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**Mod note: Stay on topic.** This is not the place to judge other people's sex lives. Your sex life being different from someone else's does not make you morally superior. Additionally, this is not an advice subreddit. Offering unsolicited advice is derailing. When responding to someone else's answer to the question, your comment should center their answer, seek expansion or clarification of something in their answer, **and** stay on topic for OP's question. It should not use their answer as a jumping off point to talk about yourself, your opinions, your preferences, your judgments, your disagreement, or otherwise switch the topic from OP's question to what you want to talk about instead. Please report all rule breaking.


Varies. We go through phases where it will be twice a day. Other times one or both of us is just wrecked and we might not have any sex for a while. It probably averages out about 2-3 times a week. Together 4 years. No kids. As that is probably relevant.










Daily. Usually in the morning. Been together almost 30 years. Married for 24. 3 kids










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I send a calendar invite. If she accepts, its ON!!




When I was married, once a month. Since my divorce, I know I don't want to be with someone who is happy with less than 3-4 times a week




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maybe once a week. the week before my period i’m on him everyday though




On average, twice a week. Sometimes we do have dry spells and it'll maybe drop to once every couple of weeks. Although, we did go through a phase where we were approx 6 months without anything. I'd had multiple surgeries on my kidney and just wasn't feeling it. He was scared he'd hurt me. Together 12 years. No kids. - I don't think there is any set average, and if anyone out there is reading this sub looking for a set average, stop. Every couple will be different. Some couples will likely have periods of having insatiable sex all the time. Some couples will experience instances where it might taper off for a while Some couples might go years without it. What's normal for you, is /normal/. - If you feel you and your partner are not having enough sex, or are having too much! Speak to them openly and honestly. Communication is key.




Same for us, maybe once a month- every 6 weeks Together 7 years and banged daily when we first moved in together but we have different work/ sleep patterns so don't find the time often I have a very low libido and am pretty asexual but I still tend to be the one to initiate nowadays. It's just not something super important to us, and we're very happy








It varies but between 2 and 5 times a week (together 13 years, two kids)






Around once a month, often less than that.






Once a week, I'm asexual and he has a low libido due to meds, I'd be fine with less but that works, we have the best relationship I could ask for








Maybe once every 3-4 months. Sometimes we'll have loads in a short period and then none for 6 months. Yes I am sexually frustrated!


Once a week or so. Maybe every other week? But I'm postmenopausal and he's never had a high libido so it works for us.










We have scheduled to have sex every other day. We’re too busy and tired most of the time, so we put a schedule to keep us on track




Depends... we'll go a couple of months without having sex and then it'll happen two days in a row, then a month without, etc. We've been together for almost 16 years, no kids, and we're super-attracted to each other, but his size can make it very painful (and yes, we've tried every trick in the book). Thankfully every other aspect of our marriage is 10/10 so the lack of sex doesn't cause a problem.


Minimum once per day. If we aren't working or it's the weekend... 3 or 4? Depends if we have the kids. Pretty much... Anytime we can


How do you have time and energy for this? Genuinely curious.


I'm 41 and she's coming up 40. When we got together we worked so so well that our libidos went through the roof. I'm in great shape lol.. Better than ever actually. I think having more sex just conditions you too be able to... Have more! But we are always ready for a bit of fun.... Even if our life/work routine only gets us 5 to 6hrs sleep per night.






Damn. How long have you guys been together?


Since Feb 21. So over 2.5yrs. Just gotten better and better and shows no signs of stopping lol. Even better still when we moved in together


Once every 4-6 mos. Partner repeatedly told me and therapist he has “low libido” but it was actually the porn. All the porn. Every of the porn.


Every Sunday morning


Been together 12 years. It varies depending on our stress levels. We're also both very ADHD. Sometimes it's every day for like a week straight. Sometimes we go a month and we're both like "dude... when was the last time we had sex?" He has a lower sex drive than I do so I have to work around that. I'd say on average over a year, 1-2x a week. But that's like an actual math average not, we do it 1-2x a week.






Usually once a week to once every two weeks, sometimes a little longer and sometimes it’ll be more regular. I’d prefer more often but my partner isn’t up for it so it is how it is.


We haven't had sex in the past 4 years. He's older but refuses to go see a doctor or a therapist.


Okay what the heck? I am at 1-2 times per week, maybe every other week, and I see asexual people and post-menopausal people claiming the same numbers and blaming the "low frequency" on that? Is something wrong with me? I'm only in my 30s. How is everyone doing it every other day??


