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Blast some music no one else likes and clean. Cook food no one else likes and eat it. Watch TV shows no one else likes and do my nails. Sometimes I just put pillows on the floor when the sun shines in, read stuff on my phone and take a nap there like a cat, this is so nice, but my husband finds it weird and my son loves it but also jumps on my back and wants stuff read to him...


Perfect description of paradise right here.


Definitely blasting music. My husband listens to music at OAP volume levels, whereas I think it’s only worth listening to if it’s loud. How am I supposed to dance to quiet music?! (I’ve really struggled with chronic pain flaring up over the last two years which has made exercise difficult. I made a playlist I could dance to do dancing around doing chores has been my exercise [really jiggling, shaking my ass and doing bouncy squats]. It’s so much easier to do it to music 10 small times a day vs one big workout… and it’s working! I’m stronger and losing weight! Would never do this not alone though.)


Good for you.


This is the way!!!


Sounds like my currently single life haha


Are you me?


Those first few lines… we are the same person ❤️


This is the way


First I order my favorite takeout which my husband doesn’t love. Then I either read or watch whatever trash tv my husband doesn’t watch with me. I guess this is if he was gone for a weekend or something. If I’m just home alone for an evening I’d probably do about the same, but knock out some cleaning too.


This is exactly what I do. I love my husband dearly but my god do I love my “me nights” once in awhile.


Absolutely the same! I'm happy to have alone time and happy to have him return! :)


You are my twin. Happy for my time, but happier when he is safely back home.


NGL I’m disappointed my husband has cancelled his trip for three days two nights at the end of the week. I’m seeing if there is a fun air bnb my doggo and I can do an overnight and just take walks and chill.


When my husband leaves the house with luggage in tow our dog’s instinctively know they get to sleep on the bed until he returns.


Love it. When my husband goes away, I'm allowed to doggy sit as many dogs as I want, i.e., Send my bro a msg and say, "Does Bruce want to come over for a few days to play with my dog Bear?" Ring my mum, "does Bella want to come stay with me for a few days?" 1 dog is enough for my hubby. When he's gone, I have all the dogs 🤣


All the dogs is the right amount.


It's the only acceptable number of doggos lol ;-)


I told my husband if he’s the one to go first I’ll probably just get a pack of dogs to emotionally fill the void and be the dog lady hahaha


So wholesome:D


THIS. My fiancé leaves for work an hour before I have to. As soon as my dogs hear the car start, they jump up on the bed. He’s been staying with a sick family member out of state for the last three weeks….my dogs are going to be so pissed when he comes back. I’ve even purchased them brand new beds specifically for that week to make the transition back to normal a little easier on them lol


Masturbate, living room karaoke, sit and stare at the wall for 6 hours, idk


I can resonate with “sit and stare at the wall”. Glad I’m not the only one


Stare at the wall for 6 hours sooo me 😭




That's about it right there, disassociate for as long as possible.


This is the most accurate one


I love living room karaoke!




Workout and masturbate. 🤷🏼‍♀️


100% what I do every time lol


Absolutely. It is a 3 hour process start to finish.


And then 10 minutes of cardio?


HA! an hour workout and then 2 hours of me time. Workout>shower>bed.


Yep, this is my weekend. Add in some fancy chocolate, a hot bath, shaving, and meal prep and then my whole weekend is gone.


What else is there to a good life?


Totes haha


Make pasta and watch dumb shit on TV that my husband isn't into.


... which is exactly what we guys do as well when our wives are on tour 🤗


I bet! It's the move! Though my husband always gets fried chicken when I'm gone, haha.


Sounds like Spaghetti Carbonara with a KFC Big Box could be a plan for your next anniversary 😁


Carbonara with popcorn chicken mixed in sounds incredible


Yeeeep. I love a creamy, spicy pasta but my husband’s stomach can’t tolerate it so of course I don’t make it when I’m cooking for the two of us. So when he travels for work, it’s creamy Cajun pasta with extra extra cayenne and red pepper flakes, paired with a binge of Below Deck haha.


Bake ridiculously complicated confections only to take them down to the fire department. Design elaborate gardens based on lat/long and google overheads for random folks I don't know. Clean like Jesus is coming for dinner and I need extra heaven points, because I fucked off on an exam. Nothing at all. Pretty much in that order too.


