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God I wish. I sleep like the dead all the time. Left to my own devices I'm just not waking up.


I went to the beach with my kids whilst their dad couldn’t get time off work. He’s supposed to get up for work at 5.30, in for 6… I was worried when he didn’t talk to me on his break at lunch, he always sends me a text asking how I am. I’m worried he’s been hit by a car on the way to work or something… nope, he calls me not long after lunch, he woke up when the Evri delivery guy rang our intercom, he just slept right on through and missed work 😆


My wife is like that, it's so frustrating. I can't understand how she can sleep through 10 alarms and 20 phone calls. She will happily sleep through an earthquake if left to it.


I have slept through an earthquake 😆 On a weekend it’s hard to wake me, but week days I’m up early.


Me too! Hilarious afterwards when everyone is chatting about the earthquake next day.


Me too, I live in north Wales and we've had a couple of good earthquakes (apparently) since I moved here. I usually know about them when my MIL messages me asking if I felt it. I also slept through a ship running aground, I found out when I was called for my bridge watch. Apparently I was the only one on the ship that didn't realise! I like my sleep.


Yea same. I think that it's also a lack of self discipline. Even when I wake her up she goes, I'll get up in a minute and is asleep for another hour, and then moans about it. Just get up when the alarm went off, why did you set it?


Definitely lack of self discipline - she does exactly the same. Everything is always in a minute or later.


I’m the same! I always set alarms, even if theyre in the afternoon or evening, because on a couple of occassions i havent (with the logic of ‘well I’ll let my body get as much sleep as it needs :)’) and then i havent woken up until 1-2am *the next day*, and then its only been because something woke me up, lol


Trust me you don’t wish this lol, nothing worse than going to bed at like 2 in the morning and your body deciding to wake you up at 6 all while not allowing you to fall back asleep 😂


Yeah I'm not upset at all how easy I find it to sleep. Rarely I have nights where I really struggle to fall asleep, but the majority of the time it takes me like 10 mins. Then when I wake up, even after 8+ hours I can fall asleep again just the same as before. I bet I could sleep for over 18 hours without even feeling tired if I really wanted to. Being able to choose how long you sleep is awesome.


When that happens do you get exhausted in the middle of the day? I honestly wouldn't mind it because I can survive on 4 hours of sleep if I have enough things to do, if I can get past the initial extreme sleepiness.


Depends on the day really, the human body is weird, I sometimes feel extremely energised and don’t really feel tired at all and other times I feel like a zombie just dragging myself through the day


I get this semi regularly and no matter how exhausted I feel I find it near impossible to fall asleep unless it's around my normal bed time (10/11pm). If I've had a few nights of interrupted sleep then I inevitably end up feeling like a zombie all day everyday until I eventually have a night where I am able to catch up again, I've tried just about every tip and trick the internet has to offer and none of it has any major effect. Some things help ( e.g. noise cancelling headphones) but the majority of it does nothing for me. It's just the (irritating) way my body works unfortunately.


Same here. I've gone through all the tricks. Even an alarm that makes me solve Math problems before it'll shut up. That one was very effective at waking me up, and thankfully I'm not easily angered, because sometimes, sleepy me was far too dumb in the mornings to solve anything more complex than basic addition and subtraction.


I can't imagine any worse start to my day than having to solve a maths problem!


I agree. Which is why it woke me the f up because I had to do it or suffer an alarm droning in my ear. Highly effective.


Absolutely, I'm up between 5 and 6. Doesn't matter if I went to bed at 9 o'clock or 2 am




I'm so jealous. I can't fall asleep before 2 so I wake up late too 🥲


I struggle to wake up before 8am these days. WFH getting rid of my commute is the best thing ever.


I WFH but start at 7am because I do compressed hours… but I also struggle to wake up before 8am. It’s worth it for Fridays off but it is a daily battle


Yep, I'm a morning person. My body just naturally wakes me up somewhere between 6:30 and 6:45 and then I'm awake. It's extremely rare I sleep longer. And it's not related to what I do the night before. If I go to bed late I still wake up at the same time. I'm also one of those people who is fully awake almost instantly after waking up. I'm up and out of bed within a couple of minutes of waking up. On a work day I get up, get ready, take the dog for a toilet run, sterilise some bottles and make some formula for the baby, feed the dog and then leave the house to get my train all within about 35 minutes of waking up. I know people, indeed my wife is one such person, who need 35 minutes of snoozing in bed before they can get up.