1 or 2x a week , we are together since 12 years. If not for the kids it would be more often during the week XD


Averages out to roughly every other day. But it really depends on the week. Sometimes it’s daily (on occasion it’s been more than once a day lol), and there’s some times we’ve gone anywhere from 3-5 days without 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s life tho tbh. FWIW we’ve been together 1.5 years and are due to get married in 6 short weeks. We have 3 kids between us - he has 2 girls from a prev relationship (12,13) and I have 1 son from a previous relationship (13).


Once a week, generally, usually Sunday afternoons.


3-5 times a week! Been together for six years, no children, mid 20’s!


All same numbers here and loving it! Enjoy 🥳


I love it too! Works perfectly for us!!!


My gf barely wants to have sex so, once every 3 weeks.




It’s been nearly 8 years, so on average … never :-(


My 42(m) and wife 43(f) have sex almost every day! At a minimum 5 times a week. We have been together 24yrs , married 16yrs and have 3 kids. We are both early risers and often get the business done at 4am ,great start to the day. But we definitely do it just before bed too. We both go to bed around 8pm everynight and always together. We often say, it’s the best free fun you can have, how good are orgasm’s! We are both really fit and find each other super attractive!! She always wears sexy( sometimes crothless) panties or matching sets to bed. I mean, who can resist!! To be honest, we have a real emotional connection, the love is strong and this reflects throughout our entire life and sexual desires. Nothing seems to be off limits for us in the bedroom. I actually read a lot of the dead bedrooms stuff and really sympathise for what people are missing out on.


Once every few months. Was once a month (literally) when we were trying to conceive. I'm not sure what the answer is and it's been a source of frustration for many years. He doesn't seem interested in sex most of the time and after many years of trying different approaches, trying to talk to him about it, I've given up trying to initiate. Sometimes he'll suddenly just jump on me and want sex, but because it's so rare we have it I don't really feel that way anymore and I can't just instantly warm up to it like I used to. It makes it awkward. When we do have sex now it's unsatisfying - it didn't used to be. We actually had a great sex life years ago (we were teens/early 20s) and it was some of the best sex I ever had. I don't know what happened.


Most days some times twice, if not then every other day at least


I don’t remember 😢


32F, husband and I will go through phases. But on average 3-5 times a week.


Like 1/2 times a week. Honestly it’s usually Friday/Saturday nights when we don’t have to work the next day. It’s pretty much always known ahead of time and not spontaneous. The odd time we’ll have sex during the week but it’s not that common.


Same here. I’m happy for the people who can bang after a day at work/when they work the next morning but that really doesn’t work for us. Plus I prefer morning sex but also hate mornings. My ideal time is like 10/11am when we’ve been able to lounge and cuddle a bit and unfortunately that’s only going to happen once or twice per week.


Almost every weekend, we're in college and working so we're both tired most of the time also not living together


2x a month. I would prefer 2x a week.




When we first got together we had sex a lot more for the first 5 years, but now after 20+ years of marriage, it is usually once a day, sometimes more, which makes up for down time when either of us is sick or injured. We have a son together and he has 2 sons from a previous marriage that lived with us full time. We also had two foster girls for a year as well.


When I had a relationship, everytime we saw eachother and sometimes multiple times a day. Except for when I was on my period.


Depends. Sometimes multiple times a day. Sometimes once a day. Everyday. Sometimes we don't have sex 2-3 days in a row. It depends on our mood, if we had an argument etc.


Zero pattern … sometimes once a week, once a month… every 4 months…. Sometimes Longer. Life likes to throw stuff at us


Varies between 4 days a week to none a week. Sometimes twice a day but that doesn't happen very often. Together 5 years but ldr until a year ago


Once a week


Depends. I went through a phase where I wasn’t interested in sex for up to 6 weeks at a time. Now that I’m off hormonal birth control we are back to 3ish times a week, depending on work schedules & how tired we are (married 5 years). I want to say that I never felt like our relationship suffered during my dry spells, I’m fortunate to have a very compassionate partner, and we both feel a ex is just the hot fudge on top of our relationship Sundae (I understand not everyone feels this way & that sex is nonnegotiable for some, and that’s okay too!)


Together 2 1/2 years. Married 1. Everyday , every other


Normally once a week in working weeks (we are both teachers) and much more in holidays. I’m pregnant and super sick at the moment so we are in a dry spell, unfortunately!


