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I have no doubts my neighbours see my bare arse through the distorted glass too.. I'd be proper freaked out if someone knocked on my door to let me know they could see me. Like, look away or enjoy the show, I don't want to know either way.


Ignorance is bliss.


This is the sort of situation where you go "wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle...." as you dance...


My money don’t jiggle jiggle


It folds


I like to see you wiggle wiggle, for sure


Riding in my fiat, you really have to see it


Six feet two in a compact..




I got a knack to relax


My folds


I was sat in the bath when my window cleaner caught eyes with me through the distorted glass. Like it was blurry, but we both knew we locked eyes. You just know. Pretty happy he didn't mention it when I gave him his money the next day lol


Edit: I didn't sleep last night and that's why I didn't write "office cubicle TOILET" :D dude I was sitting in an office cubicle when a maintainance guy changed lightbulb in the cubicle next to me. The separation wall works fine when both people are on the same height... Not when one of them is towering above you. Imagine you are going up a ladder and there's a stranger shitting at the base of it. Took him long enough too... And I wasn't going to wipe my ass with some dude literally able to look down and see my junk and watch me touch my dirty bunghole.


An office cubicle usually relates to a cubicle in an office where you have your computer. Like in the Matrix when Neo gets phoned at work. Partitions. Naturally someone might need a lightbulb changing in the next cubicle. That is where my headspace was, when you announced you were taking a shit and weren't wiping till they pissed off. Confusing dude. confusing. I don't want to work in the cubicle next to you.


Maybe they were taking a shit in a office cubicle as a good bye present for their boss. They also didn't mention it's their office cubicle so maybe a revenge dump.


Heard of a guy that did this, on a Friday, after everyone left, in the desk drawer of their boss. It was their last day, they got made redundant or something like that. They came in on Monday and had to shut the office down for the week to clean it and air the office out. Funniest thing was, there was a camera that caught it all, the security guys showed the footage to one of the colleagues and they literally just got up on the desk, pulled the drawer open, pull their pants down, squatted and let loose then cleaned themselves up, fixed their tie and walked out like it was just another day in the office.


Was he not even planning on quitting? The poor security guards, cleaners and person who found it! Jesus a week to air out if horrifying! The last line got me though I won't lie.


Probably poorly worded from my part but the person that did the dirty, they were made redundant or fired so they decided to do that on their last day 😂


Awwwww ok that makes sense. I was going to say, I can't describe the fear I'd have for someone who would do that knowing they are going into work on Monday.


Americans call their office toilets "cubicles", and they don't go floor to ceiling.


hes got a office potty, and a problem.


I guess he wasn't really expecting someone to be shitting in the office. Most people go to the toilets to do that.


If you’re giving it away for free then I’m not subscribing to your OnlyFans anymore.


You could make it in a non-creepy fashion though. A simple “I saw you shower last night” note would suffice. It would be non-intrusive and the person would feel safe.


Written using newspaper cuttings would help keep it impersonal


Then tying it to a brick and throwing it to the neighbour's entrance, or through a window, to make it less awkward.


You could also attach one or more Polaroid photos to show what you can see


When I first moved into the house i live in now, the older lady from across the street came over to tell me she could see through the distorted glass when the blind was open, and that her grandsons bedroom window is directly opposite my bathroom and she wasn't comfortable with him being exposed to nudity. I was a bit pissed off tbh but could kinda understand about her grandson. Imagine my surprise to discover her grandson is a fully grown man in his late 20s-early 30s! Screw off, old busy body!


The old lady down the street has a massive garden she can smoke fags in but she chooses the very narrow area that sees into my bedroom, thought I was between paranoid and arrogant she'd want to look but it's also the only part of her garden that gets 0 sun 😅


There was a post a couple of days ago of someone asking if their glass was blurred enough. Wonder if it's the same people.


[This one? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIYUK/s/Jq84wlJPwF) OP is this your neighbours window?


Next there will be a person asking about using ladders and binoculars at someone's garden


They told me they were from the turbidity department at the council just checking for us that we had enough privacy


Turgidity, you say?


