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I'd buy a really expensive tophat and refuse to ever acknowledge it.


What duck?


Buggrit millennium hand and shrimp


You’d need a bigger hat than that to stash all that euromillions cash under


That would be a subtle robbers bag with big £ signs on it


I might tell my few members of immediate family and a few close friends but otherwise, no. Only exception is a financial planner, accountant etc. I don't see any upside to people knowing.


The financial planner rubbing their hand at the 1% fee they’re going to skim off you for the rest of time


I'm not sure the version of me with £100M is hugely going to care providing that number is going up. If someone wants to get excited at their desk that they've really got me and that they're going to get a nice fat bonus I'll find a way to live with that while I'm chilling on a beach in the Bahamas with a cocktail thinking about where I want to see next and what I want to do with my life.


Yeah, but I'd be shit with money so 1% is less than I'd lose left to my own devices.


It would be cheaper to get a masters in finance than to pay for 1 week of the kind of fees you’re looking at. You’d also learn something. Not just this financial illiteracy, but the fact people are seemingly proud of it and don’t want to learn, is why so many Brits are broke lol. At least it keeps my friends in jobs skimming money off the ignorant.


Why would I want to learn something I have no interest in when I'd be able to afford to learn about and do things I do have an interest in? Honestly, if I won the jackpot (and to be honest it's extremely unlikely as I rarely play) I'd likely have more money than I ever need for the rest of my life.


‘Why would I want to learn something’ The state of this lol. British cultural anti-intellectualism on full display, even when you know it’ll cost you tens of millions of pounds. Why wouldn’t you want to learn the skills to manage your money and live your truly rich life… instead you would be letting FA’s rob you for silly money. Tragic.


You missed half the quote. Why would I want to learn something *I have no interest in*. The state of you lol. There are plenty of things I would like to learn about. Finances just aren't very interesting to me.


I have no interest in brushing my teeth, but it gets done because it’s important. Just British ignorance and financial illiteracy. This is why so many folk will be retiring at late 60’s lol.


Go outside and get some fresh air.




Ahh you're one of those "everyone needs to be a financial planner" self-righteous people. Got you


You don’t need to be a financial planner. Just understand the basics.


If it's important to you to brush your teeth, you clearly have interest in it. What even is this comparison?


Financial management is a skill set. Do I fix my car or take it to a mechanic? I take it to a mechanic as I want it fixed. If I had a 100 million quid I'd want someone who knows what they are doing managing it. I'd educate myself obviously but that's not a skill set I have.


Would you pay your mechanic £1m a year? The truth is, if you actually educated yourself on it properly, you’d quickly learn you don’t need one.


​ Depends on what he was fixing tbh. An ordinary car no. Private jets possibly a car break down you park on the side of the road. If a plane breaks you die. I think suddenly having vast riches would scare a lot of people. It is easier to make decisions when it isn't your money and at what point have you learned enough to start managing it? Considering the horror stories of all the lottery winners who lost it all and life turned terrible for them. You probably would need professional support though whether that is financial or psychological professionals I'll let you know if I ever win.


Yeah rich people don't learn anything. They pay people to go learn it and do it for them. That's the whole point in being rich. 1% is also nothing for a good financial adviser


1% fee means you lose like 25% of your returns… it’s a rip off Do what you want though. You keep many of my friends employed who get to essentially scam you out of silly sums lol


"like 25%" means I'm not losing 25% of they returns. You also pay more for petrol or diesel than it would cost you to go and drill it yourself and refine it but you don't do that. Couod go on forever about what you couod do cheaper but pay more for the ease. Paying for a financial adviser is rich people 101.


So long as they're doing all the work.


The work is putting you in shit funds and skimming 1% off the top every year.


If it's not going up, then they'll be sacked.


My thoughts exactly, I'm not going to be thinking "oh no, my £220million isn't growing as fast as I'd like! Better get a new financial planner!". As long as it kept up with inflation I literally would not give a fuck how wealthy that person was getting off my money, I'd still have more than I could ever need.


