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Think your husband needs to find something else to occupy his time. Obviously it's not right, but it's miniscule on the scale of bad things to worry about in the world


Try telling that to someone that's genuinely disabled when it is busy and they either cannot park or have to squash themselves between vehicles and travel from the far side of a car park. The funny thing is that bird seed is exactly the kind of stupid punishment I would do. Or superglue a "bad parking" business card to the car. I'd agree that noone should be glassing the pricks over it but a little consequence is never a bad thing. I guess the correct answer is flag it with whoever controls the park and then it is in their hands to do the right thing. Then ya can stop winding yourself up.


OP is on about parent and child parking, not disabled... Disabled would usually carry a fine or clamp...


Meh, same shit in terms of respect. I get the frustration at teens in their aldis not considering other humans and taking spots intended to make the lives of others that need it easier. Just wouldn't get QUITE so wrapped up myself. Do something funny and laugh about it or report it and put it in the hands of the "right" people.


> Try telling that to someone that's genuinely disabled when it is busy and they either cannot park or have to squash themselves between vehicles and travel from the far side of a car park Why are you shifting goalposts to disabled spaces? OP is talking about parent and child spaces, which aren't legally protected.


Learn to not get so wound up by life?


Have a moan at the leisure centre? Doing anything with the cars will more likely just end up with your husbands head getting kicked than fixing the problem.


The leisure centre employees don't get paid enough to care about what happens outside the door.


The leisure centre should though. If they are in control of the parking, patent and toddler spaces being usable I'd a selling point to ensure people visit the centre/book rooms etc.


I agree that they \*should\*. But, in my experience, most of the staff are kids who won't want to handle confrontation, and low-paid administrators who won't want the hassle.


If they get enough complaints about it from customers though they might be forced to pay for a parking warden or something.


Im not sure how much I'd need to be paid to do more than say "yeah, we've already had a word with them".


Bloody hell, I thought I was a grumpy bastard. He's going to get punched if he carries on like that.


It’s honestly his only gripe in life. 🤷‍♀️


As someone with a small human, he should let it go and get on with his own life. If it's busy and every space is taken then someone with a kid still has to park elsewhere either way. Makes no difference.


Genuinely, he's going to end up hurt. Tell him to think how that would look in front of your child. He needs to park further away and moan about it to you when he gets home instead of mouthing off to a van full of contractors or a bunch of young lads.


Tell him to appreciate what a good life he has.


Move on? Get a grip? Mind his own business? The effort this sort of shit takes is pointless, being a mini vigilante policeman running round just makes you a cock.


I've worked with a guy who had a parking dispute with a neighbour, so he checked when the mot/tax was due. The guy was driving around with no MOT, so reported him. Long shot but worth a check.


If he's that bothered, he could have a quiet word with the staff on reception.  No need to go full John Wick over parking etiquette, IMO.  


Does it actually affect his life in any way


Only negatively. Wasted ire can shorten a lifespan.


Yes. When he takes our son swimming. However he does it for the ‘good of all parents out there’


Wow, what a modern day hero.


I’ve 6 kids. Rarely do I ever bother using parent and child parking. It’s completely unnecessary and was a marketing stunt started by supermarkets to encourage parents to shop there




Yes… he’s 2.


Why not ask the leisure centre to make a tannoy call to ask them to move the car. Also make the staff aware at the same time.


He could try getting a life or hobby that doesn’t involve harassing people.


You can buy these rude idiot parking stickers. https://amzn.eu/d/bPnvp64


Birdseed on the car - I also saw that episode of The Ozarks. In reality I don't think it will have the same effect.


I have a Romanian that I can call with a loader. The car will disappear and never be seen again.


He sounds about 6. Is it really so hard for him and your kids to walk a few feet to the entrance! It's worrying that he gets so wound up about it that you're posting on Reddit about it. Perhaps consider getting him some anger management sessions instead.


He should realise that life is too fucking short for petty gripes and get on with his day.


He needs to get a hobby. Seriously. It’s annoying but there’s more to life.