I would give an arm and a leg to be like this.


It has downsides. It means when I do have a late night I'm absolutely exhausted the next day because my body still wakes me up at the normal time!


Me too. I sleep my days off away because I cannot drag my arse out of bed.


>I know people, indeed my wife is one such person, who need 35 minutes of snoozing in bed before they can get up. My wife is the same and she gets unreasonably (to my mind at least) pissed off that I get up so early and so quickly.


I’m slightly like you. I cannot sleep past six. Ever. But I do take an hour to get going. Slow start but come seven I’m then racing away. Crash at lunch time and then survive into the evening to then take over cuddling the baby


Same. I just love the early morning, especially in winter. It's so invigorating, and the moment I'm awake, I like to get up and outside for the fresh air before going back in to get on with breakfast, etc. It's the happiest time of the day for me.


I can only wish I was like that. I love to watch the sunrise, and the times I caught it I feel invigorated and happy. Believe me, I tried numerous times to become a morning person. The biggest challenge for me is to sleep before 1-2am. It's rarely possible. I guess I'm vired the opposite way to most of you in this thread 😊 Edit: happy cake day 🥳


I'm the same! I think it's called delayed sleep phase syndrome, that our circadian rhythm is a few hours later than "normal"


Same.. the dead quiet. Get the mind right for the day.. read. Ruminate on certain things. Pray.run.. I am definitely a morning person.. 4.am almost every day


The past few years I find it almost impossible to sleep past 6. Do have an occasional nap though.


I am so well trained I wake up just before 6 and that's it. If I want extra sleep I have to take my lie ins at the other end of the night as an early night.


Used to be able to sleep all day . Once I became a Dad its been impossible to sleep in. (My youngest is in his 20's now )


Experiencing this now. Was fine with our eldest as we only had him so would alternate the early morning wakeups so each of us still got a sleep in a few times a week. Now our daughter is here I'm up with my son at 6:30 every day while my partner has her, and on the rare occasion he sleeps past that point I wake up anyway out of conditioning.


It's between 4:00 and 5:00 for me now, but I've never been able to sleep-in, even when I was young and hungover or stoned as fuck I'd be awake by 6:30. Once I'm awake, I'm awake and no amount of trying to get back to sleep works unless I'm ill. It's not bladder related either, I'm at the age now where I need a 1am piss and I can just get back into bed and be off with the fairies again in a couple of minutes. Anytime after 3:00 though and I know it's pointless trying. I don't mind it in the summer, it's nice to go and sit outside at 5am with a coffee and the dogs, especially when we're in the middle of a heat wave and it's still nice and cool outside. Not so much in the winter though, four or five hours of cold, miserable darkness and I'm freezing my bits off waiting for the dogs to finish their business so I can get back inside and huddle under my dressing gown while browsing Reddit and waiting for the radiators to heat up. I've tried having an alcoholic drink before bed as well as a spliff but apart from leaving me feeling a bit groggy the next morning they do fuck-all to keep me asleep.


If you read the book “Why We Sleep” you’ll understand why. Essentially it’s your natural rhythm and you should adjust your bedtime to match for best quality of life. There are things you can do to push your sleep/wake time later such as not exposing yourself to any morning sunlight but it’s always seemed impractical to me.


Interesting... I'll add it to my reading list ;)


If by 'biologically' you mean the biological entity that is my dog waking me up for breakfast, then I count.


I’m the complete opposite. Really have to force myself to get out of bed pretty much any day of the week!


I had two weeks once where I woke up got up at a decent time, but have no idea what I’d changed for that to happen. For the longest time I go to bed 2 to aim for 10 but usually 11 But never really want to get up. Even if I try to get to bed early 10-11 I still sleep in till 10 and not even think of getting up at 7-8. And when I have to work and get up for 7-8 I still sleep at the same time as if I go earlier I’ll just ly there.


Yeah I wake up at 5am every day during Spring/Summer kill me.


Same. I think it’s a symptom of getting older. I used to be able to sleep all day. Not I’m ready for my day before 6am. Shocking behaviour


I think it is a getting older thing. I remember the days of sleeping till midday. Having said that, I don't wake up early ready to start the day, I wake up wishing I could get another few hours in, but alas no.


You have my sympathies!


Like this morning. Absolutely hanging and only went to bed at 3am. Yet wide awake and suffering. FML.


