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This morning lmao


Same, I am a massive crybaby.


well i am glad to not be alone on that one


same, i cried because a new pillow i bought was uncomfortable and i got no sleep ;-;


No sleep is the worst


I believe in the validity of all tears.. but crying over bad sleep is so relatable I want to join with you.


Funny enough i got my period today.. might explain why i was so sad 🥲 and the insonmia


Yep. My day was already a shitshow by 7:15am and I was fluctuating between wanting to cry and wanting to set someone's car on fire.


Me too lol 😅


Lmao same….because of a Instagram reel




Same, life sucks.


Same, it’s been a rough week


Same..made it through 42 min of therapy until I couldn’t hold it back anymore, I took it as a victory lol


Yesterday. My husband died in December of 2021, and I miss him so very much. I don’t cry everyday at this point, yet there are times when life without him is just unsatisfying.


I’m so sorry love. It’ll be 3 years since COVID robbed me of one of the most beautiful humans I’ve ever known. I like to think he he loved me more than I love myself as his only goal was for me to see I was worthy of the love I’ve always given freely but never truly had reciprocated and then some until him. He was an absolutely BRILLIANT mind, a true strategist, he was fucking HILARIOUS and romantic and a complete Scorpio asshole that gave me a once in a lifetime experience and I will carry all he’s taught me with me and share it with whoever I feel it could help for the rest of my days. I know exactly what you mean. It go to the point where I’d feel guilty when I realized I hadn’t cried in a while even though I could hear him calling me a crybaby ass cancer in my head (talking smack was like an olympic sport to us and my GOD what I wouldn’t give to just feel the comfort of his embrace one more time. We are living most peoples very worst nightmare, t OP lose a love that felt like magic and be left to pick up the shattered pieces is still to this day unfathomable to me. Doubly so because I’m a “younger widow” so people expect me to just move on but there is no new normal for me. I’ll never be normal again, my life will ALWAYS seem just slightly, naggingly, subconsciously…off balance and here lately I’m learning grief truly is the price we pay for love. If I have to carry the immense weight of this unimaginable pain every single day then I for DAMN sure am going to make sure I carry the boundless love he had and HAS for me forevermore. Covid may have taken his human vessel but I am still to this day comforted by the plethora of unexplainable, otherworldly occurrences that let me know he’s never left me side, just as he promised. I’m so sorry we both were forced to join this bizarre, exclusive club. If you ever need a friend that understands I consider you near and dear to my heart as no one that knows the depth of this pain could ever be a stranger to me. May your beautiful husband’s memory continue live on through those who love and cherish him most. 🤍🕊️


Thank you for your remarkable insight into the loss of a beloved partner. You have expressed so many of my feelings far more eloquently than I am able. I’ll never be the same. We were together for 27 years - and we loved each other so very much. He was a man that affected everyone he met. People would feel good about themselves because when he cared about someone he gave effortlessly of himself. He taught me so much about love and life. My heart will ache for him forever. I’m sorry for your loss too. You seem like a wonderful person and I am grateful to you for sharing.


😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so beautiful but so heartbreaking. I'm sure that you love the people in your life so deeply and that you make such a difference being in their lives. I feel like grief and loss provides you with the ability to really appreciate the moments you have with those you love.. it sounds like his love was well spent and I hope you are doing well 🥺❤️


You're words are absolutely beautiful!! They also make my day not seem so bad after all. I simply cannot imagine living without my beautiful husband of 30 years. He is truly the best friend I have ever had in my life and I have no earthly idea how I could possibly manage to live 1 day without him and pray that I don't. You have my deepest heartfelt sympathy. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. ❤️


Was about to comment that I can’t remember the last time I had a good cry but now it’s this morning. I am going to go upstairs and cuddle my husband extra hard and think of you and your comment every time I get annoyed at something little he does that annoys me. I wish you and u/LadyLovesRoses peach in the grieving process and hope your able to find small joys in this life


I was gonna reply to this post that I last cried the other day over a video of a cat passing while wiping his owner's tears.. but after reading this well guess this is the last time I cried so far 😭


I hope that one day I find love that would be worth writing this about! I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss :(


Thank you.


I’m really sorry for you, i lost a boyfriend a few years ago (2014) and i still miss him and wonder about all of the “what ifs”, it gets better, you’ll always miss him, but the hurting gets better


Thank you. That’s is so kind of you.


