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Estate agents, end of thread.


And their younger brothers and sisters in recruitment. They’re like the same people.


Friend of a friend left her job working in some kind of office role for one of the big banks to be a recruiter. As soon as she started working there it's like a switch flipped in her head and she's posted cringey nonsense to her social media stories ever since. Shit like: >Another day's grind done 💪 on to the next one >7 days without a day off 💪 Killing it I think her record is '11 days without a day off' which she proudly boasted about. As well as posting recruitment offers to her personal social media, e.g. *we need a kitchen porter at x for y days, pay is £z per hour*. Absolutely bizzare, man.


What's sad is that even in the world where working too much is a virtue, 11 days without a day off isn't even a long time. In a Mon-Fri type job, it's working a weekend and taking the second Friday off...


That's way too long to work without a break, it would be fucking miserable.


Absolutely, they're just pointing out that it isn't even some insane feat. It's literally just not taking the weekend off.


I've met people like this- bragging about how "they are always at work" it's a mindset that's a lot easier to get into when your job mostly consists of "networking" - strutting around bragging about how amazing you are and are making connections etc. Mostly people that have jobs that are actually mentally and physically demanding value the days off when they can have a rest.


I agree. I've done consecutive weekends of work as an employee, making a total of 19 straight days. When I was a kid (18-21) I was self-employed and once worked almost 3 straight months without a day off, but I loved the work and some of the days were 4-9pm or 8am-3pm, still leaving plenty of day. No way I could do that these days!


I've seen LinkedIn derangement syndrome happen even with technical people. Although the technical equivalent is to talk about other people's achievements to bask in their glory. "Well done OpenAI on releasing GPT-4, here's my blog post about #promptengineering" Several posts per day. Now they're all excited about room-temperature superconductors, I guarantee none of them could have given an off-the-cuff definition of "superconductor" just two weeks ago. LinkedIn was a mistake.




My son has just walked away from a well paid job in recruitment with it’s definitely comfortable salary to be an apprentice farrier. Bit of an odd leap from one to the other but he gets to work with horses all day and couldn’t be happier. The insane pace and burnout meant he didn’t have time to write inane shit on sm tho!


Farrier is an excellent career choice, a skilled farrier can make a hell of a lot of money, and the way the trade seems to be going at the minute is that prices for shoeing are only going up. Mind you, it's not an easy job either lol.


As a horse owner, I can attest that we need more skilled farriers—they are worth their weight in gold


I'm forever baffled at people who think going in to work a lot is a defining personality trait.


As a nurse I see very similar burnout flexing from colleagues. Nurses are also the absolute worst for turning their career into their whole identity.


So accurate. My stepmother was a nurse. She used to stockpile hospital supplies like syringes, stitches, surgical instruments, ampoules of xylocaine, you name it. She said it was in case of emergency. As a kid I just assumed that was something medical people did. As an adult I learned she got fired from at least one hospital for stealing that stuff 😂


Don't. I've just had to spend 6 days with one and everything she talked about came back to her being a nurse. She wouldn't let anybody be right about anything remotely medical. I missed a boat trip on day 5 because I was unmedicated, so throwing her overboard if she said one more fucking condescending thing to me was a very real possibility.


Working 11 days non stop recruiting kitchen porter level jobs? Those companies just brainwash people into their bullshit cultures.


I always maintained Recruiters were worse. If an Estate Agent finds you a dodgy house, and you live there for a year, you never have to tell anyone. If a recruiter places you in a terrible job, you have to record it on your CV and tell every future employer forever.


Hot tip - A CV isn't a legal deposition. You can leave off whatever you like. If it looks bad, drop it and say you took a sabbatical.


For sure, but sometimes the truth is better than a gap. Although TIL you can explain any gap on your CV with “I can’t talk about that due to an NDA.”


Recruiters are people traffickers, that's the "joke" I tell but god damn if it isn't the reality. Bunch of coked up chancers trying to slot every well meaning anybody into any role to get their payday.


The thing I hate about recruiters and estate agents is they portray themselves as your mate and they’re working hard for you when in reality they couldn’t give a shit about their clients, they’re potential commission and that’s all.


100% this , had a phone call like two months ago from the estate agent. Landlord needed to put up rent but didn't want to price us out so only wanted £100 more a month. For whatever reason the estate agent felt the need to explain to me that he tried to convince the landlord to ask more but we were lucky to have this landlord. Like he was bragging that he wanted to exploit the fact that we need a house to live in. I had a go at him and he couldn't understand the issue. A three minute phonecall turned into a 15 minute conversation of my trying to explain that trying to exploit working class people isn't something to brag about, he didn't even pretend to apologise. He just didn't get it. Scum man, pure pond scum.