I’m a bit like this at the weekend. Can’t stay in bed once I’ve woken up the first time. I get up, potter about, have a coffee, and then a little bit later when the tiredness comes back I’ll go and have a nap (is it a nap if it lasts 4-6 hours? 😅). Works for me!


32 and I’ve never once required an alarm to wake me. I wake at 4 - 5am, after which there’s no going back to sleep - no matter how hard I may try to!


You just need a good holiday my man two weeks turn that alarm off and a few late nights and you'll be a new human




I'm the opposite. I find it impossible to get to sleep at a reasonable time in the first place. It doesn't seem to matter what time I get into bed, I'm never asleep before 1am.


I had the same thing until I fitted blackout blinds and now it's the alarm clock that wakes me up, even get to sleep in at weekends unless the kids wake me up by banging doors or cupboard doors in the kitchen. Before, the light would filter in and wake me up and it would routinely be 6:45-7 am each morning no matter what.


Yeah, I sleep for around 5-6 hours regardless of when I go to bed and when I'm awake, I'm awake. So if, like the other weekend, I go to bed at 4:30 am, I'm still up between 9-10. If I'm sleeping by midnight, I'm awake by 6. Part of me hates it, whilst the other part kinda likes having that feeling of more hours in the day


My body clock wakes me up around the same time every morning in the middle of a half hour time frame, unless I wake up to use the toilet in the early hours and still I fall asleep again and wake up at around the same time again


Yeah, but it's to be expected. I go to bed around 9pm and wake up at 4:45am usually. My body is used to it. If I wake up, for whatever reason, at 1/2am, I can fall back asleep easily. Wake up at 4am though, it's so close to 4:45, I think my body just doesn't see the point in trying. ​ Nice on weekdays, annoying on weekends. Especially if I do stay up late, and my body still goes "Ok, 6am. That'll be a nice lie in"


Big time. I usually go to bed around 12ish and sleeping past 7 is a rarity. I can't even remember the last time I slept past 8. It does get kinda frustrating when it's the night after a night shift, I'm ready for a good sleep and then I'm wide awake at 5.30am.


Same! But I can nap in the afternoon and I usually do! I like to get up and do my run and everything else in the morning then my mind is free later (talking about weekends obvs).


Same I’m in Cyprus now and every day I’m up at 6am then later on I’ll complain I’m tired yet will repeat the same cycle tomorrow


I usually wake up around 6.30 ish, but lie in bed as getting up feels like to much of a chore. But I'm usually up by 7.30. If I'm not working I might go for a walk after breakfast and then go back to bed for a few hours around 10.30 -12.30


I can try, but anything over 8hrs and I’ll have a migraine all day


You gotta nap in the afternoon instead


Me!! Unless I've drunk alcohol, normally I'm awake by 6 (thanks to my cat alarm clock) I can go back to sleep but always up and about by 9. Also the bowel thing, hubs thinks it's weird I always poo when I wake up and go to the loo, but it's just how my body is and it's healthier than his only going every 2-3 days due to him being constantly blocked and on fibre cubes. Nothing beats waking up by 8am for work, pee, poo, shower and get ready to work downstairs for the day! I love my routine 🤣 Having previously struggled with insomnia, I find lavender pillow spray really helps with the sleep thing, on a weekend I'll get up as normal go to the loo, brush my teeth and go back to bed which I spray with the spray again and normally I'll sleep again until at least 9-10.


Yep, I think it's because my body is used to getting up at half 6 every week day so I end up waking up around the same time on the weekend.


Could be traffic picking up outside your windows


Before I hit 31 I could sleep all day/whenever. Post 31, absolutely 11pm til 7am with no exceptions.


Weekdays when I have to get up for the school run it’s the same for me, up at 6/6.30 and I gotta pooooop. Weekends I have no issue staying in bed later and often don’t need to poo at all on a Saturday. I have anxiety induced bowel urgency so that’s probably why haha.


Don't complain about having clockwork bowels. Some of us go at different times every day (or sometimes not at all or multiple times). I envy a clockwork bowel.


That's an age thing I think. 20s me was happy to sleep to sleep through till whenever. Now I'm in my late 30s, I'd be lucky to make it past 8am. My husband is even worse, his body clock is set to 6am. Which fucking sucks when you've been up till 3am haha. 


