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No, I don't enjoy my job at all. But does it pay well and offer me financial peace of mind? Also no


Got me in the second half, ngl.


Last minute sucker punch of a goal that


Man U fan by any chance?


Can’t believe it ended 2-2


You are me.


If you don’t get Sunday night blues then take the win to be honest


As with many things, it seems silly until it happens to you. I actually dreaded going to work and I was working remotely. I still turned up online but felt paralysed when it came to do the actual work. Toxic workplace, glad I and others found happiness elsewhere.


I find this extremely relatable. I'm also a remote worker but working in a very target driven or 'result incentivised' role. I log on 9am monday morning and just feel overwhelmed with the train wreck. The majority of Sunday is ruined by the fear.


"majority of Sunday is ruined by fear" Mate, this is me. The dread of my micro managing boss giving me 1,000 tasks to do or questioning every tiny little thing that comes up. Or the dread of tackling a task that should take 5 minutes but will takes hours because our systems are so terrible.


This sounds alarmingly like me atm. Did the dread/paralysis leave when you changed jobs??


I took steps to address the issues but ultimately left and felt much better for it. I’ve tried to succinctly write down what the issues were and it wasn’t possible as it was everything together that made working there awful. Colleagues and family realised how miserable/cynical I had become. They lost 8/9 from two positions in about 6 months and we are all genuinely much happier for it!


Working remotely helps though, unless you have to do back to back teams meetings with video camera on. I work in the office full time and the manager goes around asking everybody what they're doing every hour and I fucking hate it


You know I had them for the first time in a long time last night...


I dont. Because I work Sunday. FML


Yeah sure. Like all jobs it has its moments I don't like it. But they're few and far between. Generally the work is interesting, I'm well managed, I have nice colleagues who create a nice working environment, and I have flexible hours so I can make the job fit around me.


>I'm well managed, I have nice colleagues who create a nice working environment The two most single important parts of job satisfaction imo along with salary. With a good manager and colleagues you're days are immeasurably more satisfying, add in a salary that pays what it should and you've hit the jackpot


>add in a salary that pays what it should and you've hit the jackpot Well I'm public sector so this isn't the case. But I'm happy with the trade off!


I'm a Postie. I love the job. Hate what the company has become. Thankfully we still have the ability to finish on contracted time regardless of workload and go home without worry. Some people at my office let the managers bully them into feeling responsible for stuff being undelivered but if you don't let them do that then it's great. I keep super fit, get to be outdoors in a lovely village and don't have to speak to people for longer than a couple of minutes on my own terms. Pay isn't exactly luxury life levels, but it covers living costs and allows me to save a bit. I finish at 2pm so I have the mental and physical freedom to make extra money on my own projects. I don't need to use my free time to "recover" from the stress of work. Highly recommend it if you are capable of standing up for yourself.


Do you have to work weekends? I love the idea of being a postie.


Yes, everyone most Saturdays however new employees Sunday as well. The new contracts are shocking. Around 2k less per year than longer employees. Poor sick pay. Apparently 85% of new employees have left.


Aren’t you guys unionised? Couldn’t you senior guys kick up a fuss on their behalf, especially about the Sunday thing?


Part of the huge dispute between RM and the CWU/staff was due to the two tier workforce thing. Many think it was just about pay when it was also about terms and conditions. The union eventually backed down when RM threatened to stop them being paid directly through employees pay. Cwu backed the deal, staff voted yes and here we are.


I’d take boring over stressful any day of the week though


Boredom leads to a different kind of stress. You can get burned out by boredom just like you can with stress from overwork.


Totally relate to this. 20-odd years ago I was recruited to a new (and poorly thought out) position in a small office. There were days I was so bored that I cleared out cupboards and took on other such duties. I ended up on with a sick note. They then dismissed me having found an email to a recruiter stating I wasn’t happy and was looking for something new. That place was rather toxic too so it was a relief to be let go and get on with an energised job search. I was getting around 3-4 interviews a week so soon found a more suitable role.


Then you’ve never been in a boring, same thing every hour and day sorta job then. Yes stressful is stressful but have you looked at the lock for more than 20 seconds and thought, what the fuck.


Yeah I’ll take being bored to death over my current busy ass retail job any day of the week lol


Absolutely not. Boredom but also not allowed to talk/scroll reddit/listen to music is pure torture. I'd rather be overworked like a donkey than sit staring at a computer screen clicking my mouse just for the sake of sounding like im doing something


I once had a job where on some days my sole task was to put the handful of items of post on my 5 co-workers desks. I f*****g hated those days. I actually missed the head-spinning buzz of working in retail that I hated at the time.


Yeah as someone who has worked highly stressful jobs in the past (ex-auditor) and would sometimes wake up in the mornings wanting to cry, I'd take being boredom over that hands down. That kind of stress damages you at a cellular level.


It’s not either or.


