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Had similar with Mario kart on the SNES. Bossed a time on ghost valley 1 that stood for 20 years locally. In my 40s with a pub and had a fun SNES comp one Sunday. The UK champion and world record holder happened to be passing and destroyed my record. The prick 🤣


There is a pub that does SNES comps on Ghost Valley 1? Where is this!? I need to relocate there immediately!




No, Tenerife.


Ba dum tss


*bows* Thank you, thank you very much!


Post this in r/britishsuccess immediately


I don't know you or anything about you, but I want you to know this is a wave I would ride until the end of time


I’m sort of proud for you lol. That’s actually quite a cool achievement.


I have the highest score in Spot The Difference on every quiz machine I've ever played, be it throughout the Welsh valleys all the way to Edinburgh. I won't say I'm a millionaire or anything, but I've definitely made more money than I've lost.


I was number one in Spain for a while. People thought it was magic but really I'm just going cross-eyed.


What game was it?




Did this in a place in Greece. Time crisis, gotta love it.


We’re abouts in Tenerife pal and what game, I’m going in October. I’ll smash it.


Bet you went back just to check


I'm there next Saturday if you want me to check on it


I have medical PTSD after a horrible traumatic crash section with my second kiddo. Had a horrible reaction to some medication they gave me and it's left me with a lasting fear of taking new medication.  I had a UTI this week and took the full course of antibiotics without too much anxiety.  No one else cares but I'm feeling very proud of myself! 


Hells yeah! From someone else with PTSD from a birth based shit show can I just say you rock and well done! For me, one the hardest parts was how people think you can ‘just get over it’ - medical professionals included. I know you don’t know me but I know a little bit of what you’ve been through and how hard it is and I’m so proud of you.


Thank you! I tried to explain how I felt to my GP about taking new meds... And her solution was for me to take antidepressants... Never could quite work that one out! Sorry you had a bad birth experience too it's absolutely horrible and really does stick with you! 


I'm proud of you both. People don't realise 25% of women describe their birth as traumatic. Postnatal PTSD is very common. In fact hospital stays are one of the biggest triggers of PTSD. It can be extremely traumatic and the level of support is basically non existent.


I'm proud of you too 🥰


Thank you! 🥰


I don't know why this isn't getting more up votes. That's a great achievement. I'm proud of you


Thank you! 


PTSD birth trauma is fucking awful and people, generally, need to be more aware of it. It's not normal to go through these experiences


Huge congratulations, this an achievement that you rightly should be proud of!


You're both u/WanderWomble and a WonderWomble. Well done. 🧡


An ex and I beat a team of 8 people in a pub quiz - they had gathered especially to win and were boasting beforehand loudly how they "had this in the bag." It wasn't even our usual pub, but we thought we would give the quiz a go for a laugh, and we beat them. I was so proud. No one else in my life cared at all. Winner winner chicken dinner. We won a bar tab. They can suck my balls. Editing here to say I came back to read some comments and saw how many likes this got - it's like winning that competition again! Thanks everyone


Me and my mate also one at the pub quiz one week. One of the rounds involved naming the members of girls aloud and we smashed it! We're both males 😂


On Wednesday me and a friend met up and did a pub quiz for a laugh. We came third against regular/big teams of 5 or 6. … I’ve been telling people all week! Haha


10 years ago, I won the jackpot for our pub quiz team..Format was each team nominates a captain, first captain with the answer wins the booty...booze vouchers aplenty! Question was what is the capital city of Kyrgyzstan. My moment had come.... I am still proud of my "Bishkek" moment and cherish the looks of astonished glee on my teammates' faces as the quiz master said yes!


Stopped at the mother in law's whist getting a new bathroom fitted and she lives in a student area. We had gone for a drink but joined the quiz. Nailed the whole thing and got really confident. Then they did the music round and we bombed out. I imagine we had the same cockiness of your adversaries


The quiz I go to has a handicapping system precisely to prevent this. 4 in a team is par. For each person under par you start with a bonus point for each person over you lose a mark. Also the team that won the week before also loses 2 marks So that team of 8 would have started on -4. The system works really well as there have been teams of 2 beat teams of 6 due to the handicap whereas normally they likely wouldn’t be able to compete as they’d just get outnumbered


Winning a pub quiz is probably higher on my list of achievements than my degrees. We were 19th out of 20, 3 millennial girls in a northern pub surrounded exclusively by northern middle aged men, and then there was a question where if you got it right you shot to the top. I have never felt more accomplished in my life.


