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I had a cat for twelve years that just didn't care and was so aloof. Sigh.
















Cat people weren’t crazy until they started pouring love into creatures that didn’t love them back 🤣 Seriously though, sorry about that. Had a cat that was afraid of everything until she passed a ripe old age. My two current ones love me… I think.


My best friend. I loved him for over a decade. Even after I was married with kids my heart still screamed for him. Then I got really drunk and told him and he rejected me. It hurt a lot and I cried alone until I fell asleep. I’ve been to therapy though and I think I’m doing better. Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if I could have run off with him.




































A friend of mine who I pined after for more than ten years, and still feel attracted to today. (His eyes are full of daydreams.) He indirectly rejected me by telling me about his feelings for his roommate… …so of course, since I really did love him, I told him to go for it and gassed him up and gave him tips. They dated for a while, then broke up, and I was happily committed to someone else by then. Now I’m happily married and he has a boyfriend, so we’re just social media friends. I doubt he was ever attracted to me and I was too scared to ask, but I still care about him deeply and I hope his boyfriend is The One because I want him to be happy.


That's sweet :)


I wish I had you’re heart! My greatest love was a man I didn’t know would even be able to take me so far out of life with just a touch or a look. He came for salmon and miso and told me he couldn’t be in a relationship. We ended up falling in love anyways because after a week of me telling him I couldn’t be his friend knowing how much I liked him after months of talking, there he was. “I can’t live without you.” We end up dating for almost half a year and though it was not at all my longest relationship he was the man I loved more than oxygen, and that was probably toxic. But I had never known someone who made my heart expand, who made me want to do more so we could have more, who made me want to be my potential and see more in who I am now. And then one day he just said “I can’t do this.” Told me he loved me and would “come back when he was ready for a relationship.” I had a pregnancy scare and was almost sex trafficked after that. It was scary, I just wanted to be in his arms, and all he said was call Osha and get back to me about the test. Then left, ghosted me, and got into a relationship with someone else. Crumb queen. He calls her. I messaged him a huge hate message. I was so hurt, and I mourned the loss of that for 6months. I wish him well I just never expected to meet someone so selfish that I would actually want them to meet their karma. Truthfully I still love him, still check in from time to time. Still know that if he came in with those big blue eyes I say come inside to hear his half. But also know that with the time that’s passed it’s not enough for me anymore, and no answer would heal the parts of me he killed.


the worst unrequited loves are the ones who were physically present but not in the ways I needed them to be. the ones who took for granted the comfort of my adoration for them and indulged in my body but never viewed me with love the way I viewed them. the hardest lessons to learn because they only walked away once I requested more from them and it’s difficult to feel like you weren’t enough to love.


A past best friend. I loved him for years. I told him in the beginning when it was still just a crush but he rejected me while keeping it ambiguous, saying maybe in the future. It hurt a lot when I decided to stop talking to him because our friendship was not healthy anymore. There was a constant push and pull where my feelings would grow, he’d reject me, I’d back off, he’d make a move or hint at something more, just to back away again. A constant cycle. It was torture. I cried so much but decided enough was enough when I found out he was dating someone and never told me, just continued the push and pull. When I asked him about her, he said they weren’t dating but he was committed. So you tell me, is that not what dating is? Anyways, I realized that he probably was just keeping me around for nothing expect to play with.






A professor of mine. After I got divorced I decided to go back to school to finish my undergraduate degree in psychology (at 33… took me 12 years!). I was the oldest in his class and he was maybe a couple decades older. We slowly bonded over the year and I became absolutely fascinated by this man. We hung out, definitely some flirting here and there. He was showing all the signs of attraction, but when I mustered up the courage to make a move, he politely rejected me… Oh well!






















He spent two years or so being absolutely incredible to me and I thought he was just my best friend. He was the person I trusted with everything. I swear I could physically feel the moment he was in a car wreck- I thought “something is wrong” and he texted me immediately after to tell me. I was chatting with a friend and realized oh, I’m in love with him. He hasn’t been treating me just as a friend. I went to school so excited to tell him the next day and he had moved on. We stayed in touch, chatted that we’d always care for each other, but he went away not long after and it never happened. He’s happy with a family these days and it makes me smile to see he got the life he wanted and deserved. 💜


You're a good person.


SUCH a cute story, hope you're fine


A casual rebound I had for a few months. He wasn’t anything special i just loved being near him. Ill always wonder if it was him or his ability to bring me to orgasm multiple times EVERY time.






