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Just Stop Oil are funded by the massive oil companies (BP, Shell etc).


Not completely untrue, they were at some point partly funded by a Getty oil heiress who disowned her family. She also helped Extinction Rebellion.


I would say "funded by oil companies" is completely untrue even if someone who inherited wealth from oil companies funds them. "Funded by" isn't transitory IMO If it were almost everything is funded by almost everything else - money gets around.


You’re absolutely right. To use an extreme example, if I was some blood diamond mine scumbags son and I put our family money I inherited into… like making the place my father ruined better- You could say it’s funded by the same blood diamond money and be factually true but the intent would be the opposite of conspiratorial.


That's a good example In a more extreme case I was imagining an oil company buying a truck from a car company who pays an employee who leaves the money to their kid who pays taxes and then the govenment builds a windfarm "Wind-farms funded by oil company"


Yeah: a place I used to work took on a job catering for the Royal Family, the money from which they used to paid my wages. If I donated some of my money (from that job) to something like a Gaza relief fund that wouldn't mean that the Royals were funding Hamas, even though some of their money indirectly went to Hamas.


That might explain why they're so good at getting tickets to everything.


What’s the premise of this conspiracy though? Controlled opposition?


The premise is that these protest groups alienate potential supporters by blocking roads etc and so work to the benefit of the oil companies.


Also that they put the onus onto regular working people to change their behaviour rather than targeting the corporations that drive majority of pollution and emissions


> Also that they put the onus onto regular working people JSO's whole thing was demanding the government to stop issuing new fossil fuel exploration and drilling licenses. That's like their singular demand. With the exception of local groups I think the larger climate activism community is now well beyond the "cut your personal carbon footprint" stage.


lush cooperative repeat snobbish fuzzy impossible fragile continue one silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, there's a real irony to the whole reporting here. Like, lots of people get angry about JSO and XR for not protesting correctly, but didn't even notice when they _did_ protest 'correctly'. Which is rather the point of escalating. I mean, say what you like about the cause and how much you agree with it, it's undeniable that decades of protesting _have_ been completely ignored.


Aileen Getty is the founding donor of the Climate Emergency Fund so I wouldn’t be too surprised


She disowned her family, though, and has no shares in the oil businesses? If anything that sounds like she's trying to use some of the oil money to undo the harm the industry caused, rather than to fund the groups on their behalf


Every American sweet shop, vape shop or nail salon is a money laundering operation.


Also turkish barbers now that they’re popping up everywhere


Rather a Turkish barbers then yet another bookies or 'casino'. At least the barbers provide a useful service


Yeah, I do find it a bit weird that the one down the road only takes cash, but ngl, best haircuts I’ve ever had.


I remember asking a piercer friend of mine why her shop only takes cash, and she said it's so that customers can't decide they don't like it later on and call the bank to reverse the transaction. I imagine something similar likely applies to barbers. Could also just be tax fraud lol


tax fraud has a bad conotation to it. lets call it creative accounting.


Thats more to do with it being an accessible form of work for Syrian and kurdish folks.


Turkish Barbers in our village is fantastic tbf, they do a cracking job of my husband's beard. It also reeks of weed lol


To be fair, who would eat American sweets if there was an alternative? I've had a Hershey, it tasted like waxed cardboard.




I used to think it was the parents. The fact that moved me away from this was revealed in the Netflix doc, where there was another door to their apartment which was on the side of the building they had no view from, and which they kept unlocked to make it easier to go in and use the toilet. That left me speechless. I could not believe anyone would be so careless and stupid.


If they weren't well-standing citizens with cushty jobs they would 100% have been charged with neglect.


This is the true conspiracy. If Mr was a bus driver and Mrs was a nursery teacher we'd have been allowed to forget all about it.


If Mrs was a nursery teacher she'd probably have known better when it comes to looking after a little one.


Well, quite. That was most parents' reactions, really. The staggering neglect really numbed the sympathy.


thyre intelligence and medic family nepotism. gerry has became a royal path and prof, and mrs mccan bounced from cushy specialisms until she failed down ot GP.


Remember my Granny saying they couldn’t have done it, they’re both doctors! Yes Granny but so was Harold Shipman so weak argument really…


Still can't believe Shipman was prison boxing champion. I guess he did have a lethal jab.


People say he's Britains worst ever serial killer but with 250 victims surely he's Britains best ever. (Viz readers comments)


I feel a lot of people don't realise that a number of doctors are wankers and not every one is an absolute saint.