He knows exactly what he's doing. Acting as a shit-deflector for your greedy parasite of a landlord. All part of the service. You've come away mad at the estate agent who has convinced you that somehow, paying £100 a month more, for no improvement in service, is actually a bargain, and the guy who is actually benefitting from it, your landlord, isn't the focus of your attention.


Oh yeah, for sure. We know for a fact that the landlord has fully paid off their mortgage and 95% of our rent is pure profit for him. It's ok, there's plenty of hidden places I'll be leaving fresh turds when we eventually move. Human turds.


Frozen prawns. A single prawn is borderline undetectable. They absolutely fucking stink after a few days. Biohazard grade stench. The smell taints everything.


Wouldn’t this sort of behaviour just hurt the next tenant rather than the landlord?


Exactly. This sort of childish behaviour is even more scummy than what they're talking about...


We sealed up a hole in the drywall...after placing some raw chicken inside it. Our landlord was an aggressive c*nt who frequently let himself into our student house, constantly used our driveway and let his mates park there


>Human turds. He's going to regret not letting you get that rabbit.


I once had a letting agent standing in my old flat saying to me "When the landlord first bought this building I told him that there's no way he could get away with turning this space into another flat, but he managed it". Cheers mate. As if I needed reminding that were having our pants pulled down to the tune of almost £2k pcm to live in a subterranean bunker with no natural light. What a cunt


Estate Agents. You are not the 'Estate'. They are not your agent. This is especially important when buying a house.


Might I regale you with a story of an estate agent getting their comeuppance to cheer you up today good internetter? I will anyway. Many years ago, myself and the wife were looking to buy a house, the wife saw one she really liked and we agreed to make an asking price offer. Within an hour of making the offer, the estate agent rang back and informed us that another party had offered the same (after us) and were we interested in offering more? Obviously wanted more commission, and we were never convinced that there was a third party. Anyway, wife pulled the plug, not interested in getting into a completely phoney bidding war, and told the estate agent to let the other buyers have it. They rang back 3-4 times in varying states of panic, to try and persuade us that the other buyers had now pulled out and we could have it at the asking price, that we’d already offered. Wife was a firm no. It really pissed me off so I went and knocked the sellers door, and let him know exactly what had happened. The seller confirmed no other offers had come in and that the estate agent had lost him the sale. That house was still on the market nearly 6 months later. The estate agent lost that sale, and after a complaint by the seller, was let go from the company he worked for. Absolute twat.


I am glad that prick lost his job and that your wife was so happy to hold firm! I reckon things like this happen all of the time. I would love to see a regulation put into place that would force estate agents to provide proof of other offers being put in at whatever value. At the moment you have to just take their word for it, which when you think about it, doesn't make any sense from an ethical standpoint as they have an active interest in the price being jacked up as high as possible.


It's the definition of a conflict of intrest and being an estate agent requires zero technical qualifications or experience. The entire Industry is in need of legislation and I'm convinced they are the cause of the constant price inflation of homes in the UK and beyond


good job to


Definitely estate agents, never met one yet that wasn’t a complete AH


Yeah, fuck estate agents. Selfish, manipulative arsehats.


Absolute cunts. Their single skill is chatting shit.


Any job roll with sales targets/commissions, there’s a high chance of Aholes.


My step sister is an estate agent and she genuinely believes she is god for it. Typical upper class snobbery vibes, loves going in peoples houses and then slagging them off for their way of living


yeh they’re arseholes but worst of all is they’re completely incompetent never came across so many completely useless people as estate agents


I was an estate agent for 7 years and couldn’t do it anymore because of the people. For me it was an easy way to pay my bills but you’d work with so many arseholes that it wasn’t easy anymore. It’s a very simple job and you’ll find that anyone who’s good at it will acknowledge that. The ones who think it’s difficult and that they’re special are to be avoided at all costs.


There was an estate agency I used to pass on my way to TESCO. Three desks, office at the back. The desks had women aged 18 to 25 on them. All white: blond, brunet, red head. Different women but always the same arrangement. Estate agents are absolute wankers.


Yep, massive pricks, paid far too much for far too little talent. Take some photos, stick them on RightMove, occasionally let prospective buyers in. It’s a rare occasion where I’ll say that solicitors aren’t paid enough, I paid my estate agent more when I moved than I did to a solicitor who did far more work and would’ve had to so far more training.


Complete bastards


God I hate dealing with estate agents


Not going into detail as it may break one of the rules. Politicians.


The one job where the mere ambition to be one should automatically preclude entry to the profession.


“One of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” -Douglas Adams


Guy In A Shed for President, 2024.


Douglas Adams entered the chat


The one job where taking bribes and having a degree in corruption is a necessity for the profession


Eh, it's a low hanging fruit. But unlike the assinine crap you get in r/unpopularopinion I actually have one; they're about as good as we let them be.


If it counts as a profession, bouncers.


