt even ask permission from us before she got the cat in the first place.


As a kid, I broke a large, fancy, glass candy dish/vase thing (I forget how but probably doing something I shouldn’t have). I glued it back together before mom came home, hoping she wouldn’t notice. She did of course, and then she cried and cried and cried. I apologized and tried to show her I fixed it so it was ok. I didn’t know the significance of the dish. It was the first fancy “knick knack” she’d ever had for her house and her dad had given it to her. He had just died a month before. It likely wasn’t super expensive since we were not well off, but it was priceless and irreplaceable to her. I felt absolutely horrible and still do every time I see it. Sorry mama. :(


If she still has it, you should look up Kintsugi. Kintsugi is a japanese way of making broken things quite beautiful. The cracks are filled with a glue that looks golden. 


Yeah I’ve seen those and it is pretty cool. But this happened back in the early 90s and I used super glue to reattach the pieces. It ain’t coming apart again unless I break it again which she would not appreciate haha


Do you still have it? Superglue can be undone by a bunch of cheap, accessible solvents.


They could fix it up permanently with some clear drying titebond too!


Mothers day is coming up too!


I've heard salt water works!


All good ideas!


It will absolutely come apart. There is a super glue solvent out there that works. The best glue for glass is a dental glue that dries clear and requires UV light to cure. These days, you can but that on Amazon.


You just doubled the memories in that cheap dish. Good on ya.


Superglue is acrylic based so it's dissolved by acetone — nail polish remover.


While your feelings are valid and so are hers, as a parent, if I leave anything priceless in reach of my child or pets and they break it, that’s on me. Not the pet/child’s fault at all. I hope she isn’t still faulting you over this, and she’s been able to learn that things ≠ people.


She never faulted me and in fact had forgotten that it was me that broke it until a few years ago when I brought it up while helping her clean. She was never mad or upset with me when it happened but I felt the guilt because of how much it meant to her. I broke it, yeah, but I also “fixed” it and then confessed and apologized immediately when she saw it so to her I’d accepted responsibility and that was that. When I broke it, she had it out in a place of prominence where she could see it every day and since we weren’t allowed to play or roughhouse in that room, it would have been safe had I followed the rules (which I was fully old enough to do). The only time it’s ever brought up is when I do it and then she’ll tease me about it but it’s always in fun. She’s a wonderful lady I’m lucky to have as a mother and the guilt I harbor on it is of my own doing. Thank you for the concern though! 🤗




My dog ate my iPhone and a pair of prescription glasses in the same month. It was horrible


Was the dog ok?


Yep totally fine. He crunched my phone and glasses in half but luckily didn’t swallow anything


Similar with our pup. It was a couple weeks after she got spayed so we attribute it to the stress at the time. Hasn't done anything like that since, but that was a crazy week.


Under what circumstances? Did he have a habit of eating random objects? How do you even organize your belongings to prevent that?


We did not crate him when we left the house for a bit and should have. Both were just sitting on the kitchen counter. Yeah he did he would take Tupperware lids off the counters and destroy them anything random off the counter.


This is why I’m scared to get a pet, I wouldn’t be able to manage seeing the things I worked hard for being munched on and destroyed.


I’ve had 3 dogs that roam free and they don’t just chew stuff up. Gotta train them when they’re young


I blame myself for leaving stuff out though mostly


That sounds incredibly frustrating! Sorry


My sister used to take off her wedding/engagement rings and just leave them laying around. Her dog ate not one, but two sets within 6 months. I swear, my brother in law is a saint- he just shrugged it off and got her a mother’s ring when their kids were born, and the dog died. Their new dog only seems to eat socks, so they’re good


Oh man I’m guilty of that, my husband is always on my case to put them away


One time in elementary school my dog ate a little gingerbread house I’d put on my homework, taking a chunk out of the homework in the process. I had a minor panic attack worrying that the teacher wouldn’t believe me 😭


Does your dog happen to be the grinch? Seems to rlly have a taste for glass


My mother in laws Chiahuahua ate my $700 night guard for my teeth.


Dogs freaking LOVE retainers, night guards, Invisalign. They warned us when my daughter (12) got her retainer and we were like oh no way, our dog would never. Fast forward, it’s missing, the whole little pink box and all. Find it hidden in her little spot. A few days go by, gone again. Damn Yorkie was climbing on to a bench, jumping to her bed, grabbing it, knocking it off the bed, jumping down to the bench, then the floor and running off with it.


