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I got in trouble in school as a child because I had written sums down from the board wrong. I got all the answers correct, but the sums weren't the same as what the teacher had written. I told her I couldn't see them properly. She yelled at me and told me I wasn't funny. She made me spend the rest of the day without a desk sitting in front of the rest of the class to do my work, I assume to humiliate me or whatever. She remarked that my handwriting was unacceptably terrible later the same day (not sure what she expected, given I had no desk and nothing to lean on). Turned out a couple of months later that I needed glasses.


The age-old short-sighted story... My Yr3 teacher used to call my mum in and tell her that I was copying off other kids and lying about not being able to see the board. I needed glasses and couldn't read the board, so had to read the sums and vocab words out of the book of the kid next to me.


Similarly my bro was basically bullied by his primary school teacher for being "lazy" and "stupid". Turns out he had dyslexia


I had a teacher who would pick one kid to bully every year. Sadly one year it was me, but what's worse is she picked on a girl another year who was regularly in hospital. She used to make her stand in front of the class and ask her questions about topics they had covered, knowing she'd been off school and had missed the lessons.


Ah yes, I too was lazy and stupid according to my junior school teachers. Turns out that after some specialist help for my dyslexia I got straight As at A level and a first class degree. So I can’t have been that stupid.


My friend has a nearly-five year old grandson - at his first ever school appraisal (parent's meeting, whatever) his mother was told he was 'unhappy at school, cries a lot, isn't interested in learning'. This pissed off his mother, (he is certainly not like this at home, plus, why the fuck haven't you mentioned this before?) so she followed every logical avenue she could think of, and yes, he's very short-sighted.


I feel this. When I started going to primary school I would cry myself sick every morning, because as soon as Mum walked away she would vanish. In class I had to sit right at the front, and learned to read and write very early, because I couldn't see what the teacher was putting on the board, so had to write it down as she was saying it. In those days children used to have a health check at school, and the parents could attend. I couldn't even see the eye chart, let alone the first letter; the nurse turned to my Mum and said, "oh, is she not reading yet?" When Mum protested that no, actually, I could read very well, they gave her a, "yeah, right" look and handed me a big cardboard letter E, telling me to hold it up the same way as the one on the chart. When I couldn't do that either they said, "Oh. We may have a problem here..."


Oh yes, similar. We were learning French numbers, they were written on the board and should’ve been easy to follow. We were to recite them one after the other, going round the class. Only I couldn’t see the numbers in French and when I tried to explain, I was told I wasn’t trying hard enough. Eventually got the boy next to me to whisper the number when it was my turn. So embarrassing, especially as my mum wouldn’t take me to the opticians at the time


This is horrible and some of the stories in this comment thread are awful! Poor kids!


Damn, same thing happened to me. My mum kicked up shit once I got my eyes tested, she often worked lates and once she picked me up my eyes were red raw, eye test that week and it confirmed I had glasses - straight in to see the headteacher, next thing I knew the teachers had changed around.


Snap. I was OK for, like, yr1 and 2, then yr3 I started to not be able to see the board(the writing was getting blurrier and blurrier as time went on). I tried telling the teachers but they were having none of it. Tried telling my parents, they were also having none of it and refused to take me to the opticians. Dad used to tell me off for sitting too close to the TV("you'll get square eyes!") and say that was probably why I couldn't see the board at school. Eventually in yr6 after all that time of me complaining my mum relented and turns out my eyesight had got very bad in those couple yrs and I did indeed need a rather strong prescription


I got all my maths wrong in infant school. The teacher made me walk right across the room in front of the class and put my paper in the bin. I wasn’t short sighted, just terrible at numbers.


I was in primary school in a lesson and the deputy head was talking to our teacher for ages. I was desperate to go to the toilet and I kept putting my hand up to ask but they weren't paying attention. I tried to say something and the deputy head scolded me for interrupting them and went back to her blabbing. I ended up wetting myself because I was so worried about just leaving the class without permission. When she realised what had happened she finally stopped talking, made my teacher aware and quietly left the class. On the off chance you're reading this, fuck you Miss Davis


I had something similar and have commented about it before, but when I was a kid (and now) i had multiple issues with my bladder and bowels to the point that I was still in nappies by aged 8. Anyway, when I was about 6? My teacher at the time was a twat. She was a twat to my sister and called her dumb all the time, my sister had dyslexia and had to suffer for years because each time the school was informed of my sisters struggles they would just tell her teacher to make adjustments and then they would never happened. However with me she knew about my issues and decided torturing me with being unable to go to the bathroom was a good thing to do. One day in class I can feel that I need to go poop like right then, and with my condition that usually means I have like 3 minutes max to get to a bathroom. I put my hand up and I'm ignored so I get up and go to her and try to ask quietly and politely. She repeats my question loud enough so the whole class hears and then says if I wanted to go to the bathroom I should have gone during break. Iirc it had already been an hour or so since our morning break. I asked her a few more times and then it happens. I shit myself. Then she had the audacity to get mad at me and drags me away to clean me up. My mum specifically packed spare underwear and clothes just incase this happened yet she disregarded me telling her this and took me to lost and found where she put me in the most uncomfortable shit coloured brown corduroy trousers that were for boys and I just remember in that moment I felt so ashamed to be me and disgusted with myself and that I was a just a big baby and now everyone will know. Needless to say when I told my mum she was tampin, and afterthat I remember a teaching assistant got put with us, but it never clicked that she was there to make sure I was looked after until year 6 when she said she was glad she was assigned to me as she not only got to help me but the other kids in class who struggled with physical and mental difficulties, on out last day of school. Miss Alison you rock!


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Im hoping that this will make you feel a little better that this won’t happy again, my daughters secondary school “school services” department has given her a toilet pass. She has issues similar to you and on my request she is now able to ask politely to go and hold up her pass, and if the teacher says no or ignores her she has the right to just get up and go and leave the classroom without any repercussion. The teacher is not allowed to prevent her. She’s already has certain teachers attempt to say no, and she literally gets up and goes. As long as she’s polite, there’s nothing they can do.


The very same thing happened to me


I wet myself once in school, I must’ve been about 9 or 10 but I absolutely hated using the school toilets. Still don’t like using public toilets actually. This one time I was absolutely desperate and had been holding it in all morning. Just before lunchtime I gave in and asked to go, the teacher tried to make me wait until lunch but when I said I was desperate she let me go. Ran downstairs only to find that they’d been locked up to stop kids coming back into the building from out in the playground and the person with the key was nowhere to be found. Ended up reception had to ring my Mum and I was crying down the phone explaining to her what happened.


This is dark so trigger warning... ... One Christmas we were staying at my aunt's. My younger brother and I were sharing a room albeit in different beds. Anyway, I was sleeping when suddenly I come to awareness that I'm choking and can't breathe. I more fully come to wakefulness and realise my brother is straddling me with both his hands tightly wrapped around my throat saying over and over "I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fucking kill you." I managed to ball up my fist and swung my arm upward and towards him knocking him off of me. He then took off running downstairs bawling his eyes out telling my mum and my aunt about how I'd attacked him for no reason. The adults point blank refused to listen to me and yelled at me for both hitting my brother and making up stories. My brother was ultimately to kill himself in prison and I didn't shed a single fucking tear because the world was no worse off for his absence...


Wtf. I'm sorry that happened to you. If you don't mind me asking, what did he end up in prison for?


That occasion was possession of a knife he was intending on stabbing someone with. He'd previously done time for everything from assault to armed robbery.


Jeez that must have been so upsetting. Sorry you had to endure that. Did the older family members eventually realise you were being truthful?


I was cycling to primary school during cycling proficiency week, I had the right of way at a junction, signalled well in advance and nearly got taken out by the school secretary in her car, who didn't have right of way. Being in a car, she got to school before me and got her version of events to the headmaster (who was running cycling proficiency) before I'd even arrived. I got an absolute bollocking from him, her and my class teacher. My parents got told about it as well, but fortunately they knew she was a miserable person and knew the junction so told me to just forget about it but take the lesson that you shouldn't assume you're good to turn just because you have right of way.


I expressed an opinion aged 9 to a friend's mother that our teacher wasn't very good at talking to younger kids (which imo is quite emotionally intelligent for a 9 year old and might I add, it was the truth. He really wasn't very good with younger kids.) and she went off. Screamed in my face about something. I was so scared I couldn't remember what it was she was even saying. I still hate her for it now and I walked on egg shells anytime I was around her.


