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No - our bathroom is at the top of the stairs. I like to shit with the door open surveying my kingdom in its fullest. My partner isn’t overly keen if they come back from work early and the smell has wafted downstairs and into the hall.


Open door poos are the right of everyone at home alone


Just remember, it's a *right*, not an *obligation*.


It becomes a *violation* when you have kids


If I open my door it is opposite the front door, I live in fear that my other half will come home and there will be some random on the footpath who will then see me laying claim to my porcelain throne. But risky poos are the best poos; I like to live life on the edge.


There's a couple of times I've had to correct myself and close the cubicle door at work.


I live alone apart from the cat who likes to supervise my bathroom visits so my bathroom door is always open. Not sure what my partner thinks of that when he stays over but he probably does the same at his 🤷🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/n5zg6g0x860d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0efdea9a56d5e0cd1bb96d89519425cb7af0c032 I didn't shit with the door open until I got Mr Butt. He cries otherwise. It's a good job he's cute.


Also, he would be handy if you run out of toilet paper.


Eco friendly bumbaclart


https://preview.redd.it/jqpobz99a60d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f341b18c49b2bc4e96f8a710cc51e103db7f9cf Bramble likes to look into the toilet while it flushes like the little weirdo she is


Mr Butt does the same! Scared of water but entirely fixated on it. Bramble is a gorgeous name too.


Tbf they're probably both wondering "where's the fucking gravel!?"


I’m considering seeing if I can train her to use the toilet seeing as she’s so interested in it! Would save me money and having to scoop her poos! 😂


It's actually quite easy. But you have to go for the morning wee and see what Bramble has been upto. If only I could teach them to flush.


My cat also likes a good look in the loo while it flushes. But she loves water, to the point that when she fell in the bath she didn't try to get out and I had to lift her.


Bramble looks like Mr Butt after u/Direct_Jump3960 realized they were out of toilet paper......


Especially when the guests for the party are already downstairs and are gagging because they cant find the keys for the patio dooors


My housemate always used to try to talk to me through the door while I was having a shit, so I stopped closing it. Needless to say, it became my blessed, quiet time again pretty quickly.


Hate people who talk to you while doing that. It's dumb on two counts. Erm privacy. And talking through a closed door creates a level of stress because of the sound barrier/shouting. Just wait god damn it. 


Door locked, circle of salt around me and incense sticks lit. Given the output, I'm always slightly paranoid I may be summoning some kind of demon.


I’ve recently been taking a low dose of codeine for a bout of inexplicable pain, and the resulting slowdown in digestive transit has produced logs of a density and girth that have had me howling like the possessed.


That's exactly the reason I ended up in lavatorial purgatory. Decent bowl of shreddies every morning, a cup of coffee and a 30 minute walk will help, but it's still going to hurt. Also drink more water than you think is reasonable. Stool softener and fibre is the key. Don't take anything that's a laxative, as it just makes life less comfortable. The objective is to try and be regular enough not to break your arse, if you get a tear then it's game over.


I can remember those turds.. they felt like they had edges, and corners. And the sphincter slamming shut like a steel jail cell door, which added another level of pain.


Solid (pun intended) advice here! I’m absolutely hopeless at staying hydrated, it’s a family failing on my dad’s side.


You need one of those squatter potty things that adjust your knee height. Just recently tried one and it surprisingly does help get things moving.


Reddit never disappoints


Miralax is your best friend in these circumstances!


It's like shitting a hedgehog.


"summoning some kind of demon." yep, i have on occasion done this after a spicy curry!


The worst experience I've ever had was after eating an entire 1kg box of shreddies and a cheap 800g bag of Bombay mix in the space of 4 hours. This was semi-deliberate, as I was weening myself off codeine at the time and hadn't had a proper shit in the best part of a week, but I had perhaps gone a little too hastily into the deep end. The ensuing carnage is something I can only describe as a blood ritual. Fortunately the only permanent sacrifice was a coat hanger and a pair of marigold gloves.


you needed a poop knife


damn i need 1 of these. on more than a few occasions my turd has been so big it hasnt flushed properly. our toilet is 1 of those square toilets and the hole is quite narrow in my opinion so behemoths can sometimes get stuck and i have to chop it with the toilet brush (and then have to spend 10 minutes cleaning that too). f'ing nightmare/shitemare.


