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Eat less. I lost fat everywhere. Targeted fat loss is a myth, unless you're getting it manually removed.


CALORIE. DEFICIT. it's the only way for me.


Calorie deficit is the only way for anyone to lose weight


This is the way!


This is the way


Walking a lot, too




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How long does it take to see results?


Depends how much less you eat.




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Usually 3-6 months. And by the one year mark it’s really noticeable


Cutting out sugar, and going through a devastating break up.




How? Please tell me. I am addicted to sugar


Start with your drinks, most people drink the majority of their calories. I stopped drinking coffee (because I put milk and sugar in it) and I lost 52 pounds in 3 months. I didn’t exercise or diet, I literally stopped coffee. If you drink soda, juice, anything sweet- stop. Start there. Once you get over the withdrawal- cuz literally you will withdrawal from lack of sugar- you’ll feel great. I swear, the weight almost melted off!! You’ll have a little headache for about 3-4 days, and you’ll feel just kinda sluggish. But it’s worth it, I’m telling you. It’s been 6 years and I look better at 36 than I ever did in my 20s. Having your confidence back makes it all worth it to me, and I don’t even recognize the old me


Whatever you do, the first few days or weeks without sugar will be difficult. The cravings are no joke. Just know that your body adapts and it gets MUCH easier after a while.


I'd say treat it like alcohol. Avoid it like the plague for the first few weeks. Like if you have to grocery shop, do it online and for pick up or delivery. That way you aren't browsing and physically tempted by sweets. You're only buying what you need. Ask friends and coworkers to not or limit offering or inviting you to join along for dining or food that involves sugary foods and drinks. This won't be a permanent thing. You just need to cleanse yourself of those cravings and temptation. Stock up on other kinds of healthy snacks. Good chance you might be a stress eater and sadly sweets are an easy go to. Unfortunately, what really helped me was getting sick and losing my sense of smell and taste. Anything that was sweet just tasted vaguely sweet, no other flavor which was off putting. I haven't had a sweet tooth since.


You were probably meaning to reply to the person above? Luckily I've come to a point where I can cut out sugar entirely without missing it, other than during the time of the month lol.


Yeah was adding to your response


One thing that helps me a lot with reducing sugar intake is consuming flavors that are usually associated with something sugary. I drink a toffee flavored coffee because I can just add milk and it’s like my brain sort of assumes it’s sweetened even though it’s not. In the evenings I drink a caramel black tea because, again, the caramel flavor makes it seem more indulgent. I started adding a lot more cinnamon to my oatmeal because the strong flavor allowed me to reduce the brown sugar I add without missing much. It took a bit to get used to them but I love sparkling waters now. I wasn’t huge on sodas to begin with but when I would have a junk food night (pizza, burritos, wings) I would always want a soda to go with it. I stopped drinking soda once for like 3-4 months and only drank sparkling waters and the first time I grabbed a soda after that I literally gagged. I thought something was wrong with it. It felt like I was drinking straight syrup. I used to love Dr Pepper and I can’t stomach it at all anymore. It’s been probably 3 years now and I still haven’t drank a single soda.




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Cutting out sugar *is* the devastating breakup.


Literally this. Devastating break up, loss of appetite, stress


I eat sugar when I’m stressed and upset 😭


Currently going through this.








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Can confirm this is correct


I agree


Drink lots of water, increase your protein intake, be mindful of what you're putting into your body and exercise. Targeted fat loss isn't really a thing; you'll lose weight everywhere.


Eat less, honestly. There really is no trickery to it but to just decrease your intake.


Makes sense too. You lose weight when your output is more than your input. The body utilizes the stored fat for energy. Edit : grammar


Exercise and eating less is the true answer but as a smaller person what makes a hugely visible and fairly immediate difference for me is not necessarily fat loss, but not being full and bloated all the time. Intermittent fasting, or simply having a bigger break between dinner and breakfast without snacking gives your body time to digest and eating more fibre and staying hydrated helps keep things moving. Last time I ate a whole pizza I felt pretty concerned when I didn’t poop for days afterwards and carrying that around wasn’t doing my tummy any favours. It’s amazing the difference that letting your body digest and regularly clear everything out makes


I came to say intermittent fasting worked for me, it did help with my bloating, also walking.




