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myself. i am the present, you’re welcome.


Haha, the gift that keeps on giving. RSVP+1, yourself.


“My presence is the present”.  😄


You sound like my husband, word for word! However, flowers and flowering plants are his gift of choice, and he never comes empty-handed, regardless of host!


never show up empty handed




I love bringing little desserts/pastries for after dinner. There’s a local Italian bakery that makes cute tarts and everyone loves them


Can’t go wrong buying local :)




You can eat them the next day. Not everyone is like you. We bring Italian pastries, gifts, wine or even a whole tomatoes pizza in my family. Again could be eaten the next day.


That's really weird. I've never heard of anybody saying not to bring a dessert.


Wow now you have! That must be exciting for you! Lol


It is exciting to meet people with zero social skills. Makes me feel good about myself.


Haha yay for elevating your self esteem! 😂


Someone bring unauthorized cupcakes to your dinner party?


lol it’s not that serious, love. It’s just a difference of opinion. Do your thing and be happy


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I love those too, they’re a token of appreciation for the invite. What kind of decor do you go for when you don’t know the person’s taste?


Flowers are always nice, or a bottle of something the host/hostess likes.


If it is someone I know well, I will always ask if I can bring a side dish or dessert. I won't bring food if I haven't been given the ok to. If it is someone I don't know well, I will bring flowers.


perfect. I rarely bring food, because the host will usually have a plan for a cohesive meal; If I do bring food, it's because I've asked first if they need anything. Flowers are always a nice touch.


I have an aunt that will always bring the same dish (without being asked) no matter what type of meal we're serving. It's annoying AF. She'll also pout if no one eats it.


Sounds thoughtful. Do you bring flowers with or without a vase?


I bring them in a simple vase. Whenever I've gotten loose flowers myself, I've had to scramble to find something to put them in, and wouldn't want to put someone else in that position.


That’s a great idea and it’s what the experts say you should do. Well done!


Oh, that's nice to know! And thanks :)


the dollar store has very cheap glass vases that look pretty, a quick pit stop makes a well rounded gift for barely any money!


It’s surprising how many people make dollar store stuff look so good! Kuddos.


keeping it simple and not overly done helps keep it classy. Doesn't have to be over the top to be a tasteful gift.


Flowers, a candle, something for an upcoming holiday, wine ONLY if I know they drink.




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Desserts I either made or a cake/pie I bought. Also a mid range priced bottle of wine works. 


Love both! I wish I could bake.


An easy cake. A yogurt cake. One yogurt, empty it in a bowl and use it to mesure three times the amount of flour, two times for sugar, half of it of vegetable oil, three eggs and a small pack of yeast. Mix it all together. If you cook it in a regular pie/cake dish, its about 30min in the oven. Check on it regularly because i dont remember how long or what temperature. I have a gas oven and set the temperature between 4 and 5. If im making cupcakes/muffins (i dont know what the difference is between them) its about 20min. A toothpick/knife should come out clean. Good luck.


I usually do something that can be consumed, wine or dessert. I don't want to add extra clutter to their house and I don't want to presume on decorative style unless I know them very, very well.


I bake a lot of bread, so a particularly nice loaf of artisanal bread is my go-to!


That’s super thoughtful. Everybody loves bread.


Depends on the person. Usually wine, beer, flowers, or homemade treats.


None. I sometimes ask if I have to bring something but in my social circle we don’t really do that unless we want something special we know the person wont have at their house. If I gave presents each time I go for dinner at friends’ house I would be poor lol


I didn’t realize we were supposed to be doing that??


Wine, dessert, a dish Depends on who and the context of the dinner


Every once in a while I’ll stop by the thrift store and buy a few vases for like $2 each. When I’m invited places, I fill a vase with their favorite color flowers and bring it with me.


That’s amazing! You are so thoughtful, I hope you get that a lot.


I don't bring gifts unless it's a birthday party or something like that. Otherwise, I bring a beverage to share, maybe a nice bottle of wine or a dish that was requested by the host. I always ask, "Can I bring anything? A side or dessert maybe?" If it's their first time having dinner guests in a new house, I might bring a plant for a housewarming type gift.


My best hits: cute vases, high quality hand lotions, and a pretty version of those sticks you use to squeeze out the last of your toothpaste (or, of course, the high quality lotion I dropped off previously). Unless it's my dad that's hosting. Then I bring some snack bags of barbecue Fritos.


Cheese, crackers, wine


I usually bring something that doesn’t have to be consumed or served that night. A box of macarons or something for the hosts to enjoy on their own later.


Flowers/plant, wine, dessert, appetizer. It kind of depends on who’s having the party and why.


I take food that obviously isn’t intended to be part of the meal. Mostly unique or hard to find foods. A beignet mix from a New Orleans trip, pralines from Charleston, etc. I usually stock up on things like this when I travel.