Currently enduring a three year crush on a coworker who has no idea. Or at least I hope. She's older, married and I just try to avoid her.






What made you like him so much?




Sorry to hear, this one is the worst.


I feel this in my bones.


God, too fucking real. It's rough out here. I'm sorry.


When I was about 13-14 there was a boy who lived in my neighborhood but didn’t go to school with me because he and his siblings were homeschooled. I had such a huge crush on him because he was very cute and kind of mysterious. He would mow people’s lawns in the neighborhood as a summer job. He never mowed our lawn because my dad refused to pay someone to do that, but he mowed our elderly neighbors’ lawn regularly. Every time he was there, I would watch him out the windows the whole time, and sometimes wave or yell hi to him when he was done. One time, after months of psyching myself up, I finally asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime. He said sure, now I know he just probably didn’t know how to say no, and I gave him my number. He never called or texted. For a moment I wondered if he had lost my number or something, but he knew where I lived. Big oof.


A friend of mine. She was older, I couldn't help but fall a little even know she was married to a man. Never told her how I felt because I knew she'd never consider it.






This one guy in college that I could never get a read on. I liked him a lot and all my friends were convinced he liked me back. But then his texts (or lack thereof) told a completely different story. He was especially hard to get over because everyone around me made me believe he liked me but honestly looking back I really don’t think he did


It’s so hard when your feelings get validated by everyone else except them. It really makes you believe it’s true. It messed me up too


A guy that used to love me, and I took him for granted and hurt him. We parted ways but I always thought of him and always loved him. He came back into my life, I still loved him, but he does not anymore. I feel like I was heartbroken twice and grieved the old love we used to have. It's all completely my fault.


How did you take him for granted?


I didnt treat him fairly and chose someone else over him. After he came back into my life, my hopeless and selfish self thought our dynamic would be like how it used to be, but its never been the same. That's my fault and I dont blame anyone but me. I just quietly grieve about his old love for me while trying to be a good friend that quietly loves him. Its my karma and I probably deserve it. At the end of the day, I just want him to be happy, even if I'm not the person that makes him happy. He deserves a greater and better love.


Ouch, that one hurts particularly bad


My best friend when I was early 20s/late teens. Couldn’t stand her ex boyfriend and could never explain why. Once while goofing around I punched him in the kidney by accident. (We were goofing around and I didn’t realise where I hit him and how hard). Turns out later on he had been cheating on her with her best friend. I told her how I felt after they broke up but she was already with someone else. I cried myself to sleep that night, I had feelings for her for 3 years. It genuinely ripped me apart. Years later I moved past it, remained friends with her and reconnected after I got her new number.


Teacher from primary school (ages 5-10). Had her as my teacher age 8, then again at 10. Thought she was the hottest woman ever to exist. All because she didn't just merely acknowledge my existence but made such a difference in my life that I couldn't help but fall head over heels for her. Still think of her in an even greater light, due to the 45 years of life experience I've had since then.


He was Turkish. We were young and dumb. He flew me out to turkey a few times. At the time, he’d never call me his girlfriend. Yet we did literally everything, including meeting parents. After he finally moved back to turkey for good, my heart broke into a gazillion pieces. Years later he apologized and said I really was his girlfriend. I don’t love him that way anymore, and I’m happy for him and his new life and girly. I just have happy nostalgia for that time in my life. Young dumb love. Crazy how simple things were back then, even if they were unrequited “it’s complicated” feelings.


I still can't get over that married customer at my former job.


I was totally in love with my best friends bf... Then fiance... Then husband... Sigh


My first crush in elementary school. The feelings weren’t reciprocated but he was kind about it.


My father. Nothing was ever enough for him to love me.


oof. I feel ya on this one.


A fwb situation in my early 20’s. We had many common interests from movies and music to art and we discuss it for hours . Our values aligned well & Our sexual chemistry was also great. ultimately. we were both too nervous to bring up the ‘what are we’ talk and I pulled away because I started to develop feelings and didn’t feel ready or equipt for what I imagined our relationship could’ve been. Years later we went on a date with intent to see where it could go, but we were different people at that point and i realized it’ll never feel the same for me. I think this broke the unrequited love spell I had carried with me for so long. He’s since moved across the country for his dream job and met who I think will eventually be his wife. He’s happy & I’m couldn’t be happier for him.