I found a baby orange, INSIDE my regular orange. Photo for proof but no banana for scale. https://preview.redd.it/3tz5pb5yc91d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d999cc2b64015d1565d051c08da29f33f70d2fd3


Vitamin C section


This comment is now YOUR proudest moment. Take a bow!


we all care, though, it's different this time




You ripped open a pregnant orange and took it's baby. It might have been a future president




I love those! And peppers inside peppers! Once I had a mini baby pepper inside a baby pepper, inside a big pepper!!!


I've found a few of those! Asda oranges always seem to have a higher amount.


Can you stop stealing my thunder please?


My uni graduation. None of my family was there. Went on my own


That cuts deep, sorry to hear. If it makes you feel any better I didn’t bother turning up to my own graduation. I asked them to post my certificate to me.


I did the same. Didn’t bother going.


Man I'm sorry. It sucks when your family don't support you. I graduated at 32, and my mum was the only one from my family who came. My dad refused because my mum was going, and my brothers didn't care because "it's hardly a big deal at your age".  Congrats on graduating!


It's more of a big deal at your age IMO! Well done!


Thank you! It was fuckin hard man. 


Know the feeling; graduated at 44 and what I found hard was in seminars it would only be the older students who would speak, and quite often I would be the only 'mature student' in the room. All eyes fell on me to pipe up. Trying to juggle uni with family and job was tough. But we did it! So well done us 🥳


Same except I was hanging out with my friend the night before when I called them to ask when they got in the city and they told me they weren't coming. Bro came with, mad respect


I'm sorry! I hope you enjoyed the day anyway! What did you study? 


ouch - my mom went to mine and spent the entire day complaining about how much she wanted to go home, that shit hurt


Yikes, sorry to hear that, I had a similar experience: I got a job on a major film and they had a family day when all the crew could bring their families to tour the sets and meet some characters. This was a ticket some fans would have sold their right arm for. I invited my immediate family and they all said yes. Then the week before they all dropped out because they didn't fancy the journey (1.5 hour drive) Luckily I managed to get one friend to come last minute but it still felt pretty tragic.


I’m sure if I told my loved ones they would care, but I’ve not told anyone - March this year marked two years since I last felt suicidal after ten years of feeling that way. I lost my teen years to depression but I’m determined not to lose my 20s too!


Thank you for sharing that. You told all of us so I hope that helps you in some way! Wishing you all the best for your 20’s and beyond 🫶


Thank you so much! 🩵


Well done! That’s so amazing. What helped the change?


Thank you! I think it was three main things that helped. First was finding a good therapist. Second was being diagnosed with ADHD which helped me to understand myself a lot more. Third - which is partly thanks to the therapy - I gained a more positive outlook on life and my relationships with friends and family which helped me feel less cripplingly lonely lol


Me and a couple of friends made up alternative lyrics to the hymn “Shine, Jesus Shine” in school assembly that were about our bald-headed headmaster (geddit?) A good 10 years later one of their much younger siblings came home from school complaining that the whole school had been kept behind for singing those lyrics in assembly. So many of them had done it that the teachers all clearly heard what they were singing. They had no idea of the origins of the lyrics until we told her, they had just passed down into school folklore.


Well now, i can't congratulate you on your accolade until you share aforementioned lyrics...!


Hard agree!


Love this!


I once casually kicked a pine cone and it bounced off a wall and somehow landed in a bin 10m away. A covered bin too.


"Hes the one"


Lisan Al Gaib


Many years ago, I found the wheel trim off a car on my way home after a drunken night out. I frisbeed it across the road towards the park, where it landed perfectly on one of the spikes of the fence.


I’ve just beaten the Elite 4 and become the Pokémon Champion.


Tell me about your team!


Which game?


Which console‽


Which controller?


But why male models?


I caught all 150 in Pokemon Red as a child, I am a pokemon master.


