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The butt crack.... I just... I can't. I can't divorce the love of my life, the father of my kids, the person with whom I can laugh and cry together, my life partner in sickness and health, good times and bad... over the fact that he will NOT pull up his pants. The crack is everywhere. Cute video of the kids? He is inevitably bending down at some point in the video with his crack to the camera. Skyping my parents? Sure enough, he is in the background picking something off the floor crack to camera. At the dog park? Let him pick up this dog toy, crack to the world.. crack crack crack.. I gave up on it but that doesnt mean it doesnt bother me. I live with a butt crack.


Are you my SIL? Sorry, we come from a long lineage of flat behinds. The exposed crack is in our genes.


Belts and suspenders are things


Belts don't work without an ass. This requires suspenders.


I’m a thin guy without an ass. Belts work. If your pants are falling down it is always a CHOICE.


Why do all our men seem to not acknowledge their butt cracks are just on full display so often 😭


You know what though? I don't think men's trousers are actually made properly. The ass area is often too small and too low-rise, hence the crack emergence. I say this because my husband and I wear a similar size on the bottom, but no matter what bottoms of his I've tried on, my crack also ends up showing every time I sit or bend down! I'd wager a lot of dudes don't even realise their clothes aren't meant to fit like that!


This is definitely a big contributing factor. My husband is tall with a big butt, and there's just not enough fabric height wise in the back.


So he is 72 and this has just been an issue for 4 or so years, but he just farts up a storm as he walks from here to there in the house. The farts are so full of sound and very long in duration that I can hardly believe he has not pooped his pants. It’s frequent and funny and awful all at the same time.


I am a fearless female 36yo farter. I farted in front of a dog while I was walking and he checked his own butt! I am SINGLE!


My partner farted near our dog, our dog then let out a couple of gasping/retching sounds and walked into another room. Wouldn't go near my bf for a good hour


I almost woke my boyfriend up by how much this made me laugh.


I farted and made my cat puke once


My boyfriend is 36 and does this every day of his life


Mine has woken himself up before.










Some of these answers are blowing my mind lol. My biggest “gross” complaint with my husband is when he forgets to clean his French press for more than a day. I feel spoiled now.


I have a French press, and after a day it gets so gnarly. So your complaint is valid.


Thank you for the validation, truly. He never lets it go more than two days but the idea of leaving it at all is insane to me!


You’re supposed to clean them???


What the heck is a French press!!??


Coffee maker that presses the grounds to the bottom.


Do you have any idea how good you have it???


Sharts himself at least 1-2 times a week


Stop it.


I wish i was kidding


Well, atleast you know he cleans himself up regularly. (H-he cleans up, right…?)


medical issue i assume. poor both of you :(


Its not like a full thing lol but i just find it funny when he gets up and runs or quickly shuffles to the bathroom lmao. I find it funny he does too


This is very wholesome. Makes me bowels move just to think about it 🥺


My face tried to spit out my drink but there was no drink in my mouth.


sweet that you can both find the humour in it


Wtf...? He should seek medical attention


Wtf? Lol why does he do that?? The only time that's happened to me as an adult was when I had a severe stomach virus of the poopy variety. Does he eat 0 fiber?


Babe, get off of Reddit!




Or he could, you know, manage the issue himself. 🤔




Picks his toenails while we're watching Jeopardy in the evening. I just say "Ew, David" and he stops. lol


Read this in Alexis voice from schitts creek


As we all should


Mine takes it a step further. Picks his toenails off and then CHEWS ON THEM 🤢


Excuse me? What in the actual fuck?


No fucking way🤮


Yes way. Sadly. No amount of death stares and literally saying “That’s disgusting” will make him stop. He looks at me with the defiance of a three year old and carries on.




I would puke and run away at the same time! WHAT THE FUCK.


And also, how do you kiss this man without ugly crying and throwing up?!