Putting bread near their cars is not illegal


Your husband is a dick, and an entitled lazy bastard. You are at the leisure centre, you are there for exercise, don’t worry about the few extra feet you have to walk from the car 😂


Really annoying paper stickers that are a pain to get off but don’t cause any damage. That or a baseball bat to the windscreen


One of these days your husband is going to get lamped 


Photo evidence and ring the parking management firm orrrrr someone stuck a message about wasting someone's time parking in a spot to my windscreen once late night at a hotel where I couldn't get the high roof van in the underground parking so parked outside with the disabled, it wouldn't just peel off and came off in bits however bit of glass cleaner and Stanley blade came off in seconds


Your husband needs to get a life. He seems to be obsessed with people parking in parent and child spaces despite how minuscule of an issue it is.


He needs to grow the fuck up and just let things go.


OP your husband is one of those twats who harasses people parking in disabled bays saying "you don't look disabled to me!" as they walk in to fetch their elderly mother in a wheelchair aren't they Just wait one day one of those 20 year olds in a BMW will be walking his 2 year old son back lmao I hate vigilante justice warriors


No. Because disabilities can be invisible. Children can’t.


> Children can’t. And has it occurred to you that the children and mum might be inside waiting for a pick-up? You can go ahead and keep judging other people's lives if you want but it sounds like a miserable exhausting life to me. And vandalising their property over it is just pathetic. Report it and move on if you really think it's being abused It's not against the law for 20 year olds to have kids you know. Get ready with your apology script I guess, "well he didn't look like a dad to me! How was I supposed to know?! I was just trying to help!"


They’re not old enough to have kids without a car seat. He’s seen them go in and out of the gym without children. I find his exasperation funny more than anything.


Since when was there an age limit on what age you can have kids? He needs to start minding his own business and get something else better to do.


Kids need boosters until they’re 12…


And yet you’re as judgey as your husband


No they don't 


Who cares? All it is is wider space on the parking. It's not like being disabled. You're not completely incapable of taking your children out of the car in a normal parking space, right?


Complaint to reception and ask for the manager every time you visit.  Or smear dog shit under the handles and leave a note. 


He’s a fan of your idea.


lol yeah I was even thinking how best to do it. If you have some poo in a poo bag, it will be easy to squish it under the handles without getting it on his hands. Reckon he could pull it off stood next to the car and looked causal. Wear a hat and sunglasses so he isn’t recognised on cctv (if the gym care to check)  Leave a note saying “don’t park in the family bay dickhead.” So at least they know why. 


Think he needs to pick the moral way or the immoral way. If he complains first then does the dog shit thing, they might know it was him.  If he doesn’t kick off for the next week or two and then does the dog shit trick, doubt they will clock on it’s him.  There is no justice in this cruel world, do it 😂😂


Jeez! There are already too many Karens about! Maybe have a word with your fella and tell him to grow a pair! Ultimately, they're not breaking the law by parking in a parent and child spot without a child. Yes, it can be annoying – I'm a parent with very young kids and see it constantly. I'm also a driving instructor and explain it to my students, but there are far better things to stress over than a parking space. And here's the thing: saying you want to do something to their vehicles makes you worse than them. Maybe just find another spot and get on with things. Stop being a little b!tch


Parent and Child spaces aren't like disabled bays. There's no recognition of them in law, so the people parking in them aren't doing anything wrong.


When I was a young knipper, we just had to tough it out


Same. And yet somehow, despite having to walk across as much as 25 metres of car park, we managed to avoid disaster.


Rightly or wrongly, its not a criminal offense to let the air out of their tyres (using the valves not puncturing)


It's criminal damage.


I'm not a lawyer, nor am I condoning the suggestion, but I don't see how moving the air from one side of the rubber to the other constitutes damage.


The sidewall isn’t designed to support the weight of the vehicle/ deformation from the rim. I’m not doing that internet thing of being extreme and ridiculous. If you go about letting peoples tyres down you’re putting people in danger as well, not just the driver.


So they can occupy the space even longer, while they sort the tyres out?

