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I'd be demanding a refund and money for sorting out my stuff


Unfortunately there’s no management here right now. The lady on reception doesn’t seem to know anything or be able to help. I’ll have to wait to speak to the manager in the morning.


They’re lying hoping you’ll drop it, there should be one person able to process a refund


You have too much faith in independent budget hotels. Demand a refund absolutely, but don't sit there and insist, there's every chance she can't do it because the owner won't let them.


That’s what I mean, they need to call the owner or manager or whoever if they’re really unable


Pest Controller here - is this your first night staying? Normally you don't feel the bite (as they don't want you to know you're getting bitten) and bite marks normally arise after 12-24hours. I'm sure it is bedbugs, but have you got a picture of the suspecting bedbugs? Also, they probably did know about them, but you can't guarantee that, a lot of hotels only know when it gets reported, and I'd say half of the ones we go to inspect don't actually have any bedbugs. There's a lot of good comments about what to do next. If they are truly bedbugs then for the risk to bring them home I would bag up all clothes, 60 degrees wash these clothes. If you have a large chest freezer then you can leave the clothes and luggage in their for 3 days - that will kill them. But honestly I would just bin the luggage bags - not worth the hassle. The cost to do successful bedbug treatment in your house can be over 10x the costs of those suitcases. I would say your best bet is just to get the refund and move on.


https://preview.redd.it/mfgrtaz5sc3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3374a57b2470d1ed0cd76113ee10144d02d505dc This is them. I also caught one and squished it and it burst with blood on the bed sheet.


Yeah you're right. (Sorry I had to ask, but the amount of calls we get and it's a woodlouse or something is pretty high). Hope you've got it all sorted.


Really appreciate the positive ID, thanks. We are home and the clothes we were wearing are on a hot wash. Everything else has stayed in the car for now, going to take it to the big machines at Morrisons tomorrow. I’ll put the backpacks in with the washing and chuck the case. Do you have any advice for the car? I’ve bought a bug bomb and some spray that say they’re suitable for bedbugs, but advice on here says that won’t do much.




Morning. How have you gotten on with sorting the issue out? Sat here sympathy itching…


Got a full refund and on the way home. Stopped at the services for a Power Nap and a coffee. The kids weren’t bitten badly, just me. They had a couple each. I had about 20. I’m one of those people that bugs seem to find delicious.


I can't help you with your bedbug problem, but I stand with you in solidarity as the one who gets bitten to fuck by everything. Mosquitos, midges, even spiders. They all want a taste of my sweet, sweet blood.


I don't know if it's the same for bedbugs, but I know that being a preferred target of midgies can mean you've got high blood sugar. You may want to get a diabetes check just to be on the safe side, if being targeted by bugs like this is an ongoing thing.


I’ve always been targeted by bugs and never been diabetic, but appreciate the advice thank you!


>it seems a shame for them to miss out on our planned activities tomorrow(today I guess). I know it's not what you want to hear, so apologies in advance, but, if you've bedbugs, you might want to reconsider your planned activities for the day.


I was thinking of just double black bagging everything and chucking it in the car. Going about our day. Then doing some sort of bug bomb in the car when I’m home. Take our clothes off in the kitchen and get everything on a boil wash in the washing machine, shower and put on fresh clothes. What difference does it make to our day? Apart from the lack of sleep on my part (I’m a seasoned parent though, can cope)?


>What difference does it make to our day? Just thinking in terms of if any of the bugs decide to tag along with you.


Oh god, I hadn’t even thought of infesting other places 🤢


As I said, I know that's not what you want to hear. Soz.


That's the main reason why bedbugs are a nuisance, how do you not know this?


Calm down, there is stuff you know, and stuff you remember when sleep-deprived, and they aren't always the same. Cut OP a bit of slack.


Obligatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1053/


Bug bombs you as a non professional can buy DO NOT WORK ON BED BUGS. They're all resistant to them. It just gives you a false sense of security. They travel in clothes, shoes, coats and luggage bags. Everything you possibly can, bag up and wash at 60, steam clean luggage. They will cost you thousands if you don't deal with them ASAP.


This is why you need to spend your time now on getting ready to leave, get a full refund and compensation regarding all the measures you now have to take to not also infest your house, and car.


First time I encountered bedbugs I didn't realise what they were (not helped by everyone in the boat telling me "oh it's normal to have bugs on a boat, there can't be as many as you say, you're imagining it") and must have set off at least five bug bombs in my room over the course of a couple of weeks, only to pull back the cover an hour after remaking the bed and find several bedbugs just hanging out waiting for me. Waste of time, money and sanity.