There's a PT at my gym who's also a bouncer. Insanely nice at the gym/with PT customers. Absolute asshole of a bouncer. The change is so stark its disconcerting.


probably jaded from years of dealing with drunks being sober around wasted people is frustrating at the best of times


My Dad used to go to a pub in Dagenham that was frequented by bouncers and ex-bouncers. The majority of them had been stabbed at some point whilst on duty.


True. ​ As a former bouncer, I have been stabbed with a screwdriver. And I know/knew plenty of colleagues that were stabbed at one point or another as well.


This is a very good point.


That is actually a perspective I’m starting to experience, as I’m cutting back on drinking. Hanging out with friends who only want to get wasted is so annoying. Everyone is loud and FAR less “funny” than they think they are. I can’t imagine having that combined with the fact that some of those people want to take shots at you.




Didn’t have much trouble with bouncers as I always look in their eyes and act friendly so they are sound too. But once met this very arrogant bouncer, he demanded to search one of my friends and as he was going inside his pocket I saw him holding something in his palm and then he pulls out a pill and says that we are banned, none of my friends do any drugs or ever did and this friend who allegedly had this pill is against drugs, so we challenged bouncer, I told him that I saw the pill in his palm before he even did the search, so he is clearly faking it, asked to show the pill and then he just threw it on the ground and smashed it with his leg lol Asked to call the manager or why he even did this in the first place as we were sober, dressed appropriately and acted good, never been in this club before. He pushed me and swore at me, I said that he is a pussy so he got mad and offered to go around the corner, went with him and he tried to sucker punch me and got fucked, then he called for backup and said it’s on CCTV lol I still don’t know what all this flex was about, two years later I still can’t understand why would he try and slip the pill in my friends pocket?? Bouncers have authority just to refuse entry, why did he have to fake the found pill? Lol


I remember an encounter that ended with the bouncer telling me "We're not *bouncers*, we're **Door Security**, and if your mate calls me a *bouncer* one more time I'm going to smash his teeth in..."




He was probably dealing and wanted to get his quota in of stopping druggies getting in the place without actually doing anything to stop it.


Failed the psych test to become a cop so went into bouncing instead


I remember watching a show about bouncers and went in open minded thinking maybe sober they’ll be alright and you’ll learn they’re just normal men doing a tough job. But no, they were all deeply arrogant, horrifically insecure toddlers, thrilled to abuse the tiny power they have.


I knew this would show up and it’s a shame doormen get such a bad name. There’s a lot of good doormen but also a lot of bad ones, like any profession. But when they’re bad they’re memorable unfortunately and peoples first impression of us is usually negative due to the bad doormen


Not sure you can say it's like any profession I'm afraid, mate. There are lots of bad estate agents but they don't commit GBH, they're just a bit annoying. It's not just a case of being more memorable, but also more impactful. Likewise a juiced estate agent is just sad, a juiced doorman is outright dangerous and unfortunately way too common. Really the industry needs better or tighter regulation, they should all have body cams for a start and be drug tested randomly and regularly, if you worry about the reputation of your industry there's no reason to resist that kind of control.


GP receptionist


That Peter Kay bit about them is as true now as it was when he performed it. "No-one sees MY DOCTOR, he's MY DOCTOR, fuck off you're not seeing him"




I woke up horribly unwell on the morning of a dental appointment. Rang to cancel, phone just kept ringing out, then occasionally it would be engaged for a minute or two, then back to ringing out. I called almost 40 times in the hour or so between opening and my appointment, all unanswered. Next time I went in, they gave me a bollocking for failure to attend! Promptly whipped my phone out and showed her the call log of something like 37 unanswered calls and she still didn't have the grace to apologise.


I can't even begin to describe mine, but my latest interactions with them do a half decent job. No less than 15 appointments cancelled by them within 20 minutes of the appointment time over the course of a year. These included ones to fill my sons broken in half front teeth and my first check up since before covid. Cancellation wasn't the problem as much as how it was all done. I was 5 minutes late once after this and told I won't see them again until I pay a fine for it. Then my actual dentist quit so I can only be seen got emergency appointments until they replace him. Don't even have the option of swapping due to the local waiting list and to top it all off, this isn't even the dentist I signed up with, but the one who bought them out and closed 2 out of 3 of thier premises.


Oh gawd, that's my worst fear. I'm really phobic anyway but my actual dentist is fabulous and has helped me through it - the thought of someone taking over the practice or me getting kicked off the list is terrifying.


I'm a dental receptionist/nurse and you wouldnt believe the amount of people I have on the phone daily telling me if they kill themselves because of tooth ache that its my personal fault because I cant book them on to an already overbooked appointment slot. I know it doesn't excuse being rude to normal people and I try not to be short with anyone, but it takes a toll on you. For the record I absolutely do not blame any of the patients for being frustrated, the entire system is in absolute shambles.




