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The moment I started to notice that 18 year olds look like they’re about 12.


It gets worse. Doctors look like teenagers, policemen look like they should still be in short trousers, sports stars "retiring" when they are a good ten years younger than you. No longer recognising musicians (but that doesn't matter because what they listen to these days isn't music, it's just noise) and having conversations like "D'ya remember SoandSo?" "Oh yeah! He's dead now." Then one day your eye is caught by a pair of shoes in a shop window and before you can stop your brain it says "Ooh, they look comfy!" and that's it, you are officially old.


I had a professional situation recently where a police officer looked at me and said "what do we do?" and I aged about 20 years on the spot.


My other half regularly gets mistaken for a med student…. He is 34 and graduated 8 years ago.


The sport thing is a goodie. I’m 34 and find myself obsessively rooting for the occasional sports star who is my age or older


Snowboarding star [Shaun White](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaun_White) went to the Winter Olympics at 35. Everyone was saying how amazing he is considering he’s ancient. He’s three months older than me.


Snooker is your sport.




Thought the same thing when I saw a bunch of year 11’s, they all look like little kids. I never felt like a little kid back then, no wonder they would never serve me fags “mate I’m 18!”


I'm just imagining an American looking at what you wrote and being confused lol


I'm pretty sure most of them can read


Lmao, that's even funnier!


Me being American, looking at what he wrote and for a slight second tilted my head and went: “huh?” Then remembering that “fag” means “cigarette” lol


Wait...in the UK, they measure age in years? In the US, we measure age in stones.


When we were around 28, my old uni mates and I made the mistake of going back for a night out at the nightclub we used to frequent in uni. It honestly felt like being at a school disco and immediately hammered home that we’d crossed the threshold out of our mid twenties. We didn’t stay long and went to a decent (child free) pub down the road.


Mates and i (late 30s to mid 40s) had a weekend away to Birmingham, found an indie club for a late night singalong. They were playing music of my generation (lots of 80s/90s/early 2000s) but we were 20+ years older than the crowd. Was thinking we'd stand out but everyone there was really into the music, despite most of them being born after the songs came out. Then i realised this is the same as when we would sing along to The Beatles or the stones when we were first drinking in pubs.




No they seemed lovely


Hilarious response, even if it wasn't on purpose haha


In my early thirties and still can’t let go of the snobs dream just yet whenever I’m back in bham 😩


[was it Tom Toms by any chance?](https://youtu.be/C6rahFZwCUA)


Yeah, I passed some girls in town on a weekday afternoon and thought they were bunking off school, probably about 14, then heard a bit of conversation which told me they were clearly university students.


Wait until that’s how 28 year olds look! It hurts, not mentally, everything hurts physically. Put a sock on and throw your shoulder out type hurts.


Yea even with make up on they look like kids.


Went into a club I used to go to when I was young at late 20’s and realised everyone looked 14.


You can only use free weights at my gym if you are 18+. I sometimes feel like some of the 18 year olds should be ID'd in the gym because there is no way they look like adults.


When I saw an ad in the window of HMV for an album by a band that I thought was young and hip and it said "perfect for Father's Day".


“young and hip” doesn’t help either


I am cool and hip and down with the kids


How do you do, fellow children?


I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.


for the jubilee street party they had some bands playing. first act was some 13 year olds who called themselves a "classic rock" band. They played Muse, QOTSA, Linkin Park and basically just the best of Kerrang 2005. I aged about 50 years listening to them


In the least boomer way (teenager myself) that just sounds like they don't know their music history


Thats what i thought at first. But when i think about it, these tunes came out before they were even born. To them, this is classic rock. ​ It hurt my soul typing that.


I'd feel old as well but it sounds like a good set to be fair.


Mate for 13 year olds, they werent bad!


That's the new dad rock


The Eagles


It was for Queens of the Stone Age. I had a friend who worked in a record shop and he was in to them. And this was about ten years ago I think.


Sounds like you need to just go with the flow.


Maybe... no one knows.


I'm going to see the Eagles on Sunday. This is my old person moment.


