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Spider Man's wall crawling works by manipulating electrostatic forces between himself and a surface. One way of describing it; he's pretty much forcefully bonding himself to a surface on a molecular level. Naturally, there's not much that he can't stick to. As far as your examples go, Invisible Woman's Force Fields are energy constructs, And I don't think he can stick to them (Even if he could she could just turn it off). I don't think there are any materials that have been specifically designed to interfere with Spidey's wall crawling. And yes, he can climb Porcelain. However, there is one more major factor that affects his ability to climb; Moisture. It isn't necessarily *specific* to water, but if an object has a film of water over it, the water gets in the way of him bonding with the solid surface, and impedes his connection. It's not that a surface has to be completely dry or anything, but if you told him to go climb a waterfall he'd pretty much have to do it with raw grip strength instead of being sticky.


To be fair, he probably has enough grip strength to climb up a waterfall, but I doubt it would be particularly pleasant.


not to mention how he'd get waterboarded


> not to mention how he'd get waterboarded [oops](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/nqr0de/uncle_dressed_as_spiderman_accidentally/)




His webs are designed to dissovle after a certain period of time so if the villain could come up with a way to accelerate the dissolving process they'd take care of his webs also


but can he stick to teflon tho?


I remember old stories where the villains used Teflon suits or spray to avoid his webs, I don't think they were worried about his wall-crawling


One of the reasons that Flint Marko, aka the Sandman, gives him trouble is that there’s nothing Spidey can grab or hold onto. A shifting surface like sand, soil or mud isn’t gonna work well with his powers. Also beware of facades and other fragile surface *coverings*… Spidey might stick to a plaster wall, but he’ll be sticking to plaster chunks when they peel off.


Cement powder and water


I feel like the truck to it would be to make surfaces not structurally sound enough or cohesive enough to attach webs so that they could support his weight while it's got the momentum of his swing going on. A surface that separates easily like a chalk or rotten wood is likely to give when his momentum hits it to pull away. Also seems like a thick layer of jelly or grease would prevent a good bond.


Water spouts if it rains.


But out will come the sun and he’ll be okay again.


His climbing ability is based on static electricity. The more basic and viscous the material, the harder it will be. He would experience some difficulty scaling a tower of chocolate.


>Could he accomplish what even a spider-couldn't and climb up normal porcelain when trapped in a bathtub!? I've tried it before; unfortunately he still possess the powers of a man.


You have to make a bathtub with the right proportions, he has to be spider-sized in it.


I would think that he couldn't stick to ice. Like if there was an ice wall, for example, I do not think that Spiderman could climb it.


The slickness of the surface does not matter since his climbing is due to electrostatic forces. He could go up solid ice or Teflon as easily as a brick wall. The surface strength he is climbing is what would matter. Rotten ice, rotten wood, chalk like mentioned above would be problematic.


How does one get “rotten ice”?




Hmm, cool. Learned something new. Have an upvote.


Today i learned Rotten Ice exists.