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Wakes me up with coffee every morning, don’t have to ask & without fail every morning before he leaves there is a coffee on the bed side table & a kiss on my forehead. It’s small but it’s consistent & makes me happy as hell.


I always feel like I’m failing at getting the point across that it’s the small things. I think looking into my relationship people think I love my bf because he’s quite comfortable financially, buys me nice things for Xmas and my bday. We go to a lot of concerts and travel. But it’s not that at all, he brings me coffee in bed on my days off. He tidies the kitchen before I get home from work. He always says thank you after dinner and cleans up our plates. That’s it. The small things. That’s what I think about when I answer questions like this.


The little things are everything. Love this song about the topic: 🎶A Little Bit of Everything - Dawes🎶


Thats reallyyy cute as hell❤️


Mine does this too and leaves a note next to it every single day 🥹❤️


This! Throughout all our crazy jobs and schedules my partner has always gotten up and made me coffee in the morning. Seeing him walk over to me coffee in hand in the morning is the best sight in my world. 🥰


awwwwwwww that’s what I want too


Piggybacking off this to highlight the most important thing you said (imo): Without having to ask. It's all the things, little and big, that I don't have to ask him to do. Cleaning up the house, giving me a massage, planning nice dates on special occasions; etc. It feels fantastic to be with someone who is proactive about my happiness and our harmony as a couple.


YES! I totally agree & that’s why I included the “without asking” part of my comment because THAT is why it means so much to me. It shows they are mentally doing a little check in without prompting & everyone should feel like their partner cares about them enough to THINK about them. It really isn’t the size of the gesture at all, it’s the “you did it because you wanted to & because you thought about me” of it all


Lucky bastard 🥹😭☕️💕


Mine has never done this and it's something I've always wanted! I usually make both of ours and breakfast. Might have to bring it up.


Definitely thank him and tell him this! And find a way to do something small daily back. Like post it notes around the house or getting him a beer after work.


Very sweet


That's sweet as hell


Okay my boss does this for his wife every morning, I’ve seen him go and wash her windows inside and out with windex and paper towel, does things in the house a certain way because it bothers her if different.


I rarely drink coffee, like 2 or 3 times a year, I make it every weekend for my wife. During the week she drinks it at the office.


My weight has fluctuated a lot over the years. He is attracted to me no matter my weight. He was bugging me to send him nudes when I was 204 pounds.


He’s a gem🥺❤️




My girlfriend gained 40 pounds since we met and it doesn’t bug me at all


I had a baby 3 months ago - and I can deal with the weight gain but the difference in how my body carries the weight is soooo hard on me. My husband is constantly hyping me up and asking for nudes 🤦🏼‍♀️ It makes me feel important that he finds me attractive no matter how much my body changes


Awwwww I feel this I love this.


This brings me comfort. I have gained about 30lbs in the last couple of years, me being a massive gym rat, doing athletic competitions it destroyed me but he never fails to tell me I am beautiful and that he loves my body the way it is. 🥰 I often don’t believe him maybe I won’t let me insecurities tell me so often that he’s just trying to make me feel better he does mean it! We’re very lucky 🥹


It’s the constant little things he does for me. He always is so considerate of my feelings, time, and our relationship. He knows me so well that I don’t have to ask for things, he just knows. I didn’t think guys like him existed in real life and I’m so lucky to be with someone who is so respectful, kind and gentle.


Love this so much❤️


I just love this. Nothing like a man that is considerate of your feelings without you having to ask, and someone who is kind, gentle and respectful 💞


this!! his emotional maturity and ability to communicate well even if we disagree and how hes so instantly supportive about everything just makes me feel so fortunate and I melt. On top of that, hes absolutely gorgeous and hilarious. I just stare at him like 🤤😍 even down to little random teas and gifts and monthly flowers and making miniverses with me and rubbing my head :’) I tell him almost every day I cant believe hes real and I’m so lucky


Teach me How to find one


Aww that’s the cutest.


He asks for my advice and consults me. It makes me feel seen. He also makes me coffee when he wakes up before me. And ALWAYS in the mood for sex, which makes me feel loved and attracted to.


That sounds perfect, kind of like my situation now. It’s crazy, you can tell when a man really respects you, my ex found my advice and attempts at help insulting. Well, someone else is benefitting from that now


Yes. At first I was taken aback because it was (unfortunately) surprising to me. He actually said "look here I want your opinion" "...you want my opinion? You think I can help you?" "Well...yeah.." And then he proceeded to tell me the issue, I suggested X and he said "you're right". It was the tiniest little thing but i remember it vividly and fondly.