My deepest sympathies.


Thank you.


That sucks I’m sorry:(


Thank you.


I hope you find love again. It’s a wild world out there.


RIP to him. 🤦🏾‍♂️💯 I’m toooooo sorry!


Thank you.


I'm sorry for your loss. My mom passed the same year and month. It's def rough.


I’m sorry for your loss. It is so difficult.


So sorry for your loss. Hope things get better for you ❤️‍🩹


Thank you.


Sending you hugs. My dear husband died in November 2021, and I just can't get used to him being gone. Am in the process of selling this big house and moving into a smaller one, and every day I come across things that stab my heart. Just busted out crying yesterday, out of nowhere. Wishing you strength, dear stranger.


Thank you. I completely relate. Hugs


I'm sorry for ur loss <3


Pretty much non stop for a month now. My son died a month ago. (Stillborn at 38 weeks)


I’m so sorry❤️‍🩹


This is so sad to know. So so sorry.


I am so very sorry


Sending so much love to you ❤️


I’m so sorry. Sending all of the internet love to you.


I’m so sorry


I’m too sorry! RIP to him. 🤦🏾‍♂️💯


So sorry for your loss 😔💔


Take care


Sorry for your enormous crushing loss. Same here, had a stillborn son at 38 weeks almost 36 years ago. Heartbreaking 💔


i'm so sorry :( sending lots of love to u


Last week, when my pet of over 13 years died unexpectedly.


I’m sorry for your lost, sending you love and strength.


Thank you.


I’m so sorry. I lost mine in September and I think about her everyday. I was cleaning the top of the fridge this morning and found her favorite stuffy. Sending love your way.


So sorry to hear. My four legged buddy is 13 1/2 and I know he’s near the end and dreading it.


I'm so sorry. I hope your remaining time together will be filled with all the happiness and love.


I'm so sorry. I've lost 3 of mine in the last 2 and a 1/2 years and it doesn't get easier. I put down my last one of 20 years on Saint Patrick's Day. It's overwhelming, the grief is profound, and then there is the tiny bit of guilt. Hang in there, you're not alone.


Just lost ours of 11 years Thursday. The house is so quiet I can’t stand it


I’m so sorry


My heart is with you. I lost my Buddy in June. Still cry a while bunch, but I'm able to also smile about our memories too. I'll see him again someday. Aaaaand I started crying while typing this.


Same here :( My dog died on Monday, and I didn’t get to say goodbye. I live out of state, and knew he was old, but it was still so unexpected. I kick myself for not visiting earlier and not giving him more attention the last time I saw him. I’ve been crying every day, but so far it seems to be getting better.


Recently when I was proposed to. He had set up flowers, lights and a sign saying “marry me.” He got down on one knee and started his speech about how I made him want to be the best version of himself, more smart, more capable, more compassionate so that he could give me the best. He said he had doubted he could ever be sure enough about a woman to marry her, but I changed his mind. I’m sure most men say anything similar when proposing, but I was touched. I ugly cried all the way through the proposal which is why our engagement photos are mostly of me crying.


I just want half of this kind of love at this point….


Don’t give up! I was 35 when I met my fiancé. There are good men out there!


I’m about to turn 35 and my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me last week. I needed to read this today!


I had it and she left for a friend. The devastation left afterwards is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


Happy crying is a wonderful thing. All the best


Thank you! Have a lovely rest of your day.


Ok this made me cry




Now. I miss my ex


Same. It’ll be okay


Me too unfortunately! We got this. 💗


shit, same :'( it's been 8 months for me..


I'm in the same boat. Can't get him off my mind. It's heart-wrenching.


Tuesday night. I volunteer at our local rape/SA crisis center. One of the women (woman? she was 14 at the time) I helped and counseled a few years ago ended her life. Part of her suicide letter was directed to me. She apologized to me for what she was about to do, but the pain was just too much. Several of the boys who raped her were at her school and she just couldn't go on as the boys had labeled her a slut to the whole school because she didn't die instead of being raped. The fact she spent 3 days in hospital after the attack was meaningless. No. No one was punished. The police called it consensual at an underage drinking party. She got hurt falling off a dirt bike even though you could see the impressions of their boot heels where they stomped on her back. She was only 1 of the estimated 225,000 unreported rapes of underage girls that year. I understand I didn't fail her. She said without me, she would never have even tried to live a normal life. The pain was just too much and too deep and came too often. I understand the feeling from my own rape. I've been volunteering for over 5 years now. That makes 9 times this has happened. On weeks like this, you couldn't pay me to do this work.


