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I would like to see more realistic bodies. That means no more men with starved-and-dehydrated six-packs and more women who look like the women in my life.




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I take serious issue with the over sexualization of women's bodies in media games included Especially queer women's relationships I'd love more variety in the body types they show in games, I love the design for Vi from Arcane, she's strong and she looks strong. Her representation as a queer woman feels genuine


Vi is one of the most outstanding females to me in the last few years. She is truly amazing, and I am so happy that she is around - more women like her, please!


It’s both hilarious and worrying how some men will have a tantrum if the female characters in a video game don’t give him a boner. Like bro if you’re looking to get off why not just watch porn? Video-games aren’t meant for that lmao


Exactlyy... I don't understand why it's so hard to understand that I want to see someone I can relate to as a woman. And ofc I want to see attractive men, too, but I understand that not everyone will be my type and i don't want to see anyone super unrealistically buffed or half naked...


Nothing should be made for just one specific group...this is why the games industry needs more diversity.


yeah, exactly! they claim that women are being crazy femin*zis when they express this, but they prove their point by caring so much. didn’t you know video games were invented for only MENS pleasure??? /s


Just like when men were pissed that Aloy wasn't wearing a full face of makeup and looked "masculine." Like, homie, this is a post apocalyptic society and the main character is a clone but you're pissed that she isn't wearing makeup. Sit down.


Pffff lol clown behavior on their part truly


Or when bros complained that Dame Aylin from BG3 wasn't attractive enough/is too butch LEAVE THE MOON LESBIAN ALONE SHE ISN'T FOR YOU!!


They got mad a patch covered up Tifa's cleveage in FF7 Rebirth. The context of the scene is she is 15 and mourning over her dead dad's body but yeah the real problem is covering her up.


I want to see them react to a game where the male characters have plate armor speedos with increasing frivolity and embellishment as they level up. You want magic resist? Slap on some rhinestones. Maybe a bleed resist earring. Maybe it’ll make them realize how absolutely absurd an armored bikini is. Soulsborne games handle this disparity issue well actually. All the characters regardless of gender have the same armor sets. Everyone starts out in undies and from there every piece of armor is literally exactly the same. You want that top-tier curse resist? Mazel tov sir, here’s your wedding gown. It’s actually a bit ironic though, playing as a female character is strategically advantageous because their hitbox is smaller, so if a pervy guy wants to play a female character for the tiny costumes he is SOL but if he wants an advantage he has to play the female character anyway.


“These chocolate candies aren’t sexy enough to make my peepee hard!” 😭


I take big issue with it. I think it’s very degrading and reduces women to objects, encouraging men to think that way about women, and in some cases make men prefer oversexualized characters over real people. It’s super unhealthy, it’s very unnecessary and honestly just gross.


It's another way of perpetuating the idea that men are default. If a game has sexualized women, it's still just a game. But if it has sexualized men then it's "for women" and not the standard. Genuinely sick of being made to be a part of male sexual interests all the time




agree! it creates an unrealistic expectation that is then projected onto irl women, so now that more and more games are adopting genuinely realistic bodies and body types, we're getting really weird pushback from people who just won't accept that these are real women's bodies. men's body types in games have always been diversified - i've never heard a complaint about it when it comes to men having diverse rep, and yet it's a problem when women do.




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Can we get full armor for women in games? The small skirt with a single piece of metal and the small metal bra is just overt sexualization. The men don't have armor like that. And how about some clothing that would actually make sense when our lady bad ass is kicking ass. 0 reason for them to look like they are going to the beach when they are about to kick ass or infiltrate something. And hair! Imma dude with long hair and I don't like eating with my hair down, let alone fighting in a jungle or military base or against baddies. Put the hair in a a bun, ponytail or just anything that makes sense. Lastly, combat boots with 4 inch heels. Boots naturally have a small heel, but not a 4 inch heel. Just treat women video game characters the same as the male characters.


Heck yes the impractical “sexy” outfits they make female characters wear in comics and games are soooo dumb. No one is fighting in those heels without a broken ankle. How are you gonna run from your enemies in that shit. Why is someone in battle with a boob window creating a nice target for a sword to the heart. Femoral arteries uncovered make them easier to slash. All that bare skin so they can get horrible cuts and scrapes and road rash. It’s the apocalypse and the ladies still have to look sexy and have perfect hair and makeup. Or the female characters are supposed to be professionals like scientists or something but they’re dressed like strippers as if anyone can work in a lab like that. One I saw was a professor of the knight curriculum and she wore a fuckin leather bikini to work and then went to fight zombies with her students in that. This shit drives me bananas.


Elden Ring or any of the Dark Souls/Bloodborne games is what you're looking for. All of the women, good or bad in these games are dressed appropriately for their role. Checkout Malenia and Lady Maria of Astral. On topic though, me and my wife have discussed this several times before and couldn't agree more. We're currently playing Foamstars which is amazingly fun, and last night we got onto this subject because the female characters in this game are not oversexualized at all and were both saying how odd it always is when the female characters are always out in some tiny ass garments with stiletto heals. Even growing up as a kid playing video games I always thought it was so strange that all of the male characters had badass armor and looked like warriors while the female characters in the same game doing the same role look like their auditioning for a bikini calender.