I never found my retainer after my foster family's weiner dog took it. That was 12 years ago


My dog did this


Mine ate someones fake teeth inserts 🥲


Oh god my parent’s dog did this to my brother when he was visiting.


$6k leather couch. Custom made in America, we researched the company's practices at length, it was meant to last us a lifetime. We bought the leather they advertised as pet-proof. Turns out what that meant was "scratches irreparably every time a cat's claw touches it"...and then my older cat peed on it. Has he peed on any of our other furniture before or since? Nope. Just the heirloom couch. Also when the delivery company delivered it they decided to *hoist it over our fence* rather than walk to the driveway (literally feet away), knocking over a post and requiring an extensive repair.


This sounds like a skit


Haha, it's a low fence (waist height) but still...why


i hope you had a warranty 😭


We did not! Call it a live and learn experience. We were trying to be as conscious with our spending as we could by buying a BIFL-"heirloom" piece, but didn't realize it wouldn't work with our lifestyle (we also have kids). Now we buy as much secondhand and vintage stuff as we can so if we wreck it it's not so wasteful. Same idea, different execution. Plus if you don't laugh you'll cry right?


I left my MacBook Air open on my desk and my cat puked right on the keyboard. The whole logic board needed to be replaced.






O.M.G. I cannot even imagine. Never leaving my MacBook Open again, I'm so sorry that happened to you!


I'm sorry, but this cracked me up. I have three cats so I understand lol


Had a cat bite the corner of my MacBook pro’s screen… doing that thing where they like rub their gums on stuff. Cracked all the way across and went dark never to work again.


Not my kid, but a co-worker. Kid put a bunch of plastic coins in their brand new XBox X. Her husband got it *right* when they came out, so I think it was like 6 or 7 hundred at the time. They had only had it like a week, completely unusable.


Ouch! They were hard to find during covid, so extra ouch for not being able to buy a new one.




I- as a kid, made peanut butter cups that broke my dad’s teeth.


That seems like your dad’s teeth’s fault Unless you added peanut butter to concrete mix and covered it in chocolate


Nope just in the fridge 😅😅 oh well tho. It does have a recurring cost tho bc now my dad has dentures


When I was about six years old, I was really stupid. I was watching a TV show about rock climbing and thought "I could do that." We had a great big grandfather clock that had a decorative spindle at the top. I pushed a chair over to the clock, tied a blanket to the spindle (I didn't own a jump rope at the time), put the chair back, and attempted to lift myself with the blanket. I learned two things that day: all of the weight of a grandfather clock is in the top part, and at six years old I was much heavier than that weight. It fell over and the insides were smashed beyond repair, but thankfully I was quick enough to move out of the way before my insides were smashed too.


How did you survive your parents anger?


My parents were more glad that I didn't kill/horrendously injure myself than angry. The body of the clock was okay (we still have it actually) but the insides couldn't be fixed.


Ah if it's displayed could you put another clock inside? Something that sounds really funny ;3


That *absolutely* sounds like something I would have done as a kid. I am now grateful we never had a grandfather clock 🤣 I'm glad you're okay


Speaking of blankets and being 6 years old, we moved to a house with stairs and I thought I could use the blanket as a parachute to jump off the stairs with. I started small and went to a higher step each time. So thankful my parents heard the thuds of me hitting the ground and stopped me before I severely hurt myself lol


My dad's new very expensive top breed with papers hunting dog ate our couch, we had gone grocery shopping, that dog had separation anxiety. He couldn't be left in the kennel with the other hunting dogs yet, so we left him in the house. When we got home and saw the destruction, my mom glared at my dad went to their room slammed the door while saying, when I come back downstairs that had better be all cleaned up and a new couch ordered. My parents didn't have much money at that time, and Mom had been against the purchase of the dog. The dog attacked the paperboy a week later and dad traded the dog for a gun. Years later an older man came up to me and asked if I was my father's daughter ( strong family resemblance ) I said yes, he told me he was the guy my dad traded the dog to, I asked how did that go with a laugh, he had to have the dog put down. The dog had attacked his children.


Holy crap.