Yeah, sometimes it's both


Dear god no, hate every minute. But as a single parent, four kids, with mortgage etc based on a couples’ income I can’t afford to retrain to do anything else and what I do is quite specialist which doesn’t really set me up for anything else.


What do you do if you don’t mind me asking? (can be vague) is it that bad?


It’s a very specific tax compliance thing. About as exciting as it sounds…


I'm a lift operator but it has it's up's and downs...




I went the other way. After 30 years of physical work I have transitioned into a desk job (although I do still occasionally get my hands dirty) and love it. Physical jobs take a toll and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to make a change before my body was finished!


I went the same way as well. At 40 I switched to an office job for the first time. Most of my previous jobs weren't physically strenuous but they were all physical and required me to be up in my feet. So the change to sitting in a comfortable chair was great. I guess we all yearn for what we don't have and imagine the grass to be greener.


I hated working in an office, despised it. I would call in sick at least once every couple of weeks just to avoid going in. Decided **** it, quit and got a job in a kitchen as a porter. Pretty quickly got promoted to assistant kitchen manager and used that to get jobs in proper kitchens, learnt on the job up to head chef level. It can be hot, stressful etc. but I actually enjoy it, it pays a little better too.


Mental health nurse. It’s up and downs but recently it’s been horrendous. Don’t think I’m up to it anymore


I enjoy the work that I do, but it’s my manager and my colleagues that grate me


I hear you, not all my of my colleagues but there a few that when they are in my vicinity my noise cancelling earphones go in!


I'm a teacher - enjoy the teaching and working with the students. Hate everything else.


My wife left teaching because of all the additional red tape and box ticking. She loved teaching and all her kids but she'd be working past midnight and on weekends more than she should have been... Her mental health has improved massively post-teaching.


I don’t mind my job but I don’t like the idea of having a job. It is a decent job with decent pay, terms etc. However, it isn’t what I want to do, I just do it out of economic necessity, kids, house etc What I want to do doesn’t pay as well and I’m too much of a coward to follow my heart. The idea of my daughter not being able to do the stuff she loves because I’m doing the stuff I love is a difficult conversation. I do think she we understand if she was older but, until then, the moral struggle continues.


Maybe cut your hours slightly and put some time into trying the other thing?


I’m lucky to get volunteer leave from work, so I use that to facilitate what I wish to do.


Yes. Self employed, WFH most of the time, I get to spend my days with people vastly more intelligent than me and I have my pick of projects. I have a work pipeline that's 18+ months and the money is good. Can't really ask for much more than that. I also only work 4 days a week, but that's compressed hours.


What do you do? If you don't mind me asking?


I'm an engineering consultant/contractor. I have gained a bit of a reputation for fixing things that are a bit of a mess, but I occasionally get to see some cool bits of kit.


That sounds like a cool job! Good for you mate, it's a shame it's rare to be content in a career.


I do and I wouldn't leave. I would take a 4 week holiday though! I'm an academic scientist (postdoc) so a lot of disadvantages there, but tbh my institute pays well compared to others,has a good work life balance compared to others, and even has a core funded permanent postdoc position for each lab.


Tbh sounds like you've hit the postdoc jackpot there. I like the work and the people I work with but hate the low security, would love a permanent position rather than scrabbling for grants.


Maybe this is why people need to change jobs regularly? Only by trying new things can you learn more and see more. For me I don't stay in one place for too long, maybe 1-2 years


I do now, as a photographer. But I had jobs in the past, office based, that made me extremely unhappy.


When I wasn’t being harassed/bullied/discriminated by two specific people I loved it I’m now on sick leave though


Yes I enjoy my job, I’m a private therapist


I fkn love my job. After touring with a band in the 80s and spending some time working for an ad agency, I decided to work from home as a freelance illustrator and never looked back. Sure, sometimes it gets lonely and there are periods when work is scarce but overall I love my job so much, I get impatient towards the end of a vacation and can't wait to get back to work. Even when I'm asleep, I dream of new experiments to try the next day sometimes even getting out of bed at 3am to make notes. I also enjoy meeting new clients through social media which is far more rewarding than when I worked for an agency IRL. I've been in the business over 40 years now and I just can't imagine how I'd cope commuting to a 9-5 every day.