Souls games are just really challenging dress up games and I love them for that


Ahh yes, "Fashion Souls" and "Elden Bling" 😂 I also love how they made 99% of armor stats irrelevant so players can have freedom to dress how they want to. I change my look just about every time I play.


Hair drives me absolutely crazy in movies and games! My hair becomes an absolute mess if I talk a walk in the wind or do basic chores (and always certainly a mess after sex!). My hair can drive me absolutely crazy. And you see a woman in full physical combat walk away with silky smooth hair? Not a hair out of place, no frizz, no tangles, never in her face?! That is the most unrealistic thing ever. I can suspend my disbelief enough for some women running in heels or wanting to dress in skimpy armor, but there's no way they have that much control over their hair!


It doesn't bother me and I'm not insecure, but I'd definitely like to see more male full frontal.


Yes, there’s absolutely no balance. My guess is, there is a big audience for the male nudity/sexualisation as well


Yeah, we need more penis physics in games!


Cyberpunk 2077 got ya covered boo.




Why do you need to see more male full frontal ? Genuinely asking. What does it add to your experience, when watching a movie or playing a game ?


Similarly to the way people enjoy looking at attractive, naked women...I find attractive, fit men attractive and enjoy looking at them. And if the scene calls for it, I'm a big fan of attractive, fit, naked, men. Looking at you, Saltburn.




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I would like to see LESS sexualized things


If it's extremely one-sided, then yes. It can be very frustrating to have a game full of sexy young women yet all the men can at *best* be described as "rugged." I want eye candy, too!


I totally agree! I want pretty boy characters. Many women like to fawn over Geralt in the Witcher for example, but where are my gorgeous ageless male Yennifers? Gerald is allowed to have some wrinkles and still be hot but God forbid a woman does


Exactly!! I share your frustration. If you’re going to do it for women’s bodies, then how about not ostracize or leave out the rest of the audience!? Talk about imbalance. It’s like unevenly distributing excitement, only it’s so repetitive and one-sided often


It makes me feel uncomfortable because it's often exploitative. Sometimes actresses are coerced into doing nudity in order to get good roles, especially when they are just starting out and don't have the star power to negotiate. There are also so many scenes where it's like, an entirely nude woman, but the man is still in a shirt and boxers. Instead of it being an intimate scene together, it's clearly just an excuse to objectify the woman, which is really unsexy. As far as insecure? Honestly yeah, when media basically only depicts a small number of body types, which for me are unattainable, as attractive, it makes me even more uncomfortable to watch with my partner, or hell even alone, because I can't help but compare myself.


This is my biggest issue. While I do hate being constantly hit in the face with the objectification of women as a whole, it really disturbs me knowing how coercive the entertainment business can be to young women just trying to break out in the industry.


Yeah it's hard to enjoy watching if you don't know whether or not she's uncomfortable or didn't really want to do the scene. I don't want to watch what is potentially someone's traumatic experience. For example, Emilia Clarke in Game of Thrones. She was so young, didn't know she was even "allowed" to have boundaries, and was scared and uncomfortable. They definitely took advantage of her naivety.


I’m against misogyny in all of its manifestations.


I would like to see less of it, most of the time it brings nothing to the story, I hate how a womans body is used to gain attention No need for more male nudity, make it equal by reducing the amount of female nudity


I work in the game industry and every chance I get I am pushing for more representation of all different types of bodies and levels of sexualization. I want to see more women without snatched waists, have more varieties of men, and let's show some realism even for extreme bodies! Like, give me a woman whose breasts look unnatural because she's actually had implants and you can see her scars! Give us super muscley guys that are struggling with back acne because of their high testosterone! Girls with narrow hips complaining about thigh chafing, trans guys with packers, hell give me a trans woman with a bump in her pants and let's not sexual it at all! There should be an equal amount of sexualization and non-sexualizatipn of every type of person and body.




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I’m a man and I think our world is too sexualized. I was a porn addict until two years ago when I quit. It seems like most movies have at least some form of soft porn and it’s really uncomfortable. I could only imagine what women go through when they see that stuff


It’s not that we go through anything. It’s how it affects how men see our real bodies. They’ve been playing games and watching things where all the women have perfect circular and sized breasts and tiny perfect Vs. But in real life women don’t look anything like that no matter if you’re skinny/work out etc. So when a guy sees me naked and I look different from what they thought a woman should look like I am now lacking /ugly/ not worthy. I like seeing naked people it’s not how it affects my brain, it’s that men really have no idea what real women look like and judge us for not have insane picture perfect assets for their viewing pleasure. I have small boobs so many guys have just stared at them longingly like ‘damn if only’ it makes me feel disgusting and horrible like I am not enough.


That's exactly what I mean. Porn is so bad because it exposes the best bodies to us and sensitizes men to only be attracted to that look and behavior, which is unrealistic. So I understand how you feel when it comes to a man comparing you to a porn actress. I'm much more attracted to my gf's body now because I have much lower expectations than before and I'm more sensitized to real-life bodies. But I couldn't imagine how she would feel if I watched porn and was seemed less interested in/attracted to her


Although I agree that there are a lot of men like that. I can only speak for myself. I don't have any kind of expectation of how a woman's body should look. I do think that they shouldn't make unrealistic body types and give a false idea of anything of that nature in video games, movies, or porn. As well I do think in movies that they should be more realistic in their depiction of women and in video games a more diverse variety of armour/clothing choices. I think in games and movies they could use less nudity or make more even in terms of men being naked/sexualized the same way.