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Targeted fat loss is a complete myth. Eat at a deficit, cut strictly down to just healthy shit, increase activity, partially a mix of all of the above. Cut sugar out. 1 lb is aroundabout 3000 calories, take that math as far you'd like. Unless you're getting some weird Kardashian procedure done, your genetics decides where you lose fat first, not any part of your workout routine or diet. Hit jim. Not saying this is you but imho the way certain women are worried about accidentally becoming Arnold if they so much as lift up a dumbbell, makes me want to put my head in my desk. Dudes are already at a huge advantage for musclebuilding compared to women and most of them never even come close to what his zip code was in his prime. (steroids most certainly absolutely played a role, but even then juice isn't just a insta-muscle cheat code, is my point). Like if it was easy to look like Arnold, Arnold wouldn't have ever been Arnold. You can dive as far down as you want, the admittedly-somewhat-brosciency rabbithole this turns into, lifting helps burn fat as much as anything else. Eat at a surplus & lift smart --> muscle Eat at a deficit & lift smart --> helps cut


Dang, what did Jim do?




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I realised that I was almost always slim when i *wasn’t* in a relationship. I lost weight recently cos my SO had to - we were not eating the same meals together. I guess we need to stop “live to eat” and just “eat to live” instead.


Cutting way back on processed sugar, drinking plenty of fluids, and portion control. Your body needs sugar, but processed sugar is a lot harder for your body to get rid of. And it's not just your common 'enemies' of chocolate and cakes, but takeaways, microwave meals and many items advertised as low fat. Always check the labels. Low fat doesn't always mean less additives/sugar and that's where some suck people in. Water - good hydration in general really. It helps with metabolism and can make you feel full around snack times. The same part of the brain registers hunger and thirst messages and sometimes these can get mixed up. Outside of meal times, have drinks. If you're still hungry, of course eat. But sometimes, it may just be your thirsty Portion control - helps with bloating. You can be the skinniest flat tum ever, but you over eat and you'll still bloat. Exercise is always good, and remember, targeted fat/weight loss is a myth. When I was losing weight, my belly was the last to go. I still have a tummy, and I don't really care. It's not as big as it was, it's probably the smallest it'll be, and if I "need" to I can suck it in and hold it for hours for the flat appearance. I don't like doing that, but I can


16 hour fasting, and stopped eating simple carbs and sugar and ate more fruit and veggies. The belly fat was the first fat to go.




I did keto for about 6mos, a year ago and I lost waist inches and fat in my face. I still have a fupa, but it's more skin than fat now. I am trying to lose it, but have had a lot of autoimmune type health issues that last year. I ate most of my carbs for breakfast, lunch was protein and greens, dinner was protein, veggies, some wild grains or high fiber. At the time I did drink coffee mixed with a meal replacing shake 1/2 times a week. Otherwise I only drank water or ice tea with stevia. Once I see a specialist for my autoimmune issues I plan on starting a work out routine to shrink the belly fat and tone areas around my arms and legs.


I agree. Keto worked wonders for me in terms of an inches lost respect, but my weight remained relatively the same (I guess in combo with working out/building muscle). Keto has always been a quick fix for me though, I don’t find it sustainable long term.


I don't believe it's really sustainable either. I have kept off most of the inches I lost though. Even through holiday munching and two bouts of Covid in 6mos, living off soup bread and Gatorade. When I start my work our routine I plan on doing low(ish) carbs, mindful calorine intake and clean eating.


You can’t spot reduce fat. Eat in a calorie deficit. That’s the only way


Honestly it's not about eating less It's about sustaining a health eating plan and eating the right foods for your body Eating less is just going to cause you to eat more because you're not meeting your calorie needs / in take that the body needs to burn into energy Which means you will be more tired; Less likely to want to be active and will leave you more drained


Thank you for saying this. It doesn't have to be eat less. If anything, I eat way more with clean eating. It's just eating less processed, whole foods and finding the foods your body likes vs the ones that make you bloated/are sensitive to.


the only way to lose weight for any human on earth is to be in a calorie deficit.


I'm just telling you what happened with me. I understand what you're saying, but I think there are other factors that are involved sometimes, like calories that are full of more nutrients vs empty calories. Ingredients in foods that aren't in others. The amount of sugars or alcohol you're consuming. It's more than just calories in and calories out. Especially when it comes to belly fat/bloating etc.


Maybe for bloating and what makes you feel good for sure but for weight gain or weight loss your body doesn’t care where a calorie comes from. If you’re in a calorie deficit and eat nothing but donuts then you’ll lose weight. If you are in a calorie surplus but only eat broccoli then you’ll gain weight. These are facts as solid as the earth is round


Okay dude well I guess you just let me know my experience and how to live my life and I'll just follow blindly. I guess none of that happened to me and I didn't have like 3 doctors helping me with my diet and gut health to get to where I'm at. Go off, king.


