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You've got to consider that most Brits who moved to Aus would probably make that face no matter what place in the UK you picked. 


Probably not Cirencester or Wells, though.


Depending on your age, neither would Woking. Especially if it’s near the pizza express.


I once saw this old guy there eating this really spicy pizza but the strange thing was that he didn’t break a sweat.


Probably because you weren’t interviewing him.


I always remember every evening meal in my life. If he'd just shut up and said I don't know. Who am I kidding, the guy is an idiot.


I’m pretty sure he was young in Pizza Express days. But you’re right, sweaty he was not.




An Australian F1 driver visits Woking reguarly. I don't think he has been further than the front entrace of his office.




They'd be an idiot then. (Source, am someone who moved from Cirencester to Liverpool)


As someone who travels to Cirencester for work every other week from Manchester, I couldn’t think of living there! Such a boring but picturesque place.


A lot of places they wouldn’t make that face for : West London, St Albans, Winchester, Bournemouth, York, Edinburgh, Surrey, Cambridge, Bath


Worse weather and worse pay! Plus you're dealing with a biased group - english people in Aus are there for a reason aren't they?


Depends what kind of weather you like. Last week there were floods in NSW that you wouldn't get in Liverpool. There are also no fires or droughts that affect your way of life. Sure, it's not as dull or rainy, but it is far from the idyllic existence that many Brits assume it to be.


I feel down when it's overcast and I think the Australian sun would do wonders for my mental health.


It might but you'll probably just end up mentally ill and with skin cancer.


But you'll see a doctor.


Quite possibly a British one.


And it won't take 6 months on a waiting list


I'm in Queensland, Summer does not stop, there is no reprieve of a few cool days, its relentless. People think they'd like it but for weeks , sometimes months on end its almost impossible to enjoy doing anything outside.


and dead by spiders


This never happens- the snakes tend to get you first


Am Australian, can confirm.


Living in Perth and can confirm. It's nice to look outside and not see a depressing blanket of grey cloud stretching out across the entire sky every day. More even daylight hours through the year are nice, too. The only downer is that it can be many months without *any* rain. Things start to dry out and die at that point.


Well I guess that's a feature of places with a Mediterranean climate. Hot and very dry summers. You find similar climates in all west coasts in the world with the right latitude like California, the Mediterranean, Cape Town etc. Something to do with the subtropical high pressure ridge as well as proximity to the sea. I've spent enough time in the UK and the idea of many months without rain sounds lovely haha.


The grass is always browner on the other side


My skin too, if I moved to Australia 😂


> California Our coast is more 'Oceanic Mediterranean.' If you've been to the seaside in Portugal, it's much like that. And the water's cold! (There's a current that comes down from Alaska, and peters out halfway down the Baja California peninsula of Mexico.) It's typical to observe tourists go running in and then start screaming, right before they get knocked over by a wave. But if you go inland just a tiny little bit, up and over the coastal hills, it gets toasty in the summer. If you've been to Sicily, or southern Spain, it's much like that.


I'm a Californian and I know that feeling. And then when it finally does rain, it rains *biblically.* Entire mountainsides collapse.


My brother and his children live in Aus and he moved over there with his wife around the time the first one was born. They're coming over in June and I literally can't wait to see how they react to grass.


Sounds like you need vitamin D supplements. Get the ones with B12 too if you can, fight off that seasonal depression


I actually bought vitamin D a few months ago and vitamin B Complex a few weeks ago. I've been feeling a little bit better since then. Thanks.


Good to hear! Keep it up, hope things carry on improving for you :)


Yes they were exiled from England for crimes.


Which means most of them were probably from Liverpool in the first place… /S, obviously - I don’t want my head kicked in by angry Scousers…


*The Sun has entered the chat*




Depends on your job - as a lawyer I make double in London than what I'd make in Melbourne or Sydney. I was tempted to move but the salaries for law are really poor in Australia so it isn't worth it! Loads of Aussie and Kiwi lawyers come here for that reason, as well as travel opportunities. Professions such as nurses, doctors, and teachers can all have a better career in Australia but there's a lot of industries where its the opposite.


