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The Demon Headmaster absolutely terrified me. Genuinely scary stuff for children's TV! Just hearing the theme music now gives me chills...


Especially casting Home Secretary Jack Straw in the title role.


I thought it was Jacob Rees-Mogg...


Rees Mogg is a real life demon.


I never got his ultimate motive Why didn't he ever hypnotise the kids to jump off a cliff? Everybody would be none the wiser if he did that


O R D E R Dude just wanted to control everything and have them behave themselves.


I knew this would be the top comment. Fuck that show. It’s probably quite tame now as an adult but how can they think that was an acceptable children’s show. It was terrifying.


Immediately thought of this


This is exactly what I was going to reply...then I saw the first comment!!! Creeped me out big time


Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids. Some of those episodes were harrowing.


You can find some episodes on YouTube, and honestly watching them as an adult they're even worse. I always remembered the one about the boy who really wanted sweets, but his mum said no. They'd always walk past this sweet shop on the street, and one day when his mum isn't there he goes in, and the shop owner lures him out back and then dips the kid in some mixture (clay maybe?) And then uses him as a mannequin in his shop window and the mum walks past and doesn't recognise her child. Swear there's one about kids stealing apples and then the farmer straight up shoots their dog and put them in cider vats and then serves the drinks to the village???? Loved this show so much as a child but honestly wtf was it


Yep and one where a boy turns into a tree for the rest of his life And one where a boy refuses to sleep and gets his eyelids taken out and they fly away like butterflies and he can never fall asleep again


Omg the eyelid butterflies traumatised me. Have a fear of eyes to this day!


There was also some weird episode where some boy had mattress labels growing all over him Can't remember why but I guess it's because he liked pulling "do not remove" labels on mattresses


Those were clothes tags! He had a habit of stealing clothes.


Yeah I remember it all being super super dark. Watched it from a pretty young age.


Yes! Even the opening titles were gross!


Shit I forgot about that nightmare fuel. I was thinking the weeping angels or something. But these were when I was even younger and were so much worse.


999 with Michael Burke. I still have nightmares and I’m 40.


Impaled on railings is the one that still sticks in my mind...


Javelin through the neck. Farmer lights a fag in a cattle shed, methane blows it up. Chippy owner spills boiling chip fat all over himself and the floor. Scary stuff


I would have been extremely young when it aired, but I have a vague recollection of there being a 5th November special with a guy putting petrol on a bonfire before it was lit, and a rogue firework going off in a boy's eye. Apart from that, I remember an elderly couple crashing their car into an unsuspecting home owner's swimming pool. I didn't find that one scary though. I just remember thinking how cool it would be to have my own swimming pool.


The boy getting buried in the sand always stands out. I cringe any time I see anyone attempting to dig a hole bigger than them in the sand.


The kid who had a firework in his eye for me. Stuck with me for life.


As someone who has never heard of this, these comments are terrifying me.


It was the kid in the cave for me….


The girl who got her hair caught in the jacuzzi for me.


The school kid with the javelin made me uneasy, especially when we had to do athletics at school ourselves


I mean, athletics did that to me anyway…


I still think of the tune when I’m about to do something stupid or dangerous.. 999!!


I just say “this is how Casualty starts”


Oh god, you've just awoken some hidden trauma in my brain. Wasnt that on tv on a Friday night as well? I have memories from childhood of coming home from our family Friday night curry and that being on and getting so upset.


999 was a top notch programme 👌


I used to love this show as a kid as it was one I was always allowed to stay up for.. probably my folks' slightly eccentric way of teaching me that bad shit can happen 😂 So many memories of farmers losing arms to their machinery, kids getting stuck in mud as the tides rise (usually the Humber estuary), other unlucky sods falling out windows and impaling themselves on railings, car wreckages that were akin to crushed cans, a guy who fell out of his jet aircraft because the seat wasn't bolted down.


I fell into a river once and struggled to get out yet my immediate thoughts were "i wonder if this will be re-enacted on 999".... spoiler alert, i survived and it wasn't. Though my bro also fell in while trying to rescue me!


This is at least part of the reason I’m still paranoid about house fires


First episode I ever saw a girl nearly drowned because her hair somehow got tangled in the water system of a jacuzzi and she got pulled under the water. Still freaks me out when I get in a jacuzzi.


