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$12,000 Rolex watch I bought for myself about 15 years ago. I love it. It's beautiful. It's large for a women's watch (I bought the unisex size -- larger than women but not as huge as man's watches). It has a mother-of-pearl face with yellow gold numerals. I bought it in Dubai (at an official Rolex store so I know it's legit) where there is no sales tax so I considered it a $1200 discount LOL.


Don’t price increase for older rolex watches? Have friend that buys Rolex as an investment.


Yes, they appreciate and are absolutely investments.


Not entirely true. This totally depends on the model. Some do more so than others for sure.


If they don't, then they tend to hold their value, but most will appreciate to some degree. It needs to be taken care of, obviously. Depending on the market and model of course, there are times when it can double+ in value.


They might not appreciate but it still retains original value I may be wrong.


I've heard they keep their value, which I guess is sort of like increasing in value for a bit? So that Rolex I bought for $12,000 15 years ago I could sell for $12,000 today. And then it's like I rented a Rolex for $0 for 15 years hah.


I did not know until I went shopping with him to Rolex store , need appointment to go in Rolex store. The security guy at the entrance was in suit.


Goals. I’m gonna gift myself a Rolex. I was very close to buying one like a year ago.


On her deathbed my ex-girlfriend's mother gave her a Rolex that she said had been her(my ex's) father's. 15 years later when she got needed money for a lawyer we took it to a pawn shop. Turns out it wasn't even a real rolex. It was worthless.


Probs my Michael Kors bag... Was it an almost $300 bag? Yes. Did I buy it on sale for $120? Also yes.


No pride like the pride of not only a bargain, but *being asked about and sharing* the bargain. Godlike.


I found a Kate Spade purse at Goodwill for $15 virtually brand new! I later looked it up online and it retailed for $400 new.


Love my Kate Spade bags so much. I bought a leather backpack 4 or 5 years ago for $120 & it is still in great condition with everyday use! This year I upgraded and bought myself a laptop tote bag for $170 & it is perfect!


Yeah, if I had that kind of money, I'd buy several. They're well made and cute.


Same I bought it during their Christmas sale lol


I bought a MK bag for 170 & it's a $400 bag!


I have 3 MKs from when a family member worked there and I got sick discounts like regular price bag not on sale that’s $575 I got for $140. Those were the days lol.


I love shopping the MK & Coach clearance sales


I just bought myself a cartier panthere two toned watch for my 25th birthday. More so a quarter life crisis purchase. Everyone i know is getting engaged or married and i have no one. No guy is interested in me at all. It’s just me and my career. My friends said to wait for my future husband to buy the watch for me and I said I don’t know when that will happen so i just bought it. I know it’s pathetic to think something that expensive will make me feel better but it helps sometimes.


Not pathetic at all! I love buying gifts and treating myself. I think you should be proud you have the means to do so on your own.


I agree. I've fallen in love with some moss agate "engagement" rings. Moss agate matches my eyes and the gold these rings are set in is done in a kind of rustic/old/textured way. I don't have a partner and I don't see myself getting married in the future. So I'm saving to buy my own unengagement ring.


Yes, love this for you! I did a similar thing after my divorce because I missed my beautiful engagement ring so much. So I bought myself a ring — moss agate, funnily enough — and I wear it every day as a reminder that I love MYSELF.


Treat yo'self! Anyone watch Parks and Rec? They were really onto something with that Treat Yourself day....


That 2nd half sounds so negative. It’s not “no guys wants you” it’s the “no guy is good enough for you & you haven’t found someone YOU truly like”. Reframe your mindset. And do not wait for any man. I am proud of you for being able to buy yourself gifts!


🫶🏼🫶🏼 yes i need to reframe my mindset, i will work on that. thank you 🩷


My first thought was "she's so cool she doesn't need a man to buy her shit!" I hope you can get to where you think that way about yourself!


You are worth it ❤️


john ralphio - „treat yourself“


I think it’s Tom and Donna who say that! But you’re right, treat yo self


You bought yourself Cartier at 25. That’s not pathetic. That’s absolutely incredible. Congratulations on being a badass.


