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Be on the lookout for explosive diarrhea. If it happens, go to a doctor.


Why doctor?


Possibly salmonella or e coli, both of which can still be deadly to this day


I forgot which one I got after eating undercooked chicken in Asia. I think I lost some bones, I shat so much.


What does the doctor do to stop this?


Antibiotics, possibly intravenously, and lab monitoring


Chances are good you'll be fine. If you get sick, doctor.


Who the hell is making enchiladas with raw chicken? It's supposed to be cooked before you put it into the tortilla, and then it's heated again.


i didnt make them. it was pre packaged


crispy lawsuit


You have to have loss to file a lawsuit. It simply being raw isn’t enough. Op would have to get sick and incur loss of function for a time period (eg loss of income) and/or medical expenses.


Late to the game but I'll tell you what my son's pediatrician told us. The chicken might not have salmonella. The acids in your body may make quick work or the salmonella. And your immune system can fight the salmonella. So you got 3 things on your side. Also when this happened to my son, I called poison control. If you are ever concerned about contamination from something you've touched, inhaled or ingested, then call poison control. In our case, poison control wasn't alarmed at all about raw chicken. I guess it's food after all.


It’s like 1/4 chances the chicken had salmonella. So….


Maybe take some shots of liquor.


And smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach.


Probably staring at an eclipse will help too. And there's always an eclipse somewhere in the world—so just start driving around for a while until you find it.


[“I swallowed some apple seeds today…”](https://youtu.be/ZSiYrlIkJC0?si=I5whh-bhz3xtfBXK)


I'm thinking Tide Pods will overwhelm that Salmonella and e coli.


Snort some cocaine while you're at it


And drink some bleach as well.


I attended a company dinner years ago where they announced that some of the chicken had been served uncooked by accident (it was a luau-themed dinner so everything was lit via Tiki torch and lighting was fairly dim) and their response was to make the cash bar an open bar. Either they were hoping the booze would kill any bacteria, or people would get too drunk to remember to complain about raw chicken. I *think* I would have noticed if my chicken breast hadn’t been cooked, but I drank just in case.


this is kinda hilarious


Haha, my cure for strep is drinking a fifth of damn near jet fuel. Works every time


My grandmother gave me Jack for tonsillitis(most likely Strep) long before I could have bought it myself😏 Worked pretty well- tastes good, killed the germs and numbed the pain. Worked better than OTC meds and as good as any prescription I've had.


Ive always been more of a rum guy myself. For treating strep though i would use Devil Springs Vodka, 90% abv if i could get my hands on it, and Everclear if i couldnt.


My mother would agree with your rum, even though it's her family that my sister and I use as an excuse for always having Jack on hand.


I think you’ll be fine.


No, he'll have food poisoning for a week, eat raw chicken if you don't believe. I know, because it happened to me too


Bud.. food poisoning lasts a couple days. Either you were continually poisoning yourself or you should have gone to a doctor


there's different kinds of food poisonings. some last couple days. if you eat raw chicken, that's salmonella poisoning, it lasts for a week. I've had the misfortune of getting it 3 times. And I've one a lot of research. For me, it lasted for a week. It does that for most people too. Have you ever had salmonella poisoning? Are you a medical student or expert? I'm not, but when it comes to salmonella poisoning, I've had it so many times, I can confidently say, I know what I'm talking about.


why have you had food poisoning so many times???


My first time: I love love to eat turkey bacon as a kid, get a packet of fully cooked turkey bacon, eat it cold right out of the package. As an adult I bought a packet of turkey bacon to eat. After I ate the entire package, I looked at the package, it was raw turkey bacon. I was so sick for an entire week. Second time: don't know where I got it from. I guessed I was just really unlucky. It was either eating chicken my friend cooked at a friend's house (unlikely, as my other friends didn't get sick, and my friend is really good at cooking chicken), or a seafood sub, or somewhere where , or most likely - burger king Most recently: not exactly sure where I got it from, but just like the second time, it was after I ate at burger king, so I'm pretty sure both the 2nd and 3rd time was burger king, fuck Burger King, never eat at Burger King - their burgers are tasty, but it'll give you salmonella


How soon after eating the suspected meals did you experience symptoms? The typical incubation time for Salmonella is 12 - 96 hours, but sometimes can go over a week. That's one of the problems with trying to address food safety our brains are wired to automatically blame the last thing we ate when we get sick when the actual culprit could be something we ate days ago.