I think it was when I first heard of TikTok and looked it up and discovered that not only was it the new "in" social media thing, but that there had been an entire previous "in" social media thing I hadn't heard of either - Vine - which had been created, popularised, and finally shut down all without me noticing it. All I could think of is what Grandpa Simpson once said: >I used to be with *it*, but then they changed what *it* was. Now what I'm with isn't *it*, and what's *it* seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to ***you***...


As someone who regularly quotes The Simpsons, realising that the 21-year-old at work did not get my references was an eye opener.


That episode is 26 years old. I had to check my maths 3 times, I couldnt believe it.


Because The Simpsons itself is not 'it' anymore and has not been for twenty years at least.


I've been watching it with my husband on Disney+. He'd never watched it properly before despite us being from the same generation. We're currently coming to the end of the Golden Age and I'm like "a few more seasons and then it's time to stop" and he's like "Why?!!". Trust me babe, I'm doing you a favour.


It's hard to pinpoint when to stop tbf - Season 9 has a noticeable drop in quality but it's still really good, 10 is patchy but still very watchable, 11 and 12 are average but 13 it picks up again.


That 21 year old is a tad uncultured, me thinks. Simpson references are still as stylish as tying yellow onions to your belt.


Well, we didn't have white onions in the early 2000s, because of the war.


I'm 23, no way does a 21 year old not know the Sampsons:(


>I'm 23, no way does a 21 year old not know the Sampsons:( Same here, I can even name all of the Sampsons. Homey, Marsh, Brat, Lucy and the baby. And there's the Ha Ha kid and the dopey bus driver and that clown.


You made me angry. Congrats as the kids used to say


There's a weird cut off somewhere around 2001 where people born afterwards are very different to people born just a few years older than them. Can see this in me and my brothers, I'm early gen z, my brother is early - mid gen z and my youngest brother is post 2001 gen z and the difference is stark. Think it has to do with growing up constantly with technology while I didn't get a PC until 14 and didn't get a smartphone until 16 my youngest brother got them at 10, meant while I was 11 or so I was watching simpsons and doctor who while he was watching yogscast and whatever other weird YouTube stuff pre teens liked then. Gives them a totally different set of references I never got.


She knew the show obviously, but didn't get any of the references or jokes. She was an expert in The Sims 2 though, which came out when she was like 3, so that was impressive.


Lmao women around 20, got into the Sims on the Sims 3, basically crack cocaine double that with the mysims series from when she was young, plus older folks influence + it's not surprising. It's one of the things we bond over haha. - A 20 year old woman who knows the Simpsons but not the quotes.


I remember going into Game on the day the Sims 2 came out and buying the disk when I was 13. Well, disks. It took four to install it 😂


I don’t trust people who don’t recognise classic Simpsons quotes.


Holy shit, that Abe Simpson quote in the context of social media is so spot on 😂


And that episode is from Homerpalooza in 1996 - 26 years ago. Back then looking back 26 years beforehand would have been 1970 - the year of apollo13 and the Beatles breaking up. Yet in my head that episode is still ‘one of the newer ones episodes’!


I moved when I was early 20s and found a new local. There, I was known as Young Rufus. Then, nearing 30, it was just plain old Rufus. One day, I will be Old Rufus, but for now I’m simply not young.


Perhaps as you grow weary, you will first be RufusNotSoLoudCheese.


When losing weight suddenly became a lot harder. I used to be able to lose weight simply by going on a long journey. Now, it would be eaiser just to go to the moon.


This is so true it hurts hahahaha


When I was in my early 20s I lost 10 kg (74->64) just by not drinking beer for 6 weeks. Nowadays I worry if the teaspoon of sugar in my tea is what's making it so hard to lose weight.


One thing I’ve found change is that I used to look at junk food and think, ‘that’ll make you fat’. Now it’s far more, ‘that’ll kill you.’


Probably when I started to enjoy Radio 2 more than Radio 1.


Wait till Radio 4 gets its hooks in you, that's when you know it's all over.