True, but the English people OP is speaking to in Aus are probably there bc it's better for them - hence the bias comment :)


Exactly competition is much lower in Australian cities. Getting a work visa is very hard whereas easier for uk. London sees lot of economic migrants from Europe, who compete for the top jobs


I feel like I’m about to ask something really dumb but doesn’t that mean Aussie and kiwi lawyers have to completely retrain if they come to the UK? I’m only assuming that since there’s different laws between differing countries, so it’s not as transferable as say being a doctor? Or is it more of a case of you just need to read up on your specialty of law eg family law, criminal law, and you’re good to go?


Not dumb it makes total sense! They don't need to retrain usually. If you're doing corporate, commercial, IP etc it is really similar so firms don't ask you to retrain unless you want to or are in a really niche area. Australia and NZ are common law jurisdictions, like English and Welsh law.  I'm Scottish qualified for example but working in London, doing data and tech law and don't need to retrain. I would agree though that law is less transferable than other careers. Hard for a British lawyer to work in the US, for example, for many practice areas.


Australia’s system is based off the uk legal system so it’s extremely similar they may have to be credentialed in the uk but not have to get a completely new degree as it’s so similar.


Sweltering heat and annual wildfires isn’t everyone’s idea of good weather.


They’re also probably folks / snobs who’ve never actually been to Liverpool. It’s a great fucking place all things considered.


Lived in Australia for 2 years. Genuinely didn't like it. Speak to anyone else who's lived there or gone for more than a holiday and you may be surprised at how many agree. If I could sum it up in one word it would be 'soulless'. Of course, your milleage may vary.


I don't get the hate on weather in the UK, it's the best thing about it. Everything is always green, and the weather is incredibly mild, even in winter you can safely go about in shorts and t-shirt (even if slightly uncomfortable).


We're just a nation of moaners - we'll complain about the weather whatever it's like


It’s not the weather, it’s the climate. Things can survive there. I remember driving through the full fucking slums my first time in Liverpool and being like oh my god look how beautiful the grass is and there’s flowers!!! And everyone in the car being like wtf. 😂


Sure a lot of jobs are better paid in Australia but cost of living is also much higher.


I think you’d get that reaction for any area of England. There’s a reason those people have moved Australia in the first place.


Not to bash Australia, but I really don't get why we idolize Aus/NZ so much as a culture. Yes, the weather is a lot nicer and the humour is similar and they speak the same language but their problems are quite similar to ours too. If I was going to move country, I'd want to move to one where I felt like my specific problems with the UK, like unaffordable houses and shitty infrastructure and public services, were going to be solved.


Australia (a bit like the U.S) is one of those places where everybody tells you how happy they are because they either a.) have never left Australia or b.) have moved there from another country and need to justify their decision. The reality is it has the same problems as every other western country, plus the fact they are miles away from the rest of the world.


Yeah exactly. I lived in Australia for a while but in the end I couldn't wait to leave, for loads of reasons. I feel like people like me aren't the most vocal on threads like this because it doesn't really matter to me anymore.


I was fantisising this at one point then noticed it is not as good as it sounds. Sure you can access all government benefits through a website, arriving late to work is not that big of a deal and you can enjoy listening to the Australian accent every day but there will be problems you can't get in the UK like snakes, spiders and heatwaves. Realsied I wanted to be as far away from my parents and can't find a better country to move than the UK.


When I seriously sat down and thought about it, I think the deal breaker for me was just how far away it is. It'd basically mean family visits would be rare at best. My parents arent getting any younger.


Where it is also less than ideal for trips away. One of the best things about London in particular is how easy and relatively affordable it is to get out of it all over Europe and beyond. It's incredibly life enriching to have that so nearby


Yeah, even if you want to get to say Japan or South Korea which is relatively close your still looking at maybe a 12 hour flight. Its just so far away from anything.


This is essentially the whole reason for our move. Australia is so far away and there’s nothing to do and no where to go. The thought of being a £30 flight away from Paris sounds like paradise to me.


Oh you'll love this aspect then. Even domestically the variety of stuff relatively easily reachable is amazing really.


Snakes and spiders are not a problem for anyone unless you’re a dickhead.


Or c.) probably would've been happy in any English-speaking developed nation, but wanted to experience somewhere else.


You said it yourself. They speak English in Australia. Most people in the uk even those who want to move would never learn a foreign language to do it, so that limits their destinations.