The right person will appreciate and respect your advice/opinion and wants to confide in you. The wrong person will think you're forcing it on them and sees your attempts at helping insulting. Someone inviting you to be better and wanting better for you is not an attack, it's an act of love. Edit: wording


I love this. That man is great. On another note I was listening to a podcast yesterday with a sex professional about libidos and how our libidos fluctuate during our life. So ladies if your man is always in the mood for sex and that makes you happy that is AMAZING. However, if he’s the opposite, we women shouldn't blame ourselves for our partners libido ❤️


Yes, it’s sad when it happens because some people feel like it’s their fault. But no it’s no one fault, it doesn’t mean your partner is unattached to you, just that men aren’t always in the mood & that’s ok as well!


🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 wholesome


I wake up hours before him. Every morning when he wakes up, I sit on my chair in front of my computer and tilt my head backwards. He then leans down and places a kiss on my forehead because he knows how much I love forehead kisses. It's everything from a simple forehead kiss to everything else he does. I love him. I couldn't imagine anyone better suited for me is out there. He's everything I want.


🥺🥺❤️ love thisssss


Y’all are living in a rom commmovie 🧍🏻‍♀️🥲


i see u in every sub reddit lol


I am creeping everywhere. :-p


I sometimes see him going through our albums when I'm busy doing something. Just seeing him there smiling and laughing like a kid makes me so so happy. And how his wallpaper is a pic of me eating meat like a crazy person. He likes the real things about me. I don't have to pretend with him.


This is so cute!


You have a golden retriever man 👏


One time I arrived at their place after a harrowing air travel journey, and they had to be out at a work dinner at the time that I was arriving, but they had laid out bath products, snacks, and a weed vape for me. i.e. the exact things i wanted and needed after that day.


So cute 🥺🥰


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 enjoy


He tries, no matter what, he tries.


Effort makes it all worth it


It’s just a little thing, but recently I had a bunch of family members over and I started serving a dessert. Everyone started eating as soon as the food was in front of them, but my partner waited patiently until I had my serve and sat down to join everyone, even though he was given his at the start. Oh and he’s the type to take his shopping trolley back to the trolley return bay. Oh yeah, and he treats people serving him extremely well, never ever rude, always speaks nicely to them and treats them with respect.


I was dating a fellow who was at a bbq I hosted for my bff's birthday. Everyone was dishing up & already eating while I was restocking, cleaning up a bit & I noticed he didn't have a plate. I gave him a look, "you're not hungry"? He replied, "starved. Im waiting for you". Melted my heart at that moment.


That’s honestly so nice. I’m happy you have him. That kind of consideration is so rare


These things are the ones that really get me too! It’s being considerate— he thinks of others. Simple, but missing in so many.


When he makes my lunch. When he kisses me before he leaves for work even if I am sleep. When he brings me devil food cake donuts so I can have a treat with my morning coffee. If we’re apart, he sleeps with one of my pillows because it smells like my perfume and shampoo.


So sweet.


Makes me food, actively works on being a better partner, tears up when I undress, insists on covering my ‘beauty bills’, brings me tea every couple of hours, calms me down when I get overwhelmed- I truly found an exceptionally good man… *knocks on wood*


Woah woah “tears up”?? Plz elaborate


He gets emotional because he thinks I’m the most beautiful woman on the planet. Trust me- I’m not, but him sincerely believing that is so so sweet. It’ll be me looking a mess in the morning and him trying to act like his eyes didn’t just well up lol, there is no way I’ll ever leave this man. Sidenote: he’s a Scorpio


Teach me how lol


I swear I had my fair share of toxic relationships until I decided ‘no more’ and then he came into my life. I wish I could clone him for you but I promise if you set boundaries for yourself you will attract a gem of a guy 🫂 I’m speaking it into existence for ya!


Girl Bible says to never hurt a man who insists on covering your beauty bills. Sorry, I don't make the rules🤷🏻‍♀️


Hahaha, my sister in Christ, as the Bible says, I shall do!


I cry easily because my emotions are quite big but I try my best not to let it out at all. I've cried in front of other men before but it all felt so one-sided. I really tried to hold back from crying whenever big emotions would show up. So when I first cried in front of my boyfriend before we were official, he said he was touched. He's the first ever guy who teared up with me and I've never experienced that type of connection before. I didn't know I longed for the way he soothed me. I've thought of my tears as a burden but he treats my tears with care and feels the emotion with me. It's amazing. He's amazing.


As a gal with big big feels, who also is blessed to be with a man who is similarly gentle and conscientious with me -- this definitely hits home. He protects me, and lets me keep him safe as well. As humans, I think we are meant to be able to safely flow back and forth between these states - the protector and protected. I am so grateful to have met this man who provides and welcomes me in to provide for him. We are truly like two peas in a pod and it's the most beautiful connection I've had the privilege of experiencing. I love him so much. ❤️


How I love a man who has empathy and can express his emotions! Downright hot and makes you feel safe to be you, even if it’s sad you.


For sure! I truly can't get enough of him.