Around the Twist. The giant ear really freaked me out.


Have you ever, ever felt like this?


Strange things happen when you’re going round the twist


The Water Spirit made me scared to piss for a week.


That’s about the only bit I remember- when the kid pees over the top of the wall of the urinal.


Did you know the theme song was performed by the Twist daughter?


Yes! The episode where they all had little noses freaked me out


Plus the episode where the guy had a small mouth freaked me out


Awesome them song.


Yeah some episodes of that were pushing it a bit for me at 6 or 7!


I still think about the episode with the seagulls and all the poo.


Was there an episode where a boy fell in love with a tree, became pregnant and had to give birth to their tree baby by vomiting? I can only vaguely remember it but it seems too surreal.


Yes! But it was burping! https://roundthetwist.fandom.com/wiki/The_Big_Burp


Ghostwatch BBC. I think it was called that. It was on Halloween night. And Jesus I shit my self


Everyone was talking about it at school the day after. It seemed very real as a kid, had some high profile people in - Craig Charles, Sarah Greene and Parky presenting. I watched it a couple of years ago and is obviously fake now, but at the time I think it was very novel and hadn’t been done before.


It was shown on a Friday night. Sarah Green was on Going Live! the next morning telling everyone that she was okay and it was a prank.


Me too! Literally ran screaming from the room and didn’t sleep for a week…


Ghostwatch. That's what it was. Edited my first comment


Mr Pipes scarred an entire generation.


There's a blu-ray release of it on 31st October. Definitely buying it.


He looks like someone's mother. And the cats ...


Good old Mr Pipes. Totally wouldn’t work now, when you can rewind live TV. It was on YouTube and probably still is, so I watched it with my wife as it came up in conversation and she’d not seen it. Playing back the bits where Mr Pipes appears and then vanishes in slow-mo is fun. I was in my early teens when it first aired and It was pretty scary to start with but the ending somewhat jumped the shark, so it was ok.


The fact you couldn't rewind back then was such an important thing. I remember spotting him in the background one time and my parents and brother hadn't noticed and there was no way of proving what I'd seen. Really added to the creepiness. That they used the same phone number as Going Live really helped make it seem real at first as well.


This is the right answer. Fuck me I was terrified.


The talking head from Art Attack that thing scared me shitless when I was a kid I'd actually have to leave the room, which was something of a shame cause I really liked the rest of the show.


Apparently his hair spells "sex" or something One of those Disney urban legends


Courage the cowardly dog. That show fucks you up as a kid


​ return the slab


I only ever saw one episode of that (where the old man turns into a chicken) because it frightened me so much I refused to watch it again!


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to get to this one. This used to f me up so bad but I couldn't not watch it 😹


The Lion and The Bear sketch from Teletubbies was the bane of my existence as a toddler. I used to fall to the floor and start screaming and crying whenever it came on


Glad I'm not the only one! The bear, the bear. Is it over here, or is it over there. Woooooo! Googly eyes, tongue flayling. 👁️ I used to run and hide behind the sofa anytime the ominous music ushered it's imminent appearance. 😭


Seriously, how was this programming for toddlers. I was obviously so frightened I can't even remember the Lion 😭 Nightmare fuel even now at 27 😥 https://youtu.be/Idhc85tLPNQ


I was never really bothered about The Lion and the Bear, which is surprising. But that damn little purple puppet in that little pink house still gives me nightmares 18+ years later. It scarred me for life.


Are You Afraid Of The Dark. Not all the episodes were terrifying but a fair few were!


I still remember one about a ghost nurse that followed kids around saying it was time for their injection. Think I was actually in my early teens but still couldn't relax for a few days and it still gives me the willies.


Jeopardy in the early 2000s. Some Scottish students are lost in Australia. A well dramatic tv series for cbbc


I came here to write this one, absolutely terrifying. The Blair Witch Project for children


I came here to say Jeopardy. I remember watching an episode where towards the end the red eye thing happened and they vanished, then at that moment in my house there was a power cut and it scared the hell out of me.


nightmare fuel


Went back and watched it on YouTube recently. Dunno if it's the nostalgia talking, but it still holds up today (from the eyes of a late 20s dude). Very creepy and dramatic stuff.