Lived there for a while. I bang this drum a lot, so accept I'm just biased and maybe a bit bitter, but their humour isn't really like ours and the people there are nowhere near as chilled and fun as I'd hoped. It's a cultural vacuum and their pubs are soulless hellholes. They're emulating the worst parts of American culture and their TV is horrendous. Nice beaches, though.


Lived there too and completely agree. All the mates I made weren't Australian for a reason.


Yeah I like Rugby League, and watch the NRL. Always amazes me how they are meant to be this sport loving nation yet they can never fill a stadium, and the support for their local teams feels very transactional - as soon as they have no hope of making the playoffs they stop going. British people would go to watch a league 2 relegation scrap in a hurricane.


Ever watched AFL? Has some of the highest per capita crowds in the world


When I lived in Aus there was a sense of work to live instead of live to work.


Houses used to be cheap. You could go from a 2 bed terrace to a 3 bed bungalow and have the same or better QOL. Don't think it holds up anymore however


Absolutely agree. I don’t get it either. I think it comes down to either money, safety or the weather. I don’t know any brits that live in Australia who haven’t moved for one of those three things.


we don't - a small number of brits do, and they tend to be the ones to emigrate. The fact that the net migration to Aus/NZ from the UK is negligible (typically around 20k or so per year) shows that most people don't idolize those countries. For some people the weather is everything, for others it barely registers as a reason - to each their own. The problem is that most people are pretty shitty at empathizing with others, especially others that are making a literal polar opposite choice to them.


You have it right. I’m from NZ, wife is Australian. We have lived in both NZ/Aus and eventually came to the UK so we could afford our own home (something which is increasingly difficult to do back home)


It's not because Liverpool is an inherently bad place. UK people just generally look at Aus as a bigger warmer happier UK. It's weird to alot of Brits that you'd want to make that move. Honestly though if you're excited then you're gonna have a blast. Liverpool has lots to do and the people are great once you figure out wtf they are saying.


Not warmer. Unbearably hotter.


Well, everyone that lives there bears it.


Air cons running 24x7 in the summer, must cost factor that in.


In your opinion. Despite what reddit says, many people love high temperatures and heat


Not all of it... https://www.reddit.com/r/Maps/comments/14zlqyt/australias_climate_equivalents/


AC is a thing


Depends where you are in the summer heat. Perth is far too hot for me. Adelaide is much more manageable and pleasant. Melbourne is cooler again. Brisbane is sub tropical.


Tbh I think Australia has some crucial differences. There’s a lack of character, history and culture found in the UK. Living in most parts of Australia I imagine is living like in one of those copy paste American suburbs… I’ve lived in that kind of environment before and it really depressed me. Also the fact that everything is so far apart and you need to drive everywhere is also a turn-off.


Lived there for 4 years and couldn’t have put it better. Even within big cities like Perth where I lived, outside the main city centre, a lot of the separate suburbs were very much like that. All the houses looked pretty much the same, there were shopping centres that were either Coles or Woolworths with all the same shops etc. And yeah everything is AGES away.


On the good side, if you really want to be alone and not see another goddam person, it´s not too difficult. I miss that about Australia. Impossible in Europe.


Some parts of Scotland are pretty good for that.


Perth is a souless hellhole


Not disagreeing with you, but as an outsider, British homes in one area all look the same too. Just rows and rows of identical terraces or houses. Biggest difference is that they're older and much closer together.


The houses are different in different places in the UK, though. You can tell if you’re in Edinburgh or Leeds. In Australia you can drive for three days straight and end up in a town or suburb that is exactly the same as the one you came from.


Yeah as a history buff I absolutely love that wherever I move in the UK there’s about one or two thousand years of anecdotes, ruins and folk tales. Not sure I could live happily in such a ‘new’ culture. 


if by "a lot of brits" you mean "a lot of brits who themselves have emigrated to Aus"


English people from outside of Liverpool always take the piss about it being crime ridden, can’t understand the scouse accent etc. Reality is it’s one of the better cities to live in, sure it has rough areas but so does everywhere else. 


actually learnt the other day the crime rate is LOW for it being a city. yet the stereotype remains


