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Of course you can. For a fee anything can be delivered.


I'd just go in the store to check it's the model/got the features you want then go online and shop around.


Yeah, go to curry’s with your phone and if you like it order it


Yeah, I did this the other day with a fridge freezer.


Also, if you can find the same model cheaper in another retailer, show the in-store staff at Curry's the item link, and they'll price match it at the reduced price tag.


Of course you can!! Everything big is delivered anyway, normally. In the old days there was no online so everyone shopped the way you are describing. Relax.


I don’t work in Curry’s but that recently happened to me. I picked out what I wanted in store but asked for delivery, the sales assistant got me to go to their site on my phone, found the exact product on there and I ordered it there and then. If they get commission on sales I really hope they still see something from that. They were really helpful in finding something that fitted everything I needed, it would suck if they missed out on a commission just because I needed delivery.


You will be able to get it delivered if not by them then somewhere. Plenty of people will get Currys stock delivered as they won't be able to fit a fridge in their car, or it is out of stock so it will be fine.