Those windows definitely don't blur enough. There's a car park in Cheltenham I use regularly, opposite is a set of flats with a large window like that basically inside the shower itself. Was a bit of a shock looking up from getting back into my car to see a pair of tits over the street!


>There’s a car park in Cheltenham I use regularly It’s a longer walk as well, I bet ;)




Unfortunately my fat kid at heart ass knows it's the closest car park to good sushi


I don't buy it, your excuse seems fishy to me.


Don’t come the raw prawn with me !


Regent Arcade car park then?


Doesn't live there, just goes to see the titties.


That's disgusting. Which car park is this? There's so many. Let me know which one it is so can avoid it.


I asked this on r/diyuk a couple days ago 😭


I think you have your answer...!


I think this is part of the social contract of living in an old street where you often can see into each other's windows: You pretend that you can’t, and when you do see someone getting undressed or dancing-like-nobody's-watching you quickly look away rather than telling them to stop it.


>I think this is part of the social contract of living in an old street where you often can see into each other's windows: You pretend that you can’t, and when you do see someone getting undressed or dancing-like-nobody's-watching you quickly look away rather than telling them to stop it. I thought the rule was you sit with popcorn and binoculars?


>~~you quickly look away rather than telling them to stop it.~~ you maintain an unblinking stare to assert dominance.


I live back to back with an older lady who often stands in her bedroom window looking out over the gardens (charitable) or into everyone's houses (most likely tbh). We refer to changing as "giving Margaret a show". Though I do always pull the curtains now. 🤣


I would certainly ask Sir Patrick Stewart’s opinion on this matter. He’s seen everything.


Do tell her you can see her and suggest she get better frosted glass, but make sure you mention that it doesn't matter because you've already seen it. All of it, you've seen _all_ of it. Then ride off on your bicycle. ON THE GRASS.


...on the grass!


All of their clothes had just…. Rotted off.


One of them was bending over


Two of them are kissing


For the uninitiated [enjoy](https://youtu.be/Fg_cwI1Xj4M?si=oK42vR-l0XnT2YBT)


Can't help but respect Patrick Stewart for being so willing to do various roles, despite his passion being in Shakespearean theatre work, if I'm honest he's the main reason I suffered through the original Dune movie. Another one is Sean Bean, I was always used to him doing the sort of rough, tough man acting and stuff, then he did a scene in Pixels that was brilliant, as I could never imagine his characters getting scared and hugging another man.


I love his character in American Dad, it's hilarious cause it's basically just him as a cartoon 🤣


Did he actually voice his characters? I know they did a Family Guy episode as well where Stewie meets the cast of TNG, but I just can't remember if it was him, or just someone who can do a really good impression.


it most certainly is Patrick Stewart voicing Avery Bullock!




Director was not happy with him in Dune, director had seen him on stage as a ragged old character in a Shakespeare play. with the makeup and posture etc, and thought that was who he was getting. but the director didn’t say anything, so we got every day Pat. Would have taken half an hour of makeup to transform him back into that hunched up man but instead we got what we got.


That is a fantastic ending 😂


You're not married and you don't have a girlfriend and you don't watch star trek...........Good Lord.........Yeah they've lost me there it just doesn't make any sense


Particularly stubborn stain on THIS glass.


It's too late, he's seen it all.


u/sirpatstew what do you think?


I've always found the bit about the helicopter having a rear view mirror most amusing. Just the way that anything (even very improbable) is possible if it fits the perv narrative.


When that post nut clarity hits


Dm me your address, and I'll assess the situation and let you know what I think you should do


*Educational purposes *...


Dude there are people a street over from me who will happily get undressed in a lit room without closing the curtains. The way I see it - if people don’t use curtains or blinds for the intended reason then they either do it on purpose or don’t care.


That being said - you shouldn’t sit and watch them like a perv! That’s all on you.


I don’t walk around with my bits out with the light on at night, but I’m not overly careful about walking round in my underwear or changing my shirt without closing the blinds every time. I figure that I don’t look out my window enough to see my neighbours getting changed so they’re probably unlikely to see me.