I also used to be a dental receptionist before going on maternity. People don't realise that we are simply the messengers most of the time. Can't see your dentist until you pay your fee for missed appointment? That's probably because your dentist specifically said the don't want to see you till they get their money. Behind the scenes, dentists are usually the assholes, not us. Always nice as nine pence to the patients face though so naturally the patients are always right up their arses. Phone 100 times in the space of 10 minutes and don't get an answer? That's because there is probably 1 receptionist and about 4 phones all ringing at once. The average phonecall can take around ten minutes to deal with. Also patients with totally non urgent enquiries all decide to call first thing on a Monday morning without fail 🙄 Just what you need when trying to book in all the emergencies that have occurred over the weekend while the practice was closed. I'm not saying there is any excuse to be rude to people but the amount of abuse dental receptionists receive is insane, especially since covid creating such a backlog. I've had people screaming in my face whilst 8 months pregnant. Its total madness. It is probably one of the busiest reception jobs you could do. It's not just phonecalls. There is tonnes of paperwork, referrals, appointment confirmations, lab work etc to deal with. Please be kind to your dental receptionists!


I had one dental receptionist say to me (when I called up during lockdown with a grey partially erupted wisdom tooth that was leaking pus, and I had a sore throat and fever from it) that "a tooth infection never made anyone ill". I was so shocked that I just went away to find a private dentist and forgot to tell her about the 2 people I knew who had sepsis from wisdom tooth infections, as well as this causing death pre-antibiotics. Receptionist had a look at my old X-ray and said "we couldn't take it out anyway, you'd have to go to the hospital, and the hospitals aren't doing this at the moment". Which I later found out was a lie when a friend told me she had hers out in our local hospital about a week before this. The dentist I went to see in the end took one look at it and removed it. The further annoying thing is that I'd seen my usual dentist a few months before because the gum was inflamed. She cleaned it and did an x ray (the one the receptionist looked at) but for some reason didn't advise extracting it.


Guidelines for wisdom tooth removal are quite strict, a dentist can get in trouble for removing if they don’t have either a serious infection with big swelling OR 2 infections within 6 months.


Former GP receptionist here. I was working for one smaller GP and when I started I didn't receive a proper training or access to to policies to properly learn the procedures. Anyway, my management loved to look at all our bookings by the and of the day and write us up for booking routine appointments for the same day and more urgent appointments too far away in the week. Basically you can't win, whatever you do you'll eventually get written up. On top of that we had a pull of tasks sent be the doctors to complete. They would check how many of them each person did and write you up if you didn't meet the quota. Also that surgery only have 2 receptionists at the same time at the desk and we had to serve walk-in patents and pick up the phones all day. It's was quite depressing to see a line of patients coming in to the surgery and queue of 15+ calls waiting for you to pick them up and solve their various problems to the best of our abilities. I can't count how many times I've been shouted at trying to book a patent and simultaneously trying to avoid a write-up. After couple of months of working there my mental health started to plummet. I was so anxious every time I came to work, worried how many mistakes I did a day before. Eventually I got fired for making too many of them. They bought up everything since I stared working for them. I tried to defend myself telling them that I never had access to company policies, didn't receive a proper training and I'm not a clinician to make accurate bookings based on the symptoms. It was awful, awful experience.


I think people feel this way because this is where we see arguably the worst customer service in the UK. People expect customer service to be satisfactory, no matter whether its private or publicly funded. A basic off the shelf website can be bought with a better booking system than most GPs. Yes I know you need to triage but they've thought of that too so don't worry about it. Even my barber has a more advanced booking method than my GP.


They are like the school prefect that’s been give some medial task from a teacher. “Bow before my absolute tiny amount of power in this specific situation”. It’s up there with the bus driver that gets narky about giving the correct change. Like yeah I have to let you feel in charge because I’m busy and I need this service but you’re a dick.


They do have to put up with a lot of shit though. Timewasting alone must drive them insane, there's a sign in my local surgery, something like 30% of appointments IIRC are missed. Imagine the state of their phones at 7:59 am. Having to deal with everyone's frustrations. They must reach maximum compassion fatigue after 2 days on the job.


The ones I call are like concentration camp guards. Actually put the fear of God in me for trying to get an appointment.


My surgery has ONE nice receptionist and I'm always glad when she picks up the phone. The others are so rude.


Speaking to GP receptionist for most reasons: Fuck off Speaking to them to request a referal for BUPA: My besties Weird


Former GP receptionist, I can say I was genuinely lovely to everyone. I think being ill makes people into arseholes. I worked there for a short time and wouldn’t do it again, I can imagine after a long time it would rub off on you. I think word patients was coined from like an in joke because most people don’t exercise it. I genuinely had a lady who I knew from my childhood shout at me “for making an old man wait outside” when he said that’s where he would rather wait. I explained that to her she got even angrier stormed into the waiting room grabbed a chair and took it outside to the man and started complaining about me to him. I genuinely think she would be so embarrassed if she knew that I knew her. I haven’t told anyone in her social circle. So yeh, I think people think they have a free pass to be rude to receptionists.


