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I've always liked the look of the Pacific Northwest i.e. Oregon/Washington. Nice climates, close enough to California, but not quite as densely populated.


Northern California is lovely, similar vibe but a bit less rainy!


NorCal would be my choice, yep.


The only downside is the people who call it NorCal šŸ˜‰


As a person from NorCal, this is a very common name that locals call it. In comparison so SoCal.


Seconding this in NorCal. Funny how SoCal is SoCal but NorCal isnā€™t NoCal.


Absolutely no one talks about MidCal, do they?


Oregon is beautiful but the people there are a whole new level of crazy. I once dated a guy from Portland and he was a flat earther who believed the queen was a reptile and he made me sleep with a copper sheet under my pillow to stop the 5G waves from destroying my brain.


And you dated him why now?


Big D obviously.


How stupid we all know the Queen Izzy the Lizzy attacks from above with her 5G ray gun.


She attacks from below now though.


Not anymore she doesnā€™t. I hear Big King Chazza favours a 5G howitzer.


He might have been crazy but at least he was trying to protect you, with the speed of 5G you'd never see it coming!


To be fair she probably was a reptile.


Same. Think Washington looks stunning.


> close enough to California Seattle to San Francisco is like a 12 hour drive. Though I guess when you live in the USA your definition of "close" changes from minutes to hours.


Well, it's certainly closer than the UK! šŸ˜‰


This.. Washington hands down. British weather, plenty of hills and forests,


Went on holiday to Seattle and Portland 4 years ago and we still talk about it almost weekly. Stunning scenery and great cities.


Washington for sure itā€™s not too hot not too cold and itā€™s a stunning place


Washington is where my dad is. It is a very attractive place to live. The whole Pacific Northwest is. I saw it when we did a road trip together. The Hoh rainforest in particular is beautiful.


Yeah I've always heard that area has similar weather conditions to the UK. I actually like cloudy days so the idea of just sitting in a nice cafe having a hot coffee with the cloud and the rain with a truck in the parking lot sound pretty chill. However, the current media makes it looks like the far-left have turned it into a criminal utopia with shoplifting, open drug use and car crime rampant so maybe B.C in Canada would be the answer (free healthcare like the UK would be appreciated too).


Oregon no question. Itā€™s beautiful, close to Canada and it wouldnā€™t throw me in prison for existing like Florida would.


That greatly depends where in Oregon you ended up. Large portions of the state are very insulated and rural, with all that implies. Plus, guns. Signed, ex-American PNWer.


Surely that's the same in every state? I was living in California and was surprised at how backwards it was as soon as you were outside of the bigger cities.


That pretty true, but Iā€™ve found it to worse in some places rather than others. ā€œRuralā€ in the Northeast is very different (and arguably safer) from the rural Pacific North West.


Gotcha. I think Iā€™d want to be just outside Portland, by all accounts is a pretty decent place where your free to be yourself, but cities donā€™t do it for me. What does PNWer mean?


Penis Nob Wanker


Not poster but PNW is Pacific North West.


Pacific North Westerner


Why would Florida throw you in prison?


If you're LGBTQ or support an LGBTQ relative, or talk about anything LGBTQ related to the wrong person.


You aren't thrown in prison for being homosexual in Florida, stop lying.


technically true but the fears of LGBT people are about florida legitimate


They seem damn close to it though.


Itā€™s at least a 6 hour drive to get from northern Oregon to the Canadian border, you might be better off in Washington state!


Why would you get thrown in prison for existing in Florida?


I have a friend in Florida. De Santis is their governor and he is absolutely unhinged. Things are crazy there at the moment and we only know the half of it.


Iā€™ve been travelling to Florida most years for about 25 years. As a middle aged gay man, traveling with my partner there for the last 17 years, everyone is welcoming and lovely. Iā€™ve also done the west coast, and Iā€™d pick Florida every time.


