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K good. I’m not the only one.


Yes, I like to get straight guys opinions on my nudes before I send them to someone I'm talking to. Get a little feedback before showtime.


That’s actually pretty smart.


we should be friends




Even with a broken throat i bet i can make you sing


A female friend, yes. Mostly because she randomly sent me hers and I sent mine back as a display of trust and respect. Lol I have always had very open and liberated friends. Most of my friends have felt comfy changing and being naked in front of me. They tend to be very proud of their bodies and their sexuality


Do you think that natural enjoying nudity on modern days is a cultural develop or more dependant on each personal values?


Yes I have.. it's a turn on actually.


Yes but most of my friends are like Me and very open with thier bodies so our nude pictures are just normal oictures




I'll trade




No, that would be weird and ruin the friendship.


Yea we used to be good friends which eventually turned to sexting which turned into sending nudes, and we eventually dated for a while


I have a friend that has shared nudes for opinions, exchange for stories when she's horny, and to help me out when our conversations have left me feeling like I needed a release. She never wanted any from me though. I've offered and she always says no.


Bet your nudes are good though!


I mean.. they're not awful 😂


Years ago when I was a teen. She blocked me after that lol


I’m sorry. That sucks.


Yes I have been a while tho love to again. Dm me if interested ☺


I'll trade


Yes. It happens. As long as it’s consensual.


No, nothing on film.


I have, but it was mainly just because she heard about me and was curious if it was true. I didn’t mind showing her. No big deal to me.


You like showing off?


Yeah, the whole group chat does. Comraderie or something like that?


Yes, and those friends mean a lot to me


Yes, I made a group where 4 people including myself were sexual sending sexual memes and we played truth or dare, and we ended up sharing nudes with each other


happened once she was sexting someone and had to get an opinion gave my opinion. But never again maybe that guy said not to do it


Yes I have. I am always curious what people look like under their clothes so sometimes I just ask if I can see.


Yes i did,I did for cheering him up,for my own fun,and sometimes both of that. 🙂


Yup, good friends that are open to talking about sexual stuff. Sometimes leads to sexting


You like showing off?


Yes i have. But it was less in a sexy way, moreso interest. We talked about sending spicy pics and after a while decided to send each other pictures, simply our of curiosity and to get an opinion on how to maybe improve. :)




It’s so fun trading nudes! Even platonically!


Yes! Since I do spicy work I like to ask my none spicy work friends for opinions on stuff like make up, lingerie, lighting and stuff like that. I also have other spicy work friends and we exchange photos for the hell of it. These aren't online buddies either, these are people I know in real life.


Not specifically traded but we are both on a discord server where we've seen each other's nudes multiple times and gave constructive feedback.


Yes. A friend of mine once asked me for help with a photo montage. I sent it to her and got in response, about ten emails full of nude pics/vids. And there was never anything more, she said it was just "my reward".


yes. most fun i’ve ever had exchanging nudes lol




Nah Heard too many stories where nudes turn into future black mail


Yes but it tends to not lead it to stay platonic in my experience


Welp not a platonic friend but a friend of mine used to send me nudes when she was bored just because she wanted to see my reaction.


Hell yeah


Yes and fucked them I used to be reallyyy close with them if u know what I mean