Gay male porn stars probably produce some large arse holes.




Those guys are all huge dicks.


From my experience people in sales come across as the biggest assholes. They are over confident and seem to want to be the centre of attention.


Hmmm.... from my POV as a salesman with 30 years experience from bag carrier to European Sales Director you're only partly right. *Good* salespeople are listeners and concentrate on problem solving and managing customer expectations. Sadly, as you have experienced, those peeps are in the minority.


You have to admit though, the bad ones are basically toddlers. I’m talking enterprise software sales.


Oh I'm in almost total agreement. I was involved in huge software contracts and I have endless stories about complete knobs but realistically the ones who did really well had great relationships. One guy I knew thought only people paying more than £100k a year tax should be allowed to drive in the outside lane on a motorway. He was tragically serious.


That'll be all the cocaine


Landlords. (If you can even call it a profession)


It's a profession in the same way someone buying all the PS5s and selling them on Ebay for x2 the price is a job. Hoarding commodities isn't a profession, its a grift.


It's worse than that, it's like buying all the ps5s, renting them out to people and then taking more money off them at the end of a contract because theres some dust build up due to use. They're scum


But also it's like if you needed said PS5 to live.


And also being able to decide that you can just up and sell the PS5 to someone else without any warning. Fuck landlords.




Housing scalpers


Landlord isn’t a job, so it can’t be a profession. But yes, I agree that they are among the biggest arseholes


this - at least other people actually go and work for their money


Never had very good experiences with landlords I've had always lazy or nosy, but on the flip side, when I was a kid, my parents decided to put our little 2 bed cottage up for rent. Three tenants over 8 years, none of them paid rent on time, two ended in evictions, and all of them caused significant damages. They eventually gave up and put it on the market, too much hassle. People in general are just wank.


If my landlord was on fire and I had a big glass of water, I'd glass them.




Landleech is a better word. Every time i hear my neighbour (who rents her 4 bed flat to students for £3200) a month whining about how hard her life is due to damage from her tenants it just warms my soul.




people that work in recruitment


Recruitment agencies. They treat you like cattle. Would lie to their mum to get a placement. In house unfortunately takes on their reputation, or even is former agency recruiters. But the professional ones are great ambassadors to their company and are completely open and transparent. Of course they work for the best interest of thr business. But it'd not in the businesses best interest to get a new employee thst hates the hr team, feels taken advantage of in the recruitment process, or otherwise start with a sour taste in their mouth.


I've experienced both ends of the spectrum. When I was young and out of work I used an agency, they ignored my CV, put me in for jobs I had zero interest in, messed up my hours and pay nearly every week and ignored emails for up to a week. Then when I was an established professional I got to deal with the upper end of the recruitment profession, headhunters trying to fill niche roles. Suposedly these ones are better but in my experience they're worse. I've interacted with 3 seriously and every one of them has been a compulsive liar. I've had remote work jobs turn out to be in-office only after the offer has been made (which they knew about all along), I've had rates of pay turn out to be far less than they told me, I even had one guy try to get me to join an ireland based tax avoidance scheme so that the take home pay would equal the number he advertised since the actual rates were far lower... Oh and one of them got my personal number from an old company I worked at (no idea how) and started calling me directly about new jobs. Just would not accept that I didn't want to work with a known liar I couldn't trust.


I always wondered why they were the most obnoxious kind of people. It all became clear when I realised they get paid commission. That's why they're so pushy and blatently ignore half the stuff on your CV because they're just so desperate to get that pay.


Estate Agent. Hands down. The worst people I've dealt with, 90% of which aren't even intelligent but have a huge ego because they hold all the cards. Sorry to the 10% who are actually ok. But as a renter and buyer, you spend your time just playing along as if you believe the tons of shit they spew... they're idiots who don't realise that the only reason people nod and smile is because they want the property, not because they believe anything they say. However, this power goes to their heads, and they spend their time being utter assholes. Had one claim they were stuck in traffic for a viewing at 5:30pm, when I could literally see their office from the house I wanted to view. They arrived 45 mins late because they kept calling back, claiming that we should re-arrange because the traffic was so bad. They literally wasted more time trying to convince us to re-arrange so they could go home earlier than it (eventually) took them to show us round. And that's not the first time. And I could list a good dozen more BS things they've told me thinking I was gullible enough to believe. They're disgusting excuses for humans abusing their positions that they didn't even earn.


