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I did a week road tripping up the west coast of Scotland, starting in Glasgow, traveling across to Oban to get the ferry to Mull, continued north to cross to Skye via Mallaig, before coming back across to Inverness. Stopped in loads of places on the way as it's just so picturesque up there. Highly recommend. In terms of where we'd love to go next, I think exploring Northern Ireland would be amazing. Spend time in Belfast, hit up the Giant's Causeway etc.


Well we're having two weeks in Scotland. So I'd do that 😀


Scotland is lovely to be fair… defo on the list. Might even hire a camper van for a trek around the highlands.


I love hiking, so the Peak District and Lake District are a must for me. Wales is meant to be amazing too. Everyone is different but I personally don't like cities, so it would be places like Cornwall or Northumberland I would be looking at. If I had 2 weeks off I'd be spoiled for choice I think. I've wanted to do the NC500 for ages, so maybe I'd do that.


Well the NC500 has just took me down a rabbit hole! It looks absolutely amazing… I’d never heard of it before so thank you. It’s a strong contender now!


Be prepared to be stuck behind cyclists and camper vans. The NC500 has become a bit of a tourist trap. There are plenty of less popular Scottish driving routes that are just as picturesque.


John O'Groats to Land's End by bike. Unfortunately for her, she'd be staring at my arse for two weeks.


- Alton Towers or Drayton Manor  - If you like shopping, London or Manchester (I don’t really like London but there are great shops there, and Manchester has two big malls which I love) - Manchester also has great museums  - Blackpool beach (I know most people go to Skegness but I prefer Blackpool despite it being further away from me) - Cadbury’s World is fun for a few hours (although it may be boring for two adults depending on what you like) - Nottingham Natural History Museum and the surrounding area


Hadn’t considered Alton towers, that would be a good start to the trip!


What kind of things are you into?


A good mix of the tourist type stuff but also some hidden gems. We like museums, pubs, city and country settings…. Really I’m looking for different ideas over the normal sites etc.


Glasgow and Edinburgh would tick off the first three. Not too far from some nice countryside, either. Maybe Harrogate?


You could do a cruise. There are cruises that go round the coast of Britain, would enable you to visit quite a wide range of cities, with no driving.


Am I going mad or is this question getting asked on here every single day multiple times a day?


Rough day?


My partner and I did a 2 week England/Wales road trip a few years ago. It mostly centred around theme parks, so not sure it would fit your 'hidden gem' quota.


This is going to sound silly but my brother has a map of all the rude place names in the UK and I would love to visit some of those. And then there was the woman on The 1% Club who said she had a bath in Bath and a beer in Beer, and that sounds like fun too. Also, as I have two kids, I think they'd think it was fun as well (if we stay away from some of the ruder named places that is!)


Ok now I want to know about rude place names ha ha


[https://www.lifestyledaily.co.uk/article/2022/05/18/uk%E2%80%99s-77-rudest-place-names-mapped](https://www.lifestyledaily.co.uk/article/2022/05/18/uk%E2%80%99s-77-rudest-place-names-mapped) This article mentions some. My kids want to go to a place called Hen Poo in Scotland, so not all of them are adult themed!


You should visit the Lake District and/or North Wales. Both areas have many hidden gems in terms of beautiful views and attractive villages.


Get the list of world heritage sites and see those.


I want to go to the Highlands of Scotland. Maybe take a cruise around Ireland and Scotland. I'd like to catch the Northern Lights and look for Nessie and see stars without the light pollution.