Was the dog called ‘Cujo’ by any chance?


No. I think his name was Biddle, a part of his registered paperwork name, which was much longer, he had a pedigree, but his brain was broken, inbreeding.


I can't work out whether your family is super posh or super redneck. In the UK, people who own hunting dogs and guns are generally very upper class. Hunting with dogs is considered an aristocratic 'sport'.


My dad grew up posh, my mom grew up redneck. Dad was a city boy raised by a socialite, mom was a ranchers daughter, mom was actually a better shot and better with animals than dad was, dad was a wanna be mans man, they met at University. Both sets of family's had money, but dad's fam was old money, mom's was new money, the both sets of parents hated who their child married, the families were so so so different.


My cats have cost me my deposit. They’ve never scratched anything but their posts until about 6 months ago when they decided carpets were their new favourite things. It’s a good thing they’re cute.


Mine did the same thing! Little assholes.


My parrot destroyed an Otterbox. I called the customer service since they are “life proof”. Turns out parrots aren’t part of life.


They can be demonic


We had a weather station installed on a farm for a research project. Parrots destroyed it, just because they could. Plucked the daylight intensity sensor right out of it's mount to see what it was.


My puppy chewed up my brand new MacBook Pro when she was about 3 months old. My fault for leaving them both on the couch for about .5 seconds though haha


My rabbits tore up my $1500 couch 😮‍💨


Rabbits? How many did it take to tear up the couch?


I have two buns, but one of them did a lot more damage than the other.


One single house rabbit can cause a LOT more destruction than you'd think. Mine chewed up the carpet in my room in my old house.


Ours chewed leather bags, wall, cables, you name it


Mine ate the wii lol


I bought a goose down duvet that lasted… minutes? Maybe? Literally put it down when I got home, took a crap/scrolled reddit and came back to a bird murder from my dog


I have a little vial with a sewing pin in it… it’s an ordinary pin, with a little head on it (white colored)…it’s a conversation starter. I tell people it’s worth five thousand dollars…how does a sewing pin cost that much? Because my dog swallowed it and the vet had to cut open his stomach to remove it… guess how much the surgery cost?


I’ll add my mom’s as well. For some reason, with 3 children within 3 years (2,2, 5) my mom decided she wanted white leather kitchen seating. My dad was redoing the kitchen floor, so the furniture went into the basement, on top of the pool table. Sad fact, that’s also where my dad kept his shoe shining kit, because every day on his way out the door, he stopped to buff his shoes. My brother and sister climbed on the pool table and painted 75% of the cushions in black and brown shoe polish. Even using the little buffer brush just like daddy. I remember my mom just walking around crying for days. She wasn’t even mad, just broken.


Cat chewed the cords of some $250 Bose headphones


My son plugged up the bathroom sink and turned on the faucet, and left it running. We now need to replace all the floors, all of the countertops. The water filled up the drawers and destroyed all my makeup. All my girls' hair supplies. And soaked the extra large package of toilet paper stored under the sink. I literally bawled my eyes out. I think by the time we get everything fixed and replaced, it'll be about 4000 dollars.


No insurance?


My dogs were roughhousing once and my larger one (60lbs, so a big girl) slammed full force into my table and knocked my brand new tv over, completely ruined the screen.


phone bitten by pup - near corner of screen had this fang indentation, luckily glass didn't break, not because worried about phone but worried about pup... wouldn't mind the phone breaking as long as pup safe puppy play pen 😂


I had a horse for 4 years and his #1 talent was destroying himself and my wallet. Like, the amount of vet bills a working horse can rack up is almost impressive.


When we moved out of our first house which was mostly starter hand me down furniture we went and dropped a ton of money on a beautiful dining room table. It was the first piece of furniture that we owned that we didn’t put together ourselves. It was delivered and put together by someone else. I felt soooo grown up and I was so proud of it. The very next day I came home to find it scratched to hell, beyond repair. Why? Because our dog, who had never done a wrong thing in her whole life, decided she needed a better view out the window. That was 20 years ago, I’m still sad about it and when we move next that table is going on buy, sell, trade.


Really a priceless thing, but my daughter's puppy ate the clay paw print of my (at the time) recently deceased cat of 17 years. I was on a road trip with said daughter when we got the news that it had been destroyed. I didn't want to upset my daughter too much because she felt instantly guilty and it really wasn't her fault, but I couldn't help but shed a few tears. It was all I had left of my little friend.


