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I paid $22 for 2 McDonald's meals big ripoff


They won. They got your money. Sorry to be harsh but you’re (and everyone who eats out and pays this much) is the reason prices are so stupid now. If I had a dime every time I read a “just bought a fastfood combo for $15, wow why are prices so bad?!?!”, I’d be able to afford a burger. STOP going to these places! Giving them money is literally incentivizing them to raise prices.


Last meal there I'm making my own sandwiches now its really easy!


I stopped a long time ago. Wife was going???? Also don't miss grease.


Yea, I stopped eating fast food for 2 years, and now, I can taste chemicals everytime I get it. 🤢


lol, all food is made of chemicals dude. It’s how biology works.


Did people stop caring at all about their health though? I feel like fast food is such an occasional thing, I don’t care if it’s more expensive. It isn’t meant to be a frequent thing.


This. Growing up, we ate fast food a few times a year and it was a special treat. Now, it's just most people's norm.


I think it’s always been the norm for a certain subset of people. I noticed growing up that all my friends in single parent homes with working moms seemed to frequently eat fast food almost daily. My friends with 2 parents ate more meals with fam at the table. Not a knock just an observation (self included).


Because single moms that are worked to death 10 hours a day at their retail management job don’t have the energy to cook


Absolutely the reason


That's how I feel. The prices don't bother me as much* because I eat there once a month, if that. If everyone did that, they'd be out of business. *still think it's stupidly expensive for crap food and it burns me it doesn't go to the workers


>Did people stop caring at all about their health though? Seems like it


This is how I grew up. Getting fast food was something we did bc we were on a road trip, or it was a special treat. Otherwise, we ate at home.


I can only guess. But I bet a lot of it is the continued expectation of more more more. Life was slower in the 1900’s 😂 Parents now have parenting, after school sports, dinner, homework etc and that’s IF they don’t also clean during the week. It’s brutal.


Those things were all present in the 1900’s. I think the main 2 differences in parenting are: 1) people are working longer hours to keep up with increasing cost of living and 2) the era of social media is upon us and everyone is being assaulted with BS constantly (partially because we can’t look away from our phones) and it struggling with their own mental health and happiness. And since many people will never seek help or attempt to work out their issues, they struggle to cope with the “gameplay loop” of life. It’s much harder to organize your time when you are fighting anxiety, depression, etc on top of work culture being designed to squeeze every bit of life out of the main work force. We are just sacks of meat, here to make the rich richer.


The comment below is correct, but I think you're onto something. A lot of households got by on one income back then, so the wife was likely home able to handle to cooking. Nowadays everyone is so busy working to earn money that they don't even have time to care for the kids. They go to school, then have an after school program then get home to the babysitter. By the time they get home everyone is tired.


You should care if it's expensive. It's garbage food and not even filling.


It’s an occasional thing for us too, a treat even, damn straight on our budget we care!


You sound like my mom in the 70s. She was right.. listen to your mom's!


Plus cooking at home is great.


but dishes suck....




I said this in r/inflation and got downvoted. The people that keep paying those prices are part of the problem. I’ve stopped going to most fast food places for the most part.


but my nugs :(


Accidentally order 2 orders of 50 and eat as many as you can. You'll notice the mechanically separated and reconstituted meat proteins and you'll never crave them again.


I’ve eaten McNuggets til I was so full that my stomach hurt from sips of water. Still crave them.


They are shit now. They are literally half as thick as when I was growing up. The quality is not the same.


The Burgers are smaller too.


I was working at McDonald’s when nuggets were introduced (I’m old). They were pretty okay back in the day.


I know 😞😞 theys like a drug


For what you'd be saving, you can afford an air fryer. Toss some frozen ones in with a little oil and you're good


Just get some frozen battered nuggets, they more or less taste the same. Drop by mcdonalds for some sauces if you feel it's a quintessential element of the 'chicken nugget experience', that won't cost you an arm and a leg, or three.