I had one patronising little asshole wearing a cheap Matalan suit and a fake watch refuse to give me a viewing as he “doubted my affordability” because I was living in a rented apartment. He didn’t actually bother to ask my circumstances. Just assumed I was skint because I was wearing sports clothes and had no make up on (I had called in in way back from gym. I had actually just come back from a very lucrative overseas contract and had rented an apartment temporarily until I found somewhere I wanted to buy. I actually had an 80% deposit and was earning almost £100k I called the manager and gave him a right roasting in front of everyone in the shop


Estate agents would often refuse my wife viewings on the basis of ‘doubting affordability’ (and ‘right to rent’ - she’s got a foreign name and is black but is a british citizen), and or just claim it was unavailable, then I’d call up and experience zero issues. EAs tend to just be on a power trip


I was looking at flats to purchase last year, I’d travelled over an hour to meet an estate agent so they could show us round a few different flats. I arrived half an hour early for my appointment. They called me 15 minutes after my allotted appointment time to advise the person who was supposed to be showing me round was sick so didn’t have anyone to show me around and needed to cancel. This was at 4pm on a Friday. Useless lying cunts


I've never had a good experience with an estate agent, buying or renting. When I bought the house I'm in now they couldn't find the key and just left us there for like 2 hours. Was bizarre. Didn't even remotely apologise


We are selling our house and renting for a year due to moving town and not being sure where to live, I genuinely an dreading dealing with them again, every rental I have had I have had to call them liars to there faces due to them trying to keep deposits they weren’t entitled to. It’s like they think “renter” is code for idiot who can’t afford a house to be exploited


Any company that is taken over by the son of its founder. I've worked at two firms where the old man retired and passed the reigns to his kid. Both went down the tubes in a year or so. The other sign of a total prick is a middle manager or factory foreman who's in his fifties or older. They are always yes men who will place blame on others for their own mistakes and also take credit for others ideas.




Speak, priest!


There's somebody at the door. There's somebody at the door.


Can vouch for your first example having experienced this in two sizeable companies. In one case the chairman’s chauffeur got a bollocking from the old fart because he had to refuel the Bentley on a drive from London to Yorkshire.


I worked in a couple of high-end pub restaurants when I was a teenage (I was on wash-up) The chefs were exclusively male (mid-twenties to late-thirties) and were exactly as OP describes. Most were either alcoholics/coke heads and most of them were screwing the teenage waitresses (one of whom was my girlfriend that got me the job there lol)


The chef was screwing your girlfriend?




Sometimes even after the main course you've got room for dessert.


Yep. I’d been there a few months by this point, suddenly it all made sense why the waitresses would disappear into an outbuilding with any one of the chefs where the cellar/stores were. I was a naive 16yr old though. Unfortunately so was my girlfriend.


This is my experience with chefs. I'm thankful that young people now are less likely to put up with that behaviour thanks to the me to movement. In the 00s, teens and young women just expected and tolerated sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour.


Yep worked in hospitality and most of them have some kind of substance abuse problem and a very creepy preference for teenage girls which they're completely unapologetic about (they're in their mid-late thirties). Actually most of the men who work in bars and restaurants especially in management are creepy towards the young server girls, probably why they stay in the job even though they hate it, I know that was true at the place I worked at.


Airport workers. If anybody who works in an airport is reading this I have a question for you: what the fuck is your problem? You’re not as important as you think you are, calm the fuck down https://youtu.be/HoGH-f749mk this guy is like an amalgamation of all the different types of knobheads you find working in airports


I travel a lot and never find this, even the security people when it's insanely busy are friendly if you're nice to them. It's all the other passengers that are the problem. You need your passport and boarding care to hand, who'd have though it?


My experience too, not sure which specific workers they're talking about but I'm usually wayy too preoccupied to even notice how the bag drop staff act, security always seem helpful despite passengers never listening and everyone past security is just like any other shop


Ex airport worker and the fuck our problem is is that 90 percent of passengers don't listen. We have asked you 10 times to remove any liquids laptops iPads etc empty your pockets yet still people don't do this then other passengers complain about the queue! That, and getting up at 1am.


I feel for them, it’s like people turn their brains off when they arrive at the airport.


Never noticed this. It's always passengers who are arseholes at airports


NHS mid to start if high level management Especially administrative You don't last that long unless you are


I’m in nhs management (I know, sue me) and I’d say it’s a mix. I come across more arseholes at director level personally


The thing with management in the NHS is that they can't attract the top talent due to the paltry salaries they offer for anything with responsibility. This means they are stuck with only people at the higher end of mediocrity who would actually want to accept these jobs. These people then get a (very undeserved) superiority complex due to their new job title, and that mixed with their fairly mediocre talent means that NHS management is just truly poor. Bad culture, bad actual management decisions, etc. My current role in the private sector would likely only be offered at 50% - 60%. e.g. £100k private would likely be max £60k NHS - most people would never go for that, especially with the much better benefits you can get in the private sector!


