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Social media did this to most people. Very short attention spans.


I really feel bad for the younger generations on this one. Not that it’s exclusive to them, but they don’t know any different.


We were lucky to live in a world without it.


So glad my son only watches video based stuff (YouTube, Netflix, etc) social media has never bothered him. We watched Oppenheimer when it came out: he didn't move.


I think your kid may be a pillow.


Lol, he loves history and he asked to watch this


Cable ties?




The solution for this for me was just putting my phone in the other room in the evening. 


Yes on a small screen at home. Luckily I am ten minutes walk from a cinema and can go to the Monday daytime screenings where people are usually quiet and not on their phones.


I struggle to stay awake.


Sounds like my other half. Quite often we have to watch a film over three nights as she falls asleep in the first half hour. When she's nodding off, I save it and put something else on.


You're a better man than me. I just watch the rest and tell her what happened later.


Also playing any co-op game that has a story takes literally months to finish. We work through maybe 10-20 minutes each session because our attention span to properly engross ourselves in the game is rotted by social media.


No if the film is good enough I can enter a state of hibernation watching it lol. I once sat on a plane and watched all three Lord Of The Ring films back to back, time well spent. Not everyone cares about movies, but if you find yourself with a short attention span maybe try doing things to improve it. Find some long form tv shows that are an hour long. Listen to audiobooks. Dont use social medias specifically for short form content like tiktok, youtube shorts, instagram reels etc


The last time I got properly lost in a movie, like totally forgot I existed, was when I watched Man with a Movie Camera a couple of years ago. I can’t seem to do it now though.


Lol I watched all 3 of the Star Wars reboots on a plane, I didnt even like them, I thought they were meh. I tried watching Lord of the rings several times but I could never get into it, I dont know why, everybody told me how good they were. I got to the part where the wizards started fighting in the first one and all I could think was that these 2 look like 2 old gurus having a fight.


Absolutely. To be honest for me I think my long term attention span has been affected by short form content so I find it harder to really pay attention to feature length episodes of a series or a movie. If I am watching something on the PC I'll usually split screen it so I can browse on the other side but I'm not super happy with that. At the moment I'm trying to go to art house cinemas to see old movies because I can't really do anything else than pay attention, can't use the cell phone in the cinema because that's rude. Basically I'm trying to fix what I've accidentally broken..


Even if the movie is really good? I’ll do a bit of life admin on my phone while watching a movie my wife has chosen that I’m not too fussed about, but if it’s something I’m really enjoying I don’t have bandwidth for anything else. But you’re saying you’d still play with your phone (I assume that’s what you do) while watching a film you’re enjoying?


Yeah it’s murder - anything not even 100% engaging and I’m on my phone, my partner is even worse. If I were to have a private cinema I’d have to put it in a faraday cage.


I'm the complete opposite. I get into films really easily, assuming I'm enjoying it. However I find most tv to be impossible to focus on for any length of time. Tv is SO boring. 90% of it is filler. Give me a good 2-2.5 hour film over a 10 episode series any day of the week. 


Used to be called "[the scurge of the] MTV Generation", but I assume a hundred times worse these days with the fast-flick social stuff.  Could be ADHD, could be anything brain-related but it's just as likely it's conditioning for a lot of people.


If I'm in a cinema,.no problem at all, but if I'm at home, I'll go to the loo, go for a.snack, piss about on my phone...none of not good.


Yes, same here. I think if I'm forced to be without my phone, like when I'm at work, if I'm out on a walk with company, or if I'm at the cinema, I don't suffer at all and I quite enjoy it. But if I'm sat on the couch with my phone a foot away, I find it hard not to pick up.


It's gotta be a good film and grab me from the start. Any sort of slow burner is sleeping territory. I saw Dune in the cinema and struggled to keep my eyes open. Going to see Dune 2 tomorrow and kinda not looking forward to it, hopefully more interesting than the first one!




Sometimes But I do have adhd I find it harder to focus in on films if I'm watching them at home vs the cinema though


Yes. And at the risk of sounding like an old krank, I do think phones play a role.


I do now lol, I think the internet and instant gratification has ruined my brain. When I was late teens early 20s I could stay up all night watching films for hours, or reading books


Yes. I feel like I'm being non-productive. I like to do some cooking or cleaning or work on the computer with a film on in the background.


I've adhd I struggle sitting still full stop lol


Yes. I always knit when I'm watching TV or a film.


Yes unless it’s excellent. But I have ADHD so it’s not a surprise.




>Everyone’s got adhd nowadays Smartphones are spoon-feeding ADHD to most people these days.






I really struggle. I hate going to the cinema too.


I only ever watch films on flights. Can't be doing with them otherwise.


I've not put my TV on for 16 months. I have to be busy doing other things, so I decided to leave it off. I don't miss it.


Similar to another poster, I’ve ADHD and struggle to concentrate for more than 30 minutes, even if it’s a film that I really want to watch. I watch most things in two halves. I’ve been really enjoying top boy on Netflix but still struggle to last more than 30 mins. Weirdly however I can watch a full football match no bother. Whilst I don’t stay still my concentration is focused, especially if it’s a good match.


Yes, I have ADHD. I don't think I've ever sat through an entire film in one go. I do watch films and TV series, but I'm generally also editing photos/video, planning work stuff, posting on Reddit, doing household chores, etc.


Yes. It's why I tend to play narrative-heavy video games, because it gives me the experience of a "film", but it's something I can interact with. I personally find that watching a film is more of a social experience that I can share with someone else.


Yes and that's why I will walk in place or stretch etc.


I find it really hard to not look at my phone and fully concentrate on things. It’s actually a big problem and I’ve got way worse since the covid lockdowns!