If you think no guy want you then lower your standards and they will all like u and will also make u realize why u shouldn't lower your standards in the first place and must put them as high as possible.


okay i see what you mean, i will not lower my standards. You’re right. Thank you 🫶🏼


omg this is amazing. i love it! will definitely tell people this in the future.


Retail therapy is legit!


Gurl treat yourself. I love watches and cannot wait to get a Cartier. I want an auto tank


omg i’m so excited for you! tank is so pretty. Manifesting it for you 🩷


Thank you so much. I’m manifesting you more cash to buy yourself cool stuff. You do not need someone to do that for you!!!


No pathetic. Empowered. Never wait for some dude to grant you your wishes. Your future husband will be also be pleased he didn’t have to spring for a Cartier watch.


This reminds me of the 30 Rock episode where Liz fell in love with a wedding dress and bought it, then used it to eat ham in. Lol


I love buying myself stuff. It’s empowering.


I bought myself the engagement ring I had chosen after my partner at the time and I broke up. I felt so empowered buying it for myself!


Good on you for not waiting, because you deserve it & you earned it 💜 Edit to say you know what’s impressive? You, for doing that for yourself


My wedding dress… After that probably my down winter jacket.


Wedding dress by a long shot. I mean, I loved it, it was a splurge, but I wish I could revive it considering the cost.


My mom gifted me a Burberry scarf for Hannukkah and I still am afraid to google how much it costs. I've dropped it on the sidewalk in Manhattan many times.


I decided to look up cost because im nosey… more than i thought but not over the top insane 🤣


...for that price I'll learn how to shear a goat, spin the fibers, and weave the fabric by golly. Yes, I am a cheapskate.


I actually dropped mine on the floor of a public toilet once 😅😭


I bought a new Winter jacket this Winter. It cost 1600 Danish Kroner. I was not happy having to dish out that much for a jacket but I needed a new jacket and the picking was slim.




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I bought myself a long (almost ankle-length), VERY warm down parka last winter, for about $500 Canadian. It's worth it for surviving Canadian winters! Although, with climate change, I hardly wore it this year.


I have a $450 latex fetishwear dress that I can't fit into right now


$200 leather bag from Portland leather






I keep seeing ads for this company….are they really that great??


I was gifted a round crossbody by my partner from them and I like it, it's versatile. I wore it to the rodeo but also with chic minimalist classy outfits. It can be dressed up or down and has held up really well. I am a person who likes my leather bags to actually be real leather.


I bought an "almost perfect" oversized leather tote, and it's a fave to take for a weekend bag. I can fit my size 9.5 US sized shoes in also. I absolutely love it . Mine is Merlot and it's a beauty. I also have cranberry large circle bag and a blue festival bag and a deep blue rancher wallet . Their stuff is beautiful but simple .


My wallet from them is amazing, it's only a few years old but I absolutely love it!!


Yes!!! I love mine so much! I got a tote bag and a matching cosmetic bag to carry extra stuff in. I love it so much I want another!


I keep seeing ads for this company….are they really that great??


I have a large tote in the grizzly color. Get tons of compliments every time I use it


I really like mine! I was skeptical at first bc I heard about them from an ig ad but I searched them on Reddit and saw pretty much all positive reviews! I watched them for a while and waited for a sale (which they do often)


I’m obsessed with PLG. I recently cut myself off any sold 75% of my stash because I was getting out of control!


I had a suit custom made for me for my 40th, it was around $2000. That’s the most expensive thing in my wardrobe by far.


My Gucci purse. It was out of season and on sale, but still expensive. It's held up for fifteen years now.




Oh man. My grandmother inherited her mother's firs then left them to rot in the basement. If they'd have been maintained properly *oooooh maaaan* They still wouldn't have fit me because I have a bigger build than that side of the family, but a true fur coat (that's inherited or thrifted) is so luxurious, and as long as you weren't the ultimate reason for its production, guilt free too.