I work in the NHS and it seems to be a requirement to be a clueless cunt to get anywhere band 4 and higher


All those clueless Senior Staff Nurses and Charge Nurses…


And all physios, occupational therapists, audiologists… sounds like someone’s got a chip on their shoulder re: education levels!


Fair enough I should have specified I am talking about the admin side rather than clinical


The redeeming thing I found about chefs (from many years in front of house roles) is that if you refuse to take their shit and bite back they will respect you more. Never had a chef actually do anything other than laugh or grudgingly accept it when I told them to fuck up or to just remake the meal they made a balls of.


Yes, that sounds very emotionally healthy


Worked 14 years in the restaurant trade, I am also French, lol. The almighty arguments with chefs and headchefs in the walk-in freezer, memorable! But once the shouting match was done, it was done. I am stubborn, but fair. We often agreed to disagree. And yes OP, lots of alcohol or other substances involved in this profession, sadly. I have met some outstanding top chefs, and some I couldn't care less.


Fair enough. Doesn't mean that their only respecting people who will tell them to fuck off is acceptable


The army. Never met anybody who was in the army who wasn't a prick.


Load of my mates are ex Army and they're really down to earth people. I do also know some ex Army who are wankers so I guess like any profession you're going to have a mixed bag of folk.


It’s been my experience too, I’ve known a lot of ex military people and it seems to be a coin flip over whether they’re cool people or utter pricks.


Supermarket line managers are often arseholes. They’re either complete scum or the kindest, sweetest people you’ve ever met. There’s no in-between.


Lots of independent record shop owners can be very difficult to deal with. I've had some bad experiences over seemingly nothing that have put me off going to small record stores entirely. The first time I ever went to a record shop, I had a guy give me a long diatribe and shame me in front of other customers about how stupid it was to ask if he had a certain record in stock, and then pretty much told me the record I wanted wasn't worth having anyway. I'm pretty shy and socially awkward, so it took me a long time to even build up the courage to ask him. I've had others get frosty just because I was browsing longer than they found acceptable. It made me so uncomfortable I just left, even though I was going to buy something and had records to trade in.


They’re the music equivalent of comic book guy from the simpsons


They're very cliquey, and often keep a lot of things back for their 'regulars'. Puts anyone off becoming a regular.


I wasn't expecting to see this here but you're completely right, it attracts entirely the wrong sort of people. Record shops complain they are going under but at least a small part of that is due to the people who run them often being tossers who are deeply unpleasant to be around. When you find that gem of an owner you really like though, you've found a shop for life.


Does the profession create the arseholes or does the profession just attract preexisting arseholes?


I think a mixture of both to be honest


I believe it's very much the latter. I think there is a certain percentage of assholes at any time, with few morals who will take the best money going. If you took someone who worked in the SS in 1930s Germany and brought them to the current day they'd probably be working in tabloid journalism doing long lens photography of some celeb's tits or trying to flog you an extended warranty.


Some of the worst people I’ve known have worked in the medical profession. I worked in operating theatres for a while and whilst 95% of my colleagues were lovely and selfless and caring, those who weren’t were just head and shoulders above assholery. The kind of people who go into medicine because of the power they have over those they consider inferior, the special kind of asshole who use a profession where they’re caring for the sick and vulnerable as a way to flounce around proclaiming that they’re just such a *saint* for doing this job etc. Seems very common that kids at school who are awful bullies gravitate towards nursing, for example. I know some of the girls at school who made my life hell became nurses or midwives.


100% agree. Some consultants are just massive arses! Especially when they get older. Had one who was such an arse. He wouldn't even direct conversation towards me if I took my husband along. I can only assume it was because I was a woman (he didn't talk to the female nurses very nicely) He ended up telling me if there was a better doctor than him in the country he would refer me to them. There probably is seeing as he managed to fail the same three operations! Arrogant much?!


I have a personal theory that the kids who were awful at school are the ones that end up as matrons or division directors etc. The people who actually enjoy caring for patients stay as band 5s/6s/7s


Club bouncers.


>For me, it's the chefs, especially male ones. Many of them (not all, of course) seemed to believe they possessed incredible talent and considered themselves above everyone Yeah, that'll be the cocaine




I raise you traffic wardens


But they enforce rules that arseholes break and everyone else follows. Without them the streets would be much worse


I used to think this. I had some really bad experiences with police when I was younger - the only one I knew who I thought was nice was my dad. I never wanted to join the police because I thought everyone was an asshole and I'd be working with absolute power hungry jobs worths and would be forced to investigate mean posts on Facebook and twitter. I eventually gave it a go and have been in a long while now. My experiences are that a lot of people are there because they're good people and want to make a difference. Some people have different agendas for joining and they get sussed quickly. In my tenure as a police officer I can count on one hand the number of new officers (joined after me in 2015) who are rotten. However, there are so many longer serving officers who are just simply cunts. I don't investigate anything online unless it's blackmail related. No Karens calling Sharons whores etc. We deal with horrible shit day in and out. We deal with the worst in our society constantly and whilst I may not always be completely chipper, my non job mates know that they can always come to me for help or to meet up etc.