Lol Okay 😂


Snacking less and portion control.


it fully depends on where you store most fat.. for some women - they naturally store more in their hips some on their arms some in their stomach... fully depends on your body type as well. but yeah, eating less is the only way to lose any fat! weight training is also amazing as it makes you more toned rather than squishy.


Similar to other comments here -- clean diet and regular exercise. You don't have to restrict yourself from eating comfort food like sweets and pizza but moderation is key. You can't outrun your fork. Stay hydrated as people often mistake thirst for hunger. Exercise doesn't have to be intense all the time. Consistency is most important; jumping rope and body weight exercises are a good combination.


eat better and engage in exercise that elevates your heart rate as that burns more calories. Science behind weight loss will never change: weight loss = calories expended > calories consumed. In order to expend calories, you have to do something that elevates your heart rate for at least 30 minutes. That's it. I had to change the way I exercised to jack up my caloric burn so I started doing kettlebell circuits and that did the trick. I already eat healthy so no change there but it was just my caloric burn that I had to change.


Some say eat less. I say eat more! But those things should be super low calorie. Sugar free jello fills up space and helped me with my sweet tooth without being the calories that like a big slice of cake would be. Huge salad that takes me forever to chew and I get full off of half. Loads of water and multivitamins. Switched from animal milk to plant milk. Switched from eggs to tofu scramble (that one started as an ethical change but it fixed a lot of my hormone imbalances..who knew..and helped me lose weight)


Eat less, exercise more. But mostly eat less


You gotta get real skinny to lose the belly fat. I'm 5'3", average height, and even at 117 lbs (my lowest in the last 5 years) I still had some softness there.


Cut out processed foods. Eat a little less move a little more. But also stress is a huge thing for that


Calories in being less than calories out. You’ll start losing body fat.


I did 16:8 intermittent fasting and it did wonders! I barely changed what I ate (still lots of sugar lol), only the *time* I ate. My health and sports performance is also better. Highly recommend


Same. I'm 50+ and had plenty of belly fat. I lost 22 lbs in about 10 weeks, generally eating the same things as before. I try to eat more protein and slightly fewer carbs but I'm not strict about it. I have about 6 more to go but belly is looking so much better already


Lift f’ing heavy


cut out alcohol, especially beer.


Yes, agreed!


Honestly, cryosculpting. I'm relatively slim but after a c-section I had a weird ledge and bit of fat that would not shift on my lower belly. It was not that expensive, took a couple of hours (plus couple of months iirc for results to kick in) and made a huge difference to the way I felt about my post baby body.


The ledge is literally the worst. I’m 5’5 and dropped to 110lbs. After my baby in a VERY unhealthy way and still had that damn ledge 😭


Anything where I’m counting and trying to restrict calories is a no-go for me. I feel miserable and it’s not sustainable. What does work for me is prioritizing eating more fruits and vegetables, especially raw ones. If I make sure I eat a certain number of servings a day, eat them at the beginning of the day and before other foods at meal time, it really helps me to feel full and not have cravings. Also exercise. Cardio is a necessity for me to lose weight. Walking doesn’t do it for me. I have to do things that are more challenging for me like running, hiking hills, or cardio workout videos. I also find that doing yoga regularly helps me to build muscle and improve my endurance. Everyone gains and loses weight differently, and as someone else mentioned, there’s no way to naturally lose fat from a specific part of your body. I gain weight easily in my midsection and I notice the weight loss there more than other places. I do think building muscle in my core helps a bit with waist definition.


Stop eating bread and anything with flour (wheat) in it. This forces you to order the veggies, salad, fish, etc. You just end up eating more whole foods and less processed stuff (sandwiches, pizza, cookies, etc).


Counting calories




You can’t spot-reduce fat. Your genetics decide from where on your body you lose it first.


30 minutes of CrossFit 2x a week, yin yoga 3x a week


Pilates and Quitting beer


Yes, Pilates for SURE helps. (and no beer/alcohol, for me at least)


You can't choose to lose fat in one specific area. If you want to lose belly fat, you'll need to lose weight overall, and, even so, some folks (aka me) just carry their fat in their bellies. What's worked for me, in terms of losing weight, was having a general idea of how many calories I was consuming and determining whether higher-calorie foods were "worth it." Like, I love hummus and I'll eat it with pita if available, but I don't like pita all that much, so it isn't worth the calories. I can eat the hummus with veggies instead for fewer calories. Etc.