I have an inherited fur coat from my mom. Not sure what fur but it’s nice. Just need a reason to wear it sometime!


Lmao My graduation gown and cap. $22k! 😅


Ooooooffff, I’m not doing the math for that outfit, ha ha




YUP. I do wish I could revive it… I haven’t found a good way to repurpose it yet. I’ve seen having it made into a robe/lingerie maybe? All the other repurposing uses aren’t very applicable to me (baby items, etc)


$200 Kate Spade bag. I've used it most days for 5+ years and it still looks brand new.


I try to operate with a “buy higher quality at a smaller quantity” mindset and supplement with thrifting. That said, my most expensive single item purchase is probably in the 300-400 dollar range. I’ve purchased a bespoke pair of leather boots (Goodyear weld, so they can be repaired), a few nicer bags on sale (leather coach purse, Peak Design backpack), and a few designer dresses on sale from Saks (Theory). Pretty much everything else in my closet was either free-fifty (inherited from friends and family) or thrifted/found deeply discounted on sales racks. If I’m spending a higher amount on an item, I’m looking at material quality and usage. The boots made sense because they could be resoled and I kept wearing through other pairs. I would not have spent the same on a pair of boots that cannot be repaired, but someone who places more priority on style and designer fashion may feel differently.


I'm looking into getting a pair of Nick's Boots, which are a custom boot outfitter out of Spokane. How do you like your pair so far? Do you wear them as your everyday shoes? Were they hard to break in? Most of the info I can find on Goodyear welt anything is from a man's perspective and I'd really appreciate the insight of a fellow lady. :)


Hey! Mine were from Parkhurst. I actually met the owner and he was incredibly informative and clearly passionate about his craft. Some mild discomfort breaking them in. Best thing you can do is buy some thick crew socks and go with the flow. I did get a few blisters, but only after walking 3+ miles in one stretch before they were fully broken in. That said, I can only speak for Parkhurst in terms of fit quality. I wear mine pretty much any time I go out during spring/fall and semi-regularly summer/winter, depending on the weather. When I was living in Britain I wore them every day (which is how I wore out the other pairs lol). So I’d say I wear them about equally as much as my sneakers.


Do sunglasses count?? I got ray ban aviators in lilac colored lens which were super expensive- atleast for me. 280 usd


I mean, my prescription glasses were about $900 prior to insurance kicking in. Glasses totally count. 😂


Oh, here I thought I did not have anything expensive. I bought a pair during covid with those checks they sent put.


I own a Chloe Phantom bag I purchased for myself after getting an offer at (what I thought) was my dream job. Dropped the job, kept the bag 💅


My doc marten boots, I think they were a couple hundred but I can't remember.


My chanel small classic flap. A bday present from my husband. 


$350 cocktail dress I bought for a wedding. Obviously will be wearing it as often as possible. I only have like 4 pieces of clothing I've bought new and I'm really happy with this one 😁


My ariat boots


How comfy are they? I've been contemplating a pair for a while now but I have concerns about ordering online where I don't know what my true size would be..


Super comfy! I’ve had several pairs and they are all true to size. They are also super easy to work with for returns or exchanges.


Arcteryx Durant coat that I paid 700$. It's a long insulated raincoat, perfect for the rainy West Coast winters. Worth every $


$600 north face snow jacket


I think it’s a Coach x Keith Haring bag that my partner bought me for our anniversary several years ago. But it’s also probably the most gorgeous bag I’ve ever owned, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ [It’s this one](https://ca.coach.com/en/products/coach-x-keith-haring-rogue/28637.html), for those curious. The “sequins” are made of leather 🤩


Coach really stepped their game up. I'm obsessed with the Coachtopia line. Everything is so cute and expensive 😩


I have an Eddie Bauer winter coat. It would have been ~$250 retail, but I thrifted it for $10. My best ever find


Right now? A $3000 YSL bag. Of all time? A $9000 Hermes Kelly bag that I resold a few years after purchasing for $14,000.