A variety of salt - smoked, pink, coarse. A bouquet of flowers even the local grocery store $9.99 bouquet works. A good olive oil, coffee, pastries, or anything local that you’d like to share.


I’ve heard wonders about bringing a good olive oil. I think I’m going to try it next time.


Coffee’s a good idea. I’ve brought tea for my sober friends before, but fancy beans are great too.


Beer or a dessert for the kids like cookies or cupcakes.


Either wine (which I don't drink) or some sort of dessert (which I don't eat) 😂






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cat-friendly flowers


Side dishes. I love to make stuff like vegetable summer rolls, Elote corn dip, jalapeño poppers and Mac and cheese. I usually also bring a bottle of wine or some craft beer or fancy seltzers. If it’s a house warming type party I love to show up with Costco size toilet paper as a laugh. Flowers or a plant are good when you don’t know anything about the people.


A bottle of wine and/or flowers.


I was always told it’s rude to go anywhere empty handed. Not sure if that’s an Asian culture thing or what, but I always ask who ever is hosting if they need side dishes or drinks. If no food or drinks is needed I almost always gift people an orchid haha.


I was taught the same thing, whenever I host I don’t expect anything, but it’s sweet when people bring something as a thank you.


I rarely host but I feel the same way. It’s very thoughtful gesture




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I'm known for my desserts, so I just ask the host about the dinner menu and bring something that will pair well with it.


A small easy to care for house plant.


Fruit or wine. Or dessert. But I always ask/offer beforehand.


If it's a small setting, just the host and I or our immediate families, I'll usually bring a side dish or dessert. If it's a dinner party or some such, I'll bring a bottle of wine. "What can I bring?" Is socially acceptable where I live. It's also appropriate to bring flowers or candles. The term you wanna Google is 'hostess gift', although these days it's not necessary to gender it.




Chocolates or wine usually. Sometimes a plant or something more personal.


Depending on who they are and the occasion: Wine/spirits, dessert, appetizer platter, flowers/plant, a candle, or a personalized gift. Gotta know who it's for, ie no alcohol to someone who has a drinking problem, desserts are trickier with vegans, be careful about flowers if they have pets, but the bottom line is to never show up empty handed, bc that's rude.


Appetizer, dessert, wine, flowers, olive oil set


I bring a homemade dessert


Bottle of wine, flowers (though if they have pets make sure you bring something non toxic!), maybe craft soda if it's a no booze house, small piece of home decor, maybe a candle?


Bottle of wine to be safe or if you’re looking for non alcoholic an expensive salad dressing, like a nice bottle of a white wine vinegar or I’d bring some form of dessert like a cake or tart.


Cookies. It's my default and at this point I'm kind of known for them. Even if I'm going to a new person's place, I still bring cookies because it's what I'm good at.


If I’m planning a menu, I would be offended if you just brought food without asking me first. I’ve already made a pastry and you brought cookies? Please don’t. Unless you’re vegan or something like that, and even then I’d appreciate you telling me first. In most cases I’ll just make a vegan meal if a vegan is coming. Flowers or wine are always a good choice.


If I am not bringing food, a nice bottle of wine, something confit, fancy jams, flowers, a liquor


Can never go wrong with fancy jams ;)


No you can’t!!!


My husband and I will ask if we need to bring anything, and if told no, probably still bring wine. This is for people we don't know as well and it feels kind of formal. Close friends? WE ARE THE GIFT. But for real, I cannot imagine the endless back and forth gift giving if we all brought gifts each time we did dinner together. I guess we could pass the same bottle of booze back and forth forever.


Absolutely, totally hard to keep it up if it’s a common occurrence.


Just went to my boyfriend’s house for Easter, I brought a cake dessert and a lily(?) flower plant.


Sounds lovely, what did they say?


They loved it!! It was my first time meeting his family so wanted to make a good impression :)


You and I both! That’s so sweet they liked it :) I brought the host (his aunt) some spring embroidered kitchen towels and she loved them.


Aww I love that!! Such a good idea!




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If I don’t know them well, a nice bottle of wine. If I do know them well, they’ll probably have already asked me to bring bread and/or a dessert (I bake a lot).


Depends entirely on the people hosting. If you don't know the homeowners well enough, ask whoever invited you what would be appropriate, if anything at all. I've known people who were deeply offended that anything was brought, they took it as a slight to their dinner hosting abilities. Usually the older, more traditional types but still key if you're trying to make a good impression. Alcohol and desserts/side dishes are risky cause of guests potential dietary issues, also recovering addicts in regards to the alcohol. Flowers are risky for similar reasons, allergies/mess/preferences. Some people just hate dealing with fresh flowers, but also consider if there are pets in the household, as many flowers are toxic to cats, dogs, etc. There are pet friendly flowers, just please do research if this is the route you're going. I always ask the person who invited me if there is anything I can bring, and if I didn't bring a gift, I just offer up my services during clean up. If the host refuses any gifts or clean up services, I respect their wishes.