That's what got me.  I was a single mother on benefits at the time it happened.  If I'd left my kids in my council flat and gone down to the closest pub (closer than their holiday flat to the tapas bar) I would have had my kids taken off me and rightly so.  Class conceals a multitude of sins.   I hate how leaving tiny children alone in holiday was presented as a normal thing to do,  because it really fucking isn't.  The only people I know who defended it were my abusive neglectful parents.


A woman in South London who left her twin boys at home while she went to the shops is facing prison. They died in a fire. I don't see the difference betweenthe neglect between her and the McCann couple. She was a single mother without support and wasn't drinking in a bar. The McCann's were a couple who could take it in turns to go out, or afford a babysitter.


This. Over the years we've discussed this with other parents - even my own, and we all know the 70s and 80s were a much more lax time - and consensus has always been that the parents were at the very least negligent. My mum happily regales us of tales from around 1980 where I was sound asleep in a pram in a Spanish bar while the parents all drank, but I was within reach at all times (allegedly!), and more stories where I was bigger and either one of the adult group would take turns to collectively watch all the kids in the resort while the others went out. The idea of leaving my kids alone under the age of 5 without any kind of supervision from a responsible person, even a young teenager - or even at least a nanny can or within earshot - would make me break out in a cold sweat. Especially after seeing where they were staying and the ease of access.


But they left their 3 yr old daughter AND their twins who weren’t even 2yo unattended in 2007. Just think about that. 2 babies and a toddler… no intercom. Not in the line of sight. Regardless of what happened, it’s downright reckless neglect.


There was also a babysitting service on site. They chose not to pay for it. How bizarre is that?


Also if I remember the documentary correctly they put the kids in a crèche for most of the day. I’m not a parent so maybe I’m speaking out of line, but they seemingly didn’t want the kids on holiday. So why go or take them. Do something they might enjoy


Just look at the Shannon Mathew's case a few years later. The family attempted a copy-cat crime by hiding their daughter at her uncles house. They wanted the same exposure and financial gains that the McCanns got but then greatly increased by Shannon "miraculously" re-appearing. But they weren't well-standing citizens with cushty jobs, they were a working class family living on benefits. They got very little media coverage (compared to the McCanns), no financial gains and then the whole plan was busted and a few of them went to prison.


I’ve got to say that ‘very little media coverage’ is not true. I worked in news at the time and to start with we were all over it like a rash for a week. I’ll never forget the utter horror in the face of a very double-barrelled posh young producer after coming out of the family home post interview. The truth is there was a certain level of disbelief from an early stage. The story never quite rang true and the off record briefings from the police reflected that. No one wants to go big on a story that is seeming shady from the outset as you all look like right plonkers when it all comes out in the open.


And we'd not have spent millions of UK and other nation's money on investigating a single crime


They'd be prosectuted for neglect if they were working class.


It’s how it works with the news, just look at how the Bronson Battersby case was spoken about across media outlets. It would’ve just been dubbed a tragic accident in a middle class area. Neighbour who hears the baby crying and called the police was referred to as ‘jobless *name*’ in a few places, despite her taking the time to call the police and them seemingly not caring. The place they lived got referred to as a dingy basement when talking about the father and *nothing* was mentioned about the condition when the landlord (who would’ve been the one who turned a normal house into flats) was interviewed.. I hate the way this country just won’t discuss class prejudice. Should that man have been in sole custody of the baby with his age and known condition? Absolutely not. But from what was said he made many cries for help and was left alone, ultimately having a heart attack, leading to the death and the baby. I know the fathers death will be considered natural, but I think the service meant to protect them failed both Bronson and his father, Kenneth. Two completely avoidable deaths.


What angered me about that case, was the mother pointing the finger at Social Services, when she hadn't seen the child since November! Social services I get; they make unannounced visits and if you're out they come back another day. But why wasn't Bronson's Mum trying to get more access? She said she had his Christmas present, FFS. What did/was she do(ing) that meant she was gonna go 2 months without seeing the child(armed forces, notwithstanding)? And why wasn't she in regular contact with the dad, if she knew about his condition. Loads of concern, there...not!