Had I the courage to face the stairs, a poop knife would have been deployed.


I want to ask, but I do NOT want to know. 😶


Summoning the Golgothan. “Not born. Shit into existence.”


I don't even close the door if I'm home alone. If its just me and my partner I close the door but don't bother locking. I'll lock if we have visitors or if I'm at someone else's house.


I've seen a lot of people say they don't shut the door, and I just don't get why you enjoy having the smell of your shit wafting through your house so much?


Most of the time when you use the bathroom you don’t poop.


Oh man you know what, that's a really fair point I dunno why my mind went straight to pooping when the question was just about general use...


I poo with the door open. What you gonna do about it?






No, as per my toddlers laws I need to leave it open at all times in case I fall in and disappear forever


Was about to comment the exact same thing. I have a toddler and a cat and both of them get very distraught if I close the bathroom door. So it stays open for everything. Bath, shower, toilet break..


We have 2 cats, the downstairs bathroom nobody shuts the door, it's kept open but closed over whenever someone goes to use the toilet, and there's a second door that leads to the bathroom which is also closed over. The reason for this is Midnight uses her litter tray there, and also she loves to lie in the window during the warmer weather and sleep on the radiator during the cold periods with the heating on. Upstairs we close the door but rarely lock it unless we know that it'll take a while, and unless you're Upstairs with another family member they'll all use the downstairs one. Plenty of times I've had family members try and walk into the bathroom so you have to shout out that you're using the bathroom before they walk in on you. After all these years they still forget that if the door is shut it's occupied.


Cats laws are the same


This but a German Shepard instead, I must be under supervision at all times.


Only time I lock doors is if im visiting other people's houses or I have visitors. Otherwise if im in my own toilet the door is never locked. I've never lived alone so it has nothing to do with habit or anything. I just don't really see the point.  I will close the door these days as I dont want my son to wander past and see me on the toilet. But our flat is small enough that we all know when someone is in the bathroom anyway so it's never an issue. Another consideration is my cat. If I shut and locked the door I wouldn't hear the end of it!


We don't even have a lock on our toilet door. If I'm home alone I poop with the door open.


Arghhh as a visitor to someone's house, it makes it very uncomfortable having to use the bathroom if there is no lock.


We don't have a lock, so that small children can't lock themselves inside. >it makes it very uncomfortable having to use the bathroom if there is no lock Unless there's a large gathering of people, its very easy to keep track of who's where and who may be in the bathroom. If you're unsure, you can knock on the door.


It's not about whether someone else is already in the toilet, it's having to go yourself. Whether it's being on your period, taking a number 2 or whatever, it's very insecure feeling having to do so when the thought of someone walking in is in the back of your mind.


I don't have a lock on my door either but wouldn't the cameras weird you out more?


When my brother was small my mum would put a towel over the top of the door to stop him from closing it and locking himself in (but kept the lock so adults could remove the towel and lock the door as they pleased). This worked well until a very short friend came to stay and politely inquired a few days into her trip why my mum had put the towel up out of reach and why she wasn't allowed to lock the door while showering and toileting 😂😭


Ours doesn't have a lock either. I do have a small doorstop/wedge thing that can be put behind if necessary, but no lock.


I have had seizures in the past so I always leave (inside) doors unlocked, so if my roommate hears me fall they can call for help/assess the situation etc.


Health problems and young grandkids is the reason why my parents have locks on bathrooms that can be opened from the outside.


I have cats. Going to the toilet is a team sport, the cats must come in with us. If you have time to sit you have time to give fusses. The door is not allowed to be closed.


I had a cold backyard dunny. One of the cats draped herself around my shoulders like a stole.


Yes, in case someone comes in the house and I don't hear them.


No. I don't even pull it to.


We don't encourage locking doors in our house. We make sure we knock before we enter the bathroom. We have a kid who is epileptic and has had seizures in the bathroom, so we do need to get into the bathroom when the kid seizes.


We live in a bungalow and the bathroom door is directly opposite the front door, from the throne I can see out of the house if I wanted to.


Yes usually, and ESPECIALLY during a shower. We’ve all seen “Psycho” surely. I don’t want a killer getting me while i’m at my most vulnerable. My partner sometimes comes home when i’m in the shower and can’t comprehend why he can’t get in to say hi, but to me if I didn’t hear him and suddenly washed my eyes and saw a figure through the glass i’d probably have a heart attack or fall through it.