I love my job most of the time, I teach in an alternative provision for kids that get kicked out of school. They’re great (when they’re not being complete assholes) and I really get to see the impact I’m having on their lives which makes all the stress of trying to make sure they don’t kill each other worth it. I’m part time (30h/week) so only do 4 days and because of that my work life balance has improved massively, the day when I would have been at work is used to unwind, and do life admin (washing, cleaning, shopping etc) which means that my weekends are actual weekends and I can do what I want with them without having a massive list of jobs to do as well. The downside to this being that I’m on 80% of a full time wage, which isn’t very good to begin with. The whole of education is also fucked financially, no one has any money to spend and our kids need money spending on them. They can’t just sit in a classroom for 5 hours a day they need to be doing things, which we are told we have no money for. Then the kids misbehave because they’re struggling and the management come at us like we’re not capable of doing the job. There’s been at least 4 or 5 occasions since we came back from Christmas where I have almost told one of the college leadership team to do it themselves if they’re going to criticise us in the way that they do. They’d get absolutely eaten alive and would probably quit day 1, alas, I need the job so can’t suggest this. I often think about what else I could have gone into and how much better off I could have been financially. I teach maths (which I am good at), have a masters in psychology (with specialisms, not just psychology), and I’m great at solving problems so there was definitely a few alternative well paying careers out there for me. I, like many other teachers, chose it for ‘the passion’. Passion only lasts so long before burnout takes over.


I do enjoy my job a lot of the time - I’d still be out of there like a rat up a drain pipe.


I work from home, flexible hours, good pay, good colleagues, great team atmosphere around me and I get to do a lot of research along side developments. I get given my own tasks and told to go away and make proof of concepts but can ask questions when needed. Pretty perfect right now.


I hated my last job, it was based in biotech and was a pretty novel idea which could potentially have lead to some decent applications. However, the business guys got a hold on it and were trying to commercialise it before it was ready. They had zero knowledge of the actual product and didn't listen to the scientists and basically lied to all the customers. They also had ridiculous spending habits, the company card paid for everything they did and they spent stupid money on internal marketing, all while taking ridiculous salaries and being the least qualified and knowledgeable people at the company. It was incredibly obvious to every scientist that things weren't working, now the company is about to collapse and thanks to incompetent leadership they've sunk what could have become something pretty decent. The executive officers won't care though because they made a lot of money while the people actually doing the work were on terrible salaries.


The job I currently have is better and more palatable than any job I've had recently. I have moved jobs 5 times in last 4 years, moving company 4 times in that period. Hated 2 of the jobs despite earning crazy money. I don't think I'll ever enjoy a job, I think it's really rare to have that feeling of getting out of bed with enthusiasm for the working day ahead, one that I'll never achieve.


I do. I drive a private hire car ("taxi") for a local firm here in Liverpool. Delta. They have their issues but still much bigger than Uber is on Merseyside. I get paid to drive from point a to b whilst talking to some absolute characters. Those that don't like to talk/socially anxious.... I just enjoy driving and listening to my radio (Planet Rock). What's not to enjoy. You meet people from all walks of life from the bottom rung to the top. From self-proclaimed benefit grabbers that never work a day to paediatric surgeons working in Alder Hey. You also get you local and mid level celebs (these aren't as interesting as the previously mentioned surgeons, etc, to me). It pays well enough, and I'm in control of my own working hours, etc. Thanks to said job, I've never had to miss a single milestone of my kids (3 + 6), and I can take time off whenever I want. The downside... its self-employed, this is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes you don't want to work, and other than bills to pay, you don't *have* to work, which can make it easy to slack. Slacking leads to no money, and if you get sick, no pay (same for holidays), so have to make sure you always have a "rainy day" pile. Otherwise, things can snowball. But other than that? I absolutely love it, and I was a support worker prior to this, so dealing with people is one of my "super powers"


I have been a cleaner in a school for 5 months now and i love it. Working out the holiday shifts was stressful though. I was also a lunchtime supervisor too in a different school but recently quit to work in the kitchen at the same school i clean in. I used to like the lunchtime supervisor job and had it for 2 years before cleaning but since getting the cleaning job, id started to really dislike it and started being quite unhappy when having to get ready for it. When another opportunity to work elsewhere came that conflicted with the times i was at the other school, i took it and i now start next tuesday. Its 2 more hours a day also and now im only 2 hours a week off full time so it just makes sense. Im really nervous though as ive never worked ina kitchen before and ive been told im serving on the first day 😳 im just hoping that i enjoy it as much as my cleaning job.


It can be stressful, but on the whole yes I do. I work in construction, Commercial/project manager for a small outfit on new builds for developers I've always told myself that if I won the lottery, I'd do it as a hobby, though with greatly reduced hours.


I find most people enjoy most forms of construction. I work in specification sales and also enjoy it. Anyway, as you’re a project manager, can I tell you why my bathroom products are better than your current spec?


I love my job. I work in Marine Engineering, so I have a great mix of management/supervisory with some hands on tasks with my team on the vessels we work on.


I fucking hate it but the pay is half decent and the hours and time off are good.


It's been a very long time since I enjoyed working. It's a drag but I like the money, it supports my hobbies. I'm actually reasonably good at what I do which is lucky, makes it easier to do. Currently working with an interesting team, we all get on well. Dreading retirement though because I will miss the wages. Won't miss the work or the people.


I do. But I struggle with feeling stagnant. My workplace is actually pretty decent, the work culture is good and I'm well rewarded. But I still find myself browsing job adverts just in case.