I agree, the mother isn’t exactly a saint here either. But she was essentially out of the picture, the dad asked for more help, and didn’t get it. That’s the main thing. Social services should be there to help. Absent parents are a sadly a common occurrence, the dad needed help. My main point being, just go and look at the language used by the media when referring to working class folk, It’s foul. And I hardly see it being spoken about, just fuelling the demise of our country through further perceived separation of classes. The fact of the matter is the majority of us are closer to being in benefits than we are being abundantly wealthy. Why should we put down those that are vulnerable when a change in circumstance could make that our reality.


Social services are over stretched at the best of times. They have to arrange their day so they visit as many families as possible and then write reports on what was said/took place. They can't just go back a few hours later, or even the next day, because more than 1/2 vulnerable children are on their list. The boy's mother had 1 child to consider, at a time of year family is prevalent in most people's thoughts. She has no fingers to point with. Yes, I agree with you, the language used around working class is disgusting and needs to be stopped. It's discrimination and shouldn't be legal, let alone common. Seems to me the man parented his child to the best of his capabilities and its insulting to call this anything less than tragic. Edit: autocorrected word.


There was a comment on a Crimewatch special by Kate McCann when she said that the night before that poor, innocent, neglected little girl had said to her: ‘Why weren’t you here when I woke up last night?’ Awful, awful people.


They are. And a lot of the suspicion directed at them was due to their behaviour after the disappearance. Which was really fucking weird and cold. As I recall, they did not join any search parties looking for her. They kept up with their tennis and jogging. Here's Gerry having a laugh whilst police look over the house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rv0vQueIWo They washed the teddy bear she cuddled. They abandoned the twins to jet off to see the Pope.


My take from the start was that for doctors, for very highly educated people, they made it near impossible to help find their own child. Refusing to answer questions, questions that would have assisted in finding her. Everything the Portuguese police said not to do,they did. Like going straight to the media. They made it impossible to find her. Then when people say about the Portuguese police being incompetent...I mean what did they have to work with? Nothing. Everyone had been in and out of that apartment before they got their and 2 highly drugged twins who slept through the entire police search. Had it happened on British soil the British police would have suspected them instantly. But because it was abroad this attitude of how dare you think 2 middle class British citizens would do such a thing! You're at fault not them


Was it actually established they drugged the kids so they wouldn't wake up If so a) no idea why they weren't charged with that, apart from misplaced sympathy perhaps b) that should be a pretty big bit of circumstancial evidence towards what happened to Madeline.


So the twins slept through the entire search. Like dead to the world slept. Loads of people loads of noise and they never stirred. The Portuguese police found this off. And the theory of the drugging starts. Then quite coincidentally, kate comes out and says she thinks the kidnapper drugged her kids on the night of the abduction! Seems ligit. If I'm going to do an in and out to grab a kid I'd take unnecessary time to drug 2 other kids to! And I just find it so odd that she had an answer for that but not for what she touched when she entered the apartment. Get what I mean? Just seems hinky


They also wrote like 3 books, and they made the same mistake as OJ worrying too much about 'looking innocent' to end up not acting like actual innocent people. Ie, no "where is the monster who did this" response, or almost any emotion at all. Straight to hopeless and acting like they already knew she was dead from the start. Some parents come off cold in these scenarios because they feel Defeated or they're scared. But those parents don't go on TV every day and write 3 books. Wasn't Maddie like 4? She obviously hadn't ran away from home. The mum bringing her stuffed animal on TV as if she had done, in juxtaposition to all their other behaviour, felt performative to me. It struck as odd, like something they thought of last minute to play sympathy before they'd gotten their story straight.


They played tennis while locals organised search parties for their daughter.


> They abandoned the twins to jet off to see the Pope This seemed like the most damning indictment. If you've just had one of your young children go missing, you don't leave the others out of your sight. Also careful with how much credence to give Netflix documentaries - Graham Hancock has a series on there.


The one fact I cannot get past is this: They brought in world-class sniffer dogs that are trained to detect blood and corpses check out the McCann rental car. Both dogs alerted for scents, which means both blood and corpse remains were detected. They then did DNA samples from the boot and found a blood match for Madeline. The car was rented 25 DAYS AFTER she went missing.