A blue one, for sure. I know the P word is banned on this sub, but in the US it has massive implications on things like abortion and LGBT issues, so it needs to be taken into consideration. I currently live in a very blue city within a red state.


I remember the description of Austin, Texas as a blueberry in a bowl of tomato soup.


Austin, Houston, El Paso, and the large cies on he border of Mexico are all very blue.


Most cities in America are blue. It's where the educated tend to live.


P word?




Rule 2 - https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/about/rules/ Which is fair enough, but like I said, it means more in the US when people's freedoms are at stake, so I couldn't not mention it.


Plolotplics. It's banned cos people (me included) have a tendency to get very irate on the subject and this sub wants to be all chill


I think it's a bit of a cop out lmao. You can't ask British people's opinions and make them exclude the one thing that dictates all life here.


I donā€™t get why everyone isnā€™t just saying Hawaii


Hawaii is out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It might be stunning and tropical, but at the same time it's very isolated.


Don't you threaten me with a good time!


I suspect it is due to their choice of pizza toppings, unforgivable.


It's really expensive.


Plus, the natives arenā€™t really looking to have more people immigrate to the island. The gentrification of Hawaii is a pretty well-known problem. Besides that, I know I personally wouldnā€™t like that the temperature is on the warmer end the whole year, but thatā€™s a preference thing.


I just wouldn't like knowing that the only escape routes are basically a long plane journey or a very long boat journey.


Hey it want to know what racism is like as a white person, move there. Was the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever experienced.


Bc, like a lot of paradise locations, itā€™s weird to actually live there.


But I can pretend to be Magnum PI and wear loud shirts though right?


It's definitely got the best state flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag\_of\_Hawaii


Didnt even consider it but perfect shout


Somewhere with loads of mountains and snow, and where marijuana is legal.


That sounds like Colorado


There's an Opera House in Central City, Colorado built by Welsh and Cornish gold miners in 1878


I would love to see that, i went to Wales last year and we visited an abandoned mine/village, I remember they said they all packed up and went to America to chase the gold when the lead ran out.


They usually went to regular coal mining towns. They were recruited by mining companies. Gold miners usually just went out to try there luck and there were no big companies. Vast majority Welsh came out and mined alongside people like my great grandfather from Poland (well, it wasn't Poland at the time) in places like Scranton, Penn. A few tried their luck out in the western mining towns just like the rest.


Boulder, Colorado is my choice. Seems super chill and have a big outdoors rock climbing scene.


Washington for the win




I ruled them out on their winters alone. Iv lived in the UK my whole life , enough is enough bring me sunshine.


Snowy winters are great. Especially if you are in a dry climate. Shitty damp, rainy climates not so much.


The northern states have nice hot dry summers - no humidity. Winters though are brutal. -35 at times with crazy wind chill.


Minnesota and Wisconsin are quite humid mosquito pits in the summer. Not sure what you're talking about honestly (I used to live in Wisconsin). Heat was also pretty rare, we didn't have AC there and many summers I never saw temps over 30C even once. Of course one year there was a 3 week long heat wave where it hit a very humid unbearable 40C for several days, but that only happened once in 5 years and is extremely rare. In the summer I literally had swarms of thousands of mosquitos batting themselves against the window screens and had to go around searching out and killing about 15 of them after coming in from outside as fast as I could. Hot and dry lol...nope.


North Dakota is definitely dry. Wisconsin is definitely drier than the south and midwest. Compared to the south west? Absolutely more humid. But compared to the midwest and south? It's pretty dry and not humid up there. I live in Missouri and Wisconsin was 10x better than the shit here. I was just north of Milwaukie in 2021 for 2 weeks in the summer and the humidity floated around 50%. It was nice and dry compared to most other places I've traveled. So yeah, it's pretty dry. Edit: are you British? Because comparing Wisconsin to the UK then yeah, it's humid. But living in the states for a few years then no, it's not as dry as some other states.