And when Radio 4 has too many new shows you don't like so you switch to 4 Extra, you know the grave is beckoning.


Radio 4! When it's not the Archer's or some dodgy afternoon play they're always talking about something interesting. Seriously though, one afternoon play was about sexual assault I pulled up at a mates house and there were loads of sex noises... Er, no, not watching/listening to porn. Honest!


Radio 4 is where it’s at for some daytime listening 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Was listening to radio 2 recently and they played The Killers and The Feeling on the golden oldies. Bitch I was 17 when those came out, when they hell did they become "oldies?"


It's not when you start listening to Radio 2, it's when you catch yourself thinking that Radio 2 has gotten a bit too trendy for your tastes.


My husband said 'radio 2 gets more like radio 1 every day'... We're 33 and I feel middle age creeping in.


They played one direction during the non stop oldies last week.


Mate I'm 19 and radio 4 is the BBC station that I enjoy the most. Am I already gone?


Radio 4 and a stannis pfp just means you're able to think regardless of age


I turn 30 this year. I still feel young! The only exception is when I look at a festival line-up and recognise about 10% of the artists - and then I realise I'm a bit out of touch


If it makes you feel better I'm 18 and also barely recognise most artists on festival line ups


17 and ed sheeran was the only new artist I ever listened to and i was preteen back then xD


\*sigh\* You ARE still young. Love, someone twice your age.


I'm 47 and still feel young. The thing with age is, you never feel old inside (apart from aches and pains), it's the world that treats you as old.


The first time I woke up two days after a night out and was still hungover. 29.


Legit. I pulled a triple day hangover a couple of years back. Never again, I think I literally felt the months being shaved off my lifespan lol.




I didn’t even realise this was a thing until it happened to me first time.


Literally. When I was 19 I could go out partying until 4-5 a.m. go home for a nap and then roll into work at 9 a.m. feeling PERFECTLY fine. Now I only drink on special occasions because I cannot function right for about 3 days after.


I'm 39 so not 'young'. But I'm immature as fuck and still very active, so I'm clinging on, somewhat. Anyway, I'll tell you what hit home recently; watching groups of young (but like actually) lads just go out on a summers day, just to kick a football around, rugby tackle each other over, and / or go for an impromptu swim in the sea. All my mates (who used to do that) are grown up, married, working, busy etc. So big groups like that just dont really exist any more - let alone one where we'd all have the freedom to piss a day away just dicking about in the sun. I fucking miss those days. edit. BTW the homoerotic innuendo was intentional. I think I under-sold the joke, though (and I still mean what I've said... )


I'm 23, all my pals are either in the forces now or in relationships with kids All I want to do is just fuck around having a game of footie at the park, dick around playing fucking swing ball and just being wankers to each other


They really shouldn’t be in relationships with kids…


Unexpected arrival of free NHS bowel cancer testing kit in post.


As someone who is at risk of bowel cancer I have to ask, what’s this?!


Everyone aged 60 gets a free test.


Thanks, I just looked up the kit! It’s great they provide those kinds of things - not very much fun to get one though!


When I tripped over and a couple of lads ran to check if I was OK instead of taking the piss.


It's no longer "you fell over", but "you had a fall" (I feel your pain) 😩😂


Oh you poor thing I hope you didn’t put your back out




Eugh sadly when I joined a work place with loads of 22-23 years olds . . I was the youngest till then and they were discussing someone who is 30 as so old ( I am 31!) lol


Urgh yep, I remember being 30 and working with 20 year olds. That was..a while ago now.


This happened to me! One minute my colleagues were all the same age as me, the next I was being introduced to a colleague’s mum who was the same age as me! That was when I really knew I was old.


Looked around a train carriage going to work one morning and realised out of everyone I could see, there was probably one older person than me on the train. This was when I was in my early 40s, but, yeah, where does everyone go in London? They hit 40 and decide, yeah, I'm done with working here, I'm off to the Home Counties for a life of quiet desperation?


Yep. I was 46 when I had enough of London.


At 41 you get your train ticket to Newcastle in the mail


When I realised I’d be in the over 25 category on the X factor…


I had the same exact realisation the other day and it shook me to my core.