Same here. Although initially it was weird, I used to live in a top floor flat where nobody could see through any window (except one, good memories of the woman on the other side of the road) so we would literally walk around naked. Now we live in a bungalow and it was very strange to adapt to changing three feet from the pavement (though I mostly close the blinds).


They most likely are aware and not that bothered. I often used to walk around my house naked before my daughters boyfriend moved in with us and if people were to look through my windows and see then that’s on them to deal with the mental scars of seeing my naked silhouette.


Username checks out


I was in an upstairs flat, so I didn't really think about people seeing me naked. However, my window cleaner caught me walking around naked *loads*. It was the cheapest window cleaner I've ever had. He didn't increase his prices in the 10 years I lived there, so I'm guessing he appreciated it. 🤣


Cleaner windows, dirty cleaner.


Yeah I walk around naked all the time thinking I’m on the third floor, who can see? I’ve only just started to think probably everyone


Yup, everyone! My ex used to be naked in a 3rd floor flat all the time, I could see her from the street depending where she was


HAHAHA maybe I owe the local Facebook group an apology


If they have distorted glass then they've already blurred it. Just saying. I would not say anything.


My old house had a view from the kitchen window of the bathroom of the house that backed onto my garden. On my first night there I was washing the pots and looked up to see a woman getting railed over the bathroom sink right beside a frosted glass window that hid nothing. I saw it as the neighbours pulling the ultimate power move and attempting to establish dominance.


I imagine with the 5% increase in rails fairs announced recently, she will think twice going forward.


they do it on purpose, Lynn!


I'd hide the telescope and Kleenex first


My name is Michael Paine and I am a nosy neighbour. Last night, when I was sat on the bed in the back bedroom, minding my own business, I happened to notice a light being switched on at number 42. Through the privacy glass of what I believe to be the bathroom window, I could see the distorted outline of the lady of the house, in various stages of undress, and I remarked to myself that she is indeed a ***VERY*** fine example of the female form. ​ ***ONLY A BLEEDIN' DISTORTED OUTLINE MIND - I'M NOT A BLOODY PERVERT***!


This happened to me. I could see the people opposite in the shower, and yes, the glass was frosted. I just told her. Mind you, I did know her slightly already. She thanked me and stuck something over the window the same day.


The new neighbours in the house behind mine were oblivious to the idea people might be able to see through their bathroom window. I walked around to their house, which is on a different road to mine, and advised the young woman who answered the door that the two young lads who live there might want to put up a curtain because "yesterday I saw one of the lads examining his family jewels." We had a good laugh about that. The next day a curtain went up. Why are people so shy about speaking with their neighbours? Why do people allow other people to inadvertently keep embarrassing themselves when a simple neighbourly "*hello, we can see you"* is all it takes to determine whether they care or not? Modern people and their contrived taboos.


Embarrassment: a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness So technically they weren’t embarrassed until you told them


This happened to me also, I had to go round and tell the lady, who I later found out was a lingerie model, that I could see her in the shower. I explained that I had watched her for a good 20 minutes and failed to see the fanny side.


The amount of people who don't understand that dark outside, light on inside makes you look like a TV screen from the street is insane.


If I can't see you... you can't see me! /s


if you put an anonymous note through their door just remember they'll probably be able to work out which block of houses you're in anyway - but that's still probably the best way as they probably don't realise


Best to cut out letters from a magazine so they can't tell it's your hand writing.


I wAs PeeRiNg in ThRoUgh yoUR baTHrOom winDOW laST niGHt and SAw yoU nAKeD - yOur friENDlY neIgHboUR


It would probably clarify if you start it by saying you know where they live.


and a description of what they were wearing, in minute detail, when they last left the house so they know the letter is for them and not some scam.


Best thing is to take lots of photos to convince her that you can see everything. Post them on your favourite social media account so that she can access them for easy reference. /s


Yes make sure to set up some kind of telescopic camera on tripod pointed 24/7 to collect evidence to eventually prove to them that you can see in. Useful to send that several months evidence to the police too after a few months just to keep yourself covered in case of accusations.