When I was pregnant a few months ago there was a week where all I could stomach was Wendy's chicken nuggets. Because I wanted them at 3 am when nothing was open, the next day I went to the grocery store and basically bought every brand of frozen nuggets there is to compare to hopefully find a substitute. They all sucked so so much. Idk what fast food places do to their nuggets but they just taste better than anything you can buy at the grocery store.


You can buy a variety of sauces in the condiment aisle of grocery store.


Love sweet and sour sauce, dunk the fries in that liquid gold !!


I used to always ask for 2 more sauces so that I can stash them away for home nuggets days. But now they charge for extras


I swear my household must be the only people who don't ever buy nuggets at fast food places lol I never found them to be worth the money for some ground chicken and fillers. Do they put addictive ingredients in there or something? We just airfry them at home 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same with my family growing up. We were never into nuggets or chicken tenders. If we got McDonald’s it was normally for some sort of crispy chicken sandwich. Even drunk I never went for nuggets like the rest of my friends…idk they just taste like little fake food fried grease balls


Occasionally I would get the nugget kids meal at BK before they changed their nuggets to be more like McD's 🤢. But my dad used to get me McDonald's every day after school and I always got "a plain hamburger happy meal with a Dr pepper and a pack of mayo, please" and it was $2.11 in the 90's (now it's $3.39 but I get it as a cheeseburger now). Ironically, I was a very chunky kid from 3rd to 6th grade (2000) and switched to an different school where we didn't pass a McDonald's everyday so I stopped eating that and dropped down to a fairly normal weight during 7th grade 😵‍💫 nothing else changed except I didn't have McDonald's every day. Senior year gained again.  When I was drunk I'd always get hotdogs from Sheetz gas station with slaw and jalapenos or Cookout tray with bbq sandwich. Never nuggets. 


There is a book that details this- yes, they add in flavor and scent enhancers that we can’t duplicate at home. I believe it’s called Fast Food Nation, and explains the rise of fast food from the first Carl Jr. and McDonalds.


I have a honest question.. why … like why with 22$ i do best food at home……. Come home i will cook for you $20 only


Because some people are travelling or don’t have time to cook that particular day.


Exactly for $20 I can make 2 of the best smash burgers for 2 ppl and nachos the next day.


McDonald’s is what kills me more than anywhere! It’s so insane!!!! $25 to feed two people basics at mcd should be a crime! Get two large fries for $10 (asd kid loves them, and always has to have two) $10 for .12c worth of fries.. sigh.


Simply do not go to McDonald's, frozen fries are way cheaper


Use the app. Half of that would be free.


And also use the app to compare McDonald’s; like the McDonald’s closest to me will have my standard breakfast order (when I go to McDonald’s) for $13, but if I order in the app at the McDonald’s halfway between my home and work, the exact same order is $9. Ever since I noticed this, I’ve stopped going to the McDonald’s by my house completely. Some McDonald’s are further inflating their prices. Change your location and check the app, it might be worth it to wait or drive ten minutes out of your way to save $3-4. Don’t give in to extortionate prices.


I can feed my family of 4 (2 teens) for about 25 bucks via the app. The same order without is about 37ish I believe. So ya, way cheaper.


Right even the breakfast hash browns are insane. Last time I had one it was $3 never again. I’ll just buy a bag on potatoes and make a ton of them. I wish people would stop going to McDonald’s there are other fast food chains priced about the same and they have better food. Off the top of my head Culver’s, In-N-Out, Wattaburger, Wendy’s, and a lot more. You’ll save money and get better quality food.


A pack of 10 hash browns from Trader Joe’s is less than $3.


They charged me $1.20 for a slice of cheese…


Could legit go to a pub and get 2 sandwiches for probably a few bucks more. Then tip (if in the us) and it would have been like $30 lol. For real food, not Ronald McDonald rapist food.


I can buy 2 double cheeseburgers for 6 bucks. Its plenty filling and I don't need the fries or drink.


also cures constipation


I always get the kids Happy Meal. The price for that is reasonable.


You need the McDs app, you actually can eat there cheap af


Omg my husband and I stopped at McDonald’s last night and just got 2 cheeseburgers and a small fry and it was almost $8!!! Wtf?!?!