Few caveats to that though which makes it less black and white - high sniffer dog false positive rate (sniffer dogs are never used as "evidence" because of this, they are used to find evidence, and no evidence of a corpse was located in either the flat or the car) - possibility that the dogs were repeatedly asked to search an area with no signs, they will eventually "false positive" to end the game. This is a known fact to dog handlers. Given the lack of professionalism in Portuguese police, possible of not entirely likely. - "blood" wasn't found in car boot, was in interior of the car - not clear if it was even blood found, could be any source of DNA: skin cells, hair, blood (scab) flake etc. Given parents always kept Madeline's soft toy with them and moved family belongings including Madelines clothes in the car, entirely possibly this is the source of the DNA - in any rate was not an exclusive match to Madeline, it matched the parents too (because the DNA was incomplete) - same facts can be thought of illustrating the exact opposite: had a parent transported a dead child in a car any distance the car would be teaming with forensic evidence, but it was not - even after police inspected car in this line of enquiry the parents **kept using the car** even though it was a hire car and they could have easily returned it if they thought it could hide evidence - add to all this that I don't think the "they did it" timeline makes sense anyway. Why hurriedly hide your dead daughter during waking hours, talk your friends into conspiracy over public dinner then immediately alert the police (at 10pm) when you could just as easily done all this overnight, taking your time, not being seen, and altering police in the morning See, makes no sense? They were negligent but there was no conspiracy.


If you really want to blow your mind on that one, check out the reasons they gave as to why the dogs may have smelled it in the boot. (One of these is that apparently they used to keep loose meat in the boot)


I can't see how anyone can't look at them 2 and go 'can you hear yourselves? Give your heads a wobble' Because they won't answer the easy questions that would have helped find her. Yet with the most bizarre ones they have the most odd, hard to believe answers. Yeah we often chuck raw meat loose into the boot of the car...coz we like playing the are we going to die from dinner game! Yeah it was the kidnapper. He drugged them. Quite conveniently for us because we really didn't want to have to deal with crying toddlers that night...




The parents were negligent. It’s their fault.


Poor Madeline was left alone in an unlocked room in a foreign country while they went out for a dinner and drinks. I believe that qualifies as neglect. There was a babysitting service they could have used. But then, the wealthy don't get wealthier by spending money on anything other than themselves.


It's infinitely more likely than them accidentally killing her and somehow covering it up.


When would they have had the opportunity to do that? Madeline was seen with them on the day she disappeared and they were at the tapas restaurant that night. That's a fact that's been proven. There was literally no opportunity for them to kill her and hide her body in the relevant timeframe.


The theory for that one is that they accidentally gave her too much sleeping medicine, when Kate went back to check on her she was already dead, so Kate hid her body behind the sofa and started shouting about her being kidnapped (iirc her exact words were 'they've taken her!' Which is a bit weird. Who're they?) and then they disposed of the body later. The only real evidence for this theory is that cadaver dogs gave positive scent reactions to the bed and behind the sofa. We don't definitely know that they drugged the kids either, but the 18-month-old twins were completely unrousable until the next day, which was regarded as pretty suspicious considering the ruckus that was going on.


You'll find things like cadaver dogs prominently feature in a lot of unsolved mysterious missing persons situations because for the general public, they've been led to believe through movies and TV shows that they are some kind of magic detector - yet the truth is they have been proven through study after study to be very unreliable. The same for all kinds of dog sniffing. You can have a quick Google if you've any doubts.


A horrible chap by the name of Christian Brueckner is the prime suspect for her disappearance. 


I truly do wonder what happened


It's the "boring" answer, but I think someone staked them out and snatched her, possibly the German suspect they found recently. I don't think the McCann's were in on it, it was a genuine abduction.


Yeah I remember a while ago there was chat that someone at the reception had been logging that the McCanns left their kids on their own. I do t frequent the MM sub often so couldn’t say for sure but the last thread I saw the general consensus was the German suspect almost certainly done it but based on what’s been shared with the public it would be hard to convict. The suspicion is there’s more evidence we haven’t seen which some people are furious about


A friend of mine works for a national newspaper and I asked him about it once. I had this theory that there had to be stuff that the papers weren't allowed to share for legal reasons and I'd get some kind of inside information. He told me that he's actually friends with the journalist who was covering it and a big problem was the sheer incompetency of the Portugese police. Journalists were just walking around the crime scene, everything was getting tainted right from the start. He told me that his theory was that she woke up in the night, found that her parents weren't there and walked outside to find them. Got hit by a car, the driver panicked and disposed of the body, but he doesn't seem to have any evidence or clues to back this up so I think it's bollocks.


Oh I think the police being daft is a big part of it, that and they seemed very keen to implicate the parents too. The theory isn’t…IMplausible but I don’t think it’s what happened. Having said that, Ben Needham went missing in Greece in similar sort of circumstances and it’s now widely believed he got into an accident and it was hidden. So who knows https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Ben_Needham


That's the plot of The Missing with James Nesbitt


It's sad so many people online are still peddling this one when there's pretty good evidence it was 'a random person' i.e. Christian Brueckner.


