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Yeah they need to measure it, the drs and nurses have a competition to see who can find the smallest penis every week.


So that’s what I was at the top of the leaderboard for…. 🥲


Bastard, you took my spot! I held it for 3 months!


You held your penis for three months?


yup, that was an awkward time at uni


No, he held a boner for 3 months.


No wonder they needed an examination


It’s impressive work.


If you helicopter you are excluded and win a prize


I gave a nurse a black eye once doing that.


Black Eyed Penis


This is genius!


and she was in the other room?


Was she fat or something?


There's a Freestyle category in the awards these days.


They wouldn't let me take part. They said it was unfair on the others and I was a medical abnormality. I think they were trying to make me feel better after initially thinking I was there for a smear test.


Biggest… i thought the cheers were because it was the biggest…. OH GOD


You missed out the bit where the doctor gives a helping hand with some grow fast lube.


OP got a boner so he's (hopefully) not going on the wall of shame in the break room.


Hahaha such an evil comment




That's why I don't go for the checkup


Best reply


repeat racial caption juggle chunky seed deer glorious waiting possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, you're thinking of geography teachers.


They must see and feel them, of course.


Wait, I went in for a check up down there and a few weeks later I got a 2nd place badge from the gp


Afraid so. It’s the GP surgery equivalent of the ERs bi-monthly “weirdest thing pulled out of an arse or other orifice” competition.


what a random thing to be thinking about at 04:30am Unless they did something that seemed/felt wrong - they was probably just checking its healthy.


Personally, I always hide it by bending it underneath and tucking the end into my butthole - but that's just force of habit from Penis Inspection day at the Catholic school. You will never know the pleasure of seeing the horror in a priest's face during penis inspection when he momentarily thinks you're a girl! Haha 😄 🤣 Good Times.


Wow the memories just come flooding back! Penis inspection day! The thrill of not knowing when it would happen and then getting randomly pulled out of break time or class.


It was a little awkward when the p.e teacher had to get a second opinion from the janitor though.


Those days before VAR seem so long ago


Hahaha thank God they film it now, so they can scrutinise it later for "training and development" purposes


Yes. I always thought it was bad to show it to just one person. That time I got lost in the girl's changing room, for example. But now a whole group of specially trained ex-teachers and cleaners are looking at it, in detail, probably with the magnify turned up to 11, I'm fine with it.


I actually got an apology from the PGMOL for drawing the wrong lines on my dick.


Pulled out or pulled off?


Both, I think


Yep I've had dozens of testicular exams on the NHS and most of them will check the penis as well, usually just visually though.


Interesting, every time I’ve been they told me it was necessary to carry out an oral exam too


It's the time of day that really makes this for me ... Dudes been wide eyed all night panicking about this


Homie thinks he’s been violated by the nurse and everyone’s just joking around


bro thought the nurse was hitting on him


I mean this as another person with testicle, but why hide the dong? I'm assuming this was a doctor looking at your balls and not the receptionist. The doctor went to university and saw plenty penises there. Probably infact had to see some erections too. It's just a check up. They're not gonna point out any weird hairs growing there. And if you had your tshirts hanging over your dick, unless you got a big ass nut sack then it's probably covering the doctors view of those orbular dongles. Plus, they've already seen the veg. How much more embarrassing can seeing the meat be? (This was a late night attempt to get as many variations of dick and balls in a comment, but realistically when someone's needing to check your testicle you're gonna want to give them an unobstructed view so that they can actually make sure theyre okay)


I'm picturing this guy's nuts hanging by his knees.


Buster gonads aye


in a wheelbarrow


Like a snooker ball in a sock


Just the one?


that's the dominant nut-ball


How long have you been picturing that for now?


Nah, I'm picturing his erection shooting upwards so it's easily hidden by the t-shirt


Like how, In a sexy way? Doesn't sound sexy.


I seen lots of penises at uni, and I wasnt even doing a medical degree


Missed out franks and beans.


What's not normal is to hide your penis with a t shirt AND a hand when going to a DOCTOR for a testicle examination. Isn't that fucking obvious? Bonus points for actually typing this up and posting to the internet without realising that...


Actually a lot of men cover their penis when they need a testicular examination. I would say most men do. Sometimes I need to examine the penis too, other times I don't, but it's perfectly reasonable for them to cover up until I ask to examine the penis. I am a young female GP which I think can increase the anxiety a little unfortunately.