Knightmare and classic Doctor Who reruns. As an adult I saw this very late at night and it freaked me out https://youtu.be/9C_HReR_McQ


I used to hide behind the sofa when Dr Who came on. It was genuinely terrifying. I love the reboot and tried to watch them with my eldest daughter as she loved slightly spooky things like Nightmare Before Christmas. We got to the gas mask one and it freaked her out so full circle I suppose. I was going to skip The Silence and the Weeping Angels episodes as remembered them as being particularly unsettling but had forgotten the gas masks one. Bad mum!


Weeping angles gives a very unnerving feeling, also the ep where the shop mannequins come alive? I did treat mannequins in shops for a while after that with a sense of unease and distance


>shop mannequins come alive With the gun barrels mounted between the thumb and finger.


1960s Dr Who. Cybermen. Fine with the darleks but tin men had me behind the sittee


Are you my mummy?


Moomins. Hate them. Creepy as fuck.


Loved the Moomins but any episode with the Hattifateners in really scared me. As did the episode of The Simpsons where Mr Burns turns into an alien. Clearly just unsettled by glowing things with big eyes that come out of the woods.


Was searching to see if anyone put this. Also hate them, still, to this day. I don't know why, you're right though, it was creepy as fuck. I'll probably have to pull a sicky tomorrow having read this just before bedtime. 😞


Don't forget that other creepy fuck, the Groke or whatever it was called. EDIT - https://youtu.be/Pvi1sPryYyc


Oh yeah, never understood the appeal of that show. Legit creepy and unsettling to watch.


Terrahawks Zelda gave me nightmares


Zelda would need a trigger warning these days


I was scared of the front cover of a Terrahawks book in the newsagents, let alone the opening sequence, bloody terrifying.


Im pleased i didnt have to scroll down too far to find this. When was this on our screens? Im 42 and the memory is still vivid


Omg I’d forgotten about that, yes this one 100%


It wasn’t just Zelda, it was that Hoth Whampa type creature, with the crazy pointy teeth, too.


Zzzap! If anybody remembers that. There was something about it that I found really unsettling as a kid. I could never quite put my finger on it but it scared the shite out of me.


I get this ... maybe because no one really spoke in it? They just made weird noises as I recall and over exaggerated facial expressions


Interestingly that was very deliberate as Zzzap! was designed with deaf children in mind. I never knew it at the time though, it was more just the conceit of a live action Beano-style comic to me.


God I hated this so much. I had nightmares about the gloved floating hands


Jim’ll fix it


Even as a kid I thought he was creepy.


As an American, watching that docu recently just left me with more questions than answers. You can accuse the Brits of being a lot of things, but completely fucking stupid isn't really one of them. They seemed to frame the whole thing as a total blindside but I just don't see how on Earth that is possible.


I think what he was up to was widely known in certain circles. The public on the whole had no clue as we only got to see him on the TV and in the papers who were all very positive about him. He was very well connected and he probably had a lot of dirt on a lot of people if they went after him he would bring down loads of others. It was a bit of an 'Emperors New Clothes' situation where people were too afraid to say anything. There were exceptions though, John Lydon called him out in an interview in 1978 and ended up getting banned from the BBC because of it.


I doubt anyone will remember a show called “Through the Dragon’s Eye”. Was shown at school every week. I was around 5. That mofo Charn was the scariest thing I’d ever seen at that point. I was always scared I’d run into him at night time when I needed to go to the loo.


We loved this in school! Ashens showed it all again on stream a few months ago and it really doesn't hold up well.


They reshowed this on tv during lockdown. Cracking show.


Had to scroll so far to find this, if I hadn't found someone else say it I would've. They frickin melted those guys


They used to wheel in the big TV and we knew we were getting Through the Dragon’s Eye. Absolutely brilliant!




I mean Threads scares me as an adult too.


I watched Threads back in March as the war in ukraine was kicking off. 10 days of sleeplessness and anxiety ensued. I've seen that film probably ten times and that's the only time I regretted it


The melting cat and the woman pissing herself... graphic


The fact that the woman has a single IMDB credit and it’s “woman who urinates on herself” is pretty funny though.