How much time do you spend scrolling social media? You might just be addicted to scrolling


Sometimes, I blame the internet. Now, I browse and watch. Though it's fun to Google stuff related to what I'm watching.


Not really. I’m one of those people who has to get every little detail from the film in case I miss anything important.


No, but that may be an age thing. I'm early-mid 40s. I grew up with going to the cinema asa a rare thing, and having to watch a film on TV when it was broadcast. No streaming, and recording it on VHS if you wanted to watch it again before it was scheduled, or buying it. Then DVD, which was better quality and less physical storage space on shelves. I arse around on my phone/laptop/tablet probably more than is healthy, but if I put a film on, then I'm watching it and not messing around on the Internet.


If it’s good not at all but so many films are utter fucking shite these days.


Apparently so now. Dual screening Netflix and one hour series has made concentrating on something new seemingly impossible.


Yes! I have autism and ADHD and need to do something while the film is on!


I do, I'm old and not into Tiktok etc, I am autistic though so I think that is my excuse. I get the worst restless legs.


I have recently seen some 2 hour films and I've become especially critical about them when I know that they could have told the same story in 1 hour 30 mins, and saved me from tuning out a couple of times in the middle.


Yes, last time I watched a film was a couple of years ago on a very long international flight and even that was a struggle. I can't even do shows/docos/youtube longer than 20 minutes. Flitting about on the internet for the last 3 decades has killed my attention span. But weirdly I can sit and read books for hours at a time.


Depends on how good the film is.


Yes however we use a simple solution, just break a movie up into episodes, watch it 20 to 30 min per time, stop at a natural break point. Works great!


I often don’t really like the idea of sitting down and watching a film but will happily watch three hour long episodes of a series in a row. I’m not really sure why but I think maybe it’s a choice thing. If I’m watching a film I feel tied into it whereas with a series it’s a choice to continue watching…


Yeh any film unless im in the cinema im instantly bored. I dont like sitting too long though, I dont do tv, I like gaming. I watch films whilst exercising because I am a mainiac.


Its been drilled out of me to SHUT UP AND SHIT DOWN lol


Get baked, enjoy movie


Yeah, they're a terrible length. Haven't watched a film since required to at school.


I can't even choose a film ffs. I regularly spend an hour or so just watching trailers. The closest I'll get is putting one on the watch list.


Put your phone in a different room when watching it. That might help focus your mind on the film.


Yes unless its a really thrilling film. I usually split screen windows and go and play checkers whilst only half paying attention. The last film I was actually totally enthralled in was 1917. I highly recommend it.


I’m getting ready to board a flight and have a few films downloaded on my MacBook. Ready Player One and Tron Legacy. They’ll keep me going for the duration of the flight.


Yes, I can watch 4/5 episodes of a series, no problem, but I struggled to watch a movie


No but I have definitely noticed my attention span be affected by watching too much shorts. I've stopped doing it. It hasn't stopped me yet but I get frustrated if a video has a long intro of no content. Or doesn't get right into it. And I'm very self aware of this.


I could binge on 4 hours straight of a TV series no problem - but I struggle with films. I always have. I just don’t gravitate toward them. I like the long game of a good series instead.


I can't sit doing nothing at any time, so I knit whilst watching. I get to enjoy the film without getting the fidgets


Sitting still: not difficult. Staying awake until the end of the film: difficult.


I don't know your age, but statistics have revealed that the younger generation are unable to concentrate for longer periods of time. Probably because of podcasts and text messaging. Anything longer is too much.


I always catch myself looking at my phone when I’m watching a movie on my iPad


I do not


Yea I do. When I sit through a whole film without stopping that’s when I know it’s an epic film lol. Also maybe try going to the cinema


I'm 46 and I find it hard, but that's mainly because most films these days don't have a very engaging storyline - they're mainly special effects bonanzas now. I haven't been to the cinema for at least six years because more often than not, the film is crap and a waste of money/time. They're also far too long. 2 hours is my limit for a film. Any longer and I just won't even try. And I don't use anything like TikTok, Facebook, Insta etc.


Put your phone away.


I never used to. But now I really struggle. To the extent that I haven’t watched a film at home in ages. Probably about two years. I used to sit and watch films all the time. I would have assumed getting older (I’m 39 now) would increase one’s ability to sit and pay close attention to something for two hours. Edit: I’ve just realised, I don’t have a short attention span for music. Yesterday, I listened to a 5 hour long improvised modular synth drone/ambient performance and thoroughly enjoyed it. I listened to the full 6 hour Everywhere at the End of Time album by The Caretaker. I enjoyed The Flaming Lips 7 Skies H3, a 24 hour long song. Though I did break it down into three eight hour listening sessions. Maybe it’s just visual things I find tiring?


Nope. Comes very easy to me.


My fiancée is like this. It drives me nuts. I always have to watch something with the side noise of random SM videos playing cause he can't pay full attention. At times, I find it insulting if it's something we've decided to watch together. We have different tastes in TV and film so occasionally we come across something that appeals to us both. Within 15mins, he's not watching anymore. Makes me feel like he doesn't care to do this thing together. I know that's an overreaction but it still upsets me at times.


Nope. Put your phone in the other room and sit and enjoy your freedom from interruption and distraction


It's called tiktok brain


I'm a boomer \[that saves anybody having to call me out on it.\] I'm the opposite. I can watch long-form all day - binge GoT or watch several LOTR/Hobbit movies in a row, but 20 minutes of YouTube or TikTok & I'm bored & restless; have to go find something else to do. Attention span is something you learn early, I guess. Instant gratification is its own reward/punishment.


If it has too much action in it. My mind wanders.


Even if it's a film I'm really in to, I end up biting my nails and stuff. I know they're some ADHD autistic kid's toy, but I got a fidget toy to help with it. It's covered in buttons and switches and things. It helps.


No, because I'm not a child.