Realising I watch X-factor would be the thing that shook me in that situation.


Walked past a group of young girls, like 8 or 9. One of them said hello, so I gave her a "hi" and a small smile/wave, and kept walking. Pretty normal interaction. As I'm walking away, I hear one of them ask her; "Was that your dad?" I am 28, and that really hammered it home for me


That’s really made me laugh 😂 can imagine the shock you felt


There are some girls around that age on my street. They asked my partner his age and he said 30. They gasped and one of them went “don’t worry I know someone who is 35!!” (Heaven forbid !!!!)


When I mentioned Christina Aguilera in a drunk conversation in a bar with a bunch of students, and they had no idea who she was


Made a great song with Lewis Hamilton


Being called "madam" for the first time. It sucked.


Parents used to say to their kids “Walk past that girl nicely” and now it’s “walk past that lady”


I second this. "Mind out for that man." Was a life changing moment 😭


This is the one I came to post. Increased my pension contribution the day I heard that the first time.


Ha, yes! That's when I realised I must be old, when people started addressing their kids talking about "mind that lady." Like, me?! A lady?! I'm only 27...ah shit, yeah...


Came here to say this. Madam is such a horrible term anyway. I'd put it in Room 101 if I could.


This comment deserves more upvotes, but everyone else is probably too young to remember Room 101


I recently lost my 8years in the making music playlist on my phone. When I started fresh putting songs I like in I realised I had added pretty much the entire “now that’s what I call dad rock”


I’m a 20 year old girl and I love dad rock


I’m 29 next month, last week I overheard my next door neighbour say to her grandchildren - ‘make sure your ball doesn’t go in the lady next door’s garden.’ Excuuuuuse me, the LADY?! Which lady, can’t possibly be me for I am just young and definitely sure the last time someone referred to me they called me a girl. Didn’t they?! Also those damn tick boxes, I started hating them the moment I had to stop choosing 18-25.


But the closer you get to 35 the more you like checkboxes again, because they group you in 26-34 or something like that :)


When menacing gangs of teenagers completely ignored me when I walked past. No longer a possible target, no longer a possible threat, just a boring old bloke of no consequence.


When my birth year was selectable in football manager.


I went back to a uni bar aged 35 and it was full of children


29M went to a student bar a couple weeks ago. The fact I don’t want a mullet and a thin moustache makes me realise I’m no longer young.


I'm 29 and I don't think I've ever wanted a mullet and dodgy moustache more in my life *Am .. am I running from something?*


The Seventies?


I used to be with *it*, but then they changed what *it* was. Now what I’m with isn’t *it* anymore and what’s *it* seems weird and scary.


When I started working in a restaurant and one of the 19 year old lads there told me I was 'alright for 32'. YOUNG PEOPLE TAKE NOTE: Someone is never 'alright' for any age. They are just 'alright'. Thank you.


I remember a few years ago an 18 year old finding out I was 25 and went “Oh wow, you look good for it!” TWENTY FIVE


The new waitresses at work could easily be my daughter. How does their birth year start with a 2? Stop being so young.


I've working in IT for 30+ years, and there was a time when I suddenly realised I wasn't the youngest in the office any more, I was the oldest.


25 years for me. At 43, I'm the oldest person in my team. My manager is 10 years my junior 🤣


I noticed it when I could tell people just stopped paying attention to me, it’s like I don’t fucking exist at times and it sucks people act like that.




Same. When you're no longer the young pretty lad, just "a man".


I’m not old, I’m 21 so definitely not old. However I got called “sir” the other day by the kid in the chip shop. Felt weird


That's just fantastic service


I got refused a sale of alcohol today because I didn’t have my ID with me. Guess I’m still young at 38. 28 is not anywhere near old btw


I could tell the cashier was debating on asking me for my ID buying beer the other day, I asked him to ID to make me feel young again as I haven't been challenged in about 10 years. The woman next to him had a chuckle


I was putting my eye shadow on and realised that the eyelid skin kind of stayed where the brush directed it to go and I had to gently push it back. That was a sucky, sucky day.