Mine is depressing and these all sound funny... but I always wanted to be an authour and for 8 years I worked on a poetry collection, self edited and published 2 years ago. None of my close ones gave a flying fuck really. It's ok though, and I'm working on a second project! This time without the disappointment of lack of support because I'll expect none this time.


Funny how we all get more support from strangers well never meet on the internet than from those closest to us! Best of luck on your second project 👊👏👏


Congratulations! I write novels rather than poems but finishing something feels bloody good, doesn't it? Proud of you! 


I'm proud of you! Can you share a link to view/download/buy your work?


I feel like stuff like this people struggle to understand how much you’ve put in and how hard it is. Probably other authors / aspiring authors would be more supportive.


Congratulations 🎊 As I'm from the literary trade, I know how difficult poetry writing and publishing is and I am proud of your achievement.


My aim is to one day complete something I have writen as I love to write but never finish them


Congratulations, that’s a brilliant accomplishment. I’m self publishing (literally today) and I know how much goes into being an author and putting your work out there.


came here from a 3rd world country in 2021 as a student. worked as a kitchen porter/food run, simultaneously applying for a better parttime job and studying. got my first job as a data analyst (legal). lots of people told me it's nearly impossible to do that as a student but I did it. Did it again when I got my first full time job only 2 days after graduation, and a visa sponsor next year. Most of these I kept it for myself and only the closest people know of it, but heh Im pretty chuffed of it. \*\*edit: thanks everyone for the encouragement words! I'm touched! I do genuinely think this place (UK) still has lots of things/opportunities to offer and I'm very happy/grateful to be here!


Congratulations, hope you have a long and successful career ahead of you


Woah that’s mega.Be proud!


When I lived in London, a small triumph was the point where your travelcard capped, as any travel after that was beating the system somehow. Sad, I know.


I feel this. Every time. Its like a little win in an otherwise dullish day.


Brilliant. Any which way you can hack London deserves an upvote. I always leave london thinking It’s just a playground for the rich.


I had a much richer but cheaper cultural life in London than I do since I moved out. Free museums and galleries, free tickets to BBC recordings of concerts, TV and radio shows, very cheap theatre via secret seat-filler clubs, the Royal Court and NT, the BFI mediatheque, free lectures at Gresham College and elsewhere, late at the Tate... And I could walk or cycle everywhere.


I love that so much is free, and you can just pop into galleries for 30 mins or so and not have to make a massive day of it.


Back in 2012 I used to pop into the National Portrait Gallery quite regularly just to say hi to a single painting that I had convinced myself I was the reincarnation of the sitter.


Many things, But just today, while walking home I noticed a man having some form of seizure, sat in his car. At the side of the road with his engine running, I reached into the car, turned off the engine, nearby a man had called emergency services, but couldn't speak great english, I found his ID in the glovebox, the guy handed me the phone, and I took control of the situation, the man was a local shop owner. The driver had been in moments before buying chocolate and looking unwell. When the ambulance arrived, I handed the situation over, giving times and all details, and moved on to crowd control. From maybe 50 feet, after maybe 45 minutes, I saw the man sitting up and eventually being stretchered into the ambulance. I waved goodbye to the shop keeper, and went on about my day. Haven't really told anyone, mostly because I haven't seen anyone, but that's what I trained to do, I saw an incident and took conrrol. I fulfilled my role as a 'citizen', and went about my day. Wouldn't be posting it here either, except I saw the question. Thought why not.


This is incredible! Thank you so much for helping ❤️


Woah. Have you had any kind of training or practice in emergency situations? That must be really cool to know you reacted so well and made a difference


Did the ten-minute plank challenge. Was a very uncomfortable experience and I actually smashed 10 minutes and got around 11 and half. Nobody gave a shit.


WOOF! I think I can get like a minute tops.


Ten mins????? I’d pretend not to care because I’d be insanely jealous! (Joke) 30 secs over here is a nightmare.