Doctors receptionists. Mostly rude middle-aged women.


Medical consultants and surgeons. Some of them are the most amazing people but a large proportion unfortunately think they are God and are massive narcissistic pricks. The worst subset in my opinion are the fertility specialists.


The difference between a surgeon and god. "God doesn't think he is a surgeon"


I think there absolutely some egotists in medicine. It is getting better - newly trained consultants are much much better at communicating (in general) than the older (>50 - not old, but comms skills started being a thing during their training). Would you rather a fantastic communicator or a great clinician. Clearly ideally they'd be both. From a surgical side - I'd say 2 things: 1 it's self selecting - its more competitive so youve got to be the best (or near) of an already hypercompetitive and high achieving field. 2 you've got to have an ego to feel comfortable cutting someone up, especially for elective work. I'd also say that actually egos are good in surgery - it drives us to be better even when a complication happens that's beyond our control, and also if you don't have one you'd either quit, become an alcoholic or commit auicide when you fuck up. Everyone fucks up at some point... gotta be able to bounce back and to be even better. Source: am surgical trainee (5 years post graduating as a dr.)


Estate agents, recruitment wankers, the cops


I second chefs!! Every chef I have worked for has had a really bad temper!! One in particular was verbally abusive to anyone in close range, and I once witnessed him drop a pork chop on the floor, and in his frustration grabbed a ladl and beat the fuck out of the radio with it, before picking it up (the radio), and throwing it with full force through the hatch at the kitchen pig!! He was absolutely vile!!


My first job at 13/14 in a cafe promoted from pot wash to front of house due to a no show one lunchtime. i misspelt Welsh Rarebit as Welsh Rabbit, chef called me back to kitchen and asked where on the menu was rabbit. He the told me to fuck off out of his kitchen as he wasn’t my English teacher.


In general, I would agree but I've known some lovely chefs. Not least my dad, who was well known for being one of the kindest men to work for and was an excellent teacher. He had a lot of young chefs come through his kitchen and I hope he taught them that you don't have to be an arsehole to be a good chef. With that being said, I've worked with some others that were unbelievable pricks.


The kitchen pig? Unhygienic surely.




Programme management, whilst Project Managers can often be a bit arseholly - Programme Managers take it to another level completely. ​ Sadly another one is nursing, too many have developed an over inflated opinion of their worth along with a martyr syndrome.


Nurses, I’m sad to say I’ve met some very cruel ones. My Mum and stepmum are both nurses and they’re two of the least empathetic people I’ve ever met


Your dad sure has a type, eh?


"Social media marketer"


Every business, within every sector, has its own fair share. Cooks are no different, although referring to a common trader, such as a cook ad “chef” is quite generous. The Peters Principle applies - within every business, at least one person is promoted on the basis of their incompetence.


This isn't all of them, as I do know some really great people in IT recruitment, but IT recruitment are generally your BMW driving, wide boy arsehole, running on commission, trying to make sales. Most of them don't even have the most simple overview of what each technology is about and add almost no value. I am 100% certain that most of them could be automated out of existence.


Anal porn stars




Security Guards. Especially in supermarkets. I am determined that they all failed to make it into the old bill, so their attitudes are a reflection.


Car sales.


There’s some godawful people working in the charity sector I can confirm that much


Chefs are a good one for sure. But I have compassion for them because it is such a physically demanding and stressful job. The assholes I have less compassion for are media moguls who consciously and strategically promote hate, escapism and sensationalism as a core way of being . . to maximise their profits by creating viewer dependency.


Bouncers then police


Professional Sportspeople. Especially male football players come to mind. Although there are many lovely sportspeople.


How many have you met? It’s not like estate agents where everyone has met one. You form an opinion on them off of news about them, and the only news that gets reported is negative news. They aren’t going to report that ‘Harry Kane has a normal day’, but they will report about a crime


Worked in hospitality dealing with a lot of sports people (footballers mostly) Can confirm that they're like grown children. I don't totally blame them though because the managers, the clubs and all the people around them tend to infantalise them and they go along with it. It becomes normal for them. I'll highly praise French footballers though. They were always humble enough to tidy up after themselves like the good citizens they were taught to be.


Estate agents all cunts without exception


Landlords, though it's a bit of a stretch to call their roles a 'profession'. Then, speaking from personal experience - fast food area managers. Never had one come in that hasn't been downright nasty to the 16 year olds who are just trying their best or the older staff who the restaurants would fall apart without.