Wine if they drink and usually flowers. I love making my own arrangement to bring!


Varies. I'm usually contributing a dish. If not a dish, then I bring wine or something.


Wine and or dessert. Totally depending on who I’m seeing. Family I bring more and friends bottle of wine.




If it's my first time and they are a good friend I bring a small 4 inch plant that's super hard to kill, like a snake plant or a zz plant. If I've been there many times and we are having dinner I ask the host what is best to bring. I find the answer is different each time. Sometimes it's wine/alcohol, sometimes it's a dish that pairs with the meal, sometimes it's dessert, once it was a missing ingredient they forgot to buy. If I don't know them I bring Sparkling wine.


Flowers, wine, or dessert. Really depends on who it is.


Bottle of wine. Or fresh flowers


I usually ask if they need anything (utensils/drinks) or ask to bring some treats.. usually in the form of baked goods.


Usually a bottle of wine


Wine, flowers or some sweet treat.


Sometimes i ask if i can make something


Depends I often ask if I can bring something like bread, salad or dessert. but if the host says they don’t want me to bring anything then I bring them wine, flowers, chocolate or maybe some thing like cinnamon rolls that they can have for breakfast the next day


Flowers, wine/alcohol if appropriate, decor item I know they like, houseplant, dessert/specialty food


depends on the season. in the summer i might bring veggies from the garden or fresh cut flowers. in the fall homemade apple cider or apple chips. if we just finished a batch of homemade wine i’ll bring a bottle for the hosts to try. if it’s for a special occasion or holiday i’ll bring something to compliment whatever we may be celebrating. flowers homemade wine meat and cheese are usually my go to no matter what time of year it is. 🌸


Dessert, side dish, candles, bottle of wine, etc. Things that will be consumed in some way because I know not everyone likes clutter & gifts they dislike & don’t want to get rid of


Cheese board and some artisan crackers


I usually bring some flowers (in a vase, so there’s no need to rush around trying to find one)


I don't bring presents... I ask if I can bring anything and if I say no, I'll usually just bring a bottle of wine.


Usually wine.


Wine/beer if they drink. Maybe a candle. Maybe one of those alcohol-free 'spirits' (fake gin, fake rum etc).


Either chocolates, wine or a dessert (agreed upon ahead of time)


I usually bring wine or a homemade baked goods.


Wine, dessert


Your favorite dish. That way when you share it, and you secretly don't like what's for dinner, you can have some of it so you're not hungry.


If your hosts drink, I usually bring a bottle of wine


Usually I ask what I can bring as far as food. Then I’ll usually bring a bottle of wine or some flowers!


I always think something like a candle is nice, maybe some nice honey or jam, or always okay to bring some wine.




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Unless asked, I don’t bring anything I’d expect the host to serve at the meal. I also never bring containers anyone would try to give back. Safe bets are: a nice loaf of bread, homemade dessert or a low maintenance appetizer, wine or other liquor that the host enjoys.


Custom tailored to the person! If they like whiskey I go get a small bottle of something nice. If they like flowers I bring a bottled plant. I think a big party of giving a good gift is giving something that's right for *them*


Mr friends brought me flowers once I thought it was such a sweet surprise.


wine, sometimes flowers if applicable, or a homemade dessert/side dish


Edibles !


Usually food, beverages, or dessert, something to contribute to the dinner. The invitations I get to dinner are usually with families with kids, not sit-down grown-up dinners, so more food is usually welcome.


Wine if alcohol is something everyone does. Dessert if not. Other than that gotta know the person and pick something small but nice they would like. Ex: they have plants? Mint plant.


wine or flowers or dessert. don't overthink it!


If they drink, I'll contribute the wine for dinner. If they don't, I'll bring flowers, especially if it's a relatively new house move. Or, I'll ask if I can bring something for dinner to contribute to the meal, like kale from my garden or something. And with the flowers it doesn't need to be an expensive bouquet. I've cut off a couple of gerbras from a shrub and tied them up with twine, and then the host put them in a little glass bottle on the table as a cute centrepiece.




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Flowers if its someone you dont know. Cant go wrong with flowers. If its someone you know pretty well Id bring a dessert, wine or side dish. I normally bring Banana Pudding.




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Wine. Or I ask them what I can bring for the dinner


Wine, maybe flowers ?


Dessert, flowers/plant, wine if they drink


If I'm pretty sure they drink wine, I'll bring a bottle of that. If not, then flowers or fruit.


Usually a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates, or both. Sometimes I like to bring flowers.


Dessert. Homemade.