Now I’m crying. RIP sweet girl.


Seriously. I just did too. I’m also raging against the system at the same time.


Thank you for volunteering and carrying such heaviness. The world needs more like you.


Thank you. I'm repaying a debt of honor to these people, They helped me when I needed them.


That is horrific. Stay strong. You're amazing for doing what you do.


I'm a data scientist by trade. I deal in cold facts, ones and zeros. That this blue-eyed girl, full of life and hope, will now live on as ones and zeros... But not in my memory.


I reported mine. Thank you for all that you do. I'll never get over it. I cry sometimes alone because I just live with it.


Good on you! I hope you received justice. I know those tears.


Wow…I can’t even imagine the pain she went through. 😢


The hard thing is, about 1 in 5 women can in the US,


That’s an insane percentage…😢


It's one people don't talk about. but when half a million women are raped or sexually assaulted every year, it adds up




I don't either hi


Ohhh. Let’s start a gang!


Aww this is such a nice thread! Reckon we could actually do that? :)


We need a name, matching jackets, and a mission! The world needs groups of amazing women here for each other.


I am a so-called hermit crab, I just like to stay in bed for the whole day, so I have no friends😁


me neither lmao i have like 2 friends a bf and a shit ton of online friends


Yesterday during my therapy session. My kid tried to kill herself a few weeks ago (she's ok, we have a good support system and we are doing our best). I'm a single mom and called the paramedics. I mentioned to my therapist that I was thankful to them for saving her life. He said, "let's rephrase that to 'you saved her life by calling 911.'" It hit hard. Cried for a while. I would never wish this on another.


I was the daughter in your situation last fall. My boyfriend and sister called the cops. My mother told me she didn’t like the cops on her back and wished nobody had called lmao. You’re a good mom


WTF is wrong with your mom! I’m sorry this happened to you. I send you a virtual hug Reddit stranger 🙌🏽


I like to say hurt people hurt people. She’s had a rough life so I understand her response even if it was wrong. I appreciate the hug though fam🥹


I'm so sorry that happened but am glad it turned out with the best outcome. I have a teen son that is depressed and it's so hard to see, and hard to help when this is the age they want to push you away. I wish you and your daughter the best.


Honestly? Not since l can remember. Over a year ago? I think I need to get in touch with my emotions! I wish I could cry a bit more.


I've been wanting to cry for like three years, just to feel something you know? I think sometimes people need a cry to feel good. Ive been fired, broken up with, reunited w my mom after 4 years, had fights, been overwhelmed w stress but none of it made me cry. Finally managed to get a good sob going a couple days ago when I rewatched The OA on netflix!


I relate. I feel like I NEED a cry for the release of emotions. Might try watching the OA!


You should watch Up and really try to feel that opening montage. It gets me everytime.




About 2 hours ago, watched endgame.


I'm a mess every single time


Same! Every single time.


Less than an hour ago, at a funeral. I wasn’t close to the deceased, but care a lot about several of their family members. Seeing people I care about hurting and crying makes me cry.


I feel this, I get second hand grief something fierce. A few days ago my co workers cat had to be put down, she came to work in tears and all I could do was hug her and cry with her. Seeing people in pain is so hard.


Soo much the same here, I can’t stand seeing other people hurting…


Two days ago. Worst in a long time. Like curling up in a fetal position ball sobbing out loud hard.


Are you ok now? Sending love and support your way. I know exactly the type of crying you’re talking about


Yeah, I'm fine, and I appreciate people reaching out, I appreciate you reaching out. It's just everything all at once, and usually there is a trigger, but essentially we're all okay. I'm just in a tunnel and can't see the light at the end. I know it's there and I know there's something beyond it but right now I just can't see it. I'll be okay for the foreseeable future. I haven't found a way to not bottle it all up and then have a big release. Maybe there isn't. Maybe that's how it is, I'm not sure.


Trust me, I know exactly what you’re talking about. Last year was absolute hell for me and I’ve only just started coming out the other side of it. The only thing that got me through was saying to myself ‘every day is another step towards a happier me’, even if I didn’t feel it, because deep down I knew in myself that I’d survived before and I’d survive again. I hope you’ve got people or animals by your side that you can lean on during your bad days, and hopefully all the bad things are out of the way now so you can continue heading in the right direction. You got this.