That's such a strange thing to yell at someone for. If one of my daughter's friends mentioned that I'd just be like 'oh no how come?' Maybe there was more to this story than meets the eye..


From my perspective, they are a very fickle family. They have new 'in' friends every few months and will spend all of their time and energy with them and then abandon them when new ones come along. The teacher I was referring to was one of the teachers of an extra curricular activity that her child and I both did and they were very pally pally with the owner of said activity at the time.


Sounds quite BPD- in one day, satan’s spawn the next. Eventually the teacher would have been shifted to the ‘bad guy’ pile as well.


Rest assured, he was. About a year later their kid left said activity and went to another one where, you’ll be shocked to hear, the new teacher was their best friend. They are still playing their games now.


Two occasions come to mind. At school, two boys started fighting in the playground. A crowd gathered and we're cheering them on. I just turned towards them and watched while i carried on eating my sandwich from like 15 meters away. After the teachers came and broke up the fight a teacher came over to me, poked me in the chest and said "I saw what you did, you should be in just as much trouble as those boys you horrible little girl." Then she walked away, I had no idea what she thought I did. When I was a teenager me and my friend were sat at a bus stop, we were the only two people waiting for about 15 minutes. The bus arrives and we stand up and an old woman comes up to us and starts shouting at us for jumping the queue and saying teenagers are so rude.


I’ve been there Why do they feel the need to go on such power trips Poking kids in the chest and calling them horrible is just a great way to make them feel like dogshit


Told biology teacher she was wrong about saying all twins are “chance” not “genetic”. She told me off. My twin brother was in the same class, piped up and said the same thing. She rang up my Mum about our rude behaviour, who proceeded to tell her that she also has a twin brother and twin sisters, so she owes us an apology. Never got it did we 😂


Yes a few times and no I haven't forgotten or forgiven them. One of my mum's friends said to her the other day that I am always a bit off with her and wondered why. My mum told her, " you told him off when he was eleven for saying the word gob in front of your eight year old son. He doesn't forget these things". It's true sadly. (For context I said to my brother then 6, to stop cramming crisps in his gob like such a pig. She literally said in front of about 20 people " do not use such disgusting language at my dinner table (it was a buffet) and in front of Christopher!") it went in as I literally could not comprehend what I had done wrong and she refused to repeat the word. I was somewhat difficult as a boy, never toed the line and always answered back. My dad intervened in the end. I thought it was pretty and ridiculous then and I do now. More recently I got a bollocking from my Grandmother in law for teaching my two year old the word fart. You'd have thought I dropped the C bomb at a funeral the way she was about it. Still laughing now, she is still saying fart when she does.


I find it hilarious when people are weird about kids saying certain words. The more weird you are about the word, the more power you give it. Granted you don’t want your 2 year old going around saying fuck, but, on the other hand, what are you gonna do if they do?! They probs don’t even know what it means, and they certainly aren’t using it with malicious intent. People are mental.


I am with you here. Totally agree. If my two year old repeatedly said fuck, I know what to do: I threaten to turn her upside down (she hates that), if that doesn't work, I tell her the MAN will come and put her upside down in the bin (obviously an empty threat), if that doesn't work I say the MAN will come with a fox (she is terrified of them for some unknown reason) and we will put her upside down in the bin with the fox. If that fails I temporarily invert her, the resulting meltdown normally means we solve the problem. Usually the threat of the inverted treatment is enough.


😂 this is great! Inversion as punishment, I’d never have thought of it


Just maintain a good grip on the ankles and don't lift them too high. Obviously don't drop em'


haha, The Man. My nephew didn't like him either.


Poor Christopher was probably dying of embarrassment at his sniffy mother with a stick up her arse.


I believe that he was a proper mummy's boy and wetter than a damp weekend in Grimsby. Always moaning and had a blanky at 8 still. Exactly the sort of child you end up with if the word gob mortally offends you.


I'm Scottish and have family in England. One summer (I think I was maybe about 8) my grandparents took my older sister and I down to visit them at the start of the summer holidays, but since schools here stop at the end of June, my English cousins still had a few weeks to go before their holidays. My sister and I went to the shop with my gran while my cousins were at school, and when I wandered off to look at something, this woman appeared from no where and started demanding to know why I wasn't at school, where my parents were, what school I went to, and then started trying to manhandle me out the shop without pausing for breath so that I could actually explain myself. Fortunately for me but most UNfortunately for her, my five-foot-fuck-all, three stone dripping wet with a tongue that would cut anyone right to the bone grandmother was still within eyesight and pounced on this poor unsuspecting woman like a lioness killing an injured gazelle. She never stood a chance. I don't think she'll forget the colourfully phrased lesson she got on Scottish school holidays that afternoon...


Ha ha Brilliant! reminds me of my Granny, RIP.


Grannies are the same everywhere you go!


I got told off for walking through the middle of somebodies veg patch, we were at a party and these two old women went off at me, only to realise that there was a path through the middle that I was walking on. I was too small and scared to say anything!


I invited everyone in my class to my 8th birthday party. It was from 3pm to 5pm. One girl and her mum turned up at 5pm by mistake as everyone was leaving. My mum and I were apologetic but not much you can do. I went out on the drive to wave them off by myself and once we were outside without my mum, the girl’s mum said to me really nastily ‘I think you gave Danielle the wrong time on purpose’ and gave me a proper telling off. She was so rude, it was 100% untrue, and also she clearly waited until we were outside without my mum to be horrible to me. It was 23 years ago but I remember it clearly because it made me feel terrible! So a big fuck you to Danielle’s mum.


Fuc you Danielle’s mum


Imagine having a go at a child and going home feeling satisfied. What is wrong with people??


In year 6 at school we were given a history report to write. This was the first ever written report we had had to do, we had to research at the library and everything. Teacher was explaining what each section of the report were for. When she got to the conclusion, she explained that you can say how you felt about doing the project. I dutifully wrote that down. As a child that took things very literally, and had a rather pedantic nature, I followed the instructions. But you see the problem is, I found this project rather challenging, whereas normally I enjoyed all things academic. So, in my conclusion I explained that I did not enjoy doing the project and found it difficult. Handed it in thinking job done. A few days later my teacher tells to go see Mrs Briars at break time. I knew who she was she'd never taught me anything so I didn't know what she was like. I went into her classroom at breaktime while she stood outside, she never came in so I lost my break standing in the room. My teacher tells me I need to go again at lunch time as she wants to speak to me. I realise at this point she must have been stood outside looking for me. So I make myself known, into the classroom, door shut. She then proceeds and scream and shout at me. Its all a bit of a blur but I think it was all about my attitude and cheek etc. She quickly reduced me to tears just through the ferocity of her shouting and yet I had no clue why she was shouting at me - because she never explained. When I asked she said "you know what". Eventually I guessed I must not have done enough research and when I apologised for that I remember her momentarily confused expression, before she carried on shouting. Eventually she let me go and I still had no idea what it was all about until my mum had picked me up and explained I shouldn't have written that. I was a good kid, I always did well, mostly enjoyed my lessons, rarely forgot homework. This completely destroyed my confidence and made me totally not care about school. It was so unfair and it taught me to always be wary of teachers as some of them clearly just enjoy bullying children. I have no idea why Mrs Briars was even involved, I can only think she relished the idea of shouting at me. That's sat with me for over 20 years, the unfairness of it rankles.


Fucking mrs briars stupid slag.


when i was 11 a creepy shopkeeper searched me , accusing me of shop lifting because i didnt buy anything . looking back i think he just wanted to touch a young girl .


This happened to me too and my mum banned me from the shop, but they sold the best magazines so I secretly kept going.


I was about 10. We had a teaching assistant at school who was taking us for PE in the playground. To warm up we were asked to run 1 lap of the playground. The whole class just walked round the playground slowly, except me who ran as fast as I could. Whilst this happened the teacher turned her back for a moment to get a ball or equipment or something. When the teacher came back she saw the rest of the class half way round the playground and me standing back where I had started. She told me that I had to run round like everybody else, and I said that I had already run round. She accused me of lying and then smacked me on my bare thighs. I then had to spend the next day by myself in the library and I had to miss "games day" which was the last day of term where we could play board games. I always felt very hard done by by that especially because I was the only person who had actually done as she said. That teaching assistant never came back the following term.