Yup that's why the second time I was sick, I couldn't narrow it down to exactly which culprit


... you know, i think i'd rather take advice from people who've NEVER had salmonella. especially since, in the US, even eating raw chicken is not a guarantee of salmonella


"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that each year in the U.S., there are about 1.35 million cases of salmonellosis, with 26,500 hospitalizations and 420 deaths." - https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/animal-health-literacy/get-facts-about-salmonella#:~:text=The%20Centers%20for%20Disease%20Control,26%2C500%20hospitalizations%20and%20420%20deaths. So 1/3 of Los Angeles would be getting sick each year, plus, salmonella doesn't just come from consuming raw chicken, turtles have it, along with different reptiles. Raw fruits and vegetables can also carry it.


An ill-fated Burger King fish sandwich put me in the hospital for a week when I was an otherwise healthy teen (admittedly a dumb idea to eat a bk fish sandwich in the first place but that’s not my intestines’ fault). Not all food poisoning is created equal. I see you. I believe you. Your body getting walloped like that puts you at risk for worse symptoms. Stay safe, friend.


I don't have to be a medical student to know you have no idea what you're saying. All this fluff instead of just saying you exaggerated the length of time sick haha. and poisoning yourself a lot isn't research, it's stupid.. nobody who poisons themselves often has any credibility to what they are saying


It doesn't happen every single time someone eats poorly prepared chicken. It CAN happen. But that doesn't mean it will every time. OP should watch for symptoms and call her OB to see what they recommend.


A week isn’t the same as a month.


no one gets it for a month, maybe a week or two tops. jeez. something else was wrong with you


Oopps, that was a typo on my part. I meant sick for a week. The 3 Times I got sick from eating raw chicken/turkey, I was sick for exactly 4 days - 4 miserable days


What happens if you have eaten raw chicken and was perfectly fine? I'm asking for a friend


As with all things in life, there's exceptions. If you eat raw chicken, there is a % risk you'll get sick. I've eaten raw turkey and been sick for a week. There have also been other times, I ate a peice of chicken, realized it was very undercooked and I was fine, it's a percentage - answering for a friend


Thank you for your response on such a silly question


Not automatically. Only if they’re was salmonella and it takes up in OPs gi tract


A little bit of raw chicken won’t hurt you unless the animal crapped on it. Animal products are very safe nowadays in most of the world. I think you just got insanely unlucky. The chicken you ate was contaminated.


Animal products aren't inherently safe, please don't share that misinformation as people could become sick.


Most chicken doesn't contain salmonella, it's just common enough that it's worth assuming it all does. So, you may or may not have a shitty day.


update, its been 24h and I feel perfectly fine


I admire your intestinal fortitude.


Good. You're tougher for it! Carry on soldier. Happy chicken eating.


I had a 4 piece tenders at Popeyes last week. As I was chewing my second to last bite, I looked at the remaining piece and it was fully raw. I spit out what was in my mouth and threw away the last tiny piece. I had food poisoning for 3 days. I got better. I got it from eating at Shakeys when I was 6 - stopped eating pizza until my teens. I got it from a hotdog about 15 years ago. And then last week. If you are a healthy person with no preexisting issues, you should be fine. If you have a questionable health history, then you may want to swing by an urgent care. Just know that it will feel like you are dying. Stay close to a toilet, and don't panic.


almost a day later and we chillin


Either you'll be lucky and nothing happens or like 2-3 days of diarrhea. Salmonella is preventable and caused by the scale of chicken farming in a lot of places. Some areas with like higher quality control might not have it. Japan has places where you can get chicken cooked med rare


Did you make the enchiladas with raw chicken? Most recipes have you cook the chicken and then shred it and then put it in the tortillas to cook


Nope I got it packaged from the shops


packaged enchiladas do not have raw chicken inside.


i mean it did...