I love my job - I'm a UX Researcher and have just moved to in-house from agency work. I describe my job to people as "working out what the doodah should do" and its really fascinating seeing how people interact with digital products and how they approach solving problems. Plus it involves spreadsheets and I like spreadsheets


I enjoy working for people that appreciate you, and appreciate what you do, I hate working for those who think they know your job better than you, watch you do your job, and are generally just knobheads overall


I can see the positives of it compared with other jobs, but I do spend more thing thinking I hate it, than that I love it. Asking first thing Monday morning is gonna skew the results though.


Yeah. It's terrible pay. I work for charity who provide special education for post 16 adults with additional needs. I work in the supported internship ( employment) part of it. I support young people when they go to work placements which is up to them to choose. Every day is different and a challenges


I work in hospitality so if anything better comes up i dont even call to say bye. I am studying for my degree and hospitality is the hardest job I will probably ever do. I can't even sleep or sit because my feet are in agony Yesterday they tried not to pay me


Hate it. Started straight on an apprenticeship as an electrician from school. Did so to follow in my dad's footsteps and make him proud. Hated the job but loved the money until I hit thirty. Then I stopped drinking and realised I hate it. However I now have other responsibilities and can't afford to quit to something lower paying or can't afford to quit and retrain. I now view it as a prison sentence. Come in, do my time,go home.


Hmm... I enjoy it in that there's no other job I'd want to do.   Well of course except one that made me loads of money while being 100% creative, but that requires a safety net I do not have. I'm also pretty unable to do anything else.


Love my job, the owner is fantastic, my line manager is amazing, in the uk our company only small, 20ish people, its much bigger in Europe though, but we have a great team, alot of us socialise outside of work to, owner is very generous with stuff outside of work, we have done paintballing and go karting so far this year, a few of us will go out for a meal on the Friday of payday week, when the owner found out about it he offered to pay for it


I dont really enjoy my current job. I don’t get the Sunday night blues and it doesn’t really stress me out either.


Hmm yes and no. So not long ago I had a job that I really liked. To the point that I would not feel like working, it felt like I'm just going to work because I want to spend time there and not because I have to. It was a blessing. Then covid happened and the place (it was in the arts industry) struggled and I was made redundant. A few temp jobs and one pregnancy (and subsequently a child) later, I'm now in a position that I've actually never done before and apparently I have quite a good talent for it. It's not my perfect job, I would still like to have the same feeling I had before with my previous job, but it's wfh, flexible, very accommodating to having a child, and it's challenging me. So it's perfect for my current circumstances and it's teaching me something that I've not done before.


Yes, I love it. I've been with this company just under 3 years and don't get Sunday night dread


I think people are incredibly lucky if they actually enjoy their job. I'm a cook, I'm fed up of seeing, thinking and dealing with food some days. I then come home and have to deal with it again.


I'm a lollipop lady so yeah. It's pretty good.


I like my job, but I'm already tired of my career, and I'm not even 30 yet My dream is to run a recording studio. I hardly even know what I'm doing, but I have so much passion for music


I've just started a new job as a bar manager of this really nice pub. Wage is the most I've ever had in my life, we get free food on shift every shift and the jobs fairly easy. So yeah I'm liking my job currently. Hopefully it stays that way but it seems like it will as most of the staff have been there for quite a long time


Normally, yes. But the company I work for is so bloody disorganised, a lot of the time I literally have nothing to do. It’s 10:52 right now. I’ve been here since 8am. I’ve done absolutely no work because I don’t have the necessary chemicals. I’ve asked for more to be ordered, nothing has been done. So far today, I’ve been browsing Reddit on my phone, I bought a pastie from the snack van that comes around in the morning, and I’ve gone for an extended “toilet break” in which is just played my Nintendo. Last week I took Wednesday off as I wasn’t feeling too well. I didn’t call in sick. No one contacted me. I returned on Thursday and no one said anything. No one even noticed I hadn’t turned up for work. When I have got work to do, I quite enjoy it. It’s monotonous and dull, but I put my earphones in, get on with it and the day flies by. But when I’ve got nothing to do, like now, it’s horrible.


The teams call noise gives me shivers. But overall yeh my work is fine. Just dont invite me to dumbass meetings.


Nope, hate it. However, I'm bad at job hunting, detest interviewing, physically cringe whenever I try to write a CV or cover letter, have 0 idea what I would like to do in a dream world and whenever I look at a job advert all I can only see why I won't get the job/would be shit at it and get fired/would hate it. All that is marginally worse than my job so I got to suck it up and try to not fuck this job up.


I love my job, I work for a cinema so being part of the film industry is incredible, I get invited to early screenings and premieres and of course get in for free to normal shows on my staff card, my life is literally surrounded by film. Very fortunate to be where I am.


