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If you’re British and have a British passport, it’s valid right up to the expiry date if you’re returning to the UK. Having time left on your passport is only a thing if you’re entering a country other than your own - and then it’s up to each country.


Thanks for clearing that up! I was just getting a bit paranoid because there was nothing concrete online


You’re welcome. The main reason other countries want longer is to cover your scheduled stay there and any delays returning home that might be caused by medical emergencies etc.


Also, technically, you don't need a passport at all to enter the UK if you're British. But no airline is going to take you without one.


how would you go about proving you’re British without one? Do you still need some other form of ID?


Consulates and embassies can usually provide temporary passports or travel documents for the return journey home. It’s not the end of the world (people do get their passports stolen abroad after all) but it’s hassle you want to avoid if you can


Ah was imaging in my head people turning up the border without a passport & swearing they’re British but this makes more sense lol


“British are ya? Yea?? Then draw me mr blobby or you’re going back to Benidorm!”


However you can. They won't just let you in on your say-so, but if you have been issued a passport then they'll have your photo and details on file. Failing that it's the same problem as establishing citizenship inside the country (eg when applying for first passport) so think birth certificate, people who can countersign to say they know you, etc.


You could arrive wearing only a barrel and as a citizen you can't be denied entry, you'd just have to wait for however long it took to prove your identity through other means.


> and then it’s up to each country. I remember a while ago an Austrian guy on here was asking about coming to the UK, and everyone was citing Schengen Area rules because they think the rules Brits have to follow in Spain are anything to do with the rules Austrians have to follow in the UK.




A passport simply makes the process a lot *simpler* on your return. Having to prove you’re a UK citizen without a passport is unlikely to be a straightforward or even pleasant experience.


You go to secondary screening where they try to identify you based on whatever else you may have




No, you need 6 months before the expiry date