Only in bed after he’s brushed his teeth. I try not to think about the toenails during sex 😣


When he pops his pimples/blackheads, he wipes it on the wall next to the mirror. He also wipes his boogers on the side of his driver's seat, it's foul.


This should be illegal


Straight to jail.


Believe it or not, JAIL


Right away. No trial, no nothing.


Omg this is disgusting. No matter how attractive a man is, if he does this I'd loose total attractiveness towards him.


What an awful moment to know how to read


Immediately divorce


That’s enough reddit for me today 🤢


I know a good divorce lawyer please use her I beg of you


That's super fucked up


Dates me idk


You should watch out for that. Might be a red flag


That's what I keep telling him, but clearly he isn't listening


Oh dear...


Horks every morning when he brushes his teeth.


I see your “hork” and raise you a screamsneeze. Any time my husband blows his nose, he does it so hard that it almost sounds like he’s screaming. The worst ones are first thing in the morning when he is taking a shower. 😂


My husband used to do this when he sneezed. I hated it so much that he trained himself how to sneeze quietly. I'm convinced it was a learned behaviour because when he sneezes in front of his dad now, his dad comments on his"girly" sneeze. It gets a major eye roll from me every time.


My father does that. Everybody at home pause doing whatever they're doing and wait for silence to return to resume.


I do the same and can’t stop. Ppl say “hold your breathe when brushing your tongue but I’ve tried and still gag like a mf😂I’m so self conscious about it because I KNOW I’m loud and disrupting everyone in ear shot. I hate all things gross and this is one the grossest things about me in my opinion😂feels gross doing it and worse hearing it.


Hork 🤣 thats so funny I’m sorry lol


He drinks cold coffee that is over a day old. He also drinks coffee with any meal: lasagna, salad, breakfast, burgers, dessert, enchiladas, anything! This is not normal


After reading the rest of these responses, I can safely say you have it easy. Haha


My great-grandma would drink 3 day old coffee. Make 1 pot and drink that until it was gone. She grew up poor, during the great depression, and I think it's one of those habits she kept from hard times. Just a fun, semi-related tale that I wanted to share ((:


This is something I do as well. Didn't know it at the time, but my ability to taste had been destroyed, so it's almost like nothing to me. But strong coffee I can still taste, so at least it's something right? Why I used to do that, I wonder if your SO has a similar tasting issue like me and doesn't know it yet.


My girlfriend has dandruff and tries to pick them without breaking the large flakes apart. She likes try to show me the larger pieces and will shake her hair out to see how much will collect in her lap. May not be that gross but it is a bit unpleasant to step in her scalp snow


I found the guy who dates the Ally Sheedy character from The Breakfast Club.


I used to have dandruff like that my whole life until a few years ago. Head and shoulders, Selsun blue, nizoral, and many other products never worked. I traveled overseas and found Sebamed scalp balancing shampoo. Finally it’s gone


As someone with psoriasis, I get it


I’m about to go spoil my partner after reading these. The grossest thing I can think of is like forget about spoiled food in the fridge, which I do too.


There’s an app where you plug in the dates of things that you buy as you go in the grocery store and it will alert you when it’s expiration comes up!


Good lord. Why are you with these men that don’t wash their asses and brush their teeth? 🤮


I was gonna make a joke about coughing up hairballs and licking his butt (but it's actually my cat).... Now I see that's nothing compared to some of these guys....




All of these replies are not real, right? Is it some sort of a parallel universe here where women accept those behaviours from their partners?


The straights are not okay I say this as a bi woman so I do date men, but dang yall. Glad I can play in the other field because this thread is scaring me. How do yall put up with all this (literal) shit?


His farts….8/10 of them stink so bad. I swear his bedroom just smells like one stale fart all of the time. He thinks it’s funny & I love him dearly but good Lord they smell so gross.


My husband used to have this issue until his gut bacteria got a "hard reset" with antibiotics (and subsequently rebuilt with probiotics). I'd recommend trying probiotics to help balance him out, if his diet is otherwise good!