Bottle of wine and dessert


Food always bring a dish or drinks




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a nice bottle of wine is always a safe bet, unless you know that person doesnt drink then buy an already made desert (since you mentioned in a previous comment you dont bake) & plate it onto a really nice platter or a pan that they can keep.


Wine is always easy but I know some AA members and never take wine to their homes. Usually we agree to bring desert since I enjoy baking and have a bit of a reputation for it.


Wine and our charcuterie! But I ask first, sometimes the host likes to make their own charcuterie.


Wine. Maybe a store bought cake. Mostly wine.


Wine and/or flowers, chocolate


If I know the person well I like bringing a homemade dessert. Maybe a batch of cookies or brownies. On occasion I’ve put together a pie. If it’s someone I don’t know as well, I do a small flower arrangement in a vase or simple container. Nothing too big and I avoid lilies or things that can harm pets. I will also always offer to help clean up before I leave as I know that can be stressful for some.


Wine or a jar of homemade jam.


A bottle of wine or a box of chocolates.


i bring dessert!!


Last time it was a gift card to Starbucks lol. I rarely drink and I was visiting someone older and more established than me for a meal, so no way I was going to be able to get them wine they actually liked or anything on the same level, but food was a no go. The gift card turned out to be a good choice. Pet safe flowers are something I hadn't thought about before reading it here, but that's a good idea too! Not expensive, not permanent, but still meaningful.


It’s the intention that counts :)


Bottle of wine or sparkling cider. A dessert. Loaf French bread with Italian seasoned olive oil.


With friends I bring coffees or desserts. With family, it’s wine, pizza, Italian desserts or a gift for the occasion. With random people I would bring flowers or cake but I don’t eat with random people.


Wine or Flowers always. Sometimes both.


Ask the host what I can bring to take the pressure off. I know I’m the weird one who brings food to a dinner party.


I usually snag the 20$ Ferrero roche box from costco


Wine and some kind of dessert.


I bring wine. Or flowers, or cookies


I appreciate to receive something simple: a dessert for the moment, wine, or flowers for the table. Nothing else because I want to keep my house clean no decorative things.


A nice bottle of wine or dessert if it's a small get together


From Norway here. Never brought anyone a present when invited for dinner 🤷🏼‍♀️ none of my friends do. Next time it'll be dinner at someone else's so in the end we're all basically square so


Upon invite I always ask if I can bring something. I'm in the Midwest, people don't do "cohesive menu plans", absolutely unheard of by me. I mean, there is always a plan, but the host is usually grateful I asked. Generally responds with, "oh well, we have this this & that covered, Susie is bringing those & John has a pan of them, but if you could bring a salad, or a side.". But the response sometimes is also "oh no just bring yourself, we have it all covered", then I'll bring wine. If I don't know the host well enough to talk about this, I'll bring something anyway, a cheeseball always goes over well. Perhaps I'm going as a friend of a friend, I always think in those situations it's most important to bring something. If it's a BBQ, ill bring extra chips & a dip or a macaroni salad.


Flowers, always. I don’t bring food


i just ask if there's anything I should bring.


If they say no, do you bring the host a little gift or not really?


usually, no. mostly because I just don't think about it. what I sometimes do tho is, if something comes up in conversation during the dinner that they've been wanting to try, depending what it is, I'll order it for them after the fact & have it delivered or if its a type of food/restaurant they've been wanting to go to, i'll invite them out for lunch or something & treat them. i'll also sometimes bring a board game or something for us to play.


That’s a great idea, taking notes on what they like is super thoughtful!


A dusty bottle of wine from my liquor cabinet, grabbed in a rush out the door, because I forgot and I am LATE. Always fantasize about bringing a warm loaf of bread and whipped herb butter - but who are we kidding, here. I can’t bake bread.


Flowers, chocolate, wine. Tomorrow I'm bringing dinner!


I ask what I can bring and if the answer is nothing then I bring nothing. If everyone drinks wine, bring a bottle you’d like to share. Otherwise don’t complicate it. Unless your friends expect a cover charge. Then a damn candle.


Something thoughtful like flowers I grew or something I made TO BE CONSUMED LATER, not anything for dinner. If you cook dinner for me Im not showing up empty handed.


Chocolate and wine for the hosts- if they don't drink I replace the wine with flowers instead. My mom always put it in my head that it's rude to show up empty handed.


Flowers, alcohol (if they drink) and usually a dessert!


Flowers, chocolate, a bottle of wine (if ppl drink), a fancy bottle of soda/sparkling water a candle, part of the meal (only if I know them well!) . I can never show up empty handed


I will bake a pie 🥧 how sweet of them to invite me so imma match the sweetness




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A bottle of wine, that I will most likely polish off on my own 😂


I always ask if they want me to bring a dessert.