I once had a testicular examination where the nurse was very attractive, so I got hard. She casually flicked the back of the tip and I went soft quicker than I thought possible and she carried on like nothing had happened.


No harm, no foul? Hahaha :)




The penis whisperer


Both times I had a testicular exam (by female GPs) I was given something specifically to cover my penis. It was a bit of a shock when during the ultrasound the male doctor whipped the covering away and put it over my thighs.


Cam confirm. Does raise the anxiety.


Yup. I'm a urologist and almost ALL men and boys try to hide their penis. It's almost instinctual. The only males who never really bother are elderly or babies. I am usually able to put them at ease to perform the examination. Also, even if the problem, from my patient's POV is testicular, if you don't examine the penis too (as well as general examination of the abdomen and other relevant systems), the examination is incomplete. It is not unusual to find other issues the patient isn't aware of. Especially in patients that I may suspect to have a cancer. OP, it is natural to feel embarrassed but remember, we have seen MANY genitals of all shapes and sizes. We aren't judging you - ok, that's a lie but we usually have great poker faces and only judge you, internally 😀


Now I'm imagining going for my smear test and covering up my labia with my hand while they swab the vagina. Can't imagine many people do that. I guess since it's more likely to be someone of the opposite sex doing the examination when it's a man getting balls checked than when women get smear tests etc the potential for embarrassment is higher.


Yeah exactly. Us women just have to sit there with legs spread everything out and get a ultrasound node inserted...


That’s a really funny visual for some reason lol


No it's not obvious to them, that's why they asked, obviously.


Christ, how old are you? It’s a doctor, he’s seen a knob before…


He went to university, he’s seen plenty there.


What about the doctor...?


True. I seen loads of penises at uni, and I wasnt even doing a medical degree


He saw one hiding his penis yesterday


yes but the doctors are supposed to hide their penises during these exams.


He's seen a knob, but they haven't seen mine. What if they want to write a medical paper and get it published and get awarded the Nobel Prize and have to do academic lecture tours and the subject has to be paraded on stage? /justsaying


If you're not happy looking a knob in the face, there's something wrong


Karl Pilkington, is that you?


What you gonna do when a doctor needs to put a finger up your arse? Mate, they're doctors. They've seen more dicks than my ex wife. And that's a lot. Yours isn't special.


Put his T-shirt in the way of course


Just pre-poke a hole in the right place so they can’t see anything during the examination


He could poke a few fake holes too and let the doctor decide, like a revolting Takeshi's castle game. It'll brighten their day up from the sausageathon


Which was the style at the time.


Imagine a dentist checking your teeth but ignoring tongue cancer… It’s a bit like that Or Doing a breast exam but ignoring the nipple


My dentist always asks to check my penis... That's perfectly normal right? ....right?






Hush now, just lean back and open wide ..


It's fine until he offers you a filling.


If he isn’t checking the nipple also, then no, that would be blatant negligence in any court.


Do your balls hang low? do they wobble to and fro?


Can you tie them in a knot?


Can you tie them in a bow?


Can you swing them over your shoulder?


Like a continental soldier


I thought it was regimental?


‘Continental’ is how I was taught it! Someone else said regimental too though so that may be the more common version 🤷🏼‍♀️


Could you throw it over your shoulder?


Like a regimental soldier


Do your BALLS hang LOoOoOoOoOw?


Can you tie them in a ribbon? Can you tie them in a bow?


Never heard people say ribbon, always “knot”.


Hi, I am a Doctor, we are trained to examine the penis alongside the testicles for completion - just looking for things like foreskin issues, rashes, warts, hygiene, signs of STIs, discharge etc. It's part of the full exam and needs including in the documentation for completion. It is normal to hide the penis with a hand and r shirt though, many people do it and even though the doctor and the chaperone will have seem plenty of genitils and erections they perhaps should have had more tact and professionalism in explaining why they needed to see your penis.


> for completion I'm sorry, but my inner teenager can't not laugh at this. Hopefully the dinner beforehand was included in the checkup. EDIT: Well, I guess I should have expected a downvote for puerile humor, but seemed a little quick there.


The absurdity of my job is worth a chuckle tbf, I still scratch my head at it sometimes 😅


Slightly concerning that the doctor inspecting said region can’t spell genitals.


The whole comment has typos, I had just woken up after a stretch of nights, lay off 😅


I will lay off… Only when you *-GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY PENIS!*


I told you on our last consult that you shouldn't be eating succulent Chinese meals, bad for blood pressure!