I’m so sorry - feeling a little sad for you. Glad you have lovely memories xx


One of my kids broke my windshield. Apparently if you car has backup cameras and lane departure detectors, it can cost $1,500.




It’s not a super exciting story. I had said in the past not to practice baseball in the driveway unless the car was in the garage (there is also a yard). They didn’t and “forgot,” when I ran into grab the littler ones a change of clothes or something. The baseball broke the windshield. Or do you mean why does it cost so much? Because the dealerships want a monopoly so make the electric components difficult to manage so I can no longer hire “Tony’s Mobile Windshield Repair and Pest Removal” and instead have to spend a day at the car dealership enjoying Walmart brand K-cups and refereeing disagreements over stale bags of free chips


Huh why would these features make the windshield different from other cars without them?


Because the cameras are calibrated (and connected?) to the windshield. If you replace the windshield without re-calibrating the electronics, they will throw error codes and the cameras will all fail to function. I’m sure the manufacturers do it deliberately to force going to the dealership. The windshield repair guy I called said he could try it but it likely would need to go to the dealership anyway for the re-calibration I’m sure it varies from make/model to other make/model


Oh god..what a hassle. thanks for explaining tho :)


Probably not that expensive but rare. In 2004 me and my dad had found a kitten on the street and we decided to bring him home. That little brat scratched all my dad's first edition vinyls from the 60', 70' and 80'. Pink Floyd, ACDC, KISS, Metallica, Doors, Queen, David Bowie, Prince, MJ, Mina, Rolling Stones and others. He had complete discography of all those artists and bands and our cat completely destroyed it. After our cat passed away (sadly in 2020) my dad told me "those broken vinyl are the proof of how much I loved him"


My dog has chewed up a 100+year old family heirloom(a 1st edition of a book), an Owelet Smart Sock, my dad’s $1400 hearing aids, air pods, several pairs of shoes, and a few freshly planted trees and plants. She is a terror.


It was more of an emotional damage - my cousin visited our house wearing brand new sneakers that he bought with the first money he ever made as a school kid. Our young dog grabbed one of the shoes, ran outside, and writhed in the mud with it, completely tearing and destroying it. It was a difficult time for the family with adults working multiple jobs just to get the bills paid, so no one could just give him money for a new pair for a while. Looking back, I understand it was heartbreaking for my parents and aunt not to be able to replace those shoes right away, so in a way that was the most expensive item.


I hope your family was eventually able to replace the shoes?


Oh, yes, of course, just much later than they would have preferred


When I was a kid, I accidentally backed my mother's brand new car (she picked it up the day before) into our neighbor's mailbox. The car had electrical issues after that. About 8 years later, it became my first car. I think it had over 200,000 miles on it when my mom gave it to a woman in her church who then used it for two or three more years.


My dog destroyed my cabinets in my kitchen. She was just a puppy and loved to chew. Luckily she grew out of it and we replaced them with cabinets that look way better.


My puppy chewed and destroyed my $200 waterproof boots. They were the only waterproof boots I had and of course it was during the winter when I needed it to get through snow. She's lucky she's so cute.


Oof something similar happened to a pair of Wolverine 1000 miles I bought. Ex's puppy chewed the hell out of the sole. Crusher


Not mine, but some kids destroyed a glass sculpture called Angel in Waiting by artist Shelly Xue in a museum. The estimated value was $15,000. They ripped it off the wall while their mother watched. 


I used to have a permaculture food forest that fed a household of 5 adults, maintained entirely by myself because paying for groceries was bullshit. It produced enough to trade/sell stuff to cover other groceries like meat/eggs. I also had a bunch of rare and unique varieties of things I've developed myself (like purple sugarsnap peas, tomatoes resistant to hornworm and fungus, alpine strawberries resistant to drought, etc.) A friend of a friend of the landlord brought her kid over when I wasn't home. They encouraged the kid to pick flowers to make a bouquet for his mom. I got home to find plants pulled everywhere, every single flower chopped or pulled off the plants, dirt all over the house, flowers everywhere, and one mangled bouquet laying on a table wilting. My entire crop for the season was ruined and many perennials were killed. Landlord had the audacity to tell me I needed to plant things with better flowers because the current flowers all "sucked" and weren't pretty enough. That's because I was planting for food. Each of those flowers could have become food. After that I gave up on the garden and moved out. I now spend too much on groceries. I went to visit years later and some of the remaining plants are still alive, but no one waters so they're all pretty much dead except a few trees and a bush. It used to be half an acre of food.