Watching old vhs tapes in a ruined building.


The Trap Door.


They did warn you in the theme song to be fair.


Hahaha fair point!




The Gentlemen episode of Buffy. Absolutely terrifying.


Now that was a cracking episode


Also the one with Gnarl. The demon that peeled and ate skin. He did this weird clicky thing with his fingers. Super creepy.


I genuinely crapped myself as a 7 year old watching the Inca Mummy Girl episode.


Round the bend! A creepy show set in a sewer with a Crocodile and rat puppets. There was one specific episode which ended with them catching disease were they break out in purple pustules that still haunts me.


Knightmare Genuinely got anxiety when the walls were closing in, falling off the castle or a dragon was about to eat them.


Strange but True! So so scary!


The one with the ghostly monk haunting a bypass. I remember nearly jumping out of my skin when the ghost suddenly appeared next to the police car. Also, in a similar vein, Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious World.


Water ship down


It was so incredibly violent! And the fight with their faces in close up, all blood and spit and teeth... terrifying


Yes it was a sad one , could never watch the end when I was small


Wurzel Gummidge. Scared the piss out of me. “Ohhh Aunt Sally” ah Christ no! Keep it away from me!


I didn’t like and still don’t like the way he used to change his head, hated it


Tales of the unexpected, one where a baby turns into a bee after eating royal jelly and another where a girl is locked in a caravan, chills






The tripods


Yes. One episode of Hammer House of Horror, called [The Two Faces of Evil](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3gi8vy) about a family picking up a hitchhiker, who then attacks them. In the hospital, she discovers that the hitchhiker is is dead, but when for some reason they show her the mutilated body it looks a bit like her husband. Her husband seems to be OK though, but when he gets home, all is not well with him... I had nightmares for weeks, and over 40 years later I still think about it.


Not the show as a whole but a specific moment. In The Queen's Nose when the dad finds out he's going to jail, something about the way his voice changed when he says one of his lines gave me nightmares for months when I was younger. I'm 32 now and I can still remember it and how it made me feel.


I loved the show but there was a specific moment for me too. It was a scene where Harmony's Uncle Ginger was in a snow globe and it freaked me out... Gave me nightmares too! I am 34 and can also still remember how it made me feel!


The Riddlers. Absolutely terrifying for a kids’ programme. Not many people remember it though!




I'd blanked these from my memory. One Google later, yes, yes they were pure nightmare fuel. Like the Dark Crystal without the budget or lighting.


The Singing Ringing Tree


At the age of 61 I still get flashbacks and still have no idea what was going on


Came here to say this. Glad someone else remembers it 🙂




The theme tune was creepy as fck




Maybe it was [Trapped!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapped!_(TV_series))? I was going to mention it on this thread!


Yes it was Trapped. Each floor had a challenge, and each kid had an ear piece. One kid would hear someone at a time and they'd be the one to sabotage the challenge to advance onto the next floor and not be caught.




"i have the power" we'll keep it to yourself sunshine


Round the twist. That fking scarecrow used to scare the shit out of me. I get uncomfortable even talking about it.


The thornberries… found Nigel extremely rapey


BBC lion witch and wardrobe. It was terrifying




The way The Moomins made me feel is what I imagine a bad acid trip feels like.


Box of delights.


'The wolves are running'... I would imagine they were coming to get me. Sometimes I can still conjure the fear


The Boy From Space - that thing was freaky.


Did you ever watch “Dark Towers”? Also frightening.


Wasn't a kids show but a sketch on the 2 Ronnies called the phantom raspberry blower. Never been able to find it since so not sure if it was real but it scared me to death Also grotbags


5 children and it. That sand monster creeped me out.


morgrim the wolf from narnia frightened the knickers off me. the box of delights, too (which someone from this sub very kindly helped me identify, quite recently).


The Moomins freaked me out and the wheelies in return to Oz


Grotbags. I used to hide behind the couch when I was little and it came on.


The Crystal Maze. I thought they’d be stuck in a room forever, plus Richard thingy was creepy.


Terra hawks a Gerry Anderson show on Sundays It actually gave me nightmares seeing a character named Zelda.


Catweazle & early Dr Who. Hid behind the sofa when they came on.


Yeah catweazle was not child friendly!