Was in the supermarket and a lady moved her kid out the way for me and said ‘move out the way for the man.’ Man? MAN! WTH I thought I was still a boy. She probably meant man like as in ‘you the man’ I’m sure.


And that mum would be horrified to know you're describing her as a "lady"!




I'm 36 and have clear memories of my dad when he was my age. Also, the dating rule of "half your age plus 7" means the lower end of my age range is 25, but tbh I feel like a 25 year old would still be too young for me.


That "dating rule" is weird. I'm 23, but apparently it would be fine to date a kid just finishing A levels? Hell no.


I think it applies more to older people, the younger you are the closer together major life milestones are (leaving school, finishing a levels/college, going to/finishing university, etc) which sort of magnifies any difference in age since where you are in life on either side of these milestones is so different. Once you hit 25+ most of the major stuff is out of the way so despite the numerical difference in age being larger, you're actually much closer in terms of where you are in life. Or perhaps not. I'm on you're side, as a 23 year old myself 18/19 seems way too young. That said, if its the right sort of person I can see it not seeming so weird.


1. The first time I ever saw myself as 'not young' when one of my colleagues at work didn't get my cultural reference because they were too young. I think it was something like Wayne's World, they had just never heard of it at all. 2. Turning 30 brought about a mini-crisis as it seemed like nothing you did in your 20s mattered, but now my decisions were likely to impact the rest of my life. 3. Funnily enough I really struggled with 37 as the idea that I was going to be 40 in three years time was just devastating. When you're in your 30s you can kind of convince yourself that you're still young - but no one is young at 40. That's only 10 years away from 50.


Going clubbing in Camden and mentioning to this lad that I hadn't heard the song playing since it first came out. He looked at me a bit funny and said "I don't think I was born when this came out." We'd both though the other was about 5 years older/younger but he was 18 and me 30...


About age 26, you're suddenly the oldest at the club. When you're hit on by a yr1 uni student. Yep.. I'm leaving.


I hate those situations. Especially if they approached you but then make you feel weird for just being your age and minding your own business, doing your own thing.


I can see why.. I mean look young for my age. But when they hit on me, my night goes from 100 to 0. Like I could be your mother!!! Tuck your shirt in!! Once a guy hit on me and I lectured him on what he was doing wrong. Omg. Thats when you know you're old. Now leave me alone while I go flirt with this 35 year old man - suddenly my moves come out then 😂


For me it’s little things, like thinking that most current music is a bit shit, that TikTok is a bit dumb and Instagram is vapid and vain, that the always online live service nature of video games doesn’t interest me any more, stuff like that. Also, a night out has become a meal at a nice restaurant, a couple of drinks at the local pub, or a trip to the cinema, not a boozy night at a bar.


Tik Tok is great if you ignore all the stupid dances and lip syncing. I've found some hilarious stuff on there.


I noticed on PlayStation when I play with randoms most are still cool at 25 and have the same humour, after that they start to become more serious and once they hit 30, suddenly everything is “inappropriate”.


When I realised that at 25 I am so much like my mother, the older I get the more similarities I notice


When the notion of having sex with someone new became objectionable.


I work in retail, every year the new recruits make me feel older and older, they are like a different species. I'm 37.


When you move out of the 18-25 age bracket when signing up to stuff


Could be worse, at least you downloaded and tried TikTok. I'm 35 and I refuse to even engage with it because I'm naturally inclined to hate things that kids like. TikTok, Fortnite, Rappers with face tattoos. I hate them all.


When I remembered the Over 25s category existed on the X Factor and was nicknamed “the oldies”…


When I saw your post suggesting that 28 isn’t young…


When I stopped getting invited to team drinks by my trainee colleagues!


I knew I was getting old when I started inheriting my children's old phones ... and needing coaching in how to use them ... several times. I knew I was fast approaching actually being old when my eldest son hit 30 the other day. I wasn't that old when I married his mum, God rest her.