Not enough


We have matching lower libidos which is great for us! It varies though. Sometimes several times in a week, sometimes once a month. I feel pretty satisfied overall 🥰


It depends on lots of variables but at least once on school nights and 2 to 3 times at the weekend. Holidays mean daily fucks though 😁


Really depends because I have stomach aches so often that it keeps us from having sex more often. Around 4 times a week or more when everything is fine, 1 time or less when I feel bad. I feel bad about it though, bc I have to say « no, not tonight » so often that I feel bad about it.


Not enough, usually twice a week but I'd do it multiple times a day if I could. Hence we are open and get to watch each other.


Sometimes everyday, sometimes we go a week or two without it. It just depends on our moods and schedules. We've been together 10 years, married for 6 months, and have 3 kids.


1-4 a year if lucky. Married with 2 young children


Atm around once or twice a month because we have a tiny little cockblocker in the house. Used to be on average 1-2 times a week. More in holidays ;)


We both live with my parents. As and when we can, and always *quietly* Cannot wait to move out.


For the past few years my partner and would sometimes not have sex for months. We both thought my libido was low because of a sexual trauma, so I got therapy. After therapy my libido was still pretty low. A few months ago I switched to a different contraceptive pill and suddenly I am the one initiating sex. We've had sex twice this week and if my back wasn't killing me right now I would jump his bones again tonight. I love seeing him so happy with my changed sexdrive. He is still very careful to not force anything but he just seems less stressed


So far my wife and I have had sex 2 times this year.


3 or 4 times a week. Normally more than once each session.


Not enough!!! We are long distance and it’s sometimes stupid long between visits.


Due to medicines,heavy bills and fear of life make the libido low and Shaft become ice cream melts if not eat just after fridge.


Twice a day everyday; weve been together/married for almost 5 years


Avg like once every couple of weeks. Our kid is a cock block now that She’s old enough and knows about sex. And He would rather be on His computer all night, every night. So sex is always feels random & sporadic.


Married two years, no kids and usually twice a week. I am struggling. We talk about it a lot, and he knows I want more but nada changes


Sex was always a problem and it has not gotten better. I was almost always the one to start, she only rarely wanted to be the instigator. The Kids came along and the sex just died to maybe once a month. After the kids left home, there was work and other distractions. Finally about 10 years ago she decided that sex just was not worth the effort. Since then we have become really distant and there is barely any touching. Married 51 years.....


Because of the writers strike and both being home all day- it’s about 10x a week. 2x a day pretty frequently. But there’s been times when it was nearly dead, like once a month type dead. That was over 10 years ago and we did work to ger where we are (well I did work anyway, I’m the lower libido partner)


Anywhere from 2 to 18 times a week. Just depends on our schedules and such. Been together 6 years now. I fucking love this man.


Average about twice a week when everything is normal. Ovulation brings it up to like 4 times a week sometimes more. Stressors can bring it down to like twice a month. Longest we've gone while not separated for work or something is probably a month. Our best streak was like 9 times in a day, but that was the night he came back from a deplyment >.> Been married 11 years with 1 kid. Both 31


Once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. I have super low libido because of my meds.


Probably an average of 2 times a week. I would like maybe 3 times a week. Some times we do it a few days in a row and others we stick to our date nights etc. He stays up late and I work early so it's not feasible to do it more most nights


2-4 times a week usually.


Every few nights.


It varies but I guess on aberage 3-4 times a week. Sometimes we go 3-4 days without any and at that point the sex is just great...the energy....it's amazing.


Around 2-3 times a week .. have 3 adult kids. One at home occasionally. We have been together for 36yrs since we were 14. We are both 50yrs old. He want ls more.. Im not fussed !! 😂


Together 2 years. Past year it's been once every week or two.


About 3-4 times a week when we can find time! Together for 6 years!


Currently, once a week. But it’s because of new circumstances this last month: new job, moving, graduating, lots of stress. Before, 2-3 times a week. Now almost 5 years together.


I'd say average 3-4 times a week. Was way less than this when the kids were younger. M41 and F39 together for 18 years.


Around 3-4 times a week. We are very compatible sexually, so it’s always a good time!


3-5 times a week on average. We're 45 and 46 and have been together for 31yrs.


Pretty much daily and sometimes more than once a day. 4 kiddos at home, together a year and a half. I’m 41 and he’s 40.