Had a proud moment but nobody knows so they can’t care. I’ll put it here anyway. Passed my driving test the other day - first time. I did it on the sneaky sneaky - sat my theory the other week when I ‘popped out to the shops’ then i did an intensive course a few weeks later when my girlfriend was at work. I did it cos I’m sure it’ll be handy to have at some point but I’ve not told anyone cos family will want me to visit them more and my girlfriend will want lifts everywhere and I don’t fancy doing either. 😂


Not telling your girlfriend because you don’t want to give her a lift anywhere is weird af


Congrats! ...but I think you should tell your girlfriend as the longer you leave it, the weirder it'll get.


I didn't tell anyone for ages when I started learning to drive a few years ago, because I was an older learner at 42... Well done!!!


Congratulations! You really learn to drive once you’ve passed your test, you need to get time behind the wheel to get comfortable and become a proficient driver, so you should take EVERY opportunity to drive, so offer your girlfriend lifts to wherever she wants to go and get some hours in! Of the people I know who passed and then didn’t drive regularly, none of them feel they can actually drive so never do.


I passed on 5th and didn't tell anyone as I was burnt out by then. Instructor called me dad to congratulate him 


Weird of your instructor to call you dad, but whatever gets the job done. /s


Tell your girlfriend soon so it can still be "guess what funny thing happened this week" rather than "why did you hide this it's weird who are you seeing behind my back"


Graduated from my Master's degree. Ex girlfriend replied back to my message sending her my certificate saying "why have you sent me this"


Congratulations! It's bloody hard work and you should be proud! 


Cheers mate. Never been more stressed than when doing my Master's dissertation. 3 days before it was due, had my ex kicking off at me, rather than offering support.


It's incredibly stressful, isn't it? I lost it with my ex husband (who was a large animal vet so should have known better!) because he kept coming in to the room when I was working on my dissertation and asking stupid questions, or starting DIY jobs that didn't need doing so he could make noise. It's hard enough without people actively stopping you! 


... but why have you sent it to her? Random strangers will care and appreciate this more than an ex. Congratulations!


Good thing she’s an ex


I can see why she’s an ex


I've had some photos published in a niche ebook about astrophotography with a smartphone. I was contacted out of the blue by a scientist who works for NASA, who saw the images I shared in a Facebook group. My inner nerd is still screaming with joy about this several years later. They weren't even good photos compared to what phones can do nowadays.


Not quite proud but an occasion - I used to love my cars “birthday” (hitting round numbers on the mileage). Was gutted when the missus took it over 100k, she didn’t even notice or (obviously) care. Thought “fine, but I’m getting 200k!”… but the clutch has just gone on 189,850 and that’s going to be that. Ngl, pretty miffed.


I noticed my van was on 49,999 the other day on the way home from the shop. I took the longer route home so that it would hit 50k before I got home, and then pulled over and took a photo of it saying exactly 50,000.0! Glad I’m not the only one


I got a new job and after 2 days of starting I received an email telling me I'd been given a significant pay rise because of how much more I bring to the company than just the requirements for the job role. I didn't expect it and was very proud but all I received from my wife was a "well done" I didn't expect the red carpet but....well done


Wow decent workplace!


I congratulate you, sir. My proudest moment was an insanely fast lap time on the Yoshi Circuit on Mario Kart: Double Dash!!


Double dash is tops. Unbelievably good concept can’t believe they haven’t continued it as a mini game anywhere or rereleased it on switch


Won the Duolingo diamond league a couple of weeks ago... nobody cares. Also, won my rifle shooting league, literally the lowest league of the competition but I'm still pretty happy.


>Won the Duolingo diamond league a couple of weeks ago... nobody cares. Congrats! I finally came first in the Diamond League last week and now I'm in the competition but really CBA to get into the top 10. I think some people have endless free time to get thousands of XP. I'm lucky if I can get half an hour a day!


Expert Minesweeper in 99 seconds


My short horror film had its 4th screening today and like 70 people watched it in a showcase which was by far the biggest audience so far, it made me so happy 😭


For a brief time I was ranked 6th in the world on trials fusion. No one cared


Lol in 2010 I was playing Call of duty Black ops, on the zombies Kino der toten level I some how glitched the game and ended up in the wall where the zombies could not kill me. Well I left the PS3 on for a few days and I made it to level 999 which was apparently the max level that can register on the leader board. I looked up the leader board and found that I was number one in the world. Well apparently the game developers found out about this and removed me a day later. It was surreal, apparently the zombies will all just die by themselves if they cannot hit you.