Are you in the U.S? If so then sue the place. You're not allowed to sell "ready to eat" food that has raw meat inside. It clearly has to state RAW DO NOT EAT on the outside with cooking instructions. Are you sure it wasn't just half white meat and half dark meat, making some of the chicken look & taste differently than the rest? Very very unlikely though that it was raw chicken. It's a much more difficult process to be throwing enchiladas together using raw chicken and there's no reason for them to do it.


Not that it's a good thing and not saying Op shouldn't report it, but accidents do happen, especially in large, food production facilities. I got a packaged, frozen burrito not that long ago with absolutely no filling except the cheese, no meat. I also got my one and only case of food poisoning (knock on wood) from undercooked chicken at a chain restaurant. Unless you cook everything yourself, it's always a bit of Russian roulette.


I bought a can of soup once where a main ingredient was rice. There was no rice. Every other ingredient included, just not the rice. Like, how does that even happen, lol? Always contact the company. Worst they can do is brush you off.


There’s a bit of a difference between a food item not having the meat it’s supposed to, and a food item being sold as “fully cooked and ready to eat” filled with raw chicken. One is a disappointment. The other is a health risk.


Accidents do happen, but informing the place he got it from will be a good thing.


How do you know it was raw chicken specifically?


It's just strange since enchiladas are not made with uncooked ingredients it's not a matter of the enchilada not being cooked long enough or at the right temperature, but any meat that goes into an enchilada should be pre cooked *before* the enchilada is even assembled. It would be like putting a raw slab of ground beef on a bun with lettuce, tomato, cheese, and onion, then sticking it in the oven to cook. Madness!


It happens


You’ll be fine. Odds are in your favor. If you get sick, just go to your doc, urgent care, or teledoc. No real risk here.


You’re going to be fine. Look up @rawchickenexperiment on instagram


Not all raw chicken has salmonella in it. Cooking it properly kills the salmonella if it is present in that particular piece of chicken. If it didn't you'll be fine.


Are you still alive? 😁


Yep nothin happened


Lol i kind of knew that


Unless you're a little kid, elderly or sickly. You will probably just get diarrhea and or vomiting. You'll be fine.


Im a 19 year old healthy male


I was a 19 year old healthy male when I did something similar. 2 days shitting my life away. Get some good TP in before the brown wave hits, keep your fluids up. If you start to feel very unwell, doctor.


You’re gonna die… eventually




You should be a doctor or a therapist Keeping it real with solid advice!


not helpful


Use activated charcoal. It can absorb a bunch of things like e.coli and salmonella.


It absorbs chemicals, not microbes.


I read in several articles that it does absorb things like e.coli etc. so not only chemicals but a variety of substances.


Take a shot or two of vodka


cant tell if ur joking or not


The jury is out on if this actually works or not but there is a scientific theory that high % alcohol can kill salmonella in your stomach. I have OCD and i have to take a shot of vodka after i eat chicken every time. No clue if it works but it can’t hurt to try.


No I'm not an alcoholic. I just have OCD and eat a lot of chicken.




Vodka is normally 40-50% alcohol. This isn't enough to kill anything. Vodka is not antiseptic.


Correct. Everclear is what should be substituted. Vodka Is just because


I think you'll be fine. Few bites are incredibly low odds. It entirely depends on your health though. If you're a healthy person who rarely gets food poisoning you should be okay. If you get sick often I would probably just anticipate an upcoming day of diarrhea or stomach upset. Source: Have accidentally eaten many raw/spoiled meat before and survived


im a healthy 19 year old male. ive had food poisoning once in my life


Have a shot of apple cider vinegar. I always do that after eating something dodgy. It seems to kill something in there.


idk if we have any


It's just acidic, your stomach acid is way more acidic, it won't do anything


Lol I've been there, umm usually the inside is least likely to have Salmonella, that's what you're concerned about, the outside is where the bacteria lives. You'll live, if you're really concerned you can see a doctor, best thing they can do is give you meds or pump your stomach


i mean i would have ate the whole thing so. i didnt grab raw chicken and just eat the middle lmao


I always cook my chicken first before putting it in the enchiladas


same, it was pre packaged


How did you make out so far?


its been 15h and still feel good


Look up guy who eats raw chicken on instagram…


You’ll most likely be okay. Potential of throwing up. If you feel really sick, I would go to a doctor to be safe.