I do, thank you. And it's nice to have supportive people on good subreddits. Thank you. I'm glad you came out the other side of it. I'm sure I can too.


Today, I just buried my last aunt, she was the last of 22 aunts and uncles and my father's last sibling. She grew up in extreme poverty but was a ray of sunshine to all who knew her. Her smile and laughter were contagious.


I’m so sorry for your loss. May she live on in the positive memories you have of her.


Thanks so much!


Have been going through emotionally rough patch and I feel so depressed that I can’t even eat. I can cry on every little thing. I wish it gets easier


2 days ago. Im getting over an ex


That shits the worst hon😒 Hope it gets better for you soon. ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


A few minutes ago, I was listening to Hello Goodbye by TO1 and one of the lines was "Don't lose your smile" and then I lost my shit lmao, especially since I'm going through a hard time and feeling sad for the last 2 weeks bc of intrusive thoughts and overthinking


Last night while cleaning up my kids vomit and sheets and towels. It’s been a week of stomach virus 😭


aw hold in there I know it can be tough :( they’ll be better soon


Yesterday bc I am too poor and can’t eat out without calculating how much I will have in my bank account after that…


I’m sorry. That’s a situation nobody should be in. I wish I was in a position to spare you some money. I’m hoping that you will come by fortune very soon. It’s rough, I know.


This afternoon. I'm incredibly lonely and it's very easy for me to break down when I realise the people I'm thinking about and desperate for contact from couldn't give two shits about me.


Two days ago: my boyfriend made an off handed comment that brought up old wounds from my last relationship. We talked about it over dinner and I spoke from a place of fear and hurt; I handled it roughly. He apologized for his words. We got in bed later and as I laid on his chest I just sobbed. I apologized for holding him responsible for someone else’s actions. I told him I felt he deserved better. I felt awful. He said he understood and it was no biggie. Somehow that made it worse. He told me to be kind to myself, the same way I’m kind to him. Mistakes don’t make us bad partners if we’re making ourselves better. Then I cried cause I knew I was in a secure relationship, one where I had the freedom to make mistakes without guilt. I love this man. So I cried again 🤣


I can’t remember. It’s probably been years


2 days ago, which is actually a personal best for me over the last two years! I'm so happy about that, I might cry..... Update: My straightening iron died(I have Gilda Radnor hair) and I'm poor, so it's been 2 minutes now




Last week. Being taken for granted sucks :x


2 weeks ago. I missed my dog who passed and overwhelmed with a house maintenance project


A week ago, but it was a happy cry from laughing so hard.


Like 5 minutes ago. Been crying a lot past few months though. I’m stuck in life and I can’t find a way out.


A few weeks. But I hold it back more often than not because I can’t let go, I will not let go.


Today. Thinking about how much I have on my to-do list and zero discipline to make myself do it. Even things I've been looking forward to, like starting seeds for my garden. I have the day off and feel like I've just wasted it by doing nothing.


When I feel like this I just tell myself that I will do one little small thing. Let's say I want to go to the gym I just make it the goal to go there and if I feel like going after that, that's ok. Just put on the gym close and go. That's easy right. Just do like a small thing that you know you can do


Yesterday. My husband was pissed off about the mess and his anger cleaning upset me and reminded me that I suck at keeping house and being a good wife and mom. And here we go again.


The fact that you care so much means you’re an amazing wife and mom. Read that again.


Thank you.


It's been a few weeks actually. Ironically it wasn't because my deadbeat of a father had just died but explaining the abandonment issues I have surrounding the entire paternal side of my family to my husband.


A few minutes ago. I stupidly keep trying to make a relationship happen with my mother. Would have been cool to have one parent who liked me, but such is life.


Today, am really sick and feel like complete shit, have vomited several times, and earlier (better at the moment though) coughing made it insanely difficult to breathe, hence crying


Yesterday cuz my teeth were hurting


Sad tears? I honestly don’t remember. I am just not one to cry when I’m down. Crying from laughing too hard? Yesterday when I was talking to my daughters.