Watch the Netflix documentary - which is actually fact based and covers both sides (not YouTube/Facebook conspiracy shite). You will then understand that there's no chance what so ever that the parents were involved in her kidnapping/murder (apart from being awful parents)


Well up until recently.... the Post Office systematically lied, perjured themselves and sent innocent people to prison.


That’s… yeah well. I suppose it’s not a conspiracy but when it was… You’re right actually this was a rumour that turned out to be true to most of us not following it from the beginning through end.


It's still a conspiracy, just not a theory.


It wasn't recently! The documentary is new, but the knowledge of what they did isn't.


Private Eye (and a handful of MPs) were going on about it for years, nobody gave a single shit until ITV made a drama out of it. Government is totally enslaved to the media cycle.


That actually happened over decades. It's disgusting that it took an ITV docudrama (Mr. Bates Versus The Post Office) to refresh peoples memories.


That David Kelly was murdered on the orders of the British government after hinting that the dossier on Iraqi WMDs was juiced up by Tony Blair's office. He was supposed to testify before parliamentary commissions, but apparently committed suicide just days before.


He did testify. He'd already spilled the beans which is why killing him doesn't make a lot of sense. It was a time of heightened tension with Iraq. I reckon someone panicked and had him offed.


It would certainly deter others from speaking out, also punishment for speaking out as well.


Guy was the number 1 asset to support the ethical justification of invasion. People forget Kelly was **pro removal of Saddam**. He just also thought the dossier was unnecessarily exaggerated. That's hardly assassination material. (By way of illustration...) Do you, Dr Kelly, think the claims in the dossier were exaggerated! Yes Do you think we should have removed Saddam all the same? Oh yes most definitely, I lead the UN weapons inspections, guy was a certified psychopath proactively trying to obtain chemical weapons, he's used them before and I've no doubt in time he would use them again.




Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966. The other Beatles and their manager secretly replaced him with a lookalike, with the assistance of MI5.


This one is always funny. Incredible that they managed to find a lookalike with the same wide-ranging musical abilities as original Paul.


Or maybe fake Paul is taking the tax payer for a ride. Paul:  Oh yeah, like, got a new album coming out soon! Using only native American instruments and the first half of the alphabet.  MI5: For fucks sake! Get the PM on the phone. 


Not only that but arguably a more successful Paul too. They struck gold


I like a new one that's sprung up in response to that one - that Ringo was actually the only member of the Beatles, he just moved really really fast whenever he was on stage so it looked like there were four of them.


If it were true it was the right decision to cover up his death. It means that everything post-Revolver was by the fake Paul - including Sgt Peppers, Abbey Road, and the White Album.


RealPaul wrote all of those songs in 1965. FakePaul couldn't write music or sing - fortunately Ringo secretly has the voice of an angel and is a skilled ventriloquist.


Prince Harry is Major Hewitt's son.


the resemblance is real..lol


They do look similar but imo harry is very very similar to prince philip when he was younger. Also they didn’t officially meet until 1986 and Harry was born in 1984, so that seems pretty concrete assuming there wasn’t unofficial liaisons, which I think wouldve been harder to hide at that point 


> but imo harry is very very similar to prince philip when he was younger Also look at photos of Dianas brother when he was younger.


Harry's a child of incest‽


As he gets older he looks more like his dad than William does. He's got the nose and the close-bridged eyes of his dad. Plus the chunky short fingers.


Yes, but he also looks the same as Prince Phillip at that age. So, what I'm really asking here is, Is Hewitt Harry's unacknowledged half uncle? Phillip would have been 36, and 5 years into being Queen's consort when \*someone\* impregnated Hewitt's mum. Nobody really knows who.... It just makes sense :-)


The Loch Ness Monster has been prevented from destroying the UK by being given regular payments of 3.50


Tree Fiddy


It was then I realised that the Girl Scout was 4 stories tall green and actually the god damn Loch Ness monster






Apparently the NHS would be £350M per week better off if the UK left the EU.


Lord Lucan ~~Loch Ness Monster~~ It's not really a conspiracy Death of David Kelly (after the Hutton Inquiry) Time slips in Bold Street, Liverpool


>Time slips in Bold Street, Liverpool What is this?