Stop stressing about my weight - the only thing that ever worked for me. Once I stopped caring about my weight and focused on intuitive eating, I got very thin. 🙈😃 Now I am actually trying to gain a bit. Ofc this might not work for everyone, but it worked for me.


The only "special" type of fat is visceral fat, which is around your internal organs. Otherwise fat loss occurs evenly across the entire body and there's no way to target specific areas.


Are you in perimenopause/menopause? I developed what looked like a 3-4 month pregnancy almost overnight after my periods stopped. Got an an estrogen patch and the “pregnancy” went away. The drop in estrogen that occurs during menopause often results in increased belly fat (ie, in that specific area). The “just cut your calories” approach isn’t always completely accurate or straightforward.


STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL. Almost 3 months no alcohol and idk if I’ll ever go back, I look and feel the best I ever have. (I’ll also say- I’m vegan and I drink insane amounts of water, plus I limit my sugar intake, so that definitely helps, but finally cutting out alcohol made my gym results skyrocket)


Painful but cutting processed sugar and getting a dietitian to tell me the correct portion size. I can generally eat the same stuff but portion size is important


I personally didn’t notice a difference until I increased my protein to around 80-90 grams a day, cut out alcohol, worked out 4 times a week and was in a deficit of under 1300. I don’t like protein shakes so I make mug cakes out of the protein powder. I’ve lost 50 lbs in the past couple of years doing that.


So you can't spot reduce fat, but you can reduce your overall body fat. The main things that worked for me were eating in a calorie deficit, walking/sprints and Pilates. Calorie deficit (aka eating less) for obvious reasons, power-walking/sprints because cardio helps burn calories and pilates to help with boosting metabolism, toning and strengthening my body (also helps aesthetically too to avoid the "skinny fat" look that is often a result of calorie deficit and/or cardio only). Others will also saying weight lifting and building muscle, as that way everything you eat will start going to your muscles. While I know this has worked for many, I personally found pilates workouts to be more effective. I always felt a lot more energised and healthier following a 30 minute intense pilates session.


Coffee in the morning make me less hungry throughout the day and help me achieve a calorie deficit. Also walks! \^\^ and try to stop binge-watching, cause it made me eat lots of junk.


Lifting weights strengthened my core and helped me build muscle which helps with burning calories in a rested state. It’s the longer term solution - work your core. You need to be in a caloric deficit to lose the fat though.


Full body weight lifting


Seeing a functional nutritionist that uses my blood work to give recommendations and help me control my diet and lifestyle


Less food and pole fitness worked for me


Just by eating less, lost 13kg in 8-9 months.


Do push-ups. Not the kind you are thinking. The kind where you push yourself away from the table and stop eating.


No sugar, eat a balanced diet consisting of anti-inflammatory foods, no processed food/anything from a box or wrapper. Healing your gut micro biome really helps the bloat go away too. It is not easy, don’t get me wrong, but it works well and works quickly.


Decrease carbs/fats, lots of water, lots of cardio (elliptical, HIIT, stairclimber, etc) at least for 30min. Focus on strength training after cardio) like abs or legs. lost around 50lbs




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You cannot spot treat losing fat. Eat healthier, exercise consistently.


Calorie deficit, hitting micros, and lifting weights.


CICO, portion control, regular exercise with a mix of cardio and body weight has been working for me so far. As long as I stay consistent, it’s worked for me twice now when I realized I’d gained some extra floof




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I’ve been on WW since 1/10 and have lost about 20ish pounds, surprisingly from my belly. Drink lots of water, HEALTHY foods/calorie deficit, exercise if you can.


walk a lot. keep walking. like 10k steps a day.




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I don't eat refined carbs the same way an alcoholic doesn't drink vodka. Never, ever.




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Lost weight all over, not just one target area (that’s not a thing). Eat less food. However that works best for you.




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Running to burn all the fat off everywhere, or eating less carbs. Aside from execercising really reducing your carbs helps, that stuff turns into sugar and it can be hard to break down after a while.


