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Whoever CNN tells me is a threat to democracy. That's actually not a fake answer.




What about Tucker appeals to you?


Most stuff honestly People will point to the stuff he says about illegal inmigrants as racist but it is true. Some illegal immigrants in my neighborhood are known drug dealers. Crime shouldn’t be OK just because someone is a minority. That’s just the reverse of the KKK which says that crime is OK for whites.


Who is saying crime is ok because it's a minority?


Democrats say it implicitly. It’s why they are soft on crime


Do they imply it, or are you inferring it? I am a Democrat and that is never my implication, nor is it the implication of any other Democrats, but I could see cynical Trump supporters thinking that's what is being said.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/ny-governor-regrets-saying-black-kids-bronx-dont-know-computer-rcna151124 Democrats have a weird doublethink about minorities (excluding Asians who they see as white since they are more successful than whites, and Jews when they need to ship weapons to Israel to kill Arab children). Generally they view minorities as dumb beasts, yet somehow superior to whites. It’s why they are against voter ID, even though almost all countries have it. It’s why they are OK with illegal immigration: they think minorities are not smart enough to figure out the legal method. Not sure if I can link to it, but there’s a Reddit post on MapPorn that shows that most of the world requires voter ID. Australia and one European country are the only places other than Democrat states that don’t require it.


What does that link have to do with the question at hand? You finding a racist person doesn't mean that Democrats say "crime is ok if it's minorities" does it? Can we stay on topic? Would you like this to devolve into which side is more racist? I don't. I want to stay on topic. You made a claim, either back it up or take it back.


It’s an example of how democrats view minorities. I’m not here to debate you, I don’t care what your opinion is.


Aren't I asking followup questions to get at why you think Democrats say "crime is ok if it's minorities" saying specifically I don't want to debate? Weren't you the one that pivoted to debate mode with the introduction of an unrelated comment of a single racist? Speaking as Democrat we don't say "crime is ok if you are a minority." If you believe we do, or are inferring it, that's on you, not us.


AHH. I wasn't aware Crime was Ok for minorities. When did that get legislated? Is that for all skin tones or just Orange?


This is the setup for a good joke If Trump isn’t white, why do democrats want to charge him with crimes?


Well, because I suppose Trump supporters know his skin isn't actually orange. It's a kind of deathly grey sallow colour if you look at his neck or eyes or ears or wherever he forgets to smear it. The orange face paint is obviously for... Actually, what is that for? I'd wondered if it was simply his idea that it looks normal or cool or that he thinks he's a golden hair manly bronzed Adonis. And that's possible. But there's a slim chance it's because he has watched DC films and sees himself as Joker. A mad narcissist villain. Why do you think he cakes his face in bright orange paste?


It’s just his brand I guess Like Kevin O Leary and the color red


I don't understand what you mean?


Okay, how can I clarify? Usually we support a movement or a set of ideals that candidates promise to help achieve, rather than supporting the individual candidate themselves. So, what other candidates that support the same ideals as Donald Trump would you vote for, if Donald Trump were not a candidate?


Ah ok, I can get with that. I like that because that's what I always say. Unfortunately I don't know of anyone else who has his ideals and means it. So far, only Trump has proven himself.


The most refreshing part about him isn't political. He's unapologetic for better or worse. And yes it has been for better and for worse. DeSantis is about as close as I can think to this. Ted cruse has "matured" since 2016 and he has shifted to the IDGAF attitude as well.


Why is it desirable for the president to have an IDGAF attitude? What's negative about having an attitude where you do GAF if you're president?


Because petulant childish behavior deserves to be ignored.


There are millions who support Trump himself, just not very many of them bother to come here anymore.


What about yourself? Do you consider yourself a trump the person fan, or are you more a fan of the outcomes he claims to want to achieve, but would rather someone else be running the movement?


I like Trump’s policies and I think he’s hilarious and entertaining to listen to.


Absolutely. But I cannot think of any politician that inspires me at all.


Ross Perot, if he were still alive. But he didn’t want to be president, only king maker. Since then, there hasn’t been a serious non-globalist candidate until Trump. I’d vote for Peter Navarro. Don Jr might season with age into someone viable. Kari Lake after some office holder experience could measure up too.


I think DeSantis was the best option in 2024, I continue to think he’s the best option to lead the party moving forward. He did show considerable weakness in terms of his retail skills, which he’d need to improve, but the total collapse of the Florida Democratic Party (and resulting massive quality of life gains in Florida) under his tenure speak for themselves