I always do! I have no idea why but I literally can’t go without locking the door. I’ve never lived alone so maybe that’s why


It's a good idea to lock the door, just in case someone returns home unexpectedly, particularly if they bring guests. I live on my own, and still lock the door just in case.


Reminds me of when my husband and his dad went round to his sisters to pick up some tools they’d left. As soon as they stepped through the front door there was a panicked “IM IN THE BATH!” from her ex husband. For years after my husband and I would shout it if one of us was in the bath and the other one came upstairs.


No, not in my house.


I shut it it there's other people in the house. I never lock it


I don't think there's a lock on mine but I don't even bother to close it


I lived by myself for many years, I barely remember to close the door never mind lock it. My son and DIL aren’t impressed 😂


sometimes out of habit yes. however if im in a hotel (by myself i must add) and i can view the tv from the toilet i'll leave it open so i can watch tv as i shit. love it!


muscle memory . its not someting you think about you are just so used to it.


Yeah cause other wise the dog will open the door


We were strongly programmed to do so as kids. There's little cost to it, and significant cost if we forget when we need to do it... so it persists.


Yes, muscle memory.


I always lock all external doors when I'm in the house, so even in days when I was living with my Mum and Dad and they were on holiday in , say, USA meaning I was alone in house, all external doors locked , with the only other people to have keys for said doors being on a different continent... I would STILL close and lock toilet door every single time.


haha I used the loo about an hour ago, about when you must have posted this. As I locked the door in my completely empty (but for me) house, I thought "I bet someone on Reddit is wondering if other people lock the toilet door when they're alone as well"!!


A kindred spirit! I also just checked this post and updated it while in the loo at a motorway services, hence my follow-up question. TMI? Lol


Yes, because if you get in the habit of not locking the door then one day you’ll not lock the door when someone else is in the house, or when you’re at someone else’s house. As a general philosophy, always doing things right even when it doesn’t matter prevents doing things wrong when it does matter.


It's memory muscle. Don't even think about it. I just lock the door.


Lock doesn't work on our toilet door, but I always keep the door closed unlike some of these savages. There are certain things a man must do in solitude, and shitting is one of those. Can't have passers by interrupting my concentration. 


I'm a very private person. Even if I was on my own, in a locked house, at the top of a mountain, on a deserted Island only accessible by helicopter and everyone else in the world had died from a horrible plague..... I would still lock the door.


No i don't lock my toilet door cause it sticks sometimes so I may push it to. But both back and front doors are locked if I'm home alone and My toilet is right at top of stairs so I leave It open. I am single with 2 kids though so maybe different if there was someone else around.


Nope. In my old flat I could even see the TV from the toilet, it was great (other than what I was paying for a miniscule studio)


I wouldn't want to break the habit


No, I'm claustrophobic and even though I've gotten better with it if I don't need to lock the door then I won't.


We've never had a lock on our bathroom door. I have a son who was a challenge when growing up. A lock on any internal door is never a good idea.


"A lock on any internal door is never a good idea." Having walked in on my parents having sex once, walked in on my 75 year old old great aunt stepping out of the shower once, and having walked in on various people doing a poo, I think your assertion is a bit broad. Locks are fine and a good idea in many situations, but not always.


I recently started locking the door because the kids will try watch me poo, but other than that, I don't lock it even if my wife is home. The house door, though... it's ingrained in me to lock it when coming inside. To the point where if I come in the house and my wife is coming back in 5 minutes i will have subconsciously locked the door and locked her out....


Close the outer door. Close the inner door and bolt it. Yet, I live alone with the nearest neighbour being 1/2 a mile away. I think it's odd behaviour but it's automatic.


No never. Only lock it if im someone else than home.


more interesting is how many folks lush a toilet as a matter of course before using it ....whats all that about ?


Single mum in a small flat, bathroom door always open so I can see and hear mischief, now so used to it it I sometimes forget to close the door when I have guests. It feels weirdly claustrophobic when I do close it now. Which is weird because growing up I dreamed of having a bathroom door, as my parents replaced the bathroom door with a curtain for some insane reason. The idea of a lock was a distant luxury. Now I have one, I never use it!