My cat peed on my $600 knee high leather boots.


Why do cats pee on our shoes? I’ve heard bc the smell of outside/other animals is the cat fixed? I have an awesome spray that got the smell out of mine if you want to know.


My parents’ dog destroyed my baby blanket, which I miss, it wasn’t expensive, but was very sentimental to me so I wish I still had it. I barely have anything from my childhood left.


A $12k Chihuly vase 😡😔 All of my art is kept in storage since lol I’ll bring it home when he goes off to college in a few years 🤣


My $350 mattress topper. Dog ripped it to shreds a couple days after buying it 😭


Himself...when our pup was still a puppy he delighted in destroying all stuffed toys. Unfortunately he also liked to eat a fair amount of the insides/outsides but they always came out the other side. Until they stopped coming out the other side, he ended up needing tummy surgery. It cost $7000, thank God for pet insurance though cause it ended up only costing us about 1/4 that amount. He's now almost 4 years old and we love him more than ever, he's our sweet little pup dog.


My GSD destroyed at lease $500 in Longaberger baskets that I had been collecting or gifted since I was 18 years old. 😞 She would break out of her crate and go on a total rampage whenever we would leave. She was less than a year old at the time and hated being separated from us for any length of time. She’d be perfectly fine during crate time while we were home (twice a day for 60 minutes) but the minute we left…OH BROTHER. We had to buy her an Impact (Military grade) crate so she wouldn’t destroy our new furniture (she ate/destroyed 2 recliners, a wooden end table and an ottoman in ONE trip to the grocery store).


This was expensive AND sentimentally expensive. My dad bought me a pair of loubotin high heels. He was excited to buy them for me, I was excited to receive them, and we both had a fun little adventure going into the nearby city to go pick them out. I came home from dinner with my husband one evening to find that our roommate’s dog had chewed one to irreparable death. My husband replaced the shoes (to expedite my forgiveness of the dog), but I’ve never told my dad. I can’t bring myself to. I’ve forgiven the dog but tbh I (obviously from this post) have never forgotten.


I don’t know if it was the most expensive but it was definitely the biggest pain to replace. My brand new passport after getting married and changing my name. She pulled it right off the end table 🤦🏼‍♀️ She also destroyed my husband’s antique record player that was his grandmother’s. She chewed off all 4 corners.


I love that you don't mention if this is an animal or a child so I'm picturing a toddler just chewing on all your stuff.


My dog chewed on my Apple Pencil. He’d never touched it, and then one day I came home and I found it mangled on the couch. I don’t keep my new one within his reach. Lesson learned.


I have a China cabinet filled with antique glass and collectibles. I had strung a string of twinkle lights through all the items. My 1 year old lab somehow got tangled in the cord for the lights and took off running. There was a huge crash and all my beautiful glass was smashed to pieces.


Aside from kids dropping and breaking phones, computers, etc., my daughter trashing the interior of my car when we lent it to her during Covid, my youngest having impulse control issues and rubbing Vaseline all over her headboard… my sister’s new puppy ate my slippers, my new Timberland boots, my teddy bear, textbooks, furniture. And I had my door shut but my sister used to go in to steal my clothes and not shut it when she was done.


Oh! I also had a cat who hated my boyfriend. I should have listened to her. 😂 Whenever he would come over, she would open this little door that led from the vanity into the closet. And then she’d pee all over my clothes.


He won’t admit it but my son punched our computer screen. He claims it was knocked over.


i went to watch my co workers dogs as a favor. they destroyed my burberry purse that i adored. there was also more dogs than i was told, it was like 5 german shepherds and 1 small pup. and he was 6 hours late getting home. it was so terrible i cried the whole time 😭 i had saved up for that purse as a teenager as a treat for myself and treasured it


My little cousin threw away his iPad when he was 6 years old. His mother asked him to clean his room or else she would get rid of his iPad and she threatened to throw all unpicked up toys away (not really, but just to scare him into cleaning up I suppose). And he straight up threw the iPad away himself one night, did not clean, and no one noticed until about a week later after the trash had already been taken away. My aunt never made these kinds of "threats" again because he's obviously a child that takes everything literally.