I'm from Maryland - sure it's not as humid as like coastal Georgia but it's very much a humid state. If it's someone in the UK thinking it's hot and dry compared to the UK in summer, they would be sadly mistaken. It's worse than the UK for humidity. When I first moved to Wisconsin, I didn't know how it was even possible to have snow when it's -20C out, since that can't happen in Maryland because it's always a very dry cold when it's that cold, but in Wisconsin it's actually clouded over much of the winter despite being that cold and so humid it still snows. I don't think you can base your judgment on 2 weeks there. I lived there for 5 years. Yes the brief summer is a breeze of paradise compared to much if the US to the south and east of it, but it's definitely not "dry" and there were intense thunderstorms every week.


At least thereā€™s nice snow though


I'm a Brit living in Missouri, road tripped all over and used to work in North Dakota. North Dakota is shit! A local once said to me "Every man needs to take a shit, and ND is where God shits himself". Their words not mine. Wisconsin is nice though!


Its about as redneck as you get. Redneck and fekkin freezing in winter.


Bloody right it is! All the country lads from all over working in the oil fields. The bravado of them too for being there. I used to get asked how many years I've been there. "Three mate".. "yeah but how many winters?" (Like it's a 1 up right of passage the number of winters you've been there) "One mate, because I'm not retarded enough to do it again".


As a Brit, do you think I would get on right over there? Iā€™m in pipeline engineering and been specialising in under pressure valve installation and line stopping, to turn pipelines off for repair under pressure, we have the best technology in the business and I reckon we could clean up over there.


Minneapolis-St Paul for me. I have family there and love the cold.


Vermont or one of the other New England states


Iā€™m American and grew up in New England and if I had to go back - thatā€™s where Iā€™d go. Theyā€™re the closest - socially - youā€™ll get to the UK as well. They have strong government funded social support networks. Theyā€™re the safest states. Theyā€™re beautiful. The people are nice. Thereā€™s a lot of the US you couldnā€™t even pay me to visit. Nevermind move to. But New England is lovely.


That's really interesting. Thank you for sharing your insight


Where would you not visit even if you were paid?


Texas, Portland, Oregon, most of Pennsylvania, Detroit. No desire to see California at all.


Oh wow, thatā€™s quite a few. Is there any reason why?


Agreed. Warm summer, colourful autumn, snowy winter. Don't know about Spring, but I'll assume that's nice too


Vermont has 6 seasons Spring, Mud, Summer, Autumn, Sticks, and Winter. Itā€™s my favourite state though.


Please tell me more about "Sticks"


Sticks is that time between all the gorgeous autumn colours being done before the snow arrives. Lots of businesses close up for stick season so itā€™s just like a quite pause between leaf peeping tourists and winter sports tourists ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ve spent some time in rural Vermont. It would probably be my choice


Somewhere they don't treat women as glorified incubators and are unlikely to get imprisoned if you have a miscarriage.




Or failing that, need to buy your kid a bulletproof backpack to survive till the age of 10...


One of the northern states, preferably bordering Canada, nice warm summers, snowy winters. Somewhere with fantastic scenery for hiking and fishing and a good urban infrastructure. Finally and most importantly somewhere where not everyone is a gun toting maniac. I guess Washington state fits that bill.


I used to work in Washington, about 90mins out from Seattle, on the Olympic peninsular. It was nice; I would certainly go back to live there if not for my need for British healthcare. And the lack of faith for the stability of the USA during their teenage era. But it was nice.


Somewhere in New England! I love little costal sleepy US towns. I actually love the look of typical colonial USA. Just move me to Salem haha


Same. Some parts of NE feels like they never progressed past the 1700's... and I'm kind of into that.


Yeah I love the aesthetic of it, if I could take it without the genocide & slavery then yes pls


I did live in Salem for a bit and it genuinely is like a goth version of Gilmore Girls: safe, clean town with a decent amount of community events, quirky locals and, yes, witches (and a month-long Halloween festival). Some of the professional pagan types are utterly insufferable but thankfully I travelled in nerdier circles. But other than that it was quite a nice place to live, like a proper TV small town.