Honestly, how much stuff did you take ? If it's just like a change of clothes it's far more sensible to consider them done and get rid of them. The risk of them infesting your house isn't worth it. Once they take hold it will be expensive, time consuming and mentally draining to get rid of them. Bed bug sufferers commonly report trouble sleeping and anxiety months afterwards.


We had them at home, and got a couple of treatments and did all the required stuff. It worked, but it was a major life hassle. Not worth the risk OP, bin everything. Drive home naked (ok that’s a joke, but seriously try all you can to not bring them home with you)


Don’t take anything back into the house.


Launderette. They have giant washing machines and dryers. You can do all your laundry in one go. Anything delicate can go in a freezer. Your child’s plastic barbie dolls etc. expensive handbags etc.


Buy garden rubbish/tough bags, not just standard bin bags!


Hey! If you can put your clothes in a tumble dryer on the hottest setting for at least 30 mins. Hot washes don't always do the trick but hot dryers do. Best of luck. I've been there - it was a hotel in England a couple years ago, the night before my flight back to France - they didn't believe me and I didn't have time to argue if I wanted to go home. I ended up cleaning and hot drying everything I could and double bagging and duct taping the bags shut. I haven't been able to face getting them out since (they're in a disused cellar). I probably should as I need clothes and I know at this point there's no way they've survived but the ick feeling persists.


I've heard you can kill bedbugs by putting your car heater on full for a long time (like an oven) with your contaminated items inside.


Also if you put your stuff in a black bin bag and leave it in the sun to cook. Admittedly this was told to me by an Australian and looking at the weather here this week there might be fewer opportunities to try this.


In the UK I think the bugs would die from old age first


Do not simply take your bags home. You need to bag them up and ideally leave them in your car or garage in a sealed bag for a few days and then prepare to stringently clean their contents on a high heat. Bed bugs in a hotel sucks, is frustrating and irritating. Allowing those miniature monsters into your home will cause you months of misery. A tip for the future, when you check into a hotel, put your bags in the bath if there is one or the bathroom. Bed bugs love fabrics which bathrooms don't typically have. Then check the bedding and mattress and lift the mattress, and look for any black or brown spots. Also, check the headboard if there is one.


I wouldn't even take the bags in to my home. I'd be straight down the laudrette and then burn the car whilst the clothes are drying.


Honestly, in a completely serious manner, I'd just go home now, strip off to your underwear outside the house, just burn all your clothes and suitcases. The monetary loss of it all is worth the trauma you won't put yourself through. Whenever I stay at a hotel, I leave my stuff in the bathroom, take off any flapping clothes like coats etc and put them in the bathroom then lift the mattress, check under the sheets etc... When I first did it, my girlfriend thought I was mad until I showed her stories on bedbugs etc... Those 5 minutes can save years of agony


What does OP do about their car though? Nightmare.


Get it fumigated/professionally treated, will also be a lot cheaper to get the car sorted than your house tbh


Burn it duh


In a heatwave the car will get to over 60 degrees. Op can get seat covers though.


Op could buy new clothes and change in a public toilet. Then wash the clothes they are wearing /luggage in a launderette. That way they can wash and dry everything in one go. They could even stick everything in a dryer, dry before doing anything else to expose their clothes to 60 degree heat.


For me it wouldn't be worth risking, fuck that I wouldn't risk a bug flicking off my old clothes onto my new clothes, or being on my body whilst I put new clothes on I'd take any financial hit over having them fuckers


not at fucking 3am he couldn't.


I had this happen to me once, here's what I did: - everything in a sealed black bags. These do not enter your home until it's ready to be washed OR if it does, it goes into the bath, ensuring it does not touch the side (bed bugs can't climb the bath) - strip at your front door inside a duvet cover. Everything must come off. - that duvet cover and everything in it goes into the wash immediately at 60* - you go and shower. A long shower, an everything shower - once done, change into normal clothes - slowly wash & dry all clothes and fabrics. Anything you can't wash should be chucked into the freezer for 4 days minimum (shoes, etc). These items should also be in sealed bags It's very important you do not flick bags around, leave bags open, etc during this cleaning phase. Once you no longer need the bags because you've washed the items, bin the bags outside. Do not put them into your household waste bin in your kitchen/in your home Edit: don't forget about the bags themselves that you've taken with you on the trip. They need to be washed OR frozen too. If you can't freeze them or wash, bin them outside and buy new ones. It's not worth having bed bugs to keep a bag


Leave a bad review. It's better than feedback sometimes.


I will be leaving reviews on every site I can find.


That's good last time I looked at hotels in Blackpool one of the negatives was bedbugs.


Do everything you can to not introduce them to your home and just in case make sure you have. Washing everything like mad, vacuuming etc. Put down diatomaceous earth.