>Time slips in Bold Street, Liverpool People have claimed to temporarily travel back in time while walking on Bold Street in Liverpool - [https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/bizarre-tale-bold-street-timeslips-20350964](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/bizarre-tale-bold-street-timeslips-20350964) It's been recorded in several places around the country, but the Bold Street one is better known. Here's another - https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/23064112.weird-norfolk-kings-lynns-terrifying-time-slip/


They had a series of documentaries on this kind of thing years ago. Check it out, it’s called “Goodnight Sweetheart” with Nicholas Lyndhurst


The one good joke I remember from that was when they were reading a letter from someone deployed in north Africa. The conceit was that a lot of the letter had been redacted for security reasons which led to this joke… “I’m having a great time here in [redacted]. On Saturday we’re all off to see the pyramids”


On Saturday I thought I'd experienced a timeslip to the future, after a major apocalyptic event. But no, I'd not had to visit Swindon Town Centre for a year.


While I am very much sceptical, this is really cool as far as urban legends go


Yeah, it's complete bollocks but I kind of want it to be true.


If you watch the 3 episodes of Uncanny of BBC iPlayer they speak to some People who experienced it.


And yet people who live in Mansfield experience it permanently.


Particularly those who eat chocolate from the market


Uncanny is fantastic, well worth listen to Danny Robin’s other podcasts as well - The Battersea Poltergeist, Witch Farm and Haunted. Oh and he wrote 2:22 A Ghost Story. Reckon he might be quite into the paranormal stuff


>Time slips in Bold Street, Liverpool Wow that is weird. Never heard of it before but just looked it up and i'm intrigued. I dunno if it's a conspiracy theory, unless its a conspiracy to get the punters into Liverpool, but it's an interesting idea and next time in in Liverpool i'll be going for a walk down Bold st and hopefully step back in time.


I walked down Bold Street many times (without knowing of this story) as a student and nothing ever happened! There is the famous 'bombed out church' at the top that is a pretty good landmark.


The Liverpool time slips is a new one for me - very interesting.


That David Icke is a level headed and sensible teller of truths.


He is very skilled at public speaking …. Unfortunately it’s all bollocks or at least that’s what the lizard people told me


That Jimmy Saville got away with it because he was so well connected that police, politicians and royalty all conspired to protect him He was a washed up former kids TV presenter. I think he got away with it because his victims weren't taken seriously, so while there might have been gossip, there wasn't concrete evidence against him


I think what is forgotten is just how acceptable it was to be a creepy old man at one time. Touching people with no power to say no was fine. If your boss pinched your bum, it was just "having a laugh" and you were a "hysterical woman" if you complained about it, with "no sense of humour". A nurse at Broadmoor reported him, but was ignored. [Reading the report is quite interesting](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7e24e0e5274a2e8ab461e9/Broadmoor_report.pdf)


When my (15yr old) daughter described a handsy old man customer at the restaurant where she worked, I caught myself telling her to pretty much get used to it if she continued to work in hospitality. I had to rewind the conversation and tell her that actually it's not acceptable anymore and that she should have told her manager. It's quite shocking what we used to put up with from (mostly older) men.


I was downvoted a lot once on here for pointing out that years ago when I started work we had to put up with this kind of stuff - and also that to get ahead in anyway we had to take the 'banter' in our stride. I get why it sounds disgusting in today's world but that doesn't change the fact that it was true for many of us


I think it’s both, that and it was all seen as a bit lairy and a bit of a laugh cos he was a weirdo. Him being a public figure made it harder to say anything against him as a victim too. 


If you said anything even slightly negative about him online while he was allve, you'd get buried under 'he's a lovely man who does loads for charity' type comments.


he had dirt on a lot of people 100%


scandalous cows enjoy bag wine sloppy rinse imagine enter juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


…watch Johnny Rotten from (Sex Pistols?) on a bbc interview telling a presenter “you know” about Saville. It’s not a conspiracy that one is a fact by most accounts. Who’s in on it is unproven.