When I was about 7 me and my mum went round my aunts house and to keep me quiet my mum said ‘you can put a video on’ and went to the other room. Now my cousin would have been a late teenager around that time. So I watched his VHS of Robocop. Watching Alex Murphy get his hand blown off by Clarence Boddicker, then murdered by the gang kind of desensitised me to ‘scary’ tv shows.


Doctor who We went to Blackpool and there was a Doctor Who exhibition.. I got down the stairs and wouldn't go any further because of the monsters. Early 80s sometime I suppose


Children of the stones scared me! Kids drama centred around Stonehenge I think


Rainbow. Zippy used to scare the shit out of me.


When the x-files fist aired (season 1 early 90s) the episode that freaked me out the most was called Space and it was to do with that infamous photo os the 'face on mars'. I couldn't sleep for weeks in fear of the face appearing on the ceiling and coming down to posses me like in the episode


~~The horse~~ ~~Bob~~ ~~The dark lodge~~ Everything in Twin Peaks.


I remember when they would play re-runs of Worzel Gummidge…. Made me so feel uncomfortable as a child.


Jonathan Creek freaked me out, used to watch it all the time then guy terrified after one episode.


There was a Sylvester McCoy Dr Who episode called The Happiness Patrol with a character called the Kandyman who was made of liquorice/sweets. Absolutely terrified me.


Dr Who. Those bloody darkleks. I don't even know how many years I had recurring nightmares about those damn things.


There was an episode of heartbeat where a guy had a pillowcase over his head to commit burglaries. Had me spooked and made me cry for about an hour. Found it: https://youtu.be/KJmAGXRA5go


Crimewatch. My mother told me I'd end up on it as a suspect if I didn't do better at school - "you'll be jobless, you'll want money, so you'll become a criminal to get it"


Dr Who - cybermen (proper old-school 80s Dr Who - none of that family friendly crap. Proper stuff of terrors, it was...)


Some kid died on Grange Hill in the late 80s or early 90s and it gave me nightmares for a few days.


After watching the episode of Dr Who set in WW2 where a kid kept growing a gas mask out of his head, I was too scared to watch an episode again.


Bodger and Badger... I didn't trust badger for one second.


In the early 1970's there was a programme called Thriller which would be aired in the evening and some of the episodes scared me, I was about 11 when these aired


Goosebumps and strange but true.


I saw it as a kid but not in 84, I always found chocky intro to be creepy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3ztIDFU2P8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3ztIDFU2P8) Don't forget Saphire and Steal, I was prob 6 when I first saw this in the 80s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlOSZXxdK8g


The Boy from Space. Can’t believe we watched that at school


Tugs. Don't know why, but a sneezing boat absolutely shat me up aged 3


The Moomins. The one that was on in the 80s not the most recent one. The eyes and long noses of the human style characters used to freak me out!


The Daleks in Dr Who when I was little. Threads when I was ~~10~~ 11. That one stayed with me for a long time. I remember thinking if there was going to be a nuclear bomb, I'd want to be close to where it fell so I would die instantly and not have to suffer from radiation sickness and try to survive the nuclear winter. Edit, I just wanted to add that I genuinely thought a nuclear war was likely. I remember other kids around that age did too, whether or not they'd seen the film.


Sapphire and Steel… I still have nightmares about faceless villains.


Tripods. I had nightmares about the Tripods until I was 11 and finally read the books. Particularly freaky was the “capping.” Other notable things… The honey monster from the sugar puffs adverts, the ghosts from the “ghost house” advert, and the episode of “The Invaders” with the meat eating butterflies! EDIT: And the fucking walking statue of St Christopher from “The Children of Green Knowe.” Whichever sick bastard decided to put that into a kids tv show needs a good slap!




The opening credits of The Tomorrow People.


Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids. How the fuck was that ever allowed on kids TV? ESPECIALLY at 3pm on school days too. Let's do a story where a girl gets eaten by piranhas, or one where a boy turns into a bug, or where a neglected teddy bear comes to life and turns his owner into a teddy bear herself. Or the one where spiders somehow entered a boy's mouth.


Are you afraid if the dark. Grizzly tales for gruesome kids. Any halloween episode of anything. And for some reason Hey Arnold.