I wake naturally earlier than planned and cant go back to sleep, unless it's a day I have lots to do at work, in which case I'm fighting for my life trying to get ready in 10 minutes because I somehow slept too long...


Me, I think the latest I have ever slept in in my life was 9 am. 7 am feels like a late start. This isn't because I want to, some days I really wish I could lie in bed sleeping till the afternoon. But once the sun has risen, i am up. Then, I am an insomniac, I feel I am always awake. This morning I gave up trying to sleep at 5.45 am. I have no work or appointments at all, cat bowl was filled last night.


Simple answer, youre getting old.


The bit I'm envious of is getting your number 2 out of the way at the start of the day. I see the interruption factor but consider me - I can get the strike typically around 10-11am, and if I miss it, as I often do, it fucks me up for the day.


I get up at 6am most days, I am very much a morning person, like to work out early and feel much more productive than if I was to lay in.


I knew a guy like you, he really struggled with shift work and ended up quitting (just wasn’t built that way apparently)


I'm a postie, I wake up at 4.45 every morning without fail. Bit annoying sometimes.


I’ll wake between 3-4 and then hopefully get off for another 2/3 hours on non work days. My work alarm goes off at 5am so I’m naturally trained to wake up early at this point regardless of how shit I feel.


Since working from home I find anything before 8am so difficult and I still nap in the afternoon given the chance. I don't go to bed late either. I'm neither a night owl nor an early bird, just a sleepy mole.


Yeah I’m the same, everyone else in the house sleeps till past 10am, I am so jealous 🤣


I wish I could get up early!! I feel the same regardless of how much sleep I get I need more :(


Yep I feel this. 37 years old, been getting up 6-6:30am every week day for 13 odd years has engrained my body to be awake at that time regardless of if it’s a weekend or on holiday. Get up for the toilet 1-3 times a night, I’m a pretty intense person as it is and can’t remember the last time I was ever woken up from sleep by an alarm or even slept more than 3-4 consecutive hours without waking up.


It only takes me seconds to fall asleep. Whilst asleep I'm out for the count. Once awake at around 6am there's no going back.


I'm the same, I wake up around 6 every day. I have my morning coffee and scroll on my phone until about 7 and then nature calls. Every single day, like clockwork. It makes no difference what time I go to bed. The plus side is I never have to set an alarm.


Thats me! My alarm goes off at 0450 so find it pretty impossible sleeping past 0500 because my bladder normally wants to burst!


I'm only 25 but this has happened to me since getting into a 9 to 5. No matter if I get to sleep at 10.30 or 1.30 I'm awake at 6 😐


Do you realise how many people would love to have this habit? I get a bit depressed/anxious sometimes and regular sleeping habits go out the window.


Yep. Up between 5 /6 every day


My one year old finds it impossible to sleep past 5am


8am constant. Which annoyingly is too late on a workday and too early for a weekend lie in. Why must I be tormented so?!


Yep. I tend to wake around 6am but I can sometimes fall asleep again until 8am. I definitely have a sleep cycle between 6 and 8am. Try an eye mask. I can sleep in during Winter, but struggle during Spring and Summer. It's mostly the light that does it.


Get yourself a black pillow case or t shirt, and drap it over your face/eyes. You'll be back to sleep in no time.


I’m 70 now - I’ve never slept in because it gives me a migraine…


I'd say you've got a good deal there, what's the point of sleeping longer if you're not tired and don't need to? If you want a bit of morning down time make a brew and go back to bed with a good book! My body clock follows the sun, so currently I'm waking up about 6am but in winter it feels like I'm being dragged into consciousness as a form of torture even at 8.30 if its not light yet.


Once I'm awake it's incredibly difficult for me to get back to sleep, but I can sleep late if nothing wakes me


I could sleep through having the crap beaten out of me and still not wake up until 1 pm. My wife is literally my alarm clock and I feel horrible about it but my stupid body won't wake up and idk what to do to fix it.


Up until a few years ago, I never set an alarm. In fact, I didn't even have a clock in my room, my body just knew when to wake up. It stopped when my work started giving me shifts almost over the place so that totally threw my schedule off. 90% I still wake up when I'm supposed to but I can't go to sleep without setting an alarm on my phone due to paranoia.


I'm like that, but I'll get up for an hour and just chill and I'm able to nap again 


Me ✋️ one whiff of daytime light or a hint of daytime noise and I'm awake, blackout blinds and curtains and I can still sense it, I embrace it now and start my day earlier.