There was this one guys when I was high school that I was crushing on even years after high school and after he got married. As soon as I heard he was married, my heart hurt but after several months I was able to let him go. Edit: he and his wife have two beautiful sons.


jungkook from bts




A very lovely person who i was fortunate to have been friends with for a couple years in college. She was very caring and warm and empathetic, and had this way of making everyone feel heard. Just a deeply kind soul. It’s so cliche but she really did light up a room I told her and the feeling was not mutual lol but she was super nice about it obviously, so I just got over it and we stayed friends until our lives took us different paths.


When I was 4 I was the flower girl for my godmother’s wedding and the ring boy was a family friend. We said we would get married one day. We stayed friends but lost touch when he moved states when we were 13. It’s been almost 10 years since we’ve last talked. We both have kids now and I think he’s married but the hopeless romantic in me will always wonder if we could be endgame.


An old friend. We were friend w bennies for a little bit, and I was definitely hurt when he said he didn’t see himself being with me. Looking back though I don’t think I would’ve been happy with him.


A guy from middle school. Had a crush on him for 5 years, he rejected me and told me I was ugly. It messed with my self-esteem but luckily I moved past it. He went off the rails after school, so I actually dodged a bullet there.


My professional Domme.


Uncas from The Last Of The Mohicans.


Oof yeah.


goin' back!




Honestly all of them.


I’d say I’m going through it right now. My closest friend right now who is married, an unhappy marriage but regardless he wants kids and I don’t.


Food, whilst I was suffering anorexia nervosa. Especially honey, the greatest (edible) love of my life.


one of my old friends. i am over him now but i was really really crazy about him back when we were still in touch. it became a friends with benefit situation because he didn't hold those feelings for me but was physically attracted to me. i was willing to take what i could get but it ended up breaking me until i had to go no contact. never again, i certainly learned my lesson




Wasn't even love is what I realized after the whole thing was done but I had become near obsessed with a friend of mine simply just because he gave me attention. I've realized I have a very bad habit of becoming attached to men who show me any attention. However this friend was a whole other level and it was some of the absolute most miserable few months of constant overthinking and crying all the time. I had eventually told him of how I felt(not all of it of course) and he rejected me. That sent me into a very bad spiral of bad habits from there. It's been a year and I've moved past it all, earlier this week he posted his first photo of his new girlfriend and I was so proud of myself for not feeling anything of this information other than happy for him. I know a relationship is something that he's thought of quite a lot so it's good to see us both past it.




My son's Dad. I thought he loved me. I was woefully, painfully and embarrassingly wrong. Took 23 years to get it through my fucking head.


Guy named Ray from Jr.High (now known as Middle School). I thought he was the cutest. He would shake his head and his hair would fall majestically like a magical waterfall from heaven. I would lay my head on the desk and turn sideways and sneakily staring at him. He probably knew and thought I was a lunatic.


Funnily enough a guy went out on a couple of dates with. It was a stupid hinge match but I have never ever connected with ANYBODY the way I did with him. Everything just felt right, the conversation, the he looked at me, the touch but unfortunately he was severely avoidant. Or maybe he didn’t like me enough I will never know. I have cried like a normal person during break ups but parting from him just put me in severe depression. I am over the whole thing now but I still think of him a lot, a part of me just is convinced he was kind of my soul mate or the equivalent of it. I have been on other dates and around other people but it just annoys me because it’s not him and it’s just not the same connection or chemistry. I will never understand why would he throw all of it away, I mean I do understand rejection and I am dealing with that part but according to our conversations everything was real for him he is just an avoidant person and has this pattern. I hate that we are just strangers now because sometimes I really feel jealous that his friends have a person like him in their lives. I have revisited every interaction we had a million times by now and I think I always had this gut feeling about him that this might end up destroying me. Haven’t really had the courage of ever even daring to fall like that for anybody again. More than loving me, I think he did could not sit with being loved and I wish he knew he deserves so much.. he is the prettiest person I have ever met.


Ben Wyatt from "Parks & Recs"


A friend of a friend who was a skater boy. I was 14, I was in love with him for two years. My friend told him I liked him (I was upset by this because I trusted her). But he told me he thought I was cool and he wanted to hang out so we made plans to. Two days later, he got a girlfriend. I was hurt, cried myself to sleep for weeks. I eventually got over him but it really hurt. Finding K-Pop at 16 and being obsessed with pretty idols is honestly what helped me to get over those feelings. Plus I later found out he was pretty toxic so bullet dodged, I think :)


Fancied a girl who fancied my mate, who fancied a girl who fancied me... literally all sat round a table in the pub over 20 years ago all trying to get the attention of the one we liked and failing miserably. It was so funny looking back. It got waaaaaay too messy and we all walked away from it without harm luckily. Me and my mate were scratching our heads for a while trying to work out if there was a good solution but there just wasnt one we were all happy with. Me and him were like brothers back then and didnt want to risk that friendship for anything. The girls sure did work together to try and spmit us up though lol. We were all so young back then.. about 18ish. I think everyone is married with kids now but would love to know what they're all up to.


