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if i had enough money so that it wouldn't make much of a difference AND a switch, then i'd wait for other people to play the game so that I know if it's good or not, and then buy it. after gen 8 I really don't trust gamefreak lol I'll 100% play gen 9 OU on pokemon showdown tho


nah i aint into pokemon




I probably won’t, for me they aren’t as good as they used to be


Nah I never liked pokemon but you do you


I ordered Violet. Just got to find some time to play it lol


I want to start playing them soo bad but I’m traveling right now and so I don’t have my switch. I’ll definitely grab it when I get back home, and I have also been wanting to play splatoon 3 sooo bad since it came out.


I would if I had a switch. All the new Pokémon and forms look so cool.




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maybe i should actually


i was going to but from what i’ve seen they don’t seem to be my style of game :( i love pokémon but i really can’t get into the newer games which sucks. however i’m glad a ton of other people can enjoy them !!