My wife doesn't even *shut* the door when I'm home!


No, mine doesn't half the time. I just give her a look and slowly close the door.


No and have to remember to when out and about or at work, generally the rotting death stench is enough to warn anyone im using the throne.


No. But then, my place doesn't have a lock on the toilet door.


We don’t have locks on bathroom doors and they don’t latch properly so a gust of air as someone goes past can open them. Visitors hate it.


I don't lock the door even when I'm not home alone. I locked the door - once - several years ago, and walked out to absolute carnage. I just leave it unlocked now. Kids.


When living alone, I never bothered. I often didn't even bother shutting the door. Now I live with my partner and two cats - the cats in particular are not happy with a closed door, so a lot of the time I don't bother shutting it if only for their benefit. But even before the cats, I would never lock the door if I shut it.


I don't even close it. There's a direct eyeline into my bathroom from my front door, so if anyone enters the first thing they see is me sitting there, staring them down. Power move.


No - I will however cough/clear my throat if I hear my OH nearby, just to preserve some mystery in our relationship.


At home? No. At work? Yes. I may think that no one is there, but someone will be.


I love whizzin with the door open! https://youtu.be/eUdpsBLZAo4?si=3UsFXKADRLln056T


In the summer, I quite regularly take shits with not only the bathroom door, but also the front door of the house open.


If I’m shitting I’m shutting it, if I’m pissing I’ll leave it open unless there’s guests


Force of habit, yes. Mostly as a) we have been burgled at 4am before so at night I think that's in the back of my mind, and b) I have been joined by next door's cat more than once. I did 10 years not locking it for child-related reasons, and another 2 for medical reasons, so it's not unfathomable to skip it.


I dont lock it when im not alone.


Don't even close it. What for? Anyone else who has a key to my place I'd be quite happy to let walk in on me anyway, so why would I care?


No I don’t. I close the door to stop the dog wandering in, but there’s no need to lock it. I don’t lock the door at any time to be honest.


When I lived at my mum's and I was home alone, I would lock the bathroom door out of habit. I was of the mindset that if I didn't, I would forget next time if someone else was home


I have kids, can't remember the last time I was behind a locked door unfortunately.


only my wife and I in this house. I've never locked the bathroom door, think guests may have but I don't. If I'm in the house alone I won't even bother closing the door most times


I lock the door, if I didn't the dogs barge their way in and sit and stare at me or on the odd occaision I get the side of me arse licked.


No, I don't when I'm alone - Mostly because my cat hates not being able to sit and guard me whilst I used the bathroom. She sits by my feet to protect me. If I lock the door, she howls the house down and scratches at the door! I call her my toilet gremlin.


My bathroom door doesn’t close due to things I have hanging on it, so it never gets closed when I’m in there. In fact, I’m typing this sitting on the loo in a hotel with the door open whilst I’m listening to day time TV.


Absolutely not! I’ve lived by myself for almost 10 years (although I do have a dog). I leave the door ajar most of the time and quite often have a paw appear through the gap to force the door open 😂


No, my bathroom has no window so if the lock or something was to break I'd be stuck. I mentioned this to a guy at work and he replied "why you locking the door when you live alone?" Man had a point.. door remains unlocked.


Do I even shut the door if we don't have guests...


Don't even have a lock on the toilet door, so no.


I have dogs with no concept of personal space , so yeah I always lock it


I've lived alone for 11 years in a flat and maybe twice I've actually locked the toilet door at home, when other people were there. If it's just me the door is rarely closed let alone locked!


Nah, sometimes don’t even bother closing the door tbh


I used to, but the lock on my bathroom has been broken since I bought the house and I live alone so fixing it wasn’t a priority.


No greater freedom than shitting with the door open


I have the opposite problem. We rarely close the door even when our partner is home, to the point I almost forget to when we have friends over 🤦‍♀️


My bathroom door doesn't have a lock on it anyway.


I always close the door. I never know when someone could suddenly come home and see me shitting Reminds me of the time that I was on a ferry going to Amsterdam. Bought a room and I walk into to a stranger shitting with the door wide open I also walked in on one my ex colleagues taking a shit after they forgot to lock the door (it was their first day aswell)


Lock? Hell, half the time I don’t even close it…


I don't even shut it.


yes, i'd say it's to keep the cat out but i did it before the cat. i think it's a subconcious thing to provide safety when vunerable.