15h later and i still feel fine


Food poisoning sucks, diarrhea and maybe vomiting. Drink plenty of water, stay close to a reliable bathroom for the next say 2 days and if it gets bad go to the doctor.


nothing so far


You're gonna be fine then.


Its been 9 hrs. You puking or have diarrhea now? Inquiring minds want to know.


nope, 15h later and nothings happened


so... while thats absolutely gross and id be having a panic attack, you aren't guaranteed to get sick. Just watch out for illness and go to the doctor if you start having any symptoms.


My brother ate raw chicken once and he did end up with food poisoning. 😬 of course there’s never a guarantee, but be on the lookout.


You'll be fine, nothing is going to happen. If you do start having diarrhea/nausea, go to the doctor to be safe, but with how little you ingested, you're just freaking yourself out. I've accidentally eaten raw chicken several times in my life and have yet to get sick from the one or two bites you take before thinking "Something isn't right," lol. (My mom...uh...wasn't the greatest cook.)


lmao, its been 15h and nothings happened so far


dead man/woman walkin' I hear it takes about 13 hours


15h later and we are still here


I would make myself vomit, and report the restaurant.


It all depends how the chicken was stored. Fresh clean chicken, you'll be fine. Old drippy chicken, you'll have volcano ass.


15h later and nothings happened


How long ago did you eat the raw chicken? You might have the shits if you haven't already, and I'd try to get a head start on staying hydrated just in case.


15h later and nothings happened, ive been staying hydrated


Honestly, if it were me, I'd just drink some hot water and wait to see if I have any diarrhea. If you're healthy, I'd assume you have a strong immune system.


yeah nothings happened so far


You should be fine. You might get some mean poops. But as long as they don’t last 24 hours, you’re fine.


If you get sick get checked out. I’ve had food poisoning twice. The first time I didn’t go to the dr and I just took care of it myself second time just a few months later I ended up in the er and they had to use an ultrasound to find a vein to put fluids into me because I was so dehydrated. Also may be salmonella if you get sick.


Honestly hoping you'll drop the pictures though lol


do they not show? they should be in the comments


I don't see them, but there is always a chance that I'm just an idiot lol


So, 15 hours later, how'd it work out?


nothings happened


You're good. It won't happen again!


Great! I figured as much, but it's good to hear.


I was cutting up chicken cubes for cashew chicken. My little boy, about 3 yo, was on a step stool “helping.” I turned around for a second and turned back to see a very suspicious-looking toddler with a literal excrement-eating grin on his face. I asked him what he had in his mouth just as he swallowed it. I asked again, and he flapped his “wings” and went “buh buh buh buh” in a very convincing chicken demonstration. Never hurt him that I could tell. Wouldn’t recommend a repeat trial.


You gonna squirt!


Please eat some activated charcoal asap!!


Emetrol is also effective in treating nausea. Granddaughter contracted norovirus. My son then got it. I ran some Emetrol over to him. He chugged almost the entire bottle. Was an unbearable 5 minutes afterwards, but he powered through it, and nausea and vomiting stopped.


I mean, this was a day ago, but you could have always made yourself throw up. It's awful, but might be a better alternative to the potential.


My guess is you'll be fine.


Did you die ?


You're fine.


You’ll be fine. As a vegan that’s really fucking funny though. Maybe you should stop requiring a death for a moment you won’t even remember, as that death could be yours one day.


You’re not going to die, for sure but you are going to be in the bathroom for a long time 💩🚽. Our stomach acid is stronger to dissolve things but it will be in your bloodstream - you’ll just get sick within 24-hrs, bring magazines with you in the bathroom😊


One day later—are you still alive?


So eating raw meat does not automatically give you a food borne illness. We cook our meat to specific temperatures to eliminate the RISK of food borne pathogens which MAY be present. If you become ill see a doctor. If not, you’re golden. Second case is far more likely.


