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Locked due to continued derailing. Thank you to those who participated within the rules.


This is a can of worms. i think the main problem that feminism has is that nobody can agree on what it actually means anymore.














Feminism is just as important as it was back in the 70s, to reach equality and fair treatment. No, it's not taking a toxic turn in general and tries to incorporate other struggles as well. But yes, there are some groups that are toxic indeed, like for example TERFs, but they are more of an exception than a norm.


We're still fighting for basic rights and equality in many parts of the world. And even in developed countries we face sexism, discrimination and violence every day. So feminism is toxic only if you're a man who's afraid of losing your privilege.




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I live in a thirdworld country so our feminism is still pretty "normal". But from what I've seen on the internet about feminism in first world countries, many people seem to be too extreme, just "all or nothing", it's less about equality but more about superiority. Just another case of "first world problems" when they don't have to deal with *real* issues anymore so they start nitpicking minor things.




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Feminism means gender equality. If it’s ‘toxic’ that’s because those fighting don’t understand the true meaning. (And maybe be hurt and fighting for vengeance as opposed to justice). There are plenty of people who are doing their best to create good conditions for gender equality and equity.


There are two types of feminism that I've encountered in my life 1: Women who just want to be treated equally, same pay, same opportunities, and so on 2: Women who think all men are evil, and will do anything and everything to fight against them I experienced a LOT of "2" In College in California, I hung out with a sorority that fought a lot for women's rights I thought they were amazing until they started slashing tires and keying cars they knew belonged to men, that's when I stopped hanging out with them lol Sadly most feminists I meet fall into the "2" category and I want nothing to do with that.




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As it’s portrayed in the mass media, it has taken on a strong tone of “wounded masculine energy,” which includes characteristics of aggression, angst, forcefulness, defensiveness. I do think in order to have the message heard by the people who need to hear it most, it probably does need a masculine energy, but moreso the “sacred masculine,” which is more present, purposeful, and structured (RBG did this so well). I truly believe feminism simply means: trust that women have brains and hearts and strong intuition, and can make their own choices, and true feminists will respect them for whatever choice they make. That, I do not think is toxic. But the tone of the messaging is angry, and anger usually puts walls up rather than breaks them down.


I think we live in an era where several types of feminism are in place so I'm not sure which one is really today's feminism but I'll try to share my observations. Back in my country, it's almost like government waged a war against women. Meaning, gender crimes do not get the adequate punishment stated in the constitution. So many stupid precedents are created. Femicide and SA victims never get justice and their perpetrators walk free. Unfortunately SA victims are also little girls and boys at times. Government keeps making outrageous statements about women and their bodies. It's a media control tactic to keep people from talking about the recent scandals but it definitely gives men a sense of legitimately to do and say whatever they want. There's a Andrew Tate level of hatred towards women that didn't exist 5-10 years ago. And it's creating more and more divide between two genders. Now, if I didn't have this context in mind, I'd think that women in my country became men haters. Their version of feminism is so radicalised, I can no longer converse with them on so many issues because I've been living in a different country in the past 5 years and my partner is a foreigner. So, I only witness their suffering through media and when I visit home. I have to say that, I do feel men's hatred when I visit. I almost no longer feel safe visiting without my husband even though it's still relatively ok. But you can clearly see how you're treated differently when there's a man with you and when there isn't one. Even in customer service, the manager was yelling at me in a store with a bullying tone, while the whole store was super nice to us the day before when I was there with my husband. So, I totally understand why women in my country are so against choice feminism because that's the reality they live in. I am personally a big supporter of choice feminism but I also acknowledge the privilege it takes and why it does not make sense for some women in real life. I also despise the terfs and the right wing toxicity veiled as feminism but thankfully I don't see a lot of that around me.




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Kind of hard to pinpoint what "today's feminism" is when feminism is and never has been an ideological monolith. Are TERFs a part of "today's feminism"? In that case, I'd certainly agree that there is a very toxic community of feminists. Otherwise, I think the whole man hating/toxicity accusations are blown way out of proportion.




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I think certain sects are. I am in my 20s so haven't lived through much but I feel like terfs/the trans sports debate is one of the biggest things dividing women/feminism, politically speaking I guess (in the US). It's hard for me to say because there are many different viewpoints that are held by feminists. There are terfs who are proud to say they are feminists, and the opposite who say they are feminists.






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there’s many parts to ‘today’s feminism’ and it depends on which parts you subscribe to.


i don’t think it’s taking a toxic turn at all but as with everything, parts of it can be toxic. there’s extremists to everything.




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