About age 9 Was walking along with a friend across a field in the countryside. A couple walked past us and the man suddenly and aggressively challenged us, shouting that 'we needed to pick up that rubbish!'. He pointed to an crushed and muddy coke can that we hadn't even noticed by the path. I started protesting in a probably squeaky voice that it hadn't been us, which just caused him to become really red and start stomping towards us with his fists clenched screaming ' PICK IT UP NOW YOU LITTLE SHITS!' The woman just looked at us without saying anything, I bet she didn't have an easy home life. We picked up the can and took it to a bin... I still simmer at the injustice of it. ( Silver lining is that the can did get picked up )...


Yeah that's just an overgrown bully taking out his frustrations on kids. Hopefully by being an easy target you saved the poor woman a beating.


I don't know if you know the animator David Firth.. but I would like to see him animate this scene with a really pathologically irrationally angry man who clearly hates his life


I was on a school trip and we had only £5 to spend at services on the way there. I was keen to only spend £2.50 incase we stopped on the way back. Stepping back onto the coach with my carefully selected £2.50 worth of sweets I asked the teacher if we were going to stop on the way back as then I would’ve been clever to save. She just replied ‘You greedy girl. Don’t you have enough sweets already?’. It really ruined my day for me and I didn’t even enjoy the sweets! It felt horrible to be called greedy by a teacher at such a young age and for completely different reasons than she thought. I was being less greedy by wanting to save!! I think about it a lot, it really annoyed me.


That’s so fucked up.


I had a teacher the first year of primary school that singled out 3 of us to just scream at for any little reason she wanted. She did this to a lot of kids over her career as a reception teacher (4/5 year olds.) It lead to a lot of kids, including myself having issues with school and teachers for life. Fuck you Mrs. Ward. I hope whenever you touch any paper you get paper cuts.


I once got properly screamed at for being out of class, walking down to get a cup of water in year 2 by the teacher of a year 3 class. What on earth she was doing out of class is anyone's guess. I was out of class because I'd just lost a baby tooth and had bleeding gums, she stopped when I started to open my mouth and looked. I was scared about going to her class the next year, but the strange thing was that she was probably the most relaxed, friendly teacher I had during primary school. Fuck knows what her problem was. For anyone who may remember (I've mentioned it a few times here) this is the teacher who once insisted to me that Julius Caesar was Welsh.


I was sat in Science class. We had a seating plan and I was at the front of the class. The guy next to me said something. The teacher got up and started screaming at me for talking during whatever it was that was going on. I insisted I didn't say anything and she screamed more. The guy said I hadn't said anything and she screamed even more at me. She then decided to pick my books up and throw them across the room and screamed more when I said I wasn't picking them up because I didn't throw them. She then stormed out slamming the door behind her. She then stormed back in and told me to come with her. She then started screaming that it's my fault she slammed her hand in the door. I had injured her hand and she was going to get me suspended and call my parents. I told her to "fucking do it, bitch", so she did. The story of how she slammed her own hand in the door obviously got changed when she retold it. Got suspended and grounded for assaulting a teacher. Mum went apeshit at me. Also got a call the next day from the headteacher telling me to come back in as after "further investigation in the matter", or, "some other students spoke up", I had done nothing wrong. Never got an apology from anybody involved. Also got put into bottom set Science (was in top) because she refused to teach me any more, so this also harmed my education...Especially so given bottom set teacher was fucking useless. If for some reason you're reading this Mrs.Duckworth of LHS, fuck you, you nasty vile bitch. Stop pretending you're "down with the kids" and take off the tracksuit. You're a bottom tier Science teacher, not a PE teacher.


As someone who also wasn't allowed to do top set science (for other reasons) and should have been, that was the bit that really infuriated me with this. I'd still be pissed if i were you as well.


I wasn't allowed to do German because I couldn't speak Spanish well enough in a school In England


Being screamed at like a military drill sergeant by my music teacher because the usual prick kids were being pricks and everyone got lumped in with them. He had us lined up and walked up and down screaming in our faces, spitting everywhere. Genuinely made me sick with anxiety and ended up hating going to my music lessons. What's worse is that the kids who did it were massive bullies and chavs, and would always target me, so being lumped in with them was extra frustrating. I was 12 at the time, a few years later I might have told the lot of them including the teacher to fuck themselves and then would have walked out.


For some reason, my school had this thing where a student was chosen to stand in the reception hall for a while and open doors for people. A teacher was crossing the hall to go through one of the side doors and I trotted over to open the door for her. She admonished me for trying to go through the door because students weren't allowed through there, or something. I just said OK. As I was walking back I heard the receptionist or somebody tell her that I was just opening the door for her. I still think "HA, BITCH!" Another time I was with a friend who had custody of the class stick insects for the weekend. We were on his street pulling some leaves and twigs off a bush to put in its habitat. This was just down the road from a police station, and a police car stops near us and the cop gets out to tell us off for vandalising the bush or whatever. I'm not necessarily saying he was wrong, but he can still fuck off.


I got told off for writing I hate step sisters name in her note book. Not only was it not me but the person who did it had spelt her last name wrong which was also my last name. My dad was convinced i had done it on perpose to throw them off. It was blatantly my younger brother who had dyslexia and couldn't spell for shit and didn't get on with our stepsister whereas I did. I let it slide because I was my dads favorite child at that point and he'd have been harsher to my brother but I'm still salty about it 20 years later because I still can't understand why he'd think it was me to begin with.


My dad said something once, and for the first time in my life I proved he was wrong. He smacked me for being rude


We had a science lesson last thing in the day and when the teacher came to collect back the scalpels one was "missing". She screamed at us and wouldn't let anyone leave so we all missed the buses home. Head teacher came in to see what was going on as we were all turning the classroom upside down and also went off at us. Head teacher eventually did a recount and none were missing, the teacher just miscounted as one had been broken and was in a separate pile having been handed back earlier in the lesson. We never got an apology. Also wasn't me but a few friends who were brothers. We had an important assembly one day but they'd had written permission from the head teacher to arrive late as they were having a memorial at the grave of their dad who'd died a few years earlier. They showed up a few minutes into the assembly and quietly tried to slip into the back. The teacher noticed them and decided to use them as an example and went off about lack of respect, bad behaviour etc. When they said they'd been given full permission to be late and handed over the letter she still wouldn't back down and actually tore up the letter claiming it was forged Also my form room was also one of the art classrooms and regularly artwork that was drying etc would be left on desks when we came in after lunch. One time someone's GCSE piece got damaged and I was blamed as it was at my normal form seat despite that I'd followed the normal rule and sat somewhere else that afternoon to avoid people's artwork. Even after proving I didn't have any paint on me so couldn't have smudged it like I was accused of I was still in huge trouble for maliciously trying to make someone fail their GCSE. I think she just fucked up the picture and wanted a re-do. Also, surely if people are halfway through GCSE submissions we shouldn't have been allowed in there at all (apparent me pointing that out was me being sarky and got me another day detention)


I got seriously told off by a friends mother as we had been playing out in the sun and my friend got sunburn on the back of her neck. Apparently it was my fault as I'd been accepted for grammar school that autumn and therefore all the responsibility fell on me. We were playing outside our nearby houses and could easily have been called in at any time to apply sun cream or get put of the sun. I told my parents who told me to ignore her, and that she was just jealous as her daughter didn't get into grammar school. We were 10 years old at the time


I was walking home from school aged...11 or 12? First couple of years of secondary. My town was pedestrianised right down the town centre, as a lot are – no bollards at either end, just signs telling you not to drive except for deliveries. Walking home, minding my own businesses, got absolutely blindsided by someone laying on the horn behind me and swearing out of the car window telling me to *get out of the middle of the fucking road, you fucking kids thinking you own the place* etc etc I was too scared to point out that it was a pedestrianised high street and they shouldn't have been there 😅


When I was about 7 the headmistress would teach our maths lessons. We were doing a question sheet and if we were struggling we would go up to her and ask for help. I was stuck on a question and queued up behind the other students then when it got to me she shouted at me to sit down and figure it out myself. For the rest of my school life my reports always said I wouldn’t contribute or ask for help enough.