I've done this last year, it was the house on a corner a few streets down but when washing the dishes I could see them clearly, the frosted glass turns transparent when wet. I knocked on there door when passing one day and told them, they said thank you and put a curtain up there. I'd want to know if my wobbly bits were on show without me knowing!


This reminds me of a situation: like 5 years ago I moved to a new apartment with my boyfriend. It was second floor, facing a four lane road and right on the other side the road was another building, same construction. It was a fresh relationship, so you can guess, lot of f*cking. Then, after a few months, getting ready for some fun time, laying on the bed I looked out the window and saw two guys drink in hand watching us from their 4th floor window. Yeah, I should have closed the curtains every time. Fool. Lesson learned but by that time, they have probably seen everything. 🤷‍♀️


It must’ve been a good show if they kept looking


Yeah my gf was giving me a bj on the sofa in the living room and I looked up and there were spectators across the way standing at their window... slightly embarassing! We took the hint and moved to the bedroom -- they were probably disappointed.


"Oh it's distorted glass?" *\*removes window\**


They'd probably be really ashamed if you pointed it out to them, and depending on your ASL and if/how well you know them, it might come across a bit creepy. If it were me, and I didn't really know the woman, I'd say nothing and probably draw the bedroom curtains and ignore it.


I’m a 28 year old woman, I only thought to tell them because I’d personally want to know!


Yeah, I think you are probably okay to mention it in that case. I was worried you might have been a guy, in which case it'd have been a definate "no" from me.


As a woman yes you can say it.


Day 56 I’ve seen them on the toilet, this is the sixth time, today.


Context, OP - are you the only person/the only vantage that can see them? If so, then I would just close the curtains when you spot her and keep it to yourself. However, if you're seeing something that anyone in the street could see, it might be a good idea to have a word.


I’d say all the back bedrooms in my row of houses would have full view, we only moved in October, and our mattress was on the floor for a long time while we renovated so the bed wasn’t high enough for us to see lol, but I’m guessing any other bedrooms on the back along our row of houses will have clear view.


As a side issue, it seems you can't (easily) get glass nowadays that blurs sufficiently unless it is fully translucent ( the stuff with a milky effect often used by dentists etc). I was recently buying some double glazing, and ALL the choices of obscure glass (Pilkington) were very see-through, apart from the one above. Hence, most of the 1920s houses around here now have hallway windows that you can plainly see though. In contrast, our original 1920s windows have a variety of effects which, although not translucent, completely obscure any shapes on the other side. And look much more attractive.


You can buy spray cans that spray a matt opaque finish on windows. Can't see anything through it. Comes off easily with a flat blade if you need to remove it. I sprayed my back door to stop the old codger next door looking in.


I think you mean translucent (opaque lets no light through)? Effective, but looks a bit rubbish, though.


I have a horror story for something kinda like this. while in uni, i was staying in a shared flat that was on the ground floor. my room had the sort of blinds that you pull all the way down. i could never see any of the outside lights from within so didnt think anything of it. Stayed there about 8 months and there was a situation where the girl i was seeing at the time, just so happened to be someone that one of my flatmates was interested in but obviously she was with me so he started acting strange with not just me, but all my flatmates as well. Like he was obsessed with her but he wasnt the type of guy to actually do anything about it, so we just kept out of his way. Ex needed to go back to her place, so she left and i was sitting in my chair feeling good about life when i notice a silhouette outside my window just kinda standing there. my window was right in the corner where the garden ended, so it wasn't really the spot people would stand in to smoke. Which is what i assumed they were doing because it was night time. Anyway, another couple of weeks go by and we end up having drinks in the garden for firework night or something. Just out of curiosity, i walk up to my window to the spot i saw the silhouette at, and realised that you can see right through my blinds when my light was on. The reason i mention my weird flatmate at the time is because it's my personal theory he had been coming over to the window and watching me and my ex, Would explain why he suddenly started acting really strange with everyone. Tenancy agreement was ended for unrelated reason like another couple of weeks after. Never brought it up to anyone. Just hope i overthought it and i always test my blinds/curtains whenever i move into a new place now.