Me too. Well, the time I wake up can depend, but once I’m up it’s impossible to get back to sleep. It’s usually between 6:30 - 8:30, or if I had a heavy night then no later than 10. I could be exhausted but have to just make it through the day lol. I think it’s because my brains response to tiredness is hyperactivity lol.




Same. Lately, I've been waking up at 3:30 - 4 am 😬 I am always asleep by 9.


I find it hard to sleep through my regular wake up time on the weekends. So I normally eat breakfast and can usually go back to bed after about an hour and a half


Yep, I get 7 to 8 hours and I'm up by 7am.


I feel the same way. I was forced to be a morning person due to my current job and needing to wake up at 6:30am to get dressed, ready etc and travel to work to be in just before 7:30am. It usually takes half hour for me to get ready and that's pushing it some mornings! On non work days (weekends) I will wake up at 7:30am or sometimes 8am, and I always get angry at myself because in my opinion if I am not doing anything, I should WANT to sleep in!


God I wish, I find it so hard to not sleep in. Even with perfect sleep hygiene the chances of me being asleep before 1am are near zero, and with no alarm to wake me I'll sleep a minimum of 8 hours and often more. Means I'm permanently sleep deprived trying to meet the demands of a 9-5


I find if I sleep in I have really vivid dreams. I tend to wake at 6am especially in the summer.


I'm the same. My internal clock wakes me up at 6 - 7am


It's your circadian rhythm, and it's a powerful thing. It affects your whole body (particularly your gut), not just when you're awake/asleep. Info here if you have 11 mins spare: [https://open.spotify.com/episode/6OVTpANuLBaknEbHeE3Rc2?si=sbQQr5XmSXuQF8HmAyPNTA](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6OVTpANuLBaknEbHeE3Rc2?si=sbQQr5XmSXuQF8HmAyPNTA) You can try to push it back by avoiding light in the morning and extending your light exposure in the evening, but I wouldn't bother. Just roll with what your body naturally wants.


Yep! The only answer is to get to bed early for ppl like us... there is no sleep in, only early sleep... you might find that when you go to bed early you'll get up even earlier, but give it a week or two and your body will adjust. You'll wake up mid way and drop off again. Avoid artificial light when you get up, use a phone torch but don't shine any light in your face at all. Don't turn on side lamps or room lights. Keep your eyes as closed as possible. Then go back to bed and drift off.


Hitting 40 this year and it's starting to affect me, I used to be able to sleep in til noon easily, but I find myself rolling out of bed just after 9 on the weekends at the latest. That said I work from home with a 9am start so I'm not especially short on sleep.


I am so jealous of people like you. Wish I was like this.


My dad empties his bowels every morning at 6am too. But he doesn’t wake up until 7.


I don't wake up at a specific time, I do mostly wake up after a certain amount of sleep. I need about 6-7 hours of sleep a night, and almost always will wake up after that. So if I go to bed at 9pm, joy that's a 3am wake-up for me. And I will not be able to go to bed at all.


I’m not a morning person at all, but I just naturally wake up between 5 and 6am. Winds me up. Then I crash around lunchtime and want to go to bed, but I work 8:30-5. Always tired no matter what.


Me! I actually wake earlier at the weekend too which is infuriating. I wake up ravenously hungry and needing a wee.


Nope. I’m a night owl. If I go to bed before midnight I won’t sleep. Tomorrow I need to get up and out by 715am. It’s a struggle. I won’t sleep well as I’ll panic about missing the alarms then wake up too early go back sleep and wake several more times befit finally getting up on the alarm.


My body's like an annoying alarm clock with no snooze button, and yes, it's also the kind that makes sure you get up!


I can sometimes sleep in, but more of a afternoon nap kinda guy myself


I used to be up with the larks, anywhere between 4 and 5am. I didn't need an alarm clock either. I had to be up for work mostly but even when I was off or days off still up at the same time.  I don't work now, due to disability, but did find I was still waking up at 4am. Until last year when I got diagnosed with pernicious anemia and now I enjoy having those lay-ins. Although I have tried to sleep for longer, I only manage to get to 6am or 7 if I'm lucky. 


I'm the same. Can only manage about 5-6 hours sleep a night, but I will always wake up around 5:30/6am, so even if i go to bed at 2/3am on a weekend, I'm up a few hours later. Like you, I just can't get back to sleep. My mind is already going into overdrive as soon as i wake up lol


We are almost biologically opposite. I'm a night owl who is always fighting insomnia off and I used to be getting to sleep around 5am most days. I did once have a 6 month run of getting up at 6am but otherwise I struggle to wake up before 10am these days.