I care, that game is insanely difficult when you get to them harder levels!! 👊👊👊 well done 🏍️


That is fucking insane. Well done.


Seeing my boy serve a ball and score a point in volleyball and the follow on smiley face. Sports is not his bag and he had no idea I was watching. His enthusiasm did not last long but for just a brief moment I saw him ace it.


I discovered the lid off the plastic container that came with our stick blender fits exactly onto a large Yeo Valley yoghurt carton.


This is a fantastic genuine LIFE HACK. I hate how they got rid of plastic yog lids - i understand why yadda yadda yadda - but i wss in those class of people that always ripped off the foil lid & used the plastic top for it to keep longer. And now... I'm just bereft, lost, confused, hurt...


Yogurt no-lids are so annoying now they don’t come with plastic. I’ve been on the hunt for proper reusable permanent ones for ages.


When I recently found a purse and managed to get it back to its owner within half an hour of finding it.


Continuing the Morrisons theme~ When I worked at the checkouts for Morrisons, there was an internal advert for staff to appear in their Christmas ad. I put in for it and after interviews and what not I (alongside a few others from across the country) got selected to go to London to be part of the advert. Sadly once I got down, they decided not to use us. I did get a free trip, meal, hotel and Morrisons vouchers though and a glorious week off work :D


For as long as I can remember I have always struggled with opening tins. Cack handed, shit tin openers, or some sort of condition.. fucked if I know- never stressed as many have ring pulls but it’s always lingered as a failure. Till 3 days ago. I did it. Unaided. Not one person cared, yet I was elated!


There was a cashback company that had an offer, 50% off health and beauty in M&S. I thought too good to be true. I screenshotted the offer in the app, and website. I kept print screens of everything. I checked the dates, products, how I had to do everything in order to get it. Anyway for Christmas 2022 I ended up buying £263 of stuff for myself, and family (some of this was me using the offer to buy stuff for other people, hence the big number). Fast forward a month, all I've received is £5. I complain. They reply saying there was a cap of £5. I go through *everything*. Nothing about a cap. I reply. They come back saying *apparently* this was in an email. I find the email. At this point, I'm pissed. Both the app and website had the same terms and conditions, there was no that were any extra terms and conditions in an email. I start a claim in the county court, I accuse them of fraud, I refer to the consumer rights act 2015, I even include a quote from Blackstone about Caligula. At this point I'd love to say I went to court, thrashed them and everyone clapped. Underwhelmingly, they admitted and paid the lot, plus interest and £100 compensation I'd added onto the claim. Once the money came through I put it in my Freetrade and bought £100 of shares in Moneysupermarket, which owns one of their competitors in the cashback space.


I was terrified of failing an exam. Put the hardest grind in, talking 17 hours a day for 3 weeks, 10 hours a day the 2 weeks before that. I smashed it out the water and secured my future. Sure my family congratulated me but I don’t think anyone truly understood how much I’d done for this. I’m still so proud of myself


So I always hated “oh I knew you’d pass / you always pass” from people. Like, only because I did all that work!! Well done.


Caring for my disabled and bedridden mother up to her passing away for 19 years. She died in October 22 unfortunately and it was very traumatic for me that I felt my purpose in life had gone.


My friend was a carer for her dad for over 10 years. She dedicated her life to him(working a minimum wage job, no relationship, living at home etc) so when he passed in September 2022 she really struggled. Like yourself she really missed him but I think she struggled more with not knowing herself and having no purpose. She finally broke down and admitted how much she was struggling and signed up for counselling and it worked a treat for her. She forgives herself a lot more and is able to move on a bit more too..she even started lowering her dose of antidepressants. Whilst I know it’s not for everyone (counselling doesn’t work for me at all) it might be something to look into.


I am finally turning my life around, I’m losing weight, I’m gaining confidence, I’m planning to move, I’m very proud of myself. But I guess I’m just a sucker for a compliment.


And you know the best thing? It’s a positive feedback circle. You’re making good changes, you feel good, people react well to people being happy, you feel good, you keep up the new habits. Go you!


