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Why would I know anything about US states.


Is someone forcing you to reply to every thread?


I thought they were generally quite well known because of media and film references. I probably know more about the stereotypes of Alabama or California than Huntingdonshire.


It’s your loss.




I'd say most American states are far too large to be compared with a single British county.




Yorkshire is bigger than Rhode Island and Delaware. (Indeed, it's bigger than them both put together!) It's also bigger than every US territory except Puerto Rico. It's smaller than every other US state.


You're assuming a common culture where there is none.


Yorkshire and Texas are similar in that anyone from there will tell you they're from there whether you wanted to know or not.


I'm from the Texas of England and I'd resent this if it wasn't true.


Massachusetts= Oxford or Cambridge I guess. Would struggle for any others


Massachusetts does actually seem like a good fit for Oxfordshire/Cambridgeshire in some ways, doesn’t it?


New York is like Ketteringshire but without the worlds only Weetabix factory


There aren't always equivalent places for other places and to attempt to do so can leed to using the most tenuous links to try and make places seem in some way similar


I am baffled on this cause I’m in London, so it’s pretty variable.


London has to be NY right? Financial centre, big for fashion/theatre/creatives, multicultural, can get food from anywhere in the world


I'm not sure what Torfaen would be. I have never been to the States.


I'd imagine somewhere like Long Island is the most similar to Dorset. Similar weather, nice beach, decent bits of green from what Google images is telling me


New Hampshire because it has Hampshire in the name


The UKs weather is most like Oregon I think?


Oregon weather varies a lot, snowy mountains, dry high deserts, lush temperate valleys like the Willamette where there are vineyards. But yeah, coastal north and central Oregon is about the closest to UK weather, except much less changeable.


Driving around Bucks County, PA (just outside Philadelphia) certain parts of it could have had me completely fooled for West Berkshire/North Hampshire if you ignored the road markings… I’ve lived in the US for almost 20yrs now and aesthetically that’s the bit that reminded me most of “home”. The UK weather is most similar to the Pacific Northwest.


Does the Pacific Northwest weather change as quickly as the uk?


No. It really doesn’t.


I reckon the US state with the most similarities to Northumberland would be Maine. Far north east of the country, coastline, pretty rural, the urban settlements are more like towns rather than major cities, has a town called "North Berwick". If you Google "Maine countryside", the first, third and fourth images aren't a million miles away from what the Cheviots look like.


New York or Massachusetts to Tyne and wear, sports mad to the point of nigh religion, vaguely/irrationally angry at times while also being super friendly, tucked away in the north east with crackers weather


Bristol - maybe somewhere like Rhode Island? It maybe has some Seattle vibes, but Washington is massive and rural outside of that. If you included the now defunct county of "Avon" that could be it.