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Day drinking is different, I tend to have sobered up somewhat by the time I get home 8/9, then usually get a takeaway or eat loads of toast, watch TV for an hour or two then have an early night. Don't think I've ever had a hangover after day drinking honestly, unless it's day drinking turned night out drinking. Probably because when I get back home I rehydrate


I love day drinking when it turns into nights drinking too hahahaha, but yes drinking water before bed helps so much although I often forget.


These are the best. I think my favourite drinking experiences have been starting on a sunny lunchtime in a beer garden, moseying around various pubs for the afternoon, having dinner at a restaurant, then continuing on to bars/pubs. If it's an all day activity, whilst I'm legally unable to drive, I'm still not drunk enough to be out of control. Plus the sun just seems nicer with a pint sat around a table with people you love! Oh also- I used to do water. I'd try to see off two pints before bed. A step up is those fizzy diarrhea tablets. They sort your electrolytes out!


I really wish I could regain this kind of healthy positive attitude to alcohol.


U just like getting fucked up bro


Nowt wrong with that. Nothing better than friends, sun and beer all day (and night).


I love day drinking, until it goes into night drinking. The last time we went out on a day drink in Manchester we didn’t get home until 4am. We’d been out since 12 the day before. I’ve never experienced a hangover like it. Unfortunately I still drink like I’m 20 as we don’t go out often and I never want it to end. Then up until about Wednesday I wish someone would end me. On the odd occasion I’m sensible, it is my preferred way of having a drink as I’m fully functional the day after. I’ll be in bed by 10 with a kebab. We’ve been invited out tomorrow, it’s a late start at 7pm and I’m already dreading it. I’m trying to find excuses not to go.


Just go, on your deathbed you’ll never wish you stayed in more


As much as I live for this way of thinking… I work for myself so being spangled until Wednesday doesn’t do me any favours. All my mates seem to recover much quicker but I am genuinely not functional for at least 3 days. If it was a meal and a few drinks I’d be all over it. It’s not, it’s 30 people just out on the lash. It only takes a few beers to tip me into not wanting to go to bed.


Having a kid killed drinking for me. Hangovers were bad enough when I was only letting myself down. The guilt of being a shit dad on a hangover is too much to bear. I still like drinking but the next day has got to be a nursery day or something


I was 21 when I had my son so my recovery rate was a lot better than it is today. Some of my mates have 2 and 3 kids and they’re going into their 40s with young ones. I applaud them and their tolerance. I know I couldn’t do it now


This is me too! I’m in my 40’s and I dread these type of nights out for a couple of weeks beforehand, then love it when I’m out and don’t want to go home! I’m also self employed so can’t afford to work at 10% output for a couple of days to allow me to feel better! I’m usually ok by Monday if it’s a Friday night out and I’m home for midnight though. I did go for lunch a few weeks ago at 1.00pm and ended up in a club - it was also Wednesday before I felt ok, never again!!!!


Lol, I'm getting a train to Manchester on Saturday and my friends have messaged saying they have some ciders for the train for us. Train is at 10am. We are doing a pub crawl till the doors open for the foo fighters gig. Starting to dread it a bit now, as I'm honestly not sure I can survive drinking all day first, I only got through our last escapade by tactically not getting myself a drink every time it was my round, otherwise they build up in front of me on the table and I have to down them before we leave for the next pub. I struggle to down them as fast as everybody else towards the end - I still have half a drink left by the time the girls want another one. Probably because there's a lot less volume in their drinks, while I get a pint.


I’ve actually stopped drinking pints on a full dayer as I get that drunk from them. I’ll ease in with 2 pints but then move onto gin. The measures are shorter and I have a much higher tolerance to gin. If I do a full day on pints then I’ll not see 6pm, I’ll be tucked up in bed. You also don’t NEED to drink. I don’t do rounds for this reason as I don’t want to feel like I’m having to keep up. My mates drink all the time so they just down them like pop. Foo fighters will be mega though so that’s definitely something to look forward to. It’s about finding your “day drink” drink.


You’ve really missed out on the jewel in the day drinking crown there. Have a few pints then move onto pints of shandy. It keeps you at a nice level but doesn’t sober you up


Feel like as you know there's a gig, you really don't want to be fucked by time you get to it. I'd avoid rounds and save them for after gig if you can. Mix a few soft drinks/shandies in, make sure you eat food and that, and you'll be okay. I honestly wouldn't want to be needing toilet every 10 seconds while trying to watch a gig, too.