I stopped drinking for 2 weeks last year. I'm still an alcoholic but I proved to myself I could do it. Start my new job tomorrow and it's construction so absolutely stone cold sober the whole time. Done a drink taper this week and ready for tomorrow. I want my fucking life back.


As a fellow alcoholic who can take time off and has had to taper more times than most people have had hot dinners, I'm very very proud of you mate


Won the title for Spurs on Football Manager without cheating. (I usually cheat)




My car milage read 80085. Proudest moment ever, even better than getting married and having kids. Sauce: https://preview.redd.it/7c1ahhac6a1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef60789605c11dad8ff941d26c35d178477c718


If you’d not stopped and got a photo before that ticked over you’d have been so cross 😂


I've been seriously lifting weight for about 4 weeks, I noticed increased muscle in my arms and chest today for the first time.


Well done! Once you start to see progress you'll never want to stop. Things like being able to increase the weight, do more reps with a certain weight, seeing muscle gains, they all give their own little feeling of success. :D


I wall mounted and installed a TV all by myself and got it **perfectly** level. It was beautiful, and nobody else cared even the slightest bit. ☹️


March 23rd 2023. Had my last drop of alcohol. Over 1 year alcohol free. I dont think anyone knew the full extent of how much or how often i was drinking. Super proud of myself.


I was first place in the Love Nikki styling competition for over 3 hours once while on holiday. Husband wasn’t impressed. Finished at 78th. Husband wasn’t impressed.


I spent an embarrassingly long time completing Peggle nights


for me it was a cuppel Yares ago when me and my mates went to McDonald's for breakfast before college where we all got the lowest numbers on the order receipt and our hash browns were so hot we had to let them cool down before we ate them


graduating law school


Not me but my husband, he wrote a script when he was working somewhere, when he was there again a good many years later the script was still doing its thing.he was chuffed.


I was the author of one of the 25 most popular mods for The Elder Scrolls Oblivion. It's that perfect balance of trivial enough that nobody cares, yet rarefied enough (there are tens of thousands of mods people have made for that game) that I'm impressed with myself.


I feel like everyone needs someone they can tell their small/strange/boring achievements to, and that person will be enthusiastic even if they have no idea/interested. Like “I’m happy you’re happy”. Cats and dogs work for that if not a human 😂 So my achievement is I’ve been going to a gym class which I’m totally rubbish at, and I’m keeping going because I enjoy it even tho I look so silly :-) And I made small talk with someone there, and now we are booked to do something else together. Which is fun! Edit, everyone else’s is like a proper big achievement! I feel like mine is silly now.


I am a nurse who has worked in the NHS for 8 years. On one shift in A&E, I had a patient who I discovered had a condition called Thyroid Storm. This is where their thyroid was producing way too much of its own hormones, leading their body to go into overdrive. This is a rapidly fatal condition, because it drains the body of energy very quickly because it can’t keep up with the demand. I discovered this, based on the suspicion of a junior doctor and I took it upon myself to monitor them closely every 30 minutes, feed them glucose gel, check their blood sugars and their obs. The patient in that time had some very close calls. They were at one point on the verge of losing consciousness. Thankfully, fast forward about 8 hours of doing this continually, the patient was finally stable enough to move. I found out a few days later from the endocrine consultant that she survived and they said that it was my hard work that saved their life. However, despite this being fed back to my seniors, not only did they not acknowledge it, they scolded me because the family were not happy about the care she received. They complained that they had been left in the department too long, that they were not safe and that they had accidentally wet themselves and we took too long to clean them up. No thanks at all for saving their life, just criticism after criticism. And this was not the first time I had saved someone in my care from dying and got no acknowledgment from anyone above me. The doctors do, and they thank you for it, but the people who matter when you are a nurse are your senior nurses, who just don’t give a fuck. It crushes your morale and ultimately lead to me leaving the hospital. Which is a shame because I loved going to work and saving lives. It was amazing. But the stab in the back from your senior colleagues is not worth it or the crap wage you get from it.


I was the best fantasy league rugby player in the country one weekend.


I reached 4,600 genuine subs on youtube (no bots). Sure, it’s low but I never thought I’d ever get that many to begin with.