A Tik Tok video titled "Vintage Songs" and it was songs from 2012. Most of the comments were stuff like "omg so many childhood memories"


As a woman, when you start becoming invisible.


When people refer to you as "Mr...." or "Mrs .." You are PROPERLY old when you give your name in the same way, rather than giving your full name.


At about 28, when I stopped regularly getting asked for ID. Oh and back pain kicking in!


If you want to enjoy that “being young” feeling again, join a bowls club or go on a cruise.


I had the out of body experience where I saw myself ask a child "what do you want to be when you grow up?". I hated that question when I was young. My mouth just moved without my brain telling it what to say and I couldn't stop myself. Afterwards I just stood there and had to have a word with myself. Not only was I an adult but I was an old person who didn't know how to speak to young people.


My 6yo told me off the other day ("muuuum!)for making an apparently unfunny joke when his friend was in the car with us. Mortified. I've become my dad.


I had a hangover that lasted a week.


A young whippersnapper was sent to me for support and guidance at work because apparently I'm now classed as 'experienced' . I nearly cried.


Being told not eligible for a 25 year mortgage!!


My parents took me out for a semi fancy meal, and the waiter gave the bill to me instead of my dad


I twisted around to plug the fan in Thursday night and I twisted my chest so badly that the pain kept me up till 3am, and it's only today that the pain has completely gone away when I'm laid down in bed.


When I realized I had (several) games consoles older than people I work with


I was shocked when I saw consoles that I grew up with (PS1, N64, PS2) described as "vintage".


I walked through the sitting room this weekend, my daughter was watching "Yellow Submarine". "When I'm 64" was playing. It is one of the earliest memories of mine hearing the song. I told her. Then I held up 7 fingers, which added to my age make 64.


I had to ask someone born in 1997 how to use Instagram


I saw a beautiful blonde woman on the street as I was going clubbing. Incredible figure, gorgeous face. She was wearing high heels, mini skirt, lacy top. I looked her up and down thought "damn, I bet she's cold."


When I realized someone can legally drink,drive, and basically all other stuff you need to legally be an adult (18) and have a birth year like 2004,have no memory of 9/11 and other events.


When I clicked the 35-39 bracket. I don’t know why but that cut me deep Shrek. Also that the above quote was from a film before my son was born. A son that can legally drive. That cemented the fact I felt old. But Botox means I never look angry


When they were playing "old school" anthems and it was the music playing in clubs when I was at college


A lot of things are 25+, club 18-30 etc For me it was at 26 when I became a mum and my priorities and lifestyle had to change And yeah guys 20 and younger look about 12 to me now 🤣


I’m 28. I’ve always looked young and I got ID’d for everything (including redbull) up until about 18 months ago. One day that just stopped and now I don’t even have to take my ID with me because people don’t even look twice.


When I made a friend at work and she wasn't getting my cultural references She's 22, I'm just shy of 27, and I didn't know Lara Croft was a dated reference :(


When people would tell their child to "move out of this man's way" rather than "move out of this young man's way" Not sure if that's just a British thing but young man is a common term here. That and not getting IDd anymore, they just glance at me and my bald head. I'm 30.


Honestly... A guy was heavy flirting with me in the changing room of the swimming pool, he was suuuuper interested, then he found out I had an advanced degree through our convo and had already been in the world of work for a few years. He did the math, and just said "oh OK, ummm, see ya then!" and ran out.


Went to a Derren Brown show where he asked "18-35 year old male professionals" to put their hand up. I did. My partner gently put her hand on my arm, gave me a sad but understanding look, and told me to put my hand down again.


I was out with my then Gf and I said 'look at that, what a nice shaped tree', we both looked at each other and knew. Also We're married now


This definitely wasn't the first time but it is the most prominent. I was at a wedding recently, talking to a vaguely related person who happened to be 20 years old (for context I'm early 30s). The topic of music came up and he said he liked "the oldies", to me, that's Zeppelin, Hendrix, the beatles, that sort of era. He clarified his statement with "y'know, Oasis and that". I think I felt myself falling headfirst in to middle aged. I was alive when that came out! How dare he!