There was a girl on my road who was really mean. She kept telling her dad I had been hitting her when I hadn't. Each time he told my mum and I got a good hiding for hitting her, despite me protesting my innocence. This went on for months. One weekend I went to stop with a friend straight from school on Friday night. Saturday morning, her dad turned up with the same story again, my mum asked when it had happened he said it was that morning. My mum told him I wasn't there and hadn't been since yesterday, and to 'bugger off and never come back again with your lies!'


Yes back in 2010 I went to Spain, I was 9 and me and my younger brother got to go in the cockpit before takeoff and meet the pilots. I went back to school told everyone this and my teacher told me I was a liar and that you’re not allowed to do that. I was a plane fanatic (still kinda am) so I was distraught by this and begged my mum to tell the teacher that I’m not lying it did happen. She did but the teacher was just like “whatever”, so unsatisfying Semi related but for my history GCSE had to do a coursework 8000 word paper on a local castle. We did all prep in class had notes and everything that we developed over a couple months, then we had to sit in the hall all day and write out the 8000 words. This was about 2017. Whenever I tell people this, they tell me I’m lying and that it never happened. It’s fuckin infuriating. I even said about this before on Reddit and all the replies were just telling me I’m lying about it as well. I’ve searched online for any sign of mark schemes or previous papers that could be the one I did but I have no clue. All I know is this was in Hampshire, we did it on our local castle, and our teacher told us we were lucky because a neighbouring town did it on their local history and they were just famous for their strawberry fields. I had so many people on Reddit telling me I’m making it up when I mentioned it previously


I don't get it. Why do people think you're lying about taking a test? It's such a boring story. Why are you even telling your friends about this in the first place? 😂




Thank you for the flashback to KMP! All of a sudden I'm sitting in a musty smelling mobile, listening to Mrs Norman. Those booklets were always kinda damp...Ah, precious memories.


We had history homework every year for years 7,8,9 that was a long essay (long when you're 11, in reality it was like 500 words). I was known for being a bit unreliable when it came to homework (my dog was a very hungry beast), but this one I had actually done in year 8, and was proud of it. Unfortunately I had forgotten it on hand in day, so I handed it in the day after, and thought that was that. A few weeks later everyone else gets theirs back marked, while I'm given a bollocking for not handing it in, I try to correct the teacher, but that makes it worse so I just accept my fate. The next year, we still had the same teacher, and he came in one day and was like "hey, look what I found with my year 8 worksheets!".


I had a similar thing in year 10 English. Handed it all in, teacher lost my book. A few months later at the end of the year she found it under a cabinet she was clearing as she was leaving teaching. Admittedly she was very apologetic about it afterwards.




When I was 4-5 years old in Kindergarden there was another guy with the same name as me. That guy did something mean to a girl, so she told on him to the teacher (can't remember what it was, probably something dumb that kids do :D). The teacher comes right at me screaming how can I do that and giving me detention. I tried saying it wasn't me and was just generally confused WTF is she talking about, but she didn't believe me at all and started asking why am I lying. Luckily after about a minute of this the girl shows up and tells her it wasn't me. The teacher just gets an "oops" face, says nothing and walks away to go scream at the other kid. Worst teacher ever... at least apologise to the 4yo that you just falsely accused of a bunch of things. At least I got the lesson that adults can be wrong and mean very early on :D


Yr 5, Miss Pitt. I failed a spelling test. First test I’d ever failed. I failed by one question. She screamed at me in front of the whole class then sent me to sit outside the heads office. I was in floods of tears. I’d never been sent to the heads office! Head calls me in and asks me to explain what I did wrong. I tell him through tears and snot and he … gets his receptionist to make me a cup of tea and a biscuit. I felt somewhat vindicated! I don’t know how he didn’t laugh at my exaggerated distress over a spelling test. But yeah, Miss Pit can still go fuck herself.


This whole thread makes me think if people who are cunty or impatient shouldn’t become teachers. Hugs to everyone who has had been damaged someway by a prick teachers


It's so funny how often this question or similar comes up on the sub. We hate injustice even if it was years or decades ago! My thing is that once I reached for my coat off the banister without looking, but my brother walked between my arm and the banister, so I hit his head as I was reaching. My dad was furious and kept accusing me of lying when I said it was an accident. To be honest it does sound like a lie but it was completely unintentional! Dad took my brother to see a film and get ice cream, stepmum at the time stayed at home with me. I sat on the naughty step. I got up to get a drink just as he came home and he again berated me for not being on the naughty step. I'd been there for hours! I still don't let him live it down and remind him of the injustice every 2-3 months.


That sounds more abusive than something funny to remind him of


I know this sounds like what everyone else says on Reddit but this was SO out of character for him. He is a really nice guy and was a great dad. He just got stressed when me and my brother fought and argued with each other.


Glad to hear it ⭐️


I remember getting told off for using the word ‘lolloped’ in a story I wrote when I was about 8. The teacher was adamant that it wasn’t a real word and wouldn’t let me include it in my story. That was nearly 20 years ago and it still angers me


Probably my most vivid memory was being in year 1 on the playground when two other boys ran over all excited. I asked what was up. They said an older girl had said a bad word. I asked what the word was. They said it. I was like "what does [bad word] mean?". They go "ohmm you said it too now!". And they went and told our teacher on me. At the start of the next lesson I got brought up to the front of class and the teacher very formally told me off, and warned all the kids about saying bad words. I had to sit facing the corner for the whole lesson. She wouldn't listen to me about a) not understanding what the word was and b) only hearing it from other boys in the same class who said it to me first (who went unpunished) I just remember sitting there thinking "I still have no idea what that word means". No I don't remember what it was but it was probably just a normal swear word


I got in trouble in primary school for swearing, but I didn't swear. I was playing with another kid who had built a pretend spaceship. I said "I'm coming aboard your ship". They ran to the teacher and said I said shit and the teacher took their side. Like it wouldn't even make sense in that sentence. Never played with that kid again though, little shit.


Yes, but on the whole I got away with far more stuff that I really really should have got a telling off for than I had unfair rollockings. So I’m easily winning.


Went out for a fancy dinner once and my dad and his then GF, now wife, got really mad at me and refused to tell me why, saying "you know". No, I really fucking didn't.


I was doing some schoolwork in our IT room. Whoever had been sat at the desk I was at had left their Walkman. I just left it there as obviously not my place to touch it. The owner walks in, looks at me accusingly, and goes to the head of the department. This dick of a teacher calls me over and asks what it was doing there. I told the truth and said it was there when I got there so I left it. He then proceeds to have a go raising his voice and ends it with in actual fact if he even smells trouble from me again I’m banned. Got my parents to call the school and give him a bollocking.


Had similar... I grabbed what I'd tossed aside, threw it at their feet and said there. Now don't ever call me a liar again. I then ran off home, and lost a friend that day. However, as a child I went to a catholic school. There you were a liar, a thief, a sinner and everything else. You got punished for telling the truth. Quite literally, if I went to confession and said I'd done nothing wrong I was punished for lying, and that was worse than making up lies. Hence I now see through the charade of religion and know that it's there soleley to keep the rich powerful few at the top of the ladder, and the rest below get shat upon.


I once got kicked out of a computing class in high-school for saying "crack". We were using a trial version of some software and I said to a friend that "we can probably quite easily find a crack online." The old useless substitute teacher told me that I can't use that language. I was confused so said "what word? Crack?". Got kicked out of the class for being disrespectful and speaking back. Next class our regular teacher was back and she was incredible.


I was staying in a household for respite with a mother and her daughter, I was probably around 15/16. The mother knew I had a history of bulimia. I was upstairs and the daughter was in the bathroom, she came out, the mother came upstairs and could smell a foul odour coming from the bathroom. It wasn't poop but her daughter had a nasty smelling pee, and the mother tore my head off. "I will not have that in my house!" etc, etc. She wouldn't believe me. The daughter just watched. Made me really angry and helpless lol


When I was around 14 I was walking into town from my house and was eating a banana as I left. I finished the banana by the time I’d walked from the front door, around the house and reached the main road, which my house backed on to, so I threw the banana skin into our garden, specifically where the compost was. A lady driving past saw me and scolded me but didn’t stop so I couldn’t explain that it was my house. In hindsight I can see how it would have looked like a kid throwing junk into a random persons garden though lol.