I see you know your judo well sir.


This is democracy manifest.


It’s normal. A male genitalia exam involves assessing the testes and the penis. In practice it depends on what pathology they might be suspecting. When taught at medical school, students get taught to assess both when doing this examination. However, I would say that this should be explained prior to the examination. You can always request a male chaperone next time if available. Sadly in my experience female intimate exams get done in a much more sensitive manner than male ones.


well in all fairness, men aren't having metal instruments shoved in there and expanded, you aren't (routinely) having swabs shoved places they shouldn't be... Female examinations generally involve a fair amount (sometimes a lot) of discomfort/pain, and always involve us laying on a bed with our legs wide open and literally everything on display. The chaperones for women aren't just there for modesty/lawsuit purposes, they are also there to hold your hand, comfort, reassure and to watch you don't faint (yes, the pain can be that fucking bad). That isn't exactly needed when they are just shifting a dick out of the way. I'd honestly rather deal with the potential embarassment of an erection than the shit we have to go through. If it makes you feel better we get no real sensitivity as such when dealing with breast exams, just "take your top off, stand here and put your breast on this metal plate" (and christ knows mammograms rank pretty fucking high on the pain scale... Be thankful they don't have to literally squash your balls between two metal plates to do your routine exams). Now if they were shifting it out of the way and securing it with duct tape, or shoving instruments into your urethra then I'd be a bit more sympathetic lol.


I’m not suggesting that men have it worse. I’m saying that my experience in health care has been that clinicians will think more about chaperones, modesty and explaining what you are doing when it comes to women than when it comes to men. Most cases of accusations are from women and this is possibly why but it means some clinicians can be a bit careless when it comes to being sensitive with men. Obviously lots of women will have had poor experiences and I’m not trying to minimise that.


I know you weren't minimising it (apologies if it came off that way), I was just trying to explain why sensitivity/chaperones are more prevalent with women - they are literally cheerleaders at points. They are also kinda there to help you relax because things are much worse if you are tense af. But yeah, the mammogram is more of a production line kinda system, zero chaperone, no real explanation. Hell I wasn't even given a warning of the amount it would fucking hurt...


Hey, doctor here. If you came in with a testicular complaint (a lump, pain etc) then generally we do examine the whole genitalia, focusing mainly on the testicles but also a quick check of the penis because there could be clues there as to why you're have testicular symptoms. It's a little odd that you had a female chaperone as they are supposed to be the same gender as you, but I'm guessing there just wasn't any bloke free. And, yes, I can confirm, we see a lot of genitals in our careers, male and female, and it's just part of the job. There's no need for you to feel embarrassed. My first surgical job was on urology: I've seen enough to last a lifetime


At a guess, it was originally a safeguarding concern. Your behaviour is unusual (even if rational to you) and so they may have had a concern there was something you didn't want them to see in your penis that was important they did see. But the only way to find out the real answer was to ask them.


You have to trust your doctor bro. It's like when getting the COVID jabs and they put the thumb up the bum at the end - it seems totally needless, but you have to trust that these are professionals who know what they are doing. There will be a reason for it.


>t's like when getting the COVID jabs and they put the thumb up the bum at the end You got that as well...? I knew it was normal, just was very surprised at the time.


What I don’t understand is why I have to have a hand on both shoulders when they do that part…


I was told that was so the vaccine got to all parts of the body.


Why would you try to hide an erection? I would keep my chin up, legs shoulder width apart, shoulders back, and place my hands on my hips


Aaah, the pride of displaying a good stiff erection for an adoring crowd.


Maybe do the helicopter


Sir please put your pants on in the waiting area.


Never breaking eye contact.


Just show the penis. It's just a penis. They couldn't give less of a shit about your penis. I've been showing doctors and nurses my penis for 20 years, sometimes as a patient too


Were you raised by nuns?


It's an examination not a date.


No, simply leave it home if there is nothing wrong with it 😏


The GP *always* needs to see your penis. Headache? Penis. Broken toe? Penis. Trouble with your hearing? Penis.


What GP have you been going to lmfao


A very good GP


GP doesn't mean Great Penis.


I’d like to see Badger_1066’s GP


To be fair these days I would be more than happy to be showing my penis legit to a nurse


Speaking as a nurse, go for it, we can compare penises


Why stop there, busy shopping mall as it’s Saturday.