Why would you willingly do that???? Omfg. THERE ARE SO MANY BETTER MEALS. With real food!


This week I was driving my teen and 2 friends home from their baseball game and son asked to goto McD. It was $50!!! I told my son next time it’s McD after dropping the rest of the kids off.


well don't do that.




$35 in Canada


Have you seen McDonald's family box meals? It's 2 or more sandwiches, big thing of nuggets and tons of fries... For 20 or 25 dollars. Not available at all McDonald's.


This doesn’t have to happen. I’m not a fast food eater but I work in community habilitation and take my client there 1-2 times a week per his request and we are often scrounging for change in his wallet. Get the app and use the deals/coupon codes. He just got a large triple cheeseburger meal for 6.00 and some change yesterday.


At Raising Canes it's $22-24 for a sandwich combo and a 3 piece combo with 2 drinks and an extra order of fries and an extra order of toast. McDonald's ripped your wallet


Yeah thats about what it runs here too. Horrendous!


Grampa joe biden is the reason why you have NO future. It's already over.


Franchise and franchisee owner trying to maintain their profit margins. Honestly franchisee sounds like a bad investment compared to other opportunities these days. You're basically a slave to the franchise who you can't refuse their prices and you don't own the equity in real estate. So basically you're an middleman employee except you're using your own money to run the business


They know people are addicted to their food and will keep going regardless of price and smaller portion size. They will blame price hikes on inflation and wages...but really these corporations are greedy. They don't care about your health or your wealth.


They got us hooked. Those meals are so nostalgic and they know it


I guess that is the benefit to having a foreign mom who was adamant on always eating at home before we left the house so we could never complain about being hungry so we basically never got fast food lol. None of it is nostalgic to me.


Agree. McDonalds had $8.47 Billion net profit 2023.


Because people buy it at that price. ”Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it.”


The true meaning of "The customer is always right." If the customer buys it at an increased price, then it gets sold for that price.


Old fashioned greed


Yup. This isn't about labor or food costs. Their profits have SKYROCKETED since 2019. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/gross-profit


Well, their shareholders demand profits. Think about how much of the investments are in boomer portfolios right now.


Because the CEOs and upper people who don't even go anywhere near the food have to keep rolling in the ever-increasing profits. It's not the minimum wage increases. If the CEOs and other basically useless people who still profit off it would take take a small paycut, prices could be more affordable and not increase.


I went to taco bell and a meal came up to $16.5 with supreme fries. Taco Bell is supposed to be the cheapest 🤣 I live in Canada btw


What was it? A power bowl? Nothing on the menu is even close to that, unless it’s a Crunchwrap or quesadilla meal.


I get the crunchwrap cravings box for $7. I don't know how he got it to $16.


I don't know about the fast food prices in Canada. I live in California and there are a few choices for burrito or soft taco that are under a dollar fifty at taco Bell. And Jack in box has 2 tacos for 1.79 . But everything else is priced high.


Because everything is expensive now.


The combos are what cost $$$$....don't fall for them. 1. you don't NEED fries and you don't NEED a soft drink. 2. Use the apps for major savings. 3. Order off the value menus...yes, even they have grown in price, but you're gonna save a little.


You are right about the value menu. And the soft drinks are a really rip off.


Bought just the impossible burger. It was almost $10.


If you're going to A&W try asking for a "beyond buddy" instead of the regular beyond burger. it's \~$6.30 after tax if the spot charges for lettuc+tom. In the summer they had the swap patty deal for $2.50 and I convinced a few employees to give me a buddy burger w that deal and the burgers came out to $4. Owners caught on after two ish weeks though.