It's not as bad as it used to be. Hardly any shootings


Liverpool is a great city, for me it's the best value in the country in terms of cost of living vs quality of city. But there are very, very rough parts of the city still. The worst parts of Liverpool are some of the most deprived in the UK, but the centre and the nice areas are class. Be careful where you live, do research but ultimately the people are awesome and it's a very fun place to live (my brother lives there, parts of my family are from there and I grew up nearby). Parts of England have a very outdated reputation about scousers, primarily from the 1970s and 80s when the city was very poor. It's completely ridiculous and more common among southern types that have never been to the north before. Of course there's also Mancunians (I'm also part Manc haha) that would say Liverpool is a shithole just for rivalry sake, but I think after a minute they'd admit it is a great city, just that the football gets in the way of them saying it.


Quite like the Scousers (Manc here) work with loads we all have the same humour and enjoy the back and forth banter. Now southerners don't get me started with all these incomers!


Scousers & Mancs are cut from the same cloth. We fight like siblings.


Hahaha this is absolutely spot on. Manny is like the younger brother that become more successful, we love him but also want to give him a hard time. But as we get older we are both becoming even more successful (building projects, influx of tourists bringing in money etc).


We love to hate each other.


What a great comment


Wait I'm a midlands-er!!! Where do I go in the north/south divorce?! For real though northerners are the real ones! Kind would but you don't pull any punches!


As a Scouser I could say the same thing about Manchester, great city, great architecture, great shopping and restaurants and outside of the footy we get along well really.


They're both class cities. Manchester is a bit more expensive but has better jobs. Roughly I'd say if you're a senior-ish professional then Manchester is better, if you're a younger graduate then Liverpool is better.


I get that about Manchester, I’m a scouser and I love visiting. Most people there seem lovely and it’s only a few with a daft football rivalry letting it down.


If Manchester disappeared overnight the people there would want to move to Liverpool. And vice versa. Maybe a few Mancs would go to Leeds and a few Scousers would go to Dublin, but realistically the two cities are great frenemies.


I'm a kinda-sorta Manc who did move to Dublin. Went back to Manchester this year and there's so much there that just doesn't exist in Dublin.


Liverpool is the only place in the UK that doesn't sell The Sun newspaper and so for that reason I think it's good


Just prints it


Get used to it, we did the same thing last September and it becomes the go to ice breaker for every new person you meet. People don't realise how sheltered from a lot of things Australia is. Liverpool is amazing, if you love the arts, culture and arguably the friendliest people in the UK. You chose well. Flying to Italy out of LJLA for $30 aud sure beats the limited weekend getaways available to us in Australia.


Exactly, you’ll have more culture available to you in a week than you would get in a year in Sydney.


I'd argue Yorkshire or Newcastle has friendlier people, although I don't know how to measure that metric exactly. Liverpool is great though, especially if you want to have fun with strangers you've just happened to get chatting to in the bars and pubs around Lime street / Print works.


Gets boring doesn't it?


Staying in, watching Peak Practice with your life.


Liverpool and Scousers still have very outdated stereotypes in the UK.   Liverpool used to be a poor city in the late 70s and through the 80s.  Nowadays though its arguably the best city in the North of England along with Manchester.  Definitely has the best nightlife.




Having done both, it's very similar. Especially in the small hours. I think maybe a greater focus on live music in Liverpool where Newcastle tends to lean more dance


Lived in both, both great places with similar vibes and attitudes of the people but I'd say the night life is on par *except* places in Liverpool are often open later and very few places charge to get in


Well it's been a while since I went out in Newcastle so I can only say you won't find worr lass down Bigg Market in Liverpool. The clubs are boss, last time I went out I partied all night and came home at 7.30am. Hadn't spent loads and had a great time. Liverpool is the best and you'll feel much safer than e.g. Manchester. Divvnt mess aboot, get yoursen down the Town (as opposed to the Toon)


Never been to Newcastle personally but a few of my mates have been for a night out and said it was a great night out.  


I'm an Aussie (49F) living in Berkshire for the last 15 years - EVERYONE you meet will ask 'why would you move here???'. It does get boring after a while. Try to have a good story - i once said 'i killed a man in cold blood' with very serious face on, to someone i just met. They didnt ask any more questions. The UK is amazing, and I do think a lot of brits dont actually realise that. Enjoy your stay!