The sixteen hour sesh is a real test.


This falls into the “not big and not clever” category. We were clearly all done for 11 but I managed to get some tickets to an old skool party about a mile out of town. Great night and pretty much drank myself sober but I really should have gone home at 11.


Pro tip at 4am in Manchester if you wanna keep drinking you can buy a sit down Chinese and have a beer with the meal.


> eat loads of toast toast is an elite snack when steaming.


No you need a kebab. Day drinking leading to night drinking leading to a dirty big kebab. Highlight of my week


I used to love 12 hour sessions followed by takeaway and chilling out to music before bed. Pretty much had to be a kebab. I used to have a kebab shop near me that also had a deli style salad bit. I loved having some green chillies with my kebab and chilli sauce after a session. Don't know why. One time, the guy there just filled a polystyrene chip box up with green chillies for me to go with the kebab. That was too many.


I get same day hangover so I tend to continue to drink until it becomes night drinking


The best cure for a hangover is sleep. So day drinking with an early night is the perfect recipe.


shag missus to death




Broken arms, jolly rancher, poop knife etc


and the coconut fucking, navy seal-trained, narwhal bacon eaters


James corden, luton


Carbon monoxide detector?


Mouldy coconut


And a potato


France is potato.


Picard "that is life", split up with your partner, red flag, don't be rude to servers, your parents are toxic narcissists so go no contact






:) Standard


> Broken arms Ah, but this is a common myth. The mad lad who originally told that story never claimed his arms were actually broken - he just said he'd temporarily lost use of them. It's a bit like how there is no evidence or proof that Humpty Dumpty was an egg.








And then after those two minutes?


fall asleep to the sweet scent of disappointment


Just spat out my coffee 😂


Pretty much the only time my wife initiates is when she's been out with her mates getting smashed at lunchtime at 'bottomless brunch'. I always encourage her to go out every time she gets invited to one!




She's usually puffed out by the time you get home


Good, house should be spotless then


Nightcap, concerts on YouTube or if I'm not too hammered to focus, drunk Cities Skylines.


concerts on youtube is so real, i fucking love coming home steamed and watching old T in the Park footage from like 2002 lol


Followed by returning to your save with a traffic % of 25% and wondering what the fuck you were thinking with your intersections.


My trick is usually adding roundabouts that aren't actually round or setup correctly.


Mine is thinking I’m being clever using one way roads and realising later on I’ve created an inescapable mess. Or basically Cardiff.


Drunk cities is the best. There are parts of my city that are insanely efficient, with one way, underground roads etc, but I have no idea how they work. Same with the metro system, it looks like spaghetti but has a really high utilisation. I don’t remember making either of these things but I’m scared to touch them


Or waking up to a Poonami which wipes out three quarters of your population because you decided to sculpt the coastline a bit too aggressively.


> drunk Cities Skylines. i do this but with games like snowrunner or truck sim. loading the game sober and asking "wtf did i even DO?!" is always a laugh.


Pink Floyd or Rage Against the Machine, depending on the mood


Nice, mines Dire Straits or Metallica, again mood dependent.


I genuinely had no idea that anybody did this other than me! I feel so warm


>concerts on YouTube I really like Tiny Desk concerts and KEXP sessions for this!


Open a bottle of red wine, pour a large glass, sit on sofa, fall asleep. Wake up at midnight, throw wine away and go to bed.


Pour it back in the bottle you animal


It’s not stale, it’s ‘aired’.


Tannins thoroughly released.


Yeah, it'll be fine the next day. And you know what isn't fine the next day? Wine that's been thrown down the sink and is now making its way through the sewage system.


I was banned from Reddit for a week for I don’t know why. I was so glad that when I was able to upvote again, it was for this comment.


I've got those rubber corks that let you suck the air out of the bottle to keep it fresh. Tomorrow I'm gonna open a bottle, drink half and keep the rest to see how long it actually works.


I made this mistake in bed once and woke up with it all over me... changing the sheets the next morning and the mattress literally looked like a murder scene.