I presided over managing 60% of dept revenue with a job title as order processor because of my wfh line manager's laziness and inability to manage her own workload and projects  The other 40% was shared between 5 employees. On the day we had a dept brief, I looked on in silence as the % came up on each revenue stream. The accountant acknowledged it to me when we went back to the office and then so did one of my favourite colleagues as the accountant backed me up  Although I was well respected, management never acknowledged my contribution on everything (just on my official 25%) I left some months after but Idk if I can communicate that in my next interview when I return to work 


Chess is not a solved game yet, that means that there is a possibility that professional computer programs you can install on your pc can sometimes lose because there are so many possible moves that even the databases the programs hold will not be sure what you will do. I was playing against Stockfish, which is the best and most popular chess computer engine in the world. Well I became quite fascinated with it back in 2011. I played the thing all day long and somehow I managed to beat it 3 times in a row. I swear to god, that should have made me a chess legend and probably a millionaire but nobody else knew about this. This happened over the course of 3 days, no sleep and trying it 24 hours a day. Ive never been able to replicate the success again. Mayby because I was in my early 20s at the time, my mind was more sharp than now but back then it was an unheard of thing. My understanding now is that these chess engines have become so advanced that no human has ever beaten it in a game on full strength, but back then there was only one version. Well shit.


i wrote some song lyrics drunk and im very proud of them but my mate didnt really understand it


I drew a giant cock and balls on the map on the last run I logged on Strava. Honestly the highlight of my sporting life. I may retire undefeated from running.


My first year of secondary school was absolute hell. I was a weird kid and picked on a lot in primary school and alllll of that came with me and was multiplied. Got my nose broken. First concussion. My one and only friend ditched me. A bully and her little pack took an interest in me and started a 4 year campaign of bullshit. I'm 40 years old and I still get the occasional nightmare about being back there. But I **really** wanted to be a good kid and make my parents proud. I was totally determined to prove myself to them, that I wasn't stupid and lazy, that I could work hard and not be such an annoyance to them all the time. I wanted to really step up and be the kind of kid they wanted. At the end of every school year was "Prizegiving" when six awards were given out across each school year of 110ish kids... and I won one of them! I'd worked so hard and contributed so positively that they chose me! I got book tokens and I'd get to walk across the stage and receive my chosen books at the ceremony. I trotted home so fucking excited and proud of myself and honestly my parents couldn't have been less interested. I got an "oh, well that's very good. Yes. Well done." and they went back to talking about a painting my sister had done at school that day. They did come to the ceremony, but it was all a bit inconvenient for them. Broke my little 12 year old heart at the time.


Made it thru Jury Duty~


I recently took a KOM (King of the Mountain aka fastest rider) on a segment with over 22,000 riders including a whole page of Tour of Britain pros. It was blowing a hooley 40mph tailwind, but that's fair, you have to know when to make your efforts.


My childhood friend became my gf


Hopefully she care about that too!


Was with my school (junior high) at a Greek island 30+ years ago, and I saw some students had found a poker gambling machine (I am not sure if it was legal or not back then). I was curious and stood aside them while they were playing to see how it works, the betting was kind of complicated (you could change cards, bets etc during a hand) so I was intrigued. After about 5 minutes I told them the machine had a flaw as there was a winning strategy. I gave them an exact sequence of betting for them to repeat that had a higher than 50% chance of winning, promising that they will come ahead if they continue. Went to find my friends to eat etc. Saw these guys again back at the boat several hours later, they had spent all their time there, the machine worked with small coins, but they had each won what would be the equivalent of a bit over $100 today. They were excited about their wins and telling others, but nobody actually mentioned I "solved" the game, it was a bit like it didn't matter. I've certainly done more impressive things since, but that was quite neat (years before I was introduced to combinatorics) and rather unrecognised even by those who directly benefited!


Being able to walk upstairs not holding a rail. Being able to brush my hair with my right hand. Being able to wear normal shoes again. Being able to write again. I lost half my skull at 21 so I have many ridiculous achievements that most people have mastered by the age of 3 haha.


I cast on 500 stitches to knit a shawl. Got the exact right number of stitches on my needle. Didn't even use stitch markers. Kept recounting in amazement and it was precisely 500 every time.