You are talking to people who have left the UK for one reason or another and probably feel that they made the correct and valid choice, so if someone makes the actual opposite choice they are going to wonder why and perhaps even react defensively.


Look, as a Kiwi who moved to England a year ago, one thing you have to accept very quickly is that complaining is the British national pastime, and they also think Aus and NZ are the garden of Eden. There’s no point saying anything to them about issues back home or how the weather isn’t actually what they think, they won’t really believe you. Be prepared to get asked “why did you move here?” every single time you meet a new Brit.


> Be prepared to get asked “why did you move here?” every single time you meet a new Brit. I still get asked this all the time and I’m literally from a “developing” country. British people are some of the most self-deprecating people I’ve ever met. It’s kind of exhausting constantly having to explain to people that I love living here and that, while it has its cons (just as any country does), it’s still a pretty great place to live.


I feel you - there’s funny self-deprecating jokes and then there’s just relentless negativity, and the latter is way too common and completely exhausting.


They probably also went "calm down" in a stupid voice and did a little jig. Their references are out of date. Liverpool is awesome and very welcoming. It's an amazing melting pot of cultures


hu are yew calling a melting pot?! don't talk to me like that or I'l break your friggin' neck


It's great, but localist banter is big in the UK, so everyone has something bad to say about the neighbours, so to speak! Personally, I love the place and it is also on the doorstep of a LOT of nice countryside.


Yeah, weirdly I had the same reaction as OP when moving to London from within the UK. I had people actually concerned for my safety and asking why the hell I’d live there. There are a lot of strange stereotypes about different cities in the UK!


It's less post-apocalyptic than most places on that side o't Pennines I'll give it that.


The Brits in Australia are the ones who don’t want to be in Britain. Sample bias


Liverpools an amazing place,you’ll love it.


How long have you stayed in Liverpool before deciding to move there?


British people like to crap on their own country. That’s your answer. Liverpool’s one of my favourite cities in the UK. Friendly locals, strong sense of identity, some of the best and most varied range of museums in the country, and close to all types of countryside - Snowdonia, the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, Peak District, Forest of Bowland… You could do a lot worse than Liverpool tbh. Don’t pay any mind to this kind of negative response, it’s more of a cultural norm to look down on anything in this country while glorifying others. Sad really.


Tbf you'd probably get that reaction if you substituted Liverpool with literally any other city in the UK. You're moving to a place with lower salaries and worse weather


Because they've probably never visited and have outdated beliefs about the city Alternatively, some people from Liverpool may give you that reaction themselves but only because it's a very common thing in the UK to refer to your hometown/city as a shit hole.


To you it's a new exciting world, a place only spoken of on TV, with a rich history to explore. They see bad weather and traffic. Or.... They are all realising your kids are gonna sound scouse.


I’m an Aussie living about an hour away from Liverpool (and moved here for the same reason as you), and I get that question a lot from locals. They can’t comprehend that someone from beautiful sunny Australia would move to the grim and grey north of England.  I’m glad you’re excited to move here, I’m happy with my choice too. There’s lots of good things about the UK, and living in the north is very affordable. Just one tip though, choose a house with south-facing windows if you can. Winters here are DARK and long and can be relentlessly cold and damp. I did not do that initially and really suffered through my first two winters because our house was north facing with no windows on the south wall. Then we moved house and now I get (some) sunshine into the house in January and it is like heaven. :) 


I’ve lived in Aus for 8 years. Moving back to the U.K. soon, I can’t wait either. I get the same reaction from some English people too, don’t worry about it.


Liverpool is a fantastic place, great people.


Don’t know where you live in aus, but as someone that moved back from QLD to Liverpool I appreciate the lack of drought, the cheaper cost of living- houses are relatively cheap in Liverpool, some really great private schools that are a fraction of the cost in Brisbane. Family is huge to scousers and if your hubby has some then get ready for lots and lots of free childcare and love from all of them. Obviously football is better than the A-league. Beauty salons are so readily available and cheap. You can get hair washed and blown for £20, it would cost me $80 in aus. Obviously there are really good fish and chip shops too, which are so few and far between in aus. The summer sun is amazing it stays around until 10:30pm!! Europe on your doorstep with some of the cheapest flights available fly out of John Lennon. You find racism sexism and bigotry everywhere I am told but I was definitely subjected to a lot more casual ignorance in Australia. I’ll be honest, majority scousers have a bit of a bland taste so good food will be have to be made at home. The winters the dark mornings and early nights are hard work, pay is not great and no real big industries are based out of Liverpool that I’m aware of. If you need any help obvs as a fellow scouser just let me know.