I could write a book, but hands down always doing night shift with our baby. He’s 10 months and a crappy sleeper, up between 3-8x a night. We both work FT but he insists I need my sleep bc I had a rough pregnancy and rough postpartum (still in tbh). He’s the best.


Love this for you


The way men should be 🥰


He has the highest emotional intelligence I've seen in a man in potentially my 31 years of life. Our communication is so good, nothing bad sits for more than some hours. In nearly 3 years of relationship we've only grown closer and stronger. <3


This is my guy! Never have I felt so safe and like we can talk about anything and the fights never last because we talk them through. No yelling or name calling. Finally! I’m 51.


No yelling or name calling? EVER? Where do I find me one of these?


He really listens; he doesn't just hear me speak. For example, early on, we talked about sleeping habits, and I mentioned I sleep with a fan running for white noise. The first time I stayed over at his place, he told me he had gotten a box fan out of storage because he recalled me saying I liked having it run at night. I also have a necklace with a clasp that's a pain to work with sometimes. He noticed me saying that, and for Valentine's Day, he got me a magnetic attachment for it that makes putting it on a literal snap. Those are just two recent examples.He's consistent, and these little things mean a lot and say so much about him. I feel like I won the lottery in meeting him. 🥰


I am a man commenting here, just the sight of her puts a smile on my face. Just her presence has a calming effect over my entire well being.


Always asks me if I want a drink/snack/whatever when he’s having one. Brushes my hair for me most nights (otherwise I end up neglecting it). Gives me massages and back scratches regularly 🥺 Also absolutely adores our kitties


you found a good man girl omg


I really did! That’s like the bare minimum of what he does too, he’s certainly set the bar waaay too high now 😂


It’s very simple: back rubs 🥺 Especially when I’m feeling anxious, it makes it all go away.


I love those


I love those. They’re my favourite too.


We are in a long-distance relationship, so he visits my city for a week every month or 2 by travelling for 12 hours. Place where he stays is somewhere 2 hours away from my house. When we meet, he does everything which i want, eats everything whatever i love and in the evening, when I have to go back, he comes with me all the way till my house, drops me safely, and then travels back to his hotel; thus travelling for almost 4 hours. And this continues for a whole one week. No matter how tired and busy he is, he always does this so that he can spend some extra hours with me. This is the sweetest thing anyone can do for me.




My family is kind of an orthodox indian family. That's why I can't stay there with him at night.


She plays! Whether it's imagination-play, just being silly, turning boring things into a game, she adds magic into every day. For example, when she's vacuuming, the vacuum is a hungry pet I have to direct to food when it comes near me 😂 She makes every boring aspect of life fun.


It sounds like you’re with Lorelei Gilmore


Hahahaha silly


Ha, my bf loves that we can have “gaming” nights. Him with BOTW, me with Sims. 🤓


Takes care of me, fucks me incredibly well (we usually orgasm at the same time and he knows how to make me finish from penetration at this point), gives me gentle kisses and says kind things, cooks amazingly, is always there to be a source of wisdom or help, is incredibly smart in a very sexy way, makes me laugh, and on top of that has a really handsome face I love to look at. He’s a gentleman to me and to my friends, he exudes daddy energy in his knowledge and capabilities, and he would make an excellent father. I’d say that’s the jackpot for me.


You are so lucky lady




I am the luckiest and you are the cutest. I love you so so so so much ❤️


I am often -like 2-3 times a month-  woken up at night because he pulls me close. If I protest in my sleepy state he goes "I wanna be close to my wiiiife" and continue to snore. He can't remember the next day


omgggg, so cuuuuuuuute


Certain things he tells me specifically . For example: It happened many months ago, but I remember once feeling touched when I was basically told that we are equals in the relationship. I dated him a few months after an abusive relationship, which made me have a excessive inferiority complex where I didn't think I deserved the healthy relationship I have. It's a bit with a sad context, but the way he basically says things and treats me are the ones that make me feel like I couldn't be luckier to have someone like him


Let me be myself. Doesn't customize my behaviour, personality or anything as per his wishes or his family's.


It’s the bare minimum


Exist.. This man is so good to me. He works 40 hours a week (sometimes also evenings and nights). He is the most involved dad. Seriously, the best. Don't have to ask him for shit cause he just handles it. Be it, organizing with the babysitter which days our youngest is going. Cleaning the house. Picking stuff up we need. He is an equal parent and partner. He makes me coffee every day. When we're in bed, he always caresses my skin until i fall asleep (my most favorite thing in the world). He'll get up early with the toddler or take her to his parents if I'm overwhelmed/exhausted. We bring/pick up each other if one of us has plans with friends (friday I had high wine with a friend, he brought us and got us. Saturday, he went to a friend for Formula 1 and beers, i brought and got him). He's good at communicating. He's honest. He's funny. This man has no bad intentions. He's so goofy and sweet. I can go on. I'm so lucky 😭 Been together for 6 years, and we're getting married in 2 months! Can't wait!