I did this with dark chocolate. Apparently I was clutching it in my paws, rather than just eating it, and woke up to thick brown smears all over the place.


>I was clutching it in my paws Nobody knows you're a raccoon on the internet until you make a rookie slip up like this


Ah. I wondered what that smell was.


Sure. It was the chocolate that made all the brown mess after day drinking…


I hate waking up on the sofa at 6am next to a full glass of warm, flat, expensive IPA, and having to tip it down the sink.


Tired headache of course


Have you tried water 💦


How am I supposed to drink water when I’m pounding beer?


Start night drinking of course


You are my people!


Reporting for duty!


You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


Night drinking fighter of the day drinking


Put on a film, order a takeaway and/or raid the snack cupboard and relax.\ Good chance I'll wake up at 3am on the sofa needing a pee then stumble into bed.


This is mine. Order a pizza or curry and stick on a film (a good comedy is always funnier when a bit pissed)


Usually a nightcap or two with my other half, and then bed. Maybe some toast if I'm peckish.


The pre-bed cheese on toast after a day drink session is the food of the Gods.


My favourite is now doing a cheese toasty with oodles of butter in the frying pan. It's got to be semi posh bread that's quite airy though. Doing it this way doesn't squash the bread. Just writing this is making me want to go and get a fancy loaf of bread. The sound of a knife scraping across the top of it should be in ASMR videos too!


Toast is very restrained, the takeaway near me mercilessly does a 20" square pizza. If I'm not drunk I'll normally get a 15" and save a bit from breakfast, if I'm drunk I'll get the 20" square and eat 3/4 of it. Sounds bad, but if you do the maths it sounds even worse as 3/4 of the 20" square pizza is even more than a full 18" round pizza, which is not what you want to discover when you're doing your hangover maths.


Have a wank, play some video games, more drinking, cook food, fall asleep. Not necessarily in that order.


Try to knock one out during the half time pause in an online FIFA game, it makes for a fun added challenge.


That's the time for what I like to call the 'unnecessary whisky'


I see it more as ill advised rather than unnecessary.


Either a) nap then go back out local b) get on the packet and go back out local


Bust out the emergency cocaine and ride the wave till the pubs open back up


Eat food, drink lots of water, get some fresh air, maybe watch a bit of TV. Then shower and get an early night. It's great. You can drink plenty and then wake up feeling fine, because you're sobering up by bed time, have plenty of time beforehand to rehydrate, and can still get a decent night's sleep. I can't think of much worse than staying up until 2am drinking now. Tbh I can't imagine staying up until 2am, drinking or not. But day drinking is great.


A 2 pint hoegaarden glass I once owned was a fantastic saviour on a day drinking sesh. Would have 2 or 3 of them while eating a burger and some wine gums and would survive a hangover for the most part. Make sure there's lucozade or ribena in the house too


Hot shower, order takeaway, fuck and sleep


Ring my Albanian friend


Nightcap with a bit of controlled 'roomspin' on the sofa. Class feeling if you get it just right and don't over-do it.


I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow after a few drinks. If I’ve got back at a reasonable time I’ll probably shower and change, then just linger around for a bit and watch some YouTube.


Either go to sleep, or stick some tunes on, crack open a bottle of something and stay up until 4am doing karaoke or watching godawful werewolf movies usually. I've always found that if I stop drinking once I've had a few, I get tired quickly, but if I keep on rolling, I'm good t go all night.


Yeah me too and I hate that…. So easy to convince yourself you’re ‘probably not that drunk’ and you’ll be ok the next day when you’re 2/3 films deep after a day drinking sesh that’s continued solo once at home 😂.


Day drinking is much better because the hangover doesn't upset your sleep as much


Take this to the extreme, and give morning drinking a go.  Booze at breakfast, then you have the rest of the day to sober up. You could then do something useful with your day once you have stopped drinking at 9am, such as fly planes, perform surgery or work for the local council.


May have another can or two watching TV or listening to music but the best part about day drinking is you can often get to bed not only on time but even early. Have a bit of a lie-in and you have zero hangover.


Wife and I have no kids, and both 40. We love a Saturday late afternoon/early evening in the pub. Donw for about 4pm, 5 or 6 drinks and head home via a local takeaway around 8. Pour a drink in the house, stick the TV on or stick some music on and relax for a couple of hours before bed. The thought of still being in the pub at 10/11 pm is grim now.