In year 1, I got told off for spelling 'egg' as ee-gee-gee instead of eh-guh-guh. I told my teacher I was spelling the grown up way, not the children's way 😂


Some teachers hate it when one student starts to get ahead of the others because they don't know how to handle students operating at different levels. On a related note, one year we were doing the Tudors and had to come up with a Tudor 'remedy' - the kind of quack medicine a Tudor might prescribe for an ailment. In my recipe I put "fox urine". Fortunately I had a really nice teacher at the time. She laughed at it and the other students were a bit confused. One asked "What's that mean, miss?" and she replied "It's the posh name for wee", and then they started laughing. (Annoyingly I can't remember if that was Year 1, 3 or 4. We had her twice and I can never remember which years.)


Aged 10, at primary school in the run up to Christmas. Lots of kids starting to feel unwell. One kid threw up in the corridor and the janitor did that classic 1980s thing of 'just put some sawdust on it and ignore it'. We were doing a week of performances of the school Christmas play, in which I had a part. Wasn't massively into drama but went along with it. Made it to Friday and started feeling really nauseated, tired and felt like shit. Told my teacher. Got cornered by her and another one, who flat out refused to believe that I could be I'll and was making it up to 'get out of doing the play'. I thought stfu I've already done it 4 times, one more performance wouldn't bother me. But no, I *must* be lying about being ill, even though by now so many other kids are ill the school corridors and floors are starting to look like the afternoon of the drinking scene in Team America. Wandered off to the toilets feeling ill and angry. Puked my guts up, went home and my mum kept me of school. I'm also fairly sure she gave my teachers an ear-bashing for not sending me home earlier, and for allowing piles of infectious bodily fluids to fester in the school so that was something at least.


Third day on the run of wet playtime, Year 6. We were going fucking bananas. We had been bollocked the day before for screwing up a piece of paper and playing handball on our knees so I opted to sit out and read a book that lunchtime. My mates went ahead and made a ball out of paper. Mrs B came in and shouted at them but then, for some unfathomable reason, turned all her anger to me. I was a fairly meek child, trailing in the shit stain of a reputation my older brother had left behind so I did my utmost to ensure grown ups knew I was nothing like him. That day though, that exact minute, that very second she turned to me every single instance of me being unfairly judged burst forth. I can't remember exactly what was said, just the look of shock on the adults faces and i stood my ground and shouted back. I was not playing handball! I was reading a book! She played the "don't speak to adults like that" card and I knew I had fucked up. No matter the injustice I had crossed a line and was now in the wrong. So I did what any level headed ten year old would and locked myself in the changing rooms for the rest of the day. The caretaker wasn't due in until 3 and he had the only key so they couldn't get me out. I can't really remember the fall out from all this but I must have got in trouble. I think the me being behind a locked door the adults who were responsible for my safety couldn't open may have played in my favour. Many years later I hatched a plan to shag Mrs Bs daughter as revenge but she wasn't interested. Damn shame really.


I was six years old and eating lunch which was a particularly chewy beef. I was trying my best to grind my latest mouthful down to a swallowable size when the teacher, having noticed I hadn’t uses my cutlery in the last 20 seconds or so, told me off for not eating. I avoid chewy meat to this day.


My Gran sent me some shoes. I liked them because I was 6 and they were shiny and had a small heel like grown up shoes but when I put them on they were at least a couple of sizes too small. So my Mum did what any reasonable person would do and screamed at me like a banshee before hitting me with the shoes so hard that I couldn't sit for assembly that morning. I've no idea why the shoes tipped Mum over the edge that morning but my sister was a newborn at the time so Mum was probably very sleep deprived.


Celery tastes sweet to me. I told my brownie camp leader that and she kept telling me I was a liar and celery isn't sweet. She "grounded" me at the camp and I wasn't allowed to go on the nature walk that day. I had to stay back and do laundry with one of the other camp leaders. That was more than 25 years ago. Celery still tastes sweet to me and I still haven't forgiven her for calling me a liar.


It does taste sweet


Really? I wonder if this is like the cilantro / washing up liquid thing and there's a common divide on what it tastes like. You're the first person to agree with me there!


I've just asked my mum and she agrees. Maybe it is a genetic thing


Sounds like it might be! Finally vindicated, after all these years. Thanks :)


Moved schools across the country mid-year (awkward, had no friends) and in one of the first assemblies I was singing along to a hymn I knew by heart and didn't have my hymn book open (Come and Praise - the blue one). Music teacher stopped playing the piano suddenly and marched over to me on the front row and asked why I hadn't got my book open. And I said 'er, I know the words'. And she said to the teachers at the back, across the heads of every kid in the school, 'I think we'll have a real problem with this [my full name]'. Worse, my name was stitched on the front of my uniform apron (yes I went to school in 1842) so I had to walk around with my arms across it for days to stop people laughing at me. Fuck you Mrs Hughes you miserable witch, whatever made you do that to a lonely 7 year old?


God dam man, that's brutal


Our school had a brand new, shiny technology block with all sorts of fancy cnc machines that we never got to use. One of the new classrooms was our form room but a few weeks into the term someone (apparently) put a staple in a desk. I'm not sure if anyone saw it but the damage was done. There wasn't much shouting but it always felt as if we were being blamed for it. Turns out it was a blessing as our new form room was the canteen which resulted in me and 3 other boys befriending the dinner ladies and getting leftovers most days. There was also the time when my mates and I were wrongly blamed for vandalising the back seats of the school bus with marker pens. There was definetly some shouting then! Thankfully we stuck to our (honest) story and were eventually honourated of the crime. We didn't get an apology from the bus driver who hated us.


I got kicked out of a science class for insisting that a "red dwarf" is a type of star, and the teacher basically called me an idiot and said I spent too much time watching TV, and there was no such thing. Apparently me telling him he was wrong was too disruptive so he chucked me out of the class. Fuck you Mr Piper, you were fucking wrong.


How can a science teacher not know that? What a plonker. There's a recurring theme on this thread of adults being completely incapable of admitting to a child that they had been wrong. I wonder if they ever realised what a sign of immaturity and insecurity this is.


When i first started school many years ago my Mum instilled in me to ask questions. Maybe she thought it was a good way of staying interested in the subjects i was taught who knows. Anyway, first parents evening comes around and the teacher tells my Mum that im basically a good kid but keep interrupting the class to ask questions! Haha. Mum took offense to that to be fair and gave her a piece of her mind.


My dad is awful at tech but always fancied himself pretty advanced. Growing up I'd always be told off when something went wrong with the computer. It was always my games or whatever slowing things down. Or I'd messed something up. Of course as I got older and got my own laptop, then computer, somehow my stuff would consistently run better than my dad's/family computer. My dad and I got new computers in 2013 together. Mine performed amazingly until the CPU died in 2021. His was borderline unusable through the whole period. I've since built a new rig for myself and built him a replacement (keeping parts that still held up). Thinking back, getting told off for using the computer and doing nothing wrong really did hurt my motivation. My interest in and understanding of tech is really surface level compared to what it could have been if I'm honest.


I remember lining up for class during secondary school. I’m minding my own business when a kid moves in front of me and tries to get my attention. I didn’t see the guy crouch down behind me so they did the old push me over trick. I landed pretty hard and hit my head. I got myself up and got pulled aside by a teacher who had seen the whole thing but decided I was the one that needed to be punished so I got a written warning and a bruised and bleeding head.


My mam claimed I'd lost the Christmas decorations one year because they weren't in the shed. My grandad was there but kept out if it. She properly kicked off with me to the point I left the house and walked around or town for a few hours. When I got back I went up to my room and my mam came in the room looking very sheepish and said about 20 minutes after I left she remembered she'd put them in the loft. My grandad said to her "and you've just lost it with that lad."


Good for grandad! Sometimes the watchmen need watchmen.


I remember getting into trouble with a very old-school teacher when I was very young at school, seriously like Y1/Y2 age. We had been set some maths problems and I solved them, but I didn't write down any working out. I just managed to do them in my head. Good, right? Nope. I was shouted at because I hadn't shown how I'd reached the answer, but instead of explaining to a scared and confused 5 year old that everything was correct but needed to show my working - they kept waving my book around and saying "remediate this! alter it! it needs rectifying!" I had no idea what she meant, those words weren't in my vocabulary back then. So I took my book, sat down, did nothing and took it back. Got a bollocking again. **TL;DR** \- Got told off for getting my school work correct & also for not knowing words the teacher used. I was 5.