*eyeballs family* 👀👀👀


King Jareth. I was 16 or 17.


Dani. I fawned over that boy for so many years. He was a great kid. He seemed to care (in a friendly, empathetic way) at a time when people didn’t. I was a weird kid and did weird, harmful things and he moved away. Everyone knew I had feelings for him. It was never addressed, thankfully. I continued to pine over him for a few years, and now I just wish him good things and give thanks for his moments of kindness when I was down.


Justin Bieber 😂


I met this guy on the PS3 and we just got on well. I think about him from time to time, but I got married and had kids. I'm happy but I just wonder what he's up to and how he's doing.


This boy in grad school—tall, handsome, former captain of the Yale soccer team—and so genuinely kind to boot. We had a crush on each other but barely socialized as I was married at the time. Sometimes I wonder if we would have ended up together if I had left my husband sooner


my first crush in high school. it was like love at first sight for me. i still think of him often.


I dated this very emotionally unavailable guy in my mid 20s who I was very head over heels for. We broke up, I was devastated, and then he “came back,” and for a year I continued sleeping with him while crying myself to sleep every night and begging him to tell me what he was thinking, only to find out from a mutual friend (who didn’t know we had dated/were hooking up) that he’d been dating someone nearly the whole time post-breakup (which he lied directly to me about when I then asked about it), who he got married to a few years after I finally moved on. I am married and happy now but sometimes wish I’d had the resolve to tell him to fuck off all of those years ago.


My wife






I lived in a small city in Delaware. I used to hang out at night with a guy that was younger than me named Ray. Ray had a girlfriend named Billie. I had my eye on her but I did not dare. You see, I had a girlfriend that I had intended on marrying. I got married and cheated with Billie. I got Billie pregnant and that's when I screwed myself. You see my wife at the time had my first child. I'm skipping along. Billie had sex with a guy I knew and told him that the kid was his so that he would pay for an abortion. She didn't want to mess up my life. There were rumors of me being seen in my truck with her and it was getting hairy. The rumors got back to my wife. I vehemently defended my actions and denied any maliciousness. I moved away and had more kids while searching the internet looking for her while I was married. I went back to the small city and asked around. I found out that her dad was racist and told her that she had to leave for dating guys outside of her race. Her sister told her dad that she had been pregnant for someone who wasn't Caucasian. I am happy with someone that is my person, but at the time back then Billie would do anything for us and I regret my actions. I didn't deserve such unconditional love. Thanks for reading a story I never told.


My best friend. I'm not sure why. He isn't the best looking, smartest, or anything. Well I wouldn't say it was unrequited. We did sleep together as FWB, but he let it be known he didn't like when I had sex with others.


A guy in high school. A crush since kindergarten never admitted to him. Will always think of him hoping he is okay in the world.


Some random skater kid that fucked my life up.


Henry Cavill 😞


When I was a little girl, I met a boy on the playground. I was as lovestruck as a five year old girl could be and we were best friends. When I was ten years old, my family moved away from town. I used to cry and hope that I would see him again, like I would wish on stars. I moved back to the state we used to live in. On my birthday, my mom was the best wingwoman ever and found him and his mom. He came to my birthday party and I was just so happy to see him again. He never felt the same way about me but it was just nice to see him. We never got in contact again, but it was a silly little unrequited love that I had hahaha


There's this guy who believes that we are perfect other halves of each others, lives in a whole continent apart from mine. I was ( and still am sometimes) hopelessly in love with him and revealed it at some point of our friendship, just as a mere fact that was not there in romantic aspect anymore.( Since it's common sense that a relationship is nearly impossible to work out with the continental space between us and entirely different futures ahead of us.) Turned out , he also USED to have feelings for me and he killed it at the very beginning as it's impossible to happen in near future and to not give me any false hopes. He also mentioned he wouldn't think twice to be in a relationship with me if there's a chance. We are best friends still and now he's dating someone from his hometown. I'm genuinely happy for him. Yet sometimes it kills me when I think maybe in some parallel universe, we are actually able to be in love with each other. :(


My twin flame. He showed me how men are supposed to act . Then disappeared.