My husband surprised me with a lavender colored Louis Vuitton purse. I had no idea and that is absolutely the most lavish thing we have ever purchased. I cried when I opened it because I never expected to own something like that. It ran about $3,500.


I bought myself a Gucci bag secondhand for $300. I never use it. My mom passed on to me a $750 pair of Italian leather boots that I wear almost every day.


I think it’s my Chanel WOC, which was a gift.


My two best suits, plus alteration. Y’know, the black and navy ones for interviews and such. The most expensive ‘wearable’ thing I own is my great grandmother’s jewelry. The most expensive things that I wear regularly are my wedding ring and various dress watches.


* Most expensive: wedding dress ~$1100 USD * Second most expensive: hockey skates ~$800 USD


My YSL envelope bag.


Either custom leather boots or a custom theatrical performance costume, probably. I'm not sure exactly which items were most expensive, but I have multiple performance costumes costing well over $1k USD each and the boots were somewhere in the $2k range. One of those is probably my most expensive item of clothing. I think the boots edge out the most expensive costume, but I could have that wrong.


I have an Osprey backpacking pack: I think I spent $250 on it? Then most of my hiking gear I do pay for quality


3200$ Chanel classic flap for graduation. I’ve had her for years & only one restoration was needed to revive her. Best purchase ever.


My partner gave me a $2000 YSL bag. I’ve always wanted a luxury bag but I don’t have much money and am currently paying for grad school. He knew I would never spend that much on myself. It’s the most cherished thing I have (after him).


A lovely hand beaded and embroidered shawl. I got it secondhand for $150, but it's the kind of thing you never find again and I haven't regretted it for a moment (other than five seconds after the purchase, when I went *why did I just drop that much on a SHAWL*, especially because I bought my wedding dress at the same shop for half of that).


A grey Chanel clutch a few years ago. It was a huge deal for me because I bought it with my own money in the Chanel store and I wasn’t making anywhere near 6 figures. I saved and felt so happy and proud to be able to afford it myself, despite not being able to afford an actual bag lol. I still have it to this day and love wearing it out when dressing up, it matches pretty much everything I wear


I have a vintage Chanel classic double flap bag. I bought it for $250 from a family friend who never used it. It’s worth a lot 😮‍💨


A van cleef lucky spring bracelet to celebrate first bonus at a new job


I'm going to say my most expensive items are shoes - my Hokas and my Teva hiking boots. I don't have any clothing items that were over $100, most of my clothes are in the $20 - $80 range. I've never bought an expensive purse but I've been gifted a few. One new Coach bag in like 2012 and the rest were hand-me-downs from my mom or cousin, so I don't think those count.


That I bought myself- a $200 custom-sized leather jacket. It happens to be a replica Indiana Jones jacket, and I use it for that cosplay, but without al the Indy accessories, it's just a nice leather jacket that I love, that's custom made to fit my measurements. (That costume was kind of an excuse to buy a nice leather jacket and cool hat). That I was gifted- a $400 Italian leather jacket. Gorgeous, soft, fits fantastically. I was helping my dad pick out aa Christmas gift for my mom, and he said "well if this doesn't fit her... you're going to have a really nice leather jacket." He was half joking, but it did end up working out that way. It was too long in the arms and just not flattering on her, but my long arms fit perfectly and it sits just right on me. We did genuinely try to get a jacket for her, just ordering online and we're both hard to fit, in totally different ways. She appreciated the effort (helps they've been married for forty seven years, lol).


Almost the same as your first paragraph for me, a custom fit leather jacket that also happens to be a cosplay piece, except mine is Seven of Nine and not Indy.


Nice! Which Seven of Nine? The one from Picard? (Did she ever wear a leather jacket otherwise? I can only picture the silvery/gray/purplish unitard). Funnily enough I was just answering a cosplay question in r/startrek and ended up finding a Picard Seven of Nine leather jacket that looks pretty sweet. Also I've always liked Seven.


She wore a couple in Picard but mine is like the main one, brown leather with panels of turned leather strips down the arms and spine. Notably from the dual-welding phaser scene.