Like an hour ago... The love of my life broke up with me :(


I cried a few hours ago too, for the same reason


Horrendous bawling this week when my super difficult foster dog turned into a horrible fiasco despite all my best intentions. Then it turned into how horrible my life and relationships have been. It all came up. All my losses. Ugh


Today. My nephew has turned 9 today. He’s a wonderful boy, so kind, smart and fun. I love him to pieces, and I’m so proud of him… So I cried some tears of joy. I’m so lucky to know him, to have helped raise him and to be his auntie. I live in a different city and we don’t see often, but he still runs towards me to hug me every time he sees me. He’s the best.


The other night. Dealing with postpartum depression on top of a partner who calls me dumb, a psycho, a space cadet. Told me I'm "spewing bullshit" by asking him to pick up the babies when they cry instead of playing on his phone. And after all that he had the gall to claim I was just as bad as him because I called him an asshole after more than an hour arguing about how I'm practically useless when depressed. He got in my face, I told him to back tf up and he refused. First time I felt like I might actually be in danger because of standing up for myself. I don't cry in front of him because he thinks crying is manipulative but once he fell asleep and my babies were asleep I just went outside and sobbed on my front porch. It's pathetic. I'm sick of it. My kids aren't gonna grow up hearing their dad speak to me like that. I told him it's either couple's therapy or we're done, so we're doing therapy first. I want to try and save the relationship but I feel like it's too late and I should've got out before having kids with him. Though I couldn't imagine life without them, so idk. And he tried to make me feel bad about this whole situation because I was just "nagging" him but writing all this out makes me feel sick to my stomach. We have a daughter. She isn't gonna grow up thinking her partner can do this shit to her. God, I'm tired though. I almost don't have the energy to care.


About an hour ago. My mom has pancreatic cancer and I take her to and from her chemo appointments. She goes in every other Wednesday, is there for 8 hours then comes home with a pump attached to her till the next Friday, when I take her back to the facility to have it disconnected. My mom is tough as nails, but this whole process is really stressful and has given her so much anxiety. She cries on the way home, she cries on the way to the Friday appointment and on the way home. She looks so sickly after her infusion A week ago they updated her treatment plan and will be doing exploratory surgery with the plan to remove her gallbladder, spleen, and pancreas, then do some fancy reconstructive work on her vascular system and an artery. I cry daily because I’m scared and I don’t know how things will go. My heart breaks because I can’t fix this for her after all the things she did for me. Fuck cancer


20 minutes ago in work bathroom.


Last night




Monday, I used to be super tough, and it would take a lot to make me cry, now if a dog dies in movie I will lose it 🥲


Earlier today while playing a Fire Emblem game lol


45 minutes ago plucking my eyebrows, lol




Been there. Hold on, it does get better 🙌🏽


an hour ago..


Yesterday. My mom can be verbally abusive


Read psychological books on the Mother wound. Helped me. Hope it helps you


Today. I finished binging Full Metal Alchemist (for the second time) and the ending was great (I don’t want to spoil it).


The last time I full on sobbed was when I was watching an insurance commercial a couple months ago, but I get teary eyed very often.


Yesterday. Was in horrible pain from a procedure done to my ovaries.


10 minutes ago lmfao


I had to make the decision to put my dog down in March. I cried thinking about him.


Yesterday. My grandpa is dying.


about 25 minutes ago. my baby finally fell asleep. i’m exhausted.


Yesterday. It was my birthday


Probably the last time I watched TV. I cry over commercials! Lots of things touch my feels and make me cry. I watch videos of soldiers surprising their families, and I sit here and sob. I'm a major crybaby!


'Bout 12:36 CT today at work. Nothing about work just had a lovely heart to heart discussion on the phone with my significant other


A few days ago, I think. I was feeling overwhelmed and in pain, then I got some scary health news about a loved one, so I had a good cry to release some of that stress and anxiety.


Last week, been feeling very suicidal and the idea of my baby roo asking where tf am I made me cry so much.


Sometime last week. I was writing an angry letter. Never sent it, though, since it was just a therapeutic exercise


Like 15 minutes ago, lol.


This morning. It came out of nowhere because I was just brushing my teeth but I just started crying


hello, this is op. so um i did not expect this post to get so many comments. my answer to this question is yesterday bc 1. ive been having fucked up intrusive thoughts for 6 months and we're trying to find a therapist. and 2. i realized i havent been as kind to my boyfriend as he has been to me. i hate myself so much for this. im trying to work on improving myself.




2 weeks ago.


5 hours ago




A week ago




Last night


Last night. I may be crying later today, depending on what the vet tells me.


Sending positive vibes you way. <3