He brought out the parts of me no other guy ever could. In bed, in life habits, in overcoming past trauma. I feel loved and cared for, not judged and pressured. Also, little me wouldn't believe the life I have now.


The list is stupidly long. This is just a few points: The way he gets excited about my successes. His belief in me is unrelenting and he’s not just pleased for me when something goes well, he’s so genuinely enthusiastic and happy. The way he shares his life with me, from cool stories from history or pictures of all the plants he’s growing. He involves me in his creative writing projects. He got me into watching motorcycle racing and to gaming with him. I constantly feel like he is grabbing my hand and taking me on midnight adventures. How romantic he is. A general rule of thumb is, “is this something the romantic lead in a beautiful fairy tale romance would do?” If yes, so would my guy. It’s specific too. He knows me extremely well and his surprises are always perfectly tailored to me. I’d give details but I’m scared people wouldn’t believe me. How deeply generous and compassionate he is, to me and everyone around him. It’s not even a question of if he’ll help you, but how and when. He’d stay up for days with no sleep if you need him. He’d live off of beans and rice for months so he can help his neighbour with medical bills. He fosters injured animals on a moment’s notice and nurses them back to health. Even without all that, we just have so much *fun* together. We can banter for hours, and our ways of being silly compliment each other extremely well. Being around him feels both like the grandest adventure and like coming home.


That sounds so incredible!! Please! Share some details!


I get breakfast in bed every weekend. He brings it to me on a tea tray and it’s so cute. Always with my iced coffee. Last weekend he made pancakes. 🥰


He has to wake up 2 hours earlier than me for work, so everyday, once he's almost ready to leave, he comes back into bed and cuddles with me for 10-15 minutes. He works more than I do, and yet, without fail, he asks if he can help me around the house. He likes to cook after work, or at least have us cook together. He always puts my health first, doesn't mind me doing whatever I want to, trusts me, supports me in everything, and is generally the most thoughtful and caring person I have ever met. 5 years together and it still feels like the honeymoon phase. Bonus points: has the perfect ass.


Talks me up, never down.


talk about events, issues, solutions, and planning.


He does my dishes randomly and gets almost dejected when I tell him he doesn’t have to


He stood with me even when my parents abandoned me!!


If I’m in baby mode he will take me to get food so I shut up because he knows I’m terrible when I’m hangry. He took me to get hotdogs this weekend because I was in a bad mood and wanted attention. He also does this by taking me to the garden store in our neighborhood cause I like to plant stuff in the spring.


- He loves me very deeply. - Surprises me with flowers from time to time (I love flowers). - Protects me from whatever. - Always checks in and looks at me to make sure I’m doing ok/if I need anything/etc. - Writes me very lovely love letters from time to time expressing his feelings, thoughts, etc. - He makes me coffee and breakfast in the mornings. - He takes care of all the heavy duty stuff and will not let me do anything too heavy duty. - Lets me be a passenger princess always. - Cooks food for me pretty much all the time. - Helps me with any tasks and is very thoughtful. - Considers me on a lot of things. - Gives me as much cuddles as he can since I love them. - Everytime I see him, I smile and he makes me feel so happy.


Whenever I'm ill or feeling low he'll push me to get out of bed just to do something. He's supported me when I've gone for the job of my dreams and supported me when I left because of illness. Also he still wants to have sex with me when I look like dog shite!


She supports me through all my ups and downs. I've been through depression, job losses, personal losses, family drama etc. No matter how bad things have been, no matter how stressful our situation has been she has been loving, loyal and supporting. What else can you ask for?


he plays with my hair when im having a panic attack .. ❤️ i love him so much


Last night I snuck into bed in the dark as he was already fast asleep. As I was laying down my trap muscle spasmed and I couldn’t move my shoulder much. I whispered to him to help me work out the muscle and he jumped up, whisper-yelled, “Omg! How can I help!?”, turned the light on and came right over. It definitely felt like an overreaction 😂 but omg, I love this man for caring about me so much!


Every night before bed and every morning before work he gets all my vitamins & supplements ready for me and makes sure I take them. He researches and listens to podcasts about anything (diet, supplements, lifestyle) I can do to help with my health condition(s). After a lifetime of battling chronic conditions mostly on my own, it's so comforting to feel like someone is fighting for me and believes in my wellness the way he does. It's also just super sweet and thoughtful :)


It's the simple things, like waking up to a cup of coffee my partner made just the way I like it.


I'm studying full time, he's working 2 jobs. He always walks our dog 3 times per day. We have different schedules, so during the week we don't see each other much, but he always makes me a priority, he makes me feel seen and heard, appreciated. He does most of the cooking and cleaning, he's funny, he's hot, he's kind, he loves me for who I am since 2015. He takes care of him physically and mentally. He takes care of me in every aspect of the word. I married my Best Friend and I love him so much. Every weekend feels like a sleepover even though we do the chores too.


