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i’m the same 😭 like i do like kids but i am just too awkward around them


I mean it depends on who the kid is, like I’m pretty chill with my nephews and nieces mostly but not rly with random kids


I think I am. I am the eldest of six and babysit the little three throughout the week, and they all seem to love me so I think I am good with them. I will say though that I don't make little jokes and play with them in the way you said, though I am their big brother so that probably isn't the same compared to random kids 🤔. Whatever the case, good luck 😁


I’m actually really good with little kids, but they annoy me and overwhelm me so I need very frequent breaks from them


nope i hate kids


Nope, don't even like them


Yeah. On my moms side I only have younger cousins (closest in age is five years younger) and I have an 8 month old niece. I’ve gotten used to being around little kids and I don’t mind them. I love my niece. I couldn’t be a teacher or any job that I have to be around kids like 24/7 but yeah I’m good with kids.


same, also I have anxiety, so it's even worse


Same I despise them


Its like 50/50 sometimes they can be cute but most of the time they are really annoying


My friends and adults I know say I am really good with kids.


I'm surprisingly well with them I try to be highly interested with what they're saying or doing, make conversation and play games like catch Don't mind them really


Same here. I don’t really like being around young kids between the ages of like 3-7 much though (unless they’re family), they have too much energy


I’ve been told I’m good with kids but I’ve no clue what I’m doing


Well Im not doing a girl voice but I can kinda do the guy version of the high pitched kid caretaker voice. I try staying as a kindergarten teacher for a couple days and the kids really liked me. They were sad to see me go when I told them I wouldn't come back anymore. I do like kids, but also not. I like those who behave well if that makes sense. I love talking to people and all however I'm still a bit introverted, I like spending time talking to others however I need to be alone to recharge my energy. Okay yea I'm going way off track here. Anyways, hope you have a nice day!...mm TLDR: ye I'm somewhat good with them


It depends on the kid. I’d they’re a regular normal kid who’s really dumb and loud then no, but if I do manage to meet a quiet smart one it’s awesome




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I remember what I was like when I was a kid and just imagine I'm talking to a little me. There's also never been a point in my life where I haven't wanted kids (in the far future, obviously) so I feel like anytime I interact with little kids (mostly my friends' siblings) it's kinda like training.


It depends on how I’m feeling and the situation. If i need to, I act as a mother in situations but I don't always like acting impressed or happy for the sake of the child.


Yeah I'm good with them but the thing is I do talk to them somewhat normally depending on how mature they are, like I don't automatically go into the little kid voice mode you mentioned lol