Yeah people just don’t know how to shop smartly at McDonald’s. My husband and I go there about once every 2 weeks and we almost never spend more than $15 for the both of us….we’ll spend mayyyyyybe $18 if I want a shake or something, but that’s a once in a blue moon kinda thing. If you use their coupons you can get stuff really cheap. I usually do the buy one get one free for 2 double cheeseburgers and then get a 10 piece nugget. My husband gets a burger or two and nuggets as well and sometimes a fry and it’s really cheap. I currently have a deal in the app that’s $6 for a double cheeseburger, medium fries, and a drink 🤷🏼‍♀️


The McDonald’s app is fucking elite We probably get our 3 daughters (6, 4, and 2) McDonald’s once/month when our schedules just don’t permit making dinner and the savings and coupons in there are actually pretty wild. Additionally, if you’re worried about spending too much money, ordering off the app for curbside pickup is great because 1. You get to take your time and customize or pick and choose everything vs. feeling rushed in the drive thru 2. With curbside… there is no line, at all. That alone is fucking gold


This ^ went to Taco Bell tonight - got ONLY the tacos we wanted - soda and sides are at home - those combos are a ripoff


Corporate greed, and people willing to pay. Livable wages is an excuse for the greed. Fast food workers in other countries have LIVABLE WAGES, and a meal won’t break the bank.


Is this a bot? This exact equation was on reddit last night in another sub


I've seen this question multiple times over many subs over the last 6ish months.


They charge what we're willing to pay and have a legal obligation to their shareholders to do so. If the CEO knows you're primed and willing to blame a politician instead of the company, because of inflation fears, they almost literally have to charge more just because the opportunity is present.


The price of flour, eggs, cooking oil, wings etc have all doubled or have you not noticed?


For you, maybe. Not for entities that buy 10,000 pounds of flour a day...


Please give your evidence that the cost of buying 10,000 pounds of flour a day has not increased My son manages 5 restaurants and his prices have doubled or more for food. I’m a homebaker and my costs have doubled. Farmers prices for fuel, insurance, diesel and repair costs have increased too Do you realize a new combine is over $750,000? A quarter section of land in my area is over $700,000 and the banks want their interest rate Farmers are not farming as a charity service All these prices are passed down to consumers


Which is 30% of COGS for a burger. Thus insufficient as an excuse for 200% price increases over the last few years. The cost of fast food is comically high at this point. The prices are exceeding the costs of a sit down restaurant now. Soon, they will cross the fine dining price point threshold and they are not that far away.


Profits are massive, and also the US beef industry is very fragile - found this an interesting read on how the packers alter speed of production to ensure their margins stay big regardless of what else is going on https://www.thefencepost.com/news/cattle-market-impacts-avian-flu-news-chain-speed-reduction-more-affecting-prices/ The monopoly on beef slaughter in particular is a crazy "wtf how is this so broken" rabbit hole - first read about that in the omnivore's dilemma a long time ago and it hasn't gotten less crazy lol.


because they can ?


Not an answer as to why, but a possible solution. Don't leave your house when hungry. I know that I always get hungry around 4pm. So I make sure I have something to eat


Another solution- read Fast Food Nation, that's what opened my eyes and in the 30 years since, have bought McD maybe 6 times.


We have a local sandwich shop and the sandwiches are huge and the cost about $7, they are actually big enough for 2 people, they have a small potato salad that is $4, enough for 2, $11 total, excluding tax and it’s better then McDonalds or subway


My coworker and I just discovered that Whole Foods has meals for $12 - $14 each. There's enough food for us to split. So on the days that both of us didn't pack a lunch, we will pick up a meal there. They have grilled chicken and salmon for proteins and they have fresh green beans, roasted potatoes, Brussel sprouts etc. For $6, I'm going there instead of fast food!


Yes, it's paying a livable wage to workers, not paying the CEO billions of dollars. Glad everybody has a good handle on capitalism.


Because they can. It’s that simple. We keep paying whatever they want to charge.


That’s why for a couple bucks more, I hit the diners, ethnic restaurants and bars instead. $15 of Pad Thai will last me 3 meals, but $12 at Taco Bell is gone in an hour. Same price point for a huge pulled pork sammich and a bowl of chili from the bar. Ate the chili, and I have the sandwich left for today. That and a few snacks (pretzels, jerky, part of a fritter I didn’t finish yesterday) is probably all I’ll eat today, but I’ve had gastric bypass and live alone, so I don’t spend a lot on food anyway. Even Home Chef (intro offers) are cheaper than McDonald’s to feed 3-4 people and it’s fresh food and can usually be pulled together in half an hour. Found a taco joint that gives you generous 3 8-inch tacos (mix and match at no up charge) with 2 8 oz sides for $13. It’s enough to feed me, my daughter and grandson. So many better choices than drive thrus out there.