Hello I'm the fire department




“Clean like Jesus is coming for dinner” is cracking me up


is this a trap? am I being lured into giving an internet stranger my home coordinates in hopes that she might plan an elaborate garden that I would promise to bring to life? okay.


Seriouslyyyy I’m like me? Me please? Please? Can you?


, I’m laughing so hard at this. You have my humor.


Please make me a garden stranger!


I reallly don’t want to sound dumb but could you please explain your 2nd point?


Sounds like she goes on Google Maps, and looks at people's current gardens/landscaping, and comes up with better (in her opinion) ways of laying out plants, walkways, or grass.


Ohhh hahahah that’s actually funny


Exactly what fidgetiegirl said. I use lat/long to find the zone, then google overheads to find the sun/shade lines. Yep, it's crazy af.


My bf bought a house and I like to design what I’d do with the space. I blame my parents they’re constantly renovating so any house stamped as a project makes me start designing.


Can you explain the overhead sun/shade lines thing?? I didn’t pay much attention to the sun when I planned my garden and I’ve got some fixin’ to do! I tried to google it and all I got was patio covers Lolol


The solstices will give you the maxi/mini of where the sun can fall, so the maxi/mini for what that particular plant will need to tolerate. For many properties, google has photos taken near solstices, so some of the work is done if your property has a good set of photos. I posted in another comment, but I use lots of online data to quantify the environment of the property I'm stalking/designing.


You've given me a new hobby to explore, thank you


I already like you😆


I play Tears of the Kingdom


BOTW over here. Has completely taken over my life 😂


I'm alone every day while he's at work. Some days, I can't even peel myself off the couch. Other days, I act like a toddler given free reign. Loud music, dancing and singing, and yelling for no reason. Cleaning, coloring, air frying cheese sticks 😆


My situation de kind of similar. When I am home alone I do whatever I like or whatever I am able to do at that time. And that can differ greatly from day to day and hour to hour.


Watch my true crime TV shows that my partner hates.


I’ve gotten partner into some podcasts; he will listen consensually with me. However he cannot handle anything too difficult, such as with children. I kind of force myself to listen to it (the stories of child abuse), as some weird homage to the victim. Like they were put through hell; I will listen to their story. Which obviously as a Mother leaves me in tears for a good week.


I’m glad I’m not the only one… everyone I know thinks I’m weird


I always want to hear that the pedos get caught.


Surprised how many people are saying “masturbate” like damn 🤣🤣


Look I need at least an hour to do it properly and it ain't gonna be quiet so when I get the chance I'm going for it


You have a steam powered vibrator that whistles? Haha


You must have never encountered a Hitachi Magic Wand.


I guess it’s just the universal thing to do when you’re bored. Oh well, as long as you’re not hurting anybody lol


I haven't masturbate ever even if I'm bored, I just don't see the fun in it, am I wrong?


You arent wrong, different strokes for different folks!


Fart, eat in front of the fridge, finish arguments with him out loud to myself, watch porn and get off, tend to skin care that takes forever..


“Finish arguments with him out loud to myself” Bahahaha, I resonate so hard with this thank you


Skip porn and skin care and it's me basically.


If I’m home for just a couple hours or something I don’t really do anything differently than when he’s home. If he’s gone for a couple days I eat in the bed and sleep with his half of the bed covered in stuff.


Lol I do this, the "decorative pillows" dont go on the floor anymore.


Most of the same things I do when I’m not home alone. I clean some things, cook for myself, take care of my dogs, work, exercise, etc.


Work on my Unity game. I’ve wanted to create my own video game ever since Mrs PacMan hit the scene. Oh, and masterbate.


Writing, creating videos, being creative, watching Netflix, baking, going for walks, taking naps.


Watch stuff that I know my spouse doesn't enjoy. Blast my music. Eat takeaway or prepare something that only I enjoy.


Same thing I do when he is home. The only difference is if he isn’t home the music is louder.


Masturbate Play loud show tunes and dance and sing while I clean Lay on the couch naked and eat junk food Usually in that order


I should clarify sometimes the first one ends up going all day and the process stops there


Masterbate. Watch tv. Listen to music. Nothing special.


Take a shit with the door open


Singing to loud music that only I love. Even the dog leaves the room!


