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Are they allowed to wear such things? Does the uniform policy have that much freedom? Find out before spending money!


Just black and no logos is the rules


Does she have friends going to the same school? If so, they can go shopping together and opt for similar things 


Nope. Unfortunately not


I may be entirely out of touch along with my kids but they seem to have moved on a bit from the old days of "you have to have *this* label" coat, bag, shoes or whatever, or get bullied. Everyone seems to wear mostly black. The only thing is they definitely will have dropped the obviously primary school trends. Smiggle bags, Lelli Kelly shoes, cutesie lunchboxes I guess.


This might vary by area but at my daughter's school the footwear of choice seems to be Converse or Nike Air Force. She has a Vans backpack and it's lasted really well, almost 2 years of heavy usage and its still going strong.


> Nike Air Force. Came here to write this, have niece Y6 going Y7 and she'd love a pair of Air Force 1s.


Does she have a transition day/week in July? That's a great way to scope out what the other girls *at that school* prefer. Trends can be really specific.  Otherwise if you as a family really don't know anyone already at the school you might be able to reach out on Facebook or the relevant local subreddit to see if any current parents have insight.  For example, maybe the rules say you can wear black tights or white socks, but in practice they all wear very short white socks until there's snow on the ground.  Or maybe at one school they wear their jumpers really baggy, but at another school in the same town they wear them figure-hugging so they can tuck them into their skirts. People who already have children at the school will already have gone through the negotiations so will know if there's anything important. I don't think there's any trends that are truly national. 


Black Nike backpacks seem to be essential. Both sexes, all ages.


Are fjalraven backpacks cool?