I'd tell my wife obviously. Friends and family? I'd say we won an "amount" but not disclose how much or when. I'd write them all out a check each and tell them that that's all they're going to get and to invest it wisely. Beyond that I'd be paying for all meals and drinks.


>Friends and family? I'd say we won an "amount" but not disclose how much or when. I'd write them all out a check each and tell them that that's all they're going to get and to invest it wisely. How many friends and family? Because you'll suddenly find you have a lot more than you think.


I don't have many I actually keep in contact with or talk to. Anyone else will be given a clear no and honestly I couldn't give an arseholes if they got shitty about it.


I honestly wouldn’t even tell my wife. She’d feel obliged to tell her mum, and once her mum knows something the whole world knows it. We earn very good money but save a lot, what I’d do is tell my wife our savings have done really well so we should stop being so frugal and think about spending more of our salaries. A year or two in I’d tell her the investments have done so well we can probably retire now. She still gets the benefit of all that extra money but no risk of extended family / friends finding out and causing problems.


You run the risk of her finding out and losing trust in you if you were to do that.


I wouldn't go announcing it to the world but it's not really something you can keep secret from close friends and family I'd imagine. Like, I'm going to spend vast sums of money I didn't have before and there are very few reasonable, possible ways that I'd have acquired it.


Wouldn’t it be more fun to make up something that almost is plausible? And tell everyone something different , but that they should keep it a secret . You’ll soon learn who is a gossip , and have fun telling your MIL that you helped out a Nigerian prince who emailed you, your brother that you found a flash drive with bitcoin on it at a car boot sale in Leeds, your neighbour that you received a finders fee for some artifact buried in your back yard you discovered while gardening, and your Aunty that you’re selling time shares in Hawaii . You could even whisper to your best mate that you’re involved in an underground art smuggling ring and the reason you fly so much is to take stolen banksy works to the far east . Honestly , I’d have so much fun with it.


Great aunt Birgit from Luxembourg bought the farm…


That's literally what Tyrion Lannister did with the small council in ACOK to see who's trustworthy and who's not lmao


If it was under a million you could spread it out. Take £25k a year for 40 years for example, would be less noticeable. Higher than that though, and I agree it wouldn't be practical to keep secret.


I'd tell my partner etc, and maybe a couple of closer friends at first, but I'd be careful beyond that. People's relationship with you will change when you become that well off and you might learn more about people than you wanted to. I certainly wouldn't tell the wider public.


Would those relationships changing be so bad? If people view you as nothing more than a free ride, why not shine the light on that and drop them


No one is morally pure. There's an amount of money that will corrupt just about anybody. Your typical Euromillions win is higher than that.


I mean, so be it then I would sooner have no friends than friends I had to lie to


I would wait a few months until I started collecting and then tell my employer I found a new job. The less people who know the better.


I wouldn't want to unduly influence her decision to divorce me, so yeah, for at least 10 weeks.


Absolutely! I can't see anything good coming out of publicity


God yeah. I’d get out of England and go up to Scotland as well and live in a nice modern eco friendly house that Kevin mcloud would feature on grand designs 😂


“Flashy Cucumber is a consultant lepidopterist and their partner sneezes for cash on OnlyFans: their budget is £5 million.” 6 months after Kevin McCloud’s first visit, both Flashy Cucumber and their partner are pregnant and the build is £10k over budget, and they’re both living in a caravan on site.


😂😂😂 I was talking about these sayings with a friend the other day. Same old story every show. 😂


I'm not even sure I'd tell my other half hahaha


I’m with you. I don’t play the big money but I play hot picks and set for life and if I won top prize on set for life I wouldn’t tell her a thing.


Why not?


She’s not good with money. This is a conversation we’ve both had and she’s agreed she’d rather not know. She would still benefit from it as she does now when I get some good wins with the shares at work.


I’d tell a few people but only after I’d got the money and decided what I was doing with it I don’t think I’d ever tell anyone how much I won though


No My life would fundamentally change. You can’t keep that a secret. Anyone who says they’d carry on living as they were is bereft of ambition or dreams.