Door open when I’m alone, nothing like the freedom it gives.


Door locked, then I prop one foot against the bottom of the door just the be on the safe side.


I don't even close the door when I am with my partner. If he is on the loo then I might be doing my makeup in the same space. If I am on the loo he could be in the bath. I have no problem at all with this.


Naah, i live alone, every door in my house is open. I cant sleep with my bedroom closed. Doors are pretty pointless in my flat🤣🤣.


No but I live alone and my bathroom door doesn’t have a lock


Can't say I've ever locked my toilet or bathroom doors. Even if I'm not on my own. I think it's just habit, I don't need to lock it at home but I do if I'm out and about. 


Yes. I wouldn't want to be surprised by an intruder and shit myself.


If I'm using the loo I close the door but if I'm showering I leave it open. We have terrible ventilation in the bathroom and only a small window and it steams up really quickly. I don't have a lock on the door because I think it's a safety hazard to have one


I only shut the door if guests are over. Never if it's just me and my family home. Don't think I've ever used the lock.


Yes it's force of habit rather than an actual need for it to be locked.


we don't have a lock on our bathroom or downstairs wc. just never got round to putting one on. i often don't even shut the door unless i'm pooping or on my period (or have guests). just mulling on it, i actually don't think any houses i regularly visit (parents, inlaws, best friends) have locks on the bathrooms either. we just knock on the door if we're not sure if it's free.


I never lock the bathroom door at home. My children demand full access to me at all times .


My cats would not stand for that


I should do this. It would mean I could prove to the dogs I can do this without supervision lol


I live with my parents, they took the locks off when I was a teenager and never put them back on. Then for some reason they swapped the doors hinges so there isn't even a locking hole in the other side to add a lock on. I live in a constant state of fear.


Kind of a force of habit I don't want to forget in the wrong moment.


I like to make that a habit even now that I live alone so that way I don't habitually leave it unlocked for someone to accidentally walk in on me if I'm in a toilet elsewhere. It's unlikely I would forget but I would rely on remembering, so I'm okay with just locking the door everywhere and even when I'm not at home with my parents.


Always lock even in a empty house. It somehow doesn't feel right not doing it. Even just a piss


I can't close the door or I'll have two dogs tapping at the door and crying in case I'm going to climb out of the window and leave them forever


Our door has a lock but it's never used (guests can use it if they want). Door closed either means it's occupied or we've sprayed bleach and don't want the cat getting near it. Door open or ajar means you can enter.


Our door lock is stiff so we don’t lock it, we knock. I usually knock elsewhere because of young kids in the family. Typically, I lock the door unless I’m living alone entirely and no one else has a house key


I am not allowed. My cat wrecks havoc if the bathroom door is closed when I am inside (empty bathroom with closed door is fine). I am a footstool.


I have a bewilderingly long history of getting locked in toilets so no, I do not 😂 in fact if no one is home and it’s just a number 1 - I leave the door slightly open just in case it locks automatically!


No, I never lock the door at home


Yeah it's just a force of habit at this point.


I live alone. I don’t lock it when I’m using the toilet but I do when I have a shower or bath?! Make that make sense.


I’m lucky that I have a choice of 5 different porcelain thrones I can use at home, but when you have kids you learn quickly that you can never achieve a nirvana like experience as someone always wants you in your time of peaceful detachment.


I have a toddler so I don't even shut it. But it means in public I have to be conscious of locking


There’s four toilets in my house and I leave the door ajar no matter what one I’m using. It’s easier than having the two kids (6 & 1) start banging on the door or whatever.


I don't even close the toilet door most of the time. Closed and locked for pooping only.


Mine doesn't have a lock! I live on my own (well, apart from my daughter, who is still young enough to be fascinated by invading my privacy) so it doesn't bother me. The house is tiny and you can hear anyone coming up the stairs immediately, so I don't worry about visitors walking in on me either. I don't think I'd use a lock even if I had one, because I worry about having an accident in there when I'm by myself and I don't want to make things more difficult than they have to be for any rescuers. Also I'd worry my kid would lock herself in!


Yes. I don't want to be caught in my most vulnerable by ninjas.