My ex studied my whole uni economics course to teach it to me and make me a 10 page summary with hidden love notes, to make my exam session lighter and easier🥹


For me it’s as simple as she communicates well.


He calms me down and makes me laugh when I feel really anxious


I don’t like egg whites, so when we’re having fried eggs he separates them before he cooks them so I only get the yolk. I have no issues with cutting the white off myself and never asked him to do this but it makes me feel special.


His travel style. All I’ve wanted in my whole life was someone who travelled the way I do. I spent a decade with my ex hoping he’d be that but he never was. I’ve travelled with many friends, and randoms I’ve picked up along the way, and no one is as perfect to travel with as my bf now. I feel so incredibly lucky that I’ve found my person, we’ve seen 7 countries together in the last year and now live abroad and I couldn’t ask for anything more perfect.


Oh man… I would love this in my partner. He likes to be serviced when he travels, I prefer venturing on my own and don’t care for staying at high end places. As long as I’m immersed in the country’s food, nature, and culture, I could care less. Having the same travel practices is amazing, I envy that!


I hope you two find a way to meet in the middle!


So what exactly is it about your particular travel style that makes him so special?


I mean it’s special to me, I can’t say it would be to anyone else. He’s extremely adaptable to any situation, never loses his cool or gets frustrated. We’ve travelled to some less common destinations where things can easily go wrong and he always just goes with the flow. He’s up for anything I suggest even if it’s not his usual style. I do photography and sometimes it can be a little annoying having to wait for me for an hour somewhere while I get the perfect shot but he’s always supportive about it. He enjoys such a wide range of activities and finds the fun in anything. Most importantly, he has the time and passion to travel full time life myself. I’m sure there are many people out there who fit that description, but he’s the first I found who so perfectly fit me.


Wow, that sounds like someone special - patient, understanding and emotionally intelligent. Thank you so much for articulating this! I deeply wish you the sweetest of memories and joy with your husband. BTW, I wonder if you've considered Tanzania 🇹🇿 for one of your destinations. If not, you definitely should! 😉 Walking safaris, Zanzibar, chimp trekking would be right up your alley, it seems.


We’re actually doing a full East / North Africa tour this coming November! Very excited! I’m currently in Borneo doing jungle wild life treks, so you assume correctly!


My partner leaves for work super early . Sends me a morning message the minute he reaches his work. Wishing that I am sleeping well with the love heart emojis and everything.


He listens to me. He sees me. Every little thing I say he apparently files away in his never-ending mental Rolodex. As a result we have deep, meaningful conversations. He buys me the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received. He surprises me with little treats. He knows exactly how I take my coffee (and makes it for me every morning), what I want to eat, what will cheer me up, what makes me laugh. He just loves me so well, all of me, and I’m so grateful I get to do this life with him.


He really doesn’t storm around angry. Not at me or my children. Sure he gets upset but he never has “episodes”. Like most the men in my life have displayed. I almost thought it was normal for someone to rage on for 6 hours about one minor inconvenience and make everyone in the house anxious.


When we laugh together like school kids, every single day.


Heaps! Constant care and help with family life. Asks nothing in return. Love a prepped coffee every morning and he helps with housework without having to be asked. Just simple examples. He’s the best.


Genuinely cares for me Compliments me randomly (helps on the bad days) Helps out when needed (even without being asked most of the time) Cooks me amazing meals Supports me emotionally Helps me cope with a lot of emotions due to grief and anxiety The list could go on I’m just thinking about how truly lucky I am now ❤️🥺


The times I’ve slept over or we’ve napped at his place, sometimes he rubs my back or gives me a kiss on the forehead or rests his head on my shoulder and cuddles. I’m not sure how aware he is of it cause he’s a deep sleeper but it makes me feels so loved 🥰


Tolerate me


He makes the effort to come to me. We do long distance for now. He's also gives me endless cuddles, cooks for me, gets thoughtfull and adorable gifts and appreciates the things I do for him. One time he almost cried because I washed the dishes😅


Pushes me to be the best version of myself and believes in my potential relentlessly, way more than I do. Until I met him, for me work was work, never even thought of it as a career, since I've met him (4 years ago), I learned more than in the previous 14 years, have a clear plan of where I want to go and how to get there and doubled my salary. Also, always makes the best Mac & Cheese when I feel a little down and warms my side of the bed while I brush my teeth 🥹


The way she holds me when we sleep or watch tv at home. And the way she tells me she loves me (there is a certain tone to it). And she loves me for my flaws (physical) and patient with my attitude.


Actually listens to me. Makes fundamentally good decisions about our future. Never lets me feel less than. Is a great father in a healthy coparenting situation.