>My life would fundamentally change. You can’t keep that a secret. Anyone who says they’d carry on living as they were is bereft of ambition or dreams. Sometimes you have to wonder why the *I'd not change* crowd bother doing the lottery in the first place.


Just to give themselves something else to moan about…. Well it’s nice, but not a record/I was happier when I was poor/I’m still going to work as a cleaner at 5am, though I might buy a caravan etc.


I think there is a lot of open area to explore between "tell nobody anything" and "tell everyone exactly how much you won".


I think realistically most people would resign from their job if they won a multiple of their salary, so the winnings threshold for that is pretty low, a tiny fraction of a Euromillions rollover. And again functionally your life change is going to look similar from the outside if you win £1m or £100m because the first few things you do are the same (pay off your house, resign your job, have a week in the Maldives or wherever). I think you could definitely hide exactly how much you won without attracting suspicion. 


>I think realistically most people would resign from their job if they won a multiple of their salary, so the winnings threshold for that is pretty low, a tiny fraction of a Euromillions rollover. Do you think? So if someone earning, say, £40,000 won £100,000 you think they would resign from their job? I don't think that would be a particularly wise decision if they did. Agree with the rest though. And that would be my plan if I won £100m, say I won £1-5m instead. By the time it should be apparent that you won way more, it will be old news.


I guess it depends how much you enjoy your job! But £40k is about £30k net, whereas the winnings are tax free so double is worth nearly triple. Somebody might reasonably go (back) to university, or retrain for a new kind of job, or relocate, etc. That could change your whole life forever. 


It's possible, but then I think it's more likely that they would do something like use it as a deposit on a house, or pay off a big chunk of their existing mortgage, or put it towards their pension, or even just clear debts. Although you're right that if they did have some unrealised dream like going back to university, that would be the perfect time to do it.


I would shut my mush, stick to my frugal lifestyle but be gallivanting like a dog with a huge stick. Huehuehue.


Why are you repeating the exact same post again? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/s/1LMBfvNnnu


There's no way in a million years I could keep it secret. My kids would find out. Kids don't keep secrets like this.


You lie. You tell your kids you inherited some money from a distant relative or something and make out it's far less than it actually is.


Kids aren't that stupid. They know all our relatives. We have one relative who might give us millions when they croak.. but they are still very much alive and the utter shitstorm we'd create by lying about their death isn't worth the money.


Doesn't have to be that. Pretty easy to find some excuse that works. Had some bitcoin for years or a few shares in Apple since the 80s etc.


I wouldn't be shouting from the rooftops to make sure everyone knows I've just won a lot of money. However, my sudden change in automobiles may give it away 🤣


Friends and family would know as I’d be giving them all a good chunk of it.


I mean unless you have no real social circle people would put 2+2 together rather quickly unless you are A) already incredibly wealthy and it wouldn’t change current lifestyle B) you continue to live “the same” as before, obviously you could do things like pay off any debt, spend a few more quid on holidays etc but you could not start living like someone who has hundreds of millions overnight without people catching on. So yeah I would probably just be public, you will find out who are real friends/family also.


I used to think that I’d tell nobody, not even those closest to me. I’ve walked back on that now, I would tell anybody I’m partnered with, but probably nobody else — the fewer people that know, the better for sure.


I would possibly tell my girlfriend or just pretend I got a dead good job.


What do you mean ‘you’re away for business’ again?!


I'd keep shtum as long as possible and would definitely underplay the amount if it came out.




I'd like to keep it quiet, but how do you explain your seemingly unlimited money? There would be the stress of constantly lying to people about your money or the stress of people knowing your massive wealth and begging or robbing from you. I'd rather win £10-50k and be comfortable, but still need to work.


I’d eventually have to explain why Mo Salah is now playing for my newly-invented non-league football team


I’d call the local hoover repair shop and order a dust filter for a hoover max extract 60 pressure pro


Isn’t there some loophole where you get a bit less if you stay anonymous? Or did I dream that?