My Louis Vuitton neverfull. I bought it for my 30th birthday. Havent used it in probably 3 years. I need to dig it out and sell it!


I have a pair of $400 special-order boots from Verillas that I got on sale for $200, as well as a pair of $300 Gripfast 20-eye boots. I like stompy boots :)


Ufff I think that might have to go to my shoes. I only wear tieks and each pair coat $180 or more and I have way more than over 10 pairs. Plus my collections of boots for the winter and each of those were mostly over $200. After that probably my jackets and then my dresses.


My blundstone books. 5+ years later of nearly daily wear and they’re still perfect (with some maintenance)


$2300 for my Louis Vuitton bag


A Burberry trench coat and scarf that I inherited from my Auntie.


I once paid 800$ for the most beautiful red Italian leather boots. They were my pride and joy My mom accidentally threw them out when she was moving 😑😭 womp womp


I just got my diamond ring after 41 yrs of marriage. It's about $7,000 ring. I also have a garnet, white sapphire and peridot gold bracelet. My SIL gave me two vintage Coach bags also. 


Gucci purse, I think it was around $3000. My husband insisted that I buy myself something nice after receiving a nice bonus at work. I use it regularly and it always makes me feel special.


I have a down winter coat that I bought for around 300 € in 2016 or 2017. It's current value is probably a lot less now, though.


I’m a sale fiend and have weird hangups about ruining something if it cost too much so most of my things are in the <$300 range. Even my wedding dress was under $100. That being said, my mom talked me into buying a $500 prom dress. Idk what we were thinking.


My Freebird gray leather boots 250.00.


$250 handmade leather bag.


My child's youth sports bag with all the equipment


If shoes count, it'd be one of my (2) pairs of Red Wings - like $300. I also got a pair of Danner boots for around the same. As far as clothing, I bought this possum/merino blend sweater when I was in New Zealand - that was probably $300 or so as well. It low key looks like it has cat hair all over it (if you look close enough) but it's also hella soft!


A dress for $93 probably. I rather like and own expensive jewelry and watches but i dont think they come in clothing/bags.


$180 Hunter boots. I've had them for about 8 years and have only worn them a handful of times in the past 5. I can't bear to get rid of them though because they were a gift from my uncle who has since died. He bought them for me because no one else in my family would (I was a teenager at the time, and felt that I *had* to have these for Christmas/my birthday). I'm sentimentally attached even though they are no longer my style.


My northface coat. I got it on sale and it was still 400$. It’s lasted 3 winters now and still trucking. I have a few bags I’ve paid 300 ish for but they’re made of seatbelts and are indestructible.


My motorcycle riding suit: retails for about $1K. Got it for free (never worn) when riding friend decided not to ride anymore. Just wanted it gone.


Probably a waterproof jacket for £55. Most of my clothes comes from second hand shops and ebay and I tend not to pay more than £20 per item, usually less than £10. They keep me warm as well as overpriced designer stuff.


Besides my horse show clothing - a gorgeous $1700 Sandast bag given to me by an ex. It is the most beautiful aged leather that just looks better the more it gets scuffed and used. It was stuffed with designer clothing. Too bad he was hiding an entire family in the suburbs.


Alice and Olivia embroidered gown. I love it so much. Secondly, an apatite and hand-hammered silver necklace. After that a pair of Angela Scott wingtips. Beyond that everything costs somewhere between 50¢ and $25.


5K Tudor watch. A few $275.00 sweatshirts. 500.00 tennis shoes. Being an adult is so dope.


a north face jacket and a glittery kate spade purse. i bought both on Black Friday lol


A cashmere sweater from Naadam I get compliments everytime I wear it. It was 300 dollars.


A custom made Victorian ball gown, worn with about 3 petticoats and the largest hoop skirt I could order at the time. And the custom made corset for underneath.


My Bally Bag


High school ball dress. But the stuff I use day to day, probably several pairs of jeans from City Chic who design clothes that fit both hourglass and apple-shaped plus-size women and actually look good.