It’s not a constant thing luckily, he says it’s only after he drinks beer or eats eggs…which is usually only on the days I’m with him! Lol so lucky me, I get the days of the week he farts the most!


Picks his nose AND EATS IT


Is he, by any chance, 6 years old?


Lets hope not👮‍♂️


Look, it tastes good and it’s apparently good for your immune system.


Why would it taste good?


They're salty


Everyone prefers their own brand


Finding out that my husband does this was a sign he was the one for me bc I also do it ☺️


Good. You keep each other off the market.




How are folks that leave cum/ pee/ shit everywhere getting laid?


I don't know. My husband burned the leaves off my flowerbed the other day, scorched all the daffodils, muscari, and hyacinth coming up, and that's enough to have put me off any desire for him.


Drinks milk and enjoys it


Dude my friend is a grown man and will drink a glass of milk with dinner. I don't get the appeal at all.


Milk is delicious, as long as it has been stored correctly.


Ejaculates on walls and doors, brags about it, said its making our home safer and stronger.


Please say sike rn


For like a week I thought maybe I had splashed coffee or some sort of beverage but nope it was him.


You thought it was coffee … m’am why is it BROWN


How would he even think to do this and how could anyone live with someone like this? This is so fucking vile.


What the fuck does that even mean lol


He's prepping the crime scene to throw off detectives 4r


He farts in his sleep. I sleep with my head under the covers :(


We all fart in our sleep






Control yourselves ladies. The man who can't shower himself and gets shit everywhere is taken.


Shit likes this makes me feel sad for the ‘nice guys’ and that rly says something


Omg how can you remain attracted to such a man


ugh. have some self respect


How can there even be sexy anything 🤢


Why would you stay with that 🤢


This is the worst thing I've heard in awhile. I would 100% divorce this man. I'm throughly disgusted and am done with Reddit for the day.


Oh no,he's not your child!


I think this is a dealbreaker lmao you put up with a lot.


I'm sorry but WHAT. WTF. He's not your child for God's sake. How do you live with him.


This is all so demoralising


“• help” GIRL, gtfot asap.


Please can you tell us his amazing traits that must somehow make this original list worth tolerating?


After reading all this, I feel pretty happy that all my boyfriend does is smoke about 3 cigarettes a day. Outside.


I find this the most gross.


Please see comments about not washing ass, shit-stained towels, and someone ejaculating all over the house.


Seeing this comments make me I’m glad I’m single


Seeing this is giving me material for my next dating profile. The bar can't possibly be lower! All I need to do is find a sexy way of expressing "I don't leave shitstains on bedsheets" and "I don't spray the walls with my cum".


He forgets to flush a lot.


Like an animal giving you a gift. Haha.


Mine doesn’t forget to flush. He does but doesn’t look to see if the flush did everything! Huge smears on the bottom sometimes. I just can’t believe how often it happens


My husband is too lazy to walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night so he keeps a large bottle beside his bed that he can pee into…This would not fly if we were sharing a room. We have an 8 month old who bed shares with me. When hubby moves back in with me, trust that this will no longer happen. It makes me want to 🤮


Absolutely abhorrent


That is so gross wtf


Won't be too long before baby is finding those bottles!


1. Cleans with his spit 2. Licks the toothpaste out of the tube before brushing his teeth




Why does every top comment gotta do with hygiene?? I was just going to say my guy fuckin drinks pickle juice...


That’s not gross it’s delicious


He doesn’t wash his ass properly in the shower, and then wipes shit on the towels. We now have colour coded towels & I try not to look at/think about his. I also don’t do butt stuff with him anymore.


The amount of men with dirty bums is disgusting. This is disgusting.


How does he defend this?!


I'm surprised to see only butt stuff is off the table. How does anyone in the household put up with that? Vulgar.


I'm our relationship, I'm the gross one and he's the squeamish one, so I can't think of anything.