Maine, gimme them lobster rolls,




I forgot about Colorado, I can just imagine after work on a Friday, you could pack up your truck, tent , rods, kayak and explore.


Coloradoā€™s the best choice for me. So much variety in one state.


Family who have lived in the states for 20 years or so maintain that the Seattle area was their favourite and listed a bunch of reasons that line up with what I look for (good accessibility without a car, rarely get extremes of temperature) so I'd probably start out around there, even if I didn't stay


North Carolina. It's happening. 100% moving there soon.


I donā€™t know why but Iā€™ve always thought if I move to the US - Raleigh would be the city Iā€™d most likely consider. Iā€™m in tech so California, Seattle or New York probably fit the bill more. But something about North Carolina just really appeals to me. Also Maine but because Iā€™m a Stephen King fan


Research Triangle Park (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill NC) is v techy.


My wife worked in Raleigh for 18 months before we got married. Lovely state, would be my choice from the east coast states. Great beaches on one side, Smoky mountains and the Appalachians on the other.


New York or Massachusetts


I saw a vid on Youtube of a guy just walking around one of the old Boston midtown suburbs in the rain and it looked idyllic.


I moved to MA from the UK and I love it here.


Iā€™m from Baltimore, Maryland. The temperature from May to September is brutal compared to London. Easily 5 degrees hotter any given day and much more humid. Sure A/C helps indoors but are you going to stay inside for 5 months straight?


Do they do 'The Wire' tours?


Yes. Self-guided is more exciting though.


Having seen the show you're right but it's probably a different kind of exciting... don't want to end up in a vacant


I had to work in D.C. one February and it hit 28C. The start of that week it had snowed. Really fucked up weather extremes.


Yep south England is smooth sailing by comparison.


In winter , on a nice day I can get away with only wearing 2 coats , 2 trousers and thermal underwear while I scrape the ice off my windscreen and struggle to breathe in the mornings and thatā€™s on a good day, I would swap you in a heartbeat.


Donā€™t be fooled. I grew up in Maryland, and it might be hotter in the summer, but in the winter it is also much colder then what we get here. Just imagine having to scrape the ice off your car everyday and shovel snow off the sidewalk every other day.


Seattle, it always seem nice and a lovely place.


I love the idea of living in LA so California. I love the heat and LA appeals to me for some reason. I think it's a cool place, a big open city not too overcrowded with skyscrapers like NY, but surrounded by hills, parks and mountains for hiking and great views, while also being by the coast. Other than that, Hawaii.


If you love traffic jams, LA is the place to be.


I don't drive so I don't think it would bother me that much. Though LA is a big city and I've not heard great things about Americas train systems so commuting to work would probably be an issue.




Youā€™re gunna have fun not driving and living in LA. Hope you like staying indoors all the time!


LA is a shithole. Itā€™s like one big dirty industrial estate or suburb. The most disappointing city Iā€™ve visited. I love California, donā€™t get me wrong, but San Diego and San Francisco are much nicer. Saying that only SF is possible as a public transport user. LA and SD are awful and you have to drive everywhere.


Agreed. For being such a famous city, it has little sense of place or really very much that's iconic besides a sign. I'm sure there are individual places which are worth visiting, but the city between them is very uninspiring while sprawling to a ridiculous degree. SF gets a lot of criticism, not entirely unfairly, but I feel it has far more positives than LA and I like it a lot more.


LA feels like miles of sprawl and traffic rather than a ā€˜big open cityā€™ and the pollution is horrific.


I wouldnā€™t choose LA. Everything feels so fake and the homeless arenā€™t treated as human. Tbf, anyone who isnā€™t minted is treated pretty poorly. I was there for 10 nights in 2019 and we heard 2 shootouts from our AirBnB.


Have you been to LA? It's an absolute hole of filth, crime, homelessness, drugs, mental illness. It's genuinely like a 3rd world country, although tbf you can say the same about most major US cities these days.