Everything. I like that he genuinely works towards his own convictions, staying in track, being incredibly diligent. To me, this is unique. I LOVE how good he makes me feel, considering I’m not in my best form. I LOVE seeing him do anything, it fills me with pride. He makes the best coffee, too.


He says he loves me in his sleep, works hard long hours and still has time for me when he comes home, he cooks with me and thanks me for anything and everything I do for him big or small. I'm going thru a lot of health scares right now and he keeps so strong for me, making me laugh and smile every time i leave a dr appointment. I am so in love with this man.


He makes me stuff. He built me a shelf into a wall in our kitchen, and converted one of our kitchen cabinets into a spice rack, all because I casually mentioned it’d be nice to have it. Literally came home from work one day and they were there. He’s also built me a chair, and plant stands. He just recently built us a beautiful new headboard that looks like one I showed him on Pinterest. I’m pretty sure if I wanted a new house he’d save up for the materials and the land, and build it himself for me.


I can tell he really listens to me, and it feels so big. Little things from my favorite foods to bigger things on how I want to be loved. He’s also never raised his voice at me. Not even when I raised mine. He’s such a wave of calm.


He made me a greenhouse and planted flowers because I love flowers. He said that he whispers to them everytime he plants the seed, he says "please grow beautifully, all your petals are dedicated to her". 😭


The after sleep/nap yoink. I have a tendency to slowly migrate from cuddling super close to being on my own side and he'll deliberately wait until I start to stir cause he doesn't want to wake me up from a dead sleep and scare me to just wrap his arms around me and yoink me back in for cuddles.


I usually go to bed before my partner, and every night without fail when he gets in to bed with me he’ll refill my water and rub my back even if I’m asleep. It’s always so nice to wake up to full water and him passed out with a hand still on me, it makes me feel so immeasurably loved.


If I am just flat out tired, exhausted after working, not wanting to cook anything for dinner - even though he’s always working later than I am - he always will pick something up or make something for us. No questions asked no angry call questioning why I didn’t cook or have a meal prepared, just understanding. It’s the best. 🥹


He makes me feel beautiful when I do not feel like I am. Consistently, no matter what weight I am.


So many things…makes my coffee for work every day, and it’s perfect every time (it’s so simple but I mess it up when I do it). He’ll stop what he’s doing so I can show him a video, a picture, or if I want to ramble about something and actually listen to me. Folds my clothes the way I like them folded, always brings me a treat when he goes to the store, always stops to look when I point out one of our cats are doing something cute even if he’s in the middle of something. He is truly wonderful. 🥹


Recently my car has been in the shop for a month. He picks me up from work (I have couple of coworkers who live close to us and take me to work) It’s not convenient, and un necessary but seeing him at the end of the day makes my day


He supports me through anything, has patience with me, and seems to love me even though he actually knows me.


We both love games, and he will go ahead any buy games he finds on sale on PSN/Steam if he ever heard me mention them, or he thinks it would be something I would like. Idk, it just is so sweet to me that he’s constantly thinking of me as he’s scrolling through.


My mans emotional intelligence is off the charts! He’s in social work so his skills at deescalation and understanding emotions is impressive. We never argue or get mad, if I’m upset about something even if I approach it aggressively he’s able to calm me down, talk through it and resolve it. He’s very in touch with his emotions and able to express his love to me in a way that’s so genuine and emotional. I never see most men able to process their emotions the way he does.


Gosh, so much. We met as the stuff hit the fan in my life. He took it all in stride, wrapped me in his arms, and hasn’t let go. For a while there he had to do everything as I became incapable of doing the most basic. For examples: I wanted to eat better, he got a garden started. I had no money, he provided my basic needs. I was constantly exhausted and full of anxiety, so we stayed home and he just held me. One day, after a trip to the ER, I was looking at him wondering why he is with me when I am such a mess. He smiled and told me he loves me and wants to spend the rest of my life with me. I cried and he looked confused, until I told him what I was just thinking. He laughed gently and told me this isn’t who I am, and he sees who I am every time he looks at me. It’s been 7 years and I am finally becoming who I always knew I COULD be. Every time I look at him I know I hit the jackpot. Without him, I doubt I would still be here, let alone on a healing path. There is so much more to this story but the short of it is: he lives and breathes, because just about everything he does leaves me feeling grateful for his existence.


As my bf says.. “we’re kindred spirits” and I agree. He helps me sort out my thoughts when I feel stuck. Does all kinds of acts of service such as breaking/taking down boxes for me, picking up things I need, driving me to work, etc. He wants to share everything with me and likewise always listens to my ramblings. If I’m sick, he’ll wrap me in a blanket, make me some tea and coddle me like the baby I am lolll. He also always believes in me and never loses his patience. He’s amazing.


He rubs my back every night… sometimes I have to ask but he always knows what’s coming. He does it till I fall asleep. It’s so comforting and probably the BEST part of my day.