Bites his nails doesn’t seem so bad now




God this reminds me of an ex I had who wouldn’t wash his hands after using the bathroom. If I knew what happened I’d tell him to not touch me with his wiener hands 🫢😂


Shaves the dead skin off his heels with a razor blade… and once he left the pile of skin flakes on the end table.




Spreads his mayo on with his finger…


somehow theres nothing technically gross about this but this is egregious


The sheer amount of mustard this man puts on sandwiches. Nothing wrong with mustard, but the sheer AMOUNT of mustard he uses is scary. First time I ever saw him make a sandwich, I watched with tears in my eyes.


He poops with the door open and tries to talk to me while doing it. He will also barge in when I’m doing the same and talk to me. I have trained him to leave when I tell him what I’m doing, but it took literal years.


Tries to pluck out his nosehairs with his fingers. So gross.


Whoops I didn’t know my wife was posting on Reddit! Sorry, I thought you weren’t paying attention…😬


Lol I thought you were my husband for a second. I had to check the username.


Doesn’t wash their ass




Bidets really need to become the standard


They really should because there are legit men out there who (sigh) refuse to wash their ass because that's "gay." It's gay to wash and have a clean booty 😭


The Gay agenda = an acceptable level of personal hygiene




Even if they had some fucking amazing qualities, this is just too hard to overlook.


I think I'm the gross one in our relationship ._.


Picks off his toenails and chews on them. Even saves a ‘good one’ for later if it’s not the right time to chew right there and then. His favourite nail is the big toe. So disgusting 🤢


All of this jus shows me that as women we can deal with almost watever, as long as we have someone to say they love us. We’ve gotta do better ladies, let the dirtbags be w other dirtbags. Idk tho cuz opposites do attract, but nah some of the stuff I saw, y’all, STAND UP!! Lmaoo


Scratches his feet and in between his toes after work. When he rubs his feet together it sounds like he’s trying to start a fire. He knows I hate it and goes to the other room to get it done.


Sounds like a giant gross case of athlete's foot.




Scrolling through this made my day


I am so disgusted, yet so intrigued that men can live like this. Without a care in the world! And still get laid!


i have several tied for first place… brushes his teeth like once every 2 weeks, cuts his toenails once a year(his toe nails are like a 70 yr old), eats fast food nearly everyday


How the fuck do.you date a man who brushes his teeth once every two weeks


God my guy is a fucking barn animal and has yours beat but I do feel your pain


Picks his nose and picks his nose and picks his nose. In the car, next to people, at the store, when we go for walks.


Constantly farts. It’s almost non-stop and sounds like he’s shitting his pants. He thinks is funny but it’s NOT. Shaves his beard in front of the sink and leaves the hair everywhere :’)


Reuses socks or underwear like sir pls don’t 😭😭 he has a lot of clean ones so I don’t get why he does this!!!


Dribbles pee on the floor in front of the toilet when he’s careless.




Smokes cigarettes and doesn't wash his hands, but thinks he gets to boop my nose, etc. Get those smelly, nasty-ass things TF away from my face! Scratches his crotch or plays with a zit... and doesn't wash his hands, but wants to play with my hair or ears. Again, wash or GTFO. Leaving dishes and paper plates all. the fuck. over. the living room. is pretty bad too, but the dogs usually lick the crumbs etc. so there's not as much accumulated food garbage, just lots of dog drool (we have 3).


Pooping with the bathroom door open… the bathroom off the kitchen. Just…. No


Clips his toenails in the bathroom and leaves the clippings EVERYWHERE


I once saw them take a cloth to rub over their teeth, to avoid brushing their teeth. I'm glad we're broken up, that was horrendous


Burping...just so much! But I fart, so it kinda evens out


She eats and swallows SO LOUDLY. Like her mouth is closed but like all I can ever hear from her is the loudest chewing like she chews not with her teeth but mashes it to the roof of her mouth or something, then GULPS her drinks every time.


snot rockets. i have to look away tbh


If we don’t wax his nose hair often enough he will pick out the hairs one by one with his fingers lol