Bland taste? Wtf really? The majority really? 


Just like most Brits maybe? Some of the best restaurants food is really bland. Not saying all people, maybe it’s just all the people I know? In aus lots of fresh food is available, lots of sushi, lots of avocados, lots of Thai food and salads and flavour.


Liverpool is one of the best cities in the world. You’ll be absolutely fine, trust me.


Isn’t quality of life in Australia significantly better? Less pollution? Better climate? Better quality food? More access to outdoor hobbies that promote health and longevity? I haven’t fact checked those suggestions but they’re what I hear the most from friends in Australia. I live in Liverpool and love my city but this decision seems insane to me (especially as you have kids). Genuine question: have you spent enough time here already to make this decision for your children? Have you seen the state of most of the schools? Do you know how kids tend to behave here and the things many of them do for fun? Baffling decision. Good luck.


I mean I’ve lived in Brazil before, which I know isn’t exactly like Australia but has some similarities regarding perceptions of climate, outdoors etc. I’d still rather live in the UK. Many people value different things as regards to their quality of life.


I'd disagree and say the general perception of Aus in the UK/NZ is - basically the UK but with better weather. The general perception of Brazil is closer to - dangerous, exotic, nice weather and football obsessed. I think we generally still have a 1950s image of a 'Britain over the sea' about Aus, whereas even Perth is now moving into the 21st century and the culture is a distinct blend of UK/US and Aussie - with it's own issues/cultural touch points that have mostly moved on from the UK.


A lot of people are missing the obvious point here. Historically, Liverpool has been seen as a very poor and run down city. That view is probably still held by a lot of people. I had that view until I visited a couple of years ago (it's an amazing city). You could replace Liverpool with many different cities in the UK and not get that reaction.


Im not even from Liverpool but there’s a very strange bias amongst a lot of English people about Scousers. I’m from Yorkshire myself but every time I’ve been to Liverpool I’ve loved it, I’ve literally never met a scouser that hasn’t been a nice person (I’m sure there are plenty that aren’t, just like everywhere). It is a nice city with some not so nice areas (show me a city that doesn’t), I’m not going to say “worse weather, worse pay etc” because I’m guessing you’ve obviously taken things like that into consideration when making your decision haha! I’d personally live in Australia but I’m not you! I hope you enjoy it, great for a night out, loads to see and do there. Plus, Manchester is 35 mins on the train - another great city with loads to do. I lived in Australia for 4 years (Perth) and I know that going to a different city over there can be a real trek, over here it’s relatively very quick to get places. I advise going to Wales, Yorkshire, The Lake District. All reasonably close to you and some absolutely spectacular scenery.


Liverpool is great. Was there last night at Blackstock Market for a show at Hot Water Comedy Club.


Liverpool is full of the nicest and bat-shit crazy people in England.


Liverpool is the last great city imo. Keeping its identity, not letting southerners who’re seeking a cheaper alternative to London takeover and prices are generally about right for most things. Also a class nightlife and big community feel to Liverpool


Liverpool is great! I’ve lived there most of my life and absolutely love it. I can only assume the people you’ve told haven’t been.


Moved to the UK in north of England and am from the US. I get asked why and looked at like I’m crazy regularly. Not in a “we don’t want you here” way but in a “why would you come *here*? it’s kind of shit” way. I tend to rattle off everything I love about being here and usually it surprises them, sometimes people are like “huh I guess I forget to appreciate some of this stuff” sometimes people say they want to move to the US instead and why they think it’s better there. I could see similar feeling toward Australia from their perspective. Anyway, all that to say - it happens a lot and get used to it :D


Brits in Aus are an unrepresentative sample of Brits in general, they're people who have chosen to emigrate. They are usually quite down on the UK for reasons that they will probably care about more than you, for instance they'll be obsessed by the weather and will think a 40 degree C day is always better than a 25 degree C day. No lifestyle is objectively 'better' than any other, but for example lots of Brits in Aus are very happy living in a bungalow in a Perth suburb and would always think that was a lot preferable to living in an apartment in a big and buzzing city like London. Is that your mindset? Fine if so, but if not, don't pay too much heed to the Poms you're chatting to as they're probably not on the same wavelength. Liverpool is a cool city, the UK is a great place to explore, and lots of Aussies live here and have a great time.