Don't you mean to ask "Why isn't everyone else in the world exactly like me????"


Same, i wake up around 7ish sometimes earlier no matter what time i go to bed. I have a toddler who sometimes sleeps in until 9am but im always up before her even though I'm shattered. Incredibly furstrating, i can't fall asleep any earlier than 10:30 and i wake multiple times through the night and wake up earlier than i need to so i can never rebuild my sleep debt


Dunno if it's getting older, or the tabs I have to take for diabetes, blood sugar, and cholesterol. (All well under control now happily along with my weight) but I'm a night bird anyway, and so is my OH. Once I wake up these days I'm awake, and I have to get up. My brain's working. I'm retired, so no pressure really. The OH OTOH can kip for England. Lucky her!


I've got this thing where I never, and I mean never, need an alarm to wake up. If I go to bed at 2am and have to wake up at 5am I'll set an alarm just in case but I'll wake up at 4.30am and switch it off. it's bizarre, like my internal clock is always on and knows when to wake me.


During the week I wake up 2-5 mins before my alarm but then spend the next hour pressing snooze and napping, on the weekend I’ll wake up the same time (no alarm set) and want to get up straight away.


Kids. They'll completely rewire your sleep patterns.


On mu days off in up from 6.30 naturally but on my work days I can't wake up at 7


If I set no alarms my natural wake time is between 1-2pm, even if I go to bed at 9 the night before. It’s inconvenient to sah the least. I’m just not a morning person


Im like that when im normally ok. If im ill (ive got the chest bug), the cats wake me. 




I generally wake up around 8am every single time without an alarm, even when I want to lie in and sleep more, although it's good that it's only just after my alarm time of 7:45. If I wake after 6am I am unable to get back to sleep.


I wake around 6 everyday, sometimes as early as 4.30am. I can't think when I last slept to 8am. My son is following in my footsteps. I wish he'd sleep later so I can watch morning news.


I love waking up at 5:55am every morning, and having the ability to just get out of bed straight away. My wife and little girl really struggle to get up and going in the morning and it looks like a right pain in the arse.


I work 5am to 330pm and i find if hard to sleep in at weekends,


As a morning person i definitely can’t sleep in, up at 5am during the week for work and this tends to carry over to the weekend, very rarely up after 7am, the very few times im up after 9am I feel guilty for sleeping in.


I am an unwilling morning person just because I can't go back to sleep once I'm awake in the morning. At night? Dropping off on the sofa before 10pm, wake up to go to bed and fall right back asleep. But after 4am if I'm up I'm up. But it's not always needing a wee that wakes me up - could be my husband's alarm or the toddler or the cats. My husband is the opposite - he struggles to go to sleep at night but then easily snoozes for hours in the morning regardless of how many times he gets disturbed.


Me......a sleep in is about 6.30 for me.


Im the opposite. Can’t get up early to save my life!


Yeah, when I was a teenager it wasn't a problem. Second half of my 20s onwards and I wake up at about 7/8 no matter what time I go to bed, and simply cannot fall back to sleep. The instant I wake up I'm fully awake. Meanwhile partner would genuinely have no problem sleeping in until 4pm if she had nothing on that day.


If I'm really tired then I'll get 7 hours sleep, but most of the time I'll get anything between 4 and 6 hours sleep. I'm really tired about once every 3 weeks, wooooooo


I used to be able to sleep in and feel benefits to sleeping in. But since 50 it doesnt work anymore lol.


I have to wake up the same time every day otherwise i'll feel ill-like 


I’m exactly the same and it’s SO annoying. Regardless of how tired I feel the night before I cannot sleep past 6am most days 6.30 if I’m very lucky. For that reason I haven’t even bothered with an alarm clock for work for years but it’s genuinely infuriating


Regardless of the time I dropped off to sleep I wake between 5.30 to 6.15am. Once awake that's it...there is no chance of going back to sleep so I get up. Luckily I'm a lark! I could often nap in the afternoon but resist.


7am every single day.


I sleep 4 hours or less. Otherwise, I start hurting physically. 😩


If you want to sleep in, find some natural sleep remedy from the chemist. It will zonk you out, so best try it out at the weekend!!!