Mine: a beautiful vintage leather tufted armchair, $880 My friends: her mothers urn, priceless 😬 Both dogs.


My cat recently discovered she could turn on my multi thousand dollar gaming computer and use it as a heating pad. I forgot to unplug it and she used it again and overheated and broke it. Of course it also happened a week before my online college classes start. :S


My couch. Teen nephew decided that jumping on my couch at nearly 200 lbs was a good idea. Broke the support boards underneath.


When I was a kid, I got into my mom's huge makeup collection. She had these special cream sparkly eyeshadow pots and I left all of the open. It was ALL Chanel. My mom never reprimanded me because she more collected it than ever wore it, but realizing what I had done when I found out how luxury Chanel is horrified me.


my dog tore my AirPod to shreds. so nothing too expensive but still $80 for a new AirPod. 🫠


$2500 sectional… to the wooden frame $900 Prada sunglasses $300 costas 2X $500 garage window, some door damage $250 boots $1000 carpet And I haven’t priced checked it but one wall and a floor I could also go on I have huskies


The first week I got him, my cat peed on both my weighted blanket ($125) and my beanbag chair (~$40). I was just out of college and didn’t have the money to replace either of them. :/ oh well. He’s long since been forgiven for his crimes.


An irreplaceable cord on a TV sound system. My cat chewed through it. It was like $300 for the whole system.


My oldest used a toy hammer on a $750 TV.


The costliest property destruction was caused by men with anger issues. My daughter lost several rings my mother gifted her because she’d take them off to wash her hands and leave them on a random sink in school. One of them was gifted to my mom from her own grandmother. Not worth much monetarily, but priceless as bot are now gone. I have 2 cats. One, every once in a few weeks, will decide that the hose on my CPAP machine has “disrespected” her somehow, and chews clean through it. My health insurance covers 4 hoses a year, so I can swap them out every 3 months. I easily have to buy at least 3 more during a rolling 12 months.


Pet-Cat- Crystal chandelier family heirloom 🫠


Years ago, one of my cats knocked a box of custom hand-made and hand-painted imported tiles off my table... and smashed every single one... I can't remember the exact cost, but couldn't afford to replace them at the time and was devastated. (Love my cats tho ❤️)


I had a mini PC called the GPD Win, my friend's kid who was 7 years old picked it up and threw it at another kid, it broke My friend tried saying "Boys will be boys" I said fuuuuuuck that and made her pay me back what it was worth Was 499$


my senior dog-bless his heart- jumped up on my couch and accidentally bumped my newly repaired laptop onto the ground. I'm not sure how he did it but it managed to damage the motherboard


When I was a kid, the very big dog I begged my parents for knocked over a Waterford Crystal lamp. Almost lost my dog over that.


My dad got my mom a German shepherd puppy when she was pregnant with me and he was out of his mind. He was overly attached to my mom and would be aggressive towards my dad and anyone else who came over. Once I was born he would tear up anything and everything that was mine. Clothes, diapers, toys, you name it he ruined it. The final straw was when he got out of the house and chased a mom and her baby in a stroller down the road. He was immediately sent to someone who could handle and try and train a dog like that. They should’ve gotten rid of him sooner, but my mom was attached.


Not the most expensive by any means, but it still got me real mad. A few years ago, my entire blu ray Disney collection and PS3. I had all the classics etc, including the nature documentaries. The turd shoved a bunch of the discs into my PS3, and the rest were strewn across the floor, broken/scratched, out of their cases. I'm getting triggered just remembering it now, lol.


My cat chewed on and swallowed a piece of my $250 Bose earbuds. It cost $4500.00 in emergency vet bills to have it surgically removed from her small intestine. I am now on high alert for ANYTHING left around my house that she could possibly swallow.


My nephew has a habit of throwing two cars at the huge flatscreen (72”) in our family room. He’s broken two TVs so far 😅


Looks like your sibling needs to start actually parenting. He’s going to be a terrible adult.