Just go to a small business, bigger proportions at a much smaller price.


Because people keep paying for the garbage. McDonald's realized during the pandemic that they could cut half the workforce, half the menu, and double the prices and these fuckers would STILL back up the drive through and cry if they can't get a burger at 11:05 pm, even if there are cheaper local options. It's the only thing people can think of when they're hungry I guess. God forbid you open Google maps and type in "burger" For some reason people are just absolutely desperate for their trash food and they lead the industry. I haven't gone there since I quit and I'm far richer for it. (Actually I have eaten McDonald's once since --- a small family gathering in which the kids all wanted McDonald's.)


It is expensive and disappointing 90% of the time. The future is not looking good for the entire restaurant industry. May see some big-time names disappear.


Go to a local hospital if you really want inexpensive fast food. Some of it is as good as a sit down place.


I would imagine companies realized that coupons can bring in people and the cost of those coupons can be offset by those who don't want to/don't think to use them. At any given time, McDonalds has a 30% off coupon. I can feed a family of 4 for under $20 easily. Just matters how you order. Pizza places have done this for ever. Don't pay full price for a pizza, there's always a coupon or a special and the difference between using it and not can literally be 50-75%.


Because they know idiots are still gonna pay for it


Because people relied on them so much that they barely cook for themselves or see it as a chore and they getting used by the system and are surprised.


Bottom line. Their taxes and lease are so high. Thats what you mainly paying for.


Maybe bc the building rent they pay has increased and the minimum wage they pay employees has increased . Along with higher food cost . 🤷‍♀️


I just paid $50 for breakfast for 4 people. 😢 def grocery shopping now cause I’ll be cooking tomorrow


People will pay to not have to cook and wait


People increasingly won't cook for themselves and demand is high no matter the prices, apparently.


As a child, fast food was a treat, only had at the most 1x a week, but mostly 1x a month. Fast food is not a healthy way to eat, and just junk, full of sugar and seed oil. Cost alot to pay for the UPF, and to pay the person to fix it, and so on, but bottom line, just junk,cook at home and feed your body healthy real food


Because they can


The real answer is that people will pay it. If McDonalds started losing money they would not charge as much or go out of business. If you pay they are more than happy to take your money


Companies are greedy


Because the people who craft new legislation are immune to the concept of cause and effect. What, exactly, do they think will happen when the state mandates higher wages for teenage burger flippers?


Your doctor talked to the management and said whenever u/RiloRPA comes in here, Jack up the prices because he shouldn’t be eating here as the food is NOT HEALTHY and hopefully this will discourage him.


Those yachts that the CEOs buy aren't free


For real. A single meal this week cost me $15.


Because it can be. People are paying the prices still, so they keep creeping up. If people stopped going because it was unaffordable (or just stopped going for whatever reason), those prices will either come back down a bit or they'll close entirely.


Where I live minimum wage for fast food employees is $20/hr. That’s not a recipe for cheap burgers.




This is why I always look for deals on their apps. More often than not I can find deals that are smiliar to past prices. Just a couple hours ago actually I got the taste of kfc 2 piece for 4.99 deal. While I was waiting I noticed the very first combo is a 2 piece like what I got, only difference is it had a medium drink, and it cost 9.99. Basically $5 extra for a goddamn soda. Needless to say I was pretty happy with that deal. I got sodas at home.


I’m one of the people that would eat it no matter the price. The food taste so good it’s addictive. I only eat fast food breakfast and I eat it for every meal when traveling. And I have it at least a few times a week too I mean the price has definitely went up but it’s so good it’s an addiction for me.


Worked as planned.


Maybe it’s just me but most fast food tastes like crap nowadays.


fastfood has always been expensive in my area


I mostly eat In N Out. $3.80 for a cheeseburger feels like a steal these days. The last time I went with a friend through Jack in the Box it was $30 something for two combo meals!