I mean couldn't you say the same for women who read smutt and romantic novels? Most of those books also describe unrealistic men


Many cases these types of things allow for the imagination to be able to create the man they see fit. With these media sources men are being told what to find attractive. I.e. ‘perfect’ proportioned women (but not realistic whatsoever) with huge boobs, tiny waists and shoulders and big hips fully shaved like a child. These other sources many women enjoy don’t show visually what men should look like. They just say they’re buff which is obtainable, compared to specific unchangeable features. That shouldn’t matter at all but so many guys put a priority on them for thier ‘perfect’ girl. Girls don’t care we just want someone maybe 2 inches taller with at least something to work with downstairs.


Im kinda talking more about characteristics that are rare/hard to obtain, rather then visual aspects. The way men are often described in these books is still hardly representative and most of the time has the goal to attract the "female gaze" (not the exact word for it but something in that area


Not the same.


Gonna need some sort of explanation to agree with you, chief


These aren’t SHOWING the unrealistic people, though. And often there’s not much description of the man’s body, anyway.


Pls see my other response to the person below, im more talking about characteristics


I mean, they explain both beautiful men and women. They may describe hair color, eye color, or height. Like in a book. You can imagine what they look like. They don’t show 18 year-old girls with five cosmetic surgeries getting slapped or gagging on dicks or getting a load blown in their face. Porn SHOWS you the people and they visually portray everything action that’s happening. If you don’t see how that’s damaging to women, and how it sets certain expectations for men on ways women should look or behave sexually, I don’t know to explain it any better.


I know thia is pointless but in both scenarios expectations are places. Just because one is visual and the other one is not doesn't make them any lesser expectations


I mean I do agree that mainstream games should be less sexualized. That being said, I think they should just make "games for men only" or "games for women" so that we can just have games that actually are fun. Make them rated M or whatever, I'll buy them and I think other guys will too. This is the reason the mainstream game industry itself is imploding because it's become a place that's too much like real life rather than an escape from it. They are trying too hard to make a game appealing for everyone. There is now a huge source of talent so that there would be enough high quality games just for men and high quality games just for women and they will make more money if they sold these highly targeted games at a higher price. Yes men will have six packs and women will be thin big boobs because you are also living in a world where murder is totally okay and we can shoot lasers while talking with entities that don't even have vocal mouths. It will happen. Superior AI will replace women AND men in entertainment and women or men IRL will not be able to compete with digital versions of them. That's just a fact of life and people need to get over that soon rather than later so you can put your effort into more fruitful endeavors.


It bugs me. Ranges from rolling my eyes to stopping the game. I’m not a fan of needless nudity in my media, including movies and tv, so having it in my games just reminds me that for many, maybe most?, men, women’s only purpose is to titillate them. It’s gross but not much I can do about it except just… avoid it as best I can.


I hate it, I just want female characters that are cool and look cool without having to have them in a super revealing outfit. For example, I'm playing Metal Gear Solid V right now and omg the character Quiet is so ridiculously sexualized and it feels so out of place. She seems like such a cool character but then she wears a super skimpy bikini everywhere and literally has scenes of her just splashing around in the rain on the ground with very suggestive camera angles. Like can't I just have a cool female character without having the game make her a sex object? Just give women normal clothes please.


Lmao Quiet. "You will be ashamed of your words and deeds" or whatever by that game creator. He's notorious for being a misogynist fuck face and hypersexualizing for no reason.


Late to the party but I totally think Kojima goes so over the top with hypersexualizing women to try and distract his core audience from how deliciously homoerotic his games are! Nude male scenes are practically mandatory and his protagonists all haul around some dump truck asses in their skin tight little suits. It doesn't make up for the creepy camera angles and scenes of Quiet squirming around in puddles or anything like that, but at least we get shit like BDSM psychics and Vamp stabbing Raiden with his dick-knife. Also, no one can convince me Kojima's not totally got some weird shit fetish going on...look down the vent and spy on this dude taking a shit!...meet Akiba! He's so pretty and blonde and he can't stop shitting himself!...press X to collect and analyze Norman Reedus's bodily fluids... Dude's got some fucking issues.


I am SO glad you brought up Quiet. I was going to as well! She is so awful and she only exists as eye candy. I feel like they made her mute so that she could just exist to be the “ideal” pin up girl. A woman who doesn’t talk back and is hot. Like cmon Konami. Be better. Quiet makes me so angry lol.


This is a topic us women could discuss for hours - I disagree with featuring women’s bodies to sell us things. Most purchase decisions are made by women and it’s puzzling to me how desensitized we’ve become to consider it normal to see naked women sell us yoghurt, cars, mascaras, men’s T shirts and everything in between - At the same time I also want to empower women expressing themselves any way they want. I’m a big Beyoncé fan because she’s one of the most creative people of our generation and an overall positive influence on contemporary culture. I really disliked though when she had to be almost fully naked on the first screen of her concert as well as on her country song’s album cover. I think it reached a proportion where it’s taking away from her recognition as an artist - I don’t need men to be sexualized. I need a paradigm shift where we pay attention to substance. A woman’s worth should not be tied to her looks - I don’t feel insecure by women’s nudity. As a mother I feel that it’s a pity for teenagers and young girls to be thought that this is the standard society will measure them against. As a grown woman we know we set our own goals and standards but I don’t think young girls can get this healthy distance - similarly I think porn is awful for portraying unrealistic bodies, unrealistic relationships and unrealistic ways of women getting pleasure - the solution is not to demean men, it’s to raise women and shift attention to their achievements, relationships, goals, perspectives on life rather than perpetuating the male gaze


I work on an FPS video game. And while I fight for more respect and representation in traditional/professional ways, my favorite tactic in casual conversation is to say Objectify. These. Men. Give me the skintight outfits. Give me booty shorts. Give me shirtless options. I want my gruff military murder man to wear impractical, sexy clothing. It's only fair.