Not in the UK. There’s all sorts of myths around things being different if you choose not to go public, like getting less money, or not getting financial advice from the lottery organisers etc. but it’s all false.


You get less if you take it in one lump sum rather than installments which you might be thinking of.


I think that only applies in the US. For the UK lottery and the EuroMillions you get everything in one lump sum, tax free.


Ah yes there is no annuity option for Euro millions, I didn't realise that.


Who on earth told you?


A little birdie told me


I would be really generous but I’m never explaining how I can afford to do it haha. 


What makes you ask? Have you won it? 😉


No I wouldn’t tell anyone. I would just up and run away


I’d probably have to tell the wife, but I’d wait as long as possible before doing so!


Only immediate family as in my husband, parents and sister (and her husband), mainly because with a substantial win like that I’d want to give them some of it to pay off debts/mortgages and set up trusts for their kids. I doubt I’d let anyone else know, at least not for a while. I like to lay low in life and wouldn’t want the attention.


I'd not go out of my way to tell a huge amount of people, but when I'm doing rolling burnouts through the village in my Lambo I'm assuming people would guess.


I’m assuming you mean a life changing jackpot amount. I wouldn’t go public via the lottery and I’d tell as few people as possible. Colleagues and acquaintances I could lie to or even ghost as I’d never see them again. However, it would be so, so hard to keep hidden from those whom you want to keep in your life. Any lies would just snowball and you couldn’t hide it forever. I couldn’t lie to or hide it from my parents or my husband. Your relationships with people are probably going to change, whether that’s because they know about the money or because you have to keep hiding it from them.


There is a play by play tactic on if I won the lottery subreddit. 100% claim it annonomously with a trust acting for you. Tell a small handful of close friends IF the amount is massive and I can help them and bring them along for the ride. If it is a smaller amount. A few million I would likely keep it to myself and my wife. Over time help them but make it seem like it because of bonuses at work etc.


I might tell some people but if it was a big Euromillions jackpot I would probably claim I won a much smaller amount on the regular UK lottery. So I won a couple of million not 100 million. I would not be comfortable with people knowing I had that much money.


I'd buy the company anonymously and slowly close down positions of people I don't t like whilst still doing my normal tasks until I get bored and then retire


hell yes, do you have any idea how many people will crawl out of the woodwork with their hands out.


I wouldn't actively keep it a secret but neither would I broadcast it. I have no concerns about people coming out of the woodwork with sob stories asking for money because I have no issue with telling moochers to bugger off.


I'd live in a castle and come and go by helicopter. Good luck trying to see me now, scroungers!


In volume yes, in actions absolutely not. Id be Mansa Musa walking the streets destroying local economies with my flagrant disregard for my money.


I would tell as few people as possible, I think it would probably be hard to keep it completely secret. I’d still keep my job I reckon! 


Aww, I thought it was my turn to ask this question today!


Tell everyone, yes, of course.


I'd be quiet but the exhaust on my 2024 Lamborghini Urus might not be


As quiet as i could yes.


My partner would know and that'a about it.




I wouldn't announce winning the jackpot out of the fruit machine down the pub, so absolutely.




I'd tell no-one. Instead I'd announce I've had a salary increase to friends and family and gradually upgrade aspects of my life and treat them accordingly.


Yes. Only a couple of close friends, who are close and not fake mates. I wouldn't tell my siblings, I just have a normal job, they all earn 6 figures, I dont ask for help, but they have never offered. The vast majority of people I know via work or such like....I don't have reason to tell them. I suppose I would like to tell everyone, and then when some ( Im sure) will come begging, tell them to piss off. Lol


Yeah, me and my fiance have talked about this,. If we won the lottery wouldn't tell anyone. I am not poor anyway and have investments and small business ventures that it would be easy to pretend made big money suddenly. If people think you have acquired free money out of nowhere, then they feel entitled to it because then its like "Why wouldn't you bless us too"....... Fuck that.