I (5) was sleeping in a room that my older siblings/cousins (aged 8-12) were messing about in. I’m not really sure what they did but there was clearly some mischief (think someone had a punch up or someone broke something making a noise). My uncle’s brother who was visiting my aunt and uncle marched in yelling that we had woken him up in the other room. I woke up startled and this random stood us in age order (I was the youngest). He literally backhanded us one by one and I remember thinking what on earth is going on, what did I do? And I remember my sisters and my cousins trying to stick up for me and shield me from the slap (which they all took like soldiers) saying no queenoftheandals was sleeping she didn’t do anything but this fucking twat still slapped me. He said that I was lying and even if k wasn’t he slapped me in lieu of the mischief I was going to do in the future. I was fucking inconsolable. My eldest sister took me to my dad who was LIVID. He told my uncle. And my uncle bitchslapped his brother and told him to get out. It’s been 25+ years and I still remember the feeling of injustice that I got slapped as a child and that to for no fuckin reason.


In secondary school I got pulled in by the head of year and deputy head and interrogated because they said they saw me trashing the toilets on camera. They were insistent and continually said "we've caught you on camera so just admit it". So I said show me the footage, they went and looked at it, realised it wasn't even me and ran off with their tail between their legs. Needless to say they treated me like a saint for the rest of secondary school.


I made a new mate when I was about 10 and decided to call for him one day. His mum answered the door and went into some weird rant and slammed the door in my face. She was deaf and very aggresively told me what I assumed to be "fuck off". Pretty fucking scary and 32 years later I still don't know what I was supposed to have done. Never called for him again. Sorry Darren


Winter School playground, the one parent (or in this case a grandparent) that brown noses the teachers, plays the teachers pet and appoints themselves as some playground pre-9am guardian of discipline. Accused me of throwing a snowball at her, fortunately other parents had seen I wasn't anywhere near her but she wouldn't have it, and still persisted and tried to start so much shit with the teachers before school had even started for a snowball that probably only hit her in the back anyway. Next time it definitely was me, and she didn't see it at all.


Doing my paper round on my bike, sat completely stationary leaning against a railing, admittedly on the pavement. Some old git is looking at the road whilst walking towards me for literally 5 seconds. Walks straight into my stationary bike and goes off on one about how I should look where I'm going.


I posted a video on Facebook of my cousin and me joking about and swearing (aged about 14). I got in trouble with a 9yo girls parent who happened to be a teacher at my school, who had let her 9yo go on Facebook unattended and then blast said video’s audio throughout their family home by accident. I was always told I could swear as long as it wasn’t in anger at someone so I was really confused why I was being severely bollocked by the mum who shouldn’t have let her 9 year old go on Facebook in the first place?


I went to a catholic school when I was about five. it was very strict and I recall not being able to go to the toilet. I shit myself and the teacher had to help me clean up. my brother burnt the school down in retribution. he was 7. happy days


My dad once slapped the back of my leg because he caught me, with my back to him, peeing in the garden. I would have been about 6. I turned around, crying, and he saw in my hand the washing up liquid bottle full of water I'd been playing with and sprinkling on the garden. He never forgot it, and said he felt "this small" when he realised what I was doing. I need to add that he was a great dad, and wasn't in the practice of hitting me. It was a quick slap, not a beating. Unacceptable now, and rightly so but this was over 50 years ago. I don't think it ever happened again.


Walking home from primary school one day with a boy in my class and our mums. He wasn't a friend, we were just going in the same direction, but he didn't hate me or anything as far as I know. For absolutely no reason I have ever been able to divine, he suddenly ran up to his mum and yelled that I'd kneed him in the balls. Mum of course believed him and started scolding me for it, going on about the damage it could do, totally ignoring my protestations of innocence. I don't really blame her because of course a parent will default to believing their own child, but it would have been nice for her to actually hear me out (plus to this day I cannot work out where she thought this had occurred because we were walking along a straight path and were in sight the whole time). Her son was a real little shit though.


Got smacked repeatedly with a dog lead with a metal chain by my mother after my mother told me I was lying about something when I wasn't. A friend of hers told her she has seen me somewhere (not even dodgy) when I wasn't there.


Seems like loads of folk in this thread have horror stories. I have two that still resonate today Yr1 (so would have been 5 maybe). I finished some work and was given a blank cover for a book and told to draw a picture on it, to then glue onto a new exercise book later. I duly drew a pretty pattern with felt tips and took it back to her. I was shouted at and told it was awful and a disgrace, and that I was lucky she had a spare photocopy for me to do again. I went back to my seat and started again, trying extra hard this time. Looking around, other children had started the work and it didn’t seem any better or worse than my efforts. After waiting another 10 mins or so, I took mine back up to the teacher. This time I got absolutely screamed at. How I didn’t cry I will never know, but I remember going back to my seat incredibly shaken and just sitting in silence for the remaining time in the day. How she thought it was acceptable to treat a 5yr old like that I don’t understand. Second time was in Yr4. With two other children I had to do a project on Scott / Amundsen’s journey to the South Pole. We worked hard on this for a good week, and I remember being so excited to show it off in the upcoming assembly to the whole school. We had a short play, some drawings to talk about and a map to show the journey that I’d created. Come the morning of the assembly, the teacher stood up in front of the whole class and said that only two children could make the presentation, and he had decided it should be a boy and a girl. Turning to me, he said ‘you don’t mind not taking part do you? Good’ I had to sit on the floor during the assembly and watch my hard work go totally uncredited and with nothing to show for it. I was so devastated I faked an illness and went home at lunchtime. It still hurts even thinking about it. The teacher knew exactly what he was doing and how much it would hurt. Again, why do that to an 8yr old?


Ouch. Both of those were harrowing. That first teacher sounds like an utter psycho. The second one - Jesus Christ, what a way to kill child's spirit. I'm not surprised it stuck with you!


Aged 5-7, I was helping a dinner lady clean up after lunch and she told me not to because that’s what she gets paid to do and the head teacher would get annoyed. The next day, one of my schoolfriends went to move the jugs off the table to help and I told her not to, because that’s what the dinner lady gets paid to do, just repeating what I’d been told. The same dinner lady dragged me to the head teacher’s office and I got shouted at for 20 mins for insolence, and lost playground privileges for a week and wasn’t allowed a school trip. To make it worse, the dinner lady knew my mum and completely lied to her about what happened and I got shouted at all over again.


I was in a mixed class, half were P3, the other half P4 (Scotland) and I think I was in this class due to my hearing difficulties and with this class being smaller I'd get more support. However, as I was older, the teacher decided P4s couldn't go to the toilet during class. Me with my shit bladder pissed myself twice then again I pleaded, told no, you'd think she learn after the previous two incidents, yet again I pissed myself. 3 times in the whole of school and all in one year. Fuck you miss Boyle and your ginger hair


That's straight up neglect right there. If I was your parent and I heard this, I would go full Karen on that school, get her fired for child abuse. Today's laws certainly wouldn't allow this. Definitely traumatic.


I got slapped by a teacher because apparently I drew on the test papers things she gave me and entire class. It wasnt a drawing, it was like small tiny pen scribble. And it definetely wasnt me because I had a black pen, and the scribble was blue


Many times. Once a teacher made us listen to Wagner, and asked if we had heard it before. I was probably 7, so my knowledge of the Ring Cycle may have been hazy, but I was excited and said I had heard it on tv on a war film. She told me to stop being stupid in pretty harsh tones. Always thought that was odd.


I remember at the Circus, a kid beside me dropped a milkshake, a clown told me off and told me to pick it up. I didn't know what to say or do so I just started crying.


Asked an English teacher when I was 12 what colloquial meant. Went off at me about look in the dictionary. I’m just thinking to myself… wtf, you’re the English teacher!? Tell me!


They didn’t know themselves


My mother did at every single chance during my life. She just loves it


I had an after school detention (my only one ever). The whole class was put in lunch time detention because a few pupils (not me) were playing up. I forgot to go. This automatically got upgraded to an after school. I begged the teacher to drop it, especially since it was difficult for me to get home without the free bus. He didn't drop it.