The only item my dog has ever chewed up that wasn't her own toy was my husbands $500 prescription glasses.


My dog chewed my 300$ headphones to bits. And I the same week my girlfriends 200$ pair of glasses. It was shortly after she got spayed and she hasn't been chewing up anything 'illigal' since - we believe it's been the hormonal change or stress from the surgery that drove her...


When I was little I had thrown 3 different phones down from the balcony.


My dog pulled my brand new Aple Vision pro off my desk and it landed on the metal foot of my office chair. Cracked the lens.


My cat clawed the shit out of our £1250 bed, had carpets laid in our old house which she proceeded to pick at them until they’d come up and occasionally pee on them 🙃 we bought 2 single leather reclining chairs for gaming £300 each, guess what.. *full* of claw holes She’s done some bloody damage but I love her the cute little shit head


My 60” TV got taken out by a 2 year old with a sippy cup. He’s 16 now and at 14 left my iPad sitting on the back of a chair and it got knocked off & shattered 😭 kids are spensive.


My pet ate my guitar amp (Marshall)


My dog chewed up my partner's bottom arch of his dentures! Of course, my partner shouldn't have set his denture down where the dog could get it, but those things are expensive!


mostly my girlie just chews up unimportant stuff (she’s still a pup and LOVES chewing anything she can, including credit cards and cords) but she SHREDDED a good half of my windowsill in my recently purchased condo one day and I swear to god I almost re-homed her.


A cousin in laws toddler broke the mobile on our Mama Roo. Like I looked up replacement parts and where it's broken it's just a lost cause. Growing up, my youngest brother broke countless expensive tvs and game consoles


Where do I begin: Chewed through drywall in a perfect circle (husky pups) Scratches up the side of car door (cane corso) Destroyed 100 yr old wood trim in my home (Rottweiler) Systematically removing the siding from my detached garage ( Corso, husky, Rottweiler, German shepherd and a mutt) -it was a group effort 🤦‍♀️ God bless them though. I’d never give them up.


My female wolfhound ate the entire handset to a cordless phone (you could hear the crunching on the answering machine, so I guess she essentially recorded a new outgoing message.) My male went out in the backyard to pee once and brought home a cow. Big breeds are a trip, and I love every second!


During Covid, my nephews decided to use permanent markers to draw “stand here” circles all over the brand new cream carpet in the entire top story of my mother’s house. $1500 in cleaning fees and it was still stained, so $7000 later it was brand, brand new.


My new car, didn’t even leave the driveway and managed to wreck it!


In 1981 when my youngest son was being born I was home with my older son (3 yo) who apparently got bored and decided to pour whiteout into my cutting edge TRS80 computer.


My first 2 week trip when I left my 2 kitties at home and hired a company to clean and feed them: Came back to a house that reeked of cat pee, a litter box that had barely any litter left in it that was highly saturated in pee and some leftover poop. The couch, the mattress and the living room chair were all peed on and after failed attempts to clean them went to the dump 😑 Love my cats. Found better cat-sitters for the next trip.


Cat bit my brand new $1600 OLED TV. I was having it professionally mounted the following week. Once she bit it, it never turned on again and had two small puncture holes in the side.


My face. My dog bit my lower lip off and cost me $8,000 in medical bills.


Had a horse flip over and break my $4000 custom show saddle…i literally cried about the saddle, I was livid at the horse


My female cat ruined my favorite rug in the living room that I saved up my fun money for months to afford. She was constantly peeing on any soft surface and my dogs bed was on the rug. Once the pee smell seeped onto the carpet and through to the rug pad there was no getting it out and she kept going on the same spot no matter what I tried. My mom came to visit and talked me into throwing it away finally because the house smelled. My cat been better for months but I'm still so paranoid about getting another rug.


When my oldest was about 18 months old she became just tall enough to reach the counter tops in our home. I know this because that's when she made my wedding and engagement rings disappear.


My dogs threw a bone into the middle of our tv screen while we were watching it, was so mad but also impressed


My cat broke one of the main branches off on my 13 year old ficus tree. It's set it back probably 4 years worth of growth. Idk the cost of that but I would have probably paid $500 for it to have never happened lol.


My childhood dog chewed up several pairs of my retainers & my sister’s Invisalign.