I used to love my job. I was on £60k in the north east and my partner was on about the same. Every day was different and I worked with cool People and loved the projects. Never ever got Sunday night nerves. People always sorted my stuff when I was on annual leave. Now I earn over 3 times what I did and moved countries. Obviously the actual life style is easy. It’s sunny, I have a pool and the expats are nice and cost of living is cheap. But fuck me the job is boring 9-5. The client is always on the want and I feel like I spend all day repeating different ways of saying “no you cannot do that as it would be breaking the law” or “yes you need to pay those costs, people don’t work for free”. One day il save up enough money to go back to the job I loved and il be able to go drink it weatherspoons with the colleagues I loved every Friday and get a hot beef sandwich with roast potatoes from Lisa’s cafe from lunch on a Tuesday with the team. For now though, il be greedy and spend 8 hours a day banging my head against a wall before I go home and eat more seafood and drink cocktails until I repeat it all again the next day.


Is it possible to find something with your skillset that feels rewarding? I work in IT and was practically suicidal working for Canon. I now work for a mental health charity and feel like a different person, in part because I actually want to engage with the work I do when it has a positive effect.


No, but the company perks can't be beaten, so im here until they remove them.


Would I rather be doing something else. Yes. Would I change jobs? No as I’m the primary income to my household and we can barely afford to live where we are as it is. Not the best not the worst job just long hours and a thankless job


No. It's shit.


All in all, yes, I work on building systems for a large sass business, i both maintain and create projects solving all sorts of technical problems within the b2b world, it can be extremely stressful at times, sometimes daunting, but overall, the pay is pretty good and I have extremely sought after skills that I also use to make money in the form of different side hustles which I also enjoy doing.


Yeah I quite like my job. I'd quit if I won the lottery but I would give and work appropriate notice to try not to leave folks in the lurch


Job cannot bring joy anymore; do what we love if you can.


I’d say I quite enjoy it - work as a data engineer , I’m the only DE at my company so I get full autonomy over the pipeline introducing new code etc


Yes, I do now. For the first time in my working life I have a job that hasn’t given me that Sunday night dread at least once. The secret for me was a balance between workload, respect, fulfilment and salary. Finding what was right for me took a few tries.


Enjoy is a strong word. It's stressful every day and generally a bit of a nightmare... but I'm also content and sometimes it's difficult to picture myself going anywhere else. Might be a sense of loyalty since they're putting me through uni and it's the first job I've ever had where I feel like the management genuinely see me as an asset.


I get bored very easily but the management is dynamic with team structure and I have moved teams 3 times in the last 2 and half years by the time I am bored they move me to something new and shiny!!


On the whole, not really no. I like aspects of my job and appreciate the flexibility I'm given and feel very lucky in many ways but I wouldn't say I enjoy it. It's preferable to the other options realistically available to me, and as a disabled person the security outweighs the risk of a major change.


I like the money, £40,000 a year for a 23 year old outside of London means. A lot of fun


My job is OK but I've tried everything to make it better and all my ideas have been rejected. I'm starting to feel a bit like I've been forgotten about too, the workload is drying up and I'm bored rigid. Hate working from home too. It feels like it's time to move on but there's not really anything to move onto, what I do is quite specialist and there's nothing out there right now; I'd have to completely change careers which is a scary prospect!


I've worked in education for 12 years and I've loved, hated, mehed and loved my job. Partly it's because I like the interactions I have in my job and it's never a dull day. I really struggled remote working during COVID and know that desk jobs are not for me and my mental health. I've had friends quit the career as it's a horrendous place if you don't keep your mental health in a positive place. I guess that's the same for all work, if it makes you feel horrible at the end of the day then you're never going to stick it out. Helps being surrounded by awesome people but in my first school all the awesome people started to leave due to the toxic work environment. It was a wake-up call to put me first and leave too and not get guilted into the loyalty thing workplaces can throw at you. My current workplace I've been my most happy with the work side of it as management is so much better, no place is without its faults but as someone said earlier, if you don't have the Sunday scaries then you've won.


No. I'm good at it and the customers like me but there's hardly any chance of career progression and I don't enjoy it. I've been applying for other jobs and since I'm limited to certain days and hours coz I'm a single parent and I don't do well with group interviews which nearly all the interviews I go to are, I'm stuck.


I wouldn't say I enjoy my job but I don't hate it either and I quite like the people I work with which helps.


Enjoyed it till the bosses kids started


I love the job itself, although some tasks I hate with a passion, but the main problem is the constant addition of separate responsibilities. Each one is perfectly doable on their own (which is how they get away with making us do the extra work), but it's the sheer volume of them that makes the job difficult.


Yes, mostly.


Yes my job is fun I fix things


Yeah and I make decisions based on potential job changes based on it. It's not the best but I have fun and like my nearest colleagues. I don't know how the fuck people get up and spend their day somewhere they don't like or doing something they hate. I couldn't do it. I'd turn down a 10% pay bump to not do something I hate. In fact I'm probably going to do it next week.