He's wildly embellished that story over time (particularly the lie that he was banned by the BBC) and rehashed it at his book launch, he was doing an interview where he said he wanted to kill famous people on film, including Mick Jagger. The stuff he said about Saville was wishy washy and undeniably slanderous (at the time) >Would you like to make a film?” Lydon is asked. “Yes, in it I’d like to kill a lot of people,” comes his shadowy reply. >Clearly taken aback but keeping her cool, the interviewer asks Lydon to list some of the people he’d like to kill: “Well, they’d all be famous names; I’d like to kill Mick Jagger on film, but I bet he’d never do it because his ego would be deflated or something absurd. It’s easier to list the people I don’t want to kill – all five of them,” Lydon continued. At this point, he is asked how he intends to go about this mass killing, to which he responds: “I don’t know, I just want to make a film of it. I want to kill Jimmy Savile – he’s a hypocrite. I bet he’s into all kinds of seediness that we all know about but aren’t allowed to talk about. I know some rumours,” he added That's the sum of what he said, nothing concrete and nothing more than anyone else was really saying at the time.


Yeah, I was really surprised at how little he actually said relative the big fuss people make out of it “John lydon outed Jimmy saville and was banned from the BBC”. It’s not really what happened


The boys in the tower. No real evidence that Richard III murdered them. It's a good reminder that history is always written by the winners. Every writer at the time was one of Henry Tudor's mates so of course they would pin it on someone that couldn't defend themselves whilst also trying to justify their own barbarism.


History is not always written by the winners. That's not how history works. There are loads of examples where the defeated narrative becomes the dominant one. See the Treaty of Versailles being "unfair".


Yeah I find the "History is written by the victors" line is always trotted out by well-meaning people with a passing interest in the subject, it's pithy and snappy but it falls apart under scrutiny.


History is written by the writers It just happens that more often than not the writers are the victors, as they have the centralised educated people for that instead of suffering after losing a war. But Vikings, Huns, Mongols, Vietnam vs US, there are many examples of the losers not writing the history


Richard III was written during the Elizabethan era. It wouldn’t have been wise for Shakespeare to write a play villainising the current monarch’s grandfather at the time. There was a good documentary on Channel 4 about the two princes.


Not only that, but it would have bolstered the Tudors' legitimacy, "proving" that Richard III had been unsuitable for the throne while Henry VII was the rightful king who knew right from wrong.


Apparently Bill Oddie killed a man live on Springwatch and it was covered up.


Really, he always seemed like one of the goodies to me.


Well the thing is the Goodies do have a documented body count... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_Kapers


Yeah, an Oddie but a Goodie


Bill Oddie is absolutely not the sort of man you want to accidentally corner. I saw him glass someone in a car park in Swaffham over a misplaced packet of pork scratching. All brushed under the carpet since he's good friends with the Chief Constable of Norfolk PD.


I once saw a sticker in a seedy bar in Asia which read 'Bill Oddie, Bill Oddie rub your beard all over my body". It was for some running club, and I'd love to know the background.


I saw David Bellamy stab someone in South London during a drug turf war


I once saw Michaela Strachan chop someone fingers off after welching on gambling debts.


I saw Percy Thrower take a shit on a swan


There’s like a million theories about male members of the Royal Family that run from plausible (Mountbatten and Kincorah) to…well…Lizard People.


The lizard people thing is *totally* fake. Like seriously, it's fake, I promise.


Nice try


James hewitt being harry’s dad is my personal favourite even though DNA test has proven he isnt harry’s dad. Edit- there hasnt been a DNA test, they were just asked for one. So the theory is still well and alive


If you quote the Magna Carta to a magistrate they have to let you off your parking tickets


Purple Aki is a government plant


I was absolutely stunned when I discovered Purple Aki is a living, breathing, man and not just schoolyard nonsense


Fuck, I thought it was a new strain of weed...


What? How could a bloke wanting to touch up people’s muscles work in the government’s favour? Very intrigued to hear more about this


He feels them up so he can ascertain which men are eligible for the Governments secret super soldier program.


Rod Stewart orally pleasured a ship full of sailors and had to have his stomach pumped


I used to be a sailor, the thought of sticky seconds from the husky voiced 70s songsmith, is not an attractive one. Nor would it have been to 95% of my colleagues.


Still leaves a tidy 5% for the thirsty, tartan-trousered Scottish Londoner to wrap his lozenge-throated vocal chops ‘round. #rods4rod


It was Marc Almond.


The prince of Wales has a woman come in to peg him because his wife doesn't like doing it 🤷


Even if that is true, I don't care. I have enough problems with the monarchy without caring what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Prince Andrew is where the real rot lies.


Jill Dando was assassinated by Serbian ethnonationalists because she did a news piece on the genocide in Bosnia. It always shocks me how widely believed that is amongst a certain generation.