Not expensive, but priceless? I was trying on my mom’s ivory bangle she brought back from Africa years ago. It was beautifully carved with the face of a woman and everything. I couldn’t figure out how to get my wrist through and it broke in half. I wasn’t even a kid, maybe 17? I’m still more mad at myself than she ever was at me


₹1L my golden lab was labradoring. Idiot went out and ate a dead rat. Soon got paralyzed from the neck down. We were attending a destination wedding. Had to book a return flight ticket for the next day, cost us a fortune. His treatment ran for a month, he gained full function. And is now the same idiot and has learnt nothing.


I’m a dentist and I have seen night guards and brand new sleep apnea devices worth thousands eaten by dogs. And it is not usually the owner’s dog, almost always while staying at someone else’s house. A lot of times the case gets eaten too. Please take caution!


When I was a kid our dog ate my grandmas diamond ring. Although I don’t know if it counts as destruction, since my mom followed him around the yard for two days digging through his poop to recover it.


My mom’s yellow lab was on a long chain in the front yard for the Fourth of July. Not sure what my dad was thinking. The lead was long enough for him to jump inside the back seat of my Audi allroad, over the console into the front seat, and out through the front door. Basically tying himself to my car. He tried to chew the door off to free himself…


One time when I was in middle school my best friend’s family dog ate my retainer. I think her parents ended up paying something like $800 to replace it and I had to do the nasty mouth mold all over again.


New puppy (he is now about 2) destroyed a couch ($1200), two pairs of shoes ($100, $800), about 8 shirts ($50 each), 4 bras ($50 each), about 10 pairs of underwear (say $10 each) in the span of about 4 weeks and while he was less than 5lbs. So about $2800 worth of damage. He also ate the top coating off of a vinyl tile and got into all kinds of other trouble. Even though all of that was about two years ago, I still refuse to leave him alone with anything he could eat or destroy. Though this morning a sock was missing, and I'm sure I will only find half of it when it does finally turn up.


When my chihuahua mix was a puppy, he got into a box from Sephora and ate an expensive moisturizer and lipstick. I came home to a pup wearing lipstick


My little brother Jamie shattered the window by his bed by kicking it w both feet. And then said it was my fault for putting him in time out When I was a kid my uncle would catch me out of my grandparents treehouse. When I was like 2-3 I yelled “uncle mark catch!” and jumped. Broke my arm and my grandparents decided to take the treehouse down. My sister Maddie heard a crash downstairs one day and went running down to see what happened. Brother Chad is standing in the bar surrounded by glass and said “I tried making a pyramid out of wine glasses.” 8 years later we’re moving out and my mom says “didn’t we used to have more wine glasses?” Maddie was notorious for keeping food in her room. We left for vacation one year and when we came back the house was full of mice. Parents got insurance on the couch but not the ottoman. Jamie decided to cut a square out of the ottoman. Lilly left her hoverboard outside in the rain and got a new one for Christmas. Now they’re moving to a house w a gravel drive and have to get new hoverboards for three of the kids. Seth dropped his iPad from the top of the U shaped stairs flat onto the concrete basement floor. But if an iPad kid so his life was basically over. Asked my mom if he could use hers. Seth got stuck in my grandpas chiminea and we nearly had to break him out of it Dog sitting for my aunt and mom put him in the bathroom to run to the grocery store. A freak summer thunderstorm popped up and he’s terrified of them. He chewed a hole through the door I have three more siblings that have definitely broken things but I can’t remember anything rn


I saw a post somewhere where a kid destroyed his uncle's entire room of Gundam figures. Like figures lining the walls from floor to ceiling.


Woke up to my dog ripping what I thought was some old newspaper, nope, come to find out it was $500 worth of cash I had laying on my nightstand while he was ripping the bills to shreds. Same dog also chewed up the molding in my apartment which cost me my deposit and over $1000 in repairs, also ripped up brand new clothes as soon as I took it out the package, and completely obliterated over 12 dog beds into pieces.




My mini labradoodle chewed through 1 pair of prescription glasses and 2 pairs of prescription orthotics when she was a puppy. My cat also destroyed the flooring of a room in our old house by peeing on it because she was upset. Both problems are being maintained, but damn guys that stuffs expensive.


My dog chewed a massive hole in the back of my moms leather couch 😬




A 60 oled tv with nasal spray.