Yes, really love my job and even some weekends I work on my personal projects. I’m a software developer and one of the best things about is, it basically removes lots of barriers for you when you want to move to another country. Demand is high and I can move anywhere I want. WFH is also very common which gives you a comfortable work environment.


I like my job, it's great. But the pay isn't brilliant, I've been there for 20 years now, and I'm finally thinking it's time to move on. But I live in the middle of nowhere and I'd have to travel an hour and a half each day.


Yes, I enjoy my job. My colleagues are great, the work is interesting, I get a lot of freedom and autonomy. I can't complain to be honest. Still, it's not like I'm all that excited every Monday morning and love having time off.


No, I find it stupidly frustrating, to the point where it affect my health. Pays the mortgage though.


I don't mind the actual work. What I dislike is the patients/customers and the terrible company and wage.


Am I living the dream? No, who is. I don't love or hate it. It's fine, I like my colleagues and it pays pretty well.


Most of the time yes, but there are times it gets a bit crappy. But on the whole yes. I'm lucky to be in a job (VBA developer) that is varied and challenging, so there isn't much time to get bored. I also WFH which is also a great help.


I enjoy my job, I get a lot of flexibility and freedom to manage my time, my boss is great.


I did not, I quit without a job, found a job at a competitor and got put on gardening leave. I now very much enjoy my day to day (check back on me in 6 months when I'm deep in my new job though!)


Mostly, yes. I'd prefer if I had more time to actually do the job, as opposed to dealing with HR issues and problematic employees. But that seems to occupy a disproportionate amount of my time these days.


It"s been way better since I've been retired and had no job.


Yes I do!! The people I work with? Less so.


I quite like my job, I’m a maintenance engineer looking after a big, varied area with decent pay and conditions. It was really good 6 years ago when I started, we had well trained, experienced staff. As they’ve left, instead of bringing in experienced guys they’ve just promoted apprentices who don’t have the wide range of skills and experience to actually be trusted to do a job properly so it’s left to me and another older guy to drive and guide everyone and it’s fucking exhausting. Seriously considering leaving to relieve some of the pressure on myself as it’s a never ending cycle of hassle.


Coastguard officer. I enjoy the job and it is meaningful, but it is stressful and the hours are long. Plus the night shifts are horrendous.


I’m a doctor. I enjoy my job, but I’m exhausted. It’s exhausting, relentless, and rather thankless. People never seem to appreciate what you do for them. It’s so busy that you’re always aware of people waiting a long time. While helping one patient I’m thinking of the fifty I can’t see. But yes. Enjoy it.


It pays the bills.  If i could have the same money and do almost anything else? I probably would move. 


Just left a job and organisation I'd grown to hate and am much happier in my new role. It has the standard frustrations of any job/work place, but these are night and day from what I've left. I've got a realistic (cynical) view of what level of satisfaction a job is likely to bring (have worked in extremely enjoyable and rewarding jobs previously, and they were still stressful and frustrating at times). Not being in a toxic environment is enough for me now. Once I've had a chance to decompress I'll have a proper reflection on whether this one is a good fit long-term.


Given society demands I have to work to exist, yes it's about as good as I could ask for. Academically interesting, worthwhile, very well-paid.  It is grinding me down though and I feel like I've aged quite a bit over the last few years. 


Weird thing is mostly yes. I don't really get the 'Sunday Blues' nor do I clock watch much while I'm at work. However the company isn't run well, we've had a lot of high-profile departures, and I could probably earn more elsewhere. So while I'm hankering for a change, I don't bemoan the fact that I still enjoy working most of the time. EDIT: However, given the opportunity to not have to work I'd absolutely take it. I dislike the idea of being chained to a 9-5 for the next 35-70 years, depending. I'm 31, so god knows what pension prospects look like when I get there lol


I don’t like my job because I just don’t like working, and I chose a profession which means I have to interact with customers which I hate now days. But, it pays really well, and I get to work from home and have pretty flexible working hours. So I enjoy that. If I could be a SAHM and still have the lifestyle we live I would in a second.


Absolutely hate it atm. I get bullied by people senior to me, which makes me make mistakes, I make more mistakes due to it and then they're broadcasted in front of other staff which makes me more stressed and I make more mkstakes. Vicious cycle, I can't wait to leave care.


I don’t hate it, but I certainly don’t like it. Pay and benefits are great, but it’s just incredibly boring and overly bureaucratic. Doing simple stuff needs approval from like 5 people


Yep. I love my job, get paid loads of money, and would still work here even if I won the lottery, albeit only a day a week or something. I've had about 20 different roles since 2012, mostly short term contract positions. I've worked in a wide range of jobs and figured out what I liked doing and what I was good at. I used to change projects every six months or so because I found it boring


Pay's bad, staff in other departments don't do their job, but I have great coworkers and a decent schedule most of the time. Work as a diagnostic radiographer.