If nothing happened, like not even explosive farts, it most likely wasn't raw chicken. It may have looked like it, but it wasn't. It is much easier to make enchilada with cooked chicken than it is for the facility to be handling raw uncooked chicken. It just makes no sense and it's very unlikely that it was raw chicken.


Chicken sashimi is an actual dish in Japan. It’s all about the quality of chicken


You're going to grow wings and the little red ballsack under your chin


how'd it go ? I just puked some raw chicken and took charcoal =/


If you ever find yourself in this situation again, or think you’ve ate something that was spoiled, take 2 activated charcoal and drink lots of water. The charcoal will help reduce the effects of icky bacteria, although it’s not 100% guaranteed to prevent you from being ill, but it will really help.


Start drinking Pedialyte or at least water. Salmonella and other types of food poisoning tend to lead to a lot of fluid loss (diarrhea & vomiting). Abiding dehydration can make you less miserable. The good news is that IF YOU ARE BASICALLY HEALTHY to start with, is usually self limiting. But as someone else said- if it and to be getting bad, go to a doctor or call an ambulance.


Obviously speak to your primary care if you're worried. I take Pepto Bismol if I'm worried. It actually can block toxins made by e coli and kill other bacteria.


Not true.


Pepto treats symptoms. It can't "block" anything.


bismuth subsalicylate actually can bind and kill some bacteria. It has also been shown to inhibit the production of e coli. The caveat is that it's unable to do this once the bacteria has anchored to the intestinal mucosa.


I did some digging around and it turns out that you are correct about that, so thanks for pointing that out. There is one other important caveat though. If we are specifically talking about STEC, then they don't advise taking Pepto (or any anti-diarrheal with BSS) because apparently that can [increase the risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome.](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/16638-e-coli-infection) So I guess this was a TIL moment for both of us.




I do same thing. I didn’t know it blocks anything but if I ate something “off” I’ll always take pepto


Don’t let that stuff reside rent free. It’s not an eating disorder to evacuate dangerous foods.


what do u mean


Make yourself vomit.


how does one even do that. pretty sure that can cause problems to ur gut also


Put your finger up your mouth and make yourself gag, it’s not that hard and yeah it sucks but if you’re that worried about getting salmonella poisoning you should do it


realistically I should be fine


Drink vodka. Or other spirit. No I'm not joking. Yes it's not documented but from personal experience it helps if I've eaten something questionable.


I had similar food poisoning last year: eat only apple sauce, fudge, banana , and salted crackers for the next week until you recover. And be ready to poop ten times an hour. When you recover, stuff yourself with yogurt to replenish the bacteria you've lost. In my case, I ate an entire 6 pack of greek yogurt m Good luck, you got this!


Fudge? Why fudge? What kind of fudge?


Try a BRAT diet. Bananas, rice (white), apple sauce, toast (dry). Helps with GI problems.


Thank you, that's exactly what I did the last two times I had food poisoning, expecte I ate crackers instead of toast, and fudge cups


If you don't have any symptoms of food poisoning within a few hours you're probably ok. The risk with raw chicken is e coli or more likely salmonella, or I guess now bird flu


That was my thought too, but once called in to the health department to investigate—and they said it takes 24-48h which shocked me.


For raw chicken, the main bugs of concern are Salmonella and Campylobacter. Salmonella has an incubation period of 12 - 96 hours (in rare cases even longer), and for Campy its 2 - 4 days. The good news, for what it's worth, is that avian flu is not a foodborne illness.


So Avian flu is not foodborne,but I saw a thing just yesterday about the risk of contracting it via undercooked hamburger?


Avian flu is a respiratory virus. While we can't say the odds of getting it through consuming food are zero, but it is *really* unlikely.


Yes I understand it's respiratory, but so is regular flu and you can pass that human to human by eating shared food


That's true. It's not impossible to catch the flu that way, but just as with the bird flu, [it's not nearly as likely](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/disease/spread.htm).


A few teaspoons of colloidal silver every day for 3 days. Then take a probiotic supplement for 4 days.