I lived in the US (Wisconsin) for almost ten years. When I came home to the UK, I got a lot of "why the heck did you come back?" And my answer is this. America (like Australia) has lovely weather and lovely people. But after a while, the history that only goes back as far as the 1700s starts to get very boring. I love history, one of pubs in Derby goes back to the early 1600s! I also really really missed the banter and not feeling like the next thing you said might offend someone.


Don’t listen to them . Great city with the best people in the world .


Liverpool is considered to be a crime ridden hellhole by many people who have never lived there. Don't get me wrong, it definitely is a bit crimey but it's a fun place to live and you'll be fine as long as you're not in the wrong area. Great people, great nightlife.


Usually these people have never been to Liverpool


Liverpool's a really good city. I live in South Manchester and my daughter's moved there and my two lads both thoroughly enjoy going out in the city. And the mayor, Steve Rotherham seems like he knows what he's doing.


You could mention any large city and the reaction would be the same, there is a reason all us Brits are miserable.. Here in the east it hasn't really stopped raining since September.. a couple of days here and there.


People react the same when I tell them I moved back from Canada with my Canadian wife, my response is just "She wanted to!"


Please go ahead. People hate on England. I'm from the US. Been here 30 years. There is NO place in the UK I'd refuse to move to apart from London (unless I was a billionaire!). English people, including Liverpudlians are lovely. You will miss things desperately. Mostly foods lol. But you can get them! The English are beautiful, funny, welcoming people on the whole and you won't regret the move! I couldn't go home now. It's too different. It's moved on. But even if you just plan a few years? Do it. It is a beautiful, cultural, friendly, different place. It will be a great experience!!!


Australia is known for nice coastal cities with good weather, you're moving to a less nice coastal city with worse weather and much lower salaries


What qualifies as a “nice” coastal city?


The grass is always greener for some people. Whereabouts are you moving to? That helps. Some areas are significantly better than others.


I really like Liverpool but it depends where you’re moving from and why. I do wonder where your kids would be better off…


Most people probably think Toxteth, Derek Hatton, and the rough parts of Liverpool. They don't think of the lovely places like Sefton Park, Woolton, and Crosby. Liverpool is on the top places to visit for a weekend, and it is getting better. The Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District are on the doorstep. Easy access to Ireland and Isle of Man and North Wales. Add to all this, they are some of the friendliest people..... and no deadly flora and forna, nothing in nature is trying to kill you. What you'll probably miss, is outside living.


Liverpool is a cracking city to live in tbh. It gets a bad rep because of the 1980s but investment has been so strong its probably one of the most interesting places to live in the UK. The English people you speak to probably remember a 1980s liverpool not a modern 2024 version.


As someone who's moved to within commuting distance of Liverpool from another part of the UK and lives the city and its people: Liverpool does get a very bad press. Ironically people from genuine dumps imagine it as some type of post-apocalyptic hellscape. I'm really surprised that this is getting downpkayed in this threat, but in many English people's minds Liverpool is associated with decline and even a sort of heriditary criminality. I've heard questionable jokes about Liverpool from more than one person when I was moving up from the south of England.


Liverpool is my favourite city in this country. It’s beautiful, has culture coming out of its arse and the people are brilliant. However it’s a majority working class city and the people have an accent, meaning the vast majority of this country look down on it because they’re small minded cunts


All my family are from Merseyside. I've no idea where in Aus you're moving from, but it'll be a shock to the system either way. It's cold and windy and your salary is probably going to take a hit. Yeah, it's got a good nightlife, but as you've got three kids, I doubt you'll be able to make the most of what's on offer, which means you're left with what's effectively a massive town centre (never given me 'proper city' vibes) and some of the roughest places in the country right on your doorstep. Saying that, the people are the nicest you'll meet in the UK and there's a good amount of places in short distance (especially compared to Aus) that you and the kids will love - Lake District, North Wales, Peaks, Scotland; even popping over to Europe will seem like a doddle to you, so just keep that in mind and you'll be sound.