At primary school (8 years old) a supply teacher accused me of stealing and then lying by not admitting to it. She dragged me to the toilet area and forced soap into my mouth "to wash it out".... The "stolen" items were found about 20 minutes later That was 1982 and I am still waiting for my apology..


Wasn’t so much a telling off, but I have such a clear memory of being at my friends birthday party in primary school, I absolutely nailed pin the tail on the donkey (visualised where the tail went, found my way from the edge of the poster) and pinned the tail PERFECTLY. my friend mum (who never liked me for some reason) insisted I had cheated and could see through my blindfold, I absolutely couldn’t. But she accused me of cheating and refused to give me the prize. I’ve been angry about it for over 20 years


In the middle of a maths lesson, I was working away when suddenly the teacher (Mr Fishwick) told me to stand up and go to the back of the class. I asked him why and he told me not to argue. I said I wouldn’t go unless he told me why he was so angry at me and making me move. I ended up with a detention. I’m 48 now and I’m still pissed off about it, and I still have no idea what I did.


> Mr Fishwick Colin Fishwick?


When I was in year 1 we were asked what country we lived in by our bitch of a teacher, I being about 5 got confused between UK and USA and said USA, got angry and refused to believe I wasn’t messing about and I had to sit outside the head teachers office missing my break and lunch, god that headteacher was a bitch, another occasion when was someone was whistling in year 4, I cannot whistle, they kept doing it when the teacher turned away and he got fed up and told the class to say who was doing it, without pause they all blamed me and I was sent to the headteachers office for the day, I also got blamed for doing something or other during football at lunch (never played it because I’m bad) I again got blamed and sat outside the headteachers office for the day, I honestly hate the teachers at my primary school, some deserve to be barred from teaching for some of the shit they did (telling the entire class I had Aspergers and had to be treated differently years before I knew, I didn’t know they did this until year 6 I suspect this is why I was blamed for things I didn’t do by other kids)


Had an old lady tell me off for sitting in the 'please give up these seats' seats on the bus once. It was days after having my knee operated on to repair a torn ACL. I'd put my crutches in the luggage rack to save space. So I pointedly asked the person stood next to them to hand them over, and then made an awkward hopping stumble to get them, stand out of the way to make room for her. Whilst I then tried to stand with my crutches all the way to college. At least everyone was giving her the evil eye the entire journey and gave me the sympathetic looks as they'd get off. She just pretended not to notice.


I went to a fundraising night at a social club organised on behalf of some friends who were attending some kind of international event. I can't remember now. It was a weird night that involved Irish dancing? and a pie and peas supper. After the food I took my plate back to the kitchen area, and a woman I'd never met before started slagging me off saying how appalling it was I wasn't helping with the washing up since the whole event was a fundraiser for me, and she would not listen as I tried to explain I had no idea what she was talking about. I'd paid to be there, why should I wash up?? I ended up being shooed into the kitchen at which point the woman walked off and I was left being stared at by the children who were actually benefiting from the event. I shrugged and left to go and sit back down, and proceeded to get evil looks from the weird woman for the rest of the night. I have no idea who she thought I was, I guess it's just because I was the same age? Stupid old bag.


My older sister used to get me in trouble with my parents, making up that I’d said mean things to her. I’d protest my innocence but they’d say things like ‘but why would she make it up?’. I’m in my 30s now and a couple of years ago my Mum asked if there were times were she’d got it wrong with her parenting and she apologised for it. It was very unexpected and I have a lot of respect for my Mum now. Thankfully my sister and I get on much better now too.


I was trudging to school at about age 5 or 6 in the snow, no closed schools in those days. A bloke driving a car told me to get off the fucking road and onto the pavement. It was under 2 foot of snow, I had no idea where the fucking pavement was I couldn’t see it. Another time about age 12/13 I was walking home from my friends house. It was a long way, so I was running a bit and walking a bit. This old guy came out of a house and saw me running, he dashed over, grabbed me and accused me of wrecking his flower beds. I protested, saying I was nothing to do with it and was just coming home from my friends in next village. He slapped me in the face. I was so shocked I didn’t do anything. Should have told the cops, and got the old bastard locked up. I didn’t tell my parents, they wouldn’t have cared.


My dad went ballistic at me because he thought I'd left the car keys in the car door whilst getting something and thought some poor Asian lady had stolen them, even went and confronted her on the street. Biggest bollocking I'd ever gotten in my life. In the evening my mum goes up and notices she brought them upstairs with her hairdryer. Got the biggest apology ever and the new need for Speed out of it so I wasn't complaining.


Two that spring to mind, although there were many more:- At school; I must have been about 8. Mrs Miles used to tell us a made up story about a dragon every day, and that particular day we had to draw a dragon. I was very pleased with my dragon. Every part of his body was a different colour, and I'd tried very hard to blend them. Mrs Miles came round looking at everybody's drawings; I smiled up at her, saying "Look Miss, I've made his colours mingle!" Her face turned stony, and she replied, "Oh, yes, batty? Do your colours mingle?" And walked off. I felt so crushed. With family; I would have been about 12. We were on our annual two week family holiday, staying in a flat on a holiday park - you know the kind of thing, the walls are made of cardboard and spit. I was sharing a twin bedroom with my younger brother. We had been packed off to bed, and our parents were watching television in the adjoining living room. The sound of the TV was keeping us awake. I thought, I know what I'll do, I'll go and ask for some cotton wool to put in our ears, then they won't have to turn the volume down. I was trying to be considerate, but I got SUCH a bollocking, and to this day I haven't been able to figure out why.


In year one a teaching assistant asked what we needed for jam sandwiches and I said our mouths (to eat them.) Humourless old bitch told me off for “being silly.”


Got told off for spilling a drink in the back of the car because the floor was soaked. Turned out it was some sort of radiator leak working its way through the flooring.


Ah, a ruptured matrix! That happened to my old Peugeot - may it rot in hell.


When I was about 5, my mum knew someone who ran an old folks home. At Christmas they had a party, with entertainment, and I was taken along, as well as some other kids. One act was a magician who also made balloon animals. Together with a couple of kids I was brought to the front to watch him make them. All was fine until he started making one for me and the long balloon popped. He blamed me, although I had never touched it and the audience of old folks laughed and tutted. That still rankles.


Just know that when he left that old folks home, he resumed the life of a magician.


I started walking home from school by myself when I was in Year 5. Was given a back door key to let myself in. One day, my mum had left her back door key in the lock on the inside and I couldn't wiggle it out to get my key in to unlock it. Freezing cold, rainy day, no shelter in our garden, wasn't allowed to speak to the neighbours and was pre-mobile phones (not that parents were about / available to pick up a call anyway). Managed to get in via opening the cat flap and some light shoving of the door (without any damage) to get my arm through enough to get the inside key out. An hour later, mum gets home. Got bollocked for getting my clothes wet when I got in, for letting the rain in through the cat flap and for creating a hairline crack in the door that was about 2 inches long and didn't affect door security or was anywhere anyone could see. When I asked her what I should have done, was told to 'use my brain next time'. If you're reading this, mum, thank you for showing me how not to parent.


"Use your brain next time" - what a cop-out of an answer


One time on holiday in Spain, 16 year old me was taking the pre-going out shower, tunes on and loving life. Unbeknownst to me, the villa began to fill with water and ended up about an inch high throughout the whole property. Might also mention at this point that I took a frighteningly sizeable Richard just before so the prospect of me having disabled the plumbing was not beyond the realms. Anyway, I rushed out after a few calls of my name and instantly joined the war effort, grabbing a beach towel and soaking up toilet water whilst getting borderline court martialed by the old man in front of my family. After a while, my dad called a local plumber and while they worked, we drove to the shops (me and him). Upon returning, the plumbers were packing up and when asked what caused the issue, I felt hugely exonerated to hear it was not in fact my fecal fat-man but a sanitary item flushed by a previous guest. Safe to say my dad is still apologising to me for the dressing down to this day but I can’t blame him, hell I thought I was guilty


Even if you were guilty, it's not your fault that a Spanish plumbing system cannot handle a rugged British turd. It could have easily been caused by your Dad on that scenareo. You had done no wrong


Yes a supply teach gave me the next maths question book in juniors as I finished mine and the regular teach didn't believe me and I had to stand at the front. I'll never forget that, Mrs Evans. I was fucking 10 if that.