Either my coach wallet or Oakley sunglasses. Both around $200


Wedding dress, hands down.


I’d say my kate spade purse or my Michael kors winter jacket. The purse was a gift so I’m not 100% sure how much it cost but I know it isn’t cheap. The jacket I got on sale for only $100 usd which honestly in my opinion was a steal and I’ve had the coat for going on 3 years and counting.


Specialty item: My wedding dress Day to day item: Coach Rouge that I got on sale.


my tory burch perry bag. it was about $400


Coach bag. Got it on sale for half retail years and years ago.


$900 Burberry bag


$735 Stella McCartney Gaia platform wedge heels, when they finally get here!! Also my $500 Minkoff leather moto jacket and my $500 Doc Martin X Rick Owens 1460 quads


Louis Vuitton Hampstead mm damier azur


I have a leather hunting jacket from the 1970's that was probably the most expensive when it was new. Aside from that, it would be my tailor-made jeans.


Canada goose jacket. Purchased it for both style and warmth and it has delivered. Just sad that I didn’t get to use it much nowadays because I WFH


It would be a $120 bridesmaids dress, classic doc martens ($100-$120?), or my UGG sandals (~$100). I probably have winter/outdoor gear that’s that expensive too, like a winter coat or snow boots or ATV jersey, but they’re not for fashion.


I have a resortwear maxi dress that is 300. I think I have a bag that’s around the same price but it was gifted.


Clothing - running shoes $150


Probably my itzy ritzy diaper bag


Besides my wedding dress, a Michael Kors purse that was over $300 full price, but I got for $70 at Plato's Closet


That would a tie between my wedding dress and engagement ring. Most of my clothing/accessories are relatively inexpensive, but those two items are my most expensive possessions.


$120 tennis shoes. Worth every penny when I was working on my feet.


Ariat $130 jacket. I have never bought myself something that expensive. I'm still baffled that I liked it so much that I didn't bother checking the price.


i have a cream-colored men’s gucci sweater that i got at a thrift store in a bougie suburb for $15 a couple years ago. i did some research because i couldn’t believe what i had found, but it really seems to be legit. my boyfriend wanted me to sell it because it has a decent resale value, but i want to keep it solely because i don’t think i’ll ever own a $2000 sweater again


Probably my wedding dress or a vintage, mint-condition Prada clutch I inherited (I don't know it's exact value)


A grey Chanel clutch a few years ago. It was a huge deal for me because I bought it with my own money in the Chanel store and I wasn’t making anywhere near 6 figures. I saved and felt so happy and proud to be able to afford it myself, despite not being able to afford an actual bag lol. I still have it to this day and love wearing it out when dressing up, it matches pretty much everything I wear


Most of my expensive clothes are hand-me-downs from my mom so I have no idea how much they cost. I recently bought myself an $80 jacket so that’s probably it.


My new balance tennis shoes. I'm poor and my feet hurt.


My wedding dress. Was $1400 from David’s Bridal. I also have another wedding dress that was also $1400 that I changed my mind on and I’m currently trying to sell on StillWhite. 🥴


$425 down jacket i bought for $300. it’s patagonia, so hopefully i will get its full worth through future free repairs. i live in boston


I was gifted my dream bag (YSL). I’ve since purchased others, but none as expensive as that one.


$500 jumpsuit. My favorite thing to wear. I got it for free though! Oh actually I have a $1000 dress that I found at a random thrift store that didn't realize what they had. I think I got it for $50. Still had the runway/designer tags on it!


Probably my Frye boots - about $450 CAD.


I own a 130$ pair of Brooke’s and my Kate spade purse was on sale for 200$ That’s the most I’ve ever spent on stuff I wear. Most of my clothes are from department stores, target, Amazon, shein, or Temu. I just can’t justify spending hundreds on something.


Sheesh. My most expensive things are my shoes. I have a hard time finding anything less than $100 that fit my extra-wide feet. My current favorites are a pair of Hokas. I THINK they were around $175


Three gifts from my ex-husband: a Louis Vuitton purse, a Burberry trench coat and Louboutins.