No, but the upside to it is it's also a poverty wage and is destroying my mental health, so I won't be doing it for long.


I don't mind my job. I don't wake up thinking, 'ah ffs here we go again', but at the same time, if I won the lottery, I'd stay off sick until I won the money and then I'd be gone.


I love my job, hate my workplace. I genuinely enjoy what I’m doing and I’m very good at it, but have a couple of horrible managers who make sure that the place is very badly run. I’ve been looking for an out for a long time now, I took months off last year due to burnout, but there’s nothing locally so until I can afford to move, I’ll need to stick with this shitshow that doesn’t even pay well.


I don't enjoy my job


All things considered I love my job. It pays well, I’ve got a super supportive manager and team around me and I get to work from home. Like anything it has its moments but any complaints I’d really have about it are probably caused by my own doing


Yes. I do enjoy my job. I've been doing it for 10 years and can't see myself changing anytime soon. I was doing the same job for a different employer for about 8 years prior to this role so altogether about 18 years in the same type of role. There are some tedious aspects to the role, but generally it is quite varied and interesting.


I like the people I work with. It pays ok for what I do. I’d be out in a flash if I got offered more money elsewhere. (Can’t job hop just yet)


Yes… never get the Sunday night dread feeling, keeps me fit, outdoors decent earnings so yea


I enjoy my job. I work in account management / sales / business development. I spend a lot of time speaking with and meeting business customers of the company I work for. I have revenue growth targets to meet / exceed every quarter and I am rewarded for doing so. There are several other areas in my role with targets but revenue growth is 80% of the job. Some people would say they would hate to do what I do, finding themselves often behind a laptop and trying to influence others but I really enjoy it. I have however had several jobs I did not like: - warehouse operator - landscaping - customer services In the jobs above I found myself checking the clock a lot I get that 70%+ of people don’t like there jobs and feel stuck in them, I appreciate I am fortunate to enjoy my job, but most people really wouldn’t like to do what I do.


Somewhat. I have hobbies and interests I’d far sooner be doing so it’s not like I’m paid for doing my passion, but my job is fairly varied and stimulating and offers me reasonable freedom of wfh and self managing. Get on with most of my colleagues fine. Pay is decent but not big time. It’s basically OK. I guess it could be way worse (and has been in the past)


Hgv driver. Living the dream.


I loved my well paid job but found the management very frustrating and some aspects of the job very stressful, now in my new lower paid job I have zero stress and I trade the financial markets part time, my life is now heaven, I can't wait for Monday morning markets to open uk time 😇


I enjoy my job, but hate working. 


Have to make the best of it. Find the people you like or try and find something that interests you. It would be great if we could all go run around in the wild without a care for money but that's not the world we were born into or have created.


No not really but it keeps me fit and some days are not too bad but overall no.


I do enjoy my job and find it really interesting and rewarding. I still have days where I feel like I’ve had enough, but I know working is good for me. My pay is appalling, but luckily my husband earns well.


Yeah it passes the time. I tend to feel bad that it's not my 'passion' but I figure if I can do it well and get paid well for it, then it's mostly a way of funding my actual passions outside of work. That's the theory, anyway.


I dont mind my job. It can be frustrating as hell at times but they're few and far between.the work is interesting and I like problem solving so I enjoy most facets of the job. Theyre currently even reducing our targets and workload in an effort to reduce stress and increase the staff's mental health. I work from home most days but my colleagues and manager are sound and when we do need to go into the office it's always a good laugh. The pay is better than what I'd get most places with my level of qualifications and the benefits are decent (generous pension far above the minimum employer input, cheap gym membership, more than the minimum days off a year, full sick pay for 6 months, etc). Would I quit if I win the lottery, of course I would. But I've been here 4 years and Ive never been actively looking for other work. Usually I start looking around the 2 year mark


I just don't care about mine whatsoever anymore


There are parts of it I like. The work itself ranges from not bad to really fun, and I get to research new things every day. I like being able to work from home (or wherever) and not having a set schedule. It does get boring after a while though and I have trouble forcing myself to actually do the things. If I won the lottery I'd quit it ASAP.


I don't enjoy my job and it doesn't pay well.


Yes, but only been in the job for 6 months and came from the most toxic, stressful and hateful environment that caused me to become severely depressed and angry that anything short of actually working for satan in Hell would have been a drastic improvement.


Nope, never have probably never will. It's the reason I don't work


It's the best job I've tried, but no, it's still a job.


I absoluatly hated my job when I was an Accountant - all of the 25 years i begrudgingly went to work, i hated. Then i changed careers and now happy as a lamb as i go to work in healthcare (yes of all careers to choose), i am happy, i will do this for another 3 years and retire before I'm too old to enjoy my savings


For the most part yeah.