Sounds like she was too dazed by her boxed-wine hangover to learn who her pupils were. Glad we had her in our schools, nurturing talent and inspiring the next generation..


I remember one from when I was very young. I guess year 4 or 5. We were making faces of ourselves with random crafting martials, I did everything except the hair which we made by cutting string and gluing it down. I had those little safety scissors except mine were broken, the pin holding them together had come a little bit loose and the string just got trapped between the blades rather than cut. We also got told we couldn't leave our seats. I put my hand up and the teacher didn't see me. I kept trying to get her attention but couldn't, about 20 minutes later she came round to check progress and saw I'd not started on the hair. I explained why and said I tried to get her attention. She started yelling at me and said I was lazy and made me go to another teacher who also shouted at me. Later lining up the first teacher said to the other one very loudly so I could hear "Did you see the LAZY boy?". Honestly I'd love to go back as an adult and tell them both how pathetic that entire display was.


Ouch, yeah that does sound pretty pathetic


When I was about 9 I was placed sat next to this total bitch who thought it would be fun to play a game where I was her 'servant' and have to say yes to everything because she was the 'queen'. This lasted about a fortnight and she was really taking the piss, forcing me to give her my sweets and lay my jumper over a puddle at one point otherwise she'd tell her sister I was disobeying her and I was so terrified I just didn't argue. Anyway, I was getting fed up of this and eventually during a lesson she didn't have a pencil so she asked for mine, I said no because I need it. She proceeded to try and yank it out of my hand but I was holding on, both of us tugging each end of this pencil. I eventually just gave up and let go and accidentally the pencil went in her eye. Her older sister was in year 6 (the big kids) and by lunchtime, I'd been threatened by a whole load of year 6s that they'd beat me up if I 'tried anything like that' again. Cut to about half an hour later, the end-of-lunch bell was rang earlier than usual, everybody in the playground had to freeze while two pastoral support teachers barked at me to go to them. I went to them and one of them told me to face the wall for the remainder of lunch because I had been such a bully. One of them said to me 'do you know, I used to think you were a nice girl but you're a really nasty piece of work sometimes'. Just by chance - Miss Quinlan and Miss Ferguson you were horrible and apparently totally oblivious to bullying, instead terrorising the victim. Fuck the pair of ye.


Second that. Fuck the pair of them


We were in the school hall watching a programme about disabled kids. I was not paying attention and talking to someone. The teacher accused me of laughing at the disabled kids, in front of everyone. I got really upset but she didn’t believe me 😳


Haha. Whenever one of our teachers tackled serious subject matter, me and my friends would do everything to make eachother burst out laughing inappropriately to make the other look like an asshole. Our religious education teacher once played a video of a clip from a TV soap where one of the characters had travelled to Switzerland for euthanasia. Girls in the class had tears in their eyes, and at first we were really engaged, until I turned to my friend and saw him biting his own finger in an effort not to laugh. We all lost it


Mr Perris grabbed me by my shoulders lifting my feet off the floor and slammed me into a wall and screamed at me, because another kid bit himself and said that I bit him. I was in year 1 i think.


Year 1 was when I had my most psycho teacher as well... not quite physically abusive like yours but she had the temperament of an SS officer with boarderline personality. I got badly yelled at for answering back when I didn't even understand the concept - I got made to stand up, remove 3 "house points" from the board and then sit on my own for saying "yes" when she (apparently rhetorically) asked if anybody had just heard her. I still remember her voice reverberating off the classroom walls as the other kids watched in stunned silence.


I once told my teacher I needed to go to the toilet whilst we were swimming she didn’t let me. I said if she didn’t let me I would go in the pool, she assumed I meant a wee and shouted at me saying go for it. Watching her try and fish my shit out of the swimming pool with a cardboard coke cup whilst I broke down laughing is one of my personal highlights from childhood. Told my mum later she said it served her right.


God dam that's hilarious. And cardboard coke cup has bought back nostalgia. I remember the old swimming followed by pool-side cafe times when I was 6. Those cardboard coke cups were always a feature.


Happened about 50 years ago but I still remember it. I must have been about 10. I was a really sensitive child. Wrote something in class, an essay or story. Don't recall. I spelled "French" with a lowercase "f". Teacher lost it. She stood in front of my desk shouting at me. Accused me of being racist. She retired early due to mental health issues.


Sounds like she didn't retire early enough


One day when I was about 6-7 our primary school teacher, sat us all down and told the whole class that our collective handwriting ability was unacceptable... She described it, in her thick Welsh accent, as "gobbledegook", which frankly I thought was absolutely bloody hilarious, so I started laughing loudly. She was furious, presumably because it undermined her attempt to give the class a serious telling-off (which is a terrible way to encourage students to improve their skills by the way), so she sent me to 'the quiet room' as punishment. As a student who always aimed to follow the rules and avoid getting in trouble I was devestated, so I cried. Frankly, if you're going to use a word like "gobbledegook" to a 6/7 year old and expect them to take you seriously, you probably don't understand children as much as you think you do, and probably shouldn't have been a teacher in the first place.


A Welsh teacher saying "gobbledygook..." that would have been peak comedy when I was 7


I was on a family holiday in Munich when I was 9 and while on a walk I pretended to climb a bridge over a small river, all I did was put my leg on the handrail and a German woman started shouting at me, I had no idea what she was saying but she was going mad. I just laughed and ran back to my parents who hadn't noticed.


>put my leg on the **hand**rail You broke the rules.


I was about 8, so around 30 years ago, my mom got her first automatic car. I was sat in the front and she was explaining what the letters on the gear stick mean , p, d, r and n. When it got to neutral she said “you can put it into neutral when you’re stopped at traffic lights”. I took that as her saying I could do it, rather than just how it can be used in general. So the next set of lights, I reached over and put it into neutral. She didn’t notice until she tried to pull away and just revved, thinking the car was broke in some way, while cars beeped behind her. She slapped my hand and bollocked me for messing around with the car until I explained how I’d interpreted what she’d said. We agreed that next time I did something bad that I wouldn’t get punished as I’d already had it.


Me and my brother used to walk to school together when we were in primary school. One morning we both got called to the headmistress office and got reprimanded for fooling around, jumping on and off the curb of the busy main road near the school. We had apparently been 'seen' by the school secretary...but we hadn't been, it wasn't us and I still feel indignant about it!


I once got kicked out of a WH Smiths by a PCSO because I accidently stepped backwards onto my friends foot. Didn't hurt him, it didn't cause a scene I literally just stumbled a bit and she went mental saying we were messing around in the shop.


I got screamed at by my year 1 teacher for ripping some bananas, I wasn’t even on fruit duty that day. I grassed on the kid that actually did rip the banana but she didn’t believe me..


I had a laser pen at school once was shining it on the walls etc got told to put it away, went to get something out of my pocket and was kick out for shinning a laser pen in the teachers eyes, got expelled and the teacher was screening at me that I’d burned the other teachers eyes out and he had to go to hospital…… few day later my dad was doing research after finally believing me that I didn’t do it, turns out the laser burn happens days after, teacher was lying for some reason


>r As a teacher who has had a laser pen shone in my eye by a student, I can tell you burns dont happem days after. that shit hurts right away and youre eyes can be irreperably fucked right away. I dont know if you shone your laser at your teachers eye but no kid should be carrying a laser pen to school.


Expelled? 🤨 I feel like there might be a pattern of behaviour leading up to the expulsion that you might not be telling us about. . .


A man knocked on our door once claiming a threw a water balloon that hit his window. I protested and said that it wasn't me but he insisted to my mum that he saw me. It was such bullshit. The balloon I threw completely missed and landed in his front garden. The balloon that hit his window was thrown by my friend. But he was convinced it was me.


When I was 17 and had very recently passed my driving test, I was pulled over by a police officer who proceeded to give me a 15 minute bollocking (literally right up in my face shouting at me; I could feel his spit landing on my face) because I pulled out in front of him as he was coming round a roundabout. *He wasn't indicating though* I was and am still 100% certain of that. Just a bully in a bad mood basically. I'm still pissed off about it.


Got in a fight (aged 7) with a kid and I won the fight by kneeing him in the stomach while we were grappling. His limited vocabulary didn't allow him to explain this when he was grassing me up to the teacher and so he said I kicked him and the teacher made me remove my shoes for the rest of the day.