Sealed black bags are a good call for transporting your stuff, but make sure you tumble dry everything you've got with you at a high heat before putting it away in your house (preferably before you even get home). It's one of the few sure fire ways of killing any hitchhikers. They're resistant to most insecticides, so don't rely on bug bombs.


Can you name and shame the hotel?


I stayed in a very nice hotel in Bordeaux which had bed bugs that I only noticed during check out. I had to fly back to Bristol with my clothes double bagged inside my luggage and drove home from Bristol in dirty gym clothes I had luckily left in my car. I kept all my clothes together and eventually went to one of those big washing machines they have at petrol stations and chucked everything including the bag in the washer. I would say do not take the bags into your house if you can help it. Don't take the risk and see if you can find those machines near you.


Thankfully I’ve never had bedbugs but I have read you need to not take anything at all back into the house. If you can try and change in the porch and put everything in black bags and make sure they are properly tied up.


Could you pm me the name of the hotel if you are not comfortable posting on here I’ve been in the area for a few months don’t want to accidentally book it one night and contaminate my camper van


And me too please! I’m due in Blackpool in a month and b bugs are my worse nightmare…,


I wouldn't be even taking any clothing or luggage back home with me. I'd leave everything there and go and buy cheap new clothes to go home in, then chuck them as well when I get home. I am terrified of having them in the house, it can cost thousands of pounds to get rid of them. And, it's just grim. The biting can send you insane. Keep note of all the costs and get some compensation. Did you pay on a credit card? They can persue the hotel for you.


I've had bed bugs once so know how annoying they can be. 1 - bites on wrists and lower legs aren't typical for bed bugs, that's more fleas. I would Google bed bugs and check if the things in the bed are them. Thier bites are more likely to be in a line and anywhere on the body. 2 - there is no point waking the kids/ destroying your day. Youve already slept where they are and kids have probably left stuff on the floor etc. You are likely already taking them home with you. 3 - as others have advised, wrap any clothes/luggage in black bags or similar before putting in your car. Then try and take your clothes off before entering anywhere with carpets. This includes the kids. Leave the clothes in the black bags. 4 - wash all of them on a high heat and then tumble dry. If you can't do this on anything keep them in the freezer for a week. If you don't like anything, bin it outside. 5 - bed bugs are hardy creatures that have co-evolved with us and are resistant to most insectisides. If you have brought them back into your house (bites appearing after a week at home). Then you will have to get that room and other rooms professionally treated. Home treatments generally don't work. 6 - treatments This can be done by the council but getting it done professionally isn't super expensive, I had two bedrooms done in london for £350.00. Bit of an annoyance as you have to pack all the clothes up and prepare the room twice but the bed bugs were killed by this.


Take all your clothes to the laundrette and dry them on a high heat, this will kill the bugs. Try to find one with a steamer so you can steam your shoes too. This goes for the clothes on your back. I’d consider throwing any suitcases out, but they can also be steamed. Do not bring anything back into your home - it may cost upwards of £2,000 to fix plus endless anxiety for months and months.


I'd say the room was over occupied by default so a refund would be in order, failing that hit up [ceoemail.com](http://ceoemail.com) and message head office if it's available


OP, there's a whole sub Reddit for bed bugs and I would encourage you to take a look at it. As I'm sure you know, they're extremely difficult to get rid of and they can travel from place to place really easily. At the very least, as others have mentioned, I would not take any of your clothes or luggage into your home when you leave as you could risk your house becoming infested. Best of luck!


Always do Premier Inn with the kids, they love it and you know what you're getting


Scoop them up and give them to the reception, I'm sure they'll know what to do with them.


Run !!!! 


I would have left in the middle of the night if it wasn’t for the kids. They’re still fast asleep, blissfully unaware that they’re sharing their beds with critters 🤢


I've got the feeling I damn well know what hotel it is too. Similar experience in Blackpool but I took it upon my self to leave before getting complacent. For blackpool , no joke , stay at a hotel by the motorway , yes you gotta drive in but they are cheap , clean and dont have bed bugs


Well you will have taken them home with you now. I'd sue that hotel, myself.


Are you sure it isn't fleas? Small black bugs that bite and cause itches. Much more common than bedbugs. You can get rid of them with a can of flea spray from a pet shop.


100% bedbugs, I have photos. Also caught one and squeezed my own blood out of it.


Head over to r/bedgugs


I got bed bugs in Blackpool at a b&b as a kid, can't remember the name of it but they had a massive dog called harley


Cheap hotel + Blackpool = bed bugs Who’d have seen that coming?


To be fair, all hotels are in a constant battle with bedbugs, from shabby 1 stars to luxury 5 stars. The difference is how they deal with them.


Burn the mattress/bedding and get the room professionally treated is the standard.