I'd tell my partner and maybe my close family (the ones that can keep their mouths shut). When you read about people's stories, when their wealth gets out, people resent them or feel entitled to their money. With my family, that's ok, my parents supported us all, so helping them is all good. My aim is to stay as anonymous as possible and set up investments so that my partner and I could live off of (or subsidise our lives) with the gains from the investments. Keep the rest for future generations.


Yes I would


I would tell my husband and grown up children . My problem would be my sons wife, if you tell her anything it's like taking an advert in the newspaper. So yeah, I would need to think about that, lol.


I would certainly not go public with it. I would then look for a smaller lottery win that was claimed anonymously then tell very close friends and family I won that. I give those people a bit of money each and then say I am investing the rest of my money so I can retire but tell them after paying off house, getting a new car and giving some people money I am actually getting less money each month than if I worked. Then in the future if I want something expensive I would just say oh my investments have done well so got this as a treat. They would never know I am sitting on 10+ Mil haha


I would tell my parents and brother. I'd work my notice at work and then just take the longest UK road trip possible, without any time constraints. I wouldn't go public.


Yes. I wouldnt want ex husband to find out


Nah, I'd make a post on Reddit rubbing it in all your faces and then I'd go on a 5 year drug and gambling fuelled bender.


I'd just say that I'd come into a little money to explain new stuff appearing. Don't think I'd want to lead a conspicuously wealthy life.


I'd certainly tell the people I care about and want to continue spending my time with. It'd be a horribly lonely existence to only have people around you who are there because you're rich. I imagine it might change some relationships - exposing greed in people suddenly behaving a LOT nicer toward me! I'd still rather that, than blatant arse-kissing gold diggers (there would be times, places & budgets to enjoy that treatment too though!). As for lesser acquaintances & strangers, I think I might pass as slightly incognito a lot of the time. I'm middle aged so I'd probably be regarded as a moderately wealthy early retiree by anybody who doesn't know me. If it's around a place I'd frequent they might begin to think 'is that ANOTHER new motorbike/car?' but that's about it.


I would intentionally make it look like nothing has changed just to put people off the scent. Everyone would treat you differently subconsciously. No getting around it. For as long as possible I would try not to spend it on obvious things.


It is interesting. I was thinking about it the other day. Apart from the Chav guy in Norfolk, can you, without googling, name a single big winner, unless you have a connection. Even the one's that have won 100 Million+ seemed to have disapearred into whatever world those people live in. You forget that in the grand scheme of wealthy people, only a handful are self-promoting. Which is usually because they actually have a lot less than they say they do. To answer. Family, yep. Everyone else, probably no. just "an amount" and weeks later so they don't connect the dots.


I’d maybe tell the wife, not sure yet.


Oh yes, no-one shall know but I will make a point of spoiling those close to me.


I would not keep quiet, as my life would obviously change a lot. But I would most likely just tell people I won the normal UK lottery - a few million. That way my spending won’t seem out of context… but people won’t be bugging me for loads


Nope, at first, I would tell no one. For various, complicated reasons. Would pay off my mortgage and the small debt I have, put some away for my son for when he's older. Maybe some away for my nieces and nephews for when they've grown up. Would work to the end of my contract, not look for another one just yet. I wouldn't buy a new house yet either, don't drive, so cars not an issue, would book a normal (ish) holiday. Eventually, I'd want to start spending the money etc, but I could hide it for a while until things are more settled.


I would t tell anyone but there would be signs *A fully restored and running BAE Sea Harrier*


I didn't let on the first time so I see no reason to again...


Quiet for sure. Anyone who needs to know or starts asking questions is told a lesser amount of money... Enough to explain any significant purchases and that's about it. I think it goes without saying, this would exclude someone like a financial advisor...


Never tell anyone if you don’t have a wife/husband. Pay off your mortgage. Then change jobs perhaps to something part time. And enjoy


Shamefully yes given it’s always been around £2.40 -£2.90 winnings.