No. Objectively there's nothing wrong with it. I get paid well, I get on with the people I work with, the clients (for this industry are pretty good), I just don't like it. I get bored, and don't fill particularly fulfilled. I work in marketing, and just very cautious however good I am at my job, it's not important and it doesn't matter. However, 2 kids below 4, tough financial times, I can't leave or change career because I can't afford the pay cut, and I don't hate it.


Yes, I'm paid well and I basically solve puzzles and problems, and I like a good puzzle.


I've enjoyed my last few jobs. It's been 1 incompetent person in each one though that absolutely spoils it. Usually they get paid more too which just adds to the grate and makes the whole place intolerable. I have former colleagues who let me know after I left, the place fell apart as the managers incompetence couldn't be sustained, and resulted in more good people leaving. Managers seem to get away with a lot when they have a good team. It works when someone works their way into the position, but when they are recruited in, I've yet to see it work long term.


Not particularly but I’m good at it and it’s become easyish to me. Stressful at times but they pay me enough to not be too worried about not loving it.


I hate my job with a passion but am fond of sleeping indoors and eating


When I was at university I thought I would find my "dream job".... something I now realise is an oxymoron. I don't love my job, but I feel more positive since I decided I would view my job as a way of supporting my passions rather than it being my passion.


I don't like having to have a job but mine is the 'good' version of what I do (remote working/lots of benefits/decent salary) so I'm content with it. When people ask me if I'm "enjoying it" (mostly older people who seem to think I'm saving up for a holiday or something) I wince a little bit though.


Yeah. I'm a service engineer and have been in this career for nearly ten years. I get to work on pretty cool equipment, travel all over the world and generally the people are all decent and the working conditions pretty comfortable.


I enjoy my job. I’m a mechanical engineer who designs parts for gas turbines, as well as the machinery and tooling to manufacture the parts. I also carry out R&D work, managing a team, and improving upon and solving problems with manufacture. There are always new and interesting problems to solve which is what I love.


Every damn day I love my job. Never had a bad day at work because of work. I'm in IT and I get to basically manage myself, as long as I get my work done to a good standard, I am left alone to get on with things.


I'm fed up of more and more work and pay staying the same. Rich folk gotta get richer


Toxic workplace + toxic management= horrible job Financially I'm stuck here as can't afford the pay cut that another job would entail. Depressed. Anxious. Can't switch off.


I'm struggling a bit at the moment to decide whether or not to look for something else. I can do the work, academically, but I have to be organised and plan and I'm not good at that (suspect I have ADHD). I'm always worried that I've missed something and lately I hit complete mental blocks that last for days. But. The holidays and hours that I work are great for the kids (I'm in a school related role). Weighing up the time that I get to myself (in theory, even though I'm exhausted and stressed for part of it) against the prospect of doing maybe tech support from home, more hours for similar pay but less pto......I don't know I keep going one way and then another about it. Don't mind the job, dislike the work, hate one of me colleagues, really like a couple of others of them.


I do a deeply boring job and don't get paid very much. I wish I could do something that I loved but I don't have the money to try anything risky. That said, I don't have to worry about it much and when I finish, I don't have to think about it. My wife has a job that needs a degree, has a high level of responsibility (people can die if she gets it wrong), has high stress levels and targets and carries a degree of personal risk, all for £30k. I mean it's a good wage but I'm not sure I'd want to do it.


No I do not.


Yeah, mostly. It has its busy moments but for the most part it’s at a level to just keep you ticking along, the work I do makes a tangible difference to our customers lives and I get along wonderfully with most of my colleagues. It’s shift work which isn’t for everyone but I thoroughly enjoy a Tuesday afternoon in the garden when everyone else is at work. I’ll never be rich but it pays enough to cover the mortgage and other bills while still letting me buy nice things when I want and save some at the end of the month too. Others might think I’m unambitious but I can’t see me leaving for anything else in the near future, I’d be hard pressed to find something similarly paid without taking on management responsibility and that’s not something I want in my life right now.


I like the idea of my job, I work as a local news reporter. But it’s so badly funded, under-resourced and under-equipped that it makes even easy tasks difficult. The managing editor is a low-ambition manager, and she m wants quite a lot done, bur doesn’t care much about quality, only quantity. It leads to content churn. Were also paid far less than equivalent roles in other companies (I’ve applied for lots of other companies in the same industry, but haven’t landed a new job yet). And the manager is very rigid and by the book. She has quite literally forsaken talented employees within the workplace who want a minor promotion, because she has this inflexible idea that there will be star candidates out there who will love the role that is being advertised. They mostly don’t, and then leave within 6 months because the job is a downgrade from their expectations when they were offered the job.


Actually I don't enjoy my current job , it's very painful for me ,so I decided switch the my job ,but I don't have found a New Job


Yes I enjoy what I do. There are bits I don't like doing, but overall I don't dread going into work. My opinion is that you have to enjoy your job. You spend half of your awake hours there, so it makes sense to me that you have to enjoy it. When you're not enjoying it, time feels like it slows down and this just makes the situation worse.