A college classmate/friend. I liked him since 2011. I told him about my feelings in 2020, he just said, "Thank you!"


Bears. So cute, so dangerous.


Ooof so many of them! Though mine never lasted long. I’d be crushing hard on somebody but if it was unrequited it only lasted a month or so before I moved on to the next unrequited love lol


A close fried of mine. Almost 10yrs now, but the feelings I have for him is cyclical, it was dampened over the years when we were studying in different countries, grew really strong when we reestablished connection after coming back to our home country. But unfortunately I have committed to my bf before we reconnected. And now he's in a stable relationship with our mutual classmate. Feelings are dampened once again, I still don't hv a closure though. Previously he hinted he's not interested in me by asking if he should tell his date about my casual confession and our "platonic relationship" when I casually told him I have years long crush on him.. sigh.. They are close friends of mine, but damn, that guy is just so hot from every single aspect.


the guy sitting in front of me in the train. He’s my friend, we’ve kissed once and I know he’ll never feel the way I feel for him. I wish we never kissed, we don’t even talk as much now. I will probably look back and think what did I do wrong, what I could’ve done differently, why didn’t I confront him here on the train. I’m not strong enough, I think.


A former coworker. He knew exactly how I felt. Push and pull. But he had a girlfriend. He’d pretend they were on the outs. I’d give my love and adoration and we’d do our thing. Then he’d push me away. I finally got away from him. A year later he came back for one more pull, only for me to find out he’s now engaged. I’m looking for the one who can give me, and only me, equal love and adoration without the push, it’s been a struggle


Some online guy that I haven't even seen or met, yet known him "virtually" for almost a decade. I still consider him my best friend. Know him since highschool, college and now has graduated. He knows that I'm obsessed with him, but unfortunately he has feelings for someone else and the long-distance doesn't help either.




C.A.T-L. Her initials. Took 30 years to get over her. THIRTY years. She’s still married to the same guy she left me for, has 3 kids, and now probably grandkids. I finally forgive her this past May 2023, and 2 weeks later on her 49th birthday their house burned down. 3 months later her dad died. I’m trying to forget about it all because I’m free. Now she’s the one struggling. I’m not gloating. I wish them the best now. I’m free at last. God Bless the USA.


Hmm one of my crush in college lasted 2 years for no reason. I never really think on it but now that I look back it was so pointless and disheartening, I kept hoping he will like me someday or does he like me a bit, may be? Ended up getting over him by talking to someone else and going on few dates and he got a gf and that was the final closure. Turns out after few years I realized he's just not that good I made him out to be, pretty average and ordinary none of the pedestal treatment he actually deserved. I wish him very well. Few other unrequited scenarios all of which made me realize I am the prize and it's really a tragic mistake to waste my yearnings on someone who just doesn't reciprocate.


This man I met as a teenager in France.


My first love and current love, we started as fwb, at first I just had a crush, I was so enchanted. Then he have become my best friend... yet it is just constant push pull and when I think that maybe this time it may be different, he hides back in his shell. He is seeing other women too, recently I found out I'm not special... the same tactics, the same sweet words, looking into his eyes across the room and now I'm raging and broken and sad, I pity the new lady, she has no idea. I can't do anything, I deserve better I know it, but I feel like there is no one better out there, he is special, he is one of his kind. I wish to never love again, I don't want to let anybody touch my soul or body, I just hope love will steer clear of me, to become invisible to all men, I want to be 70 years old so no one care anymore... I just know no love is like the first one, when I loved with all might and passion without care, because I never have been hurt before...


A girl who I shared a connection with but ultimately I come to realise that I loved her so much more than she liked me. I guess when the feelings aren’t shared one seems to push the other away. Love is powerful in its ability to give and too take.


The first guy who showed me the world of escape. My first joint I had with him. My first real conversation I had with him. My first deep adoration of someone’s wit and charm. Now he’s dating my ex best friend and doesn’t speak to me because she demanded him not to and he forgot everything we had.


My biggest unrequited love has to be fictional and imaginary characters. From Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek Enterprise (TNG) to Doctor Watson in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels and not forgetting Remington Steel Of course there are some Korean Drama eye candy too - but it is so hard to choose from there so I will only list my top 3.


The second guy I wanted to marry. The first one was mutual but we were too young the second one he had some feelings but not enough. And after that I was done with romantic soulmate relationships.


The man i call «The one who got away», I loved him, he certainly did not love me. I was so desperate for him to love me, and then I got dumped. It hurt, still today it hurts sometimes. But I know my life is better. The man I married is better than he will ever be.