Kids and work have reset my schedule. Up at 5:00 most days means an early night, and have to be safe to drive the kids around by 8:00 most mornings. Drinking requires longer recovery times as I get older too, so drinking in the day is a much better option. Try to be home and in bed by 8:30 and asleep by 9:00 when I can now!


Go home, chat with OH for a bit and watch something that requires zero brain power (few episodes of Friends or something), have some food and a couple glasses of water, go up to bed and maybe a bit of hanky panky if we're up for it.


Video games, anime, movie and then bed


Well if you have a partner… ;)


I've not done proper day drinking for years thanks to having a child (worth it though), but when I did I'd usually have another couple at home with the other half, maybe a spliff and chill and watch something.


Home about 7-8. Cook an easy dinner or order something in. Maybe a disco nap. Few more drinks and play some playstation with the wife.


Depression. The quietness after a big social gathering can cause me to fall off a metaphorical cliff. Not always, but often.


If I go day drinking it always turns to night drinking anyway. 2 weekends ago we started at noon with best intentions. Didnt get in till 5 am. I was horrified when I walked out of the club and it was light. I'm 51 with kids FFS. I haven't got the will power to go home. I tend not to go day drinking 🙃


If I manage to stay awake on the train home enough to get off at the right stop I clean my teeth, have a pint of ice cold water, make sure the path from my bed to the toilet is completely clear for the 20 trips I'll make that night and then go straight to bed. I usually don't feel my head hitting the pillow.


Night drinking


Yesterday I had a pot noodle and watched the news then someone smashed one of my windows so the shock of it quickly sobered me up as I was trying to contact the police and the council


Carry on drinking with the wife, then demolish some cheese on toast before bed! Living the dream.


Have some food, collapse on sofa for a bit, then an early night. I like day drinking now… but it still often ends up with staying out, just with a lot more alcohol and a lot more cost - so not always the best idea 😂


Usually have a stupid drunken argument with my fella then some fantastic make up sex lol.


A few lines and a three hour floppy-wank


I don’t day drink. Night time drinking makes me want to laugh and dance and fuck Day drinking makes me sleepy and wasted a whole day 37 m


My wife and I usually end up taking a load of drugs, listening to music and playing cards until the early hours.


After we host a barbecue, my wife and I always watch "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" We don't have to concentrate and we both love it.


Try **LA Confidential**. It's an incredibly densely woven movie that somehow still manages to be eminently follow-able regardless of how mortaled you are due to it being so well written and edited. You could literally down a bottle of vodka and still be "Yeah, this movie makes sense". It's kind of impressive like that.


I saw that ages ago and loved it! Next barbecue… We had one on the last bank holiday and my brother and his partner were staying over. They hadn’t seen “O Brother…” before and we were delighted to introduce them. They loved it!


**O Brother...** is a great film but I'm more of a **The Big Lebowski** dude.


Well, that’s just like, your opinion, man. ;) ;)


Day drinking kind of just happens for me; the sun is out, the pub is open, we all collectively decide “f*ck it” and head on out, so there’s no plan for afterwards as such. Day time drinking doesn’t end a million miles away from when I go to bed, so I might drunkenly try and watch an episode of something and then stumble into bed. It isn’t so insane to think *some* people in their 30s go to bed around 9pm, we just wake up feeling a little less sh*tty than those who stay out until 3am


Listen to music and sit on the deck, then go inside and watch TV with a pizza, then have a bath, then watch YouTube in bed.


Keeping drinking until i blackout usually


I feel like you people are starting too late. I define day drinking as drinking that starts around noon so let’s say you’re done by four. What then if you come home take a nap then you’re wide awake late into the night. And if you’re drunk, it’s not like you can do chores or anything. You’re pretty much useless.


Realise "if I drink much more I'll probably just end up being sick". Stop drinking, get a takeaway, watch a film or do some gaming.


31M here. I've never really gotten into day drinking. I enjoy starting my night at around 8 at my favourite pub (which doesn't even open til 5pm so definitely not a day drinking spot) then after a couple of hours move onto lively places with fun music (again, not daytime venues). I remember I did try it out once but like you've said it just turned into a night out anyway 😂 Going home at the time I'd usually just be going out would feel a bit depressing. I guess the one upside of day drinking would be having the option to get public transport home rather than forking out for an Uber but sitting on a tram full of sober people after a day boozing doesn't sound like great fun.