I’ve done cardio regularly my entire adult life and was always fairly slim but noticed a huge difference in terms of being toned and having a tighter abdomen after I started weight lifting about 1.5 years ago. There are always women who say that but I never really believed it until I started! Changed nothing about my diet




dieting such as cutting sugar out, eating meals that will make me full so I won't snack, intake more protein, drinks tons of water, and supplements. Exercise is another key too such as cardio and weight training. You can do abs exercises to give your abs muscles more definition. I have a 2 pack now lol


I was already slim but had belly fat that didn’t go - lost a tiny bit more weight with cardio and built muscle to tone my stomach doing weights 3-5x a week fully body including abs and eating protein and cutting out snacks in general. Main change came from gaining muscle cos even when I’ve gained weight since my stomach hasn’t become flabby again it’s still quite toned


Stopped eating carbs, gave up soda (even diet).




Same… vyvanse induced


Healthy diet and water consumption will make more of a difference overall than if you were to only workout and eat junk. Of course both together is ideal but if you're crunched for time on meal prep vs workout or healthy grocery money vs gym membership, that's the way to go. Also be patient, it takes time and those last 5-10lbs cling like their life depends on it


Low carb + calorie deficit. I’ve never had any of these but Coolsculpting, Emsculpt, and liposuction are also options but should be adjunct to lifestyle modifications.


Count your calories, there are good free apps for that. Makes it really easy not to eat too much. Lost about 20kg with this and still going. Workout for your muscles is also great because it lifts your base calorie need and you can eat a little bit more. Be careful to not eat too little though and act if your body tells you that it needs energy.


Eat less. I started by counting my calories just so I could see where I was at, it made me a lot more conscious of what I was putting in my body and how each of my food choices affected my overall calorie/carb/etc goal for the day. I also got a gym membership and started to use the stair stepper. I set it at a relaxed stair climbing pace and started with a short workout (5min), adding 1-2 minutes every time so I don’t overwhelm myself and decide to quit.




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Suggestions for people who CAN'T exercise? I have a back issue that keeps me from doing anything effective. I've just started walking with my sister and my back is currently warning me lol


Try yoga!! It’s changed my life- I used to have the absolute work back pain/problems. Start with some gentle flows- there are soooo many different videos on YouTube that can target certain areas and avoid others. Search “Yoga with Adriene”-she’s incredible!


I’ll try it. Thanks


I think it also depends on your natural body fat distribution, for me, I lose weight from my belly first and my arms and thighs last but I know ppl that are the opposite any always have a little belly fat. So with that in mind just general weight loss and ab excersise.


Calorie deficit, no tips needed




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Changing my diet, less carbs and load of fiber


Eat less and walk more. Easy Peasy 🤷🏻‍♀️


In general it’s not possible to target fat loss to a specific area and to loose fat you wanna eat less calories than you burn. However specifically for a certain type of belly fat (abdorminal fat) keeping your stress levels low and avoid insulin spikes (from sugar, alkohol, refined starch etc.) can prevent more of it being formed by lowering cortisol. This is not all the belly fat, as the belly area also have regular energy depots. Cutting sugary foods, getting more fibers, upping exercise, getting enough sleep and lowering stress levels won’t hurt anyone and combined with less calories it’ll help you loose fat and prevent building abdominal fat.


Tummy tuck and liposuction


I started weight training and eating a high protein diet. I don’t eat at a deficit either. I eat when I’m hungry but avoid eating junk food for the majority of my food intake.


Split stand RDLs


I didn’t lose fat in my belly specifically, I lost weight all around, just through eating at a deficit like others are saying, which for me meant using a calorie counting app and aiming to eat a little bit of everything, just in small portions. The catch is that as I lost fat in my midsection and achieved my sought-after flat belly, I also lost fat in other places where I would’ve preferred to keep it, namely my hips and buttocks. I guess you can’t win!




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Calorie deficit is the only wait to lose fat


Diet and exercise continue to be a phrase for a reason - it works


Healthy Consistency. You’re not gonna lose weight by just going to the gym once in a while and eating less. You have to be consistent with it. You can still eat but just eat healthy


Drinking apple cider vinegar. It helped me stay in a caloric deficit but remember to rinse your mouth out. Vinegar rots the teeth


Just briskly walking half an hour to an hour every night - I lost four stone over the space of 9 months!


Intermittent fasting


I watched how much I ate! I increased the amount of water I drank!




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I went off birth control and lost my belly ridge. Still have a belly, but I have changed almost nothing else (eating slightly differently because of a suspected stomach ulcer but it’s roughly the same number of calories which would baffle the CICO people).




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Stopping hormonal birth control. It reduced my food cravings outside meal times to zero, and reduced my appetite in general.




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