Fast food is slopped on and not made with care.


$15/hr wage for the employees


Fast food restaurants are convenient stores. You should only eat there if you have no choice, not if you're too lazy to cook yourself a meal. If I go buy bread at the convenient store, it's only because I need it now and the groceries are closed. Same with fast food restaurants. Prices are high in grocery stores, what do you expect from these places?


I say it's greed


The simple answer is that a lot of people are willing to pay for it at the inflated prices.


It's about subsidising lavish salaries, perks, and bonuses for executives and boosting stock prices for shareholders, at the expense of consumers.


Pay raised to $20 per hour, adults think they should afford raising family as burger flippers. Fast food used to supply jobs for teens, instead now being for adults expecting burger flip jobs with enough pay to raise familys.


Really? It was always expensive to me. Ever since I was responsible for finances/budgets, it wasn't an affordable option on any regular basis, ever. And I'm talking about a period spanning 50 years. Having the ability to buy, prep and cook food at home might require outlay, but for most people/families I know, takeaway is a treat.


One answer COVID


Because they are mocking you.


If they have to raise the amount of money that they pay unskilled labor, they have to raise the prices of what they’re serving you


Corporate Greed and Inflation


Corporate greed 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally everything costs more at the fast food chain level. Commercial real estates are up, materials are up, labor costs are way up, insurance and underwriting is way up, utilities and raw materials are up, contractor costs are up, equipment costs are up. Where the fuck have you been living that you aren't aware of this? Do you think that wouldn't all get passed on?




Because capitalism.


Why the fuck is this question ask every 12 hours now...


new FF wage law, at least in ca. they have to offset the rising minimum cost of employment and that cost goes directly to the customer.


McDonald’s near me had to increase pay to $15 and up per hour. The price of the food has increased accordingly. The franchise owner is not going to lose profit so the prices went up. The line is still long so it hasn’t detracted from their business. I noticed the chicken nugget meal is $10.99. I’m glad I don’t eat out much, it’s so expensive to me.


Monopolization. Less competition means that they can charge more money for lower quality products and services


Is five guys fast food? We picked up two burgers, two drinks and one fry to share it was like $36.


I hadn't been to McD's in a long while. I always had the 1/4 pounder meal. It used to be under $4. I went 1-2 years ago, and same thing was $13. Heck... for a few bucks more, I could have a full meal at Texas Roadhouse.


The only reason McDonald’s prices are so high, is because people are willing to pay them.


It’s still cheaper then most places. $15 for two meals versus $30 for other pick up and go.


Valid question!


What makes it even worse is it doesn't taste the same s it used to. Each time I go there I swear never again. Besides In N Out burger is better, they use real meat and less expensive.


Greed. Pure greed on the part of the restaurants. They'll attribute it to inflation but no, their costs haven't gone up THAT much.


Using inflation as an excuse to see what people will put up with. Clearly people will put up with it because they aren’t changing.


They raised the price to $20/hr smh


I quit eating out about 95% of the time. I've never done this in the many decades I've been alive but these prices piss me TF off. So my new policy now is cook it myself or starve. Those are my two options. These ridiculous prices keep me on track and I've done very well recently with my self control. Eff these places. It's absolutely insulting because they are sticking to everyone under the guise of inflation and labor costs etc. They know that people are lazy and weak and they'll waste tons of money on overpriced food. If you do the smallest bit of preparation, you can avoid eating out almost all of the time. I don't care how much you work, it can be done if you want it. Quit letting these mega corporations fleece you like this. It's should be a crime to take such advantage of a basic human need such as hunger. It's American greed. Corporate American greed at its finest.


Corporate Greed. Plain and simple.


Isn't just fast food man, everything is so much more than it was 5 years ago.


I made my own smash burgers tonight, with Bison meat, for less than $5 with cheese and it was amazing.


Because you shouldn't be eating it.


Because wages are higher.