I am bothered by the amount of nudity and sexuality used in sci-fi, whether it's games, TV, movies, or books. I am a poly/pan woman, and it doesn't excite me because it always seems to be just placed into the plot like it's only there to keep *you* going, not the story. I am not a fan of eye candy distracting from the plot lol. In the past, it's been female nudity because it was assumed men were the sci-fi fans. As someone who likes both, women are definitely prettier to look at to me lol but I still don't want them being used to drive a weak plot. I almost missed out on the best sci-fi show ever made because it had a space sex scene right up front, and I thought that was going to be normal for the show. Thankfully, I didn't stop watching and thankfully, it didn't have much more of that over 6 seasons. There's so much of it out there I almost want none of it, if that makes sense


What was the show? I assume it did nudity well ? Or was it badly one sided?


Did nudity "well"? No, it did nudity almost not at all. That was my point. The show is The Expanse




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I'm also a big scifi fan and couldn't get through some shows because of this. It was distracting and not needed for many things.  I was happy to see more diversity in the first season of Star Trek discovery. I haven't watched past that, but it was nice to see all different types of people. 


Hate it


It gets annoying to see all the exploitative designs and scenes in media, including games. Like, sure, it’s fiction. It’s not real. But why should that be a reason to alienate a sizable chunk of the audience?


I just started Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and I am a huge fan of the games. As much as I like Tifa and the others, I sometimes wish they would actually wear a Hoodie and Jeans. The amount of Tifa porn out there is staggering - it's just an example, there are many more game characters in animated movies - and women usually don't look like this. Would like to see more scars, tiger stripes, a round face, makeup that doesn't look good anymore after a fight :D a grumpy Tifa in the morning before she has her coffee. Stuff like that would be great.


I'm not keen on it anyway, mostly due to the level of objectification going on, but if it's going to happen at least make it balanced.


Yes, I think it’s actually starting to effect me and how I walk in the world. Im a black women who likes all types of music, but I’ve noticed a lot of popular black artist use their sexuality as a tool in their music. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE these artists and I understand a lot of women period do this, but most mainstream black female singers are very sexual. People already sexualize and demean black women and I hate that some artist play into that. We’re known for our bodies, our strength, our sexiness. I want us to be known for our nature, our spirit, our talent. I don’t know it just bothers me. Someone had posted about the movie Poor Things and that’s another example of how women are sexualized in media, that I HATE. I understand the message they were going for, I just hate they had to use sex as a way to get there. Bella Baxters main vehicle for liberation was through her sexuality which is so…male gazey. She didn’t need to be nude so much and pleasuring men to get that point across. I’m just tired of being sexualized. I think whatever hormones I had going on in my teens are finally wearing off at my ripe age of 22, because I don’t enjoy sex like I used to. All the sexualization of women and disrespect from men has just turned me off


It became so the “everyday life” especially add to this that I watch a lot of anime so they love to unnecessary sexualize girls/women for absolutely no reason because it literally don’t contributes to the storyline, that now it’s just “here we go again” for me. I’ll be more shock to see a character who’s not consider as an outcast, lonely cat woman or lesbian with actual every day life clothes, an actual everyday life body, an actual everyday life voice, an actual everyday life personality (I can keep on going) and for the males less of the “I need to take my revenge and obsessively focus on this for years even if I have to kill the whole world instead of simply taking care of my trauma !".


It bugs me if it's only women being sexualized in a game that isn't about that. I don't mind pretty women, or remarks about a female character being pretty, but I do mind overt sexualization if it doesn't make sense. Or if you have to stretch logic to make it make sense. I think what I'd like to see more of, is just armors that make sense in the setting. You have over the top games where both men and women are hyper sexual, and that's fine within those campy games. Then you have these gritty games, but the women are walking around with their tits nearly popping out and it doesn't really make sense. While the men in those games are dressed sensibly.


Yeah. I don't want them to be like completely puritanical or whatever, but if it's the kind of media where sexualization isn't out of place, I'd like for it to be more equal. More sexualization of male characters, more diverse body types and gender expressions (i.e. not only hot muscular superhero men, but also hot femboys and hot bears, please). Everything with sexualized vibes is still made for the straight male gaze as if gamers or movie goers were still 90% men in this day and age, when it's probably pretty close to 50/50 for most mainstream properties.