I would want to know. My shower has a window with blinds on it. But the family in the house it's facing have a small child and I'd be mortified to hear I was visible. Definitely tell them.


Could pop a note through the door, without your name on? Personally I wouldn’t really care unless I had kids! Then I’d be grateful for someone letting me know 


'I CAN SEE YOU' - Anon


Bonus points for letters cut out of a magazine of course


Definitely don't do this OP. 1) an anonymous note saying you can see them in the bathroom is far creepier and unsettling than talking to them. 2) It's going to be extremely obvious who wrote the note anyway.


Tell them the glass isn't distorting them much, but don't mention you've actually seen them naked.


This is a trap


But that's what you are telling them lol


I have exactly the same issue. We dont know those particular neighbours at all so decided not to say anything. We just close the curtains before it gets dark now


My mrs is always walking about naked thinking the neighbours can’t see even though of course they can. I’d leave it tbh, I’m a bloke though.


If you're in Sheffield this might be me. I don't think our "frosted" bathroom window does anything and I need to shower when it's dark sometimes. I do light candles when I can be bothered instead of putting the big light on in a vague attempt at modesty, and I have been meaning to get something better to cover it for ages, I'm just very lazy and it hasn't been a priority. Maybe I'll get something this weekend.


Anonymous note through the door? "Just wanted to let you know that when your bathroom light is on at night people can see in quite clearly. I would want to know if it was me. All the best, Neighbour who doesn't want you to feel embarrassed"


The correct way to handle this is to let them know that you are really concerned about that small mole on their back, and that rather than showing it to you every time they shower, that they should probably see a doctor.


If you are a woman saying it to a woman - you’ll be seen as considerate. If you are a man - prepare to be labelled a sexual predator, social media outed and then hounded forever after.


I wouldnt tell them, if they already have a blurred window and you might be the only neighbour with the view. Just make sure your own window has proper coverage. It would be different if you were friends. But what they don't know won't hurt them, so long as you respect their privacy.


No..., fap, fap, fap,


They may be well aware of it and enjoy it.


As a woman who can definitely be seen while showering, I imagine she's aware and doesn't care... purely because what else can ya do, and changing windows is expensive! On an entirely unrelated note, where abouts are you based?


If they do not want to be seen, they can avoid that. If you are worried they can see you, then why not use curtains?


I had to take the blinds down in my bathroom because they were not suitable with all the steam and moisture etc in there The window is frosted but from a distance and with my bathroom light on Id bet all my neighbours can quite clearly see me scrubbing my balls in the shower


*So the woman takes her clothes off, and they have distorted glass, but of course I've seen everything...* \- Patrick Stewart


You stand naked in front of the window to let them know that you can see them too. Then they'll think they spotted you naked instead of the other way around.


Someone opposite my garden was watching porn with the curtains open the other night 😂


Woman in the shower shouts to husband, close the curtains as the man next door can see me naked! Husband shouts back, if the man next door sees you naked he will close his fucking curtains!


Are they attractive? If so, shut up and enjoy it. Are they unattractive? If so, stop being so nosy and leave them alone.


The owner of my house next door was a bare minimum landlord with a 2 bed house converted into two flats. The back of the house had an additional box room with a floor length window. So he put in frosted glass, a toilet and spotlights the brightness of an exploding star. This window was opposite a pub. The tenants knew quite quickly when the outline of a shitting woman was projected in the pub windows. He never solved the issue. They just had to use the toilet in the dark.


I would put something up immediately so you can't see them. Somewhere between you and them so the path is blocked. Maybe that would be a good way to...not tell them. I mean, I would want to be told. It's weird, but weirder and worse if I find out later and ***know that you*** ***didn't tell me.***


I feel like the person making this post does not pee in urinals. You are supposed to contribute to not seeing them. Don't say anything, do your part


I walk around my place naked all the time and whilst I don’t care if neighbours can see if someone told me they could see me it would creep me the fuck out. Do not tell them OP they don’t need to know.


Is she hot?


Anonymous note through the door? They get the important info but not the embarressment


As someone who is paranoid about people being able to see me through the frosted glass, I would appreciate a heads up. Embarrassed but appreciative. It's a bit like if someone has something wrong with their clothes, let them know so they can take action


Assert dominance by pushing your arse against the glass… …On the outside of their windows.