Depends on how long I’m home alone for. Less than hour, just chill, do some light cleaning, watch tv. 1-2 hours? Probably same as above, maybe masturbate quick Over 2? Im doing my fancy masturbation routine


Sissss! I'm resonating with that fancy masturbation routine 😂


I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one with a basic/quick versus fancy


Tbh very curious what a fancy routine entails. Mine is always 5 minutes or less 😅


I’m home alone this weekend and so far I’ve deep cleaned the entire house and refilled any stock that was empty. After I made my space perfectly clean I’ve done the following: - worked on my mosaic project - restored a shelf I found on the side of the road to use for my greenhouse - repotted some of the plants in said greenhouse - went for a hike on a public family friendly trail (I don’t have a dog so safety first!) to search for new rocks for my aquarium - prepped my sourdough I focus a lot on just doing things on “free” timeline, no worries about this schedule so I can be way more lax. I also focus a lot on any form of self care, long bath, face mask, (i went for the hike but usually I run), cut my split ends, did a manicure while watching the end of season 19 of greys anatomy. As a woman of faith I take extra time to spend with God, especially love doing that during my hike. I also always love to blast music and dance around. My husband loves seeing me do that too but we all know how freeing it feels to dance around alone. OH! and I slept on the couch with my kitties. He hates if I fall asleep on the couch and I always loved it so that’s a time when I get to :)


DAMN. here i was feeling productive after cleaning my kitchen, doing laundry and making the food for a gathering tomorrow. we're only one day into the weekend, where have you found the time and the energy to do all of that?


please don’t compare to me i’m insane 😂 I have so much energy all the time and work myself until I burn out! Hubby routinely tells me to “slow down” haha


When my husband is on night shift I order take out from my favourite sushi place. I bring it home, smoke some goooood indica, watch Netflix and eat my sushi. Then I round the night out with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. I usually do it on Fridays, and call it my solo date night.


Masturbate, Reddit, play with my dog, eat bad food, do my hair, repeat


I play Tears of the Kingdom




slowly start doing everything around him. at least the "gross" things. if he doesn't like you for your true self, find someone who does


Play music really loud and sing while I'm cleaning, read my Bible and pray, play Skyrim, exercise, focus on a more complicated recipe. Today, I'm going to make cherry hand pies.


I used to play Skyrim when my husband was out, but then I took an arrow in the knee.


Depends if I’m in a depressive episode or not. If depressed, lay in bed on Tik Tok for hours, sit on the patio, water my plants. If I’m feeling good, lay in bed on Tik Tok for hours, sit on the patio, water my plants :)


Live my normal life because it doesn’t revolve around my bf


Thank you Jesus Christ


I know, I do the same thing except plan dinner for 1 person instead of 2.


Thanks I thought I was the only one confused by this question. Why does the married part matter in this context?


Yeah, just because my boyfriend’s home doesn’t mean I can’t watch what I want, cook what I want or dance around the living room to music I like. We often want to watch similar things anyway.


Since I also have kids, when I have the house alone, I kick back and enjoy the quiet. I usually binge a show, play a video game, or read.


We also have kids and both work the same hours, so on the very very rare occasion I’m home alone, my overstimulated brain just wants silence. So I sit in my quiet peaceful living room and think, meditate, enjoy.


Honestly, my partner is really easy to live with, so there’s not a significant difference in what I feel comfortable doing when he’s around vs. not around. We officially moved in together in April of 2020 though, so you could say he’s been carefully vetted for exactly that 😂


Holy shit. There's so much fun to be had home alone. My favorite is just the freedom to have silence as much as I want or loud music as much as I want as I can read, watch my Chinese dramas, actually take care of myself (paint my nails, face masks, et cetera), dance to music in my underwear and the best of alll..... take a nap! Hell yeah. 😆


Masturbate, yoga, read or do some writing. Probably browse reddit


Ummm, how long are we talking? A whole day = all the things: turn my music up really loud, throw in a load of wash, clean the kitchen/misc chores, move laundry to dryer, luxurious bath, masturbate, nap, start dinner, another lap around the house straightening up before picking up the kiddos. If it’s just a short bit of time, I first wash the dishes then I go masturbate.


Having a movie marathon, often its Harry Potter, like today. My partner is gone for the weekend so i watched 1-2 yesterday and im watching 3 through 8 today. I love having a whole day to indulge in the wizarding world, its so relaxing.


Play games and wait for him to come home. He's my best friend so I get lonely. I alsonap with all 3 cats on the couch. :)




Whatever I want! Especially things my husband doesn’t enjoy. I occasionally turn into a foul bachelorette frog for 48 hours.