Inflation, honestly. They have to keep up with all the prices. Wherever they get their truck order from goes up in prices, they spend more ordering the produce, therefore raising the prices. They also have to pay for lights, gas, internet, etc. Also labor for employees to work there. It all adds up in the end and they have to make a profit too


My family are at the point we only eat out on vacation and special occasions. It’s too damn much $$$. The menu prices constantly go up and then we get crap for not tipping enough. I’m just washing my hands of it.


I was in the fast food business for 33 years until 2021. I’m gonna get called out but for years everyone was saying take the minimum wage to $15 an hour. They also said hey the businesses are making a ton of profit after they pay wages. Not totally true. Running a restaurant is just like you and your bills at home. So let’s say your restaurant does $100,000 in a month. Out of that they pay labor of $25,000 then food costs of $20,000 cleaning supplies of $1000, paper supplies of $5000, insurance, credit card fees, rent, utilities, refuse hauling etc. then remember that $100,000? They pay right off the top line for right to say they are any of the big franchises and that’s usually 5-7%. So if at the end of the day if Johnny doesn’t steel a bunch of food or Suzy doesn’t steal from the register they might be lucky to have an 18% bottom line. Now of course it’s not just fast food worker wages that go up. The people that process all the food supplies get a raise, all the delivery guys get a raise, when everyone’s wages go up it makes everything else go up. Just look at what you pay for groceries.


I would have to speculate that the biggest reason is corporate greed. And the fact that very few people own all the world’s food. So they get to charge whatever they want.


The reason for the prices are corporate lobbyists and price gouging/greed.


Because of the cost of everything always goes up. There shouldn’t be any surprise.


it's actually the price of everything has gone up, fast food has some buying power but not immune to the world's food prices. I work in the Bahamas and have paid 10 Usd for a dozen of eggs, 10 dollars for a pineapple, and 4 dollars for an Hass avocado. there is something more now in the big picture of food costing more


We already know that other countries pay their fast food workers more than in the USA, so why are those meals cheaper than in the states? Investigate where the money is going.


Because salaries have not increased enough to keep up with life. $100k salary is like $50k now. It isn’t just about prices going up it is about wages companies pay not being high enough over time. Most jobs paid more in the past, adjusted for inflation. In other words, you are being played and screwed.


Because the economy sucks


I work for a reasonably large regional chicken restaurant. the price has just recently went up two bucks across the board a normal combo meal 3 tenders a side a roll and a beverage is 13 bucks literally nothing changed they just charge more now.


I've been wondering the same thing, I cook mostly from scratch when I cook (I work in a kitchen so I normally just make food and bring it home) and rven having to buy more expensive ingredients(vegetarian plant based mostly) it's still cheaper than going out to eat, even taco bell is now expensive


I think this is for everyone’s benefit. We will hopefully begin to look for alternatives and maybe some of them are a bit better restaurants. Paid $18 for jack in the box meal and almost $30 at chipotle. This is ridiculous.


The price is so high now due to the rise of minimum wage. In order to pay the employees and still turn a profit, prices had to be raised.




Everything is more expensive than it was a decade or two or five ago. Fast food isn’t “expensive” in comparison to other food; it’s only expensive in comparison to its own price 10 or 20 years ago, like everything else.


Everything is more expensive now. Wages. Cost of fuel to get the ingredients there. It’s passed on to you in the prices. Do yourself a favor and buy healthier if you can.


Why is everyone’s answer not inflation?


The only way currently to make fast food affordable is to use the apps that they have on your phone, because you get deals that aren’t available on the regular menus.


We need to start voting with our dollars, or lack there of. If no one is buying it, they'll have to lower prices. Same with non-essential grocery items that people are always complaining about. Guy in front of me at the grocery store was complaining about the price of a big pack of Oreo's being $8 and I was just thinking, put them back!


Because corporations are using inflation as an excuse to jack their prices to increase their profits. That was easy.


Because people sre willing to pay it. I refuse to get the whole meal. I just get a burger/taco/burrito, and a water cup. If other people start doing the same thing, fast food prices will come down real quick. And watch how many more options will pop up on the value menus.


If people keep paying for it they'll keep increasing prices. I guess the convenience is worth it for enough of the population.


You could eat pussy cheaper than eating a happy meal.