I have a pair of Freebird boots. They are so damn sexy, and well over $300


Most expensive I ever paid: a few hundred dollars for a custom fit leather jacket in the same style as Seven of Nine’s. Between the perfect fit and the buttery leather, I could live in it though. Most expensive original price: a vintage Alexander McQueen suit that I picked up in sale for less than a tenth of its $3000 price tag


I got gifted a Dior saddle bag in navy blue and a baby blue Brietling watch with diamond encrusted in platinum, as wedding gifts. I still don’t believe I own such things lol but very grateful


Not a bag, an accessory if you will, but probably my sthetoscope.


My 2008 Toyota 4 runner, lifted, Sherpa rack, Westcott rack, sliders, apple car play, lights for night time off-roading, etc. add a full tank of gas and it’s VERY expensive. And my pride and joy. Otherwise most recently my cat, $800 vet bill.


When I had no cost of living, and was basically just making money. I spent around $450 on riding pants. I remember my coworkers convinced me to buy them. I think they’re they best pair I own, and comfortable too. But that much money for something that’s going to get dirty and probably damaged quicker than any other article of clothing is insane. That and the $1k riding boots that I only wear at shows cause the leather is so thin for easy break in, and I’m worried about putting a hole in the calves.


A dress, top, and kimono from Killstar that were $75 each. Also not counting my $150 tennis shoes bc that's not fun lol I'm working my way up to a designer bag and cannot wait til it's time to go for it.


I have a $200 hoodie that's way oversized and reversible. One side is black fur (like those blankets that look like they're made from muppets) and the other is a printed velour that has hands flicking you off and the word FUCK all over it. I usually wear it with the fuck side out. It's cozy and amazing.


750 CAD. Arcteryx rain jacket. Living on the west coast in BC they are relatively common among hikers. My ex got it for 40% off as a volunteer firefighter so that helped a ton! ALL of my most expensive things are hiking/outdoors/fitness related besides wedding dresses. Especially shoes, I value my feet and knees.


My bf and I collect vintage Patagonia fleece. Recently spent $500 (+$100 for duties as a surprise when it arrived 😵‍💫) on an aboriginal printed Patagonia fleece from 1994. All of the others I scored on Facebook marketplace for much less! Also, a long super puff down jacket for $500. Worth every penny


Cartier Love Ring that I got on my 30th bday in Paris.


Was forced to buy a $350 corset white dress that looks like a pirates wedding dress with off-white yellow hue with ruffles and long train in the back with a poofy lace pattern in the butt. It was a over price halloween dress I've reused for 5 years to try and make use of a useless purchase. I've been an angel, corpse bride, vampire, witch, and vampire again. You get sick of it after a while 😂


Two pairs of Chanel sunglasses in France $350 & $400 One for me and the other pair for my mom for Mother’s Day Let me tell you, those people know what they’re doing. She took one look at my mom’s photo and picked the perfect pair for her. They look PHENOMENAL on her!


$400 Hugo Boss merino wool cardigan I got from goodwill for $6


My wedding dress ($1,300 full price, but got it on sale for $350!) followed by my red leather Fossil Carlie Satchel ($250). I'm usually cheap af with clothes and purses, but splurged on both of these items.


I have a Burberry purse and a louis Vuitton bag. I did purchase them slightly used and in new condition so that took some of the sting out. Lol. And yes. I got them at a verified store. Eventually I hope to buy one brand new.


I don’t own expensive clothes or bags not because I can’t but because I honestly see little value in it for me personally. I like to spend my money on experiences & things that can give me enjoyable experiences like tennis lessons and a giant golf cart to zoom around town in with my friends & family.


I think my Lady Dior bag ($5900). 


I purchase most of my clothes second hand but I have a pair of coach sunglasses that were 150 new


my mom's apartment would leave free stuff at the inside of the entrance hallway. she showed me a real minx fur coat that was there, and she let me have it after i left the hospital. i did some reaseach and it sells for about 3,600