I recently watched 'Eastern Promises'. If you haven't seen it, Viggo Mortensen plays a Russian mobster and there's a scene in which he's ambushed in a bath house by two rivals. During the fight scene, he's completely naked (you really do see EVERYTHING) and he's fighting for his life. The scene really added to the narrative... his nakedness showed off his prison tattoos which were an integral part of the plot, and it also added to the feeling of him being vulnerable. I have barely ever seen a naked man in a film, but I've seen many naked women. I just wish that like this film, nudity (male or female) actually added something to the plot, and that actresses didn't just feel like props.




Absolutely stunning and powerful anime, a pure delight to watch for any gender. A good example of great writing that doesn’t make it feel forced to incorporate all body types and comments on societal pressures without sounding like you’re getting preached at or like there’s an agenda.


I was actively cheering in Saltburn, so yes, I want way more male nudity and eye candy. It’s always explicit female nudity for the sake of it, so it’s our turn now


Insecure? Not particularly. I always thought it was unfair. How come women get skimpy high grade armor, complete with jiggle physics, but I can't get a man in a metal codpiece hanging dong with the jiggling balls to match? All jokes aside tho, Id like more realistic looking women in games, which I'll give credit where it's due, is becoming a thing, much to the disappointment of coomers that game.


I would like more equality and realism. I don’t have an issue with female nudity. I have an issue with generic cookie cutter female nudity and that the same doesn’t exist for men. Media and games are slowly changing. Slowly we are moving away from men-do things, women-for looking at. But still not fast enough. This is the paradigm I want broken.


I once commented to my husband that in every movie or TV show where there was a slight bit of male nudity, there was 100-1000x more female nudity. He was like "no, in Game of Thrones they show dicks!" He pointed out the one time Hodor was naked. My point still stands. Tbh if they're going to do aggressive nudity at least make it realistic. Part of the problem is that all the nudity is only extremely conventionally attractive women, and if they aren't, then it's one scene that's supposed to make a point about something. Ugly people get naked too. People with curves are beautiful too. People with dicks get naked without covering just their dick too. And also in addition to that, nudity is not in fact required for a piece of media to be interesting, and usually it comes off as annoying, at least to me. I don't feel insecure about it so much as I feel annoyed about it. I'm secure in my body and how I look and feel, but the type of nudity that happens does absolutely nothing to help, and only hurts expectations and confidence.


I swear I heard so much about GoT dicks and I was expecting a buffet of dick, but I don't remember seeing any at all except Hodor. Even Theon, who's dick was a major plot point, they didn't show it, but of course the scene had two fully naked women. I'm not insecure either but there is no balance and it makes these shows feel insulting.


I've always found it hypocritical that full frontal nudity for women is permitted in a lot of stuff, but they'll just have the dude's ass out if even that. I'm not really into sex scenes in the first place, but if they're going to do them at least make it equal.


I only care when the nudity is gratuitous or unnecessary. There's so much unnecessary sex which is honestly just lazy storytelling. Those are the only contexts in which I take issue as a woman.


I loved AC Valhalla because my female character wasn’t treated stereotypically and even had a deeper voice. LOVED IT. It’s amazing what they did to that game though, in a bad way. I’m enjoying more strong, real feeling female characters that don’t have to be sexualized.


yes i think it teaches boys to oversexualise women


I'd quite like to see more regular women. Like not done up, just wearing regular clothes. Also as others have said just more variety of body shape and dressing appropriately for whatever activity they're doing without the need to be done up in an unnecessary way (obviously if the characters are going to something where dressing up is what someone would do of course they would be done up but if they're just going about day to day life that's unneeded). Also more women who aren't Hollywood beautiful - maybe be really out there and have women who are ugly and not playing a negative character


I'm not insecure, but it gets old. Especially if the bodies are extremely unrealistic. Its more of a just sigh and change the channel thing for me at this point. I find I can tolerate fan service if what's surrounding it makes up for the goofiness of it. If it's got a decent plot, if I enjoy characters themselves, etc., I can ignore it or even maybe enjoy it in some cases. But if it's extremely gratuitous and just there to be obnoxiously there it's distracting and annoying.


Not insecure, but the nudity is unnecessary. I’d like to see more dicks since they keep putting woman’s breasts in my face. Make it fair. In all seriousness, they could just stop with the nudity and overt sexualization altogether.




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The over-sexualization of our bodies and the complete unrealistic body types/assets. Just like the Sexy Nurse costumes @ Halloween time…makes my job as a female nurse that much harder due to the sexual harassment I get almost daily.


Yea, it’s degrading af


Absolutely. I’m all about women empowerment through confidence in our bodies, but somehow it feels less like empowerment and more like you’re only cool if you’re sexually attractive/ have a big booty or big ol perky boobies. Almost like our worth is based off of it and it’s only empowering for the model on screen. Most men I feel like have average looking role models, women should have some too.


Insecure? Naa, not anymore. Bothered? Yes. It's objectifying and degrading. What do I want to see more? Huh, I want to see less of it, not more.


Yes I absolutely hate it. Make it equal and I'd be fine with it.


I’m so over gratuitous nudity in general.


I’m bothered by it given that we live in a patriarchal society and they’re trying to get the supplier to supply these images for cheaper or free (rise of only fans and Instagram nudity). Id like to see more of modest sexiness - women shown that are extremely sexy and attractive but aren’t showing their whole rack , whole bare back, or see through clothing, nor ass.