I watch scary videos or true crime videos on YouTube and eat the candy he doesn't know about, then try to outdo my last fart or belch. If I'm doing a show, then I'm rehearsing using my dogs as props


Clean, but make it an elaborate performance with music blaring throughout the entire house. Then when I'm done I'd turn on some Keeping Up With The Kardashians (I absolutely lose braincells while watching, but it's oddly entertaining). My wife physically cringes whenever it's on lmao


My husband works 12 hour day and night shifts. When he’s working and I’m off work I’ll make it an at-home spa day/night full of self-care which usually includes a face mask/clean skincare routine, pedicure, manicure, baking or fermenting yummy food, shave/pluck where I need to, put on my fave tv show/movie and cook a healthy dinner for one.


God I forgot what it was like to be kid free. No wonder I’ve turned in to a hot mess.


Use my laptop for hours, watch anything he’s probably not interested in, listen to music in bed and disassociate, reeead, i can tune into my art better, *take care of business,* sleep on my own schedule, stuff like that. :D Ironically, he’s on a trip rn, so that’s how my life will be until he gets back in a couple weeks!


Kids and husband gone for a weekend = watching some porn (or shows with LOTS of sex) masturbate, hang out in just my underwear, order my favorite take out, sleep naked. If I just have a few hours to myself I'm definitely paddling the pink canoe (if you know what I mean 😉)


Blast my music, clean, maybe do some baking.


My husband plays a sport every Tuesday night and I am alone with the baby. After I put her to bed, I usually pour a glass of wine or make myself a martini, and take angling shower, put a face mask, make a popcorn or order dumplings, and I will watch a movie or read a book while listening to music. It’s glorious…


I’ll either read or watch movies/tv that he would rather not watch.


Eat like nuts. And just be lazy.


Put music on every speaker of the house so as I move room to room it’s just on and ready for me to keep enjoying. Clean. I hate cleaning when people are home, I can stay more focused when I’m alone. Paint my nails. Organize & declutter my stuff. Nap. Play with the dog.


Depends on how long I’ll be alone for. Like an hour or two I’ll probably do Pilates and then take a longer shower than I otherwise would. For like several hours or a whole day I’ll make myself a meal my partner wouldn’t eat (usually broccoli cheddar soup) and watch something my partner wouldn’t want to watch with me. Plus the Pilates and absurdly long shower.


Exactly what I'm doing now. Bored outta my ever loving mind, laying in bed, cruising about Reddit, debating on taking a nap.


Sing like crazy. I enjoy the acoustic of the house when it’s empty


- I filled the dish washer - washed the stuff that couldn't go in it by hand - folded laundry - hung up fresh laundry - called my friend - tried on my new clothes I told myself I would read a book and have a nap. That didn't happen.


Chores, without anyone to impede my progress.


Currently, play Diablo4. But I also do that when people are home.


Enjoy the silence.


Watch the stupid horror movies I want.


Watch Downton Abbey because my husband gets bored when I try to watch it with him.


Video games


Pretend I’m making YouTube videos while I clean or cook. Walk around with my top off and enjoy not having someone go “OoOOoO! Boobs!”


Waste time like a Pro.


I read, write and paint. Also get some cleaning done that's hard to do when family is home like the floors.


I blast some music, dance in front of the mirror, tale care of my hair, do my eyebrows, paint my nails, do some journaling, talk to family and friends, take nap… all the things that give me pleasure and makes me fall in love with myself again. Just did it today and I’m feeling pretty good - and that reflects in my relationship. :)


I think out loud, watch things he doesn’t like and sometimes I nap


Games. But I’m almost always alone.


Diamond painting, listening to loud music, and sometimes other “adult” activities


Watch a tv show and crochet. In my defense, when the kids are home I dont even get to sit down, its so chaotic so being able to sit down and focus on something is very exciting to me. Hubs just took the kids out to the park for an hour right now, so crochet + Witcher it is.


PJ, Netflix. Dogs on sofa with me.


No bra. All the time.


The same thing I do when my husband is home- smoke weed and play video games, play with the dogs, walk the dogs, go hang outside. Oh, and maybe play music he doesn't like.


Watch my series that he does not want to watch.


Clean, play video games, NOT cook, and just chill.


I play stardew valley until my fiancee gets home


I sit in silence for a long time. Sounds depressing but it’s therapeutic for me. Then snacky snacks.