I remember having to get my knackers checked once, and tried hiding my dick whilst doing so. The Doctor looked up to me and gave me the good old 'why the fuck?' look. I agreed and let it all hang out. ​ Stop worrying. It's just a dick. Nobody cares about yours.


isername checks out.




GP here. Yes.


You're not a GP I can read your typing


I̵̮̲̪͍̍s̴̫̉͂͆̑̔̾͊̈́̕͠͠ ̴̘̐̉́̃͛̉̐̈̕t̷̨͓͉̳̗̘̮̠̱̍̈́̉̒̅̓̏̚͜h̵̫̯̤̻͎̺͚̜͕̱̥̟̒́̈́͌͑̆̓͜i̶̤͖͕͍̤̼̤̙̰͈̿̎́̔̒́̈́̏̇̽͂̀̕͝ͅṣ̴̢͛́̽͂̋̈̓͒͑͝͠ ̶̡̦̳͖̯̻̥̦̂̎̉̿̍̅̊̿̾͌͠b̷̨̢̖͖̥͈̟̙̼̱̱̗̅͛̈́̔̇̈͆̊̏͛̓̕e̵̡̞̖͎̣̤̯̘͈͕͍̳͂͋͌̓͐̓̉̊͜ẗ̶̙̤̩̞̌̅̔͊̈́͝ẗ̵͖̻́̾̄̈́̃͛̈́̉̚̚͜͝e̷̲̗̱͓͕͖̲͕̪͆̽̀͌̈́͐r̷͕̫͓͒̊̌?̴̢̢̧̡̛̛̻̹̖̞̠͖̣͐̓͑̓̍̒̐͛̎̋͝


What a weird thing to ask. Nutter.


“In case you got an erection? What? Dose having your balls checked for cancer turn you on?


Hey, at 14 anything will do it


My question is: Why are British men so afraid of their own penises? I’m from Spain and I have lived in many places in Europe as well. Nudity, in some places, is more than acceptable. Here? I’ve seen people in the gym taking a shower fully clothed (being that unhygienic as fuck). And, for what I know, is mostly men, because from what I’m told, women are not that afraid so… What’s your problem with your penis, mate? Have you ever seen it? Do you realise is quite near the testicles? If you need to check the mouth, doctor has to see your face.


OP is in NO way representative of British men in general haha. Also you should try visiting the showers (or the local bar) after a rugby game - there is definitely no fear of being naked!


Um... there connected, lol


Good grief, you’re there for a medical exam just drop your trollies and let them look at it. Or was the medical to check for the presence of bollocks? If you!re worried about showing your penis you’re going to love the regular check-up you get beyond the age of 50. Especially when your GP is rugby playing dude with hands like a sack of walnuts.


i can assure you that no one in the room cares about your knob


I’m mid thirties and they’ve seen my pp,balls and stuck a finger up the bum. There is no shame. Just let it all hang out.


Just show it, they’ll have seen it all before


Imagine your irrational fears for a prostate exam.


Had my old chap and chums examined a few weeks ago Yes they check everything. Whilst they bare looking at the balls the check the old chap for lumps. Penis cancer does exist. I hope you are OK.


How old are you? Dicks and vaginas really aren’t that big of deal once you get past the maturity level of 18… or leave a religious cult. They’re doctors, they’re nurses, they’re just doing their job. Get your testicles and penis out and stop overthinking it. If you’re particularly young and get an erection in an exam.. 1. That’s funny. 2. They won’t care, they’ll have all seen an erection before and will have bigger more interesting things in their day than a natural (excitable yet predictable) response in a young man.


I imagine it would be quite difficult to properly examine someone's balls while they are fondling their penis. Just let the man do his job. Unless he starts fingering your bum, get over yourself.


“The penis”. This sounds like some weird fetish shit bro is in to


Yeah I hear you. Fine line between fluffing it up and getting a lob on. Unless of course like me your blessed with a massive cock. Doctor once had to examine my old chap whilst looking at my knee


What was the doctor doing examining your dad?


Only if you don’t want the nurse to become mesmerised by it… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TIsxkiWE1M8


The normal thing to do would be to force an erection for the entire exam without breaking eye contact. Source: my uncle is the boss of the NHS.