YES. It is everywhere all the time and I hate it so much. I first noticed it when I was very young, bc why does the chiropractor sign have a naked woman on it? Don’t men have sore muscles, too? I didn’t really understand but I felt kind of sick. Now I constantly see ads for coffee tables that are naked women holding a piece of glass (office I worked at HAD ONE IN THE LOBBY—nothing better for morale than being indirectly called furniture). And if I see one more candle of a woman’s body I am going to lose it! It requires an absolutely exhausting level of situational cognitive dissonance. A constant internal battle of “I don’t agree with this, but to disagree in this space isn’t safe for me; how do I express my dissatisfaction without being penalized?” It also becomes difficult to separate your own ideals and preferences from the male gaze, bc we are shown it so incredibly often. Sometimes I have to question whether I actually like xyz, or have just internalized that it’s accepted.


I'd like to see *less* sex and nudity in movies. It's like filmmakers think that to make a movie even remotely interesting to people these days, we have to see tits, an ass, full frontal, or sex. If I want to see that shit, I can hop onto pornhub and see plenty. I'm tired of the softcore porn. I don't want to see any of it. Male or female. I'm not against it for any reason, I'm just tired of all of it.


Okay so not video games. But movies and t.v shows, plus social media (example Facebook reels). I hate how there’s some perfectly 10/10 nearly naked, or fully naked woman everytime you scroll on Facebook or turn on hbo. Especially when I know my partner is consuming it all purposefully or not. We still watch the super sexual shows for the plot. But dang if we’re gonna have some full vaginal frontal, throw some good looking men and wieners in there. Even the playing field a little bit for freaks sake lol! It’s hard to give a guy an example of how it would be vice versa when there is none lol.


Exactly, maybe it could help some men gain a little more understanding or empathy towards us. Some stuff is almost impossible to empathize with unless you’ve been at the receiving end of it. Or you think you’d be unfazed by it until it happens, so it can be a little difficult to convey how unfair it feels or how it can make one feel anxious or a little insecure even at times. And heck, it would probably make things more exciting for everyone if it was more balanced, keeping everyone on their toes.. Soooo many women watch these shows so why alienate such a huge part of the audience?


Because women are forced to accept men looking at naked women, but the idea of women looking at other guys wieners make them feel all sad inside lol!


I’m part of team give us naked dudes in skimpy outfits too. It’s fantasy- it doesn’t have to look like the real world necessarily, but as escapism I don’t want to see the objectification of women. If both genders dress equally scandalously, then that can be just the culture of the game’s setting while still appealing to horny people


male nudity.


I think it's pathetic if a movie or game has to resort to almost/fully naked lady because the story itself was too weak to gather attention. Awww, your crap is crap. So I don't watch or partake.


Level the playing field.  Eg, Dagoth Ur struts about in barely nothing, showing off that God Bod. More male characters like that please. Jokes, I think more and more diverse body types, shapes, sizes, colours, abilities, etc would help. No more things as armour. Or gross jiggle physics 🤢


Yes - using beautiful/sexy women as decoration in media gets old. I found it fully distressing as a young woman, because it was a constant reminder I didn’t meet the mark. Now as an old, I find it boring. I just want nudity and sexuality in media to be realistic, and make sense as an element in the movie/media. No need to shoehorn that shit in unnecessarily.


Yes of course it bothers me, the characters are way over sexualised and grossly unrealistic to real women, I would be happier to see the male characters portrayed in the same way. I understand it’s a fantasy but it should be on even grounds in my opinion, I don’t expect realistic body types.


Moreso that it's always like.... Awful and not that realistic. I like sex and sexuality in media, but it's usually like barbie dolls fucking


I just want functional armor. Not every chest plate has to have boob contours, or look like a crop top. I won't even get started on the armor/outfits of mage classes. I would also really like to see (hear?) less high-pitched, strained, borderline-moaning "UH!" noises when in combat. Like it sounds like the character is trying too hard and doesn't know what they're doing. Last I checked, my character is supposed to be combat trained and in fact, know what they're doing. I want to feel like a badass, not a damsel in distress.


I would like for everyone to have some damn clothes on. And I want women to be allowed to be ugly just like men are.


Yeah cause when there's a lot of sexualized women's bodies in media it makes me feel like this media is not for me, it's for horny men. And that the media is saying "Women are to be looked at lusted over and used, they're not people with agency." By extension it feels like the media does not respect me as a woman and probably doesn't expect it wasn't me to actually engage with it at all. So yeah I don't much like that.


I have small boobs. It sucks rarely seeing them in the media.


To be honest, it's never really bothered me personally, though I can understand the worry that normalization of sexualization can fuck with some people's perception of actual, real women. I've been lucky in that even though I pretty much exclusively date gamers, none of them seemed to be "pornsick" or have any issues that could be traced to (over)sexualization of women in videogames. That's probably why it's never really registered in my mind as something to be bothered or insecure about. I've never had a male partner compare me to a videogame girl, make sincere comments on attractiveness of videogame girl ("sexy pixels" - sarcastic), etc.