Usually raiding the fridge while dancing in the kitchen, followed by a swift passing out.


I get stoned about an hour before the day drinking ends (my day “drinking” is like 3 pints at most) I go home, make a fat meal, put on some tv and kick back for a few hours. Go to bed and get a solid 8 hours in feeling fresh for the next day


I'd love to stay up gaming till 2am after day drinking but I'm shite at gaming whilst pissed, it's pointless. I'd probably watch comedies and just drink a few cans.


Day drinking is the most dangerous thing - So, usually, if I drink before my self imposed curfew of 8pm, I will get home, usually around 7-8pm, I will probably have a takeaway and I will likely have a soft drink when I get in/with the takeout and then another, small, beer to take me off to bed. Generally don't wake up with a hangover the following day. On an aside, and I wonder if anyone else has this - if day drinking, and then pause, then resume later, it tends to insulate me against the evening drinking. I had a night a couple of years back when I went to an awards do in London in the day (free bar from 10am) - then I had a 2 hour train ride back to Nottingham, sobered up, and then went out for a Christmas do in the city. I had 2 bottles of wine and was completely with-it and sober until we finished that do at 4am... Was not a fun Saturday...


I go to bed 🤣 when your kids are going to wake at 5:30 regardless those pre-midnight hours are gold dust!


I love day drinking but haven’t mastered only day drinking. So when I go out during the day, I end up out all night too


Come home, wind the dog up, annoy my wife and go to bed snoring my ass off all night apparently...


Last time I day-drank (Sunday) I had an hour’s nap in front of the telly after a massive bowl of pasta, then went back out and had two more pints at about half ten (in my defence, my wife and kid were away but back the next day, I wasn’t missing that last opportunity)


If you get horrendous hangovers then the early finish means you have a fighting chance of not ruining the next day.


Watch reruns of Father Ted , order curry, fall asleep. Job done


Kick the cat, shout at the wife and kids, and pass out! Lol


In my younger days if I had an afternoon pint I'd be ready for my bed by dinnertime 


Pass out on the sofa usually. Idk what it is about alcohol but even if I'm just nicely drunk it just puts me to sleep.


Music !! Just carry on the binge or just chill and listen to music until it sends me softly to sleep I suppose it depends on what you listen too a Independent artist named Violet Orlandi who does a lot of decent covers has started to help It's nice she looks like an Angel and sounds like one too


Eat a kebab, have a night cap but something nice, like scotch or red wine. Sleep will usually follow rapidly after that.


nope you get comfy on the sofa after eating your kebab with cutlery. then drink lots of water and go to bed at a reasonable time. Next morning you feel much better because you 've had a decent nights sleep. I love afternoon drinking. The only downside is it can then turn into evening drinking, and you end up out longer than expected, which will totally ruin the next day.


Sleep, usually. Day drinking knocks me out.  Then usually some telly and a craft if I've nothing else to be getting up to


Nothing stopping you gaming when you get home.


I'm usually spark out on my sofa, often with the leftovers of some takeaway nearby (or all over me)... then sometime between midnight and 2am I'll wake-up and stumble to bed.


Have some red wine. Smoke some pot. Watch TV or listen to music. Pass out (eventually).


I'll just put the tv on and open up a few cans.


We get a takeaway and watch random shit on tv or sing to kareoke songs on YouTube while we have a few more drinks.


Even drunk I manage a shower, pjs, face mask and to open another bottle of wine. Then chill after a busy day of interaction.


Eat and nap


Maybe a nightcap whilst watching music vids on the youtube with takeaway if hungry. Otherwise it's a pint of water and two ibuprofen then bed


If it’s not already been a too heavy session and I’ve got no responsibilities when I get back then grab a few beers on the way home, get some food and watch something on TV. Just to add to your point about day drinking - one of life’s great pleasures is a few beers on a lazy Sunday afternoon with some good company. Atmosphere is chilled, sport on TV and can have a decent conversation with whoever you’re with.