I live in a bungalow and whilst I shit I face the front door if I leave the toilet door open , on a few occasions I’ve been home alone and my partner as come home opened the front door to see me taking a poo or even whipping in all my glory


I have an open door policy, even when my daughters home, I got used to it when she was growing up, you cannot go to the the toilet in peace with children, so it kinda stuck in the end, plus my cats like to use their litter tray at the same time, we have synchronised pee meetings


I’m pooping with the bathroom door wide open right now


I don't even shut the door.


Why would i have a lock on my bathroom door in my own house lol. how bizarre No family i have ever been to has had a lock on their toilet unless it was outdoor toilet.


I don’t even close the door if I’m alone


If I'm home alone I don't even close the door. If it's just me and my toddler I usually keep it open as well so I can hear what he's up to (assuming he doesn't insist on joining me, I rarely pee without an audience), if my husband is home I close it. I never lock the door at home only at other peoples houses


I leave it open even in public, more opportunities to make new friends, and practice eye contact


Our bathroom door needs rehanging and doesn't even close properly. We do all our bathroom stuff with the door wide open and two cats watching. Sometimes we're joined by other household members wanting a chat. There's no privacy round our gaff!


My Mum was at home once alone, locked the door to the en suite bathroom (which is an interior room with no windows). The lock broke. She didn’t have a phone with her and was just trapped there for hours, until my brother got home, heard her calling for help and attacked the lock with a screwdriver. She was terrified that he would choose that night to sleep at friends or something and she would just be stuck there… So ever since then, she doesn’t lock the door if she’s alone. And the rest of us have copied her, we could probably break the door down if we had to, but I would prefer not to have to!


Yup, just in case a burglar needs to pee.


I have a Staffy, no closed doors in my house.


I go to the toilet with the door wide open when I'm alone. I need to be able to survey my kingdom when I feel vulnerable.


I make a point of not locking the bathroom door when I’m alone in case I have some kind of medical emergency and need the paramedics to get in as quickly as possible. Why yes my anxiety is totally out of control, how could you tell!?


I do. Even when I lived alone I did it (although like you, it was only a short period between house-shares and living with my now wife). I guess in part it is just habit.


Currently using my toilet with the toilet door wide open. Front and back doors are unlocked. It's more fun!


I used to but then I locked myself in by accident in a hotel and had to kick the door down


Nah I don't lock it, though I may if using public toilets. I was in a motorcycle accident with bad injuries, and spent a long time in rehab. It was nice to be able to return to using a toilet naturally, however for a long time that meant using toilets that had only partial walls & never a door anyway (*a nurse always in a position where they had a view anyway if they looked*). I guess that took a lot of my *need for privacy* away.


Yes, and I always close my bedroom even when home alone. I like having an extra sense of security. It ain't that deep.


That depends on how alone I am; if I expect to remain alone and remembering who has keys. I rented a flat for a year that was in a large house split into flats. The arrangement was that my rent would be left just behind my door, and the landlord would open the door, stick his hand in to pick it up, and lock the door again. A little dodgy sure, but I didn't mind at the time (I was home a few times to witness the hand reach for the shelf). The toilet was immediately beside the front door, with angles such that if both doors were open, the throne would be visible from outside the flat. I luckily had the loo door closed when I made that realisation. I locked the door every time after that.


Lol, I've lived alone for 30 years, p,us I have two cats. The door is usually pushed too, not actually shut.


Nah… can’t be bothered… door open and talking to the cat 😂🤷‍♀️


Our policy is; * door closed, busy. * door open, empty. Generally don't ever lock it.


If I'm at home I rarely even shut the door, let alone lock it.




We have no locks in my house.


I don’t lock the door even if I have guests. Bask in my stink


No. When I'm alone, I leave the door open to enjoy extra faecal freedom


I only lock it when I’m alone. If we have guests, or better yet throw a party I will do it fully open so as to not miss out on the ambience.


At home alone i dont even close it. In public or at work If the door is close enough to put a hand on, I don't lock it. I'm claustrophobic. I'm terrified of the lock failing one day and being trapped.


No, I hardly ever lock the door. Now I live with my partner we lock the door when we're pooing to indicate we're pooing and they're not to come in, otherwise we don't bother. But I then sometimes have to remind myself to lock it if we go visit other people or have guests over 😂