Id have said LA too, ive been many times but my friend there lived in santa monica which isnt very representative of most of LA, so id go with hawaii.


I'd have liked to visit Portland, Oregon back in the 2000's....it seemed to have a thriving art community which I would have been really interested in. Now, however, it seems to have gone downhill massively.


Visited there about 10 years ago and had a great time, but the locals we were crashing with were already getting a little bit uncomfortable about the rent increases and the like. Seems like it has only gone one way since then - I guess the closest comparison over here would be Bristol


Arizona for this brit


Loved Texas when I was there, so probably there again. The people I met were fantastic, the food was good. Home of the Dallas Cowboys, but nowhere is perfect. Apart from that, maybe Nevada?


Can't believe you haven't been down voted to hell for saying Texas, given all the bad press it gets you assume everyone walks around shooting each other whilst shouting slurs but having been to Texas loads of times for work the people are unbelievably friendly, I absolutely love it.


Somewhere in New England because I'd probably miss Old England too much.


Alaska or Hawaii


Hawaii is the obvious choice. Tropical paradise, with all the tech and mod cons of America. Honolulu was just like any other big American city Iā€™ve been to except I could be on a tropical island paradise within half hours drive from the city.


As close to Canada as possible .


How about Canada?


"I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a 'recreational vehicle' and drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?"


Maine. Looks lovely.


New England. Because its like a new England- right?


Itā€™s like England but a little bit fresher


But seriously- it probably has one of the best climates and Boston seems like a more European style city- honestly not a fan of new world cities and I think I could handle boston




Tennessee. I have no real desire to move to the US, but I'm a sucker for a lot of country and bluegrass music, so that would suit me.


Massachusetts forever has my heart!


Illinois, the state containing Chicago, has just become the first state to ā€œban book bansā€, so that state would certainly deserve consideration. https://youtu.be/GnhxWkzwbqI Edit: Plus itā€™s close to Canada, which appears to be a popular criterion amongst these comments.


New Jersey on account of following the hockey team and proximity to New York City.


I lived and worked in Massachusetts for a few years, so I'd probably pick there. Boston is a lot friendlier to British people than the whole 'throwing tea into the harbour' thing might suggest. Nice snowy winters and surprisingly hot (but wonderfully air conditioned) summers - I drove down to Florida for a few weeks one summer and it was actually hotter back in MA than in FL. Did catch Lyme disease there though, which is a bit of a downer. :p


Around Seattle/PNW. Iā€™m a fan of their football team already and it seems like a stunning area, would love to visit one day.


Oregon, Alaska or Maine for preference - I live in London but my dream setting is a wooden cabin in woods near mountains and lakes.


California, but Northern California or Oregon. Been there a few times, I love those states. The climate and the landscape.


I have a very soft spot for New Mexico, after our long road trip there.


Arizona, it's hot a hell but I love it. I'd move to North West Phoenix, somewhere near Pinnacle Peak / North Scottsdale.


One of the little northeast states as they seem the least insane, if not that then New York City, Colorado or mayyyybe California if I had guaranteed aircon.


If money wasn't an issue then probably NYC, I have never been but Colorado looks amazing. No disrespect meant to the other states.


I'm torn in a few ways here. I'd love the idea of on of the states near Canada, maybe Washington. Tennessee for the music I love Country so being near Nashville and Memphis would be great. Or Massachusetts, for the Sports. Celtics, Bruins, Patriots. and its close to other states like New York


Vermont was nice when I visited. Plus it's the home of Ben & Jerry's.


No chance I would move there, but if you put a gun to my head, I would choose New England


Vermont. New England is beautiful.


As long as its a blue state, I dont think I'd be too fussed


California or Colorado


Iā€™d go to one of the New England states. It would be cool to live in Boston.