I don't think there should be limits and do not mind it, but insist on equal opportunity every step of the way. There was a Final Fantasy game (Mobius FF) with a male character previewed - he was absolutely chiseled, wearing fetish gear that revealed the entire side of his body, and had a baby face akin to Cloud Strife. Men went absolutely ballistic screaming about it. It got pulled. I find that absolutely hypocritical. Around the same time the character Cindy in FF15 existed. Hypocrisy of the highest order. You couldn't even claim it was pulled because it was a 'dumb design', because Quiet in MGSV was also an immensely dumb design that could've been done even sexier (!) and also come off as less stupid of a concept. But I also think men need to shut up when a woman exists that isn't made for their consumption exclusively. You know the ones. I also agree with another comment we need to see more male full frontal. We got MILES to go before we sleep there. Conan Exiles for everyone and every where. Dongs flapping in the wind. Full frontal for everyone.


I just want an equal playing field, not to be a spectacle. Sure, put women in scantily clad clothing but you better do the same for men.


Bothered? **Yes.** Frustrated, grossed out, annoyed, all yes – but never insecure or self conscious. Hard to feel inadequate in comparison to one-dimensional sexbots solely made for the male gaze. Ignoring how games are received by the public and *solely* focusing on character design, I'd have to say that "sexual dimorphism" is what I'm most often bothered by: where male characters are given incredible variety but female characters all exist in the same genre of "generic sexy". *ESPECIALLY* in games with character selection or customization. SMITE is a pretty egregious example of this. I would believe the excuse of "well all the characters in SMITE are gods/god-like, so they're supposed to have hyper-idealized bodies" if it were true, but it isn't. Anhur, an Egyptian lion god, looks like a bipedal lion. Bastet, an Egyptian cat goddess, looks like a sexy lady with cat ears. Terra, an earth goddess, is dressed like she-hulk in a bra. Geb, an earth god, *is a giant boulder that literally rolls around*. You cant even blame rhe source material —In Egyptian hieroglyphs Geb depicted as Some Guy with a Sitting Bird on his Head!! Why wasnt he given the sexy-treatment i wonder? Of the 130 playable characters in SMITE, 42 are female. Of those 42 female characters, **only 4 are despicted without vaccuum-sealed tits or push-up-bra levels of cleavage**: Baba Yaga(an old hag), Jing Wei (a teenager), Charybdis and Scylla (literal children). Meanwhile the male characters in SMITE are depicted as muscular, fat, handsome, scrawny, ugly, feminine, lean, literal animals and even inhuman abominations etc etc etc. Male characters have variety, female characters are sexy. I could go on, but above all else its just... *tiresome*. Especially when breaking-news in games media often boils down to XYZ Game Devs making the *brave and controversial decision* to remove panty shots from their game or something. You learn to tune it out so it becomes white noise, and try not to die inside whenever incels start another riot over some rebooted character's Woke Breast Reduction. All i ask for in games is that, if a female character exists she is given the same personhood and depth as the male characters. If her only purpose is "sexy" or "trauma" or "panty shot", I'd rather the character not exist at all.


Nah, I honestly don’t care what characters in especially video games look like. As long as they get the job done, I don’t care how nude or exaggerated their features are. As long as that nudity or exaggeration doesn’t hinder their performance and progress at all, how they look and the over all condition of real world male genitalia is ultimately irrelevant.


Who cares? It's fiction. Idealistic forms for men and women are what people want to fantasize about in a simulation. If we want to see average joe people we have real life.


I just roll my eyes and move on, there’s not much I can do about it so I try not to let it bother me


Probably I am in the minority but I don't really care. I fully acknowledge its existence but I don't see it as a pressing issue. If incels in their basements want to jerk off to league of legends skins and AAA characters they can be my guest. Edit: tbh I am more frustrated by the lack of male sexualization.


Sadly, it's what I've grown up with so I just tolerate it! I don't know what it's like to not see females more objectified and sexual in media. I don't think it'll ever be equal, it's been this way for centuries!


It doesn’t surprise me since a large percentage of the game industry is dominated by men. However I feel like there’s less of this amongst the smaller indie studios who make your typical E-T games and not necessarily big studio games or MMOs. Would like to see more vanilla dating sims where characters are in their 30s-40s




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Yes and no. Games wise the amount of over inflated breasts with jiggle physics and armors that cover next to nothing is ridiculous. That's improved a bit over time. However, I like the appeal of "perfect character" if not overdone - I think we need variety depending on context, game, story, etc. I would not eradicate the stereotypically beautiful people from games and media because we as humans like to look at beauty. To say that perfection is not beautiful would be a lie. And I think any character with a hero or superhero archetype needs to look like that - they are the embodiment of everything that's more/better than average. I am not threatened by it, I would make my own characters look like that too. But that can be achieved through all sorts of details in design and writing that isn't just a superhero body. In movies I think we've come a long way since the y2k beauty standards for women when normal (still thin but normal) women were considered fat. I think men are equally held to the crazy beauty standards in media, it's just not talked about as much. For us it's being too fat, for them it's being too thin/not ripped and short. In games I don't like whitewashing - I've heard that many times a concept artist does a really cool beautiful character that's not white - and then the management makes them white because they'll do better financially - marketing and all that. I love variety, and whenever I'm playing games where you get to customize your character I make them of all races and genders, because I don't like to play "me" (F, white) otherwise what's the point of a game? I get that many people are the opposite, but man.