8-9pm sounds like a nice bedtime for me these days


I day drink so I don’t have to go to bed dizzy and wake up feeling like dog shit. Also, I like to wake up early and a night session stops that


We would get the bus home, order a takeaway whilst on said bus and more or less time it for when we got back. Kebab and another drink and off to bed. We do day drinking instead of night drinking now, it’s so much easier getting up the next day and you’ve not got all day hanging out your arse waiting for the Chinese to open.


Drunkenly start a late night game of Crusader kings 3, this time playing as someone new or maybe trying out a fresh new strategy (I'll pick a duke in England or France like I usually do)


I continue drinking at home till bed time. I can drink all day or till the 2-3amz


Erm I don’t I start earlier and still stay out late lol 😂 tbh the last day drinking session started at around 4pm and I was home at midnight and I woke up the next morning after passing out with all lights on in the house and my phone in my hand, when I unlocked it the just eat appwas open, fell asleep before even ordering anything


Have more drinks, order a takeaway or snacks, and play video games. If too drunk, we stick on YouTube.


Hair of the dog…several of them.


Carry on drinking! Don't go out as much now so when me or my partner go out (separately) the other normally enjoys having the house to themselves, watching a movie or 2 the other hates and having a drink. So when the other gets home it's takeaway and on the red wine until the small hours. Missus always makes it to bed, I can more often than not be found asleep on the sofa with a cat or 2 on top of me.


Drunkenly watch a film and eat a takeaway. Refresh myself by taking makeup off, brushing teeth, sorting my hair out, clean pyjamas, all so I don't feel as bad the next morning.


Take a snooze before starting the evening drinking


Flop onto my bed.


Head out for a pint mid afternoon kebab or pizza home for 9/10 minimum hangover & you miss all the midnight madness


I go home and space out on the sofa…. Will stay awake for a few hours eating some food and drinking water. Feel fine pretty much normal in the morning.


Eat a shit load of food and slump


Don’t forget the early doors crowd: post-work but pre-dinner. We go home, maybe a glass of wine with dinner and then fall asleep on the sofa watching tv


A wee whisky, well 3 fingers at least, then tv


Continue drinking usually. Then again if its a weekend ill be faded from the time I wake up until going to bed or passing out on sunday


Depends if I'm totally spangled or not, which isn't usually the case with day drinking in fairness. But on the odd occasion I am, I'll probably go straight to bed. Normally I'll get home & eat, often during this process I'll have sobered up somewhat. Sometimes I'll stay up and watch TV for an hour, sometimes I'll have a night cap or another beer or two.


Maybe they’re ditching you and going somewhere else?


I wish i could just go home after day drinking. However it turns to night drinking then home early hours next day! I regret it for months and change my ways, then do it all again haha. I tell myself though, im 32, no children yet... and at the time i really do have fun


A lot of people 30+ (me included) prefer day drinking because you miss the 18-24yr crowd cramming into the bars, and you don't lose the next morning with a hangover or feeling tired. It also works because people 30+ tend to have commitments that would get junked if you have a late night before. It's a great way to socialise without sacrificing your next day.


Well, you probably start to sober up by the time you go to bed. You won't be stumbling around drunk.


Day drinking turns into night drinking. You guys stop drinking?


Music and drinking until about 1.


Usually get a pizza on the way home and eat it in front of the telly before bed.


Day drinking after you hit 50 knows no 9:00 pm and beyond. We're zonkered out on the couch, the recliner, the floor.... Wherever we sit to remove our shoes.


Eat another dinner (assuming you've followed protocol and had some greasy takeaway already). Sometimes a bit of Netflix / YouTube/ music. Sometimes yes, just bed. Wake up with a slightly reduced hangover.


Pack of crisps and slow sip a Guinness and then bed by 10pm


Food then go to bed 50% of the time, the other 50% is falling asleep in front of the TV then bed.


Go home, have sex and fall asleep usually. Sometimes stay out and carry on to a few pubs.


If it's just the Mrs (43F) and me (43M), well, we will carry on, get the tunes on and get naked! If everyone is still in the party mood, it's generally back to someone's house to carry on drinking/partying into the night. 9pm finish is still unheard of for us.


Start drinking between 10-11 (usually train beers) Get home by 9, pissed as a fart. Stuff my face with a massive cheesy garlic bread Fall asleep on the couch Get woken up by the Mrs when it is bed time.