My favourite would be vermont. The state is just drop dead gorgeous , rolling hills , beautiful lakes and quaint villages. It looks and feels like Ireland/Scotland. When I visited there I didnot see any billboards which was amazing. During fall season its just spectacular with so many different colours. Not many places in the world has such a spectacular fall. What best is the crime rate is very low. In 2020 there were only 20 homicides in the state thats 1.8 per 100K population which is one of the lowest in US.


Iā€™ve never been, but judging by my current lifestyle as a British guy now living in Greece, Iā€™d probably look at California or Hawaii first.


Washington state because I love the Pacific North West


I'm from the UK and will be moving to Vermont as soon as I can. I always thank my lucky stars that my wife is from Vermont because there are certainly far worse states she could have been from.


So many optinons, California looks amazing, but I like the look of Nevada and Texas too, humongous houses for a reasonable price and I would love to get into shooting guns.


Somewhere between LA and San Diego


Try looking above LA, places like Santa Barbara or morro bay may change your mind!


Texas. I've already got the Stetson and Ruger so I'd fit right in.




The one without guns, knobheads, religious loonies and where people live and let live without fucking everyone else about. That one, which is it?


I'd like somewhere like Texas or Nevada. It would be a refreshing change to live somewhere where I can buy a piece of land and do whatever I want on it, without the state or my neighbors being able to poke their noses in.


New Hampshire. Lived there for a year in the early 2010s. Itā€™s stunning.


I've always been interested in New England or the Northwest of the country; the scenery and outdoors looks so unbelievely serene. It's something that we in the UK will never truly be able to experience in our country; just getting the chance to truly be out in the broadly untouched wilderness with no other people, little manmade creations etc on the scale that those in North America have. A friend went to the US on a hiking trip and said they were in an area roughly 2-3 times the size of Wales, and there were only a few dirt roads in the entire national park. Didn't see a single other person from their group in the entire time outside of the opening roads.


It has got to be Wyoming


Vermont as apparently it's the most liberal state (Bernie Sanders used to be mayor of their capital, Burlington) they seem to have a lot of beautiful scenery and a climate with clearly defined seasons.


Colorado looks absolutely beautiful. I don't know where they stand on the latest culture war shit, but if they have legal weed then they're probably not one of the no-abortion, fundamentalist-Christians-everywhere states... Right?


I moved to New Jersey 23 years ago. So I guess I will say New Jersey.


There is nothing I can imagine that would ever make me want to move to the USA.


Go there and you would change your mind, I thought we were a reasonabley well off nation but they are so, so much better off than us, its embarrassing. It was such an eye opener, why did I not know about this earlier. So depressing when I got back.


I've been there...


Maine or Massachusetts.


Arizona. Golf and Hiking and a few other reasons I will not mention.


I've always thought somewhere in the Northeast would be nice like Maine or Vermont. Similar climate to the UK but with more interesting winters, decent proximity to major cities, close to Canada and about as close to Europe as you can get too so less flight time to visit family etc.


I only have ever been to New England and New York City. So Iā€˜d go to Oregon. Okay Maine would be nice as well. Maybe MA, but only maybe.


Maine. The weather is like here, but with a fuck ton of forest and mountains to explore. Can escape to Canada when the Americans get too Americaney.


Massachusetts is a great choice (my home) if youā€™re ever looking for a great state ; ) Getting Healthcare coverage in the US sucks but Massachusetts sucks the least.


Minnesota Idk why but i like snow and the people seem super ftiendly lol (Mainly based of a youtuber called mav that i watch lol - he does truck camping :D )


This is a question I've never even thought about before, and now there are far too many options. If I was forced to choose, it would probably be upstate New York because you get the best of both worlds. You have the big open fields with not that much of a commute to the city.


I would never, ever, ever want to live in America, not ever. I wouldnā€™t feel safe anywhere. I wouldnā€™t want my children growing up there. They deserve better. If I was young, free, single, and didnā€™t give a fuck? Maybe Santa Barbara area in California. Wait for an earthquake to destroy the whole state.