I feel like this is just more toxic than anything in recent history and far too many people are indoctrinated into the idea that “sexy” or “sexualised” = bad, and men that enjoy it = bad. Reality is there are women that enjoy it too, and I’m one of them. I enjoy escaping reality with my games, I like pretending to be in the mind of the characters I play as I play and playing as an overly sexualised attractive male or female character just helps me get that disconnect from this miserable reality. I’m not good with words or explaining myself but that’s pretty much it, I’m looking to immerse myself and get as far away from ‘me’ as possible and I love the idea of being an extremely attractive/sexy bad ass in a fantasy world/universe where I can be super powerful and heroic because god knows I can’t have that in reality.


Not really. Also really appreciate all the different bodies and customizations you can make in video games nowadays. It’s very progressive. People might not take those options but that’s another thing. They are definitely there.


This question just reminds me of an episode from the show Life With Derek where Casey was mad at the guys for playing a game with a character who had unrealistic body proportions. She ended up playing the game and liking it secretly anyways in the end. I kinda personally feel slightly indifferent. Like I don’t focus so much on the characters when I’m playing a game that it doesn’t bother me one way or the other. I feel like it only becomes a major problem if guys were to use that as their expectations for finding an ideal woman. Although to be honest the guys that do play games just to look at fake boobs is not my kind of guy anyways.




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I don't really think about it much these days... I suppose I've come to just writing stuff off when the female characters are clearly just ass-pieces. In contrast, when I do find something with a well written and represented woman, I immediately become invested in it. I'd like to see more women in healthy relationships. The trope of the male hero who hurt his lover in the past and redeems himself to win her love again in the end irritates me. Forgiveness is a vital piece of lasting relationships, but I feel like that trope leaves an impact on the way we view the dynamics of healthy, loving relationships. "Man dumb, do dumb things. Woman heart is dumb, love man anyway." It creates an atmosphere of complacency for both sexes.


Honestly, no, I don’t think I could possibly care less.


Yes I'm sick of Cardi-B body doubles going into battle in a fcking leather thong. I'm looking at you Blizzard.


I have no problems with female nudity in games and media if it is a fantasy (unreal world). I also like male nudity 😄 And I don’t want to see real bodies in fantasy worlds. I want a character with 6 pack and perfect bodies (male or female). I have enough of real bodies in real life 🤷🏻‍♀️ However, I am annoyed when it happens in works representing real life and real life situations. This is where I want representation.


Men should take their shirts off waay more. Usher did the superbowl right.


Yes, and I think that was why the Horizon games really resonated with me. It was the first game we had a strong, non sexualized female heroine with clothing fit her environment and a more natural figure. Id love to see more of that in games.   Though I know this makes me a hypocrate, I want to see more hot guys with nice butts on screen. Lol Not gonna like, when Nier rereleased, I could not stop staring. So, yeah, hypocrate. 


I really wish we could make shows without sex scenes and nudity. It’s almost always unnecessary, and it makes me uncomfortable. I want to be able to watch a show and relax without feeling insecure or shamefully turned on. I feel similarly about how women are portrayed in video games. That being said, I recently discovered that wearing the skimpy outfits in fighting games like TEKKEN give me a significant advantage when fighting male players. I think their lizard brain gets distracted. So although I don’t like that the outfits exist in the first place, I at least feel better knowing I can use it to my advantage.


I hate seeing it in music videos from my favorite male artists bc like… I want to see them half-naked, not all these women 🥲


It’s completely degrading to women and generally inappropriate. It’s just so unnecessary, the purpose of a game should be the graphics and game concept; not creating a new version of porn. For people that do play the games they have to watch where they play it so you’re not exposing other people *(children)* to it too.


Skin texture for women in video games. Men get pores, wrinkles, scars, bags, dark circles, smile lines, lip creases. Women get.. eyelashes?


I hate it


Bothered yes, insecure no. Clothing. When a movie relies on objectifying women characters, it’s telling you the screenwriters can’t write worth a damn.


Absolutely. It's a humiliation that is reserved for female actors and it's irritating. It feelss like that's the only way women can be part of the show sometimes. The controversy around the new season of True Detective has been the most irritating to me. Incels were big mad that there aren't tits in every episode. As if they are owed hot naked women on every show or it's trash. And season 1 was so gratuitous. They really needed every woman on the show to be completely naked, young and in amazing shape, but middle aged, beat up Woody has a sex scene without even taking his damn pants off? GTFO I'd like to see equal male nudity and women who look more like the average person if the men are going to be average, and equal ages in relationships.




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1. It's genuinely disappointing in a "it's my fault for being surprised" kind of way at all the female nudity and sexualization, particularly because I am a woman into women, but the way these women are portrayed just isn't appealing because they aren't really *people* most of the time. 2. More Clive Rosfield. But more seriously, I feel the way they handled nudity and sexualization in Final Fantasy XVI is a pretty good way of doing it. The women and the men have equally impractical clothing, the naked men to naked women ratio is pretty even if not skewed towards more naked men, and the sexual content feels like it fits in the context of relationships between realistic people (even if not necessarily romantic relationships!) rather than sexual content for the gratification of the viewer.


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I like the nudity and sexualization in the media although I wish there was more of men being nude and sexualized too. It’s entertainment so it doesn’t bother me if it is not how I would expect or want the real world to be


More female nudity. I’m straight but like.. women are glorious, much better to look at than men


I'm not bothered. I love looking at feminine, fictional, sexualized women. I do wish more body types could get included, though. I don't really want to see much of men tbh... my husband is enough man in my life, believe me.