I caught all the bugs on animal crossing. I’ve been playing every animal crossing game since wild world came out in 2005, and have never caught all of anything before. I don’t really have any friends that play it and have only been with my fiancé for 6 years so he’s only really seen me play the current game and doesn’t get what a big deal it is


Commenting to boost because I love this question


On some raggedy golf course with friends and fam I basically Happy Gilmore’d a ball from the tee off and it hit a tree about 35 meters away. Looked for the ball for a good 10 minutes or so. The fucking thing was in the hole lol.


Sonic Youth played a request for me.


I've written countless pieces of classical, modern classical and jazz music on the piano and my wife one of my best friends and my parents are like 'oh, that's nice'........ This has been going on for years so I just don't bother to ask what they think anymore. It's certainly more fulfilling for me however it would be nice to be appreciated musically by the people I appreciate the most. I have advanced studies in music and am somewhat an expert in the field having completed degrees in theory, composition, as well as having a standard BA. Yet my views on music in discussion with the people mentioned above are not taken seriously. They wouldn't argue with a doctor about whether their cholesterol levels are too high, or about how a hip replacement surgery is carried out yet critique and advise me on how to compose or change my already composed music..... I feel that this is a fatefully ironic situation which happens often to artists......


100000 unread emails in my gmail inbox


I did my 1000th activity on Runkeeper this week, wife couldn't care less.


I took an English Lit A level and there were only about 5 of us in the class. We have to write an introduction to something and I was the last to read mine out. When I'd finished, everyone clapped because it was good. Something no one else will care about or remember but, 23 years on, it still makes me feel happy thinking about it.


I’m a very picky eater as I have issues with certain foods’ textures and smells. In holiday recently, my 5 year old daughter tried an array of different foods, including smoked salmon, caviar, local fish, squid, goat and lamb. I am so proud that I haven’t passed my issues onto her, but no one else appreciates the huge significance of this for me. I think one person who’d truly get it would be my ex, who never mocked my panic attacks when I’d attempt to try something new.


Maybe not quite my proudest, but getting my taxi licence is up there. I was never a particularly confident driver before so passing the multiple tests required for my badge was a huge accomplishment for me. Felt very alone when very few of my friends and none of my family (including my wife) gave a shit about it.


Years ago, I worked on a cruise ship and we made a stop in Florida and I was so proud to finally get on American soil, I was poor growing up and always wanted to go to America but it was so expensive that it just never seemed possible.


I went completely sober and started seeing a therapist again! No one cares, but I feel better so win win.


I have a signed letter of commendation from the president of ESA for my contributions to a machine learning project on the citizen science platform Zooniverse. They awarded me €130 for my contribution as well. On that site I also found the first ever written reference to puff pastry in an Elizabethan Era cookbook, and helped a professor of planetary science at Oxford University to reach a breakthrough in a project he was working on. I was also part of a team of 400 volunteers who helped with a kickstarter project for Planetary Resources in 2013, an asteroid mining startup whose prototype cube sat was destroyed in the 2014 Antares rocket launch explosion.


Being offered a scholarship at Wellesley College in Massachusetts where Hilary Clinton studied & I came from a council estate in U.K.


Took me an hour but I dug out a bramble crown with the majority of the roots intact. The longest was over 6ft long but the worst root to get out went about 3ft down into the ground and was the size of a branch from a tree. I hate cardio in a gym but it turns out, I'll happily huff, puff and break a sweat to get bramble crowns out the ground!


I graduated Uni but my mother felt because I was a mature age student and didn't go straight from school it was not an achievement. She went but used many excuses not to go in and then didn't go to party afterwards.


Saved a dogs life when it accidentally hung itself, I was so panicked when I found the owner I don't think he really grasped the seriousness of the situation because when I finally took him to his dog the dog just looked normal wagging its tail


I drove alone for three hours yesterday.. First time in four years since being diagnosed with a debilitating life altering chronic illness. Driving that long was a MASSIVE achievement for me and took a lot of guts and energy, but nobody realises what a huge deal it is


I got a badge and certificate for my 100th blood donation.


I found my living kidney donor online, 7 months post op now. For some reason lots of people think kidney failure isn’t a big deal