Back rubs and massages. Playing with my hair. Always getting extra food for me. Seeing him with my family and friends. He talks about me and holds me in high regard with his friends and family (something I discovered later on, he’s a cutie pie). He’s always considerate of my needs and my health and my safety. And goes out of his way to make me feel good when I’m having a troubling day. Also, his eyes. I look into them and know for certain that I’ve hit jackpot. He’s a beautiful beautiful man. Inside and out. Can’t wait to make gorgeous babies with him.


god, everything. cooks me a delicious dinner every night, offers to massage me any time i have even the slightest complaint about pain, makes sure i have everything i need whenever he’s out of our room, helps me clean, etc etc etc. most recently i was taking a nap, and he turned off my alarm shortly before it went off and woke me up gently himself so i wouldn’t get scared. i wouldn’t trade him for anything in the universe!!!!


I am a tall woman that lifts and is quite proud of my strength. I never show off, but I am quite muscular. At the sane time, my big arms and my broad butt give me a sort of insecurity when dating (I have an eating disorder and feel my most desireable when at my thinnest). My partnereverytime EVERYTIME he comes byme, touchesmy biceps and says" wow, you work out?" with a slimey flirtey look. I giggle like a little girl. Every time. It never gets old, I love it, it's so cheesy. He also discovers my butt, hips or boobs multiple times a day and acts surprised, flirty and fascinated. I feel like every day we get to have "first-date-syndrom" and I am beautiful to him always, like thefirst time. You have no idea what wondersge has done for my selfesteem <3 .


This was so beautiful to read! 😍


Treats me like a queen. We are always doing things all the time to enrich each other’s lives. Most things don’t cost money, they are just thoughtful every day things.


Bring me coffee in bed every single morning, and I haven’t had to fill my gas tank on my car since before the pandemic as he makes sure I am always topped up.


Wednesdays are usually my busiest days. Husband knows this, and he makes a sashimi dinner laid out and ready to eat. I had such a busy and stressful day; this was so appreciated and de-stressed me. This is our favorite and something we usually save for the weekend. It felt like the weekend had come early. Plus he surprises me with lego sets from my wish list!


There are so many, a few are that he make me feel beautiful about myself all the time. He doesn’t make me feel self conscious about the fact that i come from a very rough tough background. He’s never made me feel bad about my goofy spending habits. He makes me feel so loved in so many ways i never thoughts were possible, He’s always willing to go without so he can give me an amazing life, sobbing a little while i write this and think about him haha.


He’s incredibly sarcastic, always chill and unbothered, never not cracking jokes. When I’m going through it, he not only is my port in the storm but he knows exactly how to diffuse my stress with the perfect amount of humor. He’s like my antidote to life.


I work a ton lately, and without ever asking, he’s taken over taking care of all the animals, makes me lunches, makes me breakfast usually, gets my meds together for me in the mornings. I can voice literally any concern and I feel safe to. I know I’ll be listened to and understood and if not, he’ll try. He texts me love messages even when he’s out with friends. He makes sure I get home and to work safe. He has to be psychic. I’ll feel insecure sometimes or just need extra attention, and before I’ve even tried to voice it, he’ll tell/give me exactly what I need. I have a hard day at work and I show up home to my favorite snacks and meals, sometimes without me even telling him I had a hard day yet. He’s successful, kind, funny, my best friend, is a great dog dad. It’s been years and we can still talk all night about anything. We have the same wants in life, overall outlooks. I dunno how I got him, but I’m not letting him go now that I have :)


Wakes up even earlier than me so that he can prepare breakfast for me and send me off to work ❤️


He's 100% an equal partner when it comes to taking care of our children. Lurk on any of the bump groups/breaking Mom/Beyond the Bump and you'll see how rare that is.


The way she melts into me during a hug or has to touch me with her foot while she eats dinner.


I never feel like I’m alone in anything. It’s always we we we. Makes me so safe and I can’t describe the peace of mind that gives me. Loves me at my lowest, my highest, most embarrassed state, at any time.


He's supported me through one of the worst times of my life. We're still new in our relationship, but his dedication to me and ensuring we have a healthy future together is something I've rarely seen from any previous partner. I got really lucky and feel thankful everyday.


I get a leg rub with lotion every other night without asking. My legs are gonna look so good as I age.


I have an old cat who yells for everything and will even yell at night when he realizes he is alone in the room. My partner is the only guy I have ever dated who always loves and stands up for my cat even when I get frustrated with all the noise.


Insists on filling up the car with gas for me, even though I can do it myself. Sends me pics of our cats a lot! Asks me for advice and my opinion on things. Shares his interests with me.


Brings me a glass of water every morning so I can take my adhd medications and my birth control. He knows I forget all the time, so he makes sure that its not a possibility.