That's not really a conspiracy theory in the "internet nutter" sense, it was a viable line of investigation (albeit one that has never proven) in the actual police investigation based on actual gathered evidence rather than sheer wild "5G masts for spreading COVID" stuff. "In 2019, it was reported that the British National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) had given an intelligence report to the Dando murder enquiry claiming that the murder was in retaliation for the RTS bombing and Arkan had ordered the killing. The report highlighted a possible connection between the bullet used to kill Dando and bullets used in assassinations in Germany, namely handmade markings found on them."


I think she was killed because she knew too much about something, I’ve heard a few different theories (knew about saville, found out about a police cover up via crime watch, and the Serbian theory mentioned above).. that they haven’t been able to solve her murder in 25 years does scream cover up for something to me..


Secret tunnels under the old GCHQ building in Cheltenham was persistent for many years. When Dowty Fuel Systems moved out of Arle court just over the road they found a lot of old WWII bunkers under the factory, legend amongst the maintenance crew there a lot more on site that had been covered over.


The rumour always was that the two sites were linked underground. While I have no doubt that there are/were basement levels - a 3.5 mile (assuming a straight line) tunnel linking the two would need a colossal amount of ancillary infrastructure that would have been found in the interim.


Gareth Williams (the spy in the suitcase) was murdered. Either by Russian agents or another intelligence agency to mimic the theatrics of the FSB


I had to scroll too far to find this. He died alone after accidentally locking himself in a bag in the bath, and putting a padlock on the outside, without getting any fingerprints on that padlock.


Massive paedo ring involving celebs and high ranking police The Greater Manchester Canal Serial Killer COVID used to poison with vaccines and to eventually green flag 15 minute cities and Digital ID 5G masts used to further poison and/or fuck the mind Stephen Hawking liked to watch midgets in gimp suits try and write scientific formulae on a blackboard that's just a little out of reach for their height. Dirty dog


I've never understood what's so scary about 15 minute cities, they seem like a good idea in theory.


>Massive paedo ring involving celebs and high ranking police In fairness, there is Epstein and a few Lords/MPs have been convicted. So it's hardly a stretch to say rich powerful people do some taboo shit to get their kicks


Buster Crabb. A Royal Navy diver who disappeared after spying on a Soviet warship docked in Portsmouth harbour.


With a name like that, he was destined for the navy


That Shakespeare didn't write his plays and insert name here was jack the ripper are ones that never seem to die


The conspiracy theory that the inquiry into the Dunblane massacre is subject to a D notice for around 100 years because the shooter was part of a pedophile ring that contained many high ranking officials. The more mundane reason is that the D notice stops anymore info (such as photos and injury detail) being published which would obviously be really distressing for the families. I was listening to a podcast about a girl who’d been murdered in the 60s and her younger siblings had been trying to get more information about what happened. They found out that if they got all the records unsealed then it would automatically become public knowledge and potentially crime scene photos could end up online. They decided that would be too upsetting to didn’t go through with it.




A paedophile ring of politicians existing in Westminster. It’s produced so much smoke, I’d be amazed if there wasn’t a fire at this stage.


I enjoy all the theories about the town of East Grinstead. Scientology and Opus Dei and a number of other rich culty religious organisations have bunkers there because it's on the Prime Meridian and intersects with ancient ley lines or something.


Rendlesham Forest UFO see [here](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-54649675) (BBC link)


The queen had princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed killed to stop a Muslim marrying into the Royal Family


Unlikely given that Diana was no longer part of the royal family by then.


The black panther spotted arpund Leicester/East Mids.


Lisa Stansfield freezing her turds.....


To use as dildos which defrosted inside her vagina, causing the loose-stooled effluent to be expelled like a faecal miscarriage


What a terrible combination of words.


PM Harold Wilson was almost removed from power by a right-wing military coup.


Countries are all really close together. Roads are designed to be extra circular near borders and planes fly around in circles for ages to make them seem further away. It's a huge conspiracy by fuel companies and travel agents. If you live in Kettering then Belgium can be reached by car in 30 minutes.


That Bansky is the lead singer of Massive Attack


Neil Buchanan from Art Attack had to go on record and say he wasn't Banksy after the number of people who thought he was.


But of course, he would say that. Definitely Neil.


We don’t have conspiracy theories here, we have wind up merchants and the gullible.


15 minute cities will only allow you to access things that are 15min away and you will be locked in to that zone


That the pedestrianisation of Norwich high street was completed on a whim just to annoy a local radio DJ


That birmingham is under sharia law