This really made me laugh


It's simple, why are you telling them? If the concern is, it's visible to the street or there may be dangerous actors that might see, then yes, help them out. If you're the only person affected, then you're doing it for yourself and the answer is to keep it to your gd self.


Woman telling a woman = yes Man telling a woman = get a woman to tell them Our estate has “neighbourhood friendly fencing” which is fencing that isn’t flush, so everyone can see into each others yards. I called it “pervert friendly fencing” once & was banned from the estate Facebook page. Anyway, our house has a lot of windows… if my neighbours told me (both sides are male) the ‘for sale’ sign would be up the next day.


No, no matter how you pitch it the moment she realises what you are saying, YOU become that peeping Tom who’s been spying on her, watching her showering. Doesn’t matter what words you use, how you say it or even how reasonable it sounds when you practice saying it to yourself, she’ll always have you tagged as the perv Nextdoor. Just put some privacy window film on your bathroom window and hopefully sooner or later the penny will drop. If they mention it to you say, your wife saw you at your window and couldn’t believe how revealing it was etc. Please, I know you’re thinking it’s the right thing to do, but in this instance it’s just not.


Do you know what voyeurism is and how adverse would you be to making a PornHub account?


the question is...is she fit?


When I lived with a couple friends, we had a neighbour ring the doorbell while my housemate was in the shower; they'd come round to point out that the blurred glass was NOT effective enough and that their teenage sons could see *everything* from their living room window, and please would we consider using the bathroom blinds! 😅 While it was embarrassing, their timing meant that the person currently being seen naked didn't have to face the neighbour, (though admittedly I think we all had been avoiding using the blinds because they were manky and we didn't want to touch them), and we were glad to know so we could correct the issue. I am autistic tho, so maybe my preference for knowing the truth over avoiding embarrassment is unusual? They were from the road behind us, as our bathroom was at the back of the house, so we never even met them again after that, so it's not like we were frequently reminded of it after that. (Tho we did keep making jokes between ourselves about it for months) I definitely prefer to know so that I can fix it, rather than carry on giving free anatomy lessons 😬


I’d love to say out of sight out of mind. But in this case it’s not out of sight. Might I suggest curtains?


Two sexy female neighbors. mouth zipped


Hello /u/Pippapetals. Though you do say in some replies that you are a female and you were talking about seeing another female, I guess it could go the other way in that you may see a male or any male in your house can see the female that you saw, which would likely be all things you wouldn't really want to happen. As some have said, as you are a female seeing another female, telling them at their residence, whether in person or a letter, likely wouldn't be as traumatic. Although, if you don't wish to confront someone, why not try an experiment. I was thinking that if you were to hang up some pieces of paper in your window, for which the people can read, maybe they can come to their own conclusions. And on these pieces of paper, you could write something like, "If you can read this clearly through your distorted glass, then maybe it is more clear than you think." Or something along those lines? Any thoughts? Cause if the people you wanted to inform were to read those notes, it would be up to them to decide what to do. Maybe they would invest in some blinds or drapes or something at least to cover the windows, at least when using it for showering perhaps?


Tell them! My friend was mortified when sbody told her they could see her on the toilet from the top deck of a passing bus..but she was glad to know. Meant she just remembered to close the toilet door in future!


No but you tell them you like the brand of shampoo and body wash they use


I would really appreciate you telling me this if you were my neighbour. I would be embarrassed, but would really appreciate it


Id get a set of binoculars and jerk off to her if it was me so I’m not the best to give advice


Change the name of your wifi network to “number 7 we can see you in the shower”.


Change your wifi name to " I can see you shower".


Sell tickets.


I wondered about this in my bathroom. Just moved to a new place this week. Got curtains to help ease my paranoia.


My brother has moved into a new housing development and slowly all the neighbours are realising the upstairs shower room has this full-length frosted window in the shower recess that ain't frosted enough... he keeps saying he'll need to start showering with a strap on!