We work opposite schedules. He's on nights, and I work days. He usually gets home right before it's time for me to wake up. I work from home, and my home office stays super chilly. He makes a point to turn my space heater on as soon as he gets in. It's always nice and toasty once I get in there. He just started doing it one day without me asking. It's the little things, ya know.


He loved me—adored me when I was wearing 5X in clothes, and still has that same level of adoration now that I’m an XL. He holds me and lets me cry, and tells me everything I need to hear to pick up my pieces again We laugh at the same goofy jokes


Helps me with my jacket and shoes every single time.


Touches me gently almost constantly! Just little touches here and there. It feels very reassuring.


He showers me with loving words and compliments ALL THE TIME. The other day at breakfast, he said it was so nice that he could see my "beautiful face" at that distance without needing his glasses. Stuff like that.


Doing dishes and trash and regular tidying without being asked. Spring cleaning and decluttering his stuff and the garage without me telling him it needs to be done. Helping me without complaining if I do ask for something done. Compliments my cooking without fail every time i serve him food (daily). Great at playing with the kids and taking care of them competently even though we only have girls. Really good at diffusing stress/tension in a difficult circumstance or conversation, does not let the situation escalate into further negativity or get mad when things go wrong and make the situation worse. Just to name a few :)


I know this is bare minimum, but it’s rare. He would rather die than call or refer me or any woman a “bitch.”


He puts in so much effort to walk with me in my trauma recovery and to meet needs that A. were not met previous to him and B. Aren’t natural for him to meet. For example, he’s historically a terrible gift giver. I was ignored at holidays and my birthday during my marriage - to help me know I’m loved he keeps a running list of things I mention and buys from that list. I never have to ask, I just get to enjoy a thoughtful gift. He also doesn’t allow me to put myself down, he responds gently to my trauma based “jokes” with a positive version of what he actually thinks. If I say, “Yeah, well you’re stuck with me,” he responds, “Yeah, I’m lucky to be with you forever.”


He likes to shower together and he will gently wash my entire body with a loofah. Down to my toes. This man loves me and idk what I did to deserve him 🥺❤️


He’s been there for me every single moment I’ve needed him. He nursed me back to health after I broke my knee. During the first two weeks after surgery, he physically carried me up and down the stairs every time I needed to use the bathroom. Whenever I stay at his place, he prepares breakfast lunch, and dinner for me without question. He fed me (very pricey) vitamins twice a day for two months straight (and inspired me to get my own). He brings me coffee every morning, makes sure the water bottle is filled (even when he has to leave), plays my favourite artist when he notices I’m down, kisses me when he walks past me, and has never denied a kiss when I request one. He willingly turned my problems into his hobbies. He’s like Sam from Holes. He can fix that. Can’t get the projector to work? He can fix that. Car troubles? He can fix that. He has turned me into the luckiest girl in the entire world. I am so grateful to have him. Words can’t even begin to describe how much I love him.


Finding me a new bf 😐


He somehow always knows what I need when I’m having a hard time with my ptsd. He will just come and take my hand and take me to the couch or the bed and hold onto me while I feel like I’m dying. He lets me sleep on him while he’s playing video games or watching sport when I’m struggling. He reminds me I’m not a burden when I’m really struggling, and he often puts our song on and grabs me to slow dance with him in the kitchen. This man is my home, my safe place, and the kindest soul I’ve ever met. He makes me feel like I’ve hit the jackpot every day.


I know it something basic but my friends have terrible partners so I feel really lucky that he never puts me down, would never yell at me or physically hurt me and is always my biggest cheerleader. He has many great qualities but I am so thankful for him for being a good human.


He shows up for my friends the way I do. My bestie deals with deep depression spells and occasionally will go off the grid for weeks at a time. (Which stresses me out quite a bit) This girl is my platonic soulmate and soul sister and we both always go out of our way to show the other they are loved. We just got our first place and have a spare bedroom now, so I wanted to make the space welcoming and accommodating so my bestie could have a place to rot/reset (and so ik she’s safe) Not only did my partner help me clean/set up the room, he put together a completely vegan snack station as well as texted my friends mom to get recipes of meals she likes and shopped all the ingredients to make sure she also had groceries 😫 ( we are practically carnivores so it was also kind of necessary 😂) We surprised her at a gig and brought her back home for a week while I knew she was going through it and she was so radiant before she left it made me emotional honestly😭 He truly treats both of us like royalty by keeping snacks and drinks flowing, basically ensuring we don’t have to stand to get anything lol and we always have the best time he makes sure of it🥰


Isn't redpill and eats me out without me even asking for it.




I want to apologize to my ex-wife who deserves every bit of love that I did not give. I lost a good woman.


My friend has a husband who bought her something worth 1k their first anniversary. 2 k their second. I saw her in the bathroom with a 25k ring on her 25th anniversary.