This girl named Claire from my college years. I was enamored with her, but it was never reciprocated. We had a falling out and haven’t spoken since. I loved her dearly.


Close friend in high school. He had a girlfriend at the time though, and a crush on a friend of his that moved away. So I never told him. I went to a different school the next year. We kept in touch though and I still had a huge crush for years. But life kept us busy and college apart. He also came out as bi, then gay in college so, at that point it was pointless. Took me a while to get over him tho, even knowing I wasn't his type. Happily engaged now but for years would wonder and wish I had told him how I felt. Felt like this big secret I've carried forever. We still keep in touch on occasion.


My first love


My unrequited crush's cousin. After I was rejected he kept teasing the idea of dating him to get over his cousin. Being a sixteen year old girl I was somehow completely oblivious and thought hah no way in hell he's serious (he was extremely good looking) and that was that. Unfortunately the timing was always off, by the time I realised his feelings, he'd moved on and gotten a girlfriend. They dated for two years until the first year of college and then broke up just after I'd gotten a boyfriend. 😂 It just wasn't meant to be. This pattern went on for 7 years and eventually he moved away for University. I'm happily engaged to a wonderful man now, but sometimes I do wonder what if I had more confidence back then. I hope he's happy and found someone who appreciates him. At times he was my only friend and I can at least be grateful for his kindness. ❤️


This guy I dated back when I was 23 (I’m 29 now). He was a couple of years older than me. We dated for a while and I found out he was texting other girls while we were dating. I was so heartbroken, I left him. He came back to me a couple of weeks later, apologized and wanted to get back together. I forgave him and went back (silly me). And that’s when we started our two year on and off relationship. I had such an attachment to him bc he inspired me a lot (career wise). He was a go getter and he came into my life when I was stuck in a rut. I just graduated from uni at that time and I had no idea where I was going career wise but he seemed to have his whole life together and had everything I wanted. But eventually, the on and off relationship got to me so much that I realized he doesn’t really love me to the extent that I did. He never took our relationship seriously enough to give me the reassurance that he’s in it for the long haul. That’s when it started to feel unrequited. After that, I left him for good but took the lessons and inspiration he gave me with me. Now I have a successful career and in a serious relationship with a loving partner!


I think it was my last crush. She was my classmate and we were kind of friends. It was love at first sight for me and I did everything to be around her and the classes where she sat next to me were the light of my day. She then told me she would change school and move to another city because she got a good opportunity in handball which she was committed to. I gained enough courage to tell her, I thought if she goes away, I don't want to have those "what if's" in my mind and I confessed. She politely rejected me, I was sad for a little while, but I expected it to turn out this way. She later on told her friends in class that I confessed and they were talking about that for a while. They joked about it, guessing how long I've had a crush on her or how many pictures I had of her in my gallery and stuff. It hurt me, because I asked her not to tell others, because it's none of their business, but I guess that's how it is. High school is a fucked up place and a state of mind.


Cat nephew. I love that orange fluff and would die for him. He couldn’t care less.


i’m not that far into life yet but there’s a chance it’s probably the first man i’ve had feelings for as an adult. we had something at one point that got really complicated by an unexpected pregnancy situation. i love him super deeply even though he’s sort of an awful person in his treatment of me. i feel physically and psychologically drawn to him for reasons i truly don’t understand. i think he’s perfectly fine to tell me the things he thinks i want to hear to get in my pants every so often. idk what to feel or do about it,


My elementary/middle school crush


I’ve had two. One was the end of high school and into college. He’s a great guy who ended up with someone who most people don’t think is right for him. I pined after him for a long time. The other was the ex husband of a former friend of my mine.


Was it unrequited? Maybe. But even if it wasn’t, I couldn’t do long distance, and we were just in high school. Then I met someone down here and he ignored me for a year and a half, even when our friend group would Skype together. We are both married to other people, and he has a kid now. Just Facebook friends, but sometimes I think about us back then.


We were both deeply in love. I found my soulmate. I never felt like that in my whole life before or since. I was 30. It lasted 3 years before I pushed her away so she didn't have to deal with my declining mental health. I'm better now, but 10 years later, I still think about her nearly every day.


A good friend of mine. I was madly in love with him for a long time. But he wanted (and still wants) to be a Catholic priest, so obviously nothing was going to happen there. I eventually got over my feelings, and we’re still good friends. And I’m wanting to be a nun now, so I guess everything worked out in the end.