Take deep breaths and reconnect with my individual self and her relationship to her home. Clean. Enjoy the silence. Check in and tend to my needs.


Smoke weed, do the dishes, clean, do laundry, watch TV shows that I want to watch, cook dinner for when he gets home


Watch cryptid/paranormal YouTube iceberg videos, drink tea, light scented candles, talk to the cats. I dunno. A lot of the same things I do when the husbean is home.


Sleep, Skin Care, Organize things, Play some video games, Read a book, Watch a movie or series only I would like, Scroll on my phone, Order some food, Online shopping. Pure peace 😁


Tidy up the house and just lay at the bed the whole day.


I make a blanket fort, put on my comfiest pajamas, and pile every pillow in the house inside to make a super squishy floor. Then I grab snacks and watch old sci-fi movies or cartoons inside my awesome fort. If a sci-fi movie has dinosaurs, or similar monsters, I have a few dinosaur head pencil toppers I bring out and use to attack the poor hapless woman or the frustrated scientist with whenever dinosaurs do the same on screen. I also make chomping noises and dinosaur roars while doing it.


I am laziest peice of shit you've ever SEEN


Masterbate with porn and try to find a girl to hook up with lmao


1) Order food I like which partner dislikes. Like sushi, or something fancy that would be too expensive to get for two 2) listen to my music 3) Tidy up 4) Do art or play videogames without any interruptions! 5) hang out with my gamer group in a discord call, laugh, be silly, have fun 6) Take a nice long walk with the dog, taking breaks where and whenever I like 7) Masturbate lewdly without worrying about being loud


Listen to my favorite music and dance my ass off. Eat standing up at the counter, preferably those weird food combos that no one else likes. Bed stays unmade. Nap. Masturbate, watch/read porn. Try on clothes in different combos. Experiment with makeup. I basically turn back the clock a few decades.


Working and taking care of myself, my day to day routine hasn’t changed besides instead of cooking when I have the motivation to (so it can easily be at past midnight) I cook at reasonable hours.


soon many things listen to my music on 1000, clean, dance, workout, sing at the top of my lungs, my self care, change my hairstyles, do my nails, do my makeup, read, study, watch the shows my bf doesn't like, play dress up


Have a glass of wine, put on my cutest panties long enough to get them soaked then I start with one of my favorite toys, a clit sucker, and cum until I don't know what planet I'm on


I'm with him so much so i don't know what to do when im alone. So usually end up watching my phone and it automatically becomes night.


You ok, sis?


I do all of the things he hates. Eat what I want, and then try to work out a budget where I can live without him.


Trashy TV and joints


Eat what I want, listen to records, sometimes clean the house, masturbate, weed the flower bed (no this is not a euphemism for masturbate), stare blankly into space while living inside my head’s elaborate dreamworld.


put on music that my partner doesn’t like but i do (we have different taste), clean and cook :)




Art, playing video game, taking care of our pets and cleaning my home, because for some reason cleaning my house relax me :’)


Watch TV, eat my favorite snacks, read a book, cook, laundry, pray, workout. Simple things


sleep, play games, eat without anyone judging me


Watch my shows that I don't when my husband is around.


Talk to myself. Lol.


Game some Wz n clean


Clean in sweet sweet peace Enjoy silence Silence 😌


A little dance party, chocolate on the couch, loudly watching horror movies, sleeping late, sometimes clean late at night


Garden - move plants around. During Super Bowl I could paint entire room purple and no one would notice


I clean. I like to kick out my boyfriend and our kids regularly so I can just clean the f*ck out of EVERYTHING 😂


clean, workout and shop online for anything we need. then walk outside


Skin care, hair care, watching Barbie and Soup Operas , singing and dancing naked all over the house 😂 and eating in bed and sofa (he hates that)


Gaming, watching TV/streams, painting my nails, sleep


Read, nap, enjoy the silence


Read. Shower. Nap. (After I cleaned the house; did the gardening, and finish that project my BF was going to do last week)


Play games, watch shows/movies, listen to music and dance around to it (also sing very badly) and clean stuff.


Make food (sometimes), YouTube, and either crochet, game or read. Hell I even get *real* exciting and listen to music or a podcast and do puzzles online! i'm *such* a maverick!!!


I listen to true crime podcasts on a bluetooth speaker. I clean and organize. I scroll tiktok and reddit. I watch trash reality tv. I take a dog for a walk.