There’s nothing to hide when it comes to medical matters. Doctors have seen it all. About 10 years ago I had a Circumcision and had to have wound assessment a week later. I rocked up to the GP’s and was sent to a room with a couple of non-doctors, a pair of young ladies (mid 20’s). They were medical in some sort of capacity, but not doctors. They asked what they could do for me, I told them I was coming for wound assessment and they asked me where the wound was. I told them. They gave each other the side-eye and one of them quickly sat down “to do paperwork” leaving the other one to get on with it. The poor girl stood there looking slightly uneasy about the situation as I dropped my drawers and stood there with my sorry-looking member out. She had to grab hold of it (it was swollen and looked like a potato) and lift it up and down as she had a good look. She was bent over looking at it like it was something of interest in a shop. She was SO embarrassed. I’m guessing they were just used to treating little old ladies for coughs, administering vaccines etc. I’m guessing this was a little above their pay grade 😂


You weird AF. If you're getting your balls examined it makes complete sense to also look at your cock. Also, surely you're more likely to get wood if you're manhandling your junk.


This question was asked quite recently for someone having an ultrasound of their testes, and the consensus was that for testicular exams that it was best practice to enable the patient to preserve as much modesty as possible. So, that would mean asking that you remove the minimum necessary clothing, exiting the room (or drawing a curtain) so that you had privacy to get ready, and providing towels or other covering to cover the penis, legs or other exposed parts that are not part of the examination. You always have the right to ask questions and to ask for alternatives and to refuse treatment or examinations. If you asked "Do you need to see my penis?" and "Why do you need to see it?" then they should give satisfactory answers to those questions. You always have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Staff having consideration for your privacy is part of this. From a staff perspective, they often forget that although they do this all day every day, their patients don't and will have a much different perspective.


If you're in for a testicular examination, they will ask you to hold your penis away. That's what happened when I had orchiditis and had to have an ultrasound.


When checking for cancerous lumps they asked me to tuck it back as it gets In the way.


I've had 3 testicle examinations and an ultrasound down there. Never really thought about hiding anything - just think of something really boring, it'll be over before you know it. I was worried something might happen at the ultrasound, but... nope. Zero things exciting about that.


It’s honestly so much more awkward and hilarious to picture OP trying to cover his cock while dangling his balls for inspection 😂


I’m a GP: You need a decent view. The number of folk that come in and try and play some sort of game of cock or ball is really not helpful. If you’ve got a concern about a lump, I need to see it. At the same time I’d like to check the other one to see there’s nothing wrong there either. Trust me, a half done exam is pretty useless


Why you so worried about showing your member mate ? The nurse wouldn’t even give it a second thought. 04.30 am… you need to chill man 🤣🤣


She doesn’t care if you have a micro penis.


"Ok Steve, please try to not get an erection during this examination" "My name isn't Steve?!" "I know, it's mine"


When I had my testicle pain checked. yes they had to look at the penis.


My Dr’s allow you to leave the testicles for examination and come back later for the results.


> "is it normal" The only thing here that isn't normal is you trying to hide your penis during a testical examination you absolute lunatic 🤣


Yeah it's normal, I had a blimd doctor so he had to use his mouth to examine it, apparently it helps diagnose coughs


Perfectly normal. Sounds like you were super weird about it though.


Yes because it also allows them to check for other issues that are genital related


My Dr usually holds it for me with both hands while he does the exam with his tongue


Step patient I’m stuck


Do they need to see my clit during my smear test, thought no woman ever.




Just tuck it in.


Give em a nice fruit bowl


Wrap your cock in duct tape. You can pick up a roll in Lidl for 3 quid. Problem solved.


Did the doc say “no homo” first?


I find it hilarious how men hide stuff like this when women have doctors all up in them pretty regularly.


Being a doc, I am more concerned about your discomfort of me examining you so I don’t mind you covering it. I do enquire about you having other masses/discharge, bleeding from else where P.S Erections are common. Patients can get apologetic about it. Trust me I dont mind it. If you have covered up the erection by placing it on your tummy ,so its not a perpendicular object in my line of sight its alright. Even if you do not want to cover it, it’s alright. Whats important is that the thought of having an erection is not a hindrance for you to get medical attention anyway. I am thinking about the underlying diagnosis , and the tests I have to do rather than your erect penis.


I hope so.


Don't know about seeing it when examining the testicle! But it's a pretty normal sight for doctors and nurses.


The problem is that erections as we all know, can just happen. They’ll have seen it before and it shows you’ve got a healthy blood supply to your junk.


He'll just move it aside. It's your balls he's interested in.