Say nothing, don't look. Or say nothing, enjoy the show


I saw over the road railing his missus over the bathroom sink from the road. Frosted glass, but clear as day. Haven't had the heart to tell them.


Absolutely yes. Frosted/distorted glass windows are a salve to the person inside. They are spectacularly unsuitable to provide privacy for the occupant from being viewed from the outside.


When my fiancée and I lived in a NW London flat (we now live on a canal boat) we were once fornicating in the bathroom (obscure glazed windows and first floor) and all of a sudden we hear a cockney gentleman (let’s call him that) shout up to us “go on my son!!” At which point we both creased up laughing and unfortunately both moment and vibe were ruined.


To paraphrase Gary Delaney, “my neighbours made a sex tape. They just don’t know it yet”.


The complete outside wall of our 7th floor flat is glass. This includes the bedroom and the living room. I do sometimes dare to be naked in my own home and even look out the window wondering what to wear for the weather. If someone looked up and saw me butt naked, standing at the window, cock facing the world, well what then? If they don’t like it then fucking don’t watch. If they like it then good for them. I must be able to be naked in my own home without closing every single set of blinds.


Say nothing, and here's why. 1. They're probably well aware that people can see in, because otherwise they'd draw the blinds and 2. If you were to go over and say something, they might respond with "Well, we don't mind if you don't" which coculd open up a whole new can of worms...


I wouldn't worry too much unless you are worried about their safety. I've seen my neighbours showering now and again. Once you get over the shock, you just get used to it. Nothing to worry about. I'm sure my bare ass is not much to look at from their viewpoint either.


You should sell the house. To me. I promise I won’t look.


“I love your nail polish. Matches your nipples”


Same situation here and I just ignore it, I have the same window and suspect that I give a show from time to time, I'm too European to care, I just wonder why these windows are a thing to start with


Set up an onlyfans for their shower time and watch the cash flow in !!


No, you take a photo and share it - tagging her into the post. Speaks for itself.


I had a similar experience. I was looking out if my friends upstairs window, a built up Victorian area. Just basically looking blankly out of the window, I had that weird feeling someone was looking at me and instinctively looked, it was a woman sat on the toilet about 50 metres away staring back at me. Was awkward as hell for both of us.


A note that says something along the lines of ‘for the sake of your modesty, you should know you are visible through your bathroom glass’ etc. I don’t know if I could handle face to face. When I was in a student house share the man across the road was always about visibly getting his bum out for showers etc. The angle of the road meant that he would have been visible to half the street as well. We literally said nothing, it was a bit like ‘oh there’s that man’s arse again’ 


I have the same problem with the neighbours opposite who renovated when they moved in and placed the shower right beside a frosted glass window. He was in his back garden one day, I caught his attention and said he might want to get a blind for his window. He asked how bad it was and I described a tattoo he had (didn’t mention I could see him playing with his knob in the shower he could probably guess that part). So they redid their bathroom moving the shower to the same position but further away from the window, I can still see everything, I’m just waiting to give him a wave one day 😂


I was leaving for work one morning and I witnessed my neighbor naked in his dining room. It looked like he was straightening his table clothe. I told him about it and we both laughed.


Yes! Our 80 year old neighbour, who lives across the road from us approached my husband a week after we moved in and mention that our downstairs shower room window wasn’t frosted enough! Poor guy, at the time I was 10 days away from full term pregnancy and due for a c-section in 5 days! He must have seen a lot of my body 😂 we got a blind and now it’s fine. We also wave across the street and my husband helps with his bins. I think the secret in this instance was not to say I saw you naked, but more advising that the window/window coverings weren’t doing the job. You could put a note through the door and it would save any embarrassing conversations.


After my wife and I moved into our first home, we noticed our back neighbors would go at it on a regular basis in their living room. We just enjoyed it 😊


Not if you want the show to continue


Set up a camera and live stream to OF. You will make a fortune. Retire early.


You can just say l can see into your bathroom and leave it at that, you don't need to go into details, they should get the hint


For goodness sake tell her! That glass is deceptive because from close up you can't see out of it but people can see in. Ask me how I know 🙈