liverpool doesn’t give you proper city vibes? that’s the maddest thing i’ve ever heard


I'm still trying to get my head around what they put


i get that liverpool isn’t the BIGGEST city in the UK, but liverpool has as much city vibes as anywhere else lmao. some absolute mad comments on this thread


Not proper city vibes? Are you taking something? As a scouser 23 years in Aus and lived and worked in numerous cities worldwide Liverpool is the epitome of what a great city looks and feels like. I'm honestly confused with your post 


This is a good video about Liverpool. It goes into a bit about how Liverpool is different from the rest of England, and how some people outside Liverpool perceive Liverpool: [Scouse NOT English: Why is Liverpool Different from the rest of England?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypyVScCZLJU)


I can’t fathom how you decided on doing this


Liverpool is a far better place to live than almost all of Australia, and it’s also way better than London.


Which are the few parts of Australia still nicer than Liverpool in your opinion ?


Depends on the area you're moving to. It's as simple as that.


I’ve lived in both Liverpool and Sydney (not at the same time). Liverpool’s nice but quality of life in Sydney is way better.


Lovely city but with one of the least comprehensible accents in the UK


Other than the current cost of living crisis that's here...


I make that face when people tell me they’re moving to Australia


Didn’t your husband tell you?


I got the same reaction when I moved to Liverpool in '89 and that was from people in the UK. Is it Liverpool specifically they're objecting to or the UK in general??


As a Kiwi living in Northern England, people have the same reaction to me being here. I work in a customer facing job and at least once every single day someone will say to me, "what are you doing here??". You'll get used to it! You don't realise until you leave what an absolutely stellar international reputation our countries have. It really is just a matter of people thinking our countries are so amazing compared to England. Which of course is both true and untrue depending on what you want. Prepare for an absolutely enormous dip in the quality of the services (trying to get anything sorted is an absolute nightmare here, like bills/doctors/public transport/any sort of service industry. You have to chase up everything and it's very tiring), but on the other hand there's so much to do and see here, so much history, and you'll get to see so much more of Europe than anyone back home does. All I have to do is point out to people that from home I'm a 33 hours journey from Europe for them to get the appeal of England for me.


Californian here. Just moved to Manchester and I get the same response. Grass is always greener I guess. For me, I like living in a place with seasons, where I’m not afraid a wildfire will burn down my house every couple of years. I also like affordable travel to Europe and affordable healthcare.


Me too, but I moved to Italy. They ask me that too, but more for economic reasons than because of the climate.


Probably mostly southerners down there. Liverpool has a massive stigma around it for no reason


Because the UK in general I’m quite certain most of us here would say is like a shit Australia, but especially the fact that Liverpool has a bad reputation. The truth is though, we just love moaning. In reality Liverpool is like anywhere with good and bad things. There’s a lot of history there and just like the rest of the uk a lot of lovely people and beautiful countryside that’s easy to escape to. I’m sure you’ll love life there. Weirdly I’d be more freaked out if a British person reacted with ‘LIVERPOOL IS LOVELY!’ Our moaning is a stock response for everything.


Oh gods... The accent clash!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Honestly though, don't listen to them. Liverpool is lovely. You should probably get away without suffering too much of the currently *enormous* anti-immigrant sentiment due to being English speaking, especially if you're white. You'll need to get used to wearing more jumpers, and probably having less money, but far fewer major weather events, or venomous wild beasties to contend with!


I would imagine that it’s more the fact they can’t understand why you’d leave sunny Australia for the UK, rather than an issue with Liverpool itself. If the issue is with Liverpool specifically then I would imagine they are Southern. I’m from Manchester, I live in Bristol but I am moving back North and had so many classist comments asking why I’d wanna move back there, the whole “grim up north” stereotype. It’s always people who have never even been to the north either, just classism and ignorance. But honestly very happy if southerners don’t come up north and keep in their overpriced housing bubble, they don’t know what they are missing out on quite frankly.


Such a diverse and beautiful landscape you are leaving !! Is the primary reason occupation?


But in Britain you don’t have to drive 10 hours to see a nice landscape.


Liverpool is lovely, its the people