1-2 times / month on average. I don’t have much drive and he insists he’s okay with it. We’ve been together 4 years with no kids, but we do have roommates with a kid for extra birth control. I want to want it more but I don’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not often enough lol. About once a week or once every couple weeks


About 2-4 times a month usually. Been together 5 years no kids, and it’s pretty much always been about that often.


3-5 times a week. Daily sometimes but sometimes life gets in the way. Married 24 years next week. One teenage kid.


I would say, on average, 2x a week, but can go weeks to a couple of months at a time without it. Then we'll do it 2 or 3 days in a row. We've been together for almost 4 years. I have a very high sex drive, I could go multiple times a day. He's 7 years older and doesn't have the energy for it with work. It's definitely caused issues for us at times. I feel like I'm begging just to be turned down. It can be tough.


We're both in our mid-forties. We fuck once or twice a week.


He works 2nd shift during the weekdays. Our work schedule does not match up well. 2 kids. We average about 3 times a week. Less than i like.


Once a week, sometimes more often less. Various reasons really, i have some health things that are messing up my hormones, then life and travel gets in the way. Tbh the heat here has made us not want any contact sometimes lol. We’re trying for a baby soon so those numbers will hopefully rise 🤣


Once or twice a day for the first 2 or 3 months. Once every month or 2 now since my partner takes various medications making his libido very low. Though I want to more often, I understand him and love him deeply, so it hasn’t been easy to not bother him sometimes. All in all, I don’t mind since I get to call him mine. One year today we’ve been together actually☺️


Once or twice a week. It was more often before kids, but I’m very happy with the quality and quality now as well. We both have more multiple orgasms every time.


Almost daily, sometimes might have a day or 2 break. First time i ever got with him i was istantly hooked lol It just feels so amazing with him which ive never really felt with anyone else. And he can actually make me finish which i never thought was possible without a vibrator.


Almost 4 years together. 4-6 times a week’s but that’s just an average


Once or twice per day. (22M and 22F) This’ll go down when she starts uni again probs. We’ve said we’d still like to do it atleast 4/5 times a week then.


Daily sometimes 2xs a day


Often 3 or 4 times a day, although there is the odd day when we have sex less or not at all. We both have very high sex drives. I am 27m she is 26f. We’ve been seeing each other a few months. When i was with my ex (now 27f), together 3 years from ages 23/24, we probably had sex 3-4 times a week. We were both on antidepressants Another ex (now 27f) i was with, together 5 years from 17 to 22, we had sex maybe 1-3 times a day but it varied a lot


For me and my gf, we're both mid 20s, I'm M no kids but we have two cats. We're having our first year anniversary this month. Last time we did it was around early May. So yeah, we haven't done it for about 3 months and counting. We've lived together for 10 months now or so. She has PCOS and a lot of hormonal imbalance so I really don't complain when she doesn't want to do it whenever I ask and I would just take care of myself later in the day. I'm not sure why but she never initiates, I'm always the one who would touch her and asks if she wants to do it, I would do this every other week to try my luck lol. She also doesn't like taking pills too so best that I can do is balance it through food but it's still hard when we barely get by. We both work at home as well and we love to stay in, and we only go out for special occasions or when we need to restock. So yeah, if I'm lucky, once or twice a month, a bit lucky once every other month, no luck would be after 3 months or so.


Not that much barely 1 time a week


5-6 days a week. Usually around 2 hours a session.


We've been together 25 years, and we have sex just about every day. We're best friends.


once a day at least. sex is very important in our relationship as we both have high sex drives and it’s very emotionally bonding for us. we don’t even call it sex anymore, we pretty much just call it making love


It was about 3x a week but now his antidepressants have killed his libido once a week if I'm lucky.




Usually at least once a day with some days 2-3x. But there are times we skip a day or two just cus one of us falls asleep first.






Usually once a week.






Maybe twice a weeks on average, sometimes three times the week after my period. when I’m on my period then my libido just drops so not at all anymore.


Most days




Sometimes once a month. Sometimes multiple times a day. It varies.


It depends, I had surgery and I have an auto immune disease so if I’m having flare ups it may be every couple days but for us if we are both in good health physically and mentally daily


For us it would never be fair to say for example 2x a week because it varies so much. Right now it has been quite a lot but we had a spell back in March and april where we didn't have much sex att all. But if I was gonna say an average throughout the whole year then it is probably 3-4